by Tori Rice

Greatest Hits of the Seventh Grade History Social Academic Standard 7.10.2 Understand Scientific the significance of the new scientific theories (e.g., those of Copernicus, A Timeline of the Scientific Theories and Inventions of the Galileo, Kepler, ) Scientific Revolution and the significance of new inventions (e.g., the , , thermometer, ).

Description Students investigate the scientists and discoveries of the Scientific Revolution. The students curate the Greatest Hits of the Scientific Revolution: a Timeline of the Scientific Theories and Inventions of the Scientific Revolution, becoming experts on the scientists in order to celebrate their discoveries and theories. Students identify how each scientist stands “upon on the shoulders of giants” to create their theories and inventions.

Materials paper and/or notebook, pencil/pen, colored pencils/crayons/markers, cardboard or poster board, optional: props, costume pieces (hats, glasses, cardboard, sheets, etc.), research Scientists of the Scientific Revolution graphic organizer

Vocabulary Curate–select, organize, and present (online content, merchandise, information, etc.)-typically using professional or expert knowledge

Research Sir said, “If I have seen farther, it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants.” What do you think he meant by this? Write down your thoughts.

Research the Scientists of the Scientific Revolution using the graphic organizer. If you find others who aren’t listed in the organizer, there are blank for you to include them.

Timeline Create a timeline based on the dates of the discoveries of the Scientists of the Scientific Revolution. Here is an example of a timeline on “The History of Video Games” (from

Curate the Greatest Hits Invite a household member to help you curate, or select, at least five of the scientists from the graphic organizer to include in your Greatest Hits of the Scientific Revolution: a Timeline of the Scientific Theories and Inventions of the Scientific Revolution collection. Now that you have decided which scientists will be in your timeline, dig deeper into their history. Are there more to include?

Working with your partner, choose a in your house where you can set up “stations” for guests to visit. Each station will feature one of the scientists you have chosen. Put the stations in chronological order based on the dates of the discoveries of your scientists (hint: look at your timeline!). Some discoveries may overlap. Consider this as you set up your stations. Are the scientists inspired by one another?

Set up the stations. At each station, write out the facts for each scientist. Gather and/or create props to include at the station. Draw pictures, cut out props from cardboard, create props and/or use items from around your house. Bonus: You or your partner could become each scientist and create a Living Timeline and the other person could be the docent, leading guests on the tour of the Living Timeline.

Tour the Timeline Invite household members or others via facetime/zoom to a walking tour of Greatest Hits of The Scientific Revolution: a Timeline of the Scientific Theories and Inventions of the Scientific Revolution. As the tour guides, you and your partner will share facts about the scientists (or, if you become the scientist, you will tell facts about yourself). Encourage them to ask questions. Make sure you include connections between your discoveries and those of other scientists.

Reflection How did you choose which scientists to include in your Greatest Hits of the Scientific Revolution: a Timeline of the Scientific Theories and Inventions of the Scientific Revolution?

Consider the quote at the beginning of the activity from Sir Isaac Newton: “If I have seen farther, it is by standing upon the shoulders of Giants.” Has your idea about the meaning of this quote changed now that you have investigated the scientists, connecting their discoveries to the discoveries of their predecessors and colleagues?

Think of one of the scientists and discoveries you researched. For example, Galileo invented the telescope. How are used today and how have scientists built on Galileo’s invention? Why is important today?

Scientists are often criticized by scientists of their time. Research a discovery made in the past fifty years that others (could be scientists or other influential people) that have criticized.

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution Which scientist(s) Draw a picture of one and/or theories discovery (include a influenced the work of Scientist Discoveries Challenges? quote from the scientist this scientist (past or their research, if and/or during their possible) lifetime)?

Nicolaus Copernicus Nation: Poland (1473-1543)

Galileo Galilei Nation: (1564-1642)

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution Which scientist(s) Draw a picture of one and/or theories discovery (include a influenced the work of Scientist Discoveries Challenges? quote from the scientist this scientist (past or their research, if and/or during their possible) lifetime)?

Johannes Kepler Nation: Germany (1571-1630)

William Harvey Nation: (1578-1657)

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution Which scientist(s) Draw a picture of one and/or theories discovery (include a influenced the work of Scientist Discoveries Challenges? quote from the scientist this scientist (past or their research, if and/or during their possible) lifetime)?

Robert Hooke Nation: England (1653-1703)

Robert Boyle Nation: England (1627-1691)

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution Which scientist(s) Draw a picture of one and/or theories discovery (include a influenced the work of Scientist Discoveries Challenges? quote from the scientist this scientist (past or their research, if and/or during their possible) lifetime)?

Isaac Newton Nation: England (1642-1727)

Antoine Lavoisier Nation: (1743-1794)

Scientists of the Scientific Revolution Which scientist(s) Draw a picture of one and/or theories discovery (include a influenced the work of Scientist Discoveries Challenges? quote from the scientist this scientist (past or their research, if and/or during their possible) lifetime)?