colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing and Palettes

Achim Zeileis Jason C. Fisher Kurt Hornik Ross Ihaka Universität Innsbruck U.S. Geological Survey WU Wirtschafts- University of Auckland universität Wien

Claire D. McWhite Paul Murrell Reto Stauffer Claus O. Wilke The University of University of Auckland Universität Innsbruck The University of Texas at Austin Texas at Austin

Abstract The R package colorspace provides a flexible toolbox for selecting individual colors or palettes, manipulating these colors, and employing them in statistical and data visualizations. In particular, the package provides a broad range of color palettes based on the HCL (-Chroma-) . The three HCL dimensions have been shown to match those of the human very well, thus facilitating intuitive selection of color palettes through trajectories in this space. Using the HCL general strategies for three types of palettes are implemented: (1) Qualitative for coding categorical information, i.e., where no particular ordering of categories is available. (2) Sequential for coding ordered/numeric information, i.e., going from high to low (or vice versa). (3) Diverging for coding ordered/numeric information around a central neu- tral value, i.e., where colors diverge from neutral to two extremes. To aid selection and application of these palettes the package also contains scales for use with ggplot2, shiny (and tcltk) apps for interactive exploration, visualizations of properties, accom- panying manipulation utilities (like desaturation and lighten/darken), and emulation of deficiencies.

Keywords: color, palette, HCL, RGB, hue, color vision deficiency, R.

arXiv:1903.06490v1 [stat.CO] 14 Mar 2019 1. Introduction

Color is an integral and omnipresent element of many statistical graphics and data visual- izations. Therefore, colors should be carefully chosen to support all viewers in accessing the information displayed (Tufte 1990; Brewer 1999; Ware 2004; Wilkinson 2005; Wilke 2019). However, until relatively recently many software packages have been using color palettes derived from simple RGB (--) color combinations such as the RGB “” (or “jet”) color palette with poor perceptual properties. See Hawkins, McNeall, Stephen- son, Williams, and Carlson(2014) and Stauffer, Mayr, Dabernig, and Zeileis(2015) and the references therein for an overview. 2 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Hue (Type of color) 0 75 150 225 300

Chroma () 0 25 50 75 100

Luminance () 95 75 55 35 15

Figure 1: Axes of the HCL color space. Top: Hue H changes from 0 (red) via 75 (), etc. to 300 () with fixed C = 60 and L = 65. Center: Chroma C changes from 0 (gray) to 100 (colorful) with fixed H = 0 (red) and L = 65. Bottom: Luminance L changes from 95 () to 15 (dark) with fixed H = 260 (blue) and C = 25 (low, close to gray).

To address these problems, many improved color palettes with better perceptual properties have been receiving increasing attention in the literature (Harrower and Brewer 2003; Zeileis, Hornik, and Murrell 2009; Smith and Van der Walt 2015; CARTO 2019; Crameri 2018). Many systems for systems for statistical and scientific computing provide infrastructure for such color palettes, e.g., for R (R Core Team 2018) the list of useful packages encompasses: RCol- orBrewer (Neuwirth 2014), viridis (Garnier 2018), rcartocolor (Nowosad 2018), wesanderson (Ram and Wickham 2018), or scico (Pedersen and Crameri 2018) among many others. Fur- thermore, packages like pals (Wright 2018) and paletteer (Hvitfeldt 2019) collect many of the proposed palettes in combination with a unified interface. Most of these palettes, however, are pre-existing palettes, stored as a limited set of colors and interpolated as necessary. And even if specific algorithms have been used in the initial construction of the palettes, these are often not reflected in the software implementations. The colorspace package (Ihaka et al. 2019) adopts a somewhat different approach that gives the user direct access to the construction principles underlying its palettes. These are based on simple trajectories in the perceptually-based HCL (Hue–Chroma–Luminance) color space (Wikipedia 2019e) whose axes match those of the human visual system very well: Hue (= type of color, dominant ), chroma (= colorfulness), luminance (= brightness), see Figure1. Thus, utilizing this color model the colorspace package can derive general and adaptable strategies for color palettes; manipulate individual colors and color palettes; and assess and visualize the properties of color palettes (beyond simple color swatches). Specifi- cally, colorspace provides three types of palettes based on the HCL model:

• Qualitative: Designed for coding categorical information, i.e., where no particular order- ing of categories is available and every color should receive the same perceptual weight. Function: qualitative_hcl(). • Sequential: Designed for coding ordered/numeric information, i.e., where colors go from high to low (or vice versa). Function: sequential_hcl(). • Diverging: Designed for coding ordered/numeric information around a central neutral value, i.e., where colors diverge from neutral to two extremes. Function: diverging_hcl().

A broad collection of prespecified palettes are shipped in the package. In addition, existing palettes can be easily tweaked and new or adapted palettes registered. The prespecified Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 3 palettes include suitable HCL color choices that closely approximate of most palettes from packages RColorBrewer, rcartocolor, and viridis by using only a small set of hue, chroma, and luminance parameters. To aid choice and application of these palettes the package provides (a) scales for use with ggplot2 (Wickham 2016), (b) shiny (Chang, Cheng, Allaire, Xie, and McPherson 2018) and tcltk (R Core Team 2018) apps for interactive exploration, (c) visualizations of palette prop- erties, and (d) accompanying manipulation utilities (like desaturation, lighten/darken, and emulation of color vision deficiencies). The remainder of the manuscript is organized as follows: Section2 gives a first overview of the package’s “look & feel” and the general workflow. Section3 summarizes the S4 color space classes and methods in the package. Section4 introduces the extensible collection of HCL- based palettes along with their construction details. Section5 presents the toolbox for palette visualization and assessment. Section6 discusses the implemented techniques for color vision deficiency emulation that help assess the suitability of colors for colorblind viewers. Section7 briefly highlights the interactive color apps from the package. Finally, some further color manipulation utilities are highlighted in Section8 before Section9 concludes the manuscript.

2. A quick tour

The stable release version of colorspace is hosted on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at and the development ver- sion of colorspace is hosted on R-Forge at colorspace/.

2.1. Choosing HCL-based color palettes The colorspace package ships with a wide range of predefined color palettes, specified through suitable trajectories in the HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance) color space. A quick overview can be gained easily with the hcl_palettes() function (see Figure2):

R> library("colorspace") R> hcl_palettes(plot = TRUE)

A suitable vector of colors can be easily computed by specifying the desired number of colors and the palette name (see Figure2 for possible palette names), e.g.,

R> q4 <- qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "Dark 3") R> q4

[1] "#E16A86" "#909800" "#00AD9A" "#9183E6"

The functions sequential_hcl(), and diverging_hcl() work analogously. Additionally, a palette’s hue/chroma/luminance parameters can be modified, thus allowing for easy cus- tomization of each palette. Moreover, the choose_palette()/hclwizard() app provides convenient user interfaces to perform palette customization interactively. Finally, even more flexible diverging HCL palettes are provided by divergingx_hcl(). 4 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Qualitative 3 BluGrn YlOrBr Blue−Red 2

Pastel 1 Oslo OrRd Blue−Red 3

Dark 2 Sequential (multi−hue) TealGrn Oranges Red−Green

Dark 3 Purple−Blue Emrld YlGn Purple−Green

Set 2 Red−Purple BluYl YlGnBu Purple−

Set 3 Red−Blue ag_GrnYl Green−Brown

Warm Purple− RdPu Blue−Yellow 2

Cold Purple−Yellow PinkYl PuRd Blue−Yellow 3

Harmonic Blue−Yellow Burg Green−Orange

Dynamic Green−Yellow BurgYl PuBuGn

Sequential (single−hue) Red−Yellow RedOr PuBu Tropic

Grays Heat OrYel Greens Broc

Light Grays Heat 2 Purp BuGn Cork

Blues 2 Terrain PurpOr GnBu Vik

Blues 3 Terrain 2 BuPu Berlin

Purples 2 Viridis Magenta Blues Lisbon

Purples 3 Plasma SunsetDark Lajolla Tofino

Reds 2 Inferno ag_Sunset Turku

Reds 3 Dark Mint BrwnYl Diverging

Greens 2 Mint YlOrRd Blue−Red

Figure 2: Brief overview of available predefined palettes in colorspace. 1.0

9.0 DAX SMI CAC No FTSE 0.8 8.5 0.6 Survived 8.0 0.4 Yes log(EuStockMarkets) 0.2 7.5 0.0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1st 2nd 3rd Crew

Time Class

Figure 3: Using colorspace with base R graphics. Left: Time series plot of log-prices from EuStockMarkets data with qualitative_hcl(4, "Dark 3") palette. Right: Spine plot with survival proportions across passenger classes in the titanice data with sequential_hcl(2, "Purples 3") palette.

2.2. Usage with base graphics

The color vectors returned by the HCL palette functions can usually be passed directly to most base graphics function, typically through the col argument. Here, the q4 vector created above is used in a time series display (see the left panel of Figure3):

R> plot(log(EuStockMarkets), plot.type = "single", col = q4, lwd = 2) R> legend("topleft", colnames(EuStockMarkets), col = q4, lwd = 3, bty = "n") Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 5

● ● ● ● ● 1.2 ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● 15000 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● cut 0.8 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Species ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ● Fair ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● setosa ●●●● ● ● 10000 ● ● ● ● Good ● ●●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●● ● versicolor ● ●● ●● ● ● ● price ● ●● ●● ● Very Good density ● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●●●● virginica ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●●● ●● Premium ●●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ●● ●● ●●●●● ● ● 0.4 ● ●● ●●●●●● ● ● ●●● ● ●●● ● Ideal ●● ●●●●● ● ● ●●●●●● ● ● ●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●● 5000 ● ●●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● ● ●●●●● ●● ●● ●●●●●● ● ●●●● ● ● ● ●●●●● ●● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●● ● ●● ●●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●●●● ●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●● 0.0 ●●●●●●●●● 0 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 Sepal.Length carat

Figure 4: Using colorspace with ggplot2 graphics. Left: Kernel density of sepal length, grouped and shaded by species, in the data with semi-transparent scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 3") color scale. Right: Scat- ter plot of price by carat, shaded by cut levels, in a subsample of the diamonds data with the scale_color_discrete_sequential(palette = "Purples 3", nmax = 6, order = 2:6) color scale.

