What are heavy Why we care about them Summary

Heavy Materials

Konrad Genser1

1Rutgers the state university of New Jersey

Solid State, 9/20/2017

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Why we care about them Summary Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions What are they Why we care about them Why they’re heavy Summary Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions What are they Why we care about them Why they’re heavy Summary

A is a material with highly correlated Kondo effect, µ ρ(T ) = ρ + aT 2 + c ln + bT 5 (1) o m T

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions What are they Why we care about them Why they’re heavy Summary Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions What are they Why we care about them Why they’re heavy Summary

Despite being highly correlated, these materials can be described as a fermi liquid. Specific Heat 2 π kB Cp = nkbT (2) 2 f

2k2  = ~ f (3) f 2m∗

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions What are they Why we care about them Why they’re heavy Summary

Figure: I. Sheikin, Y. Wang, F. Bouquet, P. Lejay, and A. Junod, Journal of Physics: Condensed , Volume 14, Number 28

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

Kondo , above a certain , the material is metallic and below a certain temperature it becomes insulating.

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

Figure: ”Heavy Fermions: Electrons at the Edge of Magnetism”

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

Normal BCS superconductors form cooper pairs by interacting with the lattice. ie via . So metals that have with the lattice usually make good superconductors.

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

But heavy fermionic materials are too ”heavy” to interact with the lattice. Yet we have found at least 30 heavy fermion superconductors.

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality Outline

1 What are heavy fermions What are they Why they’re heavy

2 Why we care about them Insulators Superconductors Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

Some heavy fermion materials contain quantum critical points. Example: Antiferromagnetic.

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Insulators Why we care about them Superconductors Summary Quantum Criticality

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials What are heavy fermions Why we care about them Summary Summary

Heavy fermions are highly correlated systems. They follow simple fermi liquid laws which appear to make them heavier. They exhibit a barrage of interesting properties that we still don’t fully understand.

Konrad Genser Heavy Fermion Materials