5. l The arrow of

Précis. Many purported arrows do not establish of time itself, but dynamical asymmetries can, with the help of the representation view.

The ‘’ is shorthand for time . The idea appears to have been born in Trinity College, Cambridge in the early twentieth . Trinity philosopher John McTaggart (1908, p.474) remarks on it in the conclusion to his famous discussion of the reality of time, asking, “what is that quality, and is it a greater amount of it which determines things to appear as later, and a lesser amount which determines them to appear as earlier, or is the reverse true?” The phrase itself was coined by Trinity physicist Arthur S. Eddington:

“I shall use the phrase ‘time’s arrow’ to express this one-way property of time which has no analogue in . It is a singularly interesting property from a philosophical standpoint.” (Eddington 1928, p.69)

What is this ‘one-way property’ of time, and what evidence is there that time has it?

Arrow Example Thermodynamic Dissipating gas Expanding electromagnetic waves Quantum Dynamical state reduction Cosmological Cosmic expansion T-violation quark flavour mixing Intrinsic temporal orientation Causal/Dependency Causes leading to effects

Figure 5.1: Some arrows of time.

115 Figure 5.1 summarises a few existing responses.1 Some of these arrows may be related. Others are quite different from one another. And, there are likely many more! Caution is needed: the possibility of illusion looms. Many things presents the powerful appearance of being asymmetric in time to our naïve senses, when in fact they are not. For example, a book will slide to a stop on a tabletop, but never the reverse: it does not spontaneously begin sliding! But when that experience is carefully described as dynamical , we find that it invariably omits degrees of freedom in a way that hides the true temporal symmetry. This chapter will a framework for determining whether there is a phys- ical arrow of time. I begin by identifying some of the ways the arrow of time can fall short of establishing it. It can happen by resorting to heuristics, relying on boundary conditions, or by describing a physical with missing information. Each can lead to a powerful explanation of our asymmetric experiences, but does not establish any asymmetry of time itself. My thesis is that the promising road to an arrow draws on the asymmetries of a dynamical theory. This possibility is afforded by a link between the symmetries of spacetime and those of a dynamical theory, which I call the representation view. In Section 5.1 will set out our aim, to determine what kind of evidence is require to establish a physical arrow of time. Section 5.2 will then review some prominent attempts that are widely agreed to fall short of a physical arrow of time, including radiation, thermodynamic, cosmological, quantum, and causal arrows. Section 5.3 presents what I take to be the royal road to a physical arrow, through the representation of time translations in a dynamical theory. Finally, I respond to a prominent critique of this approach to the arrow due to Huw Price in Section 5.4.

5.1 The arrow of time itself

According to Price (2011, p.292), understanding the arrow of time requires answering a number of questions: “Is time anisotropic at all, and how could we tell if it is? What

1Eddington himself adopted a strategy similar to that of Boltzmann; for the latter, see Section 5.2.2.

116 could constitute good grounds for taking it to be so, and do we have such grounds?” I will attempt to these questions them in this chapter, would first like to highlight a general principle that they inspire:

Spacetime-Evidential Link: An account of the asymmetries of spacetime must identify both a sense in which spacetime itself is asymmetric, as well as some plausible empirical evidence that supports that asymmetry.

The difficulty we face in the special case of temporal symmetry is to link it to experience, so that we stand a chance of giving reasonable empirical evidence for or against it. In his seminal book Time’s Arrow and Archimedes’ point, Price (1996, p.16) characterises the difficulty in a picturesque way: think of time as a table that is asymmetric in shape. Whether or not ‘time itself’ is asymmetric is then a conceptually different question from whether the development of a state over time — analogous to the food and drinks forming the ‘content’ of the table — occurs in an asymmetric way, as in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Price’s Table: the asymmetry of the table, like the asymmetry of time, is distinct from the asymmetric placement of its contents.

The link that I propose involves a shift of focus in the description of time, from a temporal ‘axis’ or coordinate variable to the more structural, functionalist perspective of time translations. Price himself often adopts e former, writing for example that, “the contents of the block appear to be arranged asymmetrically with respect to the temporal axis” (Price 1996, p.17). But, as I argued in Chapter2, time is much more than that: it has rich relational, topological, and other structural properties described

117 by a structure called the time translations, with elements of the form t  time shift by two , rather than time coordinates like t  two o’.

I will correspondingly interpret the statement that ‘time has an arrow’ to mean that the structure of time encoded by the translations T has an asymmetry, in that t 7→ −t is not an automorphism of time translations. And, to replace Price’s notion of the

‘contents’ of time, I will refer to a representation of time translations ϕ : T → Aut(M) amongst the automorphisms of a state space M, which determines a notion of time among physical states. As I argued in Chapter4, this is part of what it means to be a ‘dynamical’ theory, called the representation view. As a result, the very meaning of a dynamical theory encodes the structure of time translations and their symmetries.

Price’s table is not quite the right analogy for the representation view. Given a representation of time translations, the structure of time is projected down onto state space through like the shadow of a tabletop on the floor (Figure 5.3). This suggests that, by studying dynamical asymmetries in a representation of time translations, it is possible to infer an asymmetry or arrow of time itself. That is the approach that I will argue for in this chapter. I will discuss its formulation in detail in Section 5.3. But let me begin with a review of some competing ‘arrows’ of time.

Figure 5.3: The structure of time is projected onto a state space by a representation, the way the structure of a table is projected onto the floor by its shadow.

118 5.2 Arrows that misfire

We begin with a brief discussion of five well-known approaches to time asymmetry: radiation, , cosmology, quantum measurement, and causation. I will argue that, at least in their current formulations, these approaches do not yet muster as accounts of the arrow of time, for one of the following two reasons:

1. Heuristics: making essential use of an informal extra-theoretical judgement, which is not explained in any well-supported ; or 2. Boundary conditions: identifying an asymmetry with a particular temporal devel- opment, by postulating special initial or boundary conditions that force it.

My discussion of these particular arrows will in some respects refine the discussion of Price (1996), with whom I agree about these arrows. However, I will diverge from Price’s account in Section 5.3.

5.2.1 The radiation arrow

An oscillating charge is associated with an outgoing shell of electromagnetic radiation, which expands with phase velocity equal to the of light.2 The is analogous to the circular ripples of a water wave when a stone is dropped in a pond. However, like the ripples in a pond, we never seem to observe this radiation in the reverse form of an inward-collapsing shell, as illustrated in Figure 5.4. Is this an arrow of time? The question was discussed in a correspondence between Planck (1897) and Boltzmann (1897), and then more famously in a debate between Ritz (1908) and Ein- stein (1909) in the journal Physikalische Zeitschrift. It has recently generated renewed philosophical interest.3. The phenomenon is particularly puzzling because the laws of

2Thomson (1907, p.217) gave an early derivation of this result, which he identified as analogous to the mechanism producing “Röntgen radiation” or X-rays. 3Popper (1958) seems to have arrived at a similar idea independently. Davies (1977, Chapter 5), Zeh (2007, Chapter 2), and Price (1996, Chapter 3) give classic discussions. Compare also the Ritz-like position of Frisch (2000, 2005, 2006) to the responses of North (2003), Price (2006) and Earman (2011).

