BY ISHTIYAQUE AHMAD Roll No, 85-M. Lib. Sc.-02 Enrolment No. S-2247

Under the Supervision of Mr. AL-MUZAFFAR KHAN READER



It is not possible for me to thank adequately prof, M.H. Rizvi/ University Librarian and Chairman Department of Library Science. His patronage indeed had always been a source of inspiration,

I stand deeply indebted to my supervisor, Mr. Al- Muzaffar Khan, Reader, Department of Library Science without whom invaluable suggestions and worthy advice, I would have never been able to complete the work. Throughout my stay in the department he obliged me by unsparing help and encouragement.

I shall be failing in my daties if I do not record the names of Dr. Hamid All Khan, Reader, Department of and Mr, Z.H. Zuberi, P.A., Library of Engg. College with gratitude for their co-operation and guidance at the moment I needed most,

I must also thank my friends M/s Ziaullah and Faizan Ahmad, Research Scholars, Arabic Deptt., who boosted up my morals in the course of wtiting this dis­ sertation.

My sincere thanks are also due to S. Viqar Husain who typed this manuscript.


The present work is placed in the form of annotation, the significant published in India, The annotation of 251 books have been presented. To complete the work, the compiler has visited a number of libraries of A.M.U, and outside viz.. Department of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Library, Centre of West Asian Studies, Library, Faculty of Library, M.A. Library, Library of Nad- watul , Darul Musannefin, , National Library Calcutta and Library of I.I.I.S. New ,

The entries were recorded on 7" x 5" cards. Annota­ tions were made giving essential information about the book documented. Bibliography is selective in nature.

As far as possible the Indian standard recommended for bibliographical references (IS 2381 - 1963) has been followed.

Efforts have been made to arrange the entries under the co-extensive s\abject headings. For this purpose a com­ prehensive list of sxibject heading was compiled. It has been arranged in a logical helpful sequence. Under the spe­ cific subject headings the entries have been arranged al­ phabetically by author. The author and subject indexes have been prepared for indicating towards specific entry/s»









Origin of Arabic :

Arabic belongs to the Semitic language faniily which is a part of a wider Hamito Semitic family, including in­ ter alia also ancient Egyptian. Within that family it be­ longs to the South Semitic or South West Semitic branch, which includes two further sub groups (1) South Arabian (2) Ethiopian. Arabic as a whole thus stands between South Semitic and North West Semitic having contact with both.

The oldest record of Arabic are some 40 proper names in Assyrian accounts of fighting against the Arab during the years 853-626 B.C. Assyrian influence also marks the earliest texts written by Arabs in the 8th, 7th centuory B.C. in a north Arabian script. The source of old Arabic hardly tapped is the study of the personal names, thousands of which are known. Another valuable soiirce for reconst­ ructing the phonetic of Arabic is the geographical names preserved in texts in Accadian, Hebrew, Greek & Latin.

Influence of Indo-Arabic relations!

Arabs had since pre Islamic period commercial relate ions with India, but Arabic was never the language of the , But by the very nature of the curriculum in which religious occupied the prominent position* the being considered the source and fountain head of Is­ lamic learning, Arabic not only formed one of the important subjects of study, but the texts books in Quranic commentary tradition, theology, islamic law as well as on logic and Philosophy were in Arabic. This emphasis necessiated the accent to be laid on the study of Arabic grammar and syn­ tax and to write and ptiblish the keys of these books.

The growing contact of Arabs with the legates of ancient knowledge and civilization, the curricultim came to be sufficiently liberal in that it covered the fields of traditional or religious together with rational and so­ cial sciences as also of Arabic language and literature.

India's Contribution of Arabic in different branches of knowledge;

Of all the countries that have ever been under a Mus­ lim government, Indian is among the few that has not been ruled by Arabs or by some Arabic speaking people. Still the Arabic literature produced and p\iblished in India is great. The great reason was that their holy scriptures had been written in Arabic and it was the key to the in valuable treasures of Islamic learning.

The history of producing and publishing Arabic books in different branches of knowledge in India is very old. But the most Important contribution undoubtedly begins with the Ghaznawid period, the lOth century A.D. Since then the Arabic books are being written and publsihed in India in large n\iinber. The present dissertation includes the Arabic books published in India either written in India or abroad, by Indians or by foreign scholars. The various branches in which Arabic books have been publish­ ed and written are as follows;

Quranic Commentaries;

Commentaries on the Quran occUpy the first and most important place in Islamic literature and a large number of Muslim scholars have always regarded it as their pious duty to write exegesis on their holy scriptures. The com- ment-aries produced and ptiblished in India belong to clases;

(a) Commentaries of General nature (b) Commentaries written from various stands points. (c) Purely literary (d) The principles of Quranic exegesis

Some iirportaht commentaries are as 'Alkashshaf, Taf- sir-e-Baizavi, Jalalain, Tafsire Mazhari, -e-Mohammadi Sawaieul Ilham and Al Pauzul Kabir etc. Hadlth Literature (Tradition):

Hadith literature developed in India from ancient period. Thousands of books in India relating to have been written and are being writting and published continously. There are following categories of the book written and published in India on Hadith:

(1) Commentaries on canomical books (2) Re arrangement of Previous collections (3) Collections of Hadith relating to some particUla\,topics (4) Science of the principles of Hadith (5) Biographies of narrators.

Some of the important book are as Kanzul Amal, Musnad Azam, Kitabo-Asmair Rejal, Nurul Yaqin* Sahibul Bukhari, Sahib Muslim etc.

Jurisprudence (Figh):

The majority of Indian Muslims have always been HanafiLs BT^ the time the Indian Muslims Commenced to take part in the composition and compilation of works in Arabic so much lite­ rature has been produced and pviblsihed on tnis subject. Whe­ ther or of other schools efforts have been made to produce works on original lines and writters confined them­ selves at most entirely to the production of commentaries glosses and new corapendluns. Hence the contribution is more than the construction of new edifices immitation of• the old ones and out of the same material. A'large number of booXs have been written and pxiblished on this subject. Some Important books are e.g. Quduri, Hedaya, Musallamus Sxibut# Sharhul Mughni, Manarul Anwar, Paraizul , Fa- tawa-e-Alamgiri etc.

Islamic Mysticism;

When Indian thinkers first began to write on mysti­ cism, the standard books on suffism had already been com­ posed and it had taken a definite form, which the Indian sufis followed. Hence we find in the mysticism literatiure produced and published in India, the same method of treat­ ment as in earlier writings and a repitition of familiar stibject matter. We do not find in India any thing alien to the earlier with the exception of certain astrological references that have crept into some writings. Some impor­ tant books on this subject are e.g. Tohfatul Mursal Ham Nabi, Aqaidul Muwahhidin, Anfasul Khawas, Jawaherul Khamaa etc, islamic Studies or Scholarstic theology;

The Islamic studies lies mid way between religion and philosophy. In the earlier days of islam. Muslim wri­ ters used to discuss philosophical problems of theology under the heading Alkalam fikaza which became so common that it gave the nearae alkalam to that science itself which confines its investigations to the philosophical discussion of the theological doctrines,

India has produced and pviblished numerous work on this stobject and scholars are still busy in producing va­ luable literature onit. The books are of different ­ ures;

1- Text books on the Islamic dogmas 2- Books on sectarian controversies, 3- Scholastic explanations 4- Commentaries on the books of Islamic dogmas. Some iroportaht books are as Al Aqidatul Hasanat, Mizanul Aqaid, Mawaqif, Al Darrul Samin etc.

Philosophy and Logic:

In this field Indian scholars in Arabic*have baken much interest. The course of its history has been a process of assimilation rather than of generation. Muslim scholars have some what tried to solve some old problems under the guidance of their creeds and dogmas, Indian scholars have shown keen interest in the study of logic* They have added some thing to that knowledge of logic which they learnt from the Greek So many books have been written and published <->n this s\ib- ject in India. Some inport of those are as Hedayatul Hikmat, Al Durrul Bahiya, Sullamul Ulum, Mirqat, Badiul Mizan etc.


Mathematics is one of those subjects which received less attention from Muslim scholars. When Arabic speaking countries and those countries lying close to them did not contribute rauch^ it is not to be expected that Indian would produce any Arabic work of importance or originality on it. But still India may be given the credit of being the home of a few equally good mathematicians. So many book have been published on mathematics. Peware as follows;

- Khulasatul Hisab, - Anwar Khulasatul Hisab.


India has contributed in the field of Astronomy also. The greatest and inportant contribution was added in Ghaz- nawi period and the greatest work is entitled with 'Kita- bul Maqais, There are so many other books which have been written on astronomy such as sullamul Aflak, Al Tasrih, Tashrihul Aflak etc.


A nxuriber of books have been written and published in India on this subject. The contribution of India to this branch falls under two heads; One commentaries and 8

super coranventaries and the otHer, text books. Under these two heads there are a lot of books. Several scho­ lars have written commentaries on the very famous book of medicine 'Al Qanun by Bu Sina. Some other books are as Resalatul Fasd, Bahrul Jawahar, Hududul Araraz etc.

History and Biography:

The works on history and biography by Indian scholars are very few. But there is a large number of books pxablish- ed in India on history and biography. Owing to the predomi­ nance of Arabic in the early centuries of Islam, religious, philosophical and scientific works were generally written in Arabic. The works can be categorized under the following heads t

1. Pure history 2. Chronology 3. Lives of the Pro|>hets 4. Other Biographies 5. Travel.

Some in5>ortant works are as Tohfatul Mujahedin, Nurul Safir, Sabehatul Marjan, Salwatul Gharib wa uswatul Adib, Nuzhatul Khwatir etc.


The grammar may be divided into two majro branches namely syntax which include Eloquence also and Etymology. 9

Indian scholars have contributed a lot in this field and thousands of books have been published in Xndia. The art of original composition on Arabic grammar reached its ze­ nith about the end of the 7th century. The first book on grammar is a commentary, entitled 'Taliqul Paraid on Tah- silul Fawaid wa Takmilul Maqasid. So many other books have been published in India such as Ilmus Segha, Zubdatun Nahw Hedayatun Nahw, Kafia, Shafia etc.

There are a miiaber of books written and pxiblished on the science of eloquence which is a branch of grammar. The first Indian scholar who wrote on eloquence a treatise en­ titled 'Mukhtasarul Aruz' was Raziuddin Hasan. After that so many scholars contributed in this field such as Ghulam Ali Azad who wrote 'Sabhatul Marjan'.

Literary Composition and prose;

India has contributed herself fairly in this purely literary sphere. So many books have been written and pub­ lished, in this field, it includes the subjects as (1) Lite­ rary selections and collections (2) Fiction etc. One of the valuable Arabic literary selections made in India, is the •Nafhatul Yaman. There are a number of works on literary collections also. On the fiction also there is a long list of books written and pioblished in India. Under this head reference may be made to the 'Qissat Shakruti' which is 10

a fabulous account of the first settlement of the Muslims in Malabar, a contemporary of the prophet who was conver­ ted to Islam by the miracle of the splitting of the moon.

Some other important books are as under: Nukhbatul Adab, Mi*iiajul Arabia, Miftahul Arabia, Nuzhatul Adab, Al Adabul Jamil Mukhtarat Min Adabil Arab etc.


Many Indians have written Arabic verses, but since Arabic poetry, even in Arabic speaking countries had lost its glory by the time that Arabic studies commenced in India the Arabic poetry of this country can not be expected to display poetic genius of a high order. Arabic poetry has generally thrived under the pat ronage of rules and prin­ ces. Still the couts of and Deccan attracted many poets and scholars/Arabia, particularly in modern period so many poets have born and they are contributing in this field. Some important of them are as Ghulam Ali Azad Bil- grami.. , Syed Ali Khan Bin Masum etc. Important works are as saba sayyarah, Tuhfatul Mjahedin, Hedayttul Azkia, Diwanul Moallim, Rotabul Arab Al zahrab etc.

Societies Academies, Publishers and press:

The history of printing and publishing in India is very old, India is contributing in various branches of 11

Arabic language and literature since lOth century A.D. Gradually with the development of ages a large number of academies, societies, and presses came into being. A large number of them were perished in 1857 mutiny. Hundreds of them ceased their publication with some reasons. A number of them are still working. In modern period some new and big publishing houses have been set up. Some important establishments from the very beginning till now are as follows:

•> Khalilia press - Mujtabai press Lucknow - Yahyavia press Saharanpur - Yusufi Press Lucknow - Nezami Press - Anwar Mohammadi Press Lucknow - Nawal Kishore press Kanpur - Nami Press Lucknow - Majidi Press Kanpur - Nawal Kishore Press Lucknow - Qaiyumi Press Kanpur - Nadwatul Ulama Press Lucknow - Asi Press Lucknow - Darul Musannefin Press Azamgarh - MurtazV/Press Lucknow - Nadwatul Musannefin Press Delhi - Jafri Press Lucknow - Dar-o-Hafeza Madras - Bustani press Lucknow - Millia Press Aligarh - Isna Ashri Press Lucknow - Ahmadia press Aligarh - Alvi Press Lucknow - Faize Am Press Aligaih - Tasvir Alam Press Lucknow - Qaslmia press Deoband > Maizar Hasanl Press Bombay - idara-e-Nashro Ishaat Deoband. - Maktaba ishatul ulum Saha­ - Paruq Press Delhi ranpur - Hejazia press Delhi - Dairatul Maarif - idara-e-Tahqiq-o-Tasnifate - Darul Ishaat islamia islam, Aligarh Calcutta 12

- Shad PToblishing House Bombay - Taj Coit5>any Bombay - Maktaba-e-Dlniyat New Delhi - Mashwera Book Depot N.Delhi - Kariroi Press Bombay - Kitabistan Bombay - Maktaba Jamia Ltd. N. Delhi - Markazi Maktaba jamaat-e- Islaroi Delhi. - Daira-e-Hamidia Sarai Hl^m, - Jamia Sulfia Varanasi Azamgarh - Jamia Nezamia Hyderabad - Nadwatul Musannefin Delhi.

A brief account of some veir^ great establishmerfts are as follows:

Nawal Kishore Press;

This press has great importance. Its contribution is in various fields particularly in Islamic studies and Arabic It was established in 1858 in Lucknow by Munshi Nawal Kishore Its various branches were in different cities, among which Kanpur branch is remarkable which was set up in 1865. One branch was in Azamgarh with the name •Naiyar-e-Azara which was started in 1867, one branch was in which was star­ ted in 1883, One was in Patiala which was set up in 1872 and one branch was started in Jabalpur which is remained till 1955, This press contributed a lot in 19th century in vari­ ous branches of Knowledge, In the present time it is still remaining in Lucknow having two branches., all other branches have been perished.

Its printing standard was very high. This press had its own paper mill, as the result, the books had become 13

very cheap. Its owner Munishi Nawal Kishore started printing and published the old oriental books because most of them were burnt in 1857 mutiny. He pviblished the translation of Old books after correction, Arabic books were published in huge number with their translation. So many books re­ lating to Islam were pxablished Quran was printed in 19 styles, Some important Arabic books of this press are as under Rauaaa- tul Asfia, Qessasul Arabia, Min Hejun Nubuwat, Madarejun Nub- wat, Hadaiqul Balagha, jan^ul Akhlaq, Nejatul Momenin, Akh- lage Jalali etc. These books cover prosody rhetoric. History, medicine, mysticism. Novel, Tafsir, , Hadith etc.

Dairatul Ma'arifil Osmania, Hyderabad:

It was founded in 1888 under the patronage of Mir Osman Ali Khan, Its object was to collect, preserve, edit and publish rate and hither to unpublished works on subjects connected with Islamic learning. The stress was on such works representing the richest literary, cultural, religious, phi­ losophical and scientific expression of the Arabic speaking or Arabic knowing mind through out the Islamic world, in various branches of leaiming. With the revised constitution of the Daira coming into effect from 1946 its academic acti­ vities are being looked after by a publication committee.

The daira has published scores of rare and valuable classics of Arabic language running into hundreds of volxunes. The subjects covered are Quranic commentairy. Tradition and 14

principles of Tradition, Traditionists, Biography of the Prophet, Biographies, canon Law, Dogma, Mysticism, History, Literature, Philology-Lexicon, Grammar, Philosophy, Mathe­ matics and Astronomy and Medical Sciences etc.

The Daira intensified its activities after 1951, when a new series of publications was planned with a special grant of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It has placed before the world faternity of islamic and Oriental scholars richer and more original material through its monumental piiblications and has placed India on the world map of fore most publishers of Arabic classics of islamic and scientific subjects. Some of the important publications of Daira are: irabul Quran, Ifazul Bayan, Musnadu AM Daud, Kanzul Ummal, Al-Itibar, Lisanul Mizan, Dalailun Nubuwah, Sifatus Safwa, Nuzhatul Khwatir, Gharib ul Hadith, Tazkeratul Kahhalin etc,

Darul Musannefin Azamgarh;

It was established in 1914 by the celeberated savant Maulana as an academy for research In Islamic studies and publication of works on islamic learning, his­ tory and culture. Its main aim was to prepare research scho­ lars and workers by providing necessary training in Islamic studies and to compile, edit and publjsiv Arabic language original works as also translations of works of high scho­ larship. The academy has published more than one hundred 15

titles by its fellows, some of which run into a nxirnber of voliomes. The most outstanding is the biography of the prophet in 6 volumes entitled 'Siratun Nabi', the first volume of which was written by Shibli himself and the rest by Sayyad which is translated in Arabic.

There are books in large number published by the academy. The academy has high lighted the contribution of Islamic people and ideology to the life and progress of India in various fields during the mediyal period. In the field of political and cultural history of India dur­ ing the medieval period, the academy has a number of im­ portant contributions to its credit. All these works are marked by erudite, scholarship and vast knowledge and have enriched contribution totthe field of Islamic studies It has been publishing for the last 58 years a monthly joun- ral in Urdu called 'Maarif, Some important publications aie as Arzul Quran, Siyarus Sahabiyat, Uswai-Sahaba, Siyar-e- Ansar, Tabaqatul Umam, Tarikhe Fiqhe Islam, Sherul Ajam etc.

Nadwatul Musannefin Delhi;

This council of authors was established in 1938 by some young alximini of Deoband like Maulana Hifzur Rahman etc. It was founded primarily with a view to provide a suitable forum for the academic community of the followers of the Deoband school to make their contribution in the IS

field of propagation of Islamic thought and belief, through composition and con^ilation of standard works on different subjects. The academy has published a large number of works mostly original and also a few translation from other lan­ guages. It has within a short span of less than 4 decades, brought out more than 110 titles some of them running into a n\unber of volximes. There are on different subjects like Quranic commentary. Tradition, Islainic law and Mysticism, dictionary of the Quran and economic structure of Islam etc.

Some inpportant works are as follows:

Al Pauzul Kabir, Qisasul Quran, Qamusul Quran, Tafsir-e Mazhari, «u Fiqh, Tarjumanus Sunna, Lughtaul Quran etc.

Maktaba-e- Nadwatul Ulama Lucknow:

Nadwatul Ulama came into existance in 1894. Its main emphasis is on a thorough knowledge of Arabic language and literature and full and free exchange of though with the islamic world of today. Its publishing house known as Mak- taba-e-Darul Uloom was started in 1957. It publishes text books aswell as other books prepared under the auspices of various departments of the institution. Nablwa has its own press with facilities of or Arabic printing and type. The press also provides trailing to interested students in com­ posing work of Arabic matter, it brings out an Arabic jour­ nal monthly entitled 'Al Basul islami. It also publishes 17

a fortnightly 'Al Raid* which is managed and edited by students,

Nadwatul Ulama runs another important academy of study and research namely 'Majlise Tahqiqat wa Nashriyyat- e-Islam (Academy of islamic Research and Publications), Its was founded in May 1957. With the object of propagation of Islam in the modern context through writings and publica­ tions. It is an institution of study and research and pxib- cation and its activities are confined to Islamic Faith.

The academy has so far published more than 70 works in all in Arabic, English, & Urdu . Most of the pub- cations. Originally written in Arabic are translated into English and Hindi. These pviblications apart from explain­ ing in simple language, the fundamental teachings of islam, the social customs, manners, religious observances, feasts and festivals of Muslims etc. also highlight the main fold contribution of Islam indifferent spheres PART TWO IS


1, Mohanunad Ifhamullah, Hashlatus Sadra. Ltacknow, Kawalkishore, 1885, 421 p.

Deals with , it is commentary on the book "Alsadra" by Waliullah. It was ptjblished after correction by Ehsanullah. The discussion is done taking the original statements of the author and its commentary is written. They have been sepa­ rated in the mid by the help of chapters and started with separate headings. Difficult words have been used plentifully which was the style of that age. The com­ mentary is in philosophical method, that is why it is very difficult to understand it.

2, Syed Abdur Razzaq, Rasailul Baghdadi fil mokatebat. Delhi, Mujtabai press, 1894, 80 p.

This book deals with philosophy. The correction is done by Mohammad Abdul Mohamid and published under the supervision of Abdul Ahad, in the beginning after fore words, the introduction of compiler has been presented. After that different matters have been discussed, for example, what used to write? What should be written for learned persons etc. R-Ythmical Arabic is used which is of old age. At some placer the verses are given as simile. There are quotations of some people also.


3, Mohammad Abdul Hai. Al Huda Al Huda. Kanpur, Nezami press, 1870, 22p.

