What if quantum fluctuations are virtual gravitational ?

Invited Talk The 3rd International Workshop on Antimatter and University College London 4-7 August 2015

Dragan Slavkov Hajduković Institute of , Astrophysics and Cosmology Cetinje, Montenegro

1 There is an amusing law valid in the time of scientific revolutions

If you think differently from the mainstream it is not a proof that you are right, but if you think as the mainstream it is a proof that you are wrong.

2 What if quantum vacuum fluctuations are virtual gravitational dipoles?

Abstract: The hypothesis stated in the title might be the basis for a new model of the . According to the new model, the only content of the Universe is the known (i.e. matter made from and interacting through the exchange of gauge ) immersed in “enriched” with virtual gravitational dipoles. Apparently, what we call dark matter and dark , can be explained as the local and global effects of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum by the immersed baryonic matter. Further, the hypothesis leads to a cyclic model of the Universe with cycles alternatively dominated by matter and antimatter; with each cycle beginning with a macroscopic size and the accelerated expansion. Consequently, there is no singularity, no need for inflation field, and there is an elegant explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe: our universe is dominated by matter because the previous cycle of the Universe was dominated by antimatter. The forthcoming experiments (AEGIS, ALPHA, GBAR …) will reveal if and have gravitational charge of the opposite sign, while study of orbits of tiny satellites in trans-Neptunian binaries (e.g. UX25) can be a reasonable test of some astronomical predictions of the theory. 3 Content

Part 1 (if you have only 20 minutes for reading) • Summary Part 2 (if you have one more hour) Introduction to Part 2 • Our best fundamental knowledge • Fundamental problems revealed by observations • Quantum Vacuum in The basis for a new model of the Universe • The working hypothesis • Dark matter as the local effect of gravitational • Dark energy as the global effect of gravitational vacuum polarization • A cyclic Universe alternatively dominated by matter and antimatter • Astrometric detection of gravitational vacuum polarization in Solar system • Black holes as astronomical test of gravitational charge of antineutrino • Comments

4 Part 1 Summary

5 The working hypothesis

• My work is a study of astrophysical and cosmological consequences of the working hypothesis that, by their nature, quantum vacuum fluctuations are virtual gravitational dipoles • This hypothesis permits to consider the well established Standard Model matter (i.e. matter made from quarks and leptons interacting through the exchange of gauge bosons) as the only matter –energy content of the Universe; of course a content immersed in quantum vacuum. • Apparently there is no need to invoke dark matter, dark energy, inflation field …

6 From the gravitational point of view quantum vacuum is an “ocean” of virtual gravitational dipoles

Randomly oriented gravitational dipoles (without an immersed body)

The gravitational charge density of the quantum vacuum is zero, what is the simplest solution to the cosmological constant problem. A tiny, effective gravitational charge density might appear as the result of the immersed Standard Model matter

7 Halo of non-random oriented dipoles around a body (or a galaxy)

 Random orientation of virtual dipoles might be broken by the immersed Standard Model matter  Massive bodies (stars, black holes …) but also multi-body systems as galaxies are surrounded by an invisible halo of the gravitationally polarized quantum vacuum (i.e. a region of non-random orientation of virtual gravitational dipoles)  The halo of the polarized quantum vacuum acts as an effective gravitational charge This halo is well mimicked by the artificial stuff called dark matter! I joke, but it might be true. Gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum might be the true nature of what we call dark matter.

8 Dark matter as the local effect of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum  • A gravitational polarization density P g (i.e. the gravitational moment per unit volume) may be attributed to the quantum vacuum.  • The spatial variation of P g , generates a gravitational bound charge density of the quantum vacuum  qv    Pg

• In the simplest case of spherical symmetry

1 d   (r)  r 2 P r; P r  P r qv r 2 dr g g g • Preliminary calculations lead to the intriguing agreement with empirical results for galaxies

9 The size and the effective gravitational charge of a halo

• Roughly speaking there is a maximum size of the halo for each massive body, galaxy or cluster of galaxies. Simply, after a characteristic size the random orientation of dipoles dominates again. • A halo of the maximum size can be formed only if other bodies are sufficiently far. For instance, in competition with the Sun, our Earth cannot create a large halo, but if somehow we increase the distance of the Earth from the Sun, the size of the spherical halo of the Earth would increase as well, reaching asymptotically a maximum size . • The key point is that with the increase of the size of a halo also increases the effective gravitational charge distributed within the halo.