119 -

Figure 5.4: An expanding radiation shell (left) is easily produced from an oscillating charge, while a collapsing one (right) is not.

are time reversal invariant: both the outgoing radiation wave and its time reverse are possible! Ritz argued that the observed asymmetry is due to an additional time asymmetric law of nature, while Einstein maintained that it is just a matter of special boundary conditions: roughly speaking, one would have to begin with a ring of charges oscillating in perfect unison in order to produce a collapsing circular wave, just like a water wave. Their conclusions were summarised in a joint statement by Ritz and Einstein (1909).

The boundary condition the Einstein identifies — that the experiment begins with a charge oscillation, rather than ending with one — is not evidence for an asym- metry of time itself. Whenever time reversal is a dynamical symmetry, two oppositely- directed representations of a time translations are always possible. In the case of the expanding wave, the reverse time development is equally picked out by the possibility that the experiment ends with a charge oscillation, and begins with a boundary condi- tion that gives rise to a collapsing wave. Neither is evidence for time asymmetry, any more than specifying a piece at the boundary of a jigsaw puzzle makes its development asymmetric, since the piece could be specified either at the beginning or at the end (Figure 5.5).

Of course, we do seem to have a preference for explaining temporal develop- ments by placing the oscillating charge at the beginning, and the wave ring at the end. Part of what appears to need explaining is the fact that in our universe, isolated os- cillating charges that produce expanding advanced waves are statistically more likely,

120 Figure 5.5: Specifying a boundary condition, like specifying a jigsaw puzzle boundary piece, may determine a development from either the beginning or end.

whereas coordinated rings of oscillating charges producing collapsing waves are un- likely. That may even have to do with the early conditions of our universe, which we will discuss shortly. But as Price has convincingly argued, such considerations only give rise to a time asymmetry through the application of a temporal “double standard”:

“there would be advanced waves, despite the improbability, if conditions at the center were as they are when we look at the ‘normal’ case in reverse: in other words, if wave crests were converging, stones being expelled, and so on. The normal case shows that the statistical argument does not exclude these things as we look toward (what we call) the past. To take it to exclude them as we look toward (what we call) the is thus to apply a double standard, and to fall into a logical circle — to assume what we are trying to prove.” (Price 1996, p.57)

I agree. Price’s observation, that the strange collapsing radiation waves are actually more likely than expanding ones when we ‘look toward the past’, can be elegantly expressed in the language of representations: given time reversal symmetry, every physical process admits two equivalent and oppositely-directed representations of time translations. So, since an expanding wave in one is represented by a collapsing wave in the other, our statistical evidence can equally be said to support either.4 What may need explaining is why, in both representations, our particular universe includes unequal of expanding and collapsing waves at every instant. But this is not a time asymmetry: if anything, it amounts to an inhomogeneity in space.

4Price himself proposes a creative reinterpretation of the Wheeler and Feynman (1945) absorber theory as evidence for temporal symmetry (see also Price 1991). Like Penrose, my own sympathies lie with the photon, over a theory that is “unfairly biased against the poor photon, not allowing it the degrees of freedom admitted to all massive particles!” (Penrose 1979, p.590).

121 In contrast, the Ritz strategy is to reject that time reversal is a symmetry of the dynamics, and instead stipulate a new law of nature that is similar to the original laws, but which restricts solutions to those that satisfy an early-time boundary condition. If such a statement can be made precise, then it would provide a new dynamical theory in which time reversal symmetry fails. We will discuss theories like that in Section 5.3. But, most agree that the origin of electromagnetic (EM) asymmetry lies elsewhere. This is called Earman’s Conjecture:

“I will mention a more general conjecture: any EM asymmetry that is clean and pervasive enough to merit promotion to an arrow of time is enslaved to either the cosmological arrow or the same source that grounds thermodynamic arrow (or a combination of both). But much more work would be needed before I would be willing to make this conjecture with any confidence.” (Earman 2011, p.524)

Thus, insofar as there is a radiation arrow, it reduces to one of the other arrows, either dynamical, cosmological or thermal. So, let us turn to those other arrows instead.

5.2.2 The arrow of increase

A well-known folklore going back to Boltzmann (1896, 1898) says that the increas- ing entropy of the universe, as observed in processes like melting ice water, is what determines time’s arrow (Figure 5.6). Reichenbach formulates this as the statement: “positive time is the direction toward higher entropy” (Reichenbach 1956, p.54). This statement is commonly interpreted in two ways: in terms of orthodox thermodynamics, and in terms of statistical mechanics. Let’s examine each.

Figure 5.6: The ‘arrow’ of increasing entropy.

122 Thermodynamics: heuristic asymmetry

Although the Boltzmann folklore is commonly framed as a consequence of the nature of classical thermodynamics and the law, the concept of ‘non-equilibrium entropy’ has no formal basis in the thermodynamics of Clausius or Gibbs.5 Indeed, it is not at all clear that the second law can be rigorously linked to temporal asymmetry at all, as Uffink (2001) has forcefully argued. Part of the problem is that orthodox thermodynamics is not really the appro- priate framework for asking about time’s arrow, since time in thermodynamics is at best an informal heuristic device: the theory’s formal predictions are rather about the properties of composite physical systems that have reached stable equilibrium, usu- ally constrained by the properties of component subsystems. We often interpret the component subsystems as occurring at an earlier time than the composite — before the removal of a partition, for example — but this is an informal judgement, and not a representation of in any precise sense.

Statistical mechanics: boundary condition asymmetry

These gaps in thermodynamics are often filled with the statistical mechanics of dy- namical systems. Unlike in orthodox thermodynamics, such systems can be given a rigorous representation of time translations, which is usually time reversal invariant (or at least CPT invariant). A variety of well-known arguments can then be used to argue that the system evolves time asymmetrically at some level of description. Boltzmann’s Stoßzahlansatz (‘assumption of molecular chaos’) in classical statistical mechanics is perhaps the most famous, but a variety of master equations in classical and quantum statistical mechanics describe the irreversible evolution of probability distributions as well.6 Such arguments invariably postulate a special boundary condition in the form of a probability distribution on microstates, or on macrostates, or both, for example to

5See Uffink (2001), who writes (p.388): “It is often said that this behaviour of thermodynamical systems (i.e. the approach to equilibrium) is accompanied by an increase of entropy, and a consequence of the second law. But this idea actually lacks a theoretical foundation: for a non-equilibrium state there is in general no thermodynamic entropy — or temperature — at all.” 6See Zeh (2007): §3.1.1 for a discussion of the former, and §§3.1-3.2 for the latter.