This is a small booklet in which references are given in the margin. This is a book of logic. First of all 19

there is description of every problem, after that their explanation has been done. Whole booklet is written in ancient philosophical style . The lan­ guage is very difficult and belongs to that age which was the age of decline of Arabic literature,


4, Abdul Aziz Maimani, Almajbabethul Ilmia menal mag, a lat is Sunnia. Hyderabad, Dairatul MazXrif, 1938, 279 p.

There are different articles with distict titles in this book which are written in the style of modern Arabic prose. There are titles in the middle of the articles and in the last the year is also given. First article was written in 1938 which is based on the obser­ vations of treasures of Islamic countries. Second one is taken from Syed Sulaiman Nadvi's book 'Almotahar'. In the same way there are selections of articles of dif­ ferent people and some articles of compiler. He has laboured a lot in its compilation and included only those which are useful. Only the articles of selected people, he has « chosen.

5, Abu Abdullah Jauraqani. Al Abatil wal manakir. Varanasi, Jamia Salfia, 1983, v.l; 425 p.

This book is based on Islamic rules and regulations and Piqhi propositions which are divided into seve­ ral parts. First is 'kitabul Imam', second is 'Kitabul Ilm', third is 'Kitabul Fadhail', 4th is 'Kitabul Petan' and fifth is 'Kitabul iaharat'. Under every chapters there are a hadith after demonstrating from Quran. The references and sources of the propositions which 20

are in margin, they have been mentioned. In the beginning there is content list. It was written in Abbasid period. Its verification is done by Abdul Jabbar. Prelude is written by Akram Dhia, In the last there is a prelude of compiler.

6. Abu Abdullah Jauraqani. Al Abatil wal manakir. Varanasi, Jamia Salfia, 1983, v.2; 430 p.

This is the second part of the book which deals with Isla-oic rule, s and regulations and propositions of Fiqh; . It deals with 'Kitabul Salat' under which there are 18 chapters, Kitabul Janaiz consisting 5 chapters, 'Kitabul Zakat' having 3 chapters, 'Kita- bui Seyam' containing 5 chapters, 'Kitabul Hajj• having one chapter, 'Kitabul Jehad' consisting 8 chapters and 'kitabul Padhaelil Quran consisting 11 chapters. After that there is content list and list of verses of Quran, names of narrators etc. On the last page there is a list of printing mistakes and their corrections.

7. Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibne Sana, Ke^abo amalil Yaumewal lailate, Hyderabad, Dairatul Maarif, 1939, 235 p.

Deals with different matters of muslims. How they live according to the Islam and how they should spend their daily lives and what is the right way according to their religion. Practical way is that which prophet Mohammad adopted and guided to Muslim community to do so. The statements and hadith of Prophet has been quoted in this book^ The book has been categorized into different chapters, in the last mistakes and their correction is given. 21

8, Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi. Al Nobuwat-o-wal AmMa.o- Fidhawil Quran. Lucknow/ Maktaba Nadwatul Ulma, 1963, 156 p.

THis book is about those lectures which were deli­ vered in University on the invitation of Vice- chancellor Mr, Abdul Aziz. Thegre lectures were deli­ vered in the month of zi Qada, which were held in lecture hall of the University after Isha prayer twice a week. A number of teachers and students took part in it. There are total 6 lectures to which the book is about. The first one is about the need of Nobuwat to man and its influence on civilization, the second one deals with the great­ ness of Nobuwat and the characteristic features of the prophet. The third one is under the title "The leadership of humanity and the way of right guidance" The fourth one deals with distance between spiritual reasons and supernatural attitudes. The fifth one is about the greatness of prophets Nobuwat and the last one is abcsut the influences of Nobuwat. The author has proved every lecture with witness and proofs under many titles in systematic way. Beneath it i»i the margin references are given. The last 3 pages are about book contents on the last page there is adverti^ ment of some master pieces of author.

9. Rahmani, Abdul Wahid. Taqwiyatul Iman. varanasi, jamia Salfia, 1972, 71 p.

Deals with different aspects of belief of Islam, which is known as "Iman". There is a prolegomena in the beginning by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammad in which he has mentioned different angles of Islam and belief in 4 pages. After that there is life sketch 22

of the compiler by Muqtada Hasan in which he has described about his whole life from cradle to grave; his works etc. After that the actual book begins. In the last there is content list. The book has been divided into five broad chapters with different titles.

10. Resala-e-Ilmia Tarikhia. Hydretbad, Dairatul Ma arif* 1937* 125 p.

This is a collection of articles which were presented on the advent of veneraisle men of Azhar University in Hyderabad. It is dedicated to the Nawab of Hyderabad In the beginning there is happy news with the title "payame masarrat afroz" in which the need of compil­ ing this treatise is stated. After that there is list of articles which are 11 in number in which inaugural is also included. The prelude is written by Syed Hashim Nadvi, after that there is a prelude on the behalf of the members of Dairatul Ma'arif. Then the speech of Ibrahim Jeiiali is written and articles are written in order. There are summaries of some speeches and verses of few persons. At last there is an article of Abdul Haqi.

11 Jhah Waliullah. Foyuzhul Haramain m'a Tarjunla Urdu 'sa«adate-Kaunain. Delhi, Ahmadi press, 1889, 108 p. It is based on those observations which the author received from spiritual eyes. There is enough detail about observations and investigations. He has dis­ closed by his pen, the few secrets of the world which he learnt in dream and about meeting of prophet Moham­ mad, so that the people can know and take benefit from it. There is Arabic text on one side of the each page and on the other side of the same page the verbal 23

translation in Urdu is given. Though the Urdu which is used is not easy and it is not idiomatical even the reader can understand it easily,

12. Shibli Nomani, Kltabul . Agra, MofidA »Am press, 1894, 18 p.

This is a small book let which deals with "Jizya" which means poll tax. The author has trti^xi to re­ move the mis conceptions about 'Jizya' which was among people. The author felt the need to remove the confusions and to present the real fait about it. with this aim he wrote this book. He has divi­ ded it into 3 discussions. In the first discussion he has given the statements of learned men in the form of Persian verses. In the second one he has mentioned that Anusherwan had formulated its princi­ ples. He has qu©. ted some verses of Shahnama in this context. The last one deals with "Sharai" position of it and its implementation.

13. Syed Mohammad Harun. Nawaderul Adab min ka-^am-e- desatul 'ATam wa£arab. Lucknow, Tasveer Alam press, 1916, 222 p.

This book is about the statements of the family members of the prophet and pious leading persons, (caliph^). The quotations of these personalities have been collected which are about poetry, nar­ rations and different type of knowledge. There is a prelude on it. It is divided into several chapters. First is naration of Holy Prophet. In the second chapter there are those narrations which are narrated by few companions of Prophet. There are verses, elegies etc. also. Third chapter deals with those narrations 24

Which are related to Andrul Mominin. Fourth is upon the narration of Imam Hasan and fifth is about the narration of Imam Husain verses and statements are also in it,

14. Al Tahavi, Abu Jafar Ahmad Bin Mohammad. Aqidatut Tahavi. Deoband, Darululxora, 1966, 176 p.

This book is based on Islamic preliminary education and the fundamental beliefs of Islam, The methods and ways have been discussed in the book that how the man should obey the God,s Commands, Some his­ torical events are given to learn the lesson and to challenge the opposition party. There is a brief description of prominent thinkers of Islam namely Imam Azam, Imam Abu Yousuf and Imam Mohammad, There are 88 chapters in the book. The commentary has been written by Qari Mohammad Taiyab.


15. Saleha Abdul Hakim Sharfuddin. Al Quranul Karim; Alazohu wa baiaghatohu wa Olumohu. Bombay, Sharf~ uddin Kutuii wa Awladohu, 1984, 203 p.

There is a prelude of author in the beginning. After that there are few words of Dr, Abdullah Umar Naseef, Dr. Khalid Mazkoorul Mazkoor and of Dr. Abdullah Yusuf Ghaneem in the praise of the book. The first chapter deals with the Holy Quran, the second one describes about "Aijaze Quran" (Miracles of Quran). There are types of miracles also in this chapter. The third one deals with the eloquence of Quran and the fourth one is description of Quranic knowledge. This is an important book on its topic and holds a distinguished place. 25


16. . Dalailun Nezam. Azamgarh, Daira- e-Hamidia, 1925, 127 p.

This is a valuable book of its kind. The author has made effort to determine the actual position of sys- tematization in writing. After that he has condemned this point of view that there is no systematic aran- gement in the Ayat and Surat of Uuran. He says that Quran revelated in arranged and systematic shape. If we suppose it the example of scattered materials, then there will be so many complexities, the inter­ pretation of which is not possible and the anti Quran people will put so many objections on it.

17. Hamiduddin Farahi. Iman fi aq. samil Quran. Aligarh. Ahmadia press, 1911, 55p,

In thjl.. Quran, there has been taken oath of different things out of which there are big and also of ordinary things like figard olive. The proper location of these oaths of Quran and the positions and aims and object­ ives of these oaths was the topic of controversy. Very few commentators have approached to its aims and objec­ tives. That is why the actual aims of these oaths was not taken into consideration and the proper fixation could not be done so far. Imam Farahi is the first person who has defined the objectives of these oaths and the actual place. He has tried to tell with ar­ guments and witnesses that what were aims behind these oaths. He has explained that if these were in use before Islam or the Quran has first introduced these with big things, small things also were the topic of disaggreement among interpreters but no one 26

couid explain them. The author has pointed out towards real aims and objects of these and has tried to remove the secrets,

18. Hamiduddin Farahi, Al Ta3anil-o~Fi usulit Tawil. Azamgarh, Daira-e-Hamidia, 1927, 69 p.

The explanation and interpretation of Qurani Ayat and Surat is a difficult task. Only those who have studies literature in depth, they can understand it in proper sense. The book has tried to lead to those principles and regulations of explanation, by adopting which the clear understanding of Quran is possible. The author has pointed out towards the methods of explanation, mostly in-terpreters have sttombled in the explanation of Quran by adopting it. According to author when arrangement and explanation are assem­ bled, then the approach to the mysteries and wisdom becomes very easy. There is subject content in the beginning which shows that the author has written on the concernings of the topics also.


19. Abul Farj Abdur Rahman Ibnul Jalizi. Nuzhatul a'aynin Nawazir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1974, 320 p.

This book is about those topics related to'lime Shariat' which v/ere either beyond tne eyes of people because of concelments and doubts or people were unable to under­ stand it prpperly. The book has clearly pointed out all those secrets and doubts and presented in actual position, in such manner that there is no difficulty to understand it. There are different words and sen­ tences of Quran & Hadith and Shariat and their expla­ nation is given. If they have been used in Quran & 27

Hadith, it has also been pointed out. Mahrun Nesa has made corrections in this book and also she has written commentary, There is subject content in the beginning of the book,

20. Al Baqa'ai, Burhanuddin. Nazmud Durar Fi Tanasobil Ayate was Sowar. Hyderabad, Dairaful Ma'arif, 1969, 366 p.

This is a reference book. The author has described about the systematic arrangement of different Surats and Ayat of Quran. The arrangement of Quran was to­ pic of argument among interpreters from beginning. But no such a document and book was written in any age in literary fa;*wm upon which every one could be agree. But this is fact that there is arrangement between Ayat and Surat of Quran. What will be the actual form of arrangement? How it should be explained- and elaborated? This was very cumber some and difficult. The author has tried to present some new ideas in this context. He became successfull in this effort to a groat extent. That is why this book gained great popu- la rty on its subject.

21. Hamiduddin Parahi. Tafsir Sura-e-Lahab. Azamgarh, Ma'arif press (n.d.) 29 p.

It deals with commentary on "Sura-e-ijahab". The com­ mentator has adopted unique style. In the beginning he has described the relation of this surat with ear­ lier and forthcoming surat. He has discussed in de­ tail that why the description of i^bu Lahab has been made in it. He has determined the meanings and sense of Ayat cleverly. Its different ayat (verses) were matter of controversy among commentators, but he has put for-ward his opinion keeping himself away from controversial views. 2t

22. Hamiduddin Parahi. Tafsir Sura^e-Qeyamat. Aligarh, Faize Am press (n.d.) 21 p.

It is a commentary on the above mentioned Surat. There is a valuable discussion about 'Qjaud^ xyt Surat* and its mode. After that its position on the Basis of eloquence has beaa presented. There is verbal explanation of important words. The relations of "Qeyamat" and Lawwama" and its causes have been de­ fined. In brief it is a nice commentary which is very useful,

23. Hamiduddin Farahi. Tafsir Sura 'Tahrim. Aligarh, Faize Am press, 1908, 27 p.

This is a commentary on Surah Tahrim. The commentator has high lighted fully on commentary its parts, back­ ground and different facts. He has tried to present order of Quran and the reality, aims and objectives, famous view of commentary of Quran "Tawilul Furqan Bil Purqan", and the opinions of commentators in this re­ gard and his own view also. He has taken help in his view with literary and intellectual proofs as well as Arabic writing and vocabulary. That is why, his point of view has become powerful and strong. There is list of content in the beginning,

24. Hamiduddin Farahi. Tafsir Sura-e-Wal«Asr. Aligarh, Faiz 'Am press, 1908, 23 p.

It is a commentary on 'Sura-e-Wal'asr. The commenta­ tor has tried to elaborate clearly the pearls of know­ ledge and skill admonition and exhortation. He has made an effort to confine the verbal and idiomatic commentary and the elasticity in its meaning and sense. He has made clear the conflict between "CfawasiabB bil haq" and Tawasafa? bissahr" and also presented the verbal and idiomatic 29

relationship between 'Haq* and »Sabr',

25. Hamiduddin Farahi. Tafsir Sura-e-walkafejrun. Aligarh^ Faize Am press, 1908, 15 p.

This is a commentary on above mentioned surat. The verbal and idiomatic sense of the words like 'bara- at (deliverence) and 'Hijraf (migration) has been described with their meaning in the beginning in the of Quran. The meaning of barat is that the people should repent of sin otherwise they will be penalised. It has great quality that the pearls of knowledge and skill which were out of touch of commentators, they have been presented in it.

26. Hamiduddin Farahim. Tafsir Sura-e-walmursalat. Azamgarh, Ma'arif press (n.d.) 20 p.

It is commentary on "Sura-e-walmursalat". On the begin­ ning the light has been thrown on its order, its prece­ ding and forth comings. After that "wailun yaxomaizin lil mokazzebun", has been defined, its background, couses etc. have been high lighted. After that different words and phrases have been explained verbally idiomatically. It has been stated that how this 'Surat' deals with the day of judgement. In the last there is discussion on its style.

27. Hamiduddin Farahi. Tafsir Sura-e-Washshams. Azamgarh, Ma'arif press, 1908, 19 p.

It is commentary on above named surat. The commentator has made clear the relationship of this surat with its earlier and forth coming surat. The Oath of sun, moon, day, night, sky, earth etc, has been taken. He has tried to present its aims and objectives. He has con­ veyed that how the day of judgement is effected by sa

open and hidden Oaths of Quran, He had defined it also. In brief it is a nice addition in the mommen- tary of Quran.

28. Haraiduddin Parahi. Tafsir Sura-e-2ariyat. Azamgarh, Ma'arif press (n.d.) 47 p.

It is a treatise of commentary on above mentioned Surat. So many ayat (verses) of the Surat were con­ troversial among commentators and they were facing problems in making systematization among those ayat. The conimentator has made clear, those hidden and con­ troversial ayat like the shining day. He has presented those ayat after seeking the order among them in so good style, that there is no difficulty in determin­ ing its meaning and Sense.

29. Al Qunavi, Abul Ma'ali Sadruddin. Ejazul Bayan Fi Tawile-Ummil Quran. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1949, 408 p.

It is explanation and elaboration of "Sura-e-Fateha. Defines some secrets and high its values and gives the evidence of literary values from different historical books and describes from grammatical point. There is a prelude of author in the beginning and after that the content list. The introduction of author is written by Abdullah Bin Ahmad Alvi who was moderator of Dairatul Ma'arif. In Short this is a use­ ful book.

30. Sanaullah Amritsari. Tafsirul Quran bekalandr Rahman. Amritsar, Ahle Hadith Press, 1903, 488 p.

Deals with the commentary of holy Quran, The commenta­ tor has defined the secret points, literary values and 31

historical events which are occured in Quran and has given the evidence and proofs. This commentary is studied by a lot of people, even Ulama study it. The commentators give its references in their com- mentafcies. Though it is very beief but it is very solid and has been written in easy language. It shows the ability of the commentary.

31. Uthmani, Qadhi Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul Mazheri, Delhi, Jaiyad Barqi press, 1930, v.l; 488 p.

It is first volume of the famous commentary on Quran It covers two Surat namely 'Sura-e-Fateha' and 'Sura- e-Baqra'. Fluent Arabic has been used which is easy to understand. Every topic of commentary has been discussed. The method is that in the beginning there is name of the Surat, there is a Hadith (tradition) on it and every word has been explained. If any con­ troversial problem raises, it is explained in the fa­ vour of Hanafi Maslak and proved with the tradition (Hadith). In each Surat there are various headings under which it has been explained,

32, uthmani, Qadhi Mohammad Thanaullah, Al Tafsirul Mazhari. Delhi, Jaiyad Barqi press, 1931, v.2; 286 p.

It is second volume of the book which is a famous commentary on Quran. This volume covers two Surat which are Sura-e-Al 'Imran' and 'Nesa', The famous Islamic battle has been described in brief. The commentator has written the opinions of other commen­ tators with his own opinion. The matters of Zakat (Aim) have also been discussed. There is discussion about the conditions of Haj (pilgrimage) and their conflids, ar­ guments etc, have been presented. 32

33. Uthmani, Qadhi Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsjrul mazhari» Delhi, Wadwatul Mosannefin, 1932, v,3; 515 p.

This is the third volume of the commentary on Quran. It includes three Surat: maida,'an'am & •araf. Every propostion has been described in this volume also on the style of other two volume. Explanation of stories which have come in Quran in the light of Tradition (Hadith) and statements have been done such as the death of Hadhrat Haroon and Moosa, the falo of Habeel and Qabeel etc. The Commentator has also described after giving the title of those stories and explained them with the statements of companions of Prophet.

34. Uthmani, Qadhi Mohammad Thanaullah, Al Tafsirul mazhari. Delhi, Faruqu press 1934, v.4; 340 p.

It is 4th volxome of the commentary on Quran. It covers Sura-e-Anfal and Sura-e-Tauba. The Islamic war Badr has been described in detail. On the first page there is in-troduction of the commentator in brief and thereafter is content list which covers 4 pages. The couple commentary on 'Sura-e-Anfal ends on page 124 in which with commentary some where notes are also given. From page 125 the commentary of 'Sura-e-Tauba' begins in which there is list of topics in 8 pages and thereafter the commentary begins, it comes to an end on page 340, So in this way this volume ends.

35. Uthmani, Qadhi, Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul mazhari. Hyderabad, ishaatul ulum, 1937, v,5; 504 p.

This is the 5th volume of the book which deals with commentary on Quran, It consists 3 Surat in which 33

first is Sura-e-Yunus, There is brief introduction of the commentator after that. Its commentary co­ vers 62 pages. Second is Sura-e-Hud which ends on, page 69, Third is Sura-e-Yusuf which covers 77 pages Fourth is 'Sura-e-Rad which covers 39 pages. Fifth is 'Sura-e-Ibrahim* which covers 38 pages. Sixth is 'Sura-e-Hajar which has 33 pages. Seventh is •Sura-e-Nahl' which consists 71 pages and the 8th is 'Sura~e-Bani Israel which covers 108 pages. In this way this volume ends,

36. Uthmani, Qadhi Mohammad Thanaullah, Al Tafsirul Mazhari, Delhi, Nadwaful Mosannefin, 1938, v.6; 510 p.

This is the 6th volume of the book which is a commentary on Quran. This volume contains 7 Surat. It was published on the expenses of Sheikh, Ismail, The names of the Surat are •Sura-e-Kahef• Sura-e-Maryam, Sura-e-Taha, Sura-e-Ambia, Sura-e- Haj, Sura-e-Momenun and Sura-e-Nur respectively. Mathod of expression is same as in earlier volumes. Very easiy and simple language has been used.

37. Uthmani, Qazi Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul mazhari. Delhi, Wadwatul Mosanne-fin^ 1939, v,7; 428 p.

This is the 7th volxime of the commentary written on Quran. It covers 9 Surat, First Surat is 'Sura- e-Furqan' and the last is 'Sura-e-Al Ahzab'. The language is sweet and appealing style is attractive Similies, proverbs, etc, are used plentifully. Everything has been explained with examples. Method of expression is praise worthy. 34

38. Uthmani, Qazi Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul njazhari. Delhi, Nadwatul Mosannofin, 1939, v.8; 448 p.

This is 8th volume of the commentary on Quran. It was published with the expenses of Sheikh Ismail. Fourteen 'Surat' are included in it. It begins with 'Sura-e-Saba« and comes to an end on Sura-e-Mohammad• The method of writing commentary is very nice. Style is pleasing and attractive. Language is simple and easy.

39. Uthmani, Qazi Mohammad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul mazhari. Delhi, Isha-atululoom, 1940, v.9; 348 p.

This is the 9th volume of the commentary on Quran. It begins from 'Sura-e-fath' and comes to an end on 'Sura-e-Tahrim'. There are total 19 Surat in it. It was published from the expenses of Sheikh Ismail, pattern is same as in earlier volumes. Every aspect has been defined and explained in a good style. Language used is very sweet.