As another example for a sequential palette, we demonstrate how to create a spine plot (see the right panel of Figure3) displaying the proportion of Titanic passengers that survived per class. The "Purples 3" palette is used, which is quite similar to the (Harrower and Brewer 2003) palette "Purples". Here, only two colors are employed, yielding a and light gray. R> ttnc <- margin.table(Titanic, c(1, 4))[, 2:1] R> spineplot(ttnc, col = sequential_hcl(2, palette = "Purples 3"))

2.3. Usage with ggplot2 To provide access to the HCL color palettes from within ggplot2 graphics (Wickham 2016; Wickham et al. 2018) suitable discrete and/or continuous gglot2 color scales are provided. The scales are named via the scheme scale___()

where • is the name of the aesthetic (fill, color, colour). • is the type of the variable plotted (discrete or continuous). • sets the type of the color scale used (qualitative, sequential, diverging, divergingx). To illustrate their usage two simple examples are shown using the qualitative "Dark 3" and sequential "Purples 3" palettes that were also employed above. For the first example, semi- transparent shaded densities of the sepal length from the iris data are shown, grouped by species (see the left panel of Figure4). 6 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

R> library("ggplot2") R> ggplot(iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, fill = Species)) + + geom_density(alpha = 0.6) + + scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(palette = "Dark 3")

And for the second example the sequential palette is used to code the cut levels in a scatter of price by carat in the diamonds data (or rather a small subsample thereof, see the right panel of Figure4). The scale function first generates six colors but then drops the first color because the light gray is too light here. (Alternatively, the chroma and luminance parameters could also be tweaked.) R> dsamp <- diamonds[1 + 1:1000 * 50, ] R> ggplot(dsamp, aes(carat, price, color = cut)) + geom_point() + R> scale_color_discrete_sequential(palette = "Purples 3", R> nmax = 6, order = 2:6)

2.4. Palette visualization and assessment The colorspace package also provides a number of functions that aid visualization and assess- ment of its palettes. • demoplot() can display a palette (with arbitrary number of colors) in a range of typical and somewhat simplified statistical graphics. • hclplot() converts the colors of a palette to the corresponding hue/chroma/luminance coordinates and displays them in HCL space with one dimension collapsed. The col- lapsed dimension is the luminance for qualitative palettes and the hue for sequen- tial/diverging palettes. • specplot() also converts the colors to hue/chroma/luminance coordinates but draws the resulting in a line plot. For the qualitative "Dark 3" palette from above the following plots can be obtained (see Figure5). R> demoplot(q4, "bar") R> hclplot(q4) R> specplot(q4, type = "o")

The bar plot is used as a typical application for a qualitative palette (in addition to the time series and density plots used above). The other two displays show that luminance is (almost) constant in the palette while the hue changes linearly along the color “wheel”. Ideally, chroma would have also been constant to completely balance the colors. However, at this luminance the maximum chroma differs across so that the palette is fixed up to use less chroma for the yellow and green elements. Note also that in a bar plot areas are shaded (and not just points or lines) so that lighter colors would be preferable. In the density plot in Figure4 this was achieved through semi- . Alternatively, luminance could be increased as is done in the " 1" or "Set 3" palettes. Subsequently, the same types of assessment are carried out in Figure6 for the sequential "Purples 3" palette as employed above. Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 7

Figure 5: Palette visualization and assessment for qualitative_hcl(4, "Dark 3") palette. Left: Demo bar plot. Center: Hue-chroma plane at fixed L = 60 in HCL space. Right: HCL spectrum with linearly changing hue (around ), almost constant chroma, and constant luminance.

Figure 6: Palette visualization and assessment for sequential_hcl(4, "Purples 3") palette. Left: Demo heatmap. Center: Chroma-luminance plane at fixed H = 270 in HCL space. Right: HCL spectrum with constant hue, triangular chroma, and increasting luminance.

R> s9 <- sequential_hcl(9, "Purples 3") R> demoplot(s9, "heatmap") R> hclplot(s9) R> specplot(s9, type = "o")

In Figure6, a heatmap (based on the well-known Maunga Whau volcano data) is used as a typical application for a sequential palette. The elevation of the volcano is brought out clearly, using dark colors to give emphasis to higher elevations. The other two displays show that hue is constant in the palette while luminance and chroma vary. Luminance increases monotonically from dark to light (as required for a proper sequential palette). Chroma is triangular-shaped which allows to better distinguish the middle colors in the palette when compared to a monotonic chroma trajectory. 8 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

3. Color spaces: S4 classes and utilities

At the core of the colorspace package are various utilities for computing with color spaces (Wikipedia 2019d), as the name conveys. Thus, the package helps to map various three- dimensional representations of color to each other (Ihaka 2003). A particularly important mapping is the one from the perceptually-based and device-independent color model HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance) to standard Red-Green-Blue (sRGB) which is the basis for color specifications in many systems based on the corresponding hex codes (Wikipedia 2019i), e.g., in HTML but also in R. For completeness further standard color models are included as well in the package. The connections are illustrated in Figure7. Color models that are (or try to be) perceptually-based are displayed with circles and models that are not are displayed with rectangles.

3.1. Implemented color spaces The color spaces, implemented in colorspace, along with their corresponding S4 classes and eponymous class constructors, are:

• RGB() for the classic Red-Green-Blue color model that mixes three primary colors with different intensities to obtain a spectrum of colors. The advantage of this color model is (or was) that it corresponded to how computer and TV screens generated colors, hence it was widely adopted and still is the basis for color specifications in many systems. For example, the hex color codes are employed in HTML but also in R. However, the RGB model also has some important drawbacks: It does not take into account the output device properties, it is not perceptually uniform (a unit step within RGB does not produce a constant perceptual change in color), and it is unintuitive for humans to specify colors (say brown or ) in this space. See Wikipedia(2019g) for more details. • sRGB() addresses the issue of device dependency by adopting a so-called cor- rection. Therefore, the gamma-corrected standard RGB (sRGB), as opposed to the linearized RGB above, is a good model for specifying colors in software and for hard- ware. But it is still unintuitive for humans to work directly with this color space.

polarLUV LUV HSV (= HCL)

point gamma = D65 (= 2.4) XYZ RGB sRGB hex


Figure 7: Relationship between three-dimensional color spaces implemented in colorspace. Color models that are (or try to be) perceptually-based are displayed with circles, other color models with rectangles. Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 9

Therefore, sRGB is a good place to end up in a color space manipulation but it is not a good place to start. See Wikipedia(2019h) for more details. • HSV() is a simple transformation of the (s)RGB space that tries to capture the percep- tual axes: hue (, the type of color), saturation (colorfulness), and value (brightness, i.e., light vs. dark). Unfortunately, the three axes in the HSV model are confounded so that, e.g., brightness changes dramaticaly with hue. See Wikipedia (2019f) for more details. • HLS() (Hue--Saturation) is another transformation of (s)RGB that tries to capture the perceptual axes. It does a somewhat better job but the dimensions are still strongly confounded. See Wikipedia(2019f) for more details. • XYZ() was established by the CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage) based on psychophysical experiments with human subjects. It provides a unique triplet of XYZ values, coding the standard observer’s of the color. It is device-independent but it is not perceptually uniform and the XYZ coordinates have no intuitive meaning. See Wikipedia(2019a) for more details. • LUV() and LAB() were therefore proposed by the CIE as perceptually uniform color spaces where the former is typically preferred for emissive technologies (such as screens and monitors) whereas the latter is usually preferred when working with dyes and . However, the three axes of these two spaces still do not correspond to human perceptual axes. See Wikipedia(2019c); Wikipedia(2019b) for more details. • polarLUV() and polarLAB() take polar coordinates in the UV plane and AB plane, respectively. Specifically, the polar coordinates of the LUV model are known as the HCL (Hue-Chroma-Luminance) model. These capture the human perceptual axes very well without confounding effects as in the HSV or HLS approaches. (More details follow below.)

All S4 classes for color spaces inherit from a virtual class color which is internally always represented by matrices with three columns (corresponding to the different three dimensions). Note that since the inception of the color space conversion tools within colorspace’s C code by Ihaka(2003) other R tools for this purpose became available. Notably, base R meanwhile provides grDevices::convertColor() (computed in high-level R, R Core Team 2018) and farver::convert_colour() (Pedersen, Nicolae, and François 2018) is based on a C++ li- brary. For many basic color conversion purposes the colorspace package and these alternatives are essentially equally suitable (see the discussion in Zeileis, Gaslam, Murrell, and Pedersen 2018). For more complex conversions, including different algorithms, a more comprehensive color science approach is implemented in the R package colorscience (Gama and Davis 2018). Finally, base R also provides grDevices::hcl() for mapping HCL representations to hex codes. To make the colorspace package self-contained and exactly backward compatible, the C code in colorspace is still used as the basis for all color space conversions.