123 render the state of the universe to be far out of equilibrium in the first microseconds after the .7 This means that a Price-style argument applies to the statistical mechanical arrow as well, which of course Price gives:

“we dont take the final microstate to explain the initial ordered state. But then by what right do we propose that an initial microstate can explain a final macrostate? In practice, of course, we are inclined simply to help ourselves to the principle that the past explains the future, but what could possibly justify that inclination here, where the temporal asymmetry of the universe is what we are seeking to explain?” (Price 1996, p.42)

One might try to resist Price’s conclusion here, by insisting on the logic of Boltzmann’s Stoßzahlansatz. That is: one should expect all states to produce a maximum entropy state, both to the past and to the future, and so a low entropy past is enough to produce the increasing entropy of our universe. In contrast, a high entropy future is not, since it only produces other high entropy macrostates. Maudlin has responded to Price in this way, suggesting that the process by which macrostates “produce” higher entropy requires a temporal direction.8 I won’t dwell on the formal issues with the Boltzmann approach, which many have noted is not rigorous.9 My concern is rather that the Boltzmann picture by itself makes no mention of the relaxation time required for the approach to equilibrium, without which we have no explanation of the behaviour of our universe at all. Without a notion of time translations, the story falls apart. So, a more appropriate interpreta- tion of Maudlin’s ‘production’ process for high entropy states is one that includes a

7Albert (2000), Callender (2010), Earman (2006), Penrose (1979, 1994), Price (1996, 2004), Wallace (2013), and Zeh (2007). 8 Maudlin (2007, p.134-135) writes: “Even though the laws themselves might run perfectly well in reverse... we cannot specify an independent, generic constraint on the final state that will yield (granting the final macrostate is typical) ever decreasing entropy in one direction. ... This sort of explanation requires that there be a fact about which states produce which. That is provided by a direction of time: earlier states produce later ones.” 9This includes Price (1996, p.40) himself. Sklar (1993, §7.II.1) gives a classic argument that the Stoßzahlansatz is usually false; Earman (2006) argues that the whole low-entropy-past approach is “not even false”; and Wallace (2011b, 2013) argues that it is redundant.

124 time parameter, like the Zwanzig (1960) projection formalism, among others.10 These approaches to the arrow of time are of a fundamentally different form: they invariably produce a representation of time translations in terms of a dynamical evolution oper- ator on probability distributions, known in differential form as a master equation, and generally one that leaves out some degrees of freedom. There are two cases to consider: a statistical mechanical master equation is either temporally symmetric, or it is not. If it is not, then it describes the arrow of time in a fundamentally different way: not as a fact about boundary conditions, but as an asymmetry of a dynamical equation. I will thus return to this case in Section 5.3, where we discuss dynamical asymmetries. In contrast, if the master equation is time reversible, the Price’s objection applies here too. Insofar as the statistical mechanical arrow is a statement about boundary con- ditions, Price’s temporal double-standard objection applies just as in electromagnetism: if the underlying a statistical mechanical analysis is time reversal invariant, then we again have two equivalent and oppositely-directed representations of time translations. One of them begins with a low-entropy boundary condition, while the other begins with a high-entropy boundary condition, and unfolds opposite to the ‘direction of human perception’. We cannot say that one is a better explanation of time’s arrow without begging the question: so, as many authors have noted, this aspect of statistical mechanics has little to say about the direction of time. We might still wish to explain why there is not an equal number of low-entropy and high-entropy subsystems in the universe at a given instant. But, this is an asymmetry of space, not of time.

5.2.3 Cosmological arrows

The cosmological arrow, in its simplest form, is the observation that the universe on the largest scale is expanding rather than contracting. In a slightly more interest- ing form, it is the additional fact that structure formation occurs in an asymmetric

10See Zeh (2007, Chapter 3), who argues that Boltzmann’s Stoßzahlansatz can be viewed as in the same spirit as modern statistical mechanical master equations.

125 way, with great gases clumping together to form galaxies, and planets, but not generally in the reverse. Insofar as is time reversal invariant, these asymmetries are characterised by special boundary conditions: at an early , the universe was extremely dense and nearly homogeneous and isotropic, with just enough inhomogeneity to allow clumping and structure formation. At the other end of time, it appears that the universe will continue forever towards an ever-more lifeless dissipated state. One of the great achievements of twentieth century cosmology is the confirmation that our universe does indeed look exactly this way. However, when the cosmological arrow is put this way, the Price-style objection applies just as it did in electromagnetism and thermodynamics. Insofar as spacetime physics is time reversible, the cosmic expansion admits two equivalent representations of time translations: assuming it is temporally orientable, each of the two available temporal orientations define ‘future-directed’ developments in opposite directions, as illustrated in Figure 5.7. The first begins with a big bang and dissipates. The second begins dissipated and ends with a .11 We cannot say which represents the ‘correct’ future-directed development without begging the question as to the direction of time. And of course again Price says as much:

“until we find some reason to think otherwise, we should take the view that it is not an objective matter which end of the universe is the ‘bang’ and which end is the ‘crunch.”’ (Price 1996, p.84)

+ i big crunch singularity

+ + I I I − I −

big bang singularity i−

Figure 5.7: Conformal diagrams for a big bang (left) and big crunch (right) universe.

11Of course, these two descriptions are not generally related by an isometry, i.e. the spacetime is not ‘temporally anisotropic’ in the sense of Earman (1974, p.29). I will discuss this more in Section 5.3.

126 Let me emphasise that I do not take this to mean that modern cosmologists are confused: far from it. As far as I can see, cosmologists simply use the phrase ‘time’s arrow’ to refer to a completely different issue: not whether cosmic time translations can be represented in opposite directions, but whether they couple in an appropriate way to statistical mechanical entropy as we ordinarily understand it. The latter question is tied up with serious issues of physics, as Penrose famously pointed out. For example, suppose that statistical mechanical entropy were coupled so as to increase with cosmic expansion, and therefore to decrease with cosmic contraction. The environment inside the black hole horizon is entirely similar to a collapsing universe. So, statistical mechanical entropy could should be expected to decrease inside the black hole as well, and even near the boundary, with water unmelting, glasses unbreaking, and all manners of bizarre things:

“Suppose that experiments are performed by the astronaut for a period while he is inside the hole. The behaviour of his apparatus (indeed, of the metabolic processes within his own body) is entirely determined by the conditions at the black hole’s singularity (assuming that behaviour is governed by the usual hyperbolic-type differential equations) — as, equally, it is entirely determined by the conditions at the big bang. The situation inside the black hole differs in no essential respect from that at the late stages of a recollapsing universe. If one’s viewpoint is to link the local direction of time’s arrow directly to the expansion of the universe, then one must surely be driven to expect that our astronaut’s experiments will behave in an entropy-decreasing way (with respect to ‘normal’ time).” (Penrose 1979, p.598-599)

Here Penrose is using the phrase ‘time’s arrow’ as I have suggested, to refer to the arrow of entropy increase. His aim is to state a potential difficulty with assuming it is aligned with the geometry of expansion: for this implies the geometry of collapse is aligned with entropy decrease. A great deal of effort has gone into the description of this coupling as part of the search for new physics, which prominently includes the

127 big crunch singularity black hole singularity i+

I − I −

I − i−


Figure 5.8: The geometry of a big crunch is similar to that of a black hole.