10 How the effective gravitational charge of a body depends on distance from it

• The effective gravitational charge of a body (blue line) increases from the “bare” charge measured at its surface to a constant maximum charge at a large distance from the body • Competing gravitational field of other bodies can prevent the effective gravitational charge to increase above a limit presented by the red line • The maximum effective charge can be reached only if other bodies are sufficiently far

11 Dark energy as the global effect of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum

• According to General Relativistic Cosmological Field Equation (Slide 26)

 4G  3pn  R   R n  2  3 n  c  the expansion of the Universe can be accelerated R   0 only if there is a cosmological fluid with sufficiently big negative pressure, so that the sum in the above equation is negative. • Globally quantum vacuum is a cosmological fluid with the sum of all gravitational charges equal to zero, but with a large effective gravitational charge caused by the gravitational polarization. • There must be a period in which the size of the individual galactic halos and the total effective gravitational charge of the quantum vacuum increase with the expansion, which means that the polarized quantum vacuum behaves as a fluid with negative pressure (see the next Slide), and it is exactly what is necessary for the accelerated expansion.

12 How the effective gravitational charge of the Universe depends on the scale factor R(t)

Note that with the expansion of the Universe the polarized quantum vacuum converts from a cosmological fluid with negative pressure to a presureless fluid!

13 A cyclic Universe alternatively dominated by matter and antimatter

• During the expansion of the Universe quantum vacuum converts from a cosmological fluid with negative pressure to nearly pressureless fluid. According to the cosmological field equations it means that the accelerated expansion converts to the decelerated one. • The eventual collapse of the Universe cannot end in singularity. There is an ultimate mechanism to prevent it: the gravitational version of the Schwinger mechanism i.e. conversion of quantum vacuum fluctuations into real particles, by an extremely strong gravitational field • An extremely strong gravitational field would create a huge number of - pairs from the physical vacuum; with the additional feature that matter tends to reach toward the eventual singularity while antimatter is violently ejected farther and farther from singularity. The amount of created antimatter is equal to the decrease in the of the collapsing matter Universe. Continue on the next Slide

14 Continued from the previous Slide

• Hence, the quantity of matter decreases while the quantity of antimatter increases by the same amount; the final result might be conversion of nearly all matter into antimatter. If the process of conversion is very fast, it may look like a Big Bang but it is not a Big Bang: it starts with a macroscopic initial size without singularity and without need for inflation field of unknown nature. • In addition, there is an elegant explanation of the matter- antimatter asymmetry in the universe: our universe is dominated by matter because the previous cycle of the universe was dominated by antimatter

15 Astrometric detection of the gravitational vacuum polarization

• Within the next ten years already approved experiments with antihydrogen at CERN (AEGIS, ALPHA, GBAR) will hopefully reveal if and antihydrogen have the gravitational charge of the opposite sign. Planed experiments with and will test the antimatter gravity in the leptonic sector of the Standard Model. • The good news is that in addition to laboratory tests the appropriate astronomical measurements have been proposed! • In his Talk, Mario Gai will tell us how within the next 10 years, in parallel with laboratory experiments, the study of orbits of tiny satellites in trans-Neptunian binaries can test if there are gravitational effects of the quantum vacuum predicted by my theory. • A long term astronomical test might be done with the next generation of the telescopes , by observing the supermassive black holes in the center of Milky Way and Andromeda (see next Slide)

16 Black holes as astronomical test of the gravitational charge of antineutrino

• If quantum vacuum fluctuations (including neutrino-antineutrino pairs) are virtual gravitational dipoles, black hole radiation is many orders of magnitude stronger than predicted by Hawking! The dominant part of radiation are antineutrinos. • Contrary to the which cannot be measured, the antineutrino radiation of black holes is not very far from what can be detected with the existing facilities like Ice Cube at the South Pole; hence, hopefully it can be detected with the next generation of neutrino telescopes. The problem is that the detection threshold of the Ice Cube is 100 GeV, while the maximum energy of antineutrinos created deep inside the horizon of the supermassive black hole in the center of Milky Way is predicted to be of the order of 1 GeV.

