An Overview of the Sirah Literature

Mawlana Dr MAE (Ashraf) Dockrat (Jamiah al-Ulum al-Islamiyyah)

Sirah Convention-Cordoba-Linbro Park (20-22 October 2017)


Until the 19th century, there are two quite distinct strands of of sallallahu alaihi wasallam, written by different types of authors and geared to very different audiences. wrote by and large pious for Muslim readers.

Western authors wrote in Latin or the various European vernaculars for non-Muslim readers. A long tradition, starting in the Middle Ages, presented Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as a false , heresiarch, and impostor, author of a false religion: while a few of these European authors read sources about Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, they did so with an eye to understanding and denouncing the false religion that he founded.

This began to change in the eighteenth century, when some Enlightenment writers portrayed Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in a positive light: such is the case of Henri, Conte de Boulanvilliers, who (in order better to criticize the Catholic Church) makes the Muslim prophet into an anti-clerical hero who freed believers from a corrupt Church and reinstated a direct link between God and his faithful.

In the following century, romantic writers such as Washington Irving or Thomas Carlyle made Muhammad into a hero, legislator to his people, and a “great man.”


We are interested principally in what happens next: starting in the nineteenth century, and increasingly until today, Muslims and non-Muslims read and react to each others’ depictions of and of the prophet. This is due in part to the increased knowledge of Arabic and other eastern by European scholars, but is principally the result of the emergence of French and English as international languages read by millions of Muslims—be they subjects of the British and French colonial Empires, immigrants to Europe, Australia and the Americas, or simply authors expressing themselves in the emerging global common of English. As a result, these various strands have become thoroughly entangled.

This process began in the nineteenth century, when Muslims in the British and French empires started to read what European authors had written about Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and reacted.

Two of the lives of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam most widely read in English were Humphey Prideaux’s polemical True Nature of the Imposture Fully Display'd in the Life of (1697) and the less vicious but nevertheless negative portrayal by William Muir, a Protestant missionary and a British colonial official, The Life of Mahomet from Original Sources (1878).

If time permitted we could look have looked at these two works and two refutations that they sparked from Ahmed Khan (writing in and English, 1869-70) and Syed Ameer (in English, 1873-91). Both authors were closely involved with the British administration in ; both sought to refute what they saw as Western Christian prejudice and misunderstanding of Islam. Khan and Syed Ameer Ali assailed both the

2 lack of objectivity of Prideaux and Muir and their failure to understand the Arabic sources.

At the same time, Khan, Syed Ameer Ali and other Muslim authors writing in English (or in French) refuted the standard Western accusations against Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam: his violence, his supposed lust (manifested in his polygamy), his supposed opportunistic feigning of (some or all of) his revelations. These authors, then, had to address the concerns of their European readers and had to justify, or at least contextualize, those elements of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s biography that could seem strange or offensive to them. Even in written by Muslims for other Muslims, this apologetical strain is increasingly found, as in a globalized world increasingly dominated by European Christians, some Muslim authors felt a need to justify and explain elements of the prophet’s life to their Muslim readers. Other European authors were called in to testify to Muhammad’s greatness: Carlyle and Irving, for example. Some Muslim authors placed the accent less on Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam’s religious calling than on his role as legislator, statesman and reformer.

In the 1930s, a slew of Egyptian intellectuals, from both pious and secular points of view, wrote glowing biographies of the prophet, usually portraying him as a far-thinking political leader, lawgiver and moral model.

In the mid-twentieth century Fakir Syed Waheed-ud- wrote a biography of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam in Urdu in which he affirmed that the prophet was even better than Napoleon, since he combined military and political prowess with

3 religious merit. His book, translated into English as The Benefactor, became standard reading for members of the in the US.

For the purpose of this presentation we will make some general comments and then list some works on the subject and share a few reflections on these. I would like to begin this presentation by making readers aware of some of the issues at stake when reading the sirah.

Recently the writing of sirah and the representation of the Rasul of Islam sallallahu alaihi wasallam has been the subject of several interesting studies. To mention one recent work we can quote the work of Gunny who in his book Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650-Present (2010) presents a pioneering study of French and European literary and theological representations of Islam in the modern period and offers a survey of over 350 years, which is both a cross cultural history and a discussion of the intellectual changes in the representation of the Prophet's life based on the examination of original published and unpublished manuscripts.

“Reading a reading” of the Sirah

Essentially this is what is at stake in this bibliographical study of the sirah literature. We will limit our study and examination to works in the English language. We also further limit the scope of our investigation by looking at works that are printed albeit taking cognizance of the way in which we read is fast changing. Websites and blogs as well as

4 e-books are a growing source from which people read. The other medium is audio books which also have an impressive breadth of choices.

Reading the sirah is essentially what the author of any sirah does. In that sense the authors approach and ideology determines what he is going to draw and glean from the sirah. Sirah writing is not a passive and thoughtless practice. Instead it is a very deliberate attempt at using the noble biography for didactic purposes. The sirah allows us to draw conclusions and to apply lessons to our own context and circumstances. It allows the author to couch his own interpretation of the religion in the biography of the Prophet of Islam. There are multiple readings of the sirah; just as there are multiple readings of the religion itself. All of them are far from equal. Many are contradictory and many more are competing interpretations.

As readers of the sirah we are essentially “reading a reading”. This makes the task not only all the more interesting and reflective (and reflexive) to the critical thinker. It also puts value to the exercise we do here this afternoon.

The best work on the sirah

If someone were to ask: What in your opinion is the best work on the sirah? There can be no doubt that as Muslims we can only reply by saying that it has to be the Qur’an. Undoubtedly the Qur’an serves as the best sirah of the Prophet. And just as it is paradigmatic to speak of the live as the Qur’an, it is equally true to say that the Qur’an is the best sirah of the Prophet of sallallahu alaihi wasalllam. This also puts paid to the idea that a good sirah is a chronological account of the biography of the Nabi of Allah Ta’ala sallallahu alaihi wasallam.


Reading the Qur’an as a book of Sirah brings the Qur’an alive. It provides context and is a clarion call to recognize the place of revelation in the living and dynamic Muslim community then and by extension in our own time as well.

The Sirah as literature: Literary theory, reception theory and hermeneutics

As with any other literature there are essentially three considerations at play here. The author-the text-the reader. The author has an audience in mind and uses a text to convey meaning. An examination of the text allows us to derive information about the reader and the intended audience. At times there are external information that fill the gaps but we oftern have to look at the text itself. Where the horizon of the text meets the horizon of the audience meaning is achieved. Our problem is one of interpretation.

Moments in Sirah Literature

There are certain events in recent past which have resulted in an increase or spurt in the number of works written in the sirah genre.

In this regards state patronage also plays a role. The prize for sirah writing in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia is one such impetus which has played a role. Sympathetic leaders such as the later General Zia ul-Haq who promoted these prizes were a source of inspiration to many.

Salman Rushdie’s and the controversy that followed prompted Muslim writers to produce works in the sirah genre. In recent times 9/11 and the affair had a similar effect. The number of works that are being produced in is also laudable.


Limiting the Genre

There are a number of types or sub-genres of the sirah literature. In a recent extensive bibliographical survey of works in the Arabic language Husn al-masirah fi mu’allafat al- sirah, Shaykh “Abd al-Aziz al-Dakhil identifies the following categories of the sirah genre:

1. Comprehensive Books Specifically Focusing on the Prophetic Biography

2. Books relating to the battles, wars and expeditions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam

3. Chapters of the Prophetic Biography as compiled in the collections of .

4. As above

5. Chapters of the Prophetic Biography as recorded in the hadith commentaries.

6. Chapters of the Prophetic Biography as recorded in the books of history etc.

7. Books discussing the blessed names of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam and his lineage.

8. Books discussing the birth, upbringing, and demise of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

9. Books compiled relating to Isra’ & Mi’raj

10. Compilations discussing his specialties and proofs of his prophethood Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

11. Books stating his virtues and defining his rights Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

12. Books stating the virtues of delivering peace and salutations upon him Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

13. Books relating to his physical attributes, his character and perfections.


14. Books containing his statements, eloquence, his speeches and advices.

15. Books discussing the guidance given by the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam, his enjoining of good and forbidding of evil, his rulings and commands.

16. Books relating to his scribes, his letters and his messengers Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

17. Books relating to his family, offspring and wives Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

18. Books relating to his servants, freed slaves, his possessions and wealth Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

19. Books relating to his victories and the end result of those who cursed him Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

20. Books relating to dispraise of exaggeration in relation to Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

21. Poetry collections discussing his life Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

22. Books eulogizing him Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam.

23. Encyclopedias and contemporary studies in the biography of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam..

For the purpose of our presentation we will limit our review to the following:

1. Books available in the English language 2. Books that are popularly available 3. Books that mainly attempt to provide a chronological record the sirah. However, some examples are from other types of sirah writing.


South African Publications on the Sirah

This researcher has not sufficiently explored the scope of South African publications on the sirah. There are only a couple of titles listed here. Our preliminary observations show that in the main Sirah writing in South Africa has been mainly directed at a student readership. The most widely used book in this regard is Mawlana ibn Zubair Ali’s Seerah Sayyidul Ambiya sallallahu alaihi wasallam: Life Story of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. This work now published as a book for the general public was prescribed extensively in maktab settings.