3.2. Utilities For working with the implemented S4 color spaces various utilities are available:

• as() method: Conversions of a color object to the various color spaces, e.g., as(x, "sRGB"). 10 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

• coords(): Extract the three-dimensional coordinates pertaining to the current color class. • hex(): Convert a color object to sRGB and code in a hex string that can be used within R plotting functions. • hex2RGB(): Convert a given hex color string to an sRGB color object which can also be coerced to other color spaces. • readRGB() and readhex() can read text files into color objects, either from RGB coor- dinates or hex color strings. • writehex(): Writes hex color strings to a text file. • whitepoint(): Query and change the employed in conversions from CIE XYZ to RGB. Defaults to D65.

3.3. Illustration of basic colorspace functionality As an example a vector of colors x can be specified in the HCL (or polar LUV) model:

R> (x <- polarLUV(L = 70, C = 50, H = c(0, 120, 240)))

LCH [1,] 70 50 0 [2,] 70 50 120 [3,] 70 50 240

The resulting three colors are pastel red (hue = 0), green (hue = 120), and blue (hue = 240) with moderate chroma and luminance. For display in other systems an sRGB representation might be needed:

R> (y <- as(x, "sRGB"))

RGB [1,] 0.8931564 0.5853740 0.6465459 [2,] 0.5266113 0.7224335 0.4590469 [3,] 0.4907804 0.6911937 0.8673877

With coords(x) or coords(y) the displayed coordinates can also be extracted as numeric matrices. And from sRGB we can also coerce to HSV for example:

R> as(y, "HSV")

HSV [1,] 348.0750 0.3446008 0.8931564 [2,] 104.6087 0.3645825 0.7224335 [3,] 208.0707 0.4341857 0.8673877

For display in many systems (including R itself) hex color codes based on the sRGB coordi- nates can be created: Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 11

Qualitative (Set 2) Sequential (Blues 3) Diverging (Green−Brown)

Color Color Color

Desaturated Desaturated Desaturated

Figure 8: Examples of palette types in colorspace. Qualitative palettes are balanced towards the same luminance level while sequential and diverging palettes go from dark to light and/or vice versa, respectively.

R> hex(x)

[1] "#E495A5" "#86B875" "#7DB0DD"

4. HCL-based color palettes

As motivated in the previous section, the HCL space is particularly useful for specifying indi- vidual colors and color palettes, as its three axes match those of the human visual system very well. Therefore, the colorspace package provides three palette functions based on the HCL model: qualitative_hcl(), sequential_hcl(), and diverging_hcl(). Their construction principles are exemplified in Figure8 and explained in more detail below. The desaturated palettes in the second row of Figure8 bring out clearly that luminance differences (= light- dark contrasts) are crucial for sequential and diverging palettes while qualitative palettes are balanced at the same luminance. To facilitate obtaining good sets of colors, HCL parameter combinations that yield useful palettes are accessible by name. These can be listed using the function hcl_palettes():

R> hcl_palettes()

HCL palettes

Type: Qualitative Names: Pastel 1, Dark 2, Dark 3, Set 2, Set 3, Warm, Cold, Harmonic, Dynamic

Type: Sequential (single-hue) Names: Grays, Light Grays, Blues 2, Blues 3, Purples 2, Purples 3, Reds 2, Reds 3, Greens 2, Greens 3, Oslo

Type: Sequential (multi-hue) Names: Purple-Blue, Red-Purple, Red-Blue, Purple-Orange, Purple-Yellow, Blue-Yellow, Green-Yellow, Red-Yellow, Heat, Heat 2, Terrain, Terrain 2, Viridis, Plasma, Inferno, Dark Mint, Mint, BluGrn, Teal, TealGrn, Emrld, BluYl, ag_GrnYl, Peach, PinkYl, Burg, BurgYl, RedOr, OrYel, Purp, PurpOr, Sunset, Magenta, SunsetDark, ag_Sunset, BrwnYl, YlOrRd, YlOrBr, 12 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

OrRd, Oranges, YlGn, YlGnBu, Reds, RdPu, PuRd, Purples, PuBuGn, PuBu, Greens, BuGn, GnBu, BuPu, Blues, Lajolla, Turku

Type: Diverging Names: Blue-Red, Blue-Red 2, Blue-Red 3, Red-Green, Purple-Green, Purple-Brown, Green-Brown, Blue-Yellow 2, Blue-Yellow 3, Green-Orange, Cyan-Magenta, Tropic, Broc, Cork, Vik, Berlin, Lisbon, Tofino

To inspect the HCL parameter combinations for a specific palette simply include the palette name where upper- vs. lower-case, spaces, etc. are ignored for matching the label, i.e., "set2" matches "Set 2":

R> hcl_palettes(palette = "set2")

HCL palette Name: Set 2 Type: Qualitative Parameter ranges: h1 h2 c1 c2 l1 l2 p1 p2 cmax fixup 0 NA 60 NA 70 NA NA NA NA TRUE

To compute the actual color hex codes (representing sRGB coordinates) based on these HCL parameters, the functions qualitative_hcl(), sequential_hcl(), and diverging_hcl() can be used. Either all parameters can be specified “by hand” through the HCL parameters, an entire palette can be specified “by name”, or the name-based specification can be modified by a few HCL parameters. In case of the HCL parameters, either a vector-based specification such as h = c(0, 270) or individual parameters h1 = 0 and h2 = 270 can be used. The first three of the following commands lead to equivalent output. The fourth command yields a modified set of colors (lighter due to a luminance of 80 instead of 70).

R> qualitative_hcl(4, h = c(0, 270), c = 60, l = 70)

[1] "#ED90A4" "#ABB150" "#00C1B2" "#ACA2EC"

R> qualitative_hcl(4, h1 = 0, h2 = 270, c1 = 60, l1 = 70)

[1] "#ED90A4" "#ABB150" "#00C1B2" "#ACA2EC"

R> qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "set2")

[1] "#ED90A4" "#ABB150" "#00C1B2" "#ACA2EC"

R> qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "set2", l = 80)

[1] "#FFACBF" "#C6CD70" "#32DDCD" "#C7BEFF" Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 13

Qualitative Set 3

Pastel 1 Warm

Dark 2 Cold

Dark 3 Harmonic

Set 2 Dynamic

Figure 9: Prespecified qualitative HCL palettes available in qualitative_hcl() in col- orspace.

4.1. Qualitative palettes As suggested by Ihaka(2003) qualitative_hcl() distinguishes the underlying categories by a sequence of hues while keeping both chroma and luminance constant, to give each color in the resulting palette the same perceptual weight. Thus, h should be a pair of hues (or equivalently h1 and h2 can be used) with the starting and ending hue of the palette. Then, an equidistant sequence between these hues is employed, by default spanning the full color wheel (i.e., the full 360 degrees). Chroma c (or equivalently c1) and luminance l (or equivalently l1) are constants. Figure9 shows the named palettes available in the qualitative_hcl() function. The first five palettes are close to the palettes of the same name (Harrower and Brewer 2003). They employ different levels of chroma and luminance and, by default, span the full hue range. The remaining four palettes are taken from Ihaka(2003). They are based on the same chroma (= 50) and luminance (= 70) but the hue is restricted to different intervals. R> hcl_palettes("qualitative", plot = TRUE, nrow = 5)

When qualtitative palettes are employed for areas in statistical displays (e.g., in bar plots, pie charts, or regions in maps), lighter colors (with moderate chroma and high luminance) such as "Pastel 1" or "Set 3" are typically less distracting. By , when coloring points or lines, more flashy colors (with high chroma) are often required: On a white background a moderate luminance as in "Dark 2" or "Dark 3" usually works better while on a /dark background the luminance should be higher as in "Set 2". Some examples with demo graphics are provided in Section5.

4.2. Sequential palettes (single-hue) As suggested by Zeileis et al. (2009), sequential_hcl() codes the underlying numeric values by a monotonic sequence of increasing (or decreasing) luminance. Thus, the function’s l argument should provide a vector of length 2 with starting and ending luminance (equivalently, l1 and l2 can be used). Without chroma (i.e., c = 0), this simply corresponds to a palette like gray.colors(), see "Grays" and "Light Grays" in Figure 10. For adding chroma, a simple strategy would be to pick a single hue (via h or h1) and then decrease chroma from some value (c or c1) to zero (i.e., gray) along with increasing luminance. For bringing out the extremes (a dark high-chroma color vs. a light gray) this is already very effective, see "Blues 2", "Purples 2", "Reds 2", and "Greens 2". 14 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Sequential (single−hue) Purples 3

Grays Reds 2

Light Grays Reds 3

Blues 2 Greens 2

Blues 3 Greens 3

Purples 2 Oslo

Figure 10: Prespecified sequential single-hue HCL palettes available in sequential_hcl() in colorspace.

For distinguishing colors in the center of the palette, two strategies can be employed: (a) Hue can be varied as well by specifying an interval of hues in h (or beginning hue h1 and ending hue h2). More details are provided in the next section. (b) Instead of a decreasing chroma, a triangular chroma trajectory can be employed from c1 over cmax to c2 (equivalently specified as a vector c of length 3). This yields high-chroma colors in the middle of the palette that are more easily distinguished from the dark and light extremes. See "Blues 3", "Purples 3", "Reds 3", and "Greens 3" in Figure 10. Instead of employing linear trajectories in the chroma or luminance coordinates, some palettes employ a power transformation of the chroma and/or luminance trajectory. Either a vector power of length 2 or separate p1 (for chroma) and p2 (for luminance) can be specified. If the latter is missing, it defaults to the former.