no-boundary proposal of Hartle and Hawking (1983), as well as the Weyl curvature hypothesis of Penrose (1979). Price has been a prominent critic of the former, charging that Hawking’s conjec- ture does not produce a convincing arrow of time, although it appears that Hawking remained convinced.12 In my view, there is room for agreement between the two parties: Price is right that Hawking’s account is compatible with the possibility of ‘no arrow’ in the sense of oppositely-directed representations of cosmic time translations; but, Hawking’s proposal has a different purpose, to establish an ‘arrow’ in the sense of a plausible thermodynamic coupling. There is another side to the Price proposal as well, which bodes more promis- ingly for the possibility of an arrow. True: a boundary condition by itself does not determine an arrow of time. But it may be an indication of something that does. If the boundary condition for the big bang is a highly symmetric state, which is symmetric even in the distribution of baryonic (ordinary) matter as compared to antimatter, then some mechanism is needed to explain how the current universe came to be dominated by the former, called . One obvious proposal is that some symmetry- violating dynamical interaction created it. Sakharov (1967) pointed out that this kind of symmetry violation would have to involve more than just violation of baryon symmetry: matter-antimatter conjugation

12Price (1989) published his critique in the journal Nature, and later expanded on it his book (Price 1996, Chapter 4). As Brown (2000, p.335) noted in his review of the book, the former article “essentially accused Hawking of sleight of hand”.

128 C and its combination would with CP would have to be violated too, since otherwise baryon symmetry violation could still happen in equal amounts for both matter and antimatter. So, assuming that CPT is a symmetry of this theory, time reversal symmetry would be violated as well. How this process works is a matter of current research, since the Sakharov conditions are clearly at best necessary conditions for baryogenesis.13 However, this does mean that according to one prominent road to understanding the cosmological arrow of time, it reduces it to a dynamical arrow: a time asymmetry in the dynamical theory governing early universe interactions. We will return to the arrow of time in dynamical theories in Section 5.3.

5.2.4 Quantum arrows

Quantum theory famously has two predictive laws: unitary (Schrödinger) evolution, and the statistical Born rule. It is sometimes suggested that although the former is usually time reversal invariant, the latter is not. There is some truth to that, which I will describe in a moment. However, on the most direct reading it is incorrect: unitary evolution is time symmetric if and only if the Born rule is. Let me begin by clarifying what I mean by that. Suppose that the dynamics of quantum theory is given by a strongly continuous

unitary representation Ut of the time translation group (R, +) on a Hilbert space. According to the Born rule, if an initial state ψ evolves unitarily for some time t, then the probability of finding it in the state φ is given by

t 2 Pr(ψ −→ φ)  |hφ, Ut ψi| (5.1)

Following our discussion of Section 3.4, consider the time reversed representation of

this setup: if the state Tφ evolves under the same dynamics for a time t, then the probability of finding it in the time reversed state Tψ is given by,

t 2 2 Pr(Tφ −→ Tψ)  |hTψ, UtTφi|  |hφ, T∗U tTφi| . (5.2) − 13See White (2016) for a recent introduction.

129 The probabilities in Equations (5.1) and (5.2) are equal for all states ψ, φ if and only if TUtT∗  U t, which holds if and only if the unitary dynamics is time reversal − invariant. Thus, the symmetries of the unitary and statistical rules of quantum theory are in happy harmony. That said, there are some other senses in which quantum theory is sometimes said to have an arrow, even when its unitary dynamics and statistical rule are time symmetric. I will mention a few of them here. Although they represent important research programmes, none of them serve the purpose of providing an asymmetry of time, for reasons very similar to the ones we have already considered.

State reduction

There are ways of imagining of the measurement process as ‘state reduction’ of a kind that is asymmetric in time, perhaps most famously in the state reduction diagrams of Penrose (1979). Another picturesque version of this has been recently discussed by Rovelli (2016). Here we imagine an evolving Ut ψ that expands symmetrically around some point p in space for some time t, and which then collapses upon measurement to a small shell around a different point q. What is the time reverse of this process? On this picture of the quantum state, one would think it should be a small shell centred at q, which then jumps to a large shell centred at p that continues to collapse outward. This is not what quantum theory says will happen! A shell centred at q should expand outward from q, with no jumping. So, this concept of ‘state reduction’ introduces a time asymmetry that is not in the quantum formalism. Rovelli argues that the disharmony introduced by this asymmetry into the otherwise (mostly) symmetric laws of quantum theory is egregious: even enough to reject this picture of state reduction, and any that requires it.14 Whether or not that is the case, the asymmetry is clearly an ‘informal heuristic’, in that arises from outside the theory, with no convincing evidence for an asymmetry of time translations.

14In particular, Rovelli (2016) takes this as evidence against a certain kind of wavefunction realism.

130 Branching

Another place that asymmetry appears to arise in quantum theory is on the Everett ‘many worlds’ interpretation, according to which time evolution includes a tree struc- ture branches that to the future but not the past, as in Figure 5.9. Rovelli (2016) has taken this as reason to reject the Everett interpretation, for similar reasons. However, precise formulations of this interpretation like the one found in Wallace (2012, §9.4) tend to derive this branching structure from a course graining, together with a special initial or boundary distribution. So, this approach does not introduce a true time asymmetry, any more than the statistical mechanical arrow does.

Figure 5.9: Everett ‘many worlds’ happens to the future (left) but not the past (right).


Finally, it is sometimes suggested that time asymmetry is associated with decoherence: when interacting with an environment of many degrees of freedom, like a measuring device, a quantum state is extraordinarily likely to rapidly approaches a mixed state in a preferred basis associated associated with the interaction. The reverse ‘coherence’ process cannot be expected to occur with any likelihood.15 Famously, this process never really destroys the coherence of the quantum state, but rather describes how it is absorbed by its environment. This kind of phenomenon only gives rise to ‘time asymmetry’ by ignoring time translations in the environment, as we do when we say that a sliding block slows time asymmetrically under friction. If the environmental degrees of freedom are restored, there really is a perfectly adequate

15Cf. Joos et al. (2013).

131 representation of time translations in the opposite direction, according to which a block on a table begins spontaneously accelerating, and a nearly-mixed quantum state spontaneously coheres.

Other time asymmetric approaches to quantum theory do so by introducing an entirely new dynamical law, such as the ‘flash’ dynamics of Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (1986) and of Pearle (1989). Since these theories produce an arrow through an asymmetry of a dynamical equation, they too are absorbed by the discussed of dynamical asymmetries in Section 5.3.