40. Uthinani, Qazi Mohaminad Thanaullah. Al Tafsirul Mazhari, Delhi, Isha atululoom, 1941, v.10; 325 p.

This volume was published after corrections by the order of Mohammad Ismail, it covers 45 Surats starting from •Sura-e-Mulk•, and ending on Sura-e- Nas•. It is the last volume of the book in which commentary is written on these Surats. There are 45 Surats in it. Language is very easy and simple Style is very pleasing. Every word has been elabo­ rated in Sweet language, in short it is a valuable commentary on Quran. S5


41. Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, Qisasun Nabiin Lil Atfal. Lucknow, Maktaba Radwatul talma, 1984, 353 p.

This book is in 4 volumes. The prelude is witten by Ahmad Shirbasi Misri, There is a letter of author's uncle Dr. Abdul Ali Al Hasani in which he has suggested to write Quranic stories for children. In the beginning of second part also there 2 preludes are written. In the third part after the prelude of shirbasi, there is a prelude of Syed Qutub. The first part comprises the stories of prophets, Hazrat Ibrahim and yousuf. In the se­ cond part the biographies of Hazrat Nooh and Saleh ^li^Aincluded, The third part is based on the story of Hazrat Moosa. The fourth and last part is about a stout book of prophet's conduct. The main feature of this book is that the author has tried to incre­ ase the Arabic abilities of Ajami students gradu­ ally. There is a major difference between 1st and 4th part just like the writing of a child and an eminent writer. This feature shows the authors Arabic knowledge,


42, Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismail Bukhari, Ketabul Kun§. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1941, 98 p.

Actually this book is related to the art of narra­ tion (Panne Asmaur Rajal). The author has described the life history of narrators after searching and also mentioned about their geneologies. Their titles (Kunniat) are also given. There is list of mistakes 36

and their corrections the last. In brief this is a nice book of its kind and holds sound posi­ tion among the books of "Asmaur rejal",

43, Abu Bakr Al Khatib Al Baghddadi, Ketabul Kefaya fi'Ilmir Rewaya. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1970, v.l; 598 p.

Deals with the knowledge of narrators, who narrate the 'ahadith, it is called in technical terminology "Panne-Asmaur Rajal", Describes how should be accep­ ted the narrations of the narrators and whose narra­ tions are authentic and whose are d..out>:tful defines all aspects and points. The book has been divided into different chapters according to subjects. In the last there is life sketch of the author and after that there are printing mistakes and their corrections,

44, Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Ali, .Ketabul Kefaya fi 'Almir Rawaya. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1970, v.2; 590 p.

This book is about the narrations of hadith and quotations on it, discussions of Mohaddi thin on it. It is divided into 50 chapters. In the last there is conclusion of the book by Abdur Rahman Mahmood second conclusion is by Abdul Azim and third one is of Mustafa Khan and the 4th is by Habibullah Uadri. There is introduction of com- piller his works, knowledge, faith, religion, prayes and death,

45, Al Buhrani, Abdul Ghani Bin Ahmad, Uuratul Ain Fi dhabte Asmair Rajal is Sahihain, Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1923, 59 p.

In this book the author has mentioned the names of 37

narrators of "Sahih Bukhari" and "Muslim". He has given some methods of Asmaur Rajal. The author has given correct pronunciation of the names of narrators. There is no index in the book. The per­ sons who want to consult the two famous books of Hadith known as "Sahihain" they have to go through this book for rules and regulations of Islam. This book is very helpful to the^e two prominent books of Hadith.


46. Abu Abdullah, Mohammad Bin Ismail. Kitab-o~Khulqil 'Ibad war Radde 'Alal jahmia wa ashabit Tatil. Delhi, Ansari press, 1964, 159 p.

This is a very famous book of hadith. The author has taken those ahadith from the collections of ahadith, which are related to two rak'at of Fajr Prayer, morals of the man and his ambitions etc. The great quality of the book lies in the fact that the references of the books are given from which the ahadith have been taken. An effort has been made to determine the positions of hadith as well. The author has tried to bring the ahadith under heads so that the approaches of the research workers will be appropriate and easy. In all the book is unique on its subject and useful to the scholars,

47. Abu 'Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismail Mukhari, Sahi^ul Bukhari. Delhi, Kutab Khana Rashidia, 1955, 325 p.

This is famous book of "Hadith" about which the agreed opinion is that it is most correct book after Quran. The compiler has collected ahadith 3S

from the great treasure of ahadith and faced so many difficulties about their correctness and in their search. When he becomes fully satisfied, only then he writes that 'Hadith' in his book. Ailraohaddettiin have-accepted the ahadithy ^hose are correct and are according to naration and quali­ ty. Its all narrators are accepted and their links meet to prophet Mohammad, S.A. There is a long prelude of author in the beginning in which he has pointed towards the principles and methods to judge them

48. Abu Abdullah Mohammad, Waliuddin, Mishkatul Masabih. Hugle, Rahraai press, 1841, 560 p.

This is famous book of hadith which is equally accepted among the students and teachers of hadith. The author has selected ahadith from different books of hadith particularly from Bukhari and Muslim and divided into different chapters according to sub­ jects and defined under them the selected ahadith. He has put expendient to take those portions from longahadith which are related to subjects and the remaining he has left. That is why this book has got respected position.

49, Abul Husain Muslim. Sahih Muslim. Bijnore, Madina Press (n.d.) 500 p.

This is equally accepted book after Bukhari among the books of Hadith Mohaddethin have accepted al­ most all ahadith of this book. There is a prelude of author in the beginning in which a defail dis­ cussion in upon different angles of Hadith. He has criticised Imam Bukhari. This prelude bears 39

so many qualities and guides the scholars of Hadith the author has guided to those principles, the forthcoming generations have compiled the important proportions of Hadith in its light. An efforts has been made to write the books of Hadith in its light.

50. Abu Obaid Al Qasim Bin Sallam. Gharibul Hadith. Hyderabad. Dairatul Ma'arif, 1967, 325 p.

This is a collection of very valuable and rare . It was written under the supervision of Dr. Mohammad Moyeed Khan, Professor of Arabic and Director of Dairatul Ma'arif Osmania Univer­ sity, It was printed under the auspices of the ministry of education. Government of India. There is a long prelude of moderator, Mohammad Azimuddin. There is a list of abbreviations used in the book after prelude. In the prelude the moderator has written in detail about the life and the works of the author. He has also described about the aims and objectives of this book its inportance etc.

51. Imam Malik. Moatta. Bijnore, Madina press, 1967, 425 p.

This is a very famous book of Hadith. The author has tried to arrange his moatta in the light of different books of hadith and different sects. In his period the kind of that time had advised to write such a book upon which entire people can agree. When he wrote this book and put forward in the presence of the King of the time/ it got legal position. The owner and his point of view 40

got statutory position. The Pigh originates from here which comes out as a great school of thou­ ght later. He has entered those ahadith about which he has found the practical work of companions of prophet and his followers. That is why the followers of Maliki fiqh as well as others take h^-ve fit from this book,

52, Mohammad Abdullah Darmi. Sonanud Daremi, Kanpur, Nezami press, 1876, 447 p.

This is a book of "Hadith", The corr^iler has col­ lected "ahadith" on different subjects. There are 'ahadith of Prophet on five fundamental pillars of Islam. The book has great merit that in every chap­ ter, its related aspects have been categorized and under those ahadith have been described. The com­ piler has made a chapter named "habus salat" under which there are hundreds small chapters. There is a long prelude of the compiler in the beginning. It is great contribution on its subject.

53. Mohammad Manzur Nomani. Al faiyatul Hadith. Deoband, Darul ulum, 1974, 192 p,

Hadith and principles of Hadith are compulsory sxibjects in religious schools of India, and . The book "Mishkatul Masabih" has equal value in almost all but several chapters of this book are in complete and those are in great need in modern age. The advisory committee of Darul ulum discussed it and agreed upon current systematization of hadith. This task was handed over to the author and he comple­ ted this book with these aims. He has presented different ahadith according to academic need. 41

There are different chapters under which are dif­ ferent ahadith which have been taken from differ­ ent books of hadith.

54. Mohammad Mian , Mishkatul Athar wa Misbahul Abrar. Delhi, Kitabistan, 1971, 152 p.

This book is a collection of selected ahadith. The con5)iler has defined ahadith under different head­ ings. He has taken the ahadith from different books of hadith. There is a prelude of the compiler in which he has described the context and inportance of the book. He has given the references in margin, which is against the general tradition. This book was written in this context that the advisory com­ mittee of Deoband felt the need of formation of syllabus according to the demand. This work was assigned to different members of the committee. The task of conpilation of this book was given to Mohammad Mian. He fulfilled this duty satisfactory. He has tried to take only those ahadith which are according to subject. As the result the book became master piece of brevity and perfectness.

55. Al Tirmizi. Jameut Tirmizi Ma'Sharhehi "Tohfatul Ahwazi. Delhi, Jaiyad Barqi Press, 1927, v.l; 145 p.

It is a collection of different 'ahadith'. Its correction and explanation is written by Abdur Rahman Muharakhpuri. The compiler faced so many problems in collecting the ahadith. For the auth- entiaty of ahadith he went to several places on foot and laboured a lot in judging the correct­ ness of ahadith. one chapter is about praper in which he has given evidence from the activities of 42

prophet Mohammad. The first volume ends here,

56. Al Tirmizi, jameut Tirmizl Ma' Sharhehi "Tohfatul Ahwazi. Delhi, jaiyad Barqi press, 1927, v.2; 165 p.

It has also collection of ahadith. The book has been divided into several chapters which bear dif­ ferent headings under which so many matters have been discussed. First chapter deals with Zakat (aim s) Second is related to fasting, third one deals with Haj (pilgrimage), 4th chapter is about funeral. After that there are small topics such as divorce, business, rules of judgement, punishment fundamen­ tal beliefs etc.

57. Al Tirmizi. jameut Tirmizi Ma' Sharhehi "Tohfatul Ahwazi". Delhi, Jaiyad Barqi press, 1927, v.3; 161 p.

This is third volume of the book consisting hadith on different topics. Its facts from the chapters of Jehad (the war for the protection of religion). The forthcoming chapters are libas (clothes). Atema (eating things), Tilis (medicine) etc, under each headings there are so many ahadith arranged in a systematic way,

58. Al Tirmizi. Jameul Tirmizi Ma' Sharhehi "Tofatul Ahwazi, Delhi, Jaiyad ^arqi press, 1927, v,4; 172 p.

This is the last 4th volume of the book consisting ahadith on different matters. It starts with the description of miscelleneous matters, after that there are ahadith under different heads such as 43

amthal, fazailul Quran, Tafsirul Uuran, Dawat etc. In the last there is a broad chapter with the name "Kitabul 'Elal". There is a detail commentary on every page beneath the text. There is a historical ode by Mohammad Taqiuddin Hilali. In this way the 4th volume comes to end. In brief we can say that this book is very useful and is very valuable.


59. Woman Ibn-e-Sabit, Al Fiqhul Akbar. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1953, 16 p.

This is a small booklet consisting 16 pages. There is introduction of author in the beginning with in two pages by Syed Hashim Nadvi. There is no head­ ing in the book but the publisher has set up 42 headings. There is a symbol at the end of every heading which indicates that separate heading starts from tiiere. At some places one paragraph consists two headings and the fixed symbol shows the difference of subjects in the mid. The expla­ nation of words is also done in the margin at so many places. Content is given on the last page of the book.

60. Burhanuddin^ Al Hedaya. Delhi, Ahmadi press, 1878, 199 p.

This book is in two volumes. The first is called Hidayah awwalain and the second is called Akhirain, This book was compiled in the past but its meaning fulness is present still today. That is why the students and teachers of Islamic madrasas who are Hanafi, consider it perfedt. The whole problems of 44

Hanafi fiqh have been categorised according to subjects. First of all there is deduction from Qu/san th^n from Hadith, then from council of re­ ligious sect. The opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Mohammad and Imam Abu Yousuf have been presen­ ted. The point of view of other rule of conduct is also presented as well. But an effort has been made to prove the loftiness of fiqh-e-Hanafi, This book was written in the past so that reasoning and demonstration are contrary to modern need. But its principles and fundamentals and matters of explana­ tion are unique.

61. Hamzani, Abu Bakr, Kitabul Etabar fil bayanin nasikh walmansukhmenal athar. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1980, 253 p.

In this book those propositions and Islamic rules have been described which were abolished after in- forcing and those consequences have been stated which were abolished later. After foreward tnere is a prelude and first chapter begins from page 21. It is divided like Fiqhi propositions such as "Kitabus Salat* 'Kitabul Taharat', Hajj, Saum, Telaq etc. and under each those are so many headings. After discussing the problems, its causes and proofs have also been discussed.

62. Hanafi, Abu Ishaq. Kashful ghita 'an wajhir reba. Aligarh, A.M.U. Press, 1926, 28 p.

Deals with the commercial interest either it is lawful or un lawful. The author is in the favour of law fulness of such an interest and gives many proofs and arguments as he could get from Is Iconic jurisprudence. Shariat and Fatawa. 45

63. Ibnul Humam, Mohammad Bin 'Abdul Wahid. Zadul Faqir. Delhi, jaiyad Barqi Press, 1963, 72 p.

This book is edited by Maulana Badre Alam with valu&able commentaries. This book is fundamentally on the problems of Piqh and in Piqh its scope of discussion is only prayer (Namaz). What are the conditions of Namaz ? When Namaz is absurd 1 What are its Paraiz and Sonan ? How many are its conditions and its concernings, all discus­ sions are laid down in the book. The discussions about 'Wazu' Mash on socks, Tayammum are also in the book. The author has described accepted pro­ blems of Fiqh-e-Hanafi in a very simple method rather than proclamation of controvertial opinions. That is why there is no complication in the book,

64. Mehdi Ahmad. Ketabul Azhar fiqh-e-aimmatul Athar. Delhi, Kutubkhana-e-lshaate Islam, 1970# 334 p.

Deals with the proportions of fiqh. First chapters deals with the problems of islam and its solution and second is about heritage. Some points of figh its principles and some stands of Islam are des­ cribed in detail. There is a prelude of Yahya Abdul Kareem Fuzail in the beginning in which he has sated the aims and objects and importance of the book. There are a number of chapters which deals with the different aspect of fiqh.

65. Pir Zada Shams. Wajubo Tatbiqish Shariatil IslamidJba. Bombay, Idarae Dawate Ouran, 1977, 27 p.

Actually it is a speech which the author had di- vered in king sJiud University, Riyadh, The author has tried to convey that the meaning fulness of 4S

Islamic Shariat is still remaining although the ages have passed and new de.nands and necessities have come into bearing. This objection is totally- wrong that Islam is a conservative religion and to follow it is impossible in the modern age of science and technology. The author has confuted this objection and has tried to prove it in the light of historical facts that defects and those problems which have ended the humanity and its peace, they can be brought back under the shadow of Islam.

66. Juduri, Abdul Hasan, Quduri. Lucknow, Nawal Kishore, 1891, 184 p.

This is a famous book of Hanafi fiqh which is pres­ cribed in all religious schools althoggh a long pe­ riod has been passed. It has great quality that it has been divided into different chapters on the basis of subjects. The important proportions have been presented in brief and in easy language. That is why every body can under stand it easily. The author has left the controversial problems.


67, Fazlur Rahman, Al Tashayyud fi mabani Kalemati^ Tauhid. Calcutta, Thamari press, 1853, 304 p.

This is a commentary on the book "Kalematul Haq" which was written by Abdur Rahman Wasil. This book is on mysticism in which there are arguments its propositions, observations and divine inspiration etc. and its corrections, comparison with other 47

speakers, abstemious persons and commentators. Its correction is done by Ghulam Isa and Maulvi Mofidhuddin and it was published under the super­ vision of Abdul Saraad, There is no divison of chapters and sections. The original text has been stated beginning with the word 'Uala' (Said) and it is underlined. Remaining is commentary.


68. Amjad Ali. Al Intekhalul Jadid. Allahabad, Anwar Ahmadi press, 1910, 122 p.

This book deals with different subjects specially grammar. It is divided into different chapters. First chapter deals with the examples of verb and objective. Second chapter consists miscellaneous topics of rules. Third chapter has examples of idioms, proverbs etc. Total number of idioms is 186, Fourth one deals with order and respect in which some verses have been arranged with titles Fifth is about letters which are about divine mis­ sion of holy prophet and there are letter of Hesam- uddin. Sixth is about the Arabic verses which have extra ordinary meaning, such as verses of Ibnur , Abu Tammam, Motanahbi etc. Their selected verses are given.

69, Hamiduddin Farahi, Tohfatul Arab, Azamgarh, Daira- e-Hameedia, 1955, lip.

This is a versified book of the author in v/hich he has defined different problems of Arabic gram­ mar in a very easy language. It is done because if the students see the complicated problems of 48

Nahw in the form of poeib, they can mutter and impress in the mind. That is why when the students read this book, they feel a sweet taste and they commit to memory. Earlier people have written poe­ tic tract on nahw, but this is a unique one of its kind. The qualify of this tract is that with Arabic examples, the examples of Indian things have been tried to put forward in the light of India.

70. Mohammad Naimur Rahman. Esase Arabic. Allahabad, Kitab -istan, 1937, 309 p.

This is a nice book of Arabic grammer covering both branches, syntax and etymology. The book has been divided into two major parts. First part describes the etymology and the second part is devoted to syntax. It begins with very elementary things and problems of etymology and proceeds towards high problems gradually. The part dealing with syntax also proceeds this way. There is a long prelude of the author in which the back ground and aims and objectives of the book is stated. Different terminologies are de­ fined with suitable examples. An efforts has been made to make the meaning more clear by taking help from the books of leading personalities like sailyua Ibne Malik & aamakhshari etc. The method of expres­ sion is very simple.

71. Mohammad N;Lmur Rahman. Miftahe Arabi. Allahabad, Kitabistan, 1939, 202 p.

Deals with syntax and etymology of Arabic grammar written in very easy language. Both the branched of Arabic grammar have been assembled to one place and in this way a lot of time of scholars is saved 49

The psychology of students has been taken into account at every place. The method of expression is very simple and there is no sany complexity _any vi^here. The author has tried to cover all the pro­ blems which were necessary to solve. The mode is very interesting. There is a prelude of author in which he has mentioned the aims of writing this book. The book is divided into two major parts. First part deals with syntax and the second deals with etymology. In brief it is a nice book of Arabic grammar.

72. Rashid Shartuni. MoOgadeul Arabia. Delhi, Mu^tabai press, 1978, 200 p.

Deals with syntax and etymology both. It is written for secondary classes which is according to the me­ thod of modern education. One book was written on its pattern for primary classes before it. There are some additions with the development of sense of skill in this book. It comprises two parts. First part is about etymology which covers 92 pages. Second part is about syntax which is from 93 page till 199. First part has 38 lessons and the second consists 31 lessons. The language is very easy and it is written on modern arable style.


73. Agha Syed Hasan. Tasrife Hasan. Lucknow, Nawal Kishore, 1891, 54 p.

It is an Arabic treatise on etymology. Describes the important terminologies of etymology in brief. It is useful for beginners because very elementary terms have been defined in it. There is no expla­ nation in the margin. It is written in a very easy 50

and single language. In the last a chart of dif­ ferent terms with their examples is given. It is written in old style even it is useful in the mo­ dern age .

74. , Al Shafia. Lucknow. Nawal Kishore (n.d) 184 p.

This is a very famous book of etymology of Arabic, The author has discussed on all problems of etymo­ logy. Every problem is explained with examples with the text and interpreted also in the margin. Its interpreter is sheikh Jamaluddin, Some explanations are given between lines also. It is written in old Arabic, But even it is very simple and easy and is equally useful in modern age. There are printing mistakes and their corrections in the last and content list is also given in the form of several chapters with appropriate headings,

75, Asghar Husain. Khulasatus Sarf. Lucknow, Hfe^saint Press, 1843, 16 p.

This is a very small book let which deals with etymology. Elementary things have been defined with examples. Language is very sweet. The author has defined the different terms in an attractive manner. Examples are easy. The meaning of diffi­ cult words have been given beneath the words in Persian and certain terms are explained in the margin in Persian. In brief it is a good book of etymology and is use ful to the beginners. n

76. Khadim Ahmad. Merahul Arwah. Kanpur, Nawal Kishore, 1860, 64 p.

Deals with the etymology of Arabic grammar. The inte3:pretations is done by Mashooq Ali on every page of the text. The text is given in the mid and the interpretation in the margin in detail. The interpreter has tried to define every aspect which is necessary and it is not clear from the text. It consists 7 chapters. First chapter is about "Sahib" and there are many small headings under it. Second chapter deals with "Mozaaf" in which the kindss and types have been described in detail. Third is about "Mahmuz". The fourth is about "Naqis" and the 7 th and last one deals with "Lafi£". Every term is defined with examples In the last there are printing mistakes and their corrections.

