#Classification On the basis of “”: -

•Elementary Particles are categorised in two classes i.e. and : -


Introduction: In is the type of particle that obeys the rule of Bose- Einstein statistics. These bosons have spin having integral value 0, +1, -1, +2, -2, etc. •History: The name Boson comes from the surname of Indian and physicist . They develop a method of called Bose-Einstein Statistics. In an effort to understand the Plank's law, Bose proposed a method to analyse the behaviour of in 1924.He sent paper to Einstein. One of the most dramatic effect of Bose- Einstein Statistics is the prediction that boson can overlap and coexist with other bosons. Because of this it is possible to become a photon to . The name Boson First coined by in the honour of famous scientists Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein. Regarding: •Boson are fundamental particle such as ,W ,Z boson, recently discovered aka God particle and . •Boson may be elementary like Photon or Composite i.e.made with two or more . •All observed particles are either or Boson. Types of Bosons- •Bosons are categorised into two categories; : Gauge Boson are the particle that Carries the of fundamental between particles. All known Gauge Boson have spin 1 and therefore all Gauge Boson are vector. •gauge boson is characterized into 5 categories. •Gluons(g): That carries strong nuclear forces between particle. •Photon( γ ): The particle of that carries electromagnetic forces, which holds the in an . •W&Z Boson: It carries the week nuclear , which involved in some form of radioactivity and also plays the role in the How Sun Burn. •Graviton (G): The only hypothetical gauge boson that carries the gravitational force because how in quantum world is not very well understood. Scaler boson: • The only scaler boson which has been discovered is Higgs Boson. •Higgs Boson: It is an elementary particle in standard modal of . It is produced by quantum excitation of higgs (field in particle physics theory). It is the interaction with Higgs field which gives to the particle.


•Bosons are mainly the force carrying particles. When bosons are exchanged between two matter particle then their exist a force between them. •For example, Suppose you and your friend stand on two different small boats. Then you throw ball to your friend in the other boat and your friend does the same. Imagine this happens continuously, then your boat experience force towards each other. This experiment is actually conducted by Feynman. Similar to exchanging the ball between the two people, these bosons are exchanged between two fermions. •They are fundamental forces carrying particles. They include all forces of (, gravity, weak and strong nuclear force).


•Introduction: - •In particle physics, Fermions is particle that follows Fermi-Dirac Statistics and generally has half odd spin 1/2,3/2,etc. •This particle obeys Pauli Exclusion Principle. •Fermion contains all and as well as composite particle made of a odd number of these such as all and many and nuclei. •Fermions differ from bosons which obeys Bose-Einstein Statistics. •A Fermion can be an elementary particle such as the electron or it can be an elementary particle such as (which is made up of two and one ).

What Makes Fermions So Special? Fermions are sometime called matter particle, because they are the particle that make up most of what we think of as physical matter in our world including proton, and electron. History: •Fermions were first predicted by the physicist in 1925. •He was trying to figure out how to explain the atomic structure proposed in 1922 by Neils Bohr. •Bohr had used experimental evidence to build an atomic modal which contained creating stable orbits for electron to move around the . •This matched well with evidence, there was no. of particular reason why this structure would stable and that's the explanation that Pauli was trying to reach. •He realised that if you assigned (later named as quantum spin) to the electron. •Then there seemed to be some sort of principle which means that number of two of the could be in exactly the same state. •This rule become the Pauli Exclusion Principle. In 1926, and Pauli Dirac Independently tried to understand other aspect of electron behaviour and in doing so, established a more complete statistical way to dealing with electron. Though Fermi developed the system first, they close enough and both did enough work that posterity has dubbed their statistical method Fermi-Dirac Statistics. •The fact that fermions cannot collapse into the same state, that's the ultimate meaning of Pauli Exclusion Principle.

Types of Fermions:

•Fundamental Fermions

•There are the total 12 fundamental fermion (fermion which aren't made up of smaller particles and that have been experimentally identified).

It divided into two categories:

: •Quarks are the particles that makes up such as and . •There are six-types of quarks: - •Up Quark • Quark (*All these quarks have spin of +3/2e) •Down Quark • (*All these quarks have spins of -1/2e)

•Leptons: •Leptons are that does not takes part in strong attraction. •There are six-types of leptons: - •Electron •Electron

•Composite Fermions: Beyond the fundamental fermions there is another class of Fermions which can be created by combining Fermions together to get a resulting particle with Integral half spin. •: These are the particle like proton and neutron that are composed of three quarks join together. (*For e.g. A Neutron- It is composite of three fundamental particles which are two Down Quark and one Up Quark.)

#Classification on The Basis of Rest Mass:

•It is categorised in Four Parts: -

1.Massless Boson: - •Those particles have zero , zero rest mass & zero or integral spin are called massless boson. •These particles are stable and can travel in with of light. e.g. photon. 2.Leptons: - •Leptons means light . •All the elementary particles which mass less then π- belongs to this category. •All leptons spin half and they are call fermions. e.g. Electron, Neutrino, etc. 3.Meson: - •The word meson means that middle mass particle. •These have rest mass larger than μ-meson are but less then proton. •All the meson has zero or integral spin that’s why they are called as boson. e.g. (π+, π−,π0),(k+,k-,k0) 4.Baryons: - •All the elementary particle which have rest mass equal to or greater then the mass of proton are called as Baryons. •These particles have half integral spin and hence they are Fermions e.g. , .

By Satyam Mishra (M.Sc. – 1, Physics) Department of Physics B. N. Bandodkar College of , Thane.