17 In brief Standard ΛCDM Cosmology Vacuum fluctuations as gravitational dipoles • Dark matter and dark energy, Apparently a single hypothesis two cosmological fluids of • suppresses the cosmological unknown nature constant problem • Inflation field, cosmological fluid • quantum vacuum as a single of unknown nature in the cosmological fluid of known primordial universe nature replaces three fluids of unknown nature (dark matter, • Hypothetical CP violation to dark energy, inflation field) explain matter-antimatter • Leads to a cyclic universe asymmetry alternatively dominated by • Cosmological constant problem matter and antimatter • Initial singularity and eternal • removes singularity, eternal expansion expansion and need for an extremely strong CP violation

18 Part 2 •Introduction to Part 2 •The basis for a new model of the Universe

19 Introduction to Part 2

• Our best fundamental knowledge • Fundamental problems revealed by observations • Quantum Vacuum in Quantum Electrodynamics

20 Our best fundamental knowledge

21 Two cornerstones of contemporary physics

• Standard Model of Particles • General Relativity and Fields Our best theory of gravitation Everything is made from apparently structureless (quarks and leptons) which interact through the exchange of gauge bosons ( for electromagnetic, for strong, and W+, W- and Z0 for weak interactions)

So far, the Standard Model is the most successful and the best tested theory of all time. The recent LHC experiments at CERN have been a new triumph for the Standard Model contrary to the mainstream conviction that experiments will be a triumph of supersymmetric theories

22 Quantum vacuum is essential part of the Standard Model

“Nothing is plenty” Physical vacuum is plenty of quantum vacuum fluctuations, or, in more popular wording, of short-living -antiparticle pairs which in permanence appear and disappear (as is allowed by time-energy uncertainty relation).

Quantum vacuum is an omnipresent state of matter-energy apparently as real as the familiar states: , liquid, solid, plasma in stars, - plasma…  Quantum vacuum is a state with perfect symmetry between matter and antimatter; a particle always appears in pair with its antiparticle  The lifetime of a quantum vacuum fluctuations is extremely short (for instance, a virtual - pair “lives” only about 10-21 seconds).

23 How Cosmology works FLRW metric

The cosmological principle (i.e. the statement that at any particular time the Universe is isotropic about every point) determines the Friedman- Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric

2 2 2 2 2  dr 2 2 2 2  ds  c dt  R (t) 2  r d  sin d  1 kr 

where k=+1, k=-1 and k=0 correspond respectively to closed, open and flat Universe.

The dynamics of the above space-time geometry is entirely characterised by the scale factor R(t).

24 How Cosmology works Einstein equation and energy- tensor

The scale factor R(t) is solution of the Einstein equation

4 G  (8G / c )T

Einstein tensor Gμν is determined by FLRW metric, but in order to solve Einstein equation we must know Energy-momentum tensor Tμν

Key point

Energy-momentum tensor Tμν is approximated by the energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid; characterised at each point by its proper density ρ and pressure p . Attention: Pressure p is important in GR

25 How Cosmology works Cosmological field equations

If cosmological fluid consists of several distinct components denoted by n, the final results are cosmological field equations

 4G  3pn  R   R n  2  3 n  c 

 2 8G 2 R  R n  kc 3 n The cosmological field equations can be solved only if we know the content of the Universe: the number of different cosmological fluids and the corresponding functions  n and p n .

Demand and promise of cosmologists to physicists: Tell us the content of the Universe and we will tell you how the Universe evolves in time.

26 Before we continue About pressure of cosmological fluids

U Reminder: p   n n V pn=0 If the matter-energy content of the fluid is a constant

pn>0 If the matter-energy content of the fluid decreases with the increase of the scale factor R(t) of the Universe

pn<0 If the matter-energy content of the fluid increases with the increase of the scale factor R(t) of the Universe

27 Cosmological field equations can describe the accelerated expansion

According to the cosmological field equation

 4G  3pn  R   R  n   3  2  n c the accelerated expansion ( R   0 ) is possible only if

 3pn   n    0  2  n c The key fact to remember The necessary condition for the accelerated expansion is the existence of a fluid with negative pressure, i.e. a fluid with mass-energy content (or better to say gravitational charge) which increases with expansion.

28 Cosmologists: Tell us the content of the Universe and we will tell you how the Universe evolves in time

The answer of a Standard Model physicist The content of the Universe are three cosmological fluids  Non-relativistic Standard Model matter (usually called pressureless matter

or dust) 3  R      0  , p  0 m m0 R  m  Relativistic Standard Model matter (usually called radiation) 4  R0  1 2 r  r0   , pr  rc  R  3  Quantum vacuum 2 qv  constant, pqv  qvc Note: Index 0 denotes the present day value.

29 Problems with the answer of the Standard Model physicists

• Gravity is “excluded” from the Standard Model of Particles and Fields; it is not a subject of study and a Standard Model physicist cannot tell what are the gravitational properties of the quantum vacuum. • What the Standard Model physicist can do is to calculate the mass-energy density of the quantum vacuum. The result of calculations is very simple: 3 1  c  4  Mc ve    Mc  16 2    2 3 Mc For instance, for density in the

cut-off mass Mc is roughly mass of a and the density is about 5.6x1013kg/m3 . • The cosmological constant problem: Of course you have right to think that vacuum energy density and vacuum gravitational charge density are the same thing, but in that case each cubic meter of the quantum vacuum behaves as if it has the mass of nearly 1014kg/m3 ! 30 Continued from the previous Slide

• The cosmological constant problem (a nice name for the worst prediction in ) prevents the use of the Standard Model vacuum as the content of the Universe. • It is unjust to blame the Standard Model for this mistake; what they estimated is the vacuum energy density, nothing more than that. The cosmological constant problem might be a hint that vacuum energy density and vacuum gravitational charge density are radically different. • A mathematical game M   c Mc ve  2 3 R Mc The above result is the result from the previous Slide multiplied by Mc R (R is the cosmological scale factor) what is a necessary correction if instead of gravitational monopoles there are gravitational dipoles. Calculate it! Instead of nearly 1014kg/m3 you will get about 10-27kg/m3 in agreement with observations. It might be a numerical miracle but it might be the true nature of quantum vacuum as well.

31 Fundamental problems revealed by observations

Challenges for the Standard Model and General Relativity Astronomical observations have revealed a series of phenomena which are a complete surprise and mystery for contemporary theoretical physics.

32 The first observed phenomenon In galaxies and clusters of galaxies, the gravitational field is much stronger than it should be according to our theory of gravitation and the existing amount of the Standard Model matter (note that astrophysicists use “baryonic matter” as a synonym for the Standard Model matter) The mainstream “explanation”: Dark matter of unknown nature The second observed phenomenon In certain periods of its history the expansion of the Universe is accelerated; contrary to the expectation that gravity must permanently decrease the speed of expansion. The mainstream “explanation”: Dark energy of unknown nature.

DM + DE ≈ 95% of the content of the Universe If so, we are composed of the !

33 The third observed phenomenon Our Universe is dominated by matter Apparently, in the primordial Universe, something has forced the matter- antimatter asymmetry. The mainstream “solution”: A kind of CP violation, but please do not be misled by the known CP violation; it must be an unknown type of CP violation, many orders of magnitude stronger than the known one!

Additional problem The cosmological constant problem: If there is equivalence between quantum vacuum energy density and the gravitational charge density of the quantum vacuum, then quantum vacuum must have the gravitational impact (i.e. gravitational charge density) many orders of magnitude stronger than permitted by observations.

34 No end to troubles Inherent problems of the Big Bang model • The initial singularity

• Conflict with observations! For instance, the old Big-Bang theory predicts the existence of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), but contradicts its major characteristics: high level of homogeneity and isotropy. Mainstream “solution”: cosmic inflation, i.e. an accelerated expansion of the early Universe, within the first 10-30 seconds, with a speed more than twenty orders of magnitude greater than the ! The first content of the Universe was not matter but inflation field; the creation of matter has happened after inflation, at a macroscopic size, when the energy concentrated in the inflation field was converted into particle- antiparticle pairs.

35 Quantum Vacuum in Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Illuminating examples

36 Quantum vacuum in QED an “ocean” of virtual electric dipoles

In QED quantum vacuum can be considered as an omnipresent “ocean” of virtual electric dipoles with random orientation

37 Quantum vacuum in QED a halo of the polarized quantum vacuum

Electron “immersed” in the quantum vacuum produces around itself a • The random orientation of halo of non-random oriented virtual virtual dipoles can be electric dipoles, i.e. a halo of the perturbed by a very strong polarized quantum vacuum. • Example: The electric field of an electron at the distance of its is of the order of 1014 V/m. Such a strong field perturbs the random orientation

38 Quantum vacuum in QED the effective electric charge of electron

 The halo screens the “bare” charge of an electron; what we measure is the effective electric charge which decreases with distance!  The effects of screening are not significant after a characteristic distance (which is of the order of the Compton wavelength)

39 Mathematical game with the effective electric charge of electron

• Mathematical game: What if there is attraction between charges of the same sign and repulsion between charges of the opposite sign? • In this purely mathematical , non- physical case, the effect of the halo is anti-screening, the effective charge increases with distance. However, it should be valid for gravity if quantum vacuum fluctuations are virtual gravitational dipoles!