5.2.5 Causal structure

Philosophers often locate the arrow of time in the statement that all effects occur later than their causes, or in some more general asymmetric dependency relation such as that of Lewis (1979). Many philosophers of physics are sceptical of this, in the absence of any well-defined physical property corresponding to ‘causation’. This led Russell (1912) to decry causation as “a relic of a bygone ”, Norton (2003) to demote it to a “folk ”, and to report being “very disappointed” in Reichenbach’s book, The Direction of Time. His basic concern was that, if causes and effects are states associated with a time reversal invariant dynamics, then they cannot be asymmetric in time:

“I was very disappointed. It was rather obscure, and the logic seemed to be circular. It laid great stress on causation, in distinguishing the forward direction of time from the backward direction. But in physics, we believe there are laws that determine the evolution of the universe uniquely. So if state A evolved into state B, one could say that A caused B. But one could equally well look at it in the other direction of time, and say that B caused A. So does not define a direction of time.” (Hawking 1994, p.346)

As it happens, Hawking does appear to have missed the logic of Reichenbach’s argument: Reichenbach’s idea is, just as Hawking suggests, to begin with a dynamical

132 theory that is time reversal invariant. Reichenbach then uses “causal connections” in a temporally symmetric way as a synonym for this dynamics, applying phrases like “A is causally connected to B” to refer to states A and B that lie on the same trajectory of a dynamical theory, without saying which is a ‘cause’ and which is an ‘effect’ (Reichenbach 1956, §5). To describe the “direction” of such a trajectory, he then goes on to propose we use the increase of statistical mechanical entropy, which is a case we have already dealt with above. Since the appearance of Reichenbach’s book, one of his characterisations of the arrow has become the subject of much discussion, known as the Principle of the Common Cause. In its simplest form, the principle says that every pair of correlated events have an event in their common past (a ‘cause’) that increases the probability of each event and screens off the correlation between them.16 This principle can be used to state the of a time asymmetry, so long as it includes the further postulate that there is no common cause in the future. Philosophers sometimes refer to this kind of asymmetry as a “fork asymmetry”. However, whether it is evidence for an arrow of time depends on how we interpret it. Price (1996, Chapter 6) argues that the Principle of the Common Cause and other purported “forks” just amount to further boundary conditions.17 In that case, this approach fails to define a time asymmetry in the same sense that we have already dealt with above. On the other hand, Penrose and Percival (1962, p.616) elevate a version of Reichenbach’s principle to the status of a “basic statistical law, which is asymmetric in time”. If we view that law as associated with a dynamical theory, which admits a representation of time translations without a reverse representation, then this is a different situation, which I will call a ‘dynamical arrow’. This sort of case, I claim, is more promising, and will be dealt with in the next section.

16Formally, a common cause C for events A and B has four independent properties: the ‘screening- off’ conditions p A B C  p A C p B C and p A B C  p A C p B C , and the ‘relevance’ ( ∩ | ) ( | ) ( | ) ( ∩ | ⊥) ( | ⊥) ( | ⊥) conditions p A C > p A C⊥ and p B C > p B C⊥ . This formulation is due to Salmon (1978, 1984). For a recent introduction( | ) ( | to this) large( literature| ) ( see| Hofer-Szabó,) Rédei, and Szabó (2013). See Spirtes, Glymour, and Scheines (2001, Chapter 3) for the causal modelling approach. 17This includes in particular the “asymmetry of counterfactual dependence” that Lewis (1979) takes to generalise the causal asymmetry.

133 5.2.6 Summary of the arrows so far

This section has presented a brief review of some commonly identified ‘arrows of time’. In nearly every case, there is interesting physics and philosophy associated with them. They also tend to fall neatly into categories. They may be heuristic arrows, like the informal arrows of thermodynamics or quantum measurement, which promise to be explicated in terms of either boundary conditions or dynamical asymmetries. When they are boundary conditions, as in the case of radiation or cosmology, then they may be tied up with significant physics and philosophy. However, boundary conditions do not by themselves give rise to an asymmetry of time translations. In contrast, when a phenomena is characterised as an asymmetry of a dynamical law, there may indeed be a connection to the symmetries of time translations. We will turn to this connection next.

5.3 Dynamical origin of the arrow

5.3.1 Spacetime and dynamical theories

Perhaps the most common way to characterise the arrow of time given a (temporally orientable) relativistic spacetime is with a temporal orientation: an equivalence class of smooth timelike vector fields that all ‘point’ in the same direction, in the sense of being co-directed at each point. Given a choice of temporal orientation [ξa], we say that for a vector field χa to be future-directed means that χa ∈ [ξa]. It gives a vivid image of time’s arrow, illustrated Figure 5.10. There is some debate amongst philosophers about whether the arrow of time given by a temporal orientation is reducible to other kinds of facts.18 I will not take a position on this issue, although I agree that it is an important one. What concerns me is rather the epistemological question of how we can possibly know it.

18Earman (1974) calls the claim that it cannot “heresy”, in the face of relationist approaches like the causal theory of time of Reichenbach (1928, 1956) and Grünbaum (1963). See Maudlin (2002) and Maudlin (2007, Chapter 4) for what he calls a “more aggressive” defence of the heresy.

134 Figure 5.10: A temporal orientation determines a future direction.

Since heuristic and boundary conditions are not enough, a common response is to appeal to a dynamical asymmetry in a law of nature, sometimes called a lawlike or nomic asymmetry.19 Thus, Wald writes:

“Experiments demonstrating parity violation and (indirectly) demonstrat- ing the failure of time reversal symmetry have shown that two further aspects of spacetime structure can appear in physical laws: the time orien- tation and space orientation of spacetime.” (Wald 1984, p.60)

This idea has been explicated by Earman. Considering a collection of overlapping local neighbourhoods of spacetime, he suggests the following procedure:

“Use the failure of time reversal invariance of the laws to pick out the future direction of time in each of these neighbourhoods.” (Earman 2002b, p.257)

Then use the temporal orientation in each neighbourhood to derive a global temporal orientation. Similarly for Maudlin, the discovery of time reversal symmetry violation in electroweak theory implies,

“the laws of nature are not Time Reversal Invariant in any sense, and hence that the laws themselves require an intrinsic asymmetry in time directions, and hence that space-time itself, in order to support such laws, must come equipped with an orientation.” (Maudlin 2007, p.120)

There is a logical leap in all of these statements: how does one go from a time asymmetry in a dynamical theory — even one confirmed by experimental evidence

19Cf. Grünbaum (1973, p.273)

135 — to a time orientation that is “intrinsic”, or a fact about “spacetime structure” or “space-time itself”? A time orientation is after all just a timelike vector field. What would bring us to view it as part of the geometric ‘left side’ of Einstein’s equations, as opposed to the material ‘right side’? One might simply postulate Earman (1989, p.46)’s symmetry principle (SP2) as an axiom, that every dynamical asymmetry is also a spacetime asymmetry. Unfor- tunately, the truth of this principle is not guaranteed, as we have seen in Section 4.5. What is missing is a spacetime-evidential link. Our current situation is like squeezing opposite sides of a balloon: a temporal orientation provides a clear picture of time asymmetry, but not of how we know about it, while dynamical asymmetry appears to provide the opposite. I have already suggested a way to deal with this, by viewing the two as connected through a representation. Let me now give that proposal in detail.

5.3.2 Representing time’s arrow

Let’s go back to what it might mean for a temporal orientation to be a part of ‘spacetime structure’. One would like to say that it expresses an asymmetry of ‘time itself’, or the left side of Einstein’s equation rather than the right. But what does this mean, if not a crude and qualitative expression of substantivalism? There is an alternative, which I will express in terms of time translations. If spacetime has a temporal orientation, then in any local neighbourhood one can ex- press time translations as a collection T of diffeomorphisms along future-directed timelike vector fields. The flow ϕ(t) along a given vector field forms a semigroup or ‘group without inverses’. For these time translations there is no time reversing auto- morphism t 7→ −t, since the ‘inverses’ would be past-directed. This provides a more ecumenical, structural perspective on time’s arrow: as the statement that t 7→ −t is not an automorphism of time translations. Then we can let a thousand flowers bloom as to how we interpret what time translations actually are.20 The connection between an asymmetry of time translations and a dynamical

20This structuralist-functionalist perspective was developed in more detail in Section ??.

136 theory can now be made by adopting what I have called the ‘representation view’ in previous chapters. On this view, what it means to be a dynamical theory, as opposed to any other theory of curves on a state space, is that there exists a representation of time translations, in the form of an isomorphism,

ϕ : T → Aut(M), (5.3)

from the time translations T to the automorphisms of a state space M. When those time translations form a one-parameter set indexed by t, the trajectories of the theory are given by a space of curves ϕ(t), often expressed as solutions to a differential equation. But it is the fact that these curves are given by a representation of time translations that makes them are worthy of the name, ‘dynamical trajectories’. The representation view immediately establishes the spacetime-evidential link: a spacetime symmetry group is linked to the evidence associated with a dynamical theory through a representation. We learn about the former through our experience with the latter, like learning about the symmetries of a table by studying its shadow, as I proposed in Section 5.1. In particular, we can learn about the symmetries of time by studying temporal symmetry in a dynamical theory. Establishing symmetry is easiest. Suppose we were to be convinced that the world is best described by the dynamics of a simple , which is time reversal invariant. What makes this a ‘dynamical’ description is that it is a representation of time translations.21 So, since a representation is a homomorphism, every dynamical symmetry of the oscillator is a symmetry of time translations. In particular, if time reversal is a dynamical symmetry, then it is by definition a symmetry of time translations as well. A symmetric shadow is evidence for a symmetric table. Establishing asymmetry is more subtle: at least formally speaking, it is possible for time translations to have a symmetry, and for the representation of that symmetry to be prohibited by the structure of state space. As we saw in Section 4.5, both symplectic mechanics and spontaneous symmetry breaking provide an example of this. We also

21See Chapter4 for a more detailed discussion.

137 saw the possibility that a representation of a symmetry exists, but no ‘adequate’ one does. I will return to this issue in Chapter6, when we turn to CPT and the ‘strength’ of time’s arrow. But for this discussion, it is enough to focus on the first case: suppose that there simply is no representation of time reversal symmetry available on state space.22 If a dynamical theory provides an adequate description of the behaviour of matter and energy — if no relevant physical information is lost, in a sense to be discussed shortly — then the absence of a representation of time reversal symmetry is a powerful signal. It would mean that time reversal symmetry could never be established by any empirical evidence, since an representing how it transforms that evidence does not exist. What basis is left for one to infer that the time translations are time symmetric? Even the slightest hint of empiricism leads to the conclusion of Earman (1989, p.46), that “conditions of adequacy on theories of ” require us to infer that the spacetime itself is asymmetric under time reversal too. Demanding an empirical basis for symmetry thus leads to the following remarkable result: if a dynamical theory provides an adequate description of the phenomenon, then time reversal symmetry violation establishes a physical arrow of time. Let me not leave you waiting: in Chapter6 and7 I will argue that an arrow of time of this kind has indeed been established. But it is in a certain weak sense, with a stronger arrow of time remaining an open empirical question. But first, since much depends on the antecedent property of being an ‘adequate’ description, let me briefly discuss what I mean by this in detail.

5.3.3 Incomplete representations

At the outset of this chapter I described how the incomplete description of a physical system can give the appearance of time asymmetry, when in fact there is none. Such descriptions may accurately describe naïve human experience, but do not accurately describe the structure of time evolution in the physical world. Dynamical systems of

22The absence of a representation of the time reversal operator is just what it means for a dynamical theory to be time reversal symmetry violating, by what I have called the ‘Symmetry Existence Criterion’; see Section 4.2.1.

138 this kind are ‘inadequate’ for the analysis of temporal symmetry, since some symme- tries may be hidden in the missing information. So, let me briefly review this problem, so that we can be clear on what it takes to avoid it.

A familiar example is a classical damped oscillator, which slows to a stop under the force of friction. To first order approximation, the oscillator follows a curve x(t) satisfying Newton’s equation with,

dx2 m  F(x, xÛ)  −kx − cxÛ. (5.4) dt2

for some constants c, k > 0. This equation manifestly fails to be time reversal invariant: a damped oscillator can slow to a stop, but it cannot spontaneously start bouncing. One can check this by noting that time reversal is not a dynamical symmetry of this system: it is common to justify this by substituting t 7→ −t, although as I have argued in Chapter3, a more rigorous check is to observe that there is no transformation of the form

(x, xÛ) 7→ (x, −xÛ) that preserves the solution space. Thus, an adequate representation of time reversal symmetry is impossible for the damped harmonic oscillator.

However, this is no evidence for an arrow of time. The description omits important degrees of freedom describing how the energy of the oscillator’s motion is converted into internal energy in the surrounding medium, jiggling the 1026 of air in the room. When the missing degrees of freedom are restored, we find a representation of time reversal symmetry: reversing the ‘jiggling’ produces just the right kind of collision with a rest oscillator so as to send it bouncing, as in Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11: A damped oscillator interacts with its microscopic medium (left) in a way that is symmetric under time reversal (right).

139 A similar thing underpins the time asymmetric master equations of statistical physics, such as the Zwanzig master equation (cf. Zeh 2007, §3.4). The dynamics in this description is time asymmetric, in virtue of continuously discarding degrees of freedom via the Zwanzig projection map.23 As a result, the dynamics is not probability preserving: from the perspective of quantum statistical mechanics, it is not a unitary representation of time translations.24 The description provides a powerful account of the emergence of time asymmetric experiences, but is missing the information needed to describe the local structure of time evolution, and so is no evidence for a physical asymmetry of time itself. The issue in both cases comes down to a pathological representation of time translations. In rough terms, the system is not ‘conservative’, in that energy flows into degrees of freedom for which time translations have not been defined. This manifests as a failure of local time translation invariance: the damped system is obviously not invariant under time translations, and as a result there is no representation of this motion that preserves the structure of state space. If there were, the dynamics of a damped system in phase space could be locally generated by a single Hamiltonian function.25 In fact it cannot be: it is expressed using a time-dependent set of Hamil- tonian functions {Ht }, which generates a flow that is not symplectic, and so does not preserve the structure of phase space. Thus, in both cases, we do not really have a representation of time translations as I have defined it, as mapping to the automorphisms of a state space ϕ : T → Aut(M). Both the non-symplectic damped dynamics and the non-unitary Zwanzig dynamics are not state space automorphisms. Of course, both still provide remarkable tools for applied mathematicians: this discussion is not meant to be a critique of either, since such a representation of time translation is certainly not needed for all purposes. But when our purpose is to identify time asymmetries on the basis of dynamical asymmetries, these descriptions are inadequate.

23See Wallace (2013, §3) for a more detailed analysis of the origin of time asymmetry in this way. 24For a discussion of this property of the Zwanzig master equation, see Zeh (2007, §3.4, esp. p.66). 25See Section 3.3.

140 With this caveat in place, the representation view now provides a reliable way to check whether the structure of time is asymmetric. Suppose a system can be accurately described by a representation of time translations amongst the automorphisms of its state space. Then the test is simple: evidence that no representation of time reversal symmetry exists is evidence for a physical arrow of time.

5.4 The Price Critique

Nature is under no obligation to provide us with a physical asymmetry in the structure of time itself. Our world might have had the character that virtually all temporal asym- metries are only apparent, arising from our artificially limited access to its properties, as in the examples above. One would just need to explain how this great illusion could happen in a way that is compatible with our experience, and with the results of modern physics. This Olympic undertaking has been carried out by yet another Trinity philosopher, Huw Price (1996). Price calls the result the “perspectival view” of time’s arrow: not that there are no ineliminable matters of fact about causal asymmetry, but that the facts all depend crucially on the standpoint of an observer.

This is a remarkable analysis. But, I would like to focus on another aspect of Price’s view. Part of his effort goes into correcting some of the ‘misfires’ that do not provide evidence for a physical arrow: indeed, Price sets out the main objections to the approaches I reviewed in Section 5.2. However, I have just argued that the possibility of a physical, observer-independent arrow of time remains, and can be known through the empirical study of time reversal symmetry violation. Indeed, the Chapter6 will discuss the ‘strength’ with which a physical arrow of time can occur, and Chapter7 will detail some of the experimental evidence for it, including the kind that arises in the flavour-mixing interaction of the neutral kaon. Price is critical of this sort of conclusion well, especially in his later work:

“It is true, of course, that the T-asymmetry of the neutral kaon could provide the basis for a universal convention for labelling lightcones as ‘past’ and

141 ‘future’. But this no more requires that time even be anisotropic — let alone objectively oriented — than does our universal signpost for space.” (Price 2011, p.294)

Price raises three objections to viewing time asymmetry in a dynamical theory as evidence for a physical arrow of time: that it is independent of the question of time asymmetry; that even if it were not, the time asymmetry can always be dissolved on a relationist interpretation; and that even without these two objections, existing evidence provides too weak a signal for an arrow of time. Each of these points is important, and I will respond to each of them in turn.

5.4.1 The independence objection

Price’s table analogy provides an indication of the first concern, that the structure of time is independent of the behaviour of matter and energy. Price later makes this concern explicit using a different analogy:

“Suppose everything in the universe were to vanish, except a single giant signpost, pointing forlornly to a particular corner of the sky. Or suppose that a universe had always been like this. This spatial asymmetry would not require that space itself be anisotropic, presumably, or that the direc- tion in question be distinguished by anything other than the fact that it happened to be the orientation of signpost. Similarly in the case of time. The contents of time — that is, the arrangement of physical stuff — might be temporally asymmetric, without time itself having any asymmetry. Accord- ingly, we need to be cautious in making inferences from observed temporal asymmetries to the anisotropy of time itself.” (Price 2011, p.292)

This is a worthy concern, even when we move from static signposts to dynamical theories: writing a curve as parametrised by the letter ‘t’ is not a convincing reason to view it as time evolution, as I have argued above.

142 However, the objection can be completely dissolved on an appropriate under- standing of what it means to be a dynamical theory. On the representation view, a dynamical theory is not independent of the structure of time. On the contrary, a rep- resentation of time translations is the very thing that makes a theory ‘dynamical’. The ‘table and its contents’ analogy should be replaced with the one I propose above, with a table that projects a shadow onto the floor. This is a better analogy for the way that the structure of time translations projects onto a state space representation.

The signpost analogy requires similar revision. The analogy depends on view- ing the material contents of spacetime as ‘just lying there’, with no further connection to spacetime structure. But, when we say that the molecules of the sign are in motion, in the sense of a dynamical theory, we encode a great deal of information about the structure of time, like its topology, continuity properties, and the collection of time translations describing the relational properties between moments. In particular, by encoding the structure of time translations, a dynamical theory encodes facts about the symmetries of time. This is why symmetry violation in a dynamical theory implies the existence of a temporal asymmetry, as I have described in Section 5.3.2.

Thus, although independence objection is well-motivated, it is avoided on a plausible interpretation of what it means to be a dynamical theory.

5.4.2 The gauge objection

A separate objection concerns whether symmetry violation in a dynamical theory still allows the freedom to adopt either of the two temporal orientations on a (temporally orientable) spacetime. Price expresses this objection in two ways. The first is in a critique of Maudlin (2002, 2007), who quickly leaps from time reversal symmetry violation to the existence of a temporal orientation.

“What would it mean to say the laws exhibited a specific temporal asym- metry, unless one could orient a choice of temporal coordinate consistently across space-time, in the manner guaranteed by orientability? This isn’t what Maudlin has in mind, however. Orientability is a much weaker con-

143 dition than existence of an objective distinction between earlier and later — it doesn’t imply even that time is anisotropic, much less that it is objectively directed. ... [W]e should read Maudlin as claiming that the T-violation exhibited by the neutral kaon ‘requires’ such an orientation. But... this is simply not true: a lawlike time asymmetry does not even require temporal anisotropy, let alone the true directionality that Maudlin is after. It is true, of course, the T-asymmetry of the neutral kaon could provide the basis for a universal convention for labelling lightcones as ‘past’ and ‘future’. But this no more requires that time even be anisotropic — let alone objectively oriented — than does our universal signpost for space.” (Price 2011, p.294)

Price is right that, in its typical presentation, the leap from dynamical asymmetry to time asymmetry seems to only provide evidence that spacetime is orientable: this is just what it means to say that a temporal orientation exists. This by itself might still allow some freedom within the theory, analogous to the descriptive redundancy of gauge theory, which allows us to choose either of two temporal orientations. further argument would be needed to establish the stronger claim that time itself is asymmetric, in that that one orientation is acceptable, while the other one is not. Such an argument does exists. This is a technical point, which depends to some extent on which temporal orientation we take to be relevant. But I think that the natural one for this discussion is what might be called the velocity orientation associated with a set of time translations. More precisely, consider the reference frame associated with a congruence of smooth, undirected timelike curves in a (temporally orientable) spacetime.26 Then a set of time translations T is given by the one-parameter

set of diffeomorphisms t 7→ γt that thread the curves, as illustrated in Figure 5.12. The smooth semigroup of positive-t translations determine one temporal orientation, ì+( )  d ( ◦ ) defined by the ‘velocity’ vector field γ f dt f γt for each smooth function f , while the negative-t translations give rise to the oppositely-directed vector field

26Inclusion of the other reference frames afforded by diffeomorphism invariance is a minor complexity that is not needed to make this point; I will return to the diffeomorphism invariance of general relativity in Chapter8.

144 d + γì−( f )  ( f ◦γ t)  −γì ( f ). Each is an element of one of the two temporal orientations dt − available on this spacetime.

Figure 5.12: Time translations in opposite directions determine opposite vector fields.

What could select one temporal orientation over the other? Suppose we have

a dynamical theory given by a state space representation ϕ : T → Aut(M). If that theory forbids any adequate representation of time reversal symmetry t 7→ −t, as is widely believed to be the case for the dynamics of the neutral kaon, then we have good empirical evidence that time reversal t 7→ −t is not an automorphism of time transla- tions. That was the argument of Section 5.3.2. But this implies that T cannot actually contain all the diffeomorphisms γt that thread the curves: if dynamical evolution is given by a smooth semigroup in one direction, say the positive-t time translations, then the negative-t time translations cannot be in the set. This in turn selects the temporal + orientation γì , and renders the opposite one γì− impossible. So, although a bit of argument is needed, Wald, Earman and Maudlin are right about this point: time asymmetry in a dynamical theory selects a preferred temporal orientation, and renders the other one impossible. There is some subtlety here regarding role of extended transformations like CPT in this argument; I will reserve that discussion for Chapter6. But in general, when one is explicit about the relationship between dynamical theories and the structure of time, the gauge freedom that Price is proposing between two opposing temporal orientations does not exist. The second objection that Price proposes involves a yet-more radical claim, that

145 we are free to change the structure of a symmetry-violating dynamical theory. Consider the ‘toy theory’ described by Horwich (1989), which describes a process ABCD that is not time symmetric; we write (ABCD) to denote the undirected process. Then, Price says,

“there will always be a ‘Machian’ reading of the kind of lawlike irreversibil- ity that Horwich has in mind here—simply a law to the effect that all instances of the kind (ABCD) have the same temporal orientation. The Machian law will do the same job of explaining the orientation of any particular (ABCD): the opposite orientation would not match all the other instances.” (Price 2011, p.293)

This proposal has been recently echoed by Farr (2020, §2.2.2), who suggests that nearly every dynamical theory, including the theory of the neutral kaon, can be extended to one that is temporally symmetric in a way that is empirically adequate. As Farr puts it, the idea is to replace a dynamical theory that asserts, ‘a increases monotonically on every trajectory’ with one that asserts, ‘a physical quantity is monotonic on every trajectory’. In order to make the latter true but not the former, this requires extending the solution space to include both the monotonically increasing and monotonically decreasing trajectories, even if the latter never occur in reality. I am not convinced. If one is interested in the honest investigation of whether there is a physical arrow of time, then it is not clear why one would want to do this. The procedure requires us to believe that dynamical trajectories exist for which we have no empirical evidence. For example, the discovery of time reversal violation in kaon-antikaon oscillation showed that although the evolution of a neutral kaon state

Ut K0 is a physical possibility, the reverse evolution U t K0 is not. This is guaranteed − by the fact that the transition probabilities are different from their time reverse.27 The claim that there remain ‘missing possibilities’ outside the scope of this theory suggests that it as incomplete as the description of a damped oscillator. While this may turn out to be the case, a staunch metaphysical commitment to the non-existence of a physical

27See Chapter7.

146 arrow strikes me as weak evidence for this claim.

5.4.3 The weak signal objection

Price’s final objection to dynamical symmetries as evidence for a physical arrow is that it is too rare of an occurrence to matter:

“On the contrary, the laws seem essentially symmetric, in the sense that any interaction which they allow to occur with one temporal orientation is also allowed to occur with the opposite orientation (the laws showing no preference between the two). It is true that there appears to be one exception to this general principle... it is the case of the decay of the neutral kaon. Even here the departure from perfect symmetry is tiny, however, and the puzzling character of the existence of this tiny exception serves to highlight the intuitive appeal of the prevailing rule. To a very large extent, then, the laws of physics seem to be blind to the direction of time—they satisfy T-symmetry, as we may say.” (Price 1996, p.116)

I agree with Price that the size of time reversal symmetry violation is an important issue for modern physics. For example, it is essential in determining to what extent symmetry violation is responsible for asymmetries like the cosmological asymmetry and for the baryon asymmetry, if one adopts the Sakharov (1967) conditions discussed above.

However, I would like to heed the advice of Price himself, that one should not conflate concerns about the relationship between different asymmetries with the question of whether time itself has an asymmetry. Although this ‘weak signal’ objection is relevant to the former, it does not seem to provide any argument against the latter.

To see this, it may help to clarify what is meant by ‘size’ in the context of the neutral kaon experiment that Price refers to. If the dynamical evolution of a relativistic quantum field theory were symmetric, then a well-known argument implies that its ingoing and outgoing states must transform in the same way under the combination

147 of charge conjugation and parity reversal: either both of them are preserved by CP, or neither of them are.28 The theory is indeterministic, and so an ingoing state like

the ‘long-lived’ kaon state KL can in general decay into many different outgoing states, each associated with some probability amplitude. But, if time reversal symmetry

holds, then all of them must transform in the same way as KL under CP. Cronin and

Fitch (1964) showed experimentally that this is false: the kaon state KL can decay into a two-pion state, which does not transform in the same way as KL under CP. It follows that time reversal symmetry must fail. Now, this remarkable two-pion decay turns out to be relatively unlikely, with a probability of roughly 1/500. In the modern gauge theory of electroweak interactions, this turns out to be near the maximum amount of time reversal symmetry violation compatible with the theory (Witten 2018). But this small probability does not provide any reason to ignore the conclusion that a representation of time reversal symmetry does not exist. The small decay is just the witness to the conclusion! Just as one smoking gun out of 500 is enough to prove a murder, so this small decay is enough to show that the world is not time symmetric. The time asymmetric dynamics applies to all experimental runs, despite the fact that only a small number of them are used to prove the asymmetry itself. In summary, Price has pointed out a number of important gaps in the literature. A dynamical asymmetry can only be said to imply a physical arrow of time if those gaps can be filled. I hope to have now shown here that they can be.

5.5 Summary

Many important physical discussions that are advertised under the heading of the ‘arrow of time’ turn out to stretch the meaning of the phrase. If what we are interested is whether the structure of time itself admits a physical asymmetry, then the ‘arrows’ of radiation, thermodynamics, cosmology, and many others just don’t pass muster.

28The argument is that, assuming CPT invariance, a time reversal invariant dynamics is also CP invariant. This immediately implies that if an ingoing state is preserved by CP if and only if the outgoing state is; see Chapter7 for details.

148 I have argued that given time reversal symmetry violation in a dynamical theory, such as the famous time asymmetries of electroweak theory, we do have a remarkable road to studying the arrow of time. The conceptual tool underpinning this tantalising possibility is the representation view, that a dynamical theory gets its meaning from a representation of time translations. Such a representation encodes the symmetries of time in a state space structure, and thus allows a path to determining a physical arrow through the study of that state space. There remains a question of whether sufficient evidence for a physical arrow of time actually exists: in Chapter7, I will argue that it does. However, our under- standing of that evidence will be clearer once we see what more general time reversing symmetries like CPT tell us about the structure of time. This is the subject of Chapter 6.



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