
The Euclidean area The section is a good place to look at area in general - we have seen that area can be measured differently depending on the . In , the area of a is given by A = .5(a)(s)(n) where a is the , s is the side , and n is the number of sides.

On the other hand, in , the area is given by π A = δ 180 where δ is the defect.

So area depends on the axiomatic system we’re in. Of course, we all know what area means in Euclidean’s...area...right? :

The Euclidean area axioms • Existence postulate: To each region M in the there corresponds a Area M ≥ 0, called its area.

• Dominance postulate: For regions M1 and M2 in a plane, if M1 ⊆ M2,thenAreaM1 ≤ Area M2.

• Postulate of additivity: For any two plane regions M1 and M2 such that Area (M1 ∩M2)=0, then Area (M1 ∪ M2)=AreaM1 +AreaM2.

postulate: Congruent regions in a plane have equal area.

• Unit of : The area of the unit is one.

• Cavalieri’s principle: If all the lines parallel to some fixed that meet the plane regions M1 and M2 do so in line segments having equal , whose endpoints lie in the boundaries of the two regions, then Area M1 =AreaM2.

In summary, the first one tells you that something called area exists (similar to existency of say, measure), postulates 2, 3, 4, and 6 tell you some of the properties it has, and the fifth one (unit of measure) is like a protractor postulate, or defining a metric: it’s the only one that tells you how we measure Euclidean area - in terms of .

This axiom cannot exist in hyperbolic geometry, where we don’t have squares!