R> hcl_palettes("sequential (single-hue)", n = 7, plot = TRUE, nrow = 6)

All except the last one are inspired by the palettes with the same base name (Harrower and Brewer 2003) but restricted to a single hue only. They are intended for a white/light background. The last palette ("Oslo") is taken from the scientific color maps of Crameri(2018) and is intended for a black/dark background and hence the order is reversed starting from a (not a light gray). To distinguish many colors in a sequential palette it is important to have a strong contrast on the luminance axis, possibly enhanced by an accompanying pronounced variation in chroma. When only a few colors are needed (e.g., for coding an ordinal categorical variable with few levels) then a lower luminance contrast may suffice.

4.3. Sequential palettes (multi-hue) To not only bring out extreme colors in a sequential palette but also better distinguish middle colors it is a common strategy to employ a sequence of hues. Thus, the basis of such a palette is still a monotonic luminance sequence as above (combined with a monotonic or triangular chroma sequence). But rather than using a single hue, an interval of hues in h (or beginning hue h1 and ending hue h2) can be specified. sequential_hcl() allows combined variations in hue (h and h1/h2, respectively), chroma (c and c1/c2/cmax, respectively), luminance (l and l1/l2, respectively), and power transforma- Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 15

Sequential (multi−hue) Teal YlOrBr

Purple−Blue TealGrn OrRd

Red−Purple Emrld Oranges

Red−Blue BluYl YlGn

Purple−Orange ag_GrnYl YlGnBu

Purple−Yellow Peach Reds

Blue−Yellow PinkYl RdPu

Green−Yellow Burg PuRd

Red−Yellow BurgYl Purples

Heat RedOr PuBuGn

Heat 2 OrYel PuBu

Terrain Purp Greens

Terrain 2 PurpOr BuGn

Viridis Sunset GnBu

Plasma Magenta BuPu

Inferno SunsetDark Blues

Dark Mint ag_Sunset Lajolla

Mint BrwnYl Turku

BluGrn YlOrRd

Figure 11: Prespecified sequential multi-hue HCL palettes available in sequential_hcl() in colorspace. tions for the chroma and luminance trajectories (power and p1/p2, respectively). This yields a broad variety of sequential palettes, including many that closely match other well-known color palettes. Figure 11 shows all the named multi-hue sequential palettes in colorspace:

R> hcl_palettes("sequential (multi-hue)", n = 7, plot = TRUE)

• "Purple-Blue" to "Terrain 2" are various palettes created during the development of colorspace, e.g., by Zeileis et al. (2009) or Stauffer et al. (2015) among others. • "Viridis" to "Inferno" closely match the palettes that Smith and Van der Walt(2015) developed for matplotlib and that gained popularity recently. 16 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Diverging Green−Orange

Blue−Red Cyan−Magenta

Blue−Red 2 Tropic

Blue−Red 3 Broc

Red−Green Cork

Purple−Green Vik

Purple−Brown Berlin

Green−Brown Lisbon

Blue−Yellow 2 Tofino

Blue−Yellow 3

Figure 12: Prespecified diverging HCL palettes available in diverging_hcl() in colorspace.

• "Dark Mint" to "BrwnYl" closely match palettes provided in CARTO (CARTO 2019). • "YlOrRd" to "Blues" closely match palettes (Harrower and Brewer 2003). • "Lajolla" and "Turku" closely match the scientific color maps of the same name by Crameri(2018) and are intended for a black/dark background.

Note that the palettes differ substantially in the amount of chroma and luminance con- trasts, respectively. For example, many palettes go from a dark high-chroma color to a neutral low-chroma color (e.g., "Reds", "Purples", "Greens", "Blues") or even light gray (e.g., "Purple-Blue"). But some palettes also employ relatively high chroma throughout the palette (e.g., the viridis and many CARTO palettes). To emphasize the extremes the former strategy is typically more suitable while the latter works better if all values along the sequence should receive some more perceptual weight.

4.4. Diverging palettes diverging_hcl() codes the underlying numeric values by a triangular luminance sequence with different hues in the left and in the right “arm” of the palette. Thus, it can be seen as a combination of two sequential palettes with some restrictions: (a) a single hue is used for each arm of the palette, (b) chroma and luminance trajectory are balanced between the two arms, (c) the neutral central value has zero chroma. To specify such a palette a vector of two hues h (or equivalently h1 and h2), either a single chroma value c (or c1) or a vector of two chroma values c (or c1 and cmax), a vector of two l (or l1 and l2), and power parameter(s) power (or p1 and p2) are used. For more flexible diverging palettes without the restrictrictions above (and consequently more parameters) see the divergingx_hcl() palettes introduced below. Figure 12 shows all such diverging palettes that have been named in colorspace:

R> hcl_palettes("diverging", n = 7, plot = TRUE, nrow = 10) Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 17

Type HCL Qualitative Linear Constant Constant Sequential Constant (= single-hue) or Linear (+ power) or Linear (+ power) Linear (= multi-hue) Triangular (+ power) Diverging Constant (2×) Linear (+ power) or Linear (+ power) Triangular (+ power)

Table 1: Types of trajectories used for the HCL coordinates to construct qualitative, se- quential, and diverging palettes, see Equations1–3.

• "Blue-Red" to "Cyan-Magenta" have been developed for colorspace starting from Zeileis et al. (2009), taking inspiration from various other palettes, including more balanced and simplified versions of several palettes (Harrower and Brewer 2003). • "Tropic" closely matches the palette of the same name from CARTO (CARTO 2019). • "Broc" to "Vik" and "Berlin" to "Tofino" closely match the scientific color maps of the same name by Crameri(2018), where the first three are intended for a white/light background and the other three for a black/dark background.

When choosing a particular palette for a display similar considerations apply as for the se- quential palettes. Thus, large luminance differences are important when many colors are used while smaller luminance contrasts may suffice for palettes with fewer colors etc.

4.5. Construction details

Table1 summarizes which types of trajectories ( constant, linear, triangular) are used for the three HCL coordinates (hue H, chroma C, luminance L) to construct the different types of palettes (qualitative, sequential, and diverging). As emphasized in Figure8, the luminance is probably the most important property for defining the type of palette. It is constant for qualitative palettes, monotonic for sequential palettes (linear or a power transformation), or uses two monotonic trajectories (linear or a power transformation) diverging from the same neutral value. The trajectories for the hue are also rather intuitive and straightforward for the three dif- ferent types of palettes (constant vs. linear). However, the chroma trajectories are probably most complicated and least obvious from the examples above. Hence, the exact mathematical equations underlying the chroma trajectories are given in the following (i.e., using the param- eters c1, c2, cmax, and p1, respectively) and are depicted in Figure 13. Analogous equations apply for the other two coordinates. The trajectories are functions of the intensity i ∈ [0, 1] where 1 corresponds to the full intensity:

Constant: c1 (1)

Linear: c2 − (c2 − c1) · i (2)

( i c2 − (c2 − cmax) · j if i ≤ j Triangular: i−j (3) cmax − (cmax − c1) · 1−j > j 18 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Constant Linear Triangular 100 100 100 c1 c1 cmax 80 80 80

60 60 60 c1

p1 = 1.6 p1 p1 = 1.6 p1

40 40 = 1 40 = 1 Coordinate Coordinate Coordinate 20 20 20

c2 c2 0 0 0

1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0

Intensity (i) Intensity (i) Intensity (i)

Figure 13: Types of trajectories to construct HCL color palettes, exemplified for the chroma coordinates, see Equations1–3.

where j is the intensity at which cmax is assumed. It is constructed such that the slope to the left is minus the slope to the right of j:

 −1 |cmax − c1| j = 1 + |cmax − c2|

Instead of using a linear intensity i going from 1 to 0, one can replace i with ip1 in Equations1– 3. This then leads to power-transformed curves that add or remove chroma more slowly or more quickly depending on whether the power parameter p1 is < 1 or > 1. The three types of trajectories are also depicted in Figure 13. Note that full intensity i = 1 is on the left and zero intensity i = 0 on the right of each panel. The concrete parameters are:

• Constant: c1 = 80. • Linear: c1 = 80, c2 = 10, p1 = 1 (solid) vs. p1 = 1.6 (dashed). • Triangular: c1 = 60, cmax = 80, c2 = 10, p1 = 1 (solid) vs. p1 = 1.6 (dashed).

Further discussion of these trajectories and how they can be visualized and assessed for a given color palette is provided in Section5.

4.6. Registering your own palettes

The hcl_palettes() already come with a wide range of predefined palettes to which cus- tomizations can be easily added. However, it might also be convenient to register a cus- tom palette so that it can subsequently be reused with a new dedicated name. This is supported by adding a register = "..." argument once to a call to qualitative_hcl(), sequential_hcl(), or diverging_hcl():

R> qualitative_hcl(3, palette = "set2", l = 80, register = "myset")

The new palette is then included in hcl_palettes():

R> hcl_palettes("Qualitative") Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 19

HCL palettes

Type: Qualitative Names: Pastel 1, Dark 2, Dark 3, Set 2, Set 3, Warm, Cold, Harmonic, Dynamic, myset

And can be used subsequently in qualitative_hcl() as well as the qualitative ggplot2 color scales (see Section 2.3), e.g.,

R> qualitative_hcl(4, palette = "myset")

[1] "#FFACBF" "#C6CD70" "#32DDCD" "#C7BEFF"


• The number of colors in the palette that was used during registration is not actually stored and can be modified subsequently. The same holds for arguments alpha and rev. • When registering a new palette with an old name that was already available previously, the old palette gets overwritten. We recommend not to overwrite the palettes that are predefined in the package (albeit it is technically possible). • The registration of a palette is only stored for the current session. When R is restarted and/or the colorspace package reloaded, only the predefined palettes from the package are available. Thus, to make a palette permanently available a registration R code like colorspace::qualitative_hcl(3, palette = "set2", l = 80, register = "myset") can be placed in your .Rprofile or similar startup scripts.