40 Quantum vacuum in QED vacuum fluctuations can be converted into real particles Dynamical The Schwinger mechanism • Theoretical prediction: • A virtual electron-positron Virtual photons might be pair can be converted to a converted into directly real one by an external field real photons. which, during their short • Confirmed by experiments lifetime, can separate Wilson, C. M. et al. Nature 479, particle and antiparticle to a 376–379 (2011) distance of about one reduced Compton wavelength • Awaiting experimental confirmation

41 More about the Schwinger mechanism

For a constant acceleration a (which corresponds to a constant electric field) the particle creation rate per unit volume and time, can be written as 2  2 dNmm c  a  1  acr  c  4    2 exp n , acr   dtdV   acr  n1n  a   m    , the reduced Compton wavelength m mc

Valid for gravity if there are virtual gravitational dipoles!

42 Quantum vacuum has impact on orbits of in

• Quantum vacuum, as “ocean” of virtual electric dipoles has a tiny impact (but impact!) on the “orbits” of electrons in atoms. It is known as the Lamb shift. • Of course the best system to study the Lamb shift is the of antihydrogen because it is a binary system without complications of a many-body system. • Immediate question: Can quantum vacuum as an eventual “ocean” of virtual gravitational dipoles have impact on orbits of satellites in binaries.

43 The basis for a new model of the Universe •The working hypothesis •Dark matter as the local effect of gravitational vacuum polarization •Dark energy as the global effect of gravitational vacuum polarization •A cyclic Universe alternatively dominated by matter and antimatter •Astrometric detection of gravitational vacuum polarization in Solar system •Black holes as astronomical test of gravitational charge of antineutrino •Comments

44 The working hypothesis

45 The working hypotheses

(1) Quantum vacuum fluctuations are virtual gravitational dipoles* (2) The Standard Model matter** and quantum vacuum are the only matter-energy content of the Universe

* A virtual gravitational dipole is defined in analogy with an electric dipole: two gravitational charges of the opposite sign at a distance smaller than the corresponding reduced Compton wavelength **Standard Model Matter means matter made from quarks and leptons interacting through the exchange of gauge bosons Important Note: We do not modify the Standard Model of Particles and Fields and its understanding of quantum vacuum! Gravity is not included in the Standard Model.

46 Major consequences

• A quantum vacuum fluctuation is a system with zero gravitational charge, but a non-zero gravitational dipole moment   pg  c  • Gravitational polarization density Pg i.e. the gravitational dipole moment per unit volume, may be attributed to the quantum vacuum. Random orientation of dipoles Pg  0 Saturation* the gravitational polarization density has the maximal magnitude A  Pg max  3 m c *Saturation is the case when as the consequence of a sufficiently strong external gravitational field, all dipoles are aligned with the field 47 The effective gravitational charge • In a medium the spatial variation of the electric polarization generates a charge density known as the bound charge density. In an analogous way, the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum should result in the effective gravitational charge density of the physical vacuum  qv    Pg

Immediate questions • Can the effective gravitational charge density of the quantum vacuum in galaxies and clusters of galaxies explain phenomena usually attributed to dark matter. • Can quantum vacuum as cosmological fluid of the effective gravitational charge explain phenomena usually attributed to dark energy. • What might be effects of conversion of quantum vacuum fluctuations into real particles in extremely strong gravitational field.

48 Dark matter as the local effect of gravitational vacuum polarization

References concerning this section: Hajdukovic [2,6,8,10-16]

49 The simplest case Gravitational field around a spherical body

Randomly oriented dipoles Halo of non-random oriented (without an immersed body) dipoles around a body

50 Gravitational field around a spherical body

In the case of spherical symmetry the general equation for the effective gravitational charge density  qv    Pg reduces to 1 d   (r)  r 2 P r; P r  P r  0 qv r 2 dr g g g

Problem: Function P g  r  is not known However we know that roughly there are 3 regions The region of saturation in which the gravitational polarization density can be approximated by its maximal magnitude P g max . The region dominated by random orientation with P g  r   0 Between these two regions P g  r  decreases from the maximum magnitude to zero

51 Schematic presentation of regions

52 The region of saturation

• The region of saturation: Roughly a spherical shell with the inner

radius R b (the radius of the body with the baryonic mass M b ) and the outer radius R sat estimated to be

Mb Rsat  m  , m and m correspond to a pion m • The effective gravitational charge density and the effective gravitational charge within the sphere of radius r , are 2P  r  g max , M r  4P r 2 qv r qv g max • A good theoretical upper limit for P g max (which can be used as a reasonable approximation) is 1 kg MSun Pg max   38 4 m2 pc2

53 Gravitational effect of the quantum vacuum in the region of saturation

• Important conclusion: as the result of the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum in the region of saturation, there is an additional anomalous constant gravitational field oriented towards the center

GMv r gvmax   4GPg max r2 • If such an acceleration exists it causes a retrograde precession of the perihelion of the Satellite in a binary; precession per orbit in radians is: a 2   2 g 1 e2 qv qv G a -the semi-major axis of the orbit; e-eccentricity, μ- total mass of binary • Good news: In the case of some trans-Neptunian binaries (for instance 11 2 UX25) this constant anomalous acceleration of the order of 10 m s can be measured

54 Gravitational polarization outside the region of saturation

• Considering quantum vacuum as an ideal system of non-interacting gravitational dipoles in an external gravitational field (analogous to polarization of a dielectric in external electric field, or a paramagnetic in an external ) leads to 2  Rsat  M qvr  4 Pg maxr tanh , r  Rran  r  Rran is a characteristic radius after which random orientation is dominant. For r  R ran the function M qv  r  doesn’t increase more with distance and has a constant value M qv max . Important note: It is obvious that gravitational field can align only quantum vacuum fluctuations which are gravitational dipoles but not electric dipoles; for instance random orientation of electron-positron pairs cannot be broken by a gravitational field, while neutrino-antineutrino pairs and gluon fluctuations might be aligned.

55 How strong must be an external field to produce vacuum polarization?

• The electric field of an electron at • The gravitational acceleration the distance of its Compton produced by a pion (roughly a Wavelength is of the order of typical mass in the physical vacuum of quantum chromodynamics) at 1014 V m the distance of its Compton wavelength is  2.11010 m s2 * The mean distance between two dipoles which are first neighbours is one Compton wavelength. Hence, the above electric and gravitational field can be used as a rough approximation of the external field needed to produce the effect of saturation for the corresponding dipoles. While the gravitational field needed for polarization is very weak, the needed electric field is very strong. In fact the electric polarization of macroscopic volumes is suppressed because the electromagnetic interactions are too strong; only a as gravity can polarize large volumes! *This acceleration is only 3 times larger than the acceleration proposed by MOND as a new universal constant. (See also the next Slide).

56 Comparison with the empirical evidence Example 1:Tully-Fisher relation

• Tully-Fisher relation is one of the most robust empirical results, unexplained by “dark matter”; basically it is a scaling relation of the same form as our analytical result m M V 4  G2  b rot 2  (relating limit of rotation velocity in disk galaxies with the baryonic content of the galaxy) • Let us note that at this point (Tully-Fisher relation) MOND is more successful than ”dark matter” theory. The significant success of MOND is a sign that there is something special about their acceleration 10 2 a0 1.210 m s . However, according to our model there is no any modification of the Newton’s law, as proposed by MOND, for gravitational fields weaker than a 0 . In our model, is rather a transition point, from saturation in stronger fields to non-saturated polarization in weaker fields. 57 Comparison with the empirical evidence Example 2: The local “dark matter” density

The local effective gravitational charge density o The local dark matter density is an average over a small volume, typically a few hundred parsecs around the Sun. o Apparently, the best estimate of the local dark matter density [Zhang et al. 2013] is 3 0.0075 0.0021MSun pc o Our theoretical result, which is a consequence of relations in Slide 54, is

3 0.0069MSun pc

58 Comparison with the empirical evidence Example 2: Surface density of “dark matter”

• Following Slide 54, for

M qvr  Pg max  constant 4 r 2

which is a prediction universally valid for all galaxies! • It is exactly what has been observed [Kormendy and Freeman 2004, Donato 2009]. Let us note that astronomers have no any physical interpretation of the critical distance and that so far this result escapes explanation within dark matter theory. • Next Slide contains comparison of our result and observations

59 Continued from the previous Slide

Dopita (2012) has found, as he said the excellent agreement, between our theoretical result (blue line) and observations

60 Comparison with the empirical evidence Example 4:The total mass of Milky Way within 260kpc

• According to astronomical observations [Boylan-Kolchin 2013] the median Milky Way mass within 260kpc is 12 MMW 260kpc 1.610 MSun with a 90% confidence interval of 12 1.0 2.410 MSun

• Our theoretical estimate 12 MMW 260kpc 1.4510 MSun

61 Dark energy as the global effect of gravitational vacuum polarization

References concerning this section: Hajdukovic [1,9,12,15,16]

62 Content of the Universe in our model

• The content of the Universe is modeled by 3 cosmological fluids. • The first two fluids are well established pressureless matter and radiation (Slide 29) evolving with the scale factor R as 3 R 4 1  R0   0  2      , p  0 r  r0   , pr  rc m m0 R  m  R  3 • These two fluids have respectively zero pressure and positive pressure; consequently, if they are the only content of the Universe  3p    n  0  n 2  n  c  and according to the cosmological field equation  4G  3pn  R   R  n   3  2  n c the acceleration R   can be only negative. 63 Continued from the previous Slide

• As already clear our third cosmological fluid is the quantum vacuum considered as an “ocean” of virtual gravitational dipoles

Good news: Thanks to the region with negative pressure our third fluid has potential to explain a period of accelerated expansion. In region with nearly zero pressure there is deceleration and expansion will eventually turn to contraction.

The exact dependence of the total effective gravitational charge of the vacuum on the scale factor is not known, and at this stage as in Reference [16] only oversimplified models can be used. 64 A cyclic Universe alternatively dominated by matter and antimatter

References concerning this section: Hajdukovic [3,7,15,16]

65 Cyclic Universe Qualitative picture

• During the expansion of the Universe quantum vacuum converts from a cosmological fluid with negative pressure to nearly pressureless fluid. According to the cosmological field equation it means that the accelerated expansion converts to the decelerated one. • The eventual collapse of the Universe cannot end in singularity. There is an ultimate mechanism to prevent it: the gravitational version of the Schwinger mechanism i.e. conversion of quantum vacuum fluctuations into real particles, by an extremely strong gravitational field • An extremely strong gravitational field would create a huge number of particle-antiparticle pairs from the physical vacuum; with the additional feature that matter tends to reach toward the eventual singularity while antimatter is violently ejected farther and farther from singularity. The amount of created antimatter is equal to the decrease in the mass of the collapsing matter Universe. Continue on the next Slide 66 Continued from the previous Slide

• Hence, the quantity of matter decreases while the quantity of antimatter increases by the same amount; the final result might be conversion of nearly all matter into antimatter. If the process of conversion is very fast, it may look like a Big Bang but it is not a Big Bang: it starts with a macroscopic initial size without singularity and without need for inflation field of unknown nature. • In addition, there is an elegant explanation of the matter- antimatter asymmetry in the universe: our universe is dominated by matter because the previous cycle of the universe was dominated by antimatter

67 Cyclic Universe Quantitative illustration

• Just for an illustration let us limit only to the effects of pressureless matter; it leads to the following lower bound for acceleration [Hajdukovic, 2014d] 3 3 4G R 4G  c  1 1 R   m0 0   m0   lb 3 2 3  H  3 2 2 R  0  tot 1 R  45 2 • For R=1m, R lb has tremendous value of the order of 10 m s 12 orders of magnitude greater than the critical acceleration needed for creation of let us say - pairs (see Slide 41).

Continue on the next Slide

68 Continued from the previous Slide

• The particle-antiparticle creation rate per unit volume and time can be estimated using the gravitational version of the Schwinger formula (Slide 41). In the example from the previous Slide, the creation rate for neutron- antineutron pairs is of the order of dN pairs M mm 1096 1039 Sun dtdV sm3 s m3 • With such an enormous conversion rate the matter of our Universe can be transformed into antimatter in a tiny fraction of second! The gravitational version of the Schwinger mechanism prevents collapse to singularity. • Let us note that, if radiation is included (not only pressureless matter; see Slide 29), accelerations might be much bigger and matter-antimatter conversion might happen at macroscopic size significantly bigger than 1m considered in the previous illustration.

69 Astrometric detection of gravitational vacuum polarization in Solar system

References concerning this section: Hajdukovic [10,11,14,16], Gai and Vecchiato 2014

70 Project QVADIS

• This Slide is just for the completeness of presentation. The project QVADIS (Quantum Vacuum Astrometric Detection In Solar system) will be presented at this Conference by Mario Gai • The key point is that some of trans-Neptunian binaries are a natural laboratory for testing the existence of an anomalous gravitational field as weak as 10-11m/s2 (with the next generation of telescopes the anomalous gravitational field of the order of 10-12m/s might be revealed). The method is based on the measurement of the perihelion precession of the orbit. The unrivalled advantage of tiny trans-Neptunian binaries is that they are the best available realisation of an isolated two body system with very weak external and internal Newtonian gravitational field. As a consequence, the known Newtonian precession might be dominated by anomalous perihelion precession.

71 Black holes as astronomical test of gravitational charge of antineutrino

References concerning this section: Hajdukovic [4,5]

72 Can neutrino telescopes reveal the gravitational properties of antineutrinos • As the previous section this section is also just for the completeness of presentation; if interested in black holes see References [4,5] • If quantum vacuum fluctuations (including neutrino-antineutrino pairs) are virtual gravitational dipoles, black hole radiation is many orders of magnitude stronger than predicted by Hawking! The dominant part of radiation are antineutrinos. • Contrary to the Hawking radiation which cannot be measured, the antineutrino radiation of black holes is not very far from what can be detected with the existing facilities like Ice Cube at the South Pole; hence, hopefully it can be detected with the next generation of neutrino telescopes. The problem is that the detection threshold of the Ice Cube is 100 GeV, while the maximum energy of antineutrinos created deep inside the horizon of the supermassive black hole in the center of Milky Way is predicted to be of the order of 1 GeV. In fact a small part of the Ice Cube (Deep Core) has a threshold of 10GeV showing that there is room for the future significant improvement of neutrino telescopes. 73 References

Note References to other authors are reduced to minimum; the full list of hundreds of References can be found in my publications

Boylan-Kolchin,M.; The space motion of Leo I: the mass of the Milky Way’s dark matter halo, Astrophys. J. 768 (2013) 140 Donato, F. et al. A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 397, 1169–1176 (2009) | Article Dopita, M.; http://www.oacn.inaf.it/oacweb/oacweb_eventi/astromeeting/documenti/Quant umVacuum.pdf (2012) Gai, M., Vecchiato, A.; Astrometric detection feasibility of gravitational effects of quantum vacuum. (2014) http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.3611v2 Kormendy, J. & Freeman, K. C. Scaling laws for dark matter halos in late-type and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. IAU Symp. Astron. Soc. Pacif. 220, 377–395 (2004) Zhang L. et.al. The Astrophysical Journal 772 (2013) 1-14Donato, F. et al. A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 397, 1169– 1176 (2009) | Article

74 References to my work

[1] D.S. Hajdukovic: On the relation between mass of a pion, fundamental physical constants and cosmological parameters EPL (Europhysics Letters) Volume 89 Number 4 February 2010, EPL 89 49001 doi:10.1209/0295-5075/89/49001

[2] D.S. Hajdukovic: A few provoking relations between dark energy, dark matter, and Astrophysics and Space Science March 2010, Volume 326, Issue 1, pp 3-5

[3] D.S. Hajdukovic: What Would Be Outcome of a Big Crunch? International Journal of Theoretical Physics May 2010, Volume 49, Issue 5, pp 1023-1028

[4] D.S. Hajdukovic: On the absolute value of the neutrino mass Letters A April 2011, Vol. 26, No. 21, pp. 1555-1559

75 References to my work

[5] D.S. Hajdukovic: Can the New Neutrino Telescopes Reveal the Gravitational Properties of Antimatter? Advances in Astronomy June 2011, Volume 2011, Article ID 196852, doi:10.1155/2011/196852

[6] D.S. Hajdukovic: Is dark matter an illusion created by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum? Astrophysics and Space Science August 2011, Volume 334, Issue 2, pp 215-218

[7] D.S. Hajdukovic: Do we live in the universe successively dominated by matter and antimatter? Astrophysics and Space Science August 2011, Volume 334, Issue 2, pp 219-223

[8] D.S. Hajdukovic: Quantum vacuum and dark matter Astrophysics and Space Science January 2012, Volume 337, Issue 1, pp 9-14

76 References to my work

[9] D.S. Hajdukovic: Quantum vacuum and virtual gravitational dipoles: the solution to the dark energy problem? Astrophysics and Space Science May 2012, Volume 339, Issue 1, pp 1-5

[10] D.S. Hajdukovic: Trans-Neptunian objects: a laboratory for testing the existence of non-Newtonian component of the gravitational arXiv:1212.2162 December 2012

[11] D.S. Hajdukovic: Can observations inside the Solar System reveal the gravitational properties of the quantum vacuum? Astrophysics and Space Science February 2013, Volume 343, Issue 2, pp 505-509

[12] D.S. Hajdukovic: The signatures of new physics, astrophysics and cosmology? Modern Physics Letters A August 2013, Vol. 28, No. 29, 1350124

77 References to my work

[13] D.S. Hajdukovic: A new model of dark matter distribution in galaxies Astrophysics and Space Science January 2014, Volume 349, Issue 1, pp 1-4

[14] D.S. Hajdukovic: Testing the gravitational properties of the quantum vacuum within the Solar System HAL Id: hal-00908554 February 2014, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00908554v3

[15] D.S. Hajdukovic: Virtual gravitational dipoles: The key for the understanding of the Universe? Physics of the Dark Universe, Volume 3, April 2014, Pages 34-40 April 2014, Volume 3, Pages 34-40

[16] D.S. Hajdukovic, The basis for a new model of the universe HAL Id: hal-01078947 November 2014, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01078947v2 78