77. Mohammad Abdul Baqi. Tauzihus Sarf. Delhi, Idris press, 1935, 148 p.

Deals with etymology. Its moderation has been done by Syed wasi Ashraf, The first part is about the definition of etymology, its measures and peculari- ties of the chapters. Second one is about the rules of reduction of the alphabet "Hamza". Third one is about different terminologyies of etymology. The 4th and last is about script. The description of every term is in few words, iintire rules of etymo­ logy have been included in it. Classical language is used which was in use from ancient period. 52

78. Mohammad Abdur Rahman, Zan^anl. Kanpur, Nezami press, 1884, 44 p.

Deals with etymology of Arabic grammar. Technical terms and their definitions vdth suitable examples have been given. The notes are given by Syed Anwar Ali in Persian. All the necessary terms have been defined in easy Arabic and notes are also in simple Persian. The book is equally useful for both Ara­ bic and Persian knowing scholars. It holds a good position among the books of etymology.

79. Mohammad Bhai. Kitabul Mizan walajnas fis sarf. Bombay, Taiyabi press, 1899, 32 p.

Beals with etymology of Arabic. It has been divided into two parts. First part has title "Almizano fis Sarf" in which there are small headings which define the terms of etymology. The second part bears the headings "Ajnas fis Sarf" which is about the verbs and its different types and its differnt forms. Examples of each term are given. In the last there is a chart of verb and its kinds. All the important terms of etymology are defined with suitable examples, Language is very easy and simple style in unique.

80. Mohammad Sadullah. Majmua-e-Jawaherul aruz©. Kanpur, Nizami Press, 1876, 121 p.

Deals with etymology. It is divided into two major sections. First is with the name "fanne aruz@" (Rhetoric). There is one prelude and five chapters in it. Second is about "Fanne Uafia (couplet) in which there is one prelude and three chapters. After that there is a broad title "Jawaherul Aruze" in Persian. There are five categories in it. In the 53

last category there are four chapters and one ap­ pendix in Persian. The advanced etymology has been discussed in it. Chaprt of terminology is also given,

81. Moinullah Nadvi. Tamrinus Sarf. Lucknow, Nadwaful Ulama, 1954, 119 p.

This is a book of etymology of Arabic Grammar. There is a preface by Abdul Hasan Ali Nadvi in which he has introduced the book and discussed about its need. Different exercises have been given with examples which are very simple and easy to by heart. There are 27 lessons in which all important terms have been defined with examples The first lesson starts with the introduction of Arabic language, after that the technical terms have been described. It is valuable addition among the books of etymology.

82. Mushtaque Ahmad. Safwatul Masadir, Deoband, Kutub- khana Madani, 1936, 70 p.

This book is about etymology of Arabic grammar, in which different terminologies have been defi­ ned with suitable examples. The roots of verbs its meanings part, present future, sxibject, posi­ tive and negative and so many other terms have been defined in Arabic and their translation is given in urdu. The book is divided into so many chapters and under each different aspects are de­ fined with headings, in the last there is an ap­ pendix which is based on necessary roots. After that there is a list of new words with meanings which are mostly in use. 54

83. Uthmani, Fuzailur Rahman Helal. Beoband,Kutubkhana Mahmudia, 1967, 208 p.

This is a nice book on etymology of Arabic grammas. In the beginning there is introduction of the com­ piler in brief. Few lines of compiler about the book are also there and few lines about blessing. There is a list of important technical terms on the next page. After that the book starts in a systematic way. iSxplanations of few terms are given beneath the text of some places, it starts with the ele­ mentary terms of etymology. The formulae are ex­ plained with easy examples and exercise. It deve­ lops the ability of writing among students.


84. Abdul Hamid Nomani. Kafak. Malegaon, 1967, 130 p.

Deals with syntax. It was written for the students of class Ilird who want to learn Arabic in foreign countries. Whole book is divided into 47 topics. At last there is urdu meaning of difficult words. The author has defined every problem of syntax in the beginning in modern Arabic language. Its use in simple sentence has been made and decribed its full vcwel points. An effort has been made to make it determine in the mind in a good style,

85. Abdul Qahir Jurjani. Sharah meata aroil. Lucknow, Nawal Kishore, 1875, 50 p.

This is interpretation of the book "Meata 'Amil" written by Abdul Qahir Jurjani. The complete in­ terpretation of the text has been done which is 55

several times more than text, written in margin around text. It is not mentioned that who is in­ terpreter of the book. It has been written in very easy language which every one can understand, Xn brief it is a nice book of its kind. It is a book of syntax,

86, Abul Hasan Ali Hamiduddin. gariri. Kanpur, Nezami press, 1889, 34 p.

It is based on elementary problems of syntax. It is explained and compiled by Abdur Rehman. There is investigation of each word and translation and interpretation of complicated problems in the mar­ gin in . The problems have been dis­ cussed in brief with the of chapters in the text and only those problems have been taken into account which are very elementajcy and very impor­ tant. There is definition of few pronouns in the mid of text and some where translation is also wri­ tten,

87, Azizul Hague. Nahwiiatif, Kanpur, Qaiyumi press, 1921, 132 p.

This is a treatise of Arabic grammar, syntax, in which the author has defined the technical terms of syntax. He has given his own opinion and tried to put forward new things. He has not only followed the earlier traditions in the description of diffe­ rent terms, but defined some complicated problems which have become very easy. The arrangement of treatise is in such a manner that the syntax has become very easy. It deals with Arabic grammar but its problems have been presented in Urdu language 56

also. Every aspect of syntax is discussed with the help of simple and easy language,

88. Faqirullah. Shimma dar Ilnxai Nahw. Kanpur, Mohanunadi press, 1886, 50 p.

Deals with Arabic grammar (syntax) which was origi­ nally written in Persian. It is in versified form It has been converted into Arabic prose by Faqirullah and Abdul Qadir, They have interpreted it after giv­ ing the verses. One verse is given in the margin, its interpretation in Arabic is given at the place of text. In this way the book proceeds. At some places different terms have been explained where ver necessary. It is written in simple Arabic. It describes about 100 "awarail" of syntax.

89. Ghulam Abbas. Ajrumia, Kanpur, Nizami press, 1845, 34 p.

This is verified treatise of syntax of Arabic grammar in which the poet has presented in versi­ fied form the different terms of syntax. The cor­ rection is done by Mohammad Hadi Ali Khan. The explanation is given in the margin in detail. It is in Persian language. The text is in simple Arabic verses are very easy and can be by hearted without difficulty. Some where beneath the text, meaning is also given. There is list of printing mistakes and their corrections on the last page. In the last there are two verses in the margin by Nawaz Ali Sajjad in which he has praised the book Different are defined v/ith examples. 57

90. Hadi Ali, Misbah, Kanpur, Nizami press, 1875, 40 p.

Deals with syntax of Arabic graramar. It is divided into five chapters. There are four headings under each chapter. There is explanation of some words and some phrases between the lines of text. There are references of some pronouns and translation of some v/ords also explanation is near about equal to the text and it is in Persian langauge. For Persian knowing students its understanding is very easy.

91. Hamiduddin Farahi. Asiaaqun Nahv/. Azaragarh, Daira- e-Hamidia, 1965, 52 p.

Deals with Arabic grammar, syntax. It has been written for the beginners of Arabic, It is written in a very simple and easy language. Style is unique- Method of expression is pleasing and nice. All pro­ positions of syntax have been defined in good man­ ner. Different technical terms have been defined with suitable examples. There are so many lessons and under them many exerciser are given. In short it is very useful book in for the students of primary classes,

92. Ibne Hafile. Al Kafia. Lucknow, Yousufi press, 1917, 128 p.

This is very famous book of nahw (syntax). It was written on the order of mufti Mohammad Yousuf. There is explanation in Persian also with the name "Halle Matalib". There is one treatise dealing with traditional feminine and one ode of the author lear­ ning the; title "Dharuratul Adil". The book has 58

for additions. It prescribed in study in "Darse Nezami" till a long period. There is explanation in Persian in margin around text in a very good style. The pecularity of the book lies in its style of v/riting which solves the complicated problems of syntax very easily which determines in the mind. That is why its so many commentories have been written in Arabic and Persian,

93. Ilahi BaJchsh. Al Taudhihul Kamil be sharah Meata "Aamil, Kanpur, Nezami Press, 1894, 128 p.

This book is an interpretation of the book Meata Aarail Originally written by Abdul Qahir-Al Jurjani, It deals with Arabic grammar (Nahw) and describes about hundred influencing agents. They bring changes when they are used in different angles.

94. Jafari, Mohammad Hasan, zubdatun Nahw. Agra, Mafeede Am press, 1896, 96 p.

It is about Arabic grammar, syntax. It is written in easy language for the children so that they can by heart it easily. In the beginning there are few words by the grandson of the author in which he has introduced his grandfather and the book and its aim of writing. There are few words by the also in which he has prayed to god for the success of his work. There are so many small headings under which different terms of syntax have been defined with exanples. It is elementary book of syntax and is very useful for the beginners. 59

95. jalaluddin Suyuti. Kitabul Iqterah fi lime usulln Nahw, Hyderabad. Dairatul Ma'arif. 1959, 159 p.

This book is related to Arabic grammar, syntax. It was published under the supervision of Mustafa Ali. This is very old book which was prescribed in Arabs from ancient period. There are 102 pages total. The appropriate language of grammar has been used in it. There is list of contents of every title in 6 pages. Fluent Arabic language has been used which is easy to understand without explanation.

96. Jamaluddin. Kafia. Lucknov/, Yousufi press, 1965, 82 p.

This is a book of-^Rabic grammar, syntax. The author has written on all the terminologies of syntax start­ ing from word. Notes and comments are written by Mohammad Fadhal Ahmad. Some difficult things have been explained between the lines. At the end there is an ode of author with the title "Dharuratul Adit". All the technical terms of syntax are defined with suitable examples. Easy and simple language has been used. Style is unique.

97. Khadim Ahmad.gawaid~e-Samdia. Kanpur, Ali Bakhsh Khan, 1849, 64 p.

This book is based on Arabic grammar, syntax. The author has defined all important technical terms in a very easy language with examples from beginning. The correction was made by Mohammad Mashuq Ali. The explanation is also given in the margin and between the lines, where the need arose. Explanation 60

is in detail in persian, which is very simple and easy to understand. Though it has been written in old Arabic still it is useful,

98. Mahraood Bin Umar Zemaldishari. Almof assal. Delhi, Hujtabai press, 1903, 248 p.

This is a book of syntax of Arabic grammar. It consist-, four chapters, first is about noun, se­ cond is about verb, third is about letter and fourth is about combined positions. There are 424 verses which are described as examples in the whole book. Its explanation is written by Mohammad Abdul Ahad in the margin having the name "Almohassal" which is very bulky. There are 28 chapters and near about lOO headings. It was written in 6th century Hijri, so the language used is very old, even it is not difficult to understand in short it is a valuable book of syntax,

99, Mohammad Ayyub islahi. T'alimun Nahw. Delhi, Mar- kazi Maktabia, 1970, 232 p.

This is a valuable book of Arabic grammar, syntax in Urdu language. The fundamental elementary pro­ blems have been discussed in easy language. The sentences of different kinds are given for exercise at the end of every lesson. An effort has been made to develop the sense of study without vowel points and ability of writing. The psychologies and inte­ rests of the students have been taken care in every sentence of exercise. The students of all Madrasas can take benefit from this book, specially of Indian and Pakistan, There is an introduction in the begin­ ning by Jaleel Ahsan and after that there is few words by the author and sxibject contents according to topics. 61

100. Mohammad Mashuq All. Bil'. Lucknow, Nawal Kishore, 1870, 16 p.

This is a small book let which deals with syntax of Arabic. The correction is done by Mohammad i«iashuq Ali himself. The text is in a thick script and there are only four or five lines on each page. It is written in philosophical style which is difficult to study without explanation. At somany places explanation is also done. VJhich is several times more than text it is also in philosophical style. Old Arabic has been used.

101. Mohammad Muradullah. Talilul 'Erab Shafia Halle Tarkib Kafia. Kanpur, Sultania Press, 1852, 82 p.

This is explanation of the famous Arabic grammar book "Alkafia". It is written to solve the composi­ tion of this book on the demand of sultania press. This book belongs to that age in which so many in­ terpretations of "Alkafia" were written. Nothing is written between the lines and in the margin. The me­ thod of interpretation is that which was popular those days. The original text has been underlined and beneath it the interpretation is given. It is valuable addition among the interpretations written for "Alkafia".

102. Mohammad Mustafa. Tamrinun Nahw. Lucknow, Nadwatul Utama, 1970, v.l; 136 p.

Deals with Arabic grammars syntax. This is very elementary book of syntax which is written for primary students. The principles of syntax have been described in Urdu language. Every terminology 62

of syntax has been defined with suitable exanples. There is a preface by Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi in the beginning in which he has mentioned the aims and objectives of the book and^its background. List of content is in the last. On the last cover page there is a list of some popular books published from Nadwa. In short it is very useful book of Arabic grammar for Urdu knowing people,

103, Mohammad Wahid 'Ali. Tohfatul Amir Tarjuma Nahwmir. Lucknow, Nawal Kishore, 1891, 76 p.

This is the interpretation of the book "Nahwmir which is a famous book of Arabic grammar* syntax There is introduction of Syed Abul Hasan, Syed Mustafa, Syed Mohammad etc, in the beginning. There are odes and verses on the merits of the book which include 32 pages separately. It has been written in sinple language. Difficult words have not been used and only those words have been used which are easy to understand. Some words have been explained in margin. In short it is very useful book of syntax.

104. Serajuddin Awadhi. Hedayatun Nahw. Lucknow, Asi Press, 1906*260 p.

This is a very famous book of Arabic grammar (Nahw) which has got acceptance among Arabic scholars till a long period. The author has discussed nahwi prob­ lems under different chapters of Nahw. The language and way of expression is very simple and easy and the reader can understand easily and by heart it. The mi­ nute problems of nahw and different points are not discussed. That is why the book is free from intri- cations. The author has taken help from verses also 63

in giving his views so that the expression will become expressive,

105. Shah Abdul Aziz. Mizanul Balagha. Meerut, Mujtabai press (n.d.) 24 P.

This is very small book let which deals with syntax of Arabic grammar. It describes the advance termino­ logy of syntax. First is "Ilmul Ma'ani and under it there are small chapters. Second is "Ilmul Bayan Third is "Ilmul Badi". Its moderation is done by Mohammad Basheeruddin whose foreword is in the beg­ inning. Different terms have been defined in good style and interpretation of difficult things have been given in the margin. Language is simple and attractive.

106. Siddiqui Bli) Hasan. Ghusnul Bayan Mohsenatul Bayan. Bhopal, Shajahani press, 1877, 85 p.

Deals with Arabic grammar syntax (Nahw) con^lete book has 85 pages in which 66 pages are written in Arabic language including conclusion. In the last pages there are some verses of Persian and Arabic. In the beginning there is a prelude of seven pages in which the pecularity of expression and its qualit­ ies have been high lighted. In the end there is list of misprinted words and their corrections. Some things have been explained some where in the margin by the author. It was published under the supervi­ sion of Abdul iMajeed khan. It is not mentioned any where that who is the int^rpretater. Persian verses are also written. In short it is a useful book. 64


107, Abu Raza Mohanunad Zaman, Safinatul Balaghat. Lucknow, Asahhul Matalie, 1893, 324 p.

This book is on different subjects. In the begin­ ning there is a prelude in which the aim of the book has been stated, it has been divided into 17 chapters. They are about the description of diffe­ rent things such as praise of God and prophet, greet­ ings, qualities of prayers, eager, qualities of let­ ter. Old boo Us, congratulations condolence and some letters of authors etc. The style is unique and the language is sweet. Sentences are small and attractive, In brief it is a nice book. It is placed among the book of eloquence.

108, Abdul liamid Farahi, Jamharatul Balagha. Azamgarh, Ma'arif, 1941, 88 p.

The author has taken as target of criticism those discussions of principles of eloquence and rhetoric which are acceptable to all eloquents. But there is deviation to some extent from uurani principles and regulations. He has tried to arrange the rules and regulations of eloquence in the light of Quran, The deduction and demonstration should be done from these. It has great quality that the principles and regulations which were common in people, the author has criticised it in the lignt of reasons and arguments. That is why this book has become very fruit ful. 65

109. Abdur Rahman Uazvini. Talkhisul miftah ma 3::^shiatul insherah, Kanpur, Qaiyumi presS/ 1915, 108 p.

This is a famous book of eloquence. The commentary is written by Mohammad Barkatullah^ on the order of Mohammad Abdul Uaiyum^ Mohammad Qamruddin has publi­ shed it. It was prescribed in so many madrasas till a long time. The best solution of complicated prob­ lems have been presented in it. So the understanding of the original book becomes easy. It is studied by the scholars even today and they are benefited. The commentary is written in easy and sirrple language,

110. irteza Ali Khan.Al Nafaisul Irtadhiya. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1853, 88 p.

This book is intearpretation of the treatise "Azizia" which was written by Shah Abdul Aziz which deals with eloquence. There are 88 pages in the book in which there is introduction of author at the end. The in­ troduction of the original book is also given in last few pages. Though philosophical style has been used in the book, but even it holds a sound position on its subjects. At so many places the similies and ex­ amples are des;cribed in the form of verses. Whole book has 14 chapters in which every branch of know­ ledge of eloquence has been defined under different headings such as simile. At last there is "The End", in which the technical terms are defined in the form of verses. 66

111, Mohammad Ishaon, Jeyaid Sharh Faraid. Lucknow, Yousufi press (n.d.) 262 p.

This is a book of eloquence. Mohammad Ishaq has compiled it in the explanation of the book "Faraid" and was published under the supervision of Mohammad Idres, The commentator has written in the prelude that the need of this book arose in the of Calcutta at the time of its study. That time there was a brief commentary of "faraid" by the name "Al awaid" which was not enough. So he felt the need to write a detail commentary on that book and as the result he presented it with the name "Jeyaid" which is enough to fulfil the needs. There is an ode in the praise of Ziaul Mulk Asaf Jah just after the prelude. After that the book has been divided into 3 parts. The method of explanation is that the text has been underlined and thereafter expla­ nation is written. Rhythmical Arabic has been used plentitudely. Difficult language has been used and to some extent effort has been made to make accord­ ance with the nature of Arabs,

112, Mohammad Shoaib, Taharirij. ma Tohfatul Khademia Lucknow, Reyaz Moharamadi press^ 1879^ 241 p,

"Al-Kafia" is the famous book of eloquence of Arabic. Its commentary has been written with the name "Alwafia" by Mulla Ahmad, This work is in-terpretation of that commentary by Hafiz Mohammad Shoaib consisting 271 pages and the remaining commentary is given in last 3 pages "Al-Kafia" is a nice book which has no compli­ cated problems. That is the text of this commentary. Some philosophical type problems were there but the 67

commentator has presented it making it easy. It is very useful contribution and is helpful to the stu­ dents who study this booM.

113. Mohammad Yousuf Ali. Hashiatus Saiyad 'alal motal- wwil, Lucknow, Yousufi press, 1883, 279 p.

This is a commentary on the book "Almotavwil" which is a rare book of eloquence. There are 279 pages in the book. Sn effort has been made to describe the principles of eloquence in philosophical method, and to solve its complications which was a great need of that age. The difficult words have been ex~ plained in the margin to make it more useful. The last page has list of the important book published from yousufi press. There is a long prelude which includes an ode and some Persian verses. The last two pages consist mistakes and their corrections. It is written after dividing it clearly. Its chapter have been arranged in alphabetical order. Although it is suitable to enclose in the syllabus, even its study is very useful.

114. Mohammad Yousuf' Ali, Al Taufihul wafi be Mustala- hatil 'Aruze V7alqawafi. Bhopal, Siddiqui Press, 1881, 72 p.

This book deals with the principles and rules of eloquence. It was written on the order of Begum who was queen of Bhopal, and published by Abdul Majeed Khan, It is a booklet consisting 72 pages. The rheferic principles are defined by Chart. After that there is a long prelude which includes an ode and some Persian verses. The last two pages are about mistakes of printing and their corrections. 6g

It is written dividing it very clearly. Chapters are arranged in alphabetical order.


115. Abu Mohammad 'Abdullah Bin Qutaiba. Kitabul Anwa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1956, 235 p.

There is discussion with different branches of know­ ledge and art in which are problems of science, as­ tronomy, geography, chemistry etc. The author has taken full benefit in these fields from the literary heritage which was present in the form of writings till his period. He- has taken help from the literary treasure of Greece and Rome and made efforts to add on them. He has divided the book in different chap­ ters according to topics he has described it first of all in the beginning. After that he has discussed it from different angles. If there are verses avail­ able in that context its description also he has gi­ ven. That is why the book has become very interesting and holds a sound literary position. There is a gen­ eral introduction of the chief editor of Dairatul Ma' arif, M. Nizamuddin. There are references at the end and a list of names of stars and galxies.


116. Abu Raihan Al Bairuni. Rasailul Bairuni. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1948, 226 p.

It is based on the unique compendiiim of mathematical and astronomical treatises. The author was a great journalist and mathematician. He belongs to an Arab trib. He was a wanderer. He went so many places of 69

different parts of world and came to India also. V/hen he went to varunasi, there he found great pandits who were great mathematicians, he challan- ged all of them and asked one question, no body could reply that and as the result he defeated all pandits in literary war. The book has all these des­ criptions in detail.

117, Bahauddin. Khulasatul Hesab. Kanpur, Alvi press, 1852, 44 p.