4.7. Flexible diverging palettes

The divergingx_hcl() function provides more flexible diverging palettes by simply calling sequential_hcl() twice with prespecified sets of hue, chroma, and luminance parameters. Thus, it does not pose any restrictions that the two “arms” of the palette need to be balanced and also allows to go through a non-gray neutral color (typically light yellow). Consequently, the chroma/luminance paths can be rather unbalanced. Figure 14 shows all such flexible diverging palettes that have been named in colorspace:

R> divergingx_palettes(n = 7, plot = TRUE, nrow = 10)

• "ArmyRose" to "Tropic" closely match the palettes of the same name from CARTO (CARTO 2019). • "PuOr" to "Spectral" closely match the palettes of the same name from (Harrower and Brewer 2003). • "Zissou 1" closely matches the palette of the same name from wesanderson (Ram and Wickham 2018). 20 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Diverging (flexible) RdGy

ArmyRose PiYG

Earth PRGn

Fall BrBG

Geyser RdYlBu

TealRose RdYlGn

Temps Spectral

Tropic Zissou 1

PuOr Cividis


Figure 14: Prespecified flexible diverging HCL palettes available in divergingx_hcl() in colorspace.

• "Cividis" closely matches the palette of the same name from the viridis family (Garnier 2018). Note that despite having two “arms” with blue vs. yellow colors and a low- chroma center color, this is probably better classified as a sequential palette due to the monotonic chroma going from dark to light. (See Section 4.8 for more details.)

Typically, the more restricted diverging_hcl() palettes should be preferred because they are more balanced. However, by being able to go through light yellow as the neutral color warmer diverging palettes are available.

4.8. Approximating palettes from other packages

The flexible specification of HCL-based color palettes in colorspace allows to closely approx- imate color palettes from various other packages:

• (Harrower and Brewer 2003) as provided by R package RColorBrewer (Neuwirth 2014). See demo("brewer", package = "colorspace"). • CARTO colors (CARTO 2019) as provided by R package rcartocolor (Nowosad 2018). See demo("carto", package = "colorspace"). • The viridis palettes of Smith and Van der Walt(2015) developed for matplotlib, as pro- vided by R package viridis (Garnier 2018). See demo("viridis", package = "colorspace"). • The scientific color maps of Crameri(2018) as provided by R package scico (Pedersen and Crameri 2018). See demo("scico", package = "colorspace").

The graphics resulting from the demos can also be viewed online at http://colorspace. Figure 15 shows a selection of such approximations using specplot() (see also Section 5.2) for two blue/green/yellow palettes (RColorBrewer::brewer.(7, "YlGnBu") and viridis::viridis(7)) and two purple/red/yellow (rcartocolor::carto_pal(7, Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 21 YlGnBu viridis: Viridis 100 360 100 360 80 80 270 270 60 60 0 0 180 180 Hue Hue 40 40 Chroma / Luminance Chroma / Luminance 90 90 20 20

Hue Chroma Luminance Hue Chroma Luminance 0 0 0 0 HCL Spectrum HCL Spectrum CARTO: ag_Sunset viridis: Plasma 360 360 100 100 80 80 180 180 60 60 0 0 0 0 Hue Hue 40 40 Chroma / Luminance Chroma / Luminance −180 −180 20 20

Hue Chroma Luminance Hue Chroma Luminance 0 0

HCL Spectrum −360 HCL Spectrum −360

Figure 15: HCL spectrum of four palettes taken from, CARTO, and viridis (top swatches, solid lines) along with their HCL-based approximations (bottom swatches, dashed lines).

"ag_Sunset") and viridis::plasma(7)). Each panel compares the hue, chroma, and lu- minance trajectories of the original palettes (top swatches, solid lines) and their HCL-based approximations (bottom swatches, dashed lines). The palettes are not identical but very close for most colors. Note that also the chroma trajectories from the HCL palettes (green dashed lines) have some kinks which are due to fixing HCL coordinates at the boundaries of admissible RGB colors. Furthermore, Figure 15 illustrates what sets the viridis palettes apart from other sequential palettes. While the hue and luminance trajectories of "Viridis" and "YlGnBu" are very similar, the chroma trajectories differ: While lighter colors (with high luminance) have low chroma for "YlGnBu", they have increasing chroma for "Viridis". Similarly, "ag_Sunset" 22 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

viridis: Cividis 100 360 80 270 60 0 180 Hue 40 Chroma / Luminance 90 20

Hue Chroma Luminance 0 0 HCL Spectrum

Figure 16: HCL spectrum of viridis::cividis (top swatch, solid lines) along with an HCL- based approximation (bottom swatch, dashed lines).

and "Plasma" have similar hue and luminance trajectories but different chroma trajectories. The result is that the viridis palettes have rather high chroma throughout which does not work as well for sequential palettes on a white/light background as all shaded areas convey high “intensity”. However, they work better on a dark/black background (see Figure 26). Also, they might be a reasonable alternative for qualitative palettes when grayscale printing should also work. Another somewhat nonstandard palette from the viridis family is the cividis palette based on blue and yellow hues and hence safe for red-green deficient viewers. Figure 16 shows the corresponding specplot() along with an HCL-based approximation. What is unusual about this palette: The hue and chroma trajectories would suggest a diverging palette, as there are two “arms” wth different hues and a zero-chroma point in the center. However, the luminance trajectory clearly indicates a sequential palette as colors go monotonically from dark to light. Due to this unusual mixture the palette cannot be composed using the trajectories from Table1. However, the tools in colorspace can still be employed to easily reconstruct the palette. One strategy would be to set up the trajectories manually, using a linear luminance, piecewise linear chroma, and piecewise constant hue: R> cividis_hcl <- function(n) { + i <- seq(1, 0, length.out = n) + hex(polarLUV( + L = 92 - (92 - 13) * i, + C = approx(c(1, 0.9, 0.5, 0), c(30, 50, 0, 95), xout = i)$y, + H = c(255, 75)[1 + (i < 0.5)] + ), fix = TRUE) + }

Instead of constructing the hex code from the HCL coordinates via hex(polarLUV(L, C, Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 23

H)) from colorspace, the base R function hcl(H, C, L) from grDevices could also be used. In addition to manually setting up a dedicated function cividis_hcl(), it is possible to approximate the palette using divergingx_hcl() (see Section 4.7), e.g.,

R> divergingx_hcl(n, R> h1 = 255, h2 = NA, h3 = 75, R> c1 = 30, cmax1 = 47, c2 = 0, c3 = 95, R> l1 = 13, l2 = 52, l3 = 92, R> p1 = 1.1, p3 = 1.0 R> )

This uses a slight power transformation with p1 = 1.1 in the blue arm of the palette but oth- erwise essentially corresponds to what cividis_hcl() does. For convenience divergingx_hcl(n, palette = "Cividis") is preregistered using the above parameters.

4.9. HCL (and HSV) color palettes corresponding to base R palettes To facilitate switching from base R palette functions to the HCL-based palettes above, col- orspace provides a few convenience interfaces:

• rainbow_hcl(): Convenience interface to qualitative_hcl() for a HCL-based “rain- bow” palette to replace the (in)famous rainbow() palette. • heat_hcl(): Convenience interface to sequential_hcl() with default parameters cho- sen to generate more balanced heat colors than the basic heat.colors() function. • terrain_hcl(): Convenience interface to sequential_hcl() with default parameters chosen to generate more balanced terrain colors than the basic terrain.colors() func- tion. • diverging_hsv(): Diverging palettes generated in HSV space rather than HCL space as in diverging_hcl(). This is provided for didactic purposes to contrast the more balanced HCL palettes with the more flashy and unbalanced HSV palettes.

5. Palette visualization and assessment

The colorspace package provides several visualization functions for depicting one or more color palettes and their underlying properties. Color palettes can be visualized by:

• swatchplot(): Color swatches. • specplot(): Spectrum of HCL and/or RGB trajectories. • hclplot(): Trajectories in 2-dimensional HCL space projections. • demoplot(): Illustrations of typical (and simplified) statistical graphics.

5.1. Color swatches The function swatchplot() is a convenience function for displaying collections of palettes that can be specified as lists or matrices of hex color codes. Essentially, it is just a call to the base graphics rect() function but with heuristics for choosing default labels, margins, 24 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Single−hue Single−hue (advanced) Multi−hue (advanced)

Blues 2 Blues 3 Blues

Purples 2 Purples 3 Purples

Reds 2 Reds 3 Reds

Greens 2 Greens 3 Greens

Figure 17: Variations of blue, purple, red, and green palettes with single hue and monotonic chroma (left), single hue and triangular chroma (center), and multiple hues and triangular chroma (right). spacings, borders, etc. These heuristics are selected to work well for hcl_palettes() and might need further tweaking in future versions of the package. Thus, Figures1–2 as well as Figures8–12 all use swatchplot() internally. For a simple stand-alone illustration consider: swatchplot("Palette" = sequential_hcl(5)). Next, we demonstrate a more complex example of a swatchplot() with three matrices of sequential color palettes of blues, purples, reds, and greens (see Figure 17). For all palettes, luminance increases monotonically to yield a proper sequential palette. However, the hue and chroma handling is somewhat different to emphasize different parts of the palette.