A List of Suggested Books on the Sirah and some reflections on these works

Preliminary Remarks

What follows is a discussion of some popular works on the sirah in the English language. We share some reflections on the works chosen. These are in no ways exhaustive nor is the intention here to serve as the final word on the subject. For our purposes here we have some impressions on 15 works and thereafter mention some works which are essential to bring to the attention of our readers because of the fact that they are now popularly available.

The works here are not mentioned in any particular order but somehow represent a bias for the most popular and recommended works first.

A similar list, from which I have benefitted and used as a basis for this study, has been prepared by Shaykh Bilal Ali and titled “Reading List: Recommended Books on Sirah (Prophetic Biography)”. This review article appears on the authors webpage here: biography/


All the books here I have access to and comments about the books are my impressions and also draw on the information about the books supplied by the publishers and authors.

What follows is the list prepared for this presentation:

The List

1. Siratul Mustafa Maulana Sahib Kandehlawi Translated by Mufti Muhammed Kadwa Published by Zam Zam Publishers and Madrasah Arabia Islamia

Publication date: January 2011

Abridged by Jamiatul KZN Talimi Board in one volume.

2. Prophet of Mercy

S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

First published by Haji Arfeen Academy

Translated by Mohiuddin Ahmad

Published by: Turath Publishing.

Publication Date: 2014.

4. The Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography Dr. M Sa‘id Ramadan al-Buti (Dar al-Fikr)


Translated by Nancy Roberts

Published by Dar al-Fikr al-Mouaser

Publication date: 2006

4. The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Highlights and Lessons)

Dr Mustafa as-Sibaa'ie

Published by: International Islamic Publishing house

Publication date: January 1, 2005

5. Ar-Raheeq al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) by Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

Published by: Dar-us-Salam

Publication date:(A- 2nd October 2010) (B- October 2015) (C- 2nd January 2013)

6. The Noble Life of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him)

Dr. ‘Ali Muhammad As-Sallaabee (Darussalam)

Translated by Faisal Shafeeq

Published by: Dar-us-Salam

Publication date: October 2005


7. Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings (Inner Traditions International)

Published by: Islamic Texts Society

Publication date: 1 January 1983

8. The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya)

Ibn Kathir (Author), Trevor Le Gassick (Translator)

Published by: Garnet publishing

Publication date: January 31, 2001

9. History of the Prophets and Kings

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari

Translated by various academics

Series: Suny Press

Publication date: June 2007

10. Muhammad The Ideal Prophet (English by Mohiuddin Ahmad) .

Muhammad The Prophet Of Peace (translated by Rauf Luther)



Published by: Reprinted with permission of Academy of Islamic Research and Publications, , India. Published by Islamic Book Trust, Malaysia.

Publication date: (1988) 27 march 2013

11. Atlas on the Prophet’s Biography: Places, Nations, Landmarks

Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil

Published by: (Darussalam)

Publication date: 1st March 2004

12. The Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husain Haykal

Published by: American Trust Publications

Publication date: 1st June 2005

13. The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad. ed. Jonathan Brockopp (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2009)

Published by: Cambridge university press

Publication date: 10th June 2010

14. The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad

Tariq Ramadan

Published by: Penguin Books


Publication date: 28 February 2008

15. The Life and Work of the Prophet of Islam

Muhammad Hamidullah

Translated by Mahmmod Ahmad Ghazi

Published by: Publishers and Distributors

Publication date: 2007

16. Muhammad: Encyclopaedia of Seerah

Edited by Afzalur Rahman

Published by: Seerah Foundation (UK)

Publication date: 1985 to 1992

17. A Day in the Life of Muhammad: (A study in the prophet’s daily program)

Abd-al-Wahhab b. Nasir al-Turayri

Translated and edited by Adil Salahi

Publication date: 17th June 2010

18. Muhammad the best of Creations: A glimpse of his blessed life

Sayed Muhammad ibn' Alawi al- al Hasani

Published by: Heritage Press


Publication date: 2nd October 2013

19. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the Perfect Man (Muhammad al- Insan al-Kamil)

Sayed Muhammad ibn' Alawi al-Maliki al Hasani

Translated by Khalid Williams, foreword by Dr Mostafa Badawi

Muhammad al-Insan al-Kamil

Publisher: Visions of Reality Books

Publication date: 1st October 2012

20. The Life and Teachings of Muhammad (A Study in reply to the European Writers)

Sayed Ameer Ali

Published by: Adam Publishers

Publication date: 1873 (1995)

21. A Biography of the Prophet of Islam : In light of the original sources An analytical study.

Dr Rizqullah Ahmed

Translated by: Sayed Iqbal Zaheer

Published by: Darussalam

Publication date: 2005


22. Revelation: The Story of Muhammad

Meraj Mohiuddin Foreword by Dr Sherman Jackson.

Published by: 2016

Publication date: Whiteboard Press

23. Prophetic Grace: The Quraanic merits of the Prophet Muhammad

Shaykh Ahmad bin ‘Ajiba;

Translated by Abdul Aziz Surraqh

Publisher: Al-Madina Institute

Publication date: 2015

24. The Unique Qualities of the Prophet and his Community (Kasa'is al-Nabi wa ummatihi)

Imam Yusuf Al Nabahani

Translated by: Rashad Jameer

Published by: Waslia Press

Publication date: 2015

25. A summary of the unique particulars of the beloved prophet Muhammad

Imam Jalal al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman al-Suyuti (d. 911)

Translated by: Tahir Mahmood Kiani


Published by Ta-Ha Publishers (UK)

Publication date:

26. Muhammad: Islam's First Great General

Richard A.

Series: Campaigns and Commanders (editor Gregory JW Urwin)

Published by: University of Oklahoma Press

Publication date: 2007

27. A Mercy to the Universe

Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahatani

Published by: Darussalam

Publication date: 2007

28. Life of Muhammad and subjects subsidiary thereto

Sayed Ahmed Khan Bahador

Published by: Sang-e-Meet Publications

Publication date: (1870) 2008


29. The Sublime Conduct of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Original: Mufti Muhammad Irshaad Ahmed Qasami

Translated: Abdurrahman ibn Hafiz Hussein Kolia

Published by: Zam Zam Publishers

Publication date: 2015

30. The Exemplary Role Model Muhammad

Dr Recep Dogan

Published by: FB Publishing ISRA (Australia)

Publication date: 2014

31. Muhammad the Messenger of God: An Analysis of the Prophet’s Life

M Fethullah Gulen

Published by: Tughra Books (New Jersey)

Publication date: (2013) 2015

32. Muhammad: Man and Prophet

Adil Salahi

Published by: The Islamic Foundation (UK)

Pablication Date: 2002 (2014)


33. Muhammad: Messenger of Allah: Ash-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad

Qadi ‘Iyad ibn Musa al-Yahsubi

Translated by Abdurrahman Bewley

Published by: Diwan Press

Publication Date: 1991 (2011)

34. Abridged Biography of Prophet Muhammad (Mukhtasar Seerah Ar-Rasool)

Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab al-Tamimi (1115-1206 AH).

Published by: Darussalam

Publication date: 2003

35. The Life of Muhammad Tahia Al-Ismail

Published by: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. (UK)

Publication date: 1988 (2006)

36. Muhammad : The Final Messenger Dr. Majid Ali Khan

Published by: Da'wah Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan

Publication date: 1983

South African Publications:


37. Seerah Sayyidul Ambiya sallallahu alaihi wasallam: Life Story of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam Muhammad Ali bin Zubair Ali Published by: Zam Zam Publications Publication date: March 2007 The aim of the author is to summarise and present to the English readers what is found in the books of the akabirin. This book is a popular text book in makatib in South Africa and is easily read and understood.

38. Seerat-un-Nabi Yaqub Patel Translated by B. Ismail Published by: Girls Madrasah Zakariyya ? Publication date:

39. Our Beloved Nabi Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Moosa Olgar Published by: ? Publication date: ?

40. The Noble Qualities of Nabi-e-Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Dawood Seedat Published by: ? Publication date: ?


Available widely as a e-book (PDF), this book is a transcript of the lectures of this author on the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad sallalallahu alaihi wasallam.

A Brief Discussion


Siratul Mustafa by Maulana Idris Sahib Kandehlawi (Zam Zam Publishers and Madrasah Arabia Islamia) Translated by Mufti Muhammed Kadwa (Published January 2011) Abridged by Jamiatul Ulama KZN Talimi Board in one volume.

This is a translation of a three-volume masterpiece in the Urdu, written by an erudite hadith scholar, the book’s discussions on the hadith are excellent and unique to the work. Although it is a bit technical at times for the novice, scholar and non-scholar alike will benefit highly from the book. Essentially written in response to another popular work on the sīrah, Sirat al-Nabi, by , it does go out of its way to clarify important issues and counter recent misconceptions that have arisen around the Prophet’s noble life.


The book is thorough and is arguably the best available work on the subject. Some very important subjects such as , and other contentious issues are dealt with in a very balanced way.

Siratul Mustafa has been published in South Africa in a box set by….. and has been abridged by the Ta’almi Board of the Jamiatul Ulama KZN.

The author Muḥammad Idrīs ibn Muḥammad Ismā‘īl Ṣiddīqī Kāndhlawī (d. 28 July 1974) was a Islamic scholar particularly known as a scholar of hadith and (exegesis of the Qur'an). He held the post of Shaykh at-Tafsir at Deoband in India and later migrated to Pakistan where he served as Shaykh al-Hadith wat-Tafsir at Lahore. Notable among his written works are Ma'ariful Qur'an, a tafsir of the Qur'an, Siratul Mustafa, a sirah (biography) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and at-Ta'liq as-Sabih, an Arabic sharh (commentary) on the hadith collection Mishkat al-Masabih. A graduate of both Saharanpur and , he studied under scholars including , , and .


Prophet of Mercy by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (Haji Arfeen Academy) Translated by Mohiuddin Ahmad

This book is an English translation of as-Sirat an-Nabawiyyah; a scholarly and thoroughly researched Arabic work of Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi (May Allahs Mercy be upon him). However the title has been taken from the Urdu translation of the said

22 work. In this book, the author has been particularly mindful of the current generation's mindset, taste, understanding and sensibilities. Similarly, he has been entirely considerate of the modern method of research and discourse, so that the content, evidences and style prove to be effective. In preparing the book, the author has read old and new literature, in Arabic and other languages; so that the book, in addition to being comprehensive, is also able to dispel any confusion that exists in the modern mind. As a result, this book has received much acclaim, and within a short space of time it has been included in the syllabus of universities. Now, the English version of this book is in your hands, so that English speakers may also benefit.

About the Author: Shaykh Abul-Hasan Ali Nadwi was from the Indian Hasani descendents of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and a luminary of a famous and renowned scholarly family. Even though he was from the UP district of Rai Bareilly, he spent his life in Lucknow. He was the Nazim (principal) and the chair of the All-India Muslim Personal Law Board. Along with being a great Islamic thinker, preacher and guide, he was a successful author and he had equal command of both oral and written Urdu and Arabic. He has written several books, the most famous of which is: What has the world lost because of the downfall of the Muslims? His pen exuded empathy for humanity and acted as a representative of Islamic thought. Through his speech and writing, he presented the authentic Islamic thought and methodology. Alongside his leadership of Nadwa and the Personal Law Board, he was responsible for and a patron of a number of religious and social organisations. His religious and social activism spans a period of more than half a century.

Original Translation by Dr Mohiuddin Ahmad



The Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography by Dr. M Sa‘id Ramadan al-Buti (Dar al- Fikr) Translated by Nancy Roberts

This one-volume work, this book concentrates on lessons that can be learned from the life of the Messenger of Allah (upon him blessings and peace), especially lessons of a political and legal nature. A unique feature of the work is the author’s rebuttal of Orientalist and modernist objections to the prophetic biography and a clarification of the stance of the Ahl al- on those important issues. The work has fewer details than other works because of its emphasis on morals and lessons, which incorporate nearly half of the text. This does not mean that the author does not provide details of the sirah. His method is to mention does matters of the sirah which he uses to take lessons from.

I have used this work extensively for weekly classes on the sirah at Masjid Darus Salam and find that the text is very relevant.

An example of the authors style is Shaykh al-Buti’s discussion of the phase in the sirah after the events at Hudaybiyyah. This is what he has to say:






The life of the prophet Muhammad (highlights and lessons)

Dr Mustafa as-Sibaa'ie

Dr Sibaa’ie, was a well know scholar and worker in the Islamic world.

It is very important for anyone who wants to spread the message of Islam to study the life of the Prophet sallalalhu alaihi wasallam and discover how he undertook the misson of da'wah (call to islam). By studying this sirah (biography), we learn the lessons of patience in the face of adversity and opposition, and the readiness to sacrifice everything for the cause of islam. In this book, Dr. As-Sibaa'ie shows us how the Prophet's approach was gentle, yet determined and clear-cut, with no compromise on basic issues.

Mustafa as-Sibaa'ie, in the cause of Allah, was a lecturer in the University of Damascus, where he taught seerah (the prophet's biography), In this book, he draws on his experience in the field and combines it with his knowledge of the seerah. He takes the most important events of the seerah, summarizes them in order to offer a breif overview, the lessons to be learnt from these events. This is an excellent introduction to both, the seerah and the principle of da'wah. It should be on the bookshelf of every Muslim who wants to call others to the Almighty Allah Ta’ala and is very much an “Islamic movement” type of sirah.



Ar-Raheeq al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar) by Safi-ur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri

One of the more recognized and widely-distributed short works on the sīrah, The Sealed Nectar is a highly accurate and concise narration of the Prophet’s life (upon him blessings and peace). Many students and teachers prefer its clear quotation of primary sources and citation of books. The book has gone through at least a couple reprints and editions. The most recent, has had significant improvements made to it and should be preferred when purchasing. The author, recently deceased, was a renowned Ahle Hadith scholar of the subcontinent with an eye for accuracy in hadith transmission. This is perhaps the work’s strongest feature and also an inherent weakness of the work.

The methodology of the sirah writers throughout has been to accept narrations that do not necessarily meet all the strict and rigorous criterion set by the hadith scholars. This meant that the sirah writers, equipped as they were with a larger pool of narrations, could provide their readers with a fuller picture of the life of the beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. In this sense the activity of sirah writing is distinctly different from a hadith collection on the life of the Prophet of Islam sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Mubarakpuri in effect leaves us with very little of the Prophetic biography and a sanitized and censored sirah gives the impression that other attempts in this genre are wanting. This is certainly not the case. Sirah writers while not applying all the standards of the hadith compilers were nevertheless equally circumspect in their activity. This is a fact often overlooked by the overly zealous.


The Noble Life of the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) by Dr. ‘Ali Muhammad As- Sallaabee (Darussalam) Translated by Faisal Shafeeq


The English translation of al-Sallābī’s recent one-volume Arabic book is a welcome addition to what is now available to our readers. The English translation occupies three thick volumes and what is unique about this work is its avoidance of weak hadith transmissions and the devotion of a section after each chapter to a discussion of morals and lessons that can be learnt from the Prophet’s life (upon him blessing and peace). I use the book for a weekly dars and have benefited extensively from the book while preparing lessons and have used it in the past for lectures. The English is not too bad at all.


Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings (Inner Traditions International) (1983)

Martin Lings’ biography of Muhammad is an internationally acclaimed, comprehensive, and authoritative account of the life of the prophet. Based on the sira, the eighth- and ninth-century Arabic biographies that recount numerous events in the prophet’s life, it contains original English of many important passages that reveal the words of men and women who heard Muhammad speak and witnessed the events of his life.

Scrupulous and exhaustive in its fidelity to its sources, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources is presented in a narrative style that is easily comprehensible, yet authentic and inspiring in its use of language, reflecting both the simplicity and grandeur of the story it tells. This revised edition includes new sections detailing the prophet’s expanding influence and his spreading of the message of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states. It represents the final updates made to the text before the author’s death in 2005. The book has been published in 12 languages and has received

30 numerous awards, including acknowledgment as best biography of the prophet in English at the National Seerat Conference in Islamabad.

Martin Lings is a perennialist and his work displays this bias in more than one place. Recently articles have been published by Fuad Haddad and others which identify this problem in this otherwise widely acclaimed work.


Al-Sira Al-Nabawiyya

Book by

Al-Sira al Nabawiyya is a full examination, in chronological order of the background, life and the mission of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Ibn Kathir has included this book in his magnum opus “Bidayah wa al-Nihayah”. Several parts of the sirah have been translated by Dar al-Salam, Saudi Arabia in various versions. This version has been reviewed by Dr Fareed Muneer and is published in the Great Books of Islamic Civilization series.

Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya by Imam Ibn Kathir is a full examination, in chronological order of the background, life and the mission of the Prophet Muhammad. Drawn from the earliest and most reliable Arabic sources, it offers, in this close English translation, the fullest available account of the historical circumstances and personalities most important in the foundation of Islam.

Ibn Kathir’s work offers a fine example of the Islamic scholarship; the quotations and anecdotes that constitute its core are evaluated in terms of trustworthiness of the sources. Variant wordings that are related through differing lines of transmission are noted, and Ibn Kathir gives both his own assessments and those of the earliest Islamic authorities concerning the likely authenticity of these records. The comments and

31 conversations, derived from ancient texts, that are quoted in this work constitute the basis of our knowledge of Islam during the life time Muhammad (saw)

Volume I - Prior to Prophethood to First Revelation

Relates the history of the Arab tribes who were the Prophet’s forebear, the lives of his parents and the accounts unusual events surrounding his birth. It then goes on to relate anecdotes regarding his childhood, the signs of the Prophet hood and the first revelations. 424 Pages -

Volume II - Early years to 2 AH

Looks at the early years of the prophethood and includes such episodes at the Night Journey from to and the ascent to Haven, the Prophets marriages to Aisha(RA) and Sawda (RA) and the emigration to Madina. It gives details of events in the two years following the emigration, including the building of the Holy and various military expeditions and reveals how Islam as a faith developed. Paper Back 412 Pages -

Volume III - 3AH - 8 AH gives details of the numerous battles and campaigns waged between 3 (AH) and 8 AH to defend and spread the religion of Islam. Paper Back 600 Pages -

Volume IV - 9AH AND 10 AH continues with the events of 9 AH and 10AH and presents the different accounts of the hajjat al –wada ( the ) and the events surrounding the death of the Prophet Muhamad.(saw) Paper Back 600 Pages -

This valuable work on the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and Blessings of Allah upon him) by Imam Ibn Kathir hardly stands in need of any introduction.

(Great Books of Islamic Civilization)



Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari wrote the well-known work History of the Prophets and Kings, whose earlier books include the life of Muhammad, which cite

Al-Tabari like Ibn Kathir is an encyclopaedist and includes a biography of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in his monumental Tarikh. This has been published and translated into English by various academics and is published by Suny.


Syed Sulaiman Nadvi wrote Muhammad The Ideal Prophet and Muhammad The Prophet Of Peace translated by Rauf Luther

In the book Muhammad: The Ideal Prophet, the author has tried to cover the following bases:

Book Contents: 1. Prophets (the perfect model for humanity ) 2. Muhammad peace be upom him ( the ideal prophet ) 3. Historicity 4. Perfection 5. Comprehensiveness 6. Practicality 7. Message of muhammad (peace be upom him) 8. Faith and practice

The author is Maulana Syed Sulaiman Nadvi, whose life had been an un-interrupted devotion to scholarship and literary pursuit, was called upon to devote his energies to the service of Islam and his country. The first quarter of the present century was a period of trials and tribulations for the Indian Muslims in particular. The political scene

33 was tense, surcharged with revolution. The held by the Turkish Sultan was at stake. The western powers were conspiring to do away with this "Sickman of Europe". It is in this mileu that Syed Sulaiman Nadvi emerged as a prolific writer who wrote books on history, biography, literature and travelogue. His greatest work is the "Seerat-un- Nabi" (Life of the Prophet of Islam) in six volumes which has hardly any parallel in any language of the world. This outstanding work on the life of the Holy Prophet of Islam was started by Shibli Nomani, but the major part of it was completed by his pupil, Syed Sulaiman. This has since been translated into several languages and is the most widely read book on the life and teachings of the great Prophet of Islam. He has made Seerat a new and separate subject. Maulana Syed Sulaiman Nadvi had developed a style which was sober and lucid but at the same time convincing and impressive. It was essentially suitable for his historical writings. He is scholarly and objective in his treatment of history, which appeals more to the mind than to the heart.


Atlas on the Prophet’s Biography: Places, Nations, Landmarks by Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil (Darussalam)

A supplemental work really, this book is essentially a compilation of maps, charts, and pictures that will help any student visualize the places, environment, climate, and geography of the prophetic biography. This book is especially important to those who have not visited the Hijaz and visited the landmarks of the prophetic biography in person.

Recently there has been other excellent atlases on the Qur’an which in fact are better than Dr Shawqi’s attempt. I would recommend “The Historical Atlas of the Biography of The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him” by Sami Bin Abdullah Al-Maghlouth published by Oeikhan. Dr Sami al-Maghlout has a number of other good atlases which illustrate the .



The Life of Muhammad by Muhammad Husain Haykal. Translated by Ismail Raji’i al- Farouqi

Haykal achieves two objectives admirably: first, a biography which reveals the career of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the full light of historic reality; second, bringing out the essence of Islam, as exemplified in the life of the greatest Muslim. It includes complete coverage of the Prophet's life, a detailed analysis of pre-Islamic Arabia, the situational context of revelation, and a comparative study of the basics of Islamic and Western civilizations. It is based upon a scholarly examination of all of the extant Sirah and Hadith literature (the Prophet's life, his sayings and narrations of his teachings by his comtemporaries) with the eye of an objective, scientific, and critical scholar who is well versed in modern historical critical methodology. The Life of Muhammad is an essential book for all English-speaking Muslims, as well as non- Muslims. This English version has been approved by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, . Haykal’s work has received much critical review and all of his ideas may not be acceptable to our readers. He was greatly influenced and inspired by the comprehensive religious reforms of Mohammad Abduh, Ahmad Lutfy El Sayed and Qasim Amin.


The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad. ed. Jonathan Brockopp (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2009).


This is an academic, non-confessional study of the Prophet Muhammad. As the Messenger of God, Muhammad stands at the heart of the Islamic religion, revered by Muslims throughout the world. The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad comprises a collection of essays by some of the most accomplished scholars in the field exploring the life and legacy of the Prophet. The book is divided into three sections, the first charting his biography and the milieu into which he was born, the revelation of the Qur'ān, and his role within the early Muslim community. The second part assesses his legacy as a law-maker, philosopher, and politician and, finally, in the third part, chapters examine how Muhammad has been remembered across history in biography, prose, poetry, and, most recently, in film and fiction. Essays are written to engage and inform students, teachers, and readers coming to the subject for the first time. The authors hope that “they will come away with a deeper appreciation of the breadth of the Islamic tradition, of the centrality of the role of the Prophet in that tradition, and, indeed, of what it means to be a Muslim today.”


The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad by Tariq Ramadan

9/11 may not have achieved anything positive, but at least it has galvanised the west's curiosity about that most misunderstood and demonised religion. Tariq Ramadan's The Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad sits in this context. Despite the embargo on its author entering the States, the book was critically acclaimed there.


Ramadan has set himself the task of “extracting the Prophet from the cement of blind devotion. To do this, he traces the Prophet's life not so much through the biographical facts but by quarrying events to see how they illuminate the Prophet and his teachings. It is a careful endeavour, drawn with thoroughness from the hadith and the Qur'an itself.

Ramadan draws together incident after incident, report after report, that bear witness to the Prophet's gentleness and tenderness. They show him sparing the poor and respecting women's strengths, revering nature and adhering to the terms of military pacts even when they were not in his favour. This is not the intolerant bigot who features so strongly in popular mythology. It is a counter to the stereotype. Inevitably, there are times when Ramadan tries to squeeze small events too hard for lessons.

The fact that Muhammad prescribed the veil for his wives alone and not as a general edict is recorded, but its implications are not drawn out; and the regular notes about forthright women who were active in public life leave readers to draw their own conclusions. Jihad is defined firmly as an internal struggle. While qital (armed resistance against oppression) is identified as a second form of jihad, both - argues Ramadan - "are the ways that, by resisting the dark temptations of the inner self as well as human beings' proclivity for war, will make it possible to reach peace".

The hijrah - when the Prophet and his beleaguered followers decamped from Mecca to - demonstrates the need to change one's ways with a change of geography. "It was a difficult experience [for those] who might have been tempted to think that their habits and customs were in themselves Islamic; hijrah, exile, was to reveal that this was not the case and that one must question every single cultural practice, both to be faithful to Islamic principles and to open up to other cultures and gain from their wealth." When

37 the Prophet heard of a wedding among the Medina Muslims, he sent two singing maids to the event, showing he not only recognised a taste "that was not itself opposed to Islamic principles but he integrated it as enrichment of his own human experience". Flexibility and tolerance, he implies, are Islamic.

These are useful nudges and should contribute to debate. But where Ramadan really comes into his own is in passages that deal with the experience of direct revelation. The Messenger manages to communicate a sense of spiritual transcendence. "The heart cannot but commune with such a being as he follows the path to freedom," states Ramadan, and he convinces. For while critical intelligence is vital, it is not enough. To gain some understanding of, and empathy with, Islam, insight is needed into that difficult, heightened and private area of faith.


Muhammad Rasulullah: A concise survey of the life and work of the founder of

Islam (1979) by Muhammad Hamidullah

Muhammad Hamidullah wrote four books on Sira, Muhammad Rasulullah: A concise survey of the life and work of the founder of Islam (1979); The Prophet of Islam: Prophet of Migration (1989); The Prophet's establishing a state and his succession (1988); Battlefields of the Prophet Muhammad (1992).

Muhammad Hamidullah (d.2002) was a muhaddith, faqih, scholar of Islamic law and an academic author with over 250 books. A prolific writer, his extensive works on Islamic science, history and culture have been published in several languages and many thousands of articles in learned journals. His scholarship is regarded by many as unparalleled in the last century. He was fluent in 22 languages including Urdu (his

38 mother tongue), Persian, Arabic, French, English, German, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Russian etc. He learned Thai at the age of 84.

His book is both scholarly and academic but also reflects the fact that he had a broader readership in mind. The Life and Work of the Prophet of Islam is his most widely read book on the sirah and has been translated by my late friend and mentor Dr Mahmmod Ahmad Ghazi. It was first published in French (1959) and English (1978).


Muhammad: Encyclopaedia of Seerah (Afzalur Rahman)

With 8 volumes, published from 1985 to 1992, the Encyclopaedia of Seerah was a unique approach to the study of the Seerah of the Messenger of Allah (saw), with emphasis on the lifestyle of the Prophet. Covering all aspects of his life, as a messenger, and educator, a military leader, a ruler, a statesman, and above all as a man.

Muhammad Encyclopaedia Of Seerah For Children V.1 Sirah Encyclopedia Vol 1, Hb, 96Pp, Seerah Foundation, {Great Resource For Young Muslims} Afzalur Rahman.


A Day in the Life of Muhammad: (A study in the prophet’s daily program)


Abd-al-Wahhab b. Nasir al-Turayri translated and edited by Adil Salahi

We will look at Prophet Muhammad's management of his day, hour by hour, to gain an insight into the simplicity of his great life, the spontaneity of his serious life, the perfect balance between his activities and the fulfilment of complementary needs.

We will see true vivacity in his life, as the lively hours follow one another in his day: every moment is full; no second is wasted. Deals with life itself were made at every second: in his home, , the alleyways of Madinah, his Companions' homes, on the hard mat where he sat, at meal times and in bed when he was about to sleep.

Those around him were all eyes, trying to monitor every word and every move. Even the dark night could not screen his action from those loving hearts who wanted to know how he spent the night. No walls were high enough to hide his private life. Both hearts and eyes were with him at home until he went to bed: they saw him as he was fast asleep and observed him as he woke up. He was not just an ordinary person who started fresh in the morning and was tired and less energetic in the evening. The constant flow of his energy made you feel that every moment was a fresh start. He was the man of the moment; every moment. No opportunity was ever lost. As a Prophet and a messenger of God, he instinctively realized that every moment must be accounted for; must serve a useful purpose. The same rule applies to every hour and every day: each must have its achievement. Life can thus yield its fruit.


Muhammad the Best of Creations: A glimpse of his blessed life

Sayed Muhammad ibn' Alawi al-Maliki al Hasani

ISBN: 9780957693722


Author: Muhammad ibn 'Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani; Amjad Mahmood

Publisher: Heritage Press (Jan. 2014)

Pages: 122

Description from the publisher:

This two-part treatise is a translation of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki’s Ta’rikh al-hawadith wa al-ahwal al-nabawiyyah (The history of the Prophetic events and states), is a comprehensive summary of some of the most authoritative and voluminous works written on the Prophetic biography.

The first part deals with various aspects of the Prophet's life, such as his early years before receiving revelation, members of his family, his servants, miracles, signs of his prophethood, the weapons he used in battle, the beasts he rode, the clothes he wore and so forth.

The second part is a chronological summary of the most important events to have taken place in his life.

About the Author

Shaykh al-Sharif Al-Sayyid Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Alawi ibn Abbas ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-'Idrisi al-Makki (1944–2004) was a prominent Sunni Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia.


He was one of the foremost traditional Islamic scholars of contemporary times, and without doubt, the most highly respected and loved scholar of the holy city of Mecca and the entire Hijaz region.

He is a grandson of the Prophet , a leader of the Ahlul Bayt, the Imam of Hadith in courage, an authority of the four , a spiritual leader of the highest caliber, caller to Allah, and unparalleled in his standing in the world of traditional Islamic scholarship. A visit to him was considered imperative for the `Ulema who would visit Mecca. A world-renowned scholar who spent his life teaching and writing. He held many prestigious positions, including religious instructor at the Haram Mosque after his father, professor at the Faculty of , King 'Abd al-'Aziz University, Mecca, 1390–1399 AH, and an active member of the League. He died in Mecca in 1425/2004.


Muhammad the Perfect Man

Sayed Muhammad ibn' Alawi al-Maliki al Hasani

Translated by Khalid Williams, foreword by Dr Mostafa Badawi

Muhammad al-Insan al-Kamil

Title: Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the Perfect Man (Muhammad al- Insan al-Kamil) Publisher: Visions of Reality Books Author: Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani Translator: Khalid Williams Foreword: Shaykh Mostafa Badawi


This is originally an Arabic work, titled, Muhammad al-Insan al-Kamil, enumerating and describing some of infinite qualities of perfection that Allah, Most High, blessed his final Messenger with, may Allah always bless him and grant him peace. In the Publishers Note, the book is described as such:

The author catalogues the Prophetic Perfections in great detail and provides scriptural evidence with meticulous scholarly authority. The book is further augmented by Khalid Williams’ lucid and exemplary translation adding depth, breadth, clarity and making this within easy reach of the English speaking world.

The book is a modern day classic in the Arabic language – we pray that its translation becomes the same in English.

Shaykh Mostafa Badawi writes in his Foreword:

The author, Sayyid Muhammad, son of Sayyid ‘Alawi al-Maliki, is himself an Idrisi Sharif whose ancestors had emigrated from Mecca to Morocco. His father Sayyid ‘Alawi was one of the most eminent and popular scholars of Mecca, as had been his grandfather, Sayyid Abbas. Many of their direct ancestors had been teachers of religious sciences and orators who regularly delivered the Friday Sermon at the Sacred Mosque [Masjid al-Haram]. He was therefore raised in a house of knowledge and spirituality and received tuition in all branches of Islamic knowledge, mainly from his father and then from the most eminent scholars in Mecca, Jeddah, and Medina at that time. and later:

Sayyid Muhammad taught people to love God and His Messenger. His tremendous love for his ancestor, the Prophet, shone through his words, deeds, and attitudes. He set a good example for those who strove to acquire the prophetic virtues of tolerance, gentleness, compassion, and selfless devotion to the cause of God and Islam, together with uncompromising upholding of the truth and justice. As a scholar he never stooped to the crude methods of his adversaries, always maintaining the traditional courteous

43 stance that he had inherited from his teachers when defending his faith against often crude and spiteful attacks.

On two consecutive years before his death he visited his ancestor, Imam Idris, in Morocco, and wrote a long poem in his praise.

On Friday the 15th of Ramadan of the year 1425AH we received news that Sayyid Muhammad had died suddenly in Mecca. He was sixty three lunar years old. We learned subsequently that he had been putting his affairs in order for months before that, as if in preparation for his departure. Thousands attended his funeral, from Mecca and Jeddah, and from elsewhere in the Arabian Peninsula. Many more thousands came in the next few days from all over the Islamic World to offer their condolences to his brother Sayyid ‘Abbas, his son Ahmad, and the rest of the family. He was buried in the Ma’la Cemetery of Mecca – in the same enclosure where his father had been buried, as well as numerous other scholars and saints, at the northern end of the cemetery, to one’s right as one approaches the tomb of the Prophet’s first wife, the Lady Khadija – leaving his son Ahmad to the run the school in Mecca and continue the regular teaching sessions in the tradition of their ancestors.

Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani writes in his introduction:

Much has been written on the prophetic biography (al-Sira al-Nabawiyya) in its different aspects, not only in Arabic and Persian but also in many Western languages, including English, in which more works on prophetic biography have been authored than in any other Western language. English literature is richly endowed with studies of this subject, because much effort was devoted by Western authors to producing biographies of the Trusted Prophet, thus providing clear proofs of the greatness of Islam’s Messenger and acknowledging that the Blessed Prophet had succeeded in freeing his society from the effects of slavery and ignorant customs, and from the yoke of base and degrading practices. One of them said that his (peace and blessings be upon him) call raised the community (umma) from the pits of misery to the heights of happiness in only a few

44 years. Nevertheless, their works are not free from misrepresentations and defamatory additions, and thus are not entirely trustworthy.

Yet no matter how much they write, and how many volumes they fill with descriptions of his virtues, they could never possibly encompass all the admirable qualities and pure, goodly attributes with which his person (peace and blessings be upon him) was endowed; for he reached the heights of human perfection when his Lord elected him to convey His divine message; thus he spoke not of his own caprice, but his words were naught but Revelations being revealed. And his Lord praised him by saying: ‘Verily, you are of a tremendous nature’ [68:4] and He said: ‘And had you been harsh and hard- hearted, they would have scattered from about you’ [3:159]; and there are many similar passages in this mightiest of books and finest of discourses. Thus it is beyond human power to enumerate every one of his perfections. and later in the introduction, the author writes:

And the more man develops his civilisation, and further ascends the ladder of progress, and the more his intellectual horizons broaden, he will perceive more and more of the benefits that Muhammad (peace be upon him) offers to all humanity.

Fourteen centuries have passed since the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) passed on to the Supreme Assembly, and his greatness continues to fill hearts and ears, and his remembrance remains the music of life for all those who thirst to drink from the spring of his holy inspiration, and to partake of the overflowing blessings of his unique valour and perfect greatness. and later in the introduction:

His (peace and blessings be upon him) greatness was not drawn from any allegiance of kinship or any wordly prestige or wealth, nor from the greatness of the nation in which he appeared, nor from his high lineage or nobility. Rather, his greatness was drawn from the majesty of this personality, the perfection of his character and the broadness of

45 his horizons, and from his being the highest paradigm of the perfect man. It was drawn from how he lived and died while struggling for Allah’s cause, and from his being the Chosen Messenger elected by Divine Providence from among all of mankind to convey Allah’s message to the world, after a time had passed wherein no messenger had come, and the people had gone astray and forgotten the guidance of Heaven which they had been given by the prophets and messengers of the past. Thus he came forth bearing the final message to unite all humanity on one doctrine, the primordial nature in which Allah created man.

Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani ends his introduction with what endeavoured him to write this book:

Once I was reading Surat al-Ma’ida when I came to the Almighty’s words: ‘This day have I perfected for you your religion, and fulfilled My favour upon you, and have gladly chosen for you Islam as your religion’ [5:3]. I stopped at this verse and reflected on it, and began to repeat it again and again, tasting its sweetness and experiences its eloquence, until my whole body was moved by it. From it, I concluded the following:

1 – Allah intended for this religion to be the seal of all religions, so that no other religion would ever come after it to replace it, amend it or correct it, as He says: ‘Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, yet he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets’ [33:40]. Because of this, He placed within this religion sufficient laws, ethics and teachings to ensure it would be lasting and unending, and fitting for all times and places, and able to give happiness to all mankind and to free humanity from its fetters, and establish justice and truth among all people. All this made this religion immutable, complete, preserved and unending.

As for its being immutable, Allah says: ‘Turn, then your face toward the religion in a pure fashion, in conformity with the primordial nature upon which Allah has created men; there is no changing Allah’s creation. This is the immutable religion, but most men know it not’ [30:30]


As for its being complete, Allah says: ‘We left nothing out of the Book’ [6:38]

As for it being preserved, Allah says: ‘Falsehood comes to it not from before it, nor from behind it’ [41:42]

And as for its being unending, Allah says: ‘We Ourselves have sent down the Remembrance, and We watch over it’ [15:9].

Completeness, preservation and endlessness are the primary qualities of perfection, and these qualities make it the perfect religion.

2 – In the message of Islam is complete, immutable, preserved, endless and perfect in every way, then the one whom Allah sends to bring it forth and invite others to it must also be at this level or indeed a higher one, and have this same rank or indeed a loftier one, and be of this status or indeed a greater one; for it is he who undertakes to bear the burden of this message, and it is only logical that a great load can only be borne by one who is greater than it.

3 – Leading on from this subtle point and this noble standpoint, I concluded that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) who came forth with this perfect religion, must himself be a perfect man, and perfect in every way: perfect in his image and appearance, such that no one who saw him ever saw the like of him, before or after:

He it is whose subtle and physical forms were perfected, Then the originator of souls chose him as His beloved.

Perfect also in his character and nature, for his Lord said of him: ‘Verily, you are of a tremendous nature’ [68:4]. Perfect too in his ethics and his way of life, for his Lord said of him: ‘Did He not find you an orphan, and shelter you? And find wandering, and guide you? And find you needy, and enrich you? [93:6-8] He is the perfect man in every way, both physically and spiritually and free of all fault and blemish.


Created were you free of every blemish, As though you were created just as you wished to be!

4 – I wanted to have a share in writing about this truth, a truth which is only denied by those who are guilty of folly and falsehood:

If a blind man denies that the sun shines, He harms it not at all, but reveals his own folly.

So I endeavoured to write about the perfection of this man (peace and blessings be upon him), and thus I wrote this book, in which I have spoken about some aspects of his (peace and blessings be upon him) person, and I ask the Lord Almighty to inspire us with the truth, and to guide us by His grace to that wherein there is goodness and righteousness. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his Household and his Companions.

Now we will continue to pick out a few excerpts of how Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi expounds on this reality.

The Perfection of His Pure and Noble Lineage:

Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ‘I came from marriage and never from fornication, from the time of Adam until my father and mother begat me. None of the fornication of pagan ignorance touched me.

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) recited ‘There has come unto you a messenger from the best of you’ [9:128], and then said: ‘I am the best of you in lineage, kinship and ancestry; my forebears from Adam were unsullied by fornication.’

Prophetic Beauty:


As for the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon him) awe-inspiring majesty, Hind ibn Abi Hala said of it: ‘The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) had great and stately attributes, and was honoured as such by others. Ali (may Allah be pleased with him): ‘Whoever saw him unexpectedly would be awe-stricken.’ Others said that the Prophet was the most dignified of people in his gatherings. Once a man came to him and was sorely awe-stricken by him and began to quake; so the Prophet spoke words to set him at ease. Amr ibn al-As (may Allah be pleased with him) said about the Prophet’s presence: ‘I could not look at him directly because of the awe he struck in me’ and were I to be asked to describe him, I would not be able to do so, because I never took a firm look at him.'(peace and blessings be upon him)

The Companions (may Allah be pleased with him) were unable to look directly at him (peace and blessings be upon him) because of how powerful the awe he inspired in them was, and how dignified his bearing was. This is why all our descriptions of him (peace and blessings be upon him) come from the youngest of them, of those who were in his care before the mission of prophethood began such as Hind ibn Abi Hala (may Allah be pleased with her) and our master Ali (May Allah be pleased with him).

Lessons from the Story of the Opening of His Blessed Breast:

The great scholar Ibn al-Munir said: The opening of his (peace and blessings be upon him) breast, and his patient endurance of it, was akin to the trial which Allah send to the Sacrificed One [Son of Ibrahim – Ismail, peace be upon them]; nay, it was even more difficult and trying, because that was only symbolic, whilst this actually happened. What was more, it was repeated, and it occurred to him when he (peace and blessings be upon him) was still a young orphan, far from his family.

His (peace and blessings be upon him) Perfect Physical Strength:

[Reviewer’s note: The following passage is referring to the ]


Some narrations of this story state that they did not go to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) until after they had proved unable to move the rock, and broken their spades on it; these narrations also state that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) only struck the rock three times before it broke. His (peace and blessings be upon him) strength was such that the rock could only withstand three blows from him after having completely exhausted the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) despite their best efforts to budge it. This was how strong he (peace and blessings be upon him) was after going three days without eating, so that he had to tie a stone to his stomach to abate his hunger. We all know how hunger weakens the body – so what do you imagine the hunger of going three days without food would be like? Had he (peace and blessings be upon him) not been so hungry, there is no doubt that his strength would have been greater still – and can you imagine his strength?

His Perfect Knowledge:

One aspect of the breadth of his (peace and blessings be upon him) knowledge is that Allah gave him the , with all the teachings and truths that are gathered therein. The Quran is an ocean of knowledge and wisdom; and Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘If I spoke to you about Surah al-Fatiha, it would over-burden 70 camels.’ What, then, of the knowledge of our master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and the understanding that the Quran imparted unto him?

Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi expounds on his knowledge of the unseen, of Paradise and of Hell, of the Hour, its signs, its minor and major, the knowledge of different realms of the seven heavens and that of states and affairs of beings on the Day of Judgement. He also writes:

Al-Tabarani narrated, with a chain of narration the men of which are all rigorously authenticated, that Abu -al-Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) said: ‘Before the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) parted from us, there was not a

50 single bird flying with its wings save that he had taught us some knowledge pertaining to it.

His Perfect Eloquence:

How could he not be the most eloquent of Allah’s creation, when Allah gave him a way of speaking that expressed so much with such few words? He once said from the pulpit: ‘O People! I have been given the compendium of speech and its keys, and for me it has been made as concise as can be.’ Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) once asked him about the secret of his eloquence, saying: ‘O Prophet of Allah, how can it be that you are the most eloquent of us, when you never left our sight?’ He (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: ‘The tongue of Isma’il had vanished, and so Jibril brought it to me and I retained it.’ and later:

Another aspect of his (peace and blessings be upon him) perfect eloquence was that he would speak to every tribe with their own regional dialect and idioms, to the point where many of his Companions would ask him to explain certain words and expressions he used. Whoever studies his words and his biography will clearly see this; the way he spoke to , the Helpers, and the people of Hijaz and Nahd in general was not the same as the way he spoke to the chieftains of Hadramaut and the kings of Yemen. The letter he (peace and blessings be upon him) sent to Hamdan [of Yemen] was filled with words common to the Yemeni dialect. The same is true of the way he (peace and blessings be upon him) addressed the [Yemeni] tribe of Nahd, and the message he (peace and blessings be upon him) gave Wa’il ibn Hajar to convey to the chieftains of Hadramaut, giving instructions on how the should be collected.

The book covers an awe-inspring number of aspects of the Prophetic office and his perfection in all realms of life, of knowledge both related to this world and the world to come, of the Lord and his commandments and prohibition, his perfection in all virtue, in worship, in his character, his excellence and perfection in his teaching, in conveying the

51 message, in leading his people both in persecution and when in power, in inspiring his followers, in his governance, expeditions and negotiations, his foresight in signing treaties, agreements and truces, in his ethics, loyalty, justice, forgiveness, his mercy with animals and more. This book is highly recommended as a sequel to a work on prophetic biography, and to one about to embark on a trip to the two sanctuaries. It moves the reader to fall in love with the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and leaves the reader in absolute awe of the last Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him).


The life and teachings of Muhammad

Sayed Ameer Ali

Syed Ameer Ali (1849–1928) was an Indian/British Indian jurist. He was a prominent political leader, and author of a number of influential books on Muslim history and the modern development of Islam, who is credited for his contributions to the Law of India, particularly Muslim Personal Law, as well as the development of political philosophy for Muslims, during the . He was a signatory to the 1906 Petition to the Viceroy and was thus a founding-member of the All India Muslim League.

David Samuel Margoliouth in the preface of his book Mohammed and the Rise of Islam wrote:


The charming and eloquent treatise of Syed Ameer Ali, The Spirit of Islam, is probably the best achievement in the way of an apology for Mohammed that is ever likely to be composed in a European language.

In 2005 he was listed in the list of the top 100 great Muslim leaders of the twentieth century under the category of ulema and jurists.

A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed (1873) — was his first book, written when he was 24, while in . The orientalist Major R. D. Osborn (1835–1889) wrote: ‘Regarded simply as a literary achievement, we have never read anything issuing from the educated classes in this country which could be compared with it; and the Muslims of India are to be congratulated on the possession of so able a man in their rank. It is impossible, if his after-life accords with this early promise that he should not leave his influence for good stamped upon the country in deep and enduring characters.”

Sayyed Ameer Ali is the author of the “History of the Saracens”. Here he displays his shiah background and bias. Syed Ameer Ali has been described as a Indian Islamic modernist; Shiite philosopher and historian of religion.


A biography of the Prophet of Islam In light of the original sources: An analytical study.

Dr Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmed

Translated by: Sayed Iqbal Zaheer

The author claims that this work on the life history of the Prophet stands out from other works in two ways. Firstly, every detail mentioned has been traced back to original sources, whose authenticity has been discussed extensively in the footnotes. Secondly, the events of the Prophet's life have been related to modern times and lessons drawn

53 for the benefit of those who happen to face similar situations in their struggle to spread the Prophetic message.

The book has been criticised for several reasons. The translation is poor. Supposedly an "analytical study," the analysis of events is confined to bulleted points at the end of occasional chapters. Footnotes are devoted to long discussions on the authenticity/non- authenticity of certain narrations. The author decides some things are authentic which famous scholars say are non-authentic, making the grading useless to English readers who don't have knowledge to check grading of hadith. Finally, the focus on this book is completely on military battles.


Revelation: The Story of Muhammad

Meraj Mohiuddin Foreword by Dr Sherman Jackson.

This book claims to offer a uniquely modern approach to the Prophetc biography that gives readers the opportunity to explore the life of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam with clarity and detail. It is born out of a need to have more accessible approach to classical texts in the English language.

The author has tried to bring together perspectives from a range of modern scholarship.

Meraj Mohiuddin is a medical physician and a mainstream Muslim.


Prophetic grace The Quraanic merits of the Prophet Muhammad

Shaykh Ahmed bin Ajiba


Shaykh Ahmad bin Ajiba is the famous Quranic exegete. The translator of this work is Abdul Aziz Surraqh (translator) and the book has been published by Al-Madina Institute (2015).

Renowned for its unique style; Ibn Ajiba's commentary of the Qur'an; al-Bahr al-Madid (The Vast Ocean ) combines traditional exegesis with spiritual contemplation; exploring the inner meanings of the sacred text. The genius of his work is especially clear in his commentary of the Qur'anic verses which highlight the nobility and exalted rank of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam. In these selected commentaries; the reader can begin to appreciate both the depth of divine revelation and the grace and countless merits of the Messenger of Allah.

Love is an indispensable part of faith in Allah and His Messenger; peace be upon him. This is the difference between the philosophy of theological faith as a logical conclusion and Islamic faith as an act of the heart. Ibn Ajiba's commentary on the Qur'an demonstrates this in an excellent manner. It is a must-read to understand how a Muslim should believe in the Messenger of Allah with his whole heart.'

Al-Madina Institute's excerpts from Ibn Ajiba's al-Bahr Al-Madid provide an exceptional explanation on the modes of expression as well as the subtle symbolic insights that provide layers of meanings to the Qu'ran and the spiritual legacy of the Prophet of Islam. His explanation of the Qur'an brings together the three core components of Islam: submission; faith and spirituality. Al-Madina Institute is to be commended for rendering this important work into English.



The unique qualities of the prophet and his community

Kasa'is al-Nabi wa Ummatihi

Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani

Set in English with vocalised Arabic script, this collection of forty ahadith on the Khasa’is or Unique Qualities of the Prophet and His Community is compiled by one of the foremost judges, lovers of the Prophet, and spiritual scholars of the recent-past – Imam Yusuf b. Ismaʿil al-Nabahani.

This selection of the special distinctions exclusively possessed by the Chosen Prophet (al-Muṣṭafa) is gleaned from Imam al-Suyūṭī’s Khaṣā’iṣ al-Kubrā and the ahadith. Recommended for all lovers of Islam, the purpose of this science is to elucidate the supreme rank and magnificent nature of the best of creation.

Including an appendix elucidating the oft-misunderstood concept of seeking an intermediary to Allah () through the Story of the Bedouin mentioned in classical exegesis, whose poetry is still displayed on the white pillars that surround the Prophet’s noble resting place (wājiha sharīfa), and commentaries by Mulla ʿAli al-Qārī and ʿAbd al- Ra’ūf al-Munāwī on the Hadith of the Blind Man which is a testimony for the permissibility of tawassul, this short book is essential reading for the followers of Sayyiduna Muḥammad.

One reviewer writes: 'A wonderful short treatise that inflames the reader's heart in the remembrance of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and brings it back to life. This book also clarifies many issues that confuse the Muslims today, preventing them from truly appreciating and utilizing the miraculous blessings with which God has endowed us by having the Prophet in our lives.”


Masud Blog Book Review:

To know him is to love him.

Those who have studied the Seerah and related material like The Shifa of Qadi Iyad or the Shama’il of Tirmidhi or even those who have only sung songs and heard sermons in praise of the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace) cannot fail but to develop a deep and yearning love for the Prophet of Islam. It is a love quite unlike any other love. Indescribable and visceral. Our connection with Islam is only through his noble personality and character, and the more you read and come to know him, the more your love and yearing increases. The Mother of the believers Sayyida Aisha said “that his character was the Quran”. It is a mark of true faith that makes this bond between Muslims and their Prophet, uncompromisingly unbreakable. It is as the poet said “Love of the Prophet runs like blood through the veins of his community”. Without love for him, there is no Muslim.

So it was with great pleasure that I received a review copy of the forthcoming book Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s Khasa’is al-Nabi wa Ummatihi translated as “The Unique Qualities of the Prophet and His Community” by Rashad Jameer. We live in a time our religion and our Prophet are under constant attack. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to try and sever the connection that Muslims have to their Prophet. Our love is constantly tested, it therefore needs to be constantly nurtured. Books like the one presently highlighted serve that purpose. The body of work on the Prophet Muhammad is vast and only a small percentage of what is available in Arabic and other languages has been translated into English.

The present book, some 85 pages long in total, is a concise work concentrating on narrations that highlight the unique qualities that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet and his community. Some 42 are presented with explanatory footnotes where needed and the entire text is in a very readable translation style. Books like these are

57 excellent for self-study, although to get the most out of them one should study in a group or with a good teacher familiar with the material. There is no substitute for a teacher who can bring to life these beautiful narrations.

Living in an age of haste, as a human collective were are probably reading more on a daily basis than our ancestors. The age of the internet has us hooked on screens and reading snippets of news and short social media posts, but whilst we are reading more, what we are consuming is rarely of benefit and our attention spans have shortened as a result. Therefore, we need more concise works on focused topics and subjects that can compete with all the other things that are perhaps not as worthy of our time and attention as works for our . I am as guilty as anyone when faced with a weighty tome that I need to read, it seems like a chore.

My appreciation to the translator Rashad Jameer for bringing such works into the English language, having translated two other titles in a similar vein – The Virtues of the Prophet and his Nation and The Virtues of Sending Prayers on the Prophet.


A summary of the unique particulars of the beloved prophet Muhammad

Al-Khasais as-Sughra

Imam Jalauddin al-Suyuti

Al-Khasa'is as-Sughra has enjoyed popularity among the masses for many centuries. It is the author's own summarised version of the merits that are exclusive to the Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Over four chapters, the author lists the unique particulars of Prophet Muhammad and of His Community (ummah)-i.e. the Muslims, by which they are uniquely honoured in this world and the next, respectfully

58 comparing some of them to previous Prophets and their Communities. He ends with salutations on the Prophet and a humble prayer.


Muhammad: Islam's first great general

Richard A. Gabriel University of Oklahoma Press, 2007 - Biography & Autobiography - 255 pages

That Muhammad sallalalhu alaihi wasallam succeeded as a prophet is undeniable; a prominent military historian, Richard A Gabriel, now suggests that he might not have done so had he not also been a great soldier. Best known as the Prophet of the religion, Muhammad was also Islam's first great general. While there have been numerous accounts of Muhammad the Prophet, this is the first military biography. In Muhammad: Islam's First Great General, Richard A. Gabriel shows us a warrior never before seen in antiquity--a leader of an all-new religious movement who in a single decade fought eight major battles, led eighteen raids, and planned thirty-eight other military operations. Gabriel's study portrays the Rasul sallallahu alaihi wasallam as a revolutionary who introduced military innovations that transformed armies and warfare throughout the Arab world. Gabriel analyzes the environment in which Muhammad lived and the religion he inspired as they relate to his military achievements. Gabriel explains how Muhammad changed the social composition of Arab armies by replacing traditional ways of fighting with a new command structure. Muhammad's transformation of Arab warfare enabled his successors to establish the core of the Islamic empire--an accomplishment that,


Gabriel argues, would have been militarily impossible without Muhammad's innovations. Richard A. Gabriel challenges existing scholarship on Muhammad's place in history and offers a viewpoint not previously attempted.

The book is published in the series “Campaigns and Commanders” edited by Gregory JW Urwin.

27. A Mercy to the Universe

Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahatani

Mercy is clemency and forbearance; mercy is the disposition to forgive or show compassion; mercy means a favor or a blessing; mercy further denotes the qualities of kindness, sympathy, generosity, and beneficence. Suffice is to say that all of these qualities were present in abundance in the character of the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah have his peace and blessings on him). He was a mercy not just to believers, but to disbelievers as well, for he would invite them to come out of darkness and into the light of true guidance. He is a favor and blessing for mankind, not just the , the people among whom he was sent, but for people of all races and colors. His staunchest enemies became his closest followers when the cloud of blind prejudice was removed from their sight and when they were able, for the very first time, to see with clarity the true nature of the Prophet's character. This book deals with many of the qualities that the Prophet possessed that made him the mercy to everyone. It starts with His perfect lineage, His noble upbringing, and his fully dedicated worship. This book then gives many of the qualities of the Prophet including his generosity, humbleness, bravery, patience, and leadership to name a few. Each chapter includes examples from the life of the Prophet on how he was the perfect living example of that quality. The book ends with the perfection of life of the Prophet with his and even his noble death where he demonstrated some of those qualities as well.


28. Life of Muhammad and the subject subsiary thereto

Sayed Ahmed khan Bahador

Hardcover: 422 pages

Publisher: Sang-e-Meel Publications (January 1, 2008)

Language: English

The original English text of these essays has been revised and corrected by a friend. (Original 1870 ) The author’s introduction to the book provides a good overview of the European writers and their approach to the classical sirah literature.

29. The Sublime Conduct of Rasulullah(saw)

Original: Mufti Muhammad Irshaad Ahmed Qasami

Translated: Abdurrahman ibn Hafiz Hussein Kolia

Zam Zam Publishers 2015

This one volume work is devoted to the shamail (description) of the Propeht sallalalhu alaihi wasallams ways, practices and sublime character. More than a thousand authentic ahadtih are collected in this volume.

Strictly speaking this should not be part of our list.

30. The exemplary role model Muhammed

Dr Recep Dogan

In the words of the author:


“We tried to show Muhammad's exemplary life so people can eradicate themselves of misconceptions and the Muslims can follow His way and represent Islam in the best form. The books which cover the biography of the Prophet usually give chronological information about his life; however, do not give insight into the exemplary characteristics. For example the Prophet as educator leader, the commander of an army, father, husband, ruler of state is absent from regular Sirah books. I came to the conclusion that it is beneficial to combine Sirah with the philosophy behind it, so have attempted to do so in this humble work.”


Muhammad the Messenger of God

An Analysis of the Prophet’s Life M Fethullah Gulen Examines the reasons as to how a single man was able to leave such indelible marks on millions of minds and souls. This book presents Prophet Muhammad in the different roles he assumed within his community as a father, husband, statesman, chief of staff, and an individual with utmost compassion, wisdom, grace, humility, and trustworthiness

It is not a work of sirah, rather, it is more along the lines of the Shifa` of al-Qadi `Iyad, in describing the personality of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and his functions, as opposed to giving a chronological view of his life.

Gulen gives a literary presentation of the topics discussed in the nubawwat section of any `aqida text and he clarifies a number of issues with a specific audience in mind. This book is a must read for new converts, as it addresses many mistaken


notions and intentional lies/distortions that almost everyone is subject to. After discussing the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and a wide array of subjects related to him and his public functions, he then gives a very well written, extremely accessible defense of the hadith corpus and the necessity of following the Sunna for everyone who claims to love the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). Gulen and his movement have recently fallen out of favour with Muslims due to their promotion of a “moderate Islam” and their involvement in a failed coup in Turkey.


Muhammad: Man and Prophet by Adil Salahi

This book is aware of the fact that recent world events have brought the Messenger of Islam into more and more contact with other cultures around the world and it makes the proper understanding of Islam and its Prophet very important for mutual human understanding and world peace.

The Prophet Muhammad initiated one of the most significant religious and cultural developments in human history, bringing the religion of Islam to the world. Adil Salahi's biography traces the life of the Prophet Muhammad from his birth and childhood to the triumph of Islam and its hold on Arabia. The author sets this against a fascinating historical backdrop. His careful analysis of the Prophet's life is written with today's Muslim and non-Muslim readers in mind: Muslims will further their comprehension of their faith, and non-Muslims will come to understand the love Muslims have for their Prophet.


It is interesting to note that the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa selected this book as one of the books which they presented to ministers and other influential South Africans.


Muhammad: Messenger of Allah : Ash-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad

Qadi “iyad ibn Musa al-Yahsubi

Translated by Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley

Muhammad, Messenger of Allah is the first English translation of Qadi Iyad's definitive text ash-Shifa. For a thousand years this beautiful and majestic book has guided the Muslim community to a straight and balanced path in their beliefs and practices concerning the Messenger, blessings of Allah and peace be upon him, in particular and the risalah (the message) in general. This book contains:

The most comprehensive compilation of Quranic references about the Messenger, with Qadi Iyad's authoritative commentary on them.

A complete catalogue of the Messenger's qualities and life-pattern received in a direct line of transmission by Qadi Iyad.

A unique record of the salafi community of Madinah's transactions with and behaviour towards the Messenger of Allah.

The rights of the Messenger and the honour, obedience and protection due to him and his name from his followers, the Muslim community.

Qadi Iyad (476 - 544 AH/1083 - 1149 CE)


Abu'l-Qadl Iyad ibn Musa ibn Iyad al-Yahsubi, Qadi of Ceuta during the time of the Murabitun. He travelled to Andalus to study and in Cordoba he learnt from such luminaries as Ibn Rushd, the grandfather of the Qadi and philosopher of the same name. Iyad was already accepted in scholarly circles when he was eighteen and was appointed qadi when he was 35 becoming first the qadi of Ceuta in 515 AH/ 1121 CE and later Granada in Spain in 531 AH/ 1136 CE. He was exemplary in his knowledge of the sciences of hadith from which ocean he drew his astonishing work ash-Shifa. He also wrote the Foundations of Islam on , and Tartib al-Madarik on the luminaries of the school of Madina. He opposed Ibn Tumart's claim to be the Mahdi and was exiled to Marrakech where he was murdered.

The Translator: Aisha Bewley

Aisha Abdurrahman at Tarjumana Bewley is one of today's most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. For more than thirty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical Arabic works more accessible to English-speaking readers. She is co-translator of The Noble Qur'an A New Rendering of its Meaning in English. Other works include Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik, The Meaning of Man, Mu'awiya - Restorer of the Muslim Faith, A Glossary of Islamic Terms, Islam: The Empowering of Women and Muslim Women, a Biographical Dictionary.


Abridged Biography of Prophet Muhammad (Mukhtasar Seerah Ar-Rasool) by Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab al-Tamimi (1115-1206 AH).


This book gets its importance for followers of the salafi-Wahhabi school of thought because of its author, their Imam, Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab At-Tamimi. Published for the first time and based on manuscripts collected by a committee appointed to collect the writings of Imam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul Wahhab throughout the Muslim world, this book has been compiled and published for the first time. The material is well organised and the translation is fair.

35. The Life of Muhammad by Tahia Al-Ismail

ISBN: 1842000809

Author: Tahia Al-Ismail

Publisher: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd. (UK)

Pages: 488 Binding: Paperback

Description from the publisher:

A succinct and readable account of the Prophet (SAAS)’s life based reliably on the earliest sources. It describes his difficult yet successful struggle to spread Islam and reveals his excellent character and leadership and his many other noble qualities which make him the best example for humanity. This is an enlightening read for the general reader and an excellent reference source for the student and researcher.

A nuts and bolts look at the life of the Prophet in a lively and fast-paced style placing the reader in the thick of the action. This superb book is indeed a rich storehouse of knowledge, a lighthouse of guidance and an inspiration for mankind. This succinct

66 account of the Prophet Muhammad's life, blessings and peace be upon him, based on the earliest sources, describes his difficult yet highly successful struggle to bring a forward people to the Divine Path, his excellent character and leadership, and his many other noble qualities which make him a model for humanity. Enlightening for the general reader, and an excellent source of reference for students and researchers.


Muhammad : The Final Messenger by Dr. Majid Ali Khan

Published by Da'wah Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan

Date of Publication:1983

This book was awarded second place in the Seerah competition held by the Muslim World League (Makkah, 1979). 'The Sealed Nectar' won first place. This biography of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasalla is internationally acclaimed, comprehensive, and authoritative account of the life of the prophet. It includes complete coverage of the Prophet's life, a detailed analysis of pre-Islamic Arabia, the situational context of revelation and a comparative study of the basics of Islamic, early life, mission at mecca, hijrah, morals, character, personality, miracles, finality of the prophethood, wives, children. This book has won an award by 'Research Works on Sirah' Saudi Arabia. Introduction by Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi.

We have prescribed this book as a text-book in our alim course because of the insightful way in which the author refutes the Orientalist and other deviant accusations against the sirah.

Majid Ali Khan’s other work the Glorious Caliph also makes for very clear appreciation of some of the difficult parts of Islamic history and the author provides an interpretation

67 of events in keeping with the views of the ahl al-sunnah wal jamah with regards to the status of the sahabah.

South African Publications:


Seerah Sayyidul Ambiya sallallahu alaihi wasallam: Life Story of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam

Muhammad Ali bin Zubair Ali

Published by: Zam Zam Publications

Publication date: March 2007

The aim of the author is to summarise and present to the English readers what is found in the books of the akabirin. This book is a popular text book in makatib in South Africa and is easily read and understood.



Yaqub Patel

Translated by B. Ismail

Published by: Girls Madrasah Zakariyya ?

Publication date:



Our Beloved Nabi Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

Moosa Olgar

Published by: ?

Publication date: ?


The Noble Qualities of Nabi-e-Kareem Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

Dawood Seedat

Published by: ?

Publication date: ?

Available widely as a e-book (PDF), this book is a transcript of the lectures of this author on the qualities of the Prophet Muhammad sallalallahu alaihi wasallam.

There are a number of other delightful works in Sirah: The list is almost never-ending. Take for example: The Life of Prophet Muhammad by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall.

Reference URL:



This paper enables the reader to understand what is at stake when reading works on the sirah. It also makes some brief comments and observations on some of the more popular and available works in the genre. This bibliographical survey in not intended to recommend or sanction any of the books mentioned here. It is simply comments and observations on the books and the intent and approach of the authors (at times provided by the publishers themselves).

The purpose of this presentation is to increase an awareness in the works available on the sirah and to encourage the reading of books in sirah.

Please send your suggestions and comments to Ashraf Dockrat on [email protected]