Image Courtesy of NASA

Saturn is the largest in our and is easily recognizable from its iconic rings. Like , Saturn is a large of mostly and gas. The planet is also surrounded by over sixty known . Its core is made of iron and nickel and enveloped by liquid metallic = 29.4 hydrogen. The whole planet is less dense = 10.7 Earth than , which means if there was an 9 the size of Earth of water big enough it would float! Radius = 36,183 miles 886 million miles from = 34.3 ft/s^2

Image Courtesy of NASA Saturn’s rings are theorized to be pieces of , , and broken moons that have been torn apart by the planet’s strong gravity. The system extends 175,000 miles out from the planet’s . As wide as they are, their vertical height reaches only about 30 feet. Image Courtesy of NASA Four have visited Saturn, beginning in 1979. The most recent, Dutch called Cassini, orbited the planet for Christian is thirteen years before being steered credited with towards the planet to probe its discovering the first before its destruction. of Saturn’s moons Cassini also carried a probe, Huygens, . While Saturn that landed on Titan, one of Saturn’s is not suitable for moons. Cassini-Huygens was a joint as we know it, venture by NASA, the European Titan may be. It is Agency, and the Italian Space Agency, the only place named for Giovanni besides Earth where

Cassini and . there are liquids in Public Domain

the form of rivers, , and seas.