• Single-hue: In each palette the hue is fixed and chroma decreases monotonically (along with increasing luminance). This is typically sufficient to clearly bring out the extreme colors (dark/colorful vs. light gray). • Single-hue (advanced): The hue is fixed (as above) but the chroma trajectory is trian- gular. Compared to the basic single-hue palette above this allows to better distinguish the colors in the middle and not only the extremes. • Multi-hue (advanced): As in the advanced single-hue palette the chroma trajectory is triangular but additionally the hue varies slightly. This can further enhance the distinction of colors in the middle of the palette.

R> bprg <- c("Blues", "Purples", "Reds", "Greens") R> swatchplot( + "Single-hue" = t(sapply(paste(bprg, 2), sequential_hcl, n = 7)), + "Single-hue (advanced)" = t(sapply(paste(bprg, 3), sequential_hcl, n = 7)), + "Multi-hue (advanced)" = t(sapply(bprg, sequential_hcl, n = 7)), + nrow = 5, line = 5)

5.2. HCL (and RGB) spectrum

As the properties of a palette in terms of the perceptual dimensions hue, chroma, and lumi- nance are not always clear from looking just at color swatches or (statistical) graphics based on these palettes, the specplot() function provides an explicit display for the coordinates of the HCL trajectory associated with a palette. This can bring out clearly various aspects, e.g., Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 25

RGB Spectrum RGB Spectrum 1.0 1.0 Red Green Blue Red Green Blue 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0 0 0.4 0.4 Red / Green Blue Red / Green Blue 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0

Index Index 100 360 360 150 80 270 180 60 100 0 0 0 180 Hue Hue 40 50 Chroma / Luminance Chroma / Luminance 90 −180 20

Hue Chroma Luminance Hue Chroma Luminance 0 0 0

HCL Spectrum HCL Spectrum −360

Figure 18: HCL spectrum of the balanced diverging "Green-Brown" palette (left panel) and the (in)famous and rather unbalanced rainbow() palette (right panel). whether hue is constant, chroma is monotonic or triangular, and whether luminance is ap- proximately constant (as in many qualitative palettes), monotonic (as in sequential palettes), or diverging. The function first transforms a given color palette to its HCL (polarLUV()) coordinates. As the hues for low-chroma colors are not (or only poorly) identified, by default a smoothing is applied to the hues. Also, to avoid jumps from 0 to 360 or vice versa, the hue coordinates are shifted suitably. By default, the resulting trajectories in the HCL spectrum are visualized by a simple line plot:

• Hue is drawn in red and coordinates are indicated on the axis on the right with range [0, 360] or (if necessary) [−360, 360]. • Chroma is drawn in green with coordinates on the left axis. The range [0, 100] is used unless the palette necessitates higher chroma values. • Luminance is drawn in blue with coordinates on the left axis in the range [0, 100].

Additionally, a color swatch for the palette is included. Optionally, a second spectrum for the corresponding trajectories of RGB coordinates can be included. However, this is usually just of interest for palettes created in RGB space (or simple transformations of RGB). As spectrum plots have already been used for illustration in Figures5 (for a qualitative palette) as well as6 and 15 (for sequential palettes), this section only provides a couple of additional illustrations. The diverging "Green-Brown" palette is depicted in the left panel 26 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes of Figure 18. It simply combines a green and a brown/yellow sequential single-hue palette, both with triangular chroma trajectory. Hue is constant in each “arm” of the palette and the chroma/luminance trajectories are rather balanced between both arms. In the center the palette passes through a light gray (with zero chroma) as the neutral value. By including the corresponding RGB spectrum in the top panel, it also becomes apparent that choosing such well-balanced palettes through trajectories in RGB color space is not straightforward. This balanced palette – based on relatively simple HCL trajectories – is contrasted with a poorly- balanced palette – based on simple linear RGB trajectories in the right panel of Figure 18. This depicts the RGB and HCL spectrum of the (in)famous RGB rainbow palette. (See Hawkins et al. 2014, for a plea why the RGB rainbow palette should be avoided in almost all scientific graphics.)

R> specplot(diverging_hcl(100, "Green-Brown"), rgb = TRUE) R> specplot(rainbow(100), rgb = TRUE)

The RGB spectrum of the rainbow palette shows that the trajectories are quite simple in RGB space but lead to substantial variations in chroma and (more importantly) luminance. This is why this palette is not suitable for encoding underlying data in statistical graphics. See also the related discussion of color vision deficiency in Section6.

5.3. Trajectories in HCL space While the specplot() function above works well for bringing out the HCL coordinates as- sociated with a given palette, it does not show how the palette fits into the HCL space. For example, it is not so clear whether high chroma values are close to the maximum possible for a given hue. Thus, it cannot be judged so easily how the parameters of the hue, chroma, and luminance trajectories can be modified to obtain another palette. Therefore, the hclplot() is another visualization of the HCL coordinates associated with a palette. It does so by collapsing over one of the coordinates (either the hue H or the luminance L) and displays a heatmap of colors combining the remaining two dimensions. The coordinates for the given color palette are highlighted to bring out its trajectory. In case the hue is really fixed (as in single-hue sequential palettes) or the luminance is really fixed (as in the qualitative palettes), collapsing is straightforward. However, when the coordinate that is collapsed over is actually not constant in the palette, a simple bivariate linear model is used to capture how the collapsed coordinate varies along with the two displayed coordinates. The function hclplot() has been designed to work well with the hcl_palettes() in this package. While it is possible to apply it to other color palettes as well, the results might look weird or confusing if these palettes are constructed very differently (e.g., like the highly- saturated base R palettes). To infer the default type of projection hclplot() assesses the luminance trajectory and sets the default correspondingly:

• type = "qualitative" if luminance is approximately constant. • type = "sequential" if luminance is monotonic. • type = "diverging" if luminance is diverging with two monotonic “arms” in the tra- jectory.

Thus, for qualitative palettes – where luminance and chroma are fixed – the varying hue is displayed in a projection onto the hue-chroma plane at a given fixed luminance (Figure 19): Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 27

Figure 19: Hue-chroma plane with luminance fixed at L = 70 along with the qualitative "Dynamic" palette with varying hue H and chroma fixed at C = 50.

Figure 20: Luminance-chroma plane with variations of blue sequential single-hue palettes (similar to "Blues 2" and "Blues 3"). Left: Linear chroma for H = 260. Center: Triangular chroma for H = 245. Right: Power-transformed triangular chroma for H = 245.

Figure 21: Luminance-chroma plane with blue multi-hue palette and triangular chroma (left), blue-yellow multi-hue palette and linear chroma (center), and diverging blue-red palette with balanced linear chroma. 28 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

R> hclplot(qualitative_hcl(9, "Dynamic"))

Figure 20 compares three single-hue sequential palettes by projection to the luminance-chroma plane for the given fixed hue. In the left panel the hue 260 is used with a simple linear chroma trajectory. The other two panels employ a triangular chroma trajectory for hue 245, either with a piecewise-linear (center) or power-transformed (right) trajectory.

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) R> hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 260, c = 80, l = c(35, 95), power = 1)) R> hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 245, c = c(40, 75, 0), l = c(30, 95), + power = 1)) R> hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = 245, c = c(40, 75, 0), l = c(30, 95), + power = c(0.8, 1.4)))

Note that for H = 260 it is possible to go to dark colors (= low luminance) with high chroma while this is not possible to the same extent for H = 245 due to the distorted shape of the HCL space. Hence, chroma has to be decreased when proceeding to the dark low-luminance colors. Finally, Figure 21 compares two multi-hue sequential palettes along with a diverging palette.

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) R> hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = c(260, 220), c = c(50, 75, 0), + l = c(30, 95), power = 1)) R> hclplot(sequential_hcl(7, h = c(260, 60), c = 60, l = c(40, 95), + power = 1)) R> hclplot(diverging_hcl(7, h = c(260, 0), c = 80, l = c(35, 95), + power = 1))

The multi-hue palette on the left employs a small hue range, resulting in a palette of “blues” just with slightly more distinction of the middle colors in the palette. In contrast, the multi- hue “blue-yellow” palette in the center panel uses a large hue range, resulting in more color contrasts throughout the palette. Finally, the balanced diverging palette in the right panel is constructed from two simple single-hue sequential palettes (for hues 260/blue and 0/red) that are completely balanced between the two “arms” of the palette.

5.4. Demonstration of statistical graphics To demonstrate how different kinds of color palettes work in different kinds of statistical displays, demoplot() provides a simple convenience interface to some base graphics with (mostly artificial) data sets. As a first overview, Figure 22 displays all built-in demos with the same sequential heat colors palette: sequential_hcl(5, "Heat"). All types of demos can, in principle, deal with arbitrarily many colors from any palette but clearly the graphics differ in various respects such as:

• Work best for fewer colors (e.g., bar, pie, scatter, lines, . . . ) vs. many colors (e.g., heatmap, perspective, . . . ). • Intended for categorical data (e.g., bar, pie, . . . ) vs. continuous numeric data (e.g., heatmap, perspective, . . . ). • Shading areas (e.g., map, bar, pie, . . . ) vs. shading points or lines (scatter, lines). Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 29

map heatmap scatter

● ● ●● ●● ●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ● ●● ●●●●●●● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ●● ● ●●●● ●●●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●●● ●● ●●●●●●●● ● ●●● ● ● ●●● ●●● ●●●● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●●● ●●●●● ●●●●●●●●● ●●● ●● ●● ●● ●●●●●● ●●●● ●● ● ● ●●●●●●● ● ●●●●● ●●●● ● ●●●●●●●●● ● ●● ●●●● ● ●●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ●●●● ●●● ●● ● ● ●●●●●●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ●● ●●●●●●●●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●●● ●●● ● ●●● ●●● ● ●● ●●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●●●●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ●●● ●● ●● ●●● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●●● ●●● ●● ●● ●●●● ●●● ●●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

spine bar pie

perspective lines

Figure 22: All built-in demoplot types with the same sequential_hcl(5, "Heat") palette.