This is very famous book of mathematics. The prin­ ciples and formulae of mathematics have been defi­ ned in detail. In the last pages there are diagrams of geometrical symbols. The different terminology of geometry and its rules and principles have been defined with diagrams. It is a rare book of its age which is equally useful for Arabic knowing peoples who want to learn mathematics Arabia have taken this art from India specially geometry from the pandits of varanasi. They became so eminent in it that the Indians bedame desirous to learn their own things from Arabs.


118. iuohamraad ^vhsan. Tanrire Oqlaldis. ^vanpur, ^ press, 1907, 96 p.

This book is about principles of geomatry which are directed to ^fablids. It comprises 15 articles. Moham­ mad Ahmad has asaembled them at one place. The first article has 47 diagrams. He has presented the defi­ nitions of different technical terms and their dia­ grams. It was compiled on the demand of Haji Mohammad 70

Abdul uaiyum and published under the supervison of Mohammad Qamruddin. In the last all the diagrams are shown in one chart and about them is written in brief in Persian language.

119. Thabit Bin Jurra, Rasailo Ibne Qurra. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1947, 47 p.

Contains translation of two geometrical tracts of Archemedes based on the unique compendium of mathe­ matical and astronomical treatises. It has been translated from the rare collection of Unani language in Arabic, There is a prelude of the compiler in the beginning in which its aims and objectives and back- graound has been described. Abul Hasan Ali Bin Yahya is its translator Different technical terms of geo­ metry has been described and their diagrams have been made. They have been explained with suitable examples,


120. Abdur Rahman, Bin Uraar, Kitabul Amal bil Asturla-fe . Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1962, 350 p.

This is a book of astronomy, published under the super­ vision of Abdul Moyeed Khan. The author has discussed in it on sun, moon and stars. The causes of increase and decrease of day and night have also been described The limitations of the line of mid day has also been discussed with reasons. The down and evening and its reasons have also been discussed with arguments. So many technical terms have also been defined. In the last there are diagrams and in the beginning there is 71

content list. There are total 386 chapters. This is one of the nice books of astronomy.

121. Alimuddin Husain. Sullamul aflak. Kanpur, Mustafai press, 1867, 74 p.

This book is based on the principles and secrets of astronomy. After the praise of god in the prelude some important matters have also been dencribed in brief and the aims and objectives of the book has been mentioned. How astronomers know about the ro­ tation of starts, setting and rising the sun and moon, solar and li/nar eclipse, thejfe all matters have been discussed in detail. All the terms have been defined with diagrams. There is explanation of difficult things in the margin same where. Dif­ ferent technical terms with headings have been de­ fined,


122, Abul Barkat Hebatullah Baghdadi, Al Kitabul Mota- bar Fit Tabiat, Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1939, 200 p.

The autnor has tried to write brief account of . He has tried to present what ever had been written on physics and what ever research was done till his period. He has set up headings accor­ ding to subjects and has tried to put forvard the discussions in literary and investigatives light under these. The philosophical stand point is over powering. The effort has been made to present the arguments in philosophical way and in the same 72

pattern with reasons. There is simplicity and clarity. But there is intrication and complication some where also. Ther subject content has been presented and the end according to topics.

123. Khazniw^ Abdur Rahman. Kitab'-o-Mizanil Hikmat. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1940/ 168 p.

Deals with the principles of Physics in which dif­ ferent matters of Physics have been discussed such as gravitation of earth etc. Which are very inportant. The principles of Archmedies has been defined with several examples. There are so many other aspects which have been described fully. In the last there is content list. There are eight articles in v/hich different matters of Physics have been discussed. In the last in two pages there is list of printing mistakes and their corrections. There is a prelude by Syed Hashim Wadvi in which he has mentioned the aims of the oook. These book consists different dia­ grams also. At some places the meaning of different words is given.

124. Mohammad Fazlul Haq. Al hadyatul uaidia fil hikmatil Talaiia. Kanpur, Sh'ola-e-'^ur press, 1871, 339 p.

This book deals with Physics. The notes and comments are given by Mohammad Abul Haq and Sued Mohammad Ab­ dullah. There is a prelude of these two persons in the beginning in which th introduction of author has been presented the aims and objectives of the book are also mentioned. There are some verses also. Then the book begins. The text is underlined, after that the notes and comments are given in detail. Some where Persian meaning is also given. This is a valuable book on physics which is equally useful in modern age. 73


125. Abu Bakr Mohammad Bin Hasan. Ambatul Meyahil Kha- fiya. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1940, 210 p.

This book is on geology and different aspects of geology have been discussed. Its different termi­ nology has been described in detail under titles, -Easy language has been used under ground changes, increase and decrease of water, its causes, sweet­ ness of water etc. have been discussed. The quali­ ties of the mountains and stones and all the happen­ ings under the ground and its causes have been des­ cribed. At the end there is content list with dif­ ferent headings which is divided into three parts bearing the titles "Amaratulardh" "Wasful Jabale wal Ahjar" and "Sifatul Meyah" respectively, under each of them are small topics which are discussed.


126. Abdul Alim. Nuzhatul Adab. Aligarh, Muslim Educa­ tional Press, 1969, v.l; 128 p.

It is d nice book of Arabic literature which was written for the students of matirculation. It has heen written in very sirtrple lanyucige. There are small lessons which are easy to understand. There is list of subjects in the beginning. Fourty four lessons are devoted to Arabic prose and 36 lesson to poetry. Simple poems are chosen and given in a systematic way. There is a list of printing mistakes and their corrections in preliminary pages The book has total 128 pages from which 34 pages are devoted to the difficult words and their meanings. 74

After that first part ends,

127. Abdul Alira. Nuzhatul Adab. Aligarh, Muslim Educa­ tional press, 1969, v.2; 103 p.

It is second part of the book which deals with Arabic literature. There is list of subjects in preliminary pages, it is written on the pattern of first part. There are total 55 lesson in which 9 are poems and remaining 46 lessen are devoted to prose. In the last 25 pages there are meanings of difficult words. Whole book is prescribed in Higher Secondary in Jammu & Kashmir University. The selec­ tions are taken from the famous prose writters and mostly they are related to moral lessons. Poems are very pleasing and interesting. There is sweet­ ness in the language. There is a list of mistakes and their corrections also. It has a unique place among the books of literature,

128, Abdul Sattar Khan. Arabi ka Mo'allim. Delhi, Markazi Bock Depot, 1942, v.l; 112 p.

This book as its name shows is the teacher of Arabic, This is a book of literature. The author has tried to write this book in a style that those who are very far from arable institutions and they have no tutors, they can learn by himself with this boom. Lessons are few but there are a number of exercises after each lesson. It has been written in very simple and easy language. The grammatical terms have been listed in the beginnings. The book has been started with elementary terms of grammar in Urdu language with examples in Arabic,Th'> author has tried to include every thing which is necessary 75

in iirabic learming. The practice of translation is also made. There is rew words by authour. In this way the first volxome comes to an and on 15th lesson.

129. ^bdui iiattar Khan, '^rabi Ka mo'allim. Delhi, Harkazi 3ook Depot, 1942, v.2; lllp.

This part is gradual advance form of the book which is a book of literature. There is an index of gramma­ tical terms in Arabic and their synonyms in English. After that subject content is there, Tt starts from 16th lesson and comes to end on 25th lesson. There are 15 exercises and so many passages of translat­ ion from Arabic in to Urdu and vice versa. Gramma­ tical terms have been defined in the beginning of every lesson and then they have been used. At the end of every lesson there is a list of words with their Urdu meaning,

130. Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi. Al Tariq-o-Ilal Madina. Lucknow, Maktaba Nadwatul ulma, 1971, 140 p.

It was first written in 1385 H. After that its seve­ ral editions cottneout with definite intervals. In the beginning within 3 pages, the compiler has defined the importance of the book. After that there is a prelude of us tad Ali Tanta vi v/hich is a detail let­ ter in fact which he has written to author. He has written this letter from . The author had tra­ velled to Hafaz that year. He delivered so many lec­ tures there which are put forward in the form of book with omission and additions. The total number of lec­ tures is 9, The first lecture is about that book which holyness, author could not forget and that is the story of author's early days, it is related to the book of 76

biography of Hazrat Mohaitunad "Seerat-o-Khairil Bashar". The second lecture is about importance of Allama Iqbal. Remaininy are on different topics There are two lectures at the end which have great in^ortance. Those are research papers based on the poetry of Ajamees which are soul of the book. At the end one page is devoted to subject contents and two pages consist corrections of printing,

131, Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi. Mukhtarat min Addbil 'Arab. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, i960, 216 p.

The author has written this book for those students of Islamic madrasas, where literature is studied and tought. There was no any book on literature so per­ fect and good in Arabic madarases in which the des­ cription about changes and development of Arabic literature in different periods was present. The author thought to compile such a book in which there should be master peices and literary writings of dif­ ferent literary books of different ages. So that the students of Arabic literature can easily known, af­ ter studying this small book, that why and how the development of Arabic literature became possible in different ages. What changes came on literary and artistic ground. The book has selected portions of every writer which are master pieces in his writing That is why when the book released from publisher, it got very soon popularity and it is prescribed in the madrasas, colleges and universities,

132, Ahmad Bin Mohammad Yemani, 'A?abul 'Ajaib, Delhi, Mujtabai press, 1902, 264 p.

It contains correspondence with some accomplished persons, description about some books, about some 77

verses some historical events etc. It was published bytthe order of Mohammad 'Abdul Ahad. There is a pre­ lude in the beginning. It is divided into different kinds, the rythmical Arabic has been used which is sluggish. It is not easy to understand without dic­ tionary. This book belongs tb that age when sythemical prose was considered the elevation of the literature.

133. Ahmad Bin Taimia. Anwaul Istiftah, Bombay, Darul Uaiyema, 1962, 48 p.

This book deals with different aspects of prayer. The correction is made by Abdus Samad Sharfuddin. There is few word of author in the beginning. Then there is introduction of author and after that there is prelude of moderator in which he has stated the pecularities of the book. Then the actual book beg­ ins. The book has been divided into different chapters and under each chapter there are so many headings. In the last there is preface which is written by Abdus Samad and then there is list of contents. At some places notes and explanations are given,

134, Ali Ahmad I^Jadvi, Tamrinud Durus. Lucknow, Maktaba-e- Islam, 1958, pt.l; 32 p.

This is a b-^ok of Arabic literature. The author has written ctft book before it with the name "Arabi Zaban icedas 5abaq". The present book is practical exercise of that. It is written for Arabic beginners in easy language. Almost all words have been repeated which were used in the previous oook, so that they can deter­ mine in the mind after reading again and again. The style of expression and the composition is very easy The meaning of difficult words has been writT?5»« i?e- neath those words. So that no difficulty can ari^^V' 78

It has been published with necessary additions. There is few word by Abdul Salan Nadvi. In this way the first part ends.

135. Ali Ahmad Nadvi. Tamrinud Durus. Luc*how, Maktaba- e-Talimat-e-lslam, 1959, pt 2; 64 p.

This is second part of the book which deals with Arabic literature, pattern is same as in first part. The religious aspect is dominating in the book. First lesson starts with the heading 'islam. Second is about the affection of Prophet Mohammad. Third is about the caliphat and wives of Holy Pro­ phet, So many other topics are included in other lessons. The style is charming. Language is very sweet and easy,

136. Ali Ahmad Nadvi. Tamrinud Durus. Lucknow, Maktaba- e-Talimat-e-lslam, 1960, pt,2/ 96 p.

This is the third and last part of the book which deals with Arabic literature. The principles and pormulae prescribed in the course of institutions and their uses have been exercised in it and an effort has been made to make it determine in the mind. With this aim, with every text book a book is published Mth the name "Tamrinuddurus" in which useful topics from the read words are collected rather than new ones. In this part the biographies of leading Muslims and their deeds of every cate­ gory have been described. So that with Arabic know­ ledge, the students can know about eminent person- alitiesoof Islam which descriptions are safe in his­ tory. There i£ few word by i^dul Salam Nadvi in which 79

he has stated the aim of this book. It starts from Syedna Bela€ and ends on Zohair Bin A^i Sulma, in short it is a nice book.

137. Ehtesham Ali, Tafhimud Dorus. Lucknow, Idara-e-T«ali mate-Islam, 1969, v.l; 31 p.

This book is practical exercise of the book "Arabi Zaban ke das Sabaq". There is few words by Abdul Salam Nadvi in which he has introduced the book and mentioned its aim that those who are away from Ara­ bic centres, they can take benefit with it. This book is one of the series of Arabic text. Very sim­ ple sentences are given exercise of translation are in great number £rom Urdu to Arabic and Vice-Versa.

138. Ehtesham 'Ali, Tafhimud Dorus. Lucknow, Idara-e- Talimat-e-lslam, 1969, v.2; 84 p.

This is second part of the book which is analysis of the first book of Qxiran. There are 24 lessons in this part. In each lesson, first of all the meanning of the mood is given. After that few sentences are given in Arabic with dia-critical points and their translation is also given in Urdu. In this way the book proceeds Gradually the santences have become large. But there is sequence in sentences. It short it is a good book.

139. Haqqi, Ehsan Sami. Miftahul Arabia. Aligarh, A.M.U. Press, 1932, 118 p.

Deals with Arabic literature. This is a good book for those who wants to study and learn Arabic litera­ ture. It is written in a very easy language which ev­ ery one can understand. There are several small lessons 80

in the book in which are so many words which are in daily use. The Urdu meaning of words is also given and thosi^ words are used in sentences in Arabic and Urdu both. Very simple and small sentences are used. As the book proceeds the sentences become large gra­ dually. It is arranged in a systematic way and is very useful,

140. Madarejul Qiraat. Allaha/j^^^Anwar Ahmadi Press, 80 p. This is a book of Arabic literature in which under 42 different headings, little stories have been pre­ sented for the students of High School. In the last there is Urdu meaning of difficult words. There is no mention about it, from where these selections are taken. The named of author is not given any where. But the book is very useful for the students, easy and simple Arabic has been used, Syle of writting shows the Indian scene,

141. Mohammad Ajmal Islahi. Mahasenul Sher. Azamgarh, Daira-e-Hamidia, 1970, 156 p.

This book deals with Arabic literature. It is in versified form various chapters have been divided separately on the basis of some principles for the convenience of the students. Almost all aspects of literature has been covered, Arabic granunar, syntax and etymology both branches have been included. Vari­ ous terminologies are denied in the form of verses. The selected verses of eminent poets since pre islamic period till modern period have been presented. So that sense of creativity can develop among students. 81

142, Mohanunad Ismail. Majamil Adab. Allahabad, Anwar Ahmadi press, 1916, 216 p.

This is a book of literature which was written for the students of high school and S.L.C, There are se­ lections under different titles which are divided ac­ cording to chapters, in every chapter little things have been mentioned bearing several titles. It ends on page 160, After that some historical events have been narrated in 56 pages. Complete book has 50 titles which describe different stories and events. Which are presented under each chapter. In this way this book is a valuable addition in the books of literature,

143, Mohammad Rabe Nadvi, Mansurat min adabil Arab, Lucknow Nadwatul ulama, 1966, 156 p.

This is very famous book of Arabic prose and considered the best book in modern Arabic compilations. The compi­ ler has gone through the Arabic literature from begin­ ning till date and abstracted these lists. It is based on historical events, some good stories and also some rhetoric master pieces. There is a prelude of great thinker of modern Arabic literature Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi in which he has stated the aims of the book and also presented a brief life history of the compiler.

144, Mohammad Shafi, Jawaherul Adab, , University Press, 1963, 180 p.

It is a book of Arabic literature which is prescribed in B.A, in Punjab University. The book begins with the selection from the Surat of Quran seven 'Surat* are se­ lected. From the Maqamat of Badiuzzaman Hanzani eight magamat are selected. There are some selections from Ibne-Khalkan • s book "Wafayatul Aayan**, Three odes are 82

chosen from seven odes (Moallaqat-e-Saba), In the last 13 odes are chosen from the collection of poems of Mutanabbi, The con5>iler has presented brief into- duction of the book and its author at the end of each selection in Urdu language. At some places some notes are given, some verbal discussion are there and his­ torical events are described.

145. Mushirul Haq. Tafl^imud Dorus. Lucknow, Idara-e-Talimat- e-lslam, 1972, v.3; 96 p.

This is analysis of the second book of Quran which is third part of the book. It contains 96 pages and 96 lessons. Pattern is same as earlier two parts. But the sentences are some what lengthy and difficult in comparision with second part. There is meaning of dif­ ferent moods. After that there are passages of Arabic with full vowel points and their translation is written in Urdu. Some passages are given in Urdu to translate into Arabic for exercise. In this way the book corames to an end. This is a good book of Arabic literature.

146, Nukhbatul Adab, Aligarh, A.M.U., Press, 1959, 434 p.

This is a valuable book of Arabic literature which is prescribed in B.A, in various Universities, it has been compiled by the teachere of Arabic department, A.M.U. There is a preface in the beginning and after that con­ tent list. It has been divided into two major parts. First part comprises prosse in which selected prose lesson are listed. There are 88 lessons in prose. Second part is poetry section. There are 90 selected poems of eminent poets, which are according to the standard of students. In the beginning there is a preludes of Prof. Abdul Aleem in which he has described the aims and ob­ jectives of the book. The book has many pecularities, 83

Those topics have been selected which are according to the intellectual obility age and attitude of the students, which are easy and interesting. Both anci­ ent and modem Arabic literature is included. In the selection of poems the Indian scene has been taken into account particularly. There are meanings of difficult words on each page. In the last there are life sketches of prose writer and poets, and ne­ cessary information about some important books.

147. Tamimi, Abu Obaida. Kitabul Khail. Hyderabad, Daira- tul Ma'arif, 1981, 178 p.

It describes about horses, there are verses about them. Their relations with Arabs, their pecularities, similies upon them, their faith fulness, different names etc. have been described in a good style. This book of Arabic literature has great iraportante in the Arabs. Its matter is valuable. The verses which Arabs coinposed in the qualities of horses, and the literature upon them is not found any where else. At the last Abu Obaid has written the conclusion of this book and aft­ er that there is content list.

148. Tha'alibi, Abu Mansoor Abdul Malik. Khassul Khas» Hyde­ rabad, Ma'arif Osmania, 1984, 752 p.

This book is edited by Sadiq An-Naqvi. Deals with lectures delivered time to time. There are eight chap­ ters in the book. They deal with various aspects of Arabic literature such as events, proverbs and some poetical verses with holy verses of Quran and narrat­ ions of hadith. 84

149. Tariton, AS, Nesab~e-Arabi. Allahabad, Anwar Ahmadi Press, 1951, 184 p.

Deals with Arabic literature, prose and poetry both It was Goaipifcled for intermediate classes, it has been divided into two parts, prose and poetry. The book has been started without any introduction. The prose is divided into 5 parts. Which is taken from 'Tarikh-e- Ibn-e-Khuldun" which bear distict titles. Second part has selections from poetry of Hath than Bin Jhabit, Some odes have been chosen from hist poetic collection. In the beginning of each ode its metre is also mentioned, with title. These odes cover 19 pages which are known as "Qasid-e-Shatta, There are selected verses of other fam­ ous poets also.

150. Wahiduzzaman Keranvi. Al Qiraatul Wazeha. Delhi, Isha- at-e-Quran, 1981, v,l; 72 p.

Deals with Arabic literature, it has been written for the beginners of Arabic language, who do not know Ara­ bic, In the first part, the author has tried to create the interest of Arabic among beginners using small sen­ tences. Easy language is used. Style is pleasing and attractive. There is balance with gradation from first lesson till the last, there is systematization also. Only those words are used which are very common in Mo­ dern Arabic. That is why the book has gained much im­ portance among the book of literature.

151. Wahiduzzaman Keranvi. Al Qiratul Wazeha. Delhi, Isha- at-e«Quran, 1981, v,2; 96 p.

This is second part of the book which deals with Arabic literature. In this part the author has used difficult words, synthesis and long sentences in comparison with first part. So that the readers may go for-ward gradually. 85

An effort has been made using simple sentences In the form of stories under different headings so that they may learn gradually Arabic language. So many lessons have been taken from the books of prose writers^ but it has taken care that their writings should not be of high level with the nature of the readers,

152. Yazidi, Abdullah Mohammad. Kitabul Amali. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1948, 159 p.

Deals with different elegies, verses, events etc. There is a long prelude of Abu Abdullah Al-Hasani in which he has mentioned about the book and its com­ piler, the infjortante of the book, its usefulness, it reason of compiling etc., he has high lighted. There is content list of the book which has 123 titles. Then there is list of the mames of poets, in alphabetical order. This addition covers 24 pages. After that the original book begins which comprises 159 pages in which in the last, references are given, after which this thick book comes to an end.

153. Zainuddin. Ghayatul Bayan. Kanpur, Syed Mohammad Press, 61 p.

Deals with Arabic literature. It con^rises Arabic idioms. A new and unique style has been adopted in this book. First of all different forms of etymology are given and then their uses are given in the form of questions and answers in very easy and simple language. Its translation is also given between lines in Persian. Some terms have been explained in margin in Persian. Meanings of different things have been given such as the names of parts of body, names of birds, eating materials, names of jewels etc. and again question 86

answer method is repeated. In this way it is valu­ able book of Arabic literature.


154. Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi. Al Qira'atur Rashida. Lucknow, Maktaba Darul Ulum Nadwatul Ulma (it.d), 108 p.

This book comprises three parts in which the Arabic prose has been high lighted gradually. There is a long prelude of the author in the beginning in which the aim and object of the book and its usefulness to India and Pakistan has been described. The first part con^rises ttinty pages in which with the help of thirty one titles, the different moral events have been put forward in the form of story. In some of the stories the light has been thrown on social problems. The se­ cond part has 112 pages in which 44 subjects have been dealt. In the last 2 pages, there is explantion of some difficult words. The 5 topics are related to Is­ lamic history, 4 are on great men of Islamic history 5 are related to explanation of different things. The third part has 175 pages in which 34 subjects are in­ cluded. The sxabjects are divided according to purpose. Three subjects are related to religious and moral les­ sons, five are about the history of Islam, one is about brief history of islamic history, 6 are about the per­ sons of Islamic history and three are about the insti­ tutions of religion,

155. Ansari, Ahmad Bin Mohammad, Nafhatul Yaman. Bombay, Alvi Press, 1897, 315 p.

This is a selection of Arabic literature. There is a prelude of the compiler in which he has written about the book and stated that it consists odes, verses. 87

proverbs and sermous and there is brevity in the se­ lection rather than prolonging. It is divided into five chapters. First chapter consists stories, second one is with the title "Al jauharul Pard" and there are two contest discussions, first is between narussus and rose and second is between astronomer and physician. Third chapter contains poems and odes. Fourth chapter has odes of various poets and the fifth chapter con­ sists proverbs andsermous iraprose and poetry both.

156. Denison Ross, E . Nesab-e-Arabi. Calcutta, Roling- ton press, 1913, 76 pi

This is a book in which selections from different books of literature are taken for the syllabus of intermediate classes, it was compiled on the demands

157. Pakhrul Islam Azmi. Lamatul Adab. Azamgarh? Ma'artf Press, 1980, 150 p.

This is a selection from the book 'Nukhiiatul Adab" which is a booi of Arabic literature. The book was natavai labble in the market in eastern U.P. It is presscribed in B.-H. in Yorakh paper described in B.A. in Gorakh pur University also MtialanaFakh rule islam title the need and commpiled it. He has tkken only those lessons which are prescribed in Gorakh pur 8S

University and has given the form of book. It is play­ ing a good role among the books of Arabic literature This is a great contribution of the learned compiler.

158. Jarret H. S. . Muntakhab min Kitab Al J'laiiawa laifa, Calcutta, Guide Press, 1880, 249 p.

This is a selection from the book 'Alfalialawalaila* in which there are stories, tales, enjoyments etc, of Arabs. It is one of the famous books of Arabic which is compiled from the narrations of different narrators. Fifty stories are described in this selection. Every night one story is told and in the last night its number is described. There is no any commentary on it. The selection from attual book is presented as it is. Only those stories have been taken which are very fa­ mous in India are found in India such as stories of Nausherwan, Hatim . Haroon Rasheed etc.

159. Jarrett, H S . Muntakhabatul Bahiyafi Lesanil Arabia. Calcutta, Guide Press, 1886, 138 p.

This book deals with prose and poetry both. It is divided into two parts. First part deals with prose which consists 18 chapters and every chapter bears a distinct title. Second part deals with poetry in which the verses of Bahauddin Mahlabi have been quo­ ted with headings which are selected from the book "Miratul Hasana". There is no preface or prelude but in the last lines of prose it has been stated that the compiler has copied it from Luzei's book "Durims Sadaf fi Gharibis Sadaf. Moddrn language has been used in both parts. 89

160. Mahfuzur Rahman. Miftahul Quran. Lucknow,Nami Press, 1968, pt.l; 68 p.

This is a book of Arabic literature in which with the help of Quranic words, verses and sentences the exercise has been perf ornved, so that the /Spader can know so many things of Quran as well as he can learn Arabic literature. Translation of so many words of Quran is given. The words which have come in Quran are given and their Urdu meaning is also given. Easy words are used in saall sentences and under various small headings the exercises are given. There are some preyers, Quranic sentences are given with Urdu translation and in the last there is Urdu translation of 10 Surats,

161, Mahfuzur Rahman. Miftahul Quran. Lucknow, Nami Press, 1968, pt 2; 64 p.

It is second part of the book which is a key of Quran and placed in the books of Arabic literature. It beg­ ins with Arabic grananar etymology. The lesson are gi- vin according to rules of etymology. Total number of lesson is 10 sentences relating with noun and verbs have been exercised. Aorist, positive and negative are described and after that Quranic lessons are star­ ted. Everything of fundamental belief has been taken as heading and under it, small sentences have been cons­ tructed and their meaning and comprehension has been clarified. The obligations have been mentioned, fast­ ing, pilgrimage and prayer has been defined. One part is on "Amthalul Quran" which covers 19 pages. There are senteences with their meaning under various head­ ings. 90

162, Mahfuzur Rahman. Mlftahul Quran. Lucknow, Nami Press, 1968, pt.3; 116 p.

This is third part of the book which is a book of Arabic literature written only with the help of Quran; It begins with Arabic granunar. The uses of noun, verbs, tense etc. have been stated^ deriva­ tive noun and conqpounds are defined. There is ex­ planation of so many terras such as 'Kalma Quran, Malaika, Qeyaraat'raomin, mushrik, kafir and taqdir etc. and these are used in sentences. There are stories in the mystery of Quran in which are sto­ ries of various prophets in brief which have occur- ed in Quran.

163. Mahfuzur Rahman. Miftahul Quran. Lucknow, Nami press, 1968, pt.4; 148 p.

This is fourth part of the book which deals with Arabic literature in the light of Quran. In the beginning there are necessary terminologies, kinds of noun, masculine, faminine, proper noun, common noun, kinds of letters and compounds etc. After that there is a big portion of etymology in which its rules and regulations and definitions of its kinds and declension have been described. One part is devoted to syntax in which the techniques of cons­ truction of sentences is explained. One part is spe­ cified with the name 'masnu'at-e-Quran in which the life after death has been mentioned, in the last, the story of Ibrahim is given which is in Quran The examples, stories, similies and the examples of syntax and etymology have been taken from the Quran. 31

164. Mahfuzur Rahman^ Mlftahul Quran. Lucknow, Nami press, 1969, pt. 5; 156 p.

This is fifth and last part of the book which deals with Arabic literature in the light of Quran. This part is specified with the knowledge of syntax. The kinds of direct object, governing words, conditional sentences and the kinds of sen- tenees etc. have been described and some meaning of difficult words have been given. After that there are translation of all Surah' of 30th 'Para of Quran. In brief this is a unique book of its kin^

165. Mohammad Taiyab Makki. Almokalma. Lucknow, Tej Bahadur Press, 1910, 99 p.

Deals with conversations of daily usage for the people which are used daily in general talks. There is a prelude in the beginning. The literairy language has been used which was popular in daily life of Hejaz in those days. The author states the reasons in prelude that though the regional of other regions are different but Hejaz has close relationship with every country. Only those things have been described in the form of conversation which are used mostly.

166. Muntakhabaie-Arabi, Calcutta, Mazharul Ajaeb press, 1868, 98 p.

This is a book of Arabic literature in which there are selection and from three books. First is 'Tari- khe Taimur' which has been described dividing into four chapters with separate headings. Second is 'Al Anisul Mufid from which 15 chapters have been chosen under various titles. Third book is "Nafhatul 92

Yaman' from which 6 chapters are chosen. The first two books deal with prose and the last book deals with prose and poetry both. In the last there is an ode cofl^osed by Sheikh i:bne Heja,

167$ Syed Nabi, Hyderabadi. Minhajul Arabia. Hyderabad, Pine printing press, 1959, v.l; 64 p.

This is the first part of the book which is devo­ ted to Arabic literature, in first part author has tried to create the sense and taste of literature in the beginners in Sima way that they can accept the importance and glory of Arabic language. The book has great quality that the scientific method has been adopted* from beginning till end. so that the students can know the facts presented in the book. There is attraction in the s-tyle. There is meanings of difficult words in the last few pages.

168. Syed Nabi Hyderabad, Minhajul Arabia. Hyderabad, Fine Printing Press, 1960, v.2 ; 96 p.

This is second part of the book which deals with Arabic literature, it is to some extent tough in comparison with part first. The author has taken care, the matters of categorization and gradition. As the result second part is more successful in con5>arison with first part. The reader can under stand the grammar of Arabic, its syntax and ety­ mology, the beauty of synthesis and in the mode of expression. As the result he turns towards speaking from reading. 93

169. Syed Nabi, Hyderabad!, Minhajul Arabia. Hyderabad, Fine printing Press, 1960, v.3; 101 p.

It is third part of the book which is based on Arabic literature. The sentences are used longer in comparison withother 2 parts. Synthesis is de­ fined on the basis of gradual development, prefe­ rence has been given to the master pieces in the selection of lesson. The reader can recognise the allusion of the beauty of words along with the beau­ ty of meaning. Those portions have been selected which hare according to the standard and skill of readers. Easy language has been used.

170. Syed Nabi, Hyderabadi. Minhajul Arabia. Hyderabad, Pine Printing Press, 1968, v.4; 136 p.

This is fourth part of the book which deals with Arabic literature. Pattern is same of as earlier 3 pairts. Some advance grammar has been used in it, Quranic stories have been written plentifully in the exercises given at the end of each lesson. There are nearly 70 % words of Quran or their roots which are used in this part. Quranic verses are one fourth of the book. The number of Arabic questions has been increased in every lesson. In the last there are wrong sentences given, so that the stu­ dents may recognise wrong and right.

171. Syed Nabi, Hyderabadi. Minhajul Arabia. Hyderabad Pine Printing Press, 1969, v. 5; 165 p.

This is fifth port of the book which deals with Arabic literature. There are 23 lessons in it. There are exercises of Arabic under various head­ ings. Poetry portion consists 7 poems on different topics. In the beginning there are valuable sugges­ tions for teachers, in which the different rules of 94

Arabic grammar are described in detail. The lessons relating to Hadith and Quran have been separated and enough addition has been made. The Quranic stories have been started in Arabic exercises. It has been tried to stress upon religious matters with neces­ sary things in Urdu translation. There is neanings of difficult words in the last few pages.

172, Tash Kubra Zada, Miftahus Sa adat wa misbahus Siadat. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1980, 215 p.

This book is on different topics. There are discuss­ ions of Quran, Qirat, Tazkeer and Zikro fikr on the one hand and Tib, morality, nahw, sarf, dialogues and global talks on the other hand. The author has analysed those intportant books and articles which he has studied in his life. So this book has so many benefits with different topics. The style is very simple, attractive and good. That is why we do not feel any difficulty in understanding the discussions. The author has made hundreds headings in which he has put forward academic and investiga­ tive discussions,

173, zaidi, Syed Ghadhanfar Ali, Al muntakhabat min adabil Arabi, Hyderabad, Islamic Publication Society, 49 p.

Deals with Arabic literature. It includes the selec­ tions from the books of different authors and poets. In the begginnings the prose of different authors, has been presented who are related to modern period. The prose selection begins from the prose of Mohibb- uddin Khateeb and ends on the prose of Syed Al>eem Naja, After that there is selection from poetiry. Six poems are chosen from the collection of different 95

modern poets. Content list is in the beginning and in 14 pages there is a list of printing mis­ takes and their corrections, it is dedicated to Maulvi . The selection of modern authors and poets is done skill fully and a lot of labour has been spent. It is praise worthy,


174. Hamiduddin Farahi. Amthalo Aseful Hakim. Lucknow, Nadwatul Ulama, 1959, 69 p.

Maulana Farahi has translated this book from English into Arabic in his boy hood. This book comprises small stories in which the angles of moral lessons etc. are in great nximber. The great quality of the book is that it seems to be an original work. The style of writing which the translator has adopted, is very attractive. There are small sentences, very siirqple corqposition and appropriate words which have magic power to attrack every body. There are little stories under different headings which aim that hu­ man may learn moral lesson from it so that he can prove himself ideal for his morals, hximanity and love.


175. Nadvi. Moallemul Insha. Lucknow, Darul Ulum, 1962, v.l; 178 p.

This is a book of composition. The author has writ­ ten this book with the combinations of Arabic and Urdu. The aim is that proficiency in speaking and writing can be created among the students of Arabic 96

language. That is why he has compiled it accord­ ing to the teachniques of translation. In the beg­ inning there are exercises from Arabic to Urdu and vice versa and in the raid the rules of grammar has been described. It is in so syste-natic form that it has become very useful.

176. Abdul Majid Nadvi. Mo'allemul Insha. Lucknow, Nadwatul Ulama, 1962, v.2; 231 p.

This is the second part of the book which deals with composttion. The pattern of first part is adopted but there is some what difference in the standard. It has great quality that the verses (Ayat) of Qu­ ran, Ahadith, idiomatic sentences etc. have been used. The construction of sentences is in a nice manner, so there is no possibility of any etymolo­ gical and syntactic mistakes. Explanation is in pleasing method. The exercises of translation from Arabic to Urdu and vice versa are plentiful.

177. Fariq, Khurshid Ahmad, Rasailo 'Umar» Bin Khattab. Delhi, Nadwatul musannefin, 98 p.

This is a collection of letters, orders etc. of second caliph Hazhrat Umar, The total number of letters is 424 which he had written to various persons at the time of his . First let­ ters addressed to Obaida Bin jarrah the letters have been divided under various titles. There are few letters of Persian also which are taken from •Athamkufi's book Alkutub, There is no and pre­ lude or contents list. Prom the first page the let­ ters are started, in the margin the modifications text are given. 97

178. Ibne Moqaffa. Kallla wa Dlmna. Delhi, New era offset printers, 1968, 321 p*

The origin of this book is Sanskrit by the name panch Tantra", It was first by translated in pah- lawi language and from Pahlawi, Ibne Moqaffa trans­ lated it in Arabic, The talks of skill and wisdom have been presented in the book in the words of ani­ mals and birds. The context of book is that Baidba, Philosopher was at the time of king Dabsha ieenv The kind advised and ordered him to write about those matters, the relations between king and peo­ ple, the system of jurisdiction, the methods of set­ tlement of public and governmental matters, the ways to increase the spirit of love and affection in the public towards king* Baidba high lighted these mat­ ters in the language of animals and birds in allego­ ric style. The language and style is master piece of literature.

179. Mohammad Rab'e Nadvi. Mo'allemul insha. Lucknow, Nadwatul Ulama, 1969, v.3; 218 p.

This is the third part of the book, which is a fa­ mous book of Arabic composition. There is a prelude of Maulana Mohammad Nazim in which he has mentioned about the book and its importance. The method of essay writing and coirjjosition is described in de­ tail. The art of essay writing and the explanation is described clearly. Eassay writing is exercised with several examples. An article is written with heading in which the aims of essay its necessary elements and parts and its end etc. have been defi­ ned. The Mstory of Islam has been taken mostly as examples. Meaning of difficult words are given at 9g

so many places. In this way this book comes to an end. It is very useful book.

180. Qalyubi, Ahmad Shahabuddin^ Al»Qalyubi. Kanpur, Qaiyuml Press, 1968* 292 p.

This book is a collection of narrations (stories) which the author had collected, it is literary com­ position of the author. The correction is made by Mohammad welayat Husainj New commentary is added by Mohammad jafar Ali, it was published by the order of Mohammad Abdul Qaiyum under the supervi­ sion of Qamaruddin. in the last there is introduc­ tion of commentator. Its commentary is written in Persian, so the book has become more useful. The delicious proposition, humour and satire and those stories described plentifully which are useful.

181. Rashiduddin. Almakatib. Delhi, Majtabai Press, 1893, 48 p.

This is a collection of those letters which Maulana Rashiduddin and Sheikh Ahmad Bin Mohammad have writ­ ten to each other till a long period. Mohammad Abdul Ahmad has published it after some modifications with meaning for the benefit of students of islamic mad- rasas. It is very nice collection for those who are found of learning knowledge and literature. There is meaning of difficult words in the margin. It is a collection of selected letters which have sound po­ sition. Some versified letters are also included. There is list of some books published from the above press in the last. 99


182, Hamzani', Badiuzzamfty. Almaqamatul Dakania. Hyde­ rabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1967, 156 p.

This is a selection of four maqamat (fictions) from the 'Maqamat of the author. There is expla­ nation of difficult words in the margin. Those Maqamat' have the names "Madania, Makkia, Ashaia and Mawaraul Ruhia respectively. The rythmical Arabic has been used. At so many places ideas are expressed with the help of verses. Maqama resemb­ les the modern fiction which was presented by the characters who were narrators, but no theme was taken in it. In other words it was a poem in the form of prose which vas presenting raystory in rythmical style. It was developed in Abb^sid period.

CRITICISM t83. Allama Shibli Noraani. Al inteqad alal kitabi Al Tamaddunul Islami, Lucknow, Asi press, 1912, 82 p.

This book is purely criticism of the book "Al Tamad­ dunul Islami" by Jurji Zaidan in which he discussed Islamic civilization. He tried to add anti-Islamic traditions with Islam, He had changed the actual position of facts and events, after ommissions and additions, Shibli Nomani studied this book and came to khow the fact. Then he critiseised fully this book. He presented those historical facts and events with proofs which Jurji zaidan had presented after destruction. 100


184, Abdul Qadir. Hallul Al fazll mushklla Al-Hamasa bll inklezia, Bombay, Safdari Press, 1882, 40 p.

This is actually an index of the book "Al Hamasa. It has vocabulary of this book in English, The words which are used init they have been divided according to alphabets ana under them, words are given. Their meaning is written in English, it contains the meaning of difficult words. It is written in the form of dictionary. Only those meaning of the words is given which is used in the verses in that place at though one word can have so many meanings. If there is difficulty to understand the word withone meaning, then its ex­ planation is also given. In this way an effort has been made to make it more useful. Some where alter­ native meanings are also given which can be fitted in verses,

185. Abu Hasan Ali Bin Yousuf. Al Mo^ammadun menal shora. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1966, v,l; 353 p.

Deals with the poetry of those poets who have the word Mohammad in the beginning of their names. That is why it has been named as •Almohammadun' The have been divided alphabetically, in the first volume there are total 152 poets. Their introduction ver­ ses and the available statements about them have been given. The references and sources are given in the margin. This type of book under this arran­ gement has not been written tibll yet. First volu­ me ends on the alphabet, "Ha", 101

186. Abdul Hasan 'Ali Bin Yousuf, Al Mohammadun menal Sh'ora^ Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1967, v.2; 550p,

This is the second volvame of the book which is a drescrlption of the poets who h^vl Mohammad In the beginning of their names. It starts with re­ maining poets of alphabet 'Ha' and ends on 'Sin' There is a list of references which are given in the margin. Second list is about the names of fa­ ther and son which have come in the margin and in text. Third list is upon actual names, honarary names and geneologies. Fourth is on rhymes. Fifth is on references and sources, in which there are sources of Arabic, Presian and English. In the last there is a list of printing mistakes and their corrections and one map of Islamic countries is attached,

187. Ibnul Shajari. Ketabul Hamasa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1926, 288 p.

This is a book of poetry. Prolegomena is written by Zainul 'Abidin. Some things have been explained in the margin. On page 282, the original book ends Remaining is addition in which there are verses of other poets. Wherever the author has added some things, it has been clarified and at some places its commentary is also given. There is introduct­ ion of the author, in which complete detail about the book has been mentioned, such as it usefulness from where it has been taken ? etc. It covers 6 pages. There is content list inthe last. The list of poets is also given. In the last page there is list of printing mistakes and their corrections. 102


188. Abdul Aziz Maimani. Almukhtar mindawawinil Motana~ bM, wal Bohtarl wa abi Taiamam. Aiigarh, A.M.U. Fress, 305 p.

It Is an explanation of the above mentioned book which is a poetic collection from the poetry of Mofcanabii , Bohtari and Abu Tammam, which was se­ lected by Abdur Rahman Jurjani. Though only com­ positions of selected poets have been included but the prelude of interpreter has increased its beauty No body can dare to object on Arabic knowledge of the interpreter. Like wise inthe explanation, the verses which have been quoted, that also praise worthy.

189. "Abdur Rahman Nadvi. Al Zaharat. Lucknow, Nadawatul Ulama, 1935, l08 p.

This is poetic collection of the poet. There is a prelude of Masood Alam Nadvi on it. The poet has dedicated it to Syed Sulaiman Nadvi and des­ cribed his all qualities. The prelude is very len- thy and divided into 9 parts. All qualities of ver­ ses, simile from verses, discussion of some learned men etc. have been given in good Arabic. There is versified composition with lO different headings. The Arabic knowledge of a student can be judged by these verses.

190. Ahmad Hasan. Diwano-Ahmad. Bombay, Qadri Press, 1958, 48 p.

This is dewan (poetic collection) of sheikh Ahmad Hasan which was pxablished by Mohammad Yahya and Abu Athar. In the beginning there is a coAiprehenson 103

of Sagheer Ahmad and which he had sent. After that there is a prelude of Abdur Rehamn. Vote of thanks are presented by Qazi Athar to thank Mahmud Tarazi with the heading "Al-ujala", and few words are on behalf of p\ablisher. Biographye^poet is also given After these the Diwan begins. The odes are writt­ en according to alphabets. The language of the odes shows the ability of poet. There are some elegies also and at some places there are different verses on different subjects,

191. Badruddin Islahi, Diwanul Moallim Abdul Hamid Farahi. Azaragerh, Daira-e-Haraidia, 1967, 31 p.

This book deals with the collection of poems of Imam Abdul Hamid Farahi, which Badruddin Islahi has com­ piled in the form of book. Imam Farahi was a great interpreter but his child hood and youth spent in relation with literature, composition and poetry. In those days which poems he has composed in Arabic and Persian that is valuable in point of view of its subjects and with so many literary and artistic qua­ lities. The deewan of Imam Farahi was scattered in different places. The compiler has arranged it and presented in the form of book. Mostly the poems of this deewan are related to those wars which were going on in , Tarab las and Balqan. There is a poem upon Shibli aswell. Except it on other s\ib- jects are also poems. The quality of the deewan is that very simple words are used init. There is very fluency in the verses. id4

192. Mohammad Shajjir. Diwan. Allahabad, Kitabistan, 1887, 268 p.

This is a diwan |fe>oetic collection) of Sheikh Moham­ mad ShaJsir. In the beginning there is introduction of the poet and some verses upon him. Its starts with the praise of Prophet Mohammad, After that there are odes in the glory of different great and learned men of Islam, arrangedent is according to period. He started its composing in 1292 Hijri and completed inl305 Hijri, There are 3 verses of Ahmad Sabunion it,

193. Syed Ghulam 'Ali Azad Bilgrami. Aldiwan, Hyderabad, Kanzul Ulum press, 1969, 35 p.

It is a collection of 3 Diwan (poetic collection) of the poet. First comprises 61 pages which contains verses in the glory of prophet Mohammad, Second has 60 pages in which there are odes. Third cover 48 pages consists religious verses. After every ode its usefulness and its reason of composition is writ­ ten in Arabic prose. Difficult words have been explai­ ned.

194. Syed Mohammad 'Abbas, Rotabul Arab, Lucknow, Jafri press, 1847, 280 p.

This is collection of poems (Diwan) of the poet in which there are odes, miscellaneous verses, elegies etc. They have been arranged in alphabetical order. At some places notes are also given in which there is explanation of some verses. But it is done only in few places. Mostly the headings of verses and odes is also given. Some where their location and explana­ tion is also done. The rythmical Arabic has been used in these headings, Arabic whichis used in sluggish and difficult. 105


195. Abu Abdullah Mohammad. Azharul Arab. Aligarh, Jamia Millia Islamia, 80 p.

This is a selection from the collection of poems of various poets in which there are compositions of ancient and modern both poets, it was written for primary classes. At so many places in the margin, the difficult words have been explained. It includes al most the compositions of all poets which starts with Islamic period and ends on Undu- lusi poets. First ode is composed by lathan Bin Thabit which is very famous. The last topic cont­ ains few verses of Umer Khattab, The narrations of verses are also stated particularly the verses of companions of Holy Prophet and the verses from Pre Islamic period etc. Those compositions of the poets of pre Islamic period are not included which are below the level of ethics,

196. Al mtikhtar-o-menash Sheril Arabi. Bangalore, Barqi Pasban press, 12 p.

In this small book let the compiler has collected the selected verses from the poetry of eminent Ara­ bic poets. They are on different topics, first is about 'Tauhid* other is by Busiri in the glory of prophet Mohammad, Some verses are with the head­ ings Zuhd* by 'Abuul 'Atahia, After that some verses are about the faithfulness of lovers by Zu- hair and in the last few verses are about the grief of lovers. 106


197. Ibrahim Bin Mohammad. Majmu'atul Qasaid. Delhi, Mujtabai Press, 1897, 48 p.

This is a collection of odes which are composed in the glory of Prophet Mohammad, Some of them have great superiority. First is 'Qasida-e-Burda', There is explanation of the verses of Imam Busiri in its beginning. There are so many sepatete head­ ings under which it has been described. First is in the praise of prophet Mohammad, Second is about the prevention of eternal desires. Third is about the birth of Prophet, Fourth is about his invita­ tion of islami. Fifth is in the glory of Quran and the last is about prayers. After that there are 4 verses of Hazrat Ali Second ode is "Mudhria" and third is "Mohaminadia". In the last there are verses on the prayers of .

198. Mahmud Ali, Tohfae Natia Sharhe-Qasida-e-Wa-hidia. Hyderabad, Abul Ala Press, 1902, 32 p.

Deals with the explanation of the ode"Qasida-«- Wahidia" which was con5)osed by Mohammad Wahiduddin Syed Hussain has published it. This is a N'at (the poerji written in the glory of Prophet Mohammad) which explanation is done in Persian. Simple and idiomatic Persian has been used. There is a flow in the verses Total nximber of verses is 112. After this ode there is another ode by Qutbuddin in Persian and one ode in the praise of God in Arabic. 107

199, Saleh Sharfuddin, Qasida-e-Burda. Kanpur, Majidi press, 1920, 90 p.

It is based on Qasida-e-Burda and its explanation This ode was composed in the glory of Prophet Moham­ mad. Explanation is done in Urdu. There was a grea^ need of this type explanation for Urdu knowing people In the beginning the pecularties and importance of this ode are counted and also mentioned that in what circumstances it was composed. Verses are given and beneath them their explanation is Urdu is written At the last there is descriptions of another Ode banat soad', its explanation is also presented,

200, Wahiduddin Ali.flasidato Wahidi a fi n'at-e-Khairil Baria, Hyderabad, Mohammad Nezamuddin, 1947, 6 p.

This is a n'at C a poem in the praise of Holy Prophet), There are verses in his priase. After that there two other n'at'. It is an ode in which every verse ends on the alphabet "'ain". Verses indicate the ability of Arabic language. Its is very famous ode and writ­ ten in easy and simple Arabic,


201, Abbasi, Mohammad , Al Qasidatul Mimia fil aqaidil Islamia. Delhi, printing works, 1916, 14 p,

This is a book let of Ode which was composed in the faith of Hanafi, So many learned men listened and praised At, so it was pxoblished. In the beginning there are 11 verses, after that there is a stanza of 6 verses with the name "Al ambiya-ul Masumun", 4 verses have the name "Al Meraj", and lo verses 108

are with the title "Al Quran". After that the verses have been divided withdifferent titles Every belief of Hanafi maslak (rule of conduct) has been presented,

202. Abul Ali Nazar Ahmad, Jannatul Arab Sharh«.e~Qasaid Rannatul Tarab. Budayun, Nezami press, 1937, 112 p.

This is Urdu explanation of the collection of odes Rannatul Trab", which contains l60des, in the beg­ inning of each ode, the brief life sketch of the poet is written in Urdd. There is a prelude of interpreter in which he has mentioned the aims and objectives of this work. The simple ardu is used in explanation which is able to understand easily. There odes are very popular and they are composed by famous poets. So its importance was realized and for Urdu knowing students these are explained, so that they can go through these odes easily. In short it is a rare contribution among the explanations of these odes. .

203. Abu Mohammad Tahir Saifuddin. Qasida~e~Natia Fazilato Mohammadur Rasulullah. Aligarh, A.M.U,, Press, 1959,

20 p.

This is an ode which was cited in the birth anni­ versary of Prophet Mohammad in his gloiry in 1959. In this eloquent ode and in describing the quali­ ties of the diction of prophet, the poet has adop­ ted that style which is the method of religion. He has indicated to those qualities of the Islamic so­ ciety and culture which are shedding light in the 109

conduct of Prophet. There is eriough eloquence in this ode. There is explanation of every vecse in Urcltt beneath it,

204, Al Aghani, Abus Sa Fa Ridhwani. Qasus^e-Shulshulia Asha Asadi wa Qasida-e-Shawfara. Amritsar, Roz Bazar Press, 1872, 72 p.

This book is interpretations of these two odes in Arabic and Persian, It was published under the suf- ervision of Sheikh a Ghulam Mohammad. After quoting one verse, its explanation is written in Arabic and Persian, First ode is "Qa

205, Ghulam Mohammad, Ahsanus Subuk fi sharh-e—jefa nabke. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1941, 221 p.

This book is written in the explanation of the famous ode of Imraul Qais "QefanaHke.,, which is one of the seven odes. The explantion is withthe name Ahsanus Suiuk', After correction of different leanre persons it is published. Every verse is explained in detail. In the explanation, the simile has been presented with so many verses of various poets. Easy Arabic has been used, Al though it is impedent, yet there is no sluggishness. It holds a solid position among the explan

206. Mohammad Abdul Wahid Hanafi, Amalul Abrar wa atamul Ashrar. Azimabad, Hanafi press, 1896, 40 p.

This is collection of two odes which are composed in the praise of Nadwatul Ulama, its origin is Per­ sian poem (Mathnavi) "Samsam Hasan" which was com­ posed by Mohanunad Hasan. It was translated in Urdu. It is Arabic translation of that book. It was cri­ ticised. It is composed with the help of quotations and 'afladith. Around original text of Arabic and Persian there are notes also. There are some de­ fects in translation which indicate the lack of knowledge of the poet.

207. Mohammad Ayyub, Ketabo anharil adab fi sharh-e~ Azharil Arab, patna. Machine Barqi Press, 1916, pt.l; 86 p.

Deals with the explanation of the book "Azharul Arab" which is a book of poetry. The verses are chosen from the compositions of ancient and modern poets for beginners. There are selected verses of eminent poets on different subjects. Its explana­ tion is in the margin, firstly in Arabic and then in Urdu. There is preface of the interpreter, aft­ er that is the prelude of author. The interpreter has presented the solution of every verse, its meaning also he has given, verses are translated in Urdu also.

208. Mohammad Ayyub. Kitabo Anharil Adab fi Sharh-e-Azharil Arab, patna. Machine Barqi press, 1916, pt.2; l02 p.

This is the second part of the book. Original book is versified form. It is explanation of that book. On ^ach page there are two or three verses of text Ill

and under them, explanation of those verses is given in detail in Arabic and Urdu. Very easy language has been used. The explanation and the translation is in simple language. There are dif­ ferent odes and poets in the original book. The odes of Pre islamic poets has been also taken which are not included in first part. The style of explanation is same as in first part.

209. Mohammad Mehdi. Al Faridatul Bahi--ya fi Sharh-e- gasldatil Alviya^ Luckow, 1882, 113 p.

This is explanation of the ode "Qasidatul Alviya". Very detail explanation of every verse of original ode is done and the simile from the composition of Pre Islamic poets have been presented. In margin some words have been explained. Rythmical Arabic has been used which not be understood easily and the sentences have become sluggish. There are 113 pages in total.

210. Mohammad Yaqoob. Al dalia, wan nunia walroiraia menal has-hmiat. Aligarh, Sheivani press, 1937, 29 p.

This is a collection of three odes which are dedicated to Syed Ziauddin, Syed Sulaiman Nadvi and Ali Hasan. First is elegy of Imam Husain which comprises 14 pages Second is in the praise of Imam Zainul Abedin and his sons which cover 3 pages. Third is in the praise of Imam Baqar whicAhas 3 pages. In the last there is another ode in which every verse ends on the alp|ia- bet "b' and it is known as "baia" ode wMch consists 26 pages. The style resembles with Arabs which shows the ability of poet. At some places some thing hatre been mentioned inthe margin. 112

211. Mohammad Yaqub. Al Qasidfttul Kaulcia fit manaqibll alvia, Budayun, Nezami press, 1935, 68 p.

This is an ode whichiis dedicated to Syed Sulaiman Wadvi and Ali Hasan. It is in the fona of a booklet consisting eight pages. Some things have been expla­ ined in the margin at so many places. It is in the praise of the members of family of Holy Prophet, There are sixty eight verses in total, it is com­ posed in a good style and indicates to command of poet on Arabic language,

212. Mohammad Yaqub. Al lamia, war raia wal jirala menal hashmiat, Badayun, Uthmani press, 1964, 96 p.

CBhis is a collection of three odes which are dedi­ cated to all Muslims, First ode covers 4 pages. Second one is in two pages in which verses are in the form of independent poem in the beginning. The third and last ode is very lengthy which covers 15 pages. It has many pecularities. These odes are very nice. Intthe last there are meanings of diffi­ cult words and their explanation in thirty pages. The opinions of Najmul Hasan and Waheed Mirza about these odes are written. In the last there is a poem of Syed Ghulam Sajjad on the ode of dots,

213. Qadri, Paiz Ahmad, Alhad yatul Qaderiya almotaq qaba bil maqamatil Baghdadiya, Badayun, Nasim-e-Sehar Press, 1920, 122 p.

This is a collection of those odes which are com­ posed under different headings in the praise of the family of Holy Prophet, The poet has given full proof of his Arabic knowledge. There is flow in verses. It ends on page 88, After that there is abstraction of 113

some odes from the Persian and Arabic collection (Diwan) of poet. The difficult words have been ex­ plained in the margin in Persian. In the last there is fore words by poet in which the aims and objec­ tives of these odes and their back ground he has mentioned.

214. Qutbuddin. Bit Takhmisil Magbul fi Madh-e-Ibnir Rasul. Hyderabad, Hyderabad Press, 1807, 38 p.

It is explanation of the ode in the praise of Imam Zainul 'Abedin, There are some verses in the begin­ ning as salutation, in the prelude some verses of Persian have been given. After that there is expla­ nation of verses in Arabic and Persian. In the last there is list of printing mistakes and their correct- tons. Explanation is in nice Arabic, Persian is also idiomatic,

215. Shabblr Patma, Nazmul Marjan. Allahabad, Salimi Press, 1955, 48 p.

This book deals with some odes and their explanation which were prescribed in B.A, Classes, Before this small book, other odes were also prescribed in course But these are additional odes which the compiler has written as the need of time. The explanation is not done in the margin or between the lines but another method has been adopted and 6 odes of Arabic have been written in the beginning in 2 parts. In the first part there are 4 odes and in the second part there are 2 odes bearing the names "Banat So'ad and "Alyatimul baki". There is meaning of difficult words. Some odes have been explained in Urdu. 114

216. Sheikh Sadi, Qasalde Arabia. Kanpur, Nawal Kishore, 1918, 19 p.

This is a small which eonsists the Arabic odes of the poet. There are 18 odes in total. The verses of text are given in the margin also. There are some other verses also, explanation is not given any where In some odes, heading is also given in the beginning for example, second ode is about preachings, third is in the praise of Nooruddin. But some odes have been started with number only,

217. Syed Ibrahim Bin Abbas. Lamiatud Dakan, Samsamatuz Zaman. Hyderabad, Shanpul islam, 1937, 24 p.

Deals with explanation of the eulogical ode in the praise of prophet Mohammad which is very famous among Arabs and it was composed by Shanfari. There is a prelude of the interpreter, after that the ode starts, which is explained in margin. Only those verses have been explained to which the interpreter felt need. It holds a good position among the odes in the praise of prophet Mohammad (S.A.)

218. Syed Hasan. Beiqdil Laali wa nazmil maali. Lucknow, Hurtadhvi press, 1886, 122 p.

This is a collection of odes and poems on different topics. One ode is in the praise of Asif jah in the beginning. Some words have been explained in the last few pages. Some things have been explained in Persian Mostly distinct verses have been given witj? several heading after two or more verses in the same ode. After that there are verses in the praise of god and on the doctrine. Some Islamic doctrine have been 115

versified. An effort has been made to present new style of Arabic poetry,


219, Ali Akbar Khan. Anosh, Aligarh, Reyaz . Hind Press, 1958, 67 p.

This is Arabic version of English poet Tennyson's Anoch Arden in versified form, Tennyson had col­ lected so many rare stories. The poet has tried to versify in Arabic language on the same pattern It is prescribed in course in India, so it has great importance. It has great quality that is versified on the pattern of modern poems in which there is no restriction of rhyme. The exact translation is done so there is lack of sweet of Arabic. The meaning • of difficult words is also given.


220. Abdul Halim Nadvi. Arab! Adabki Tarikh. New Delhi, Tarraqqi-e-Urdu Bureau, 1982, 336 p.

This is a famous book of history of Arabic literature, The author has planned to present complete history of Arabic literature but till now only first part is pub­ lished. It covers pre Islamic period. There is few words in the beginning by Fahmida Begum, in which she has mentioned about the aims and objectives of the book and after that few words are by author about the book. There is a prelude of Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi in which he has stated about the circumstances in which the book has been written. Content list starts 116

from page 15 and ends on page 23, The book has been divided into four major chapters and under each chapter the history of literature has been described Every development has been covered which took place such as in prose, poetry, poets, prose writ ers etc. In short •''is a great contribution among the books of history of literature.

221, Kokani, Mohammad Yousuf. Al Arab-o-wa adabohym. Madras, Sultania Pxib. House, 1966, 129 p.

This is a l>ook of history of Arabic literature. The brief history of pre Islamic and early islamic pe­ riod has been described in this book. Language is simple, fluent and to the point. It shows the abi­ lity of the author. There is no difficulty in going through the book. The style of expression is pleas­ ing and sweet and it determines in the mind easily There is introduction of other books of author. Near about 100 headings have been discussed which include the history of Arabs before Islam till the death of the Prophet Mohammad, It ends on Hathan Bin Thabit.

222. Muqtada Hasan Azhari, Tarikh-e-Adab-e-Arabi. Vara- nasi, Jamia Salfia, 1977, pt.l; 246 p.

This is a valuable book on the history of Arabic literature. The author has tried to present the detail history for the convenience of the readers by which they can know the eminent personalities of Arabic literature and its gradual developement. The author has taken be nefit from the book of Shauqi iaif. Thtj-part covers the history of pre Islamic 117.

period. The book starts from the definition' of lit­ erature. There is few words inthe beginning in which he has mentioned about the aims of the book. There is a list of subjects in the last in which the whole period is divided into 7 major categories and under each category the poets and their poetry have been described.

223. Muqtada Hasan Azhari, Tarikh-e-Adab-e-Arabi. Varanasi, Jamia Salfia, 1981, pt. 2; 299 p.

This is second part of the book which deals with the history of Arabic literature. This part covers the history of early islamic and Umayyad period. The book has been divided into two parts. First part is devoted to early Islamic period and there are five major chapters which have titles 'Naya Mo'- ashara aur Nai qadren' 'Quran-e-Hadith• Shairi, Mukh zaram shora and 'Nathr our uska irteqa* respectively Second part deals with Umayyad period and there are seven headings. In brief it covers all the develop­ ments in the field of literature during these two periods, prose, poetry, oratory etc.


224. Abdul Hai Al Hasani. Al Hind fil ahdil islami. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1972, 469 p.

This is a book of history of India during Muslims regime. It is completed and investigated by Syed Abdul Ali Hasani and corrected by Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, In the beginning there is introduction of author by Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, There is a long prelude which covers 23 pages. The art of Geogjeaphy 118

of India is in 4 chapters then the original book begins. First chapter deals with geography and lo­ cation of India in the second there are famous states, third one describes about the cities of the border and big cities of the country, fourth one deals with the division of country and the fifth chapter deals with population of India. There is description about the emperors of India, such as Ghazna-vi and Ghauri Kings, Lodi, Khilji, Mughal, emperors of Kashmir, Deccan, Gujarat, Jaipur and Malva etd. Its conclu­ sion is written by Aleemuliah,

225. Abdul Husain, Al Zahuro fi Ram£ar. Bombay, Hejazia press, 1927, 285 p.

Deals with the history of Rampur of that period when there were NawaBs. in the beginning there is a map of Rampur and a photograph of Nawab Rampur, After the preface there is content list. It describes in detail about the geneology of Nawab and gives a brief introduction of Syed Mohammad Kaza Tabatabai, There is description of other rulers also and also about its area and literary life etc. In the last some things have been described after addition. There is list of printing mistakes and their cor­ rections. Some other photographs and descriptions of ether things are also there which cover 16 pages.

226. Abu Mohammad Ahmad Bin Aasam Kufi. Ketabul Fotuh. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1970, 320 p.

This book is based on famous historical and Islamic events. It includes any tension which was created in those times and also the conflicts among the collea­ gues and helpers of prophet Mohammad, It also des­ cribes the moral values of prophet,s companions and 119

his followers. This book starts with an important historical event of in Islamic history. The death of prophet Mohammad. Several problems arose among his followers. There is a detail description of it. Prophet's beloved friend and later first Caliph leaded them and gave an influencive speech to con­ trol them.

227, Hamza Bin Hasan Asfahani. Tarikho MSJukil Arz. Calcutta, Mazharul Ajaeb press, 1866, 212 p.

This is a book of history. The author has tried to arrange the history of kings and prophets dividing it into 10 chapters. First chapter is about the his­ tory of the kings of Furs, second one is about the history of the kings of Rome, third is about Greece, fourth about Qabt, fifth about Israel, Sixth about Iraq, Seventh is about sham, eight is About yemen, ninth is about Kinda and tenth is about the history of Quraish. In the last there is conclusion with the title "Shohurul Arab" in four chapters. This is a Source book of ancient history. Islamic historian collect references from this book even today.

228. Ibne Hajar Al 'Asqalani, Al Dorarul Kamina Fi Aayanil Meatis Thamina. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1976, 346 p.

The book deals with learned men, theologians, mohad- desin (relators), historians, noblemen, abstinents, poets, authoj?^ kings etc. of 8th century Hijri. It also presents the map of politics, finance, litera­ ture and investigation of authors, period. The forth coming generations have taken too much benefit from this book. As the result the book has got the position 120

of reference book. The persons whom life sketches are in the books those are with full historical re­ asons and in the light of facts. There is simplicity in the language and in expression. There is a long prelude of Syed Hashim Nadvi in the beginning in which he has described the author's biography, his literair^ position, character and dispositions and his other works.

229. Idrisi, Sharif. Wasful Hindfc wama Yojaweroha minal belad. Aligarh, A.M.U., 1954, 125 p.

It is a selection from the author-sbook "Miizhatul- Mushtaq fi ikhteraq. " which is a diary. It was moderated and edited oy S, Maqbool Ahmad, It is di­ vided into 10 parts in which 8th, 9th and lOth parts are taken from "Iqlim-e-Awwal", 7th, 8th, 9th and loth are taken from "Iqlim-e-Thani", In the beginn­ ing there is preface by Gibb and after that there is introduction of the author, which the editor has wri­ tten. There is list of abbreviations. In the last there is content list. Index is also theici^-

230. Mohammad ibne Habban Tamimi. Kitabul Thiqat. Hydera­ bad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1982, 259 p.

This book is based on some histrical events relating to Prophet Mohammad S.A. specially his migration to Medina, it also describes his some personal matters like meraj which means that his body was brought to meet god by angel in his life time. Some islamic wars are also described init such as Badr Bani Nazair etc. Some great personalities are also described which had accepted the islam. 121

BICXSRAPHY - 601 A.D.-1980 A.D.

231. Athar Mubarakpuri, Rfijalus Slnde wal hlnde Elal Qarais Sabe. Bombay, Hejazia press, 1958, 328 p.

It is a book of biography and covers those eminent Indians who bQA^n in India and lived in it or lived in foreign countries such as aarrators, mohadde thin, great men, poets, etc. There are opini­ ons of different scholars about this book. The names have been arranged alphabetically. Near about 250 persons have been included. Brief life history of every person is described.

232. Abdul Hai Al Hasani. Nuzhatul KhawaJ^ir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1962. v.l; 184 p.

Deals with the biographies of eminent Indians reli­ gious scholars, literary men and poets, it is in 8 volximes. First vol\ime covers first to seventh cen­ tury Hijri/7th-13th A.Q, The author has tried to cover all personalities who contributed in any field in India. It was published under the super vision of Dr. Mohammad Abdul Moyeed Khan. List of contents is inthe beg inning. There are biographies of 263 persons starting from Badul Ibne Tahfa Bijli and ends on Sheikh Yac[ub Bin Ali, They have been liste>»^in alphabetical order. They have been divied in seven major categories.

233. Abdul Hai/)/Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1966, v.2; 136 p.

Deals with biographies of eminent Indians of the 8th century A,H./14th A.D. who have contributed in Arabic literatjiire. There is a list of persons who 122

are included in this part. They have been arranged in alphabetical order. It begins from Sheikh Ibra­ him Bin Shahryar Hamzani and ends on Sheikh Yousuf Bin Ali Husaini, Life Sketch of every person is des­ cribed in a good style. Language is very sweet and attractive.

234. Abdul Hai Al Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1968, v,3; 175 p.

Deals with the biographies of eminent Indians of the 9th century A.H./15th A.D, There is list of mis­ takes and their correction in the beginning of the book. After that there is list of names of scholars arranged alphabetically. It starts from Sultan Ibra­ him Sharqi and ends till Yousuf Bin Mohammad Husaini. The brief life sketch of every scholar is given. This book holds good position < » among the books of bio­ graphies .

235. Abdul Hai Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1973, v.4; 398 p.

Deals xi^ith the biographies of eminent Indians of the 16th century A.D. There is a long list of personali­ ties which are included in this book. They are ar­ ranged according to alphabets. Starting from "Alif" and ending upon "Ya". It begins from Sheikh Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Biha ri and ends on Maulana Younus. Cont­ ents list consists 31 pages. Total 591 persons have been included. 123

236. Abdul Hai Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1976, v.5; 456 p.

This volvime includes the biographies of eminent Indian scholars of the 17th century of different fields. It was printed and edited under the super­ vision of justice Sharfuddin Ahmad. There is con­ tent list in the beginning. It starts from Sheikh Adam Bin Ismail and ends on Maulana Younus. The persons who are included are 760 in nvunber. In the content list, they are arranged in alphabetical order. The life sketch . are in brief. In the last there are few words of Syed Mohammad Habibullah Qad- ri as appendix.

237. Abdul Hai Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1978, v*6; 423 p.

Decils with the biographies of eminent Indians of 18th century A.D. This voltime was printed under the supervision of justice Sharfuddin Ahmad, it start s from Syed Mohammad Marharavi and concludes on Sheikh Yousuf Bin Yahya Sarhudi, The content list consists 36 pages and it is arranged aplhabetically by the names of persons included in it. In the last tbere are few words as an appendix by Mufti Azeemuddin,

238. Abdul Hai Hasani. Nuzhatul Khwatir. Hyderabad, Dairatuflj Ma'arif, 1979, v.7; 552 p.

Describes the biographies of eminent Indians of the 19th century A.D., which is printed under the supervision of Justice Sharfuddin Ahmad. In the beg­ inning there is content list which starts from Mau­ lana Adam Madras! and ends on Sheikh Yousuf Bin Ab­ dullah Bijapuri. There «re 552 pages in total. At the end there are few words by Jiufti Mohammad Azim- uddin. 124

239. Abdul Hai Hasani. Nuzhatul Khawatlr. Hyderabad, Da, i^tul Ma'arif, 1981, v.8; 557 p.

Deals with the biographies of eminent Indians of 20th ceatury A.D, It is printed Tinder the auspices of the Ministry of Education, under the supervision of Justice Sharfuddin Ahmad, There is content list in the beginning which is arranged alphabetically. It begins from Syed Aqa Hasan and ends on Syed Yunus Ali Badayuni. The content list covers 28 pages, in the last there is a list of in^ortant books of Urdu Persian and Arabic which starts from page 530 and ends on page 556, On the last page there are few sentences by Mufti Mohammad Azimuddin as the appen­ dix of this part. In brief it is a rare collection of biographies of eminent Indians,

BIOGRAPHY - 631-1980 A.D,

240. Ibne Hadida Abu Abdullah, Almis bahul Mozi. Hyderabad Dairatul Ma'arif, 1977, 258 p.

This Ibook is fundamentally on seerat. The author has divided it in different topics and described under these the seerat of prophet and his compan­ ions. He has described their biographies, life sketches and important adventures also. The seerat is in brief form and it has taken the shape of lit­ erary index. The refernces of those books have been given properly in the margin from which the help has been taken in writing the seerat of Sahaba, That is why the book has become very attractive. Although the style of writing is old, but there is simplicity, fluency every where in mode and re­ port at the result. There is an introduction of Jus­ tice Sharfuddin Ahmad, At the last there is subject 125

content in which alphabetical arrangement is adopted,

241. Ibne Najjar Baghdad!, zailo Tarikh4 Baghdad. Hyderabad Dairatul Ma'arif, 1978, 135 p.

Ahmad Bin Tahir Baghdadi wrote a book which is known as Tarikhe Baghdad which is about muhaddi thin, preachers. Orators, venerable old men, caliphs, greatwise men, authors of Baghdad and great adven­ tures of their lives. But this book could not be completed. After the death of the author, Mohibbuddin Known as Ibne Najjar Baghdadi completed this book. There is a prelude of Qaisar Abu Farah in which he has intifioduced the book in brief. The personalities which were remaining in the original book, are inclu­ ded in this work. The moderation is done by Qaisar Parah, The great quality lies in the fact that the author has presented thousands personalities in a systematic and unified form which were not present in the aistory any where.

242. Ibne Shahba Abu Bakar. Tabaqatush Shafeia. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1980, 178 p.

There is description of learned men, the-ologians and narrators of Shafei maslak* in this book Among them are mediators of moral science who are trust worthy and authenticated as well as asylum for all. But their biographies, literary work and famous books were scattered in different books of history. It was difficult and some times impossible to be benefited with those books. There were so many difficulties to determine their real position and point of view The author has presented in a systematic way all those people in 2 volumes. So there is now no difficulty 126

for the learning students to take benefit. There is a prelude of author in the beginning and cor- r<£gendum at the end.

243. jaraaluddia Jauzi. Kitabo Sjfatis Safwa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1934, v.1;.328 p.

This is a book of biography. There is life history of Prophet Mohammad, his companions, his followers and noble men. The book starts with the prelude of author. There is content list after prelude in 15 pages and four pages are about corrections of mis­ takes. The author has divided the book into chapt­ ers. There is description of saints, noble men, af­ ter that the geneology and biography of Prophet Mo­ hammad has been described. In the last there is des­ cription of his companions, four caliphs etc.

244, jamaluddin jauzi, Kitabo Sifa tis safwa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1935, v.2; 301 p.

It is second volume of the book which deals with biography. It starts with the commemoration of Sahabiyat'. After that the description is about followers of Medina, they have been divided into 7 categories. There are biographies of those noble men whose names were not known. After that their is life history of religious ladies of Medina. People of Mecca have been divided into 5 categories Under which different people have been Included such worshipper ladies of Mecca.etc. In the last there is description about the people of Taif, Yemen and Bagh­ dad. 127

245. jatnaluddin Jauzi. Kitab~o-Sifi^.>tis safwa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1936, v.3; 293 pi

This is third volume of the book which deals with biographies of different types of people. It starts with the description of Madain people. The followers of wasif and Kufa have been described and they havS been divided into & categories. The followers of Bas- ra have been divided into 7 categories. There is des­ cription of general poeple as well as known people.

246. jamaluddin Jauzi. Kitab-o-Sif-A^tis safwa. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1937, v.4; 407 p.

This is fourth and last volume of the book which deals with biographies of eminent persons of Arab, It starts from the 7th category of people of Basra in which so-me names were left to include in 3rd volume. Theee is description of some known and un known peoples some worshipper ladies of Basra, people of Abla, Abadan, Shiraz, Arjan, Baharain, Nisapur, Mur, Balkhand, Bukhara etc. After that the people after followers come, they are divided in 8 categories. There is description . about Sham & Egypt and all the eminent persons of east and west. There is description of »Jins also. In the last 30 pages there is content list.

247. Mohammad Bin Ismail, Bukhari. Al Tarikhul Kabir. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1942, 345 p.

This book is arranged word by word. There is des­ cription of those names under the word from which the name starts. So monsulting this book is very easy. If we want to know about the real position of historians their legends, then by the help of 128

words in the beginning of their names we can see. The author has made safe the biographies of hund­ reds of historians, their proper positions and their legends. This book is equally visefml for Taf- seer (Commentary), history and historians. There is a list of chapters at the last of every part.

248. Mohammad Bin Ismail. Al-Tarikhus Saghir. Allahabad, Anwar Ahmadi, 1907, 250 p^.

This book is compiled by the great Mohaddis Allama Bukhari which is based on asmaur Rejal that means the life, works and activities of narrators Also the life of companions of prephet Mohammad and his followers and great mohaddesin. The art of asmaur Rejal has great important in Islam because without the knowledge of biographies narrators wS, can't judge about the authenticity of hadith. This book is edi­ ted moderated by Mohammad Mohiuddin Jafri Zainabi. There are explanations of difficult words by the corarapiler in the margin,

249, Alsamani, Abu Sad Abdul Karim, Al Ansab. Hyderabad, Dairatul Ma'arif, 1978, 413 p.

This book is very valuable on its snbject. That is why the Orientalists published it after investiga­ tion. There is literary and investigatory discus­ sion about generations and the opinions of learned men and scholars have been described. The art of geneology was always a difficult task. The fore fathejfs faced so may problems on account of different causes. But the author has added in this context va­ luable discussions by which those problems are solved totally and the discussions of literature and art are 129

benefited as well.

240. Syed Mohanunad Hasan Khan. Al Tajful Mokallal min jawahir~e~maathlrll Tarazil-.akharwal awwal. Bhopal, Siddiqui Press, 1882, 376 p.

Deals with biographies of religious persons, lead­ ing personalities, greatmen and eminent writ ,ers, to know about whom is necessary for the students and learned man. Their list is arranged in alpha­ betical. ' order. Which is in the beginning, so that to searc-i them will become easy. There are geneologies of these personalities, their needs, achievements, works in which the cornpiler has laboured a lot. This type of selection is unique in the compilations of India.

251. Syed Ziaul Hasan Nadvi. Rannatul Tarab min aghanil arab. Lucknow, Gulshan Ibrahim Press, 1923, 116 p.

It deals with the history of poets and their odes There are brief biographies of famous poets of Arabic after that there are odes of 2o poets. The explanat­ ion of the verses have been done in Arabic by Moham­ mad izzatullah & Mohammad Abdul Baqi. There is brief introduction of pre Islamic period, its explanation has been done in easy language, so the book has be­ come very useful. There is a prelude consisting two pages. PART THREE 130


ASTRONOMY 120, 121 BIOGRAPHY -601 A.D.-1980 A.D, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235 236, 237, 238, 239,

BIOGRAPHY -631 A.D.-1980 A.D. 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251. COMPOSITION 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181. CRITICISM 183.

ELOQUENCE 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114. FICTION 182.

GENERAL SCIENCE 115. GEOLOGY 125. GRAMMAR 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. GRAMMAR - ETYMOLOGY 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83. GRAMMAR - SYNTAX 84, 85, 86, 87. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, lOO, lOl, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106. HISTORY - WORLD 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230. ISLAMIC STUDIES 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

JURISPRUDENCE - ISLAM 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. LITERATURE - COLLECTIONS 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 13T, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 1«0, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153. 131

LITERATURE - HISTORY 220, 221, 222, 223,

LITERATURE - SELECTIONS 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, LITERATURE - TRANSLATION 174. LOGIC - ISLRH 3. MATHEMATICS 116, 117. MATHEMATICS - GEOMETRY 118, 119. MYSTICISM - ISLAM 67. PHILOSOPHY - ISLAM 1, 2. PHYSICS 122, 123, 124. POETRY 184, 185, 186, 187. POETRY - COLLECTION 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194,

POETRY - ODE 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 2l0, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218,

POETRY - PRAISE 197, 198, 199, 200.


POETRY - TR^NSLATIOK 219. ijURANIC COMMENTARY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,. QURANIC COMMENTARY PRINCIPLES 16, 17, 18, QURM MIRACLES 15 JURANIC STORIES 41 132

TRADITION - COLLECTION 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58.

TRADITION - PRINCIPLES 42, 43, 44, 45. 133


Abbasi, Mohammad Abdus Salam 201 Abdul Alim 126,127 Abdul Aziz Maimani 4,188 Abdul Hai Al Hasani 224, 232, 233, 234 235, 236, 237, 238 239. Abdul Halim Nadvi 220 Abdul Hamid Farahi 108 Abdul Hamid Nomani 84 Abdul Husain 225 Abdul Majid Nadvi 175, 176 Abdul Qadir 184 Abdul Qahir Jurjani 85 Abdul Sattar Khan 128, 129 Abdul Rahman Bin Uraar 120 Abdur Rahman Nadvi 189 Abdur Rahman Uazvini 109 Abu Abdullah Jauraqani 5, 6 Abu Bakr Ahmad Bin Ali 44 Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibne Sana 7 Abu Bakr Al Khatib Al Baghdadi 43 Abu Bakr Mohammad Bin Hasan 125 134

Abu Hanifa Noman Ibn-e-Sabit 59 59 Abu Mohammad Tahir Saifuddin 203 Abul Ali Nazar Ahmad 202 Abu Barkat Hebatullah Baghdad! 122 Abul Farj Abdur Rahman Ibnul Jauzi 19 Abul Hasan All Bin Yousuf 185, 186 Abul Hasan Ali Hamiduddin 86 Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi 8, 41, 130,131,154 Abul Husain Muslim 49 Abu Abdullah Mohammad 195 Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Bukhari 42, 47 Abu Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismail 46 Abu Abdullah Mohammad Waliuddin 48 Abu Mohammad Abdullah Bin Qutaiba 115 Abu Mohammad Ahmad Bin Aasam Kufi 226 Abu Obaid Qasira Bin Sallam 50 Abu Raihan Al Bairuni 116 Abu Raza Mohammad zaman 107 Agha Syed Hasan 73 Al Aghani, Abus Safa Rizwani 204 Ahmad Bin Mohammad Yemani 132 Ahmad Bin Taimia 133 Ahmad Hasan 190 Ali Ahmad Nadvi 134,135, 136 Ali Akbar Khan 219 Alirauddin Z21 135

Amjad Ali 68 Ansari Ahmad Bin Mohammad 155 Anwar Ali 74 Asghar Husain 75 Athar Mxibarakpuri 231 87 Badruddin Islahi 191 Bahauddin 117 Al Baqaai Burhanuddin 20 Al Buhrani, Abdul Ghani Bin Ahmad 45 Burhanuddin 60 Denison Ross, E. 156 Ehteshara Ali 137, 138 Pakhrul Islam Azmi 157 Paqirullah 88 Fariq Khurshid Ahmad 177 Fazlur Rahman 67 Ghulam Abbas 89 Ghulam Mohammad 205 Hadi Ali 90 Hamiduddin Parahi 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 28, 29, 69, 91,174 Hamza Bin Hasan Asfahani 227 Hamzani Abu Bakr 61 Hamzani Badiuzzamn 182 136

Hanafi Abu Ishaq 62 Haqqi Ahsan Sand 139 Ibne Hadida Abu Abdullah 240 Ibne Hajib 92 Ibne Hajar Al Asqalani 228 Ibne Moqaffa 178 Ibne Najjar Baghdadi 241 Ibne Shahba Abu Bakr 242 Ibnul Human Mohammad Bin Abdul Wahid 63 Ibnul Shajari 187 Ibrahim Bin Mohammad 197 Idrisi Sharif 229 Ilahi Bakhsh 93 Imam Malik 51 irteza Ali Khan 110 Jafari Mohammad Hasan 94 jalaluddin Suyuti 95 Jamaluddin 96 Jamaluddin Jauzi 243, 244, 245, 246 jarrett H S, 158, 159

Khadim Ahmad 76 f 97 Khazni Abdur Rahman 123 Kokani Mohammad Yousuf 221 Madarejul Qiraat 140 MehfQzur Rahman 160, 161, 162, 163 164. 137

Mahmud Mi 198 Mahmud Bin Umar Zemakhshari 98 Mehdi Ahmad 64 Mohauaaad Abdul Baqi 77 Mohammad Abdul Hai 3 Mohammad Abdullah Darrai 52 Mohammad Abdul Wahid Hanafi 206 Mohammad Abdnr Rahman 78 Mohammad Ahsan 118 Mohammad Ajmal Islahi 141 Mohammad Ayyub 207, 208 Mohammad Ayyub Islahi 99 Mohammad Bhai 79 Mohammad Bin Ismail Bukhari 247, 248 Mohammad Fazlul Haque 124 Mohammad ibn-e-Haban Tamimi 230 Mohammad ifhamullah 1 Mohammad Ishaq 111 Mohammad Ismail 142 Mohammad Manzoor Nomani 53 Mohammad Mashuq Ali lOO Mohammad hehdi 209 Mohammad Mian Deobandi 54 Mohammad Muradullah 101 Mohammad Mustafa 102 Mohammad Naimur Rahman 70, 71 138

Mohammad Rabe Nadvi 143, 179 Mohammad Sadullah 80 Mohammad Shafi 144 MoheafWBad Shahir 192^ Mohammad Shoeb 112 Mohammad Taiyab Makki. 165 Mohammad Wahid Ali 103 Mohammad Yaqoob 21o, 211, 212 Mohammad Yousuf Ali 113, 114 Moinullah Nadvi 81 Almukhtaro menash Sheril Arab± 196 Mutakhabat-e~Arabi 166 Muqtada Hasan Azhari 222, 223 Mushirul Haque 145 Mushtaq Ahmad 82 Nukhtabul Adab 146 Pir Zada Shams 65 Qadiri Faiz Ahmad 213 Ualyxibi Ahmad Shahabuddin ISO Quduri Abu Hasan 66 autbuddin 214 Rahmani Abdul Wahid 9 Rashiduddin 181 Rashid Shartuni 72 Resala-e-Ilmia Tarikhia 10 139

Saleha Abdul Hakim 15 Salah Sharfuddin 199 Al Samani Abu Sad Abdul Karim 249 Sanaullah Amritsari 30 Serajuddin Awadhi 104 Siddique Bin Hasan 106 Shatobir Patiraa 215 Shah Abdul Aziz 105 Shah Waliuliah 11 Sheikh Sadi 216 Shibli Nomani 12, 183 Syed Abdur Razzaq 2 Syed Ghulam Ali Azad Bilgrami 193 Syed Ibrahim Bin Abbas 217 Syed Mohammad Abbas 194 Syed Mohammad Ali Hasan 218 Syed Mohammad Haroon 13 Syed Mohammad Siddique Hasan Khan 250 Syed Nabi Hyderabadi 167, 168, 169, 170 171. Syed Ziaul Hasan Nadvi 251 Al Tahavi Abu Jafar Ahman Bin Mohammad 14 Tamimi Abu Obaida 147 Tash Kubra 2ada 172 Thi^it Bin Qurra 119 Tha a libi Abu Mansoor Abdul Malik 148 140

Al Tirndzi 55, 56, 57,58 Triton, A. S. 149 Uthmani, Fuzailur Rahman Helal 83 Uthmani, Qazi Mohammad sanaullah 31,32,33,34, 35

3&, 37, 3S^ 39, ^t) Wahiduddin Ali 200 Wahiduzzaman Keranvi 150, 151 YBzidi Abdullah Mohammad 152 Zaidi Syed Ghadhanfar Eli 173 Zainuddin 153