Hence, in the following some further illustrations are organized by type of palette, using suitable demos for the particular palettes. Qualitative palettes: Light pastel colors typically work better for shading areas (pie, left) while darker and more colorful palettes are usually preferred for points (center) or lines (right).

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) R> demoplot(qualitative_hcl(4, "Pastel 1"), type = "pie") R> demoplot(qualitative_hcl(4, "Set 2"), type = "scatter") R> demoplot(qualitative_hcl(4, "Dark 3"), type = "lines")

Sequential palettes: Heatmaps (left) or perspective plots (center) often employ almost con- 30 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

● ● ●● ●● ●●● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●●● ● ● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ●● ●●● ●●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●●● ●● ●●●●●●●● ● ●●● ● ● ●● ●●● ● ●● ● ●● ●● ●●● ●●●●●● ●● ●●● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ●●●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ● ● ●●●●●● ● ● ●● ●●● ● ● ●●●●●●● ● ● ●●●●● ● ● ●●●●●●●● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●●●●●● ●● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ● ●● ●●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ●● ●● ●●●● ● ● ● ●● ●●● ●●● ● ●●●● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ●● ● ●● ● ●●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Figure 23: Examples for demoplot() with different qualitative_hcl() palettes.

Figure 24: Examples for demoplot() with different sequential_hcl() palettes.

Figure 25: Examples for demoplot() with different diverging_hcl() palettes. tinuous gradients with strong luminance contrasts. In contrast, when only a few ordered categories are to be displayed (e.g., in a spine plot, right) more colorful sequential palettes like the viridis palette can be useful.

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) R> demoplot(sequential_hcl(99, "Purple-Blue"), type = "heatmap") R> demoplot(sequential_hcl(99, "Reds"), type = "perspective") R> demoplot(sequential_hcl( 4, "Viridis"), type = "spine")

Diverging palettes: In some displays (such as the map, left), it is useful to employ an almost continuous gradient with strong luminance contrast to bring out the extremes. Here, this contrast is amplified by a larger power transformation emphasizing the extremes even fur- ther. In contrast, when fewer colors are needed more colorful palettes with lower luminance contrasts can be desired. This is exemplified by a mosaic (center) and bar plot (right). Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 31

● ● ●● ●● ●●● ● ● ● ●● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●●● ● ● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ●● ●●● ●●●●● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ●●●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●●● ●● ●●●●●●●● ● ●●● ● ● ●● ●●● ● ●● ● ●● ●● ●●● ●●●●●● ●● ●●● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ●●●●●● ●●●●● ●●●● ● ● ●●●●●● ● ● ●● ●●● ● ● ●●●●●●● ● ● ●●●●● ● ● ●●●●●●●● ●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ●● ●● ● ●● ●●●●●● ●● ●● ● ● ● ●● ●●●●●●●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ● ●● ●●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●●● ● ● ● ●●●● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ●● ●● ●●●● ● ● ● ●● ●●● ●●● ● ●●●● ●●● ● ●●● ●● ●● ● ●● ● ●●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Figure 26: Examples for demoplot() with different palettes that work well on a black/dark background.

R> par(mfrow = c(1, 3)) R> demoplot(diverging_hcl(99, "Tropic", power = 2.5), type = "map") R> demoplot(diverging_hcl( 5, "Green-Orange"), type = "mosaic") R> demoplot(diverging_hcl( 5, "Blue-Red 2"), type = "bar")

Figures 23–25 focused on palettes designed for light/white backgrounds. Therefore, to con- clude, some palettes are highlighted in Figure 26 that work well on dark/black backgrounds.

R> par(mfrow = c(2, 3), bg = "black") R> demoplot(sequential_hcl(9, "Oslo"), "heatmap") R> demoplot(sequential_hcl(9, "Turku"), "heatmap") R> demoplot(sequential_hcl(9, "Inferno", rev = TRUE), "heatmap") R> demoplot(qualitative_hcl(9, "Set 2"), "lines") R> demoplot(diverging_hcl(9, "Berlin"), "scatter") R> demoplot(diverging_hcl(9, "Cyan-Magenta", l2 = 20), "lines") 32 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

6. Color vision deficiency emulation

Using the physiologically-based model for simulating color vision deficiency (CVD) of Machado, Oliveira, and Fernandes(2009) different kinds of limitations can be emulated: deuteranope (green cone cells defective), protanope (red cone cells defective), and tritanope (blue cone cells defective). Below we briefly describe our R interface to these emulation techniques and show them in prac- tice for a heatmap with sequential palette. Another diverging palette example is available at Finally, CVD emulation is particularly useful for bringing out why the RGB rainbow palette is almost always a bad choice in scientific displays. See http://colorspace.R-Forge. for further illustrations.

6.1. R functions The workhorse function to emulate color-vision deficiency is simulate_cvd(), which can take any vector of valid R colors and transform them according to a certain CVD transformation matrix and transformation equation. The transformation matrices have been established by Machado et al. (2009) and are provided in objects protanomaly_cvd, deutanomaly_cvd, and tritanomaly_cvd. The convenience interfaces deutan(), protan(), and tritan() are the high-level functions for simulating the corresponding kind of with a given severity (calling simulate_cvd() internally). For further guidance on color blindness in relation to statistical graphics see Lumley(2006) which accompanies the R package dichromat (Lumley 2013) and is based on earlier emulation techniques (Viénot, Brettel, Ott, M’Barek, and Mollon 1995; Brettel, Viénot, and Mollon 1997; Viénot, Brettel, and Mollon 1999).

6.2. Illustration: Heatmap with sequential palette To illustrate that poor color choices can severely reduce the usefulness of a statistical graphic for readers with color vision deficiencies, we employ the infamous RGB rainbow color palette in a heatmap. In base R this can be generated by rainbow(11, end = 2/3) ranging from red (for high values) to blue (for low values). The poor results for the RGB rainbow palette are contrasted in Figure 28 with a proper sequential palette ranging from dark blue to light yellow: sequential_hcl(11, "Blue-Yellow").

Figure 27: Perspective visualization of Maunga Whau volcano data (Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand). Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 33

rainbow(11, end = 2/3) sequential_hcl(11, "Blue−Yellow")






Figure 28: Heatmap of Maunga Whau volcano data with RGB rainbow (left) and HCL-based blue-yellow palette (right). The first row shows the original color palettes while subsequent rows emulate various color deficiencies. 34 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

The statistical graphic employed for illustration is a heatmap of the well-known Maunga Whau volcano data from base R. This heatmap is easily available as demoplot(..., "heatmap") where ... is the color vector to be used, e.g.,

R> rainbow(11, end = 2/3)

[1] "#FF0000FF" "#FF6600FF" "#FFCC00FF" "#CCFF00FF" "#66FF00FF" [6] "#00FF00FF" "#00FF66FF" "#00FFCCFF" "#00CCFFFF" "#0066FFFF" [11] "#0000FFFF"

R> deutan(rainbow(11, end = 2/3))

[1] "#5D4700FF" "#B58C01FF" "#FFD005FF" "#FFE408FF" "#FFC809FF" [6] "#DBAB0AFF" "#C4B06DFF" "#ACB5D0FF" "#7595FFFF" "#1D50FBFF" [11] "#000CF7FF" and so on. To aid the interpretation of the heatmap a perspective display using only gray shades is provided in Figure 27, providing another intuitive display of what the terrain around Maunga Whau looks like. Subsequently, all combinations of palette and color vision deficiency are visualized. Addi- tionally, a grayscale version is created with desaturate(). This clearly shows how poorly the RGB rainbow performs, often giving quite misleading impressions of what the terrain around Maunga Whau looks like. In contrast, the HCL-based blue-yellow palette works rea- sonably well in all settings. The most important problem of the RGB rainbow is that it is not monotonic in luminance, making correct interpretation quite hard. Moreover, the red-green contrasts deteriorate substantially in the dichromatic emulations.

7. Apps for choosing colors and palettes interactively

To facilitate exploring the package and employing it when working with colors, several graph- ical user interfaces (GUIs) are provided within the package as shiny apps (Chang et al. 2018). All of these GUIs/apps can either be run locally from within R but are also provided online at

• Palette constructor: choose_palette() or hclwizard() or hcl_wizard(). • : choose_color() or equivalently hcl_color_picker(). • Color vision deficiency emulator: cvd_emulator().

In addition to the shiny version, the palette constructor app is also available as a Tcl/Tk GUI via R package tcltk shipped with base R (R Core Team 2018). The tcltk version can only be run locally and is considerably faster while the shiny version has a nicer interface with more features and can be run online. The choose_palette() function by default starts the tcltk version while hclwizard()/hcl_wizard() by default start the shiny version. Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 35

Figure 29: App for interactively choosing HCL-based color palettes: choose_color()/hclwizard().

7.1. Choose palettes with the HCL color model

The shiny version of this GUI is shown in Figure 29. It interfaces the qualitative_hcl(), sequential_hcl(), and diverging_hcl() palettes from Section4. The GUIs allow for inter- active modification of the arguments of the respective palette-generating functions, i.e., start- ing/ending hue, minimal/maximal chroma, minimal maximal luminance, and power transfor- mations that control how quickly/slowly chroma and/or luminance are changed through the palette. Subsets of the parameters may not be applicable depending on the type of palette chosen. Optionally, the active palette can be illustrated by using a specplot() (see Section 5.2), hclplot() (see Section 5.3), or demoplot() (see Section 5.4), and assessed using emulation of color vision deficiencies (see Section6). To facilitate generation of palettes for black/dark backgrounds, a “dark mode” of the GUIs is also available.

7.2. Choose individual colors with the HCL color model

This GUI can be started with either choose_color() or equivalently hcl_color_picker(). It shows the HCL color space either as a hue-chroma plane for a given luminance value or as a luminance-chroma plane for a given hue. Colors can be entered by:

• Clicking on a color coordinate in the hue-chroma or luminance-chroma plane. • Specifying the hue/chroma/luminance values via sliders. • Entering an RGB hex code.

By repeating the selection a palette of colors can be constructed and returned within R for subsequent usage in visualizations. 36 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

Figure 30: App for interactively choosing individual colors in HCL space: choose_color()/hcl_color_picker().

7.3. Emulate color vision deficiencies

This GUI can be started with cvd_emulator(). It allows to upload a raster image in JPG or PNG format which is then checked for various kinds of color vision deficiencies at the selected severity. By default the severity is set to 100% and all supported kinds of color vision deficiency are checked for.

8. Color manipulation and utilities

The colorspace package provides several color manipulation utilities that are useful for creat- ing, assessing, or transforming color palettes, namely:

• desaturate(): Desaturate colors by chroma removal in HCL space. • darken() and lighten(): Algorithmically lighten or darken colors in HCL and/or HLS space. • max_chroma(): Compute maximum chroma for given hue and luminance in HCL space. • mixcolor(): Additively mix two colors by computing their convex combination. Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 37

Figure 31: App for emulating color vision deficiencies for uploaded raster images: cvd_emulator().

8.1. Desaturation in HCL space Desaturation should map a given color to the gray with the same “brightness”. In principle, any perceptually-based color model (HCL, HLS, HSV, . . . ) could be employed for this but HCL works particularly well because its coordinates capture the perceptual properties better than most other color models. The desaturate() function converts any given hex or named R color to the cor- responding HCL coordinates and sets the chroma to zero. Thus, only the luminance matters which captures the “brightness” mentioned above. Finally, the resulting HCL coordinates are transformed back to hex color codes for use in R. First, desaturate() is used to desaturate a vector of R color names:

R> desaturate(c("white", "orange", "blue", "black"))

[1] "#FFFFFF" "#B8B8B8" "#4C4C4C" "#000000"

Notice that the hex codes corresponding to three coordinates in sRGB space are always the same, indicating gray colors. Analogously, hex color codes can also be transformed – in this case RGB rainbow colors from the base R function rainbow(): 38 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

3 2 3 2

4 1 4 1

5 8 5 8

6 7 6 7

3 2 3 2

4 1 4 1

5 8 5 8

6 7 6 7

Figure 32: Color wheels in RGB (left) and HCL (right) space in color (top) and desaturated grayscale (bottom).

R> rainbow(3)

[1] "#FF0000FF" "#00FF00FF" "#0000FFFF"

R> desaturate(rainbow(3))

[1] "#7F7F7FFF" "#DCDCDCFF" "#4C4C4CFF"

Already this simple example shows that the three RGB rainbow colors have very different grayscale levels. This can be brought even more clearly when using a full color wheel (of colors with hues in [0, 360] degrees). While the RGB rainbow() is very unbalanced, the HCL rainbow_hcl() (or also qualitative_hcl()) is (by design) balanced with respect to luminance.

R> wheel <- function(col, radius = 1, ...) + pie(rep(1, length(col)), col = col, radius = radius, ...) R> par(mar = rep(0.5, 4), mfrow = c(2, 2)) R> wheel(rainbow(8)) R> wheel(rainbow_hcl(8)) R> wheel(desaturate(rainbow(8))) R> wheel(desaturate(rainbow_hcl(8)))

8.2. Lighten or darken colors In principle, a similar approach for lightening and darkening colors can be employed as for desaturation above. The colors can simply be transformed to HCL space and then the lumi- nance can either be decreased (turning the color darker) or increased (turning it lighter) while Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 39






Figure 33: Okabe-Ito palette (0%) along with two levels of both lightening and darkening, respectively. preserving the hue and chroma coordinates. This strategy typically works well for lightening colors, although in some situations the result can be somewhat too colorful. Conversely, when darkening rather light colors with little chroma, this can result in rather gray colors. In these situations, an alternative might be to apply the analogous strategy in HLS space which is frequently used in HTML style sheets. However, this strategy may also yield colors that are either too gray or too colorful. A compromise that sometimes works well is to adjust the luminance coordinate in HCL space but to take the chroma coordinate corresponding the HLS transformation. We have found that typically the HCL-based transformation performs best for lightening colors and this is hence the default in lighten(). For darkening colors, the combined strategy often works best and is hence the default in darken(). In either case it is recommended to try the other available strategies in case the default yields unexpected results. Regardless of the chosen color space, the adjustment of the L component by a certain amount can occur by two methods, relative (the default) or absolute. For example for darkening these either use L - 100 * amount (absolute) or L * (1 - amount) (relative). See ?lighten and ?darken for more details. For illustration the qualitative palette suggested by Okabe and Ito(2008) is transformed by two levels of both lightening and darkening, respectively.

R> oi <- c("#61A9D9", "#ADD668", "#E6D152", "#CE6BAF", "#797CBA") R> swatchplot( + "-40%" = lighten(oi, 0.4), + "-20%" = lighten(oi, 0.2), + " 0%" = oi, + " 20%" = darken(oi, 0.2), + " 40%" = darken(oi, 0.4), + off = c(0, 0) + ) 40 colorspace: Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes

8.3. Maximum chroma for given hue and luminance As the possible combinations of chroma and luminance in HCL space depend on hue, it is not obvious which trajectories through HCL space are possible prior to trying a specific HCL coordinate by calling polarLUV(). To avoid having to fix up the color upon conversion to RGB hex() color codes, the max_chroma() function computes (approximately) the maximum chroma possible. For illustration we show that for given luminance (here: L = 50) the maximum chroma varies substantially with hue:

R> max_chroma(seq(0, 360, by = 60), 50)

[1] 137.96 59.99 69.06 39.81 65.45 119.54 137.96

Similarly, maximum chroma also varies substantially across luminance values for a given hue (here: H = 120, green):

R> max_chroma(120, seq(0, 100, by = 20))

[1] 0.00 28.04 55.35 82.79 110.28 0.00

8.4. Additive mixing of two colors In models like RGB() or XYZ() it can be useful to combine colors by additive mixing. Below a fully saturated red and green are mixed, yielding a medium brownish yellow.

R> R <- RGB(1, 0, 0) R> G <- RGB(0, 1, 0) R> Y <- mixcolor(0.5, R, G) R> Y

RGB [1,] 0.5 0.5 0

9. Summary and discussion

This manuscript provides an overview of the broad capabilities of the colorspace package for selecting individual colors or color palettes, manipulating these colors, and employing them in various kinds of visualizations. In particular, the package provides various qualitative, sequential, and diverging palettes derived by relatively simple trajectories in HCL (Hue–Chroma–Luminance) space. In contrast to many other packages providing modern balanced color palettes (such as, CARTO, viridis, or scico) special emphasis is given to flexibility of the palettes that can be adjusted to the particular needs of a given data visulization. The manuscript also provides various tips and tricks for choosing an effective palette in a given situation. Further useful guidance is provided in many sources, including: Ware(1988), Okabe and Ito(2008), Aigner Zeileis, Fisher, Hornik, Ihaka, McWhite, Murrell, Stauffer, Wilke 41

(2010), Stauffer et al. (2015), Zhang(2015), Rost(2018), Wilke(2019), and Ciechanowski (2019), among many others. Further R packages that can complement the palettes provided by colorspace include: Poly- chrome (Coombes and Brock 2018; Coombes, Brock, Abrams, and Abruzzo 2018) implements strategies for qualitative palettes with many “categories”. While the qualitative palettes in Section4 yield only about 6–8 clearly distinguishable colors due to the fixed chroma and luminance, relaxes this restriction and can thus find a larger number of colors in CIELUV space that are spaced as far apart as possible. It also has several functions for visual- izing color palettes in different ways. The palette collection packages pals (Wright 2018) and paletteer (Hvitfeldt 2019) also provide a wide range of prespecified palettes, including some qualitative schemes with many categories. Note that the palettes are quite diverse, though, and not all of them are equally suitable for coding qualitative information. The visualization functions in colorspace from Section5 may be helpful in assessing their properties. roloc (Murrell 2018b,a) also provides color conversions, but not between numeric colour spaces; instead, from numeric color spaces to English color names. In addition to the R version of colorspace, a Python 2/Python 3 re-implementation is in beta and available at In the manuscript we focus on the more mature R implementation but replication materials for most examples are not only provided for R but also for Python.

Computational details

The results in this paper were obtained using R 3.5.2 (R Core Team 2018) with the packages colorspace 1.4.1 (Ihaka et al. 2019), ggplot2 3.1.0 (Wickham et al. 2018), RColorBrewer 1.1.2 (Neuwirth 2014), rcartocolor 0.0.22 (Nowosad 2018), viridis 0.5.1 (Garnier 2018), scico 1.1.0 (Pedersen and Crameri 2018). R itself and all packages used are available from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) at


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Affiliation: Achim Zeileis Universität Innsbruck Department of Statistics Faculty of Economics and Statistics Universitätsstr. 15 6020 Innsbruck, Austria E-mail: [email protected] URL: