With Our Boys in Uniform

The Burgettstown Enterprise 1942-1945 With Our Boys In Uniform Nicl' Hollick, who is sta­ tipnerl a.t , Mis'l. , spent the week end with his mother at Slo­ van.

Private Miro Borio o[ the United Sta.tes Army 'ipcnt a few days with hit> f.ather at Slovan.

In·. W. S. Clark and Charles Mnl­ hol!and visited the week end with Dr. Walter S. Clark Jr. at Arlingten. .

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Proudfit have received word that their son John N. Proudfit, who has been stationed with the United State:::; Naval Reserves, as radio man, at .Philad.elphia Yards, has been transferred to . John enlisted in th.e Navy on .June 30, 1941.

Private nuward GlASsner, who is stationed at Ca.mp Claiborne, Louisi­ .anna, is spending a 10-day furlowih :'lt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glessner of Dinsmore avenue.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 9, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krzn6wski, who reside on th.e Stevenson Farm near Bulger., received word la.st week that their two SOIlSare stationed at . Joe, 23, who has been in the Navy for the past 5 years. is now a in- structor and Steve, 21" who enlisted in the air one year ago. has re- cently received his wings as a pilot. The boys are form-er Union high school students and went to grade Relatives have receivec1 word that school inClierry VaUey. The last George Thomassy. who has word received by their parents came been stationed at the Walter Reed through on Wednesday and was mailed hospital, \Vash,ington, has been trans- 10 days ago. stated thoe boys are well ferred for service at an unannounced see each other frequently and are destination. busy at their jobs of helping Uncle ----v---- Sam scrap the Japs. William Lewi!', who is stationed at ---v--- Camp Wichita Falls. Texas and silent Sergeant Samuel F. Campbell, sta- \nst week at his home in Flol"enCe, tioiled at Foster Field. Victol"ia, Tex. ha, l'etu'rned to duty. He drove hi" spent a furlough with h.is parents. ell' hpck to camp and WI'S aCC01Jplnil'd Mr. and Mrs. .T. E. Campbell of by Miss Mary Adnrns an(l Miss F,thp.l- Avella. recently. ene Noble,' who will return to FIOI'- ence hy bus. Sel'geant Campbell. who was asso- ---v - ciated with the Weirton Steel Com- Martin Revay. who is employed nt pany priOl" to being drafted last July, Climax, after several att,empts to en- was graduated from W. & J. College list, wa<; accepted for sl'l'v;ice in the in 1937 nnd (rom University of Pitts- United States Nnv~' on Monday. He burgh two years later. expeots to he called (or ---v--- in a few days. Mrs. L. C. Smiley of Bnvington has ---v--- received word that her son Paul, is Private Della R. Bani, son of Jol'll enrolled in the 146th Armed Signal Bani. of 44 Center av"nnp., wns "rad~ Corps at the Sixth A:rmored natell recently f"om thp Chnnnte Field at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. branch of the U. S. Axmy Air Corps ---v--- Technical Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Dena :Taucher, of 1\ PittsbUl'gh street. h.tve received wonl Private" Donnld nnel Leoll"n] Le- froril their son, Melvin, whO has been COUVI"e.sons of ,Mr. ilnd Mr<;. Ma"cE'an stationed at Camp Polk. La., that he Lecouvre. of Bnl"er, "'PI'''! "tOgethel' h; being transferred to Fort. Knox, !'omew.hel'e in the Philippines," ne- Ky.. to attend____ a vRadio School. _ cording to the .last lettel' I'eceived by their pnrents. Sergeant Casper 'roth, with. the Written by Leonard. the letter was in Massachusett<;, received. April 24, but bore no date. is spending a 10 day furlough at his "We hilve been' through some tOIl~h home in Che'rry Valley. spots but we'll be home," he stated. ----v---- Theil' relatives and friends. were I Private' Rudy Richard with the Uni- J elated to receive the news concel'll- ted States Army has returned to duty ing them, the first. since the - after a brief. visit with his parents at ese attacked Pearl Harbor. Cherry Valley.____ v _ Donald attended Midwa.~'high schad and Leonard graduated there in 1928. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaylock, of On July 5, 1940, Leonnrd enlisted as a I Pittsburgh street. have received word mechanic in the Anny Air Corps. He that their son, Zigmond Jnylock, who was stationed for several months at is station"ed at Pnnama, has been,pro- Hickman Field, . On October 'moted to____ Corpornl. v' • _ 3, 1940, his older brothel', Donnld. enlisted and 'was sent to \Vh.ee.1er Corp. Geol'/~e Kovac,h, of Raccoon Field. Hawaii, where he studied to with the U. S. Army in Arkansas. is be a 1!U11!lerona homher. Then in the home on a furlough. fall of 194] their companies were mov- ___ v--- ed and the llrothers were nnited' and Sergeant Ray Adams of. Camp Lee, sent to the Philippines to\!ct.hcr in the Va .• is visitin~ his parents, Mr. and' 14th Pursuit . ' Mrs. George____ Adams v' o( Joffre. _ ---V----- Sel'l;'ennt and Mrs. HemHln Bell are Captain Walter Scott Clark, Jr., visiting' Mr. Bell's pnrpnts. Postmas- who is stationed at the Post Hospital ter nnd MI's. Ralph BeU of Highlnnn at Fort Myers. Va.. spent ,a' 20-hour nvenue. Herman is "'ith the 4Rth furlough ,with ,Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Bomh GranD at Will Rogel's Field, Clark of the Clark Hotel last Sunday. . v---- _....._-~-=---- With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 30, 1942 Edition I With' Our. Boys In Uniform Cecil Mester, is the second son o[ . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mester of Lan- geloth to enlist in the Navy. Cecil who studied the C. A. A. Course at \ Went\yorth Military Academy, LeX-' oington, Mo., and received his pilot's license. lett Wednesday evening [or ,the Philadelphia Navy yards. where he will study for one month and then .expect's to_be stationed/at the Pensa- ocola. Fla., A.ir Base. The Mesters last sa,w their son. Charles Private First Cla'ss James R. Zelin- . Mester, who is stationed on the Air . sky of Muse has written h is parents, o Carrier, the \Vasp at Norfolk. Va., in ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zf'.linsky that oMarch, but have received no word : he has been transferred from Fort from him since. Lewis. Wash., to Fort Ord. Cal. He -----v.---- o has recently been appointed a Techni- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stottlemeyer of cal Sergent. Zelinsky is the brother Florence avenue have received word of Mrs. Sara Monteouin of L;m.teloth of the promotion o[ their son. and has many friends in thi'S district. o to First . Bob is stationed ---v-- at Norfolk, Va. Sergeant Casper Toth of Fort Rod- ----v---- m:'ln, Mass .. visited in the C. P. De- Valkeneer home at Joffl'e. Howard Buxton. Jr.. has been I transferred from FL Bragg, N. C.• to ---v--_. . Camp Shelb~T, Miss. Bucky said, Captain and Mrs. Lee B. Martin, "A,rmy lif,e is agreeing with me and who are stationed at Fort Myel's. Va. I like it fine!" are spending this week with relatives ----V.---- here. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilbert Morrow re- ----v---- oceived word [rom their son, Kenneth. Ray. son of Mr. and MI's. Ead who is in Camp at Virginia Beach. Smiley of Bul~er, who has been sta- Va. Kenneth and some o[ his friends tioned at the N:wy Yards. is had spent the week end visiting at hOTJle on n month's ful'1ough and is Fort .Belvoir and . D. C. taking-, advanced studies' at Pitts- ---v--- burgh .. Recruiting officers at Pittsburgh ----v----- i Mr. anrl Mrs. N. R. Hollano pntpl'- announced this week that Joseph HO-j tajn~d with a familv dinner Sunoay mitz, Jr. of 'Bulger. and Milan Vis- in their home on Mnin street in honor nich of Slovan have enlisted in the I of their son Fred, who left. Tup~day Army. for servICes in the United States ----v---- Army. Mrs. William Sabo visited her son I ---v,--- Frank, Jr .• -who is stationed at Col- 'William. son of MI'. and Mrs. W. umbus, Maryland, last week end. I R. Prour1fit of Center avenue. left . v--- 1'uesrlnv faI' a.n unkno'wn rj"stinMinn. Mrs: Tony Bertoni, MI's. John Bacu ! He. enlisterl in the United States. , Mr. and Mrs. DeU Miller, Billie Da-.I Army. 1 vis, Mrs. HaI'shall and son, Dennis.] ---_v _ \ Jr. , visited Mrs. Harshall's son. John CHANUTF: FIELD. Ill.-Pvt. Al- , }.'rancis Harshall, who is stationed at hert Capozzoli, son of Mr. anr] Mrs. Culumbus. Md.. last week end. Nick Ca.nozzoli. Main stl'eet. Slovan. ---v I was g'rRrlunterl recentlv from the

Mrs. A. D. Po.llon and son Hugh of 0 Chanute Field hl'an"h of the 'U. S. the Bavington Road. visited the for- i Army Air Corps Technical Schools. mer's son, Private R. Pollan at ---v--- Camp Polk, La .• last week. Private LEXTNGTON:. :Mo.. Mw 7-Cadet Pollan was inducted into the service .T. Alhert .Tackson. son of MI'. and on February 24. 1942 and c.leared the MI's. Oscar Jackson, 6 "l'enon avennf'. New Cumberland reception center and has made the snecia.1 rlictindion li"t was sent to Louisiana. He is at- at \Ventworth Milita~y Acndemyo M~.i. tached to the Medical Corps of the Leon TJn!."lesdpclarerl totlav. Jackson T.hir'd Armored division and his folks a colleC'e stuo"nt, receiverl this citn- report, is in excel)ent health. tion h"cause of his sunel'iOl' ncademic -.v.---- work during the last six weeks grad- John L. HaUahan. Jr .. of Francis ing period. Mine. who enlisted in the Navy five ----v'--- months ago has been pr:omoted to Sea- Cl-fANUTE FTET,D, Tll.-Pvt.. Hpll- man First Class. He spent a brier n'.T. LOIl(Tf'vit"h son of .1u". antl1\fJ'''. furlough with his parents la"t week. F"'ank Long-evit"h, 21 Maill stl-eet, Slo\'an. wns I::'radl1ater] ,'pcnntly f"r"" Hal.lahan is stationed with the United 'he cour"E' of the Chanute Field States Coast guards in the Recnliting 'hrnn",h nf.thn n. S. Army Air COI'P" Station at , N. Y. ----v.--- . Technical Schools. With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 7, 1942 Edition With. Our Boys In Uniform . Sam Broil1a who celebrated hi5 lOth anniversary as a Burgettstown mer- eha.nt recently by entertaining all the .Community children at a Keith MoviE ,Matinee, has received a greeting .from Hawaii from Dr. Al!dley Hind- m,lIl. Audley writes Sam, "Dear Mr. Broida: "ReceivedE'nterprise clip- pi ngs from home a short time ago' concerning your 30th anniversary The soldier sons of. MI'. and Mrs. 1 in Burgettstown business. Hearty Charles Puscarich-Joe ,~ho is sta-- congratulations and I hope I can . tioned in and John, sta- again extend them, two-fold in tioned in Virginia-spent short leaves 1972. Millions of us are depelnc.. with their parents and helped the fam~ ing Q'n a felN civi Iian "old rei i- iIy to move to 'the R. M. McCreedy abies" like you and my Dad to farm just vacated by Lorain Mc- keep the home fires burning' until Creedy. ' we can come home to take over." ---v------v--- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Say and son, Mr.' and Mrs. B. L. Hughey of Samuel Say, and 'Dinsmore avenue, who have sent two daughter, Anita, of East McKeesport sons to the aid of. ,the United States visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs . . have received word from Finlt Lieu- S. S. Dunbar of Cross CI'eek recently . . tenant Edwin, 'who is located in Ice- Samuel just recently received his land, that he is well and that Unc'le -s in Texas, and is home on fur- Sam is treating his nephews in that lough. He is expected to be trans- cold sPOit to every consideration and ferred to Boston. comfort it is possible to give them. ---v--- He I'eports that Iceland is heavily Anthony Quader, son of Ml'. and fOli-ified for any eventuality. Captain Mrs. Clem QuadeI' of Atlasburg, sta- Charles, who was formerly a practi- tioned at Fredericksbul'g, Va.. has c,ing at McDonald, is a~ain been promoted to . a pn,tient in the Lawson hos- ----v---- pital at Atlanta, Ga. Charles is re- Private Joseph Novak, son of Mrs. ceiving t)'eatment, following a recent C. Novak, of Slovan, has been trans- serious sinus operation. He WllS for- ferred from , Vll., to I medy stationed at the inducrtion cen- . . ter at Cllmp Livingston, La. ____ v _ V--' Private Henry Ahate of SIO\;'an is I y Sheppard Field, Texas. -0 Private loca.t~d wi~h the arm. onlinance Com-l Dwight L. RaJston, son of Thomas F. pany B, FIfth O. R. T. C., atj &'llston of Burgettstown, was gradu- Aherdeen, Md. ated Ap)'il from the world's largest ----V---- Air Corps Technical School, Sheppard Private Carl Filipponi has been en- Field, where he has attended classes rollell in the 5!lOth Technical School for the past five months. He waR at- Squadron. Flight E, at the Air COIllS tached to the 312th TechnicaJ School 'l'pl'hnical School at Keeslel' Field. Squadron here. Now QUlllified as one Miss. of the eight specialists necessary to ----V.-- keep one plane in the AiJ-, he is eli- Private First Clnss Wallace Glass, gible for assignment to any unit main- of Camp Knox, Ky., is visiting his tained by the Air Corps. He attended parents, Mr. and Mr:,!. J. R. Glass, Weirton high school, W. Va., and of Bavington. formerly worked for the Jones and ---v--- Laughlin SteeJ Corporation. Prh'atf:l Clyde T. Harris of Scott's ----v---- Field, Ill., spent the weel, end with MI". and Mrs.. Carl Clair of Florence his pm'ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. avenue were pleasan'ly surprb'ed Sun- Harris, of La!lgeloth. day, Mother's Day, with a cablegram ----V---- from' their .son, Pvt. Delbert M~ C. I Pl'ivate Bernard Griffith and Pri- Clair. The clahlegram W?S sent from I vn.te Lee Reynolds of Lant:e-loth have AIlstrn.Iia and stated "everything is been' transferred frol11Cam'p Polk, La. fine .•• to , Ky. ---v--- _.•.•.._~_.~~--",----.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 14, 1942 Edition' With Our Boys In Uniform Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hughey re- ceived a cablegram on Tuesday morn- j ing from their son, Lieutenant John Edwin Hughey, stating that he had arrived in London, England. , Hughe'y was stationed in Iceland with the 's department. He sta- ted in his cablegram that he was sent to London to stay one month to give I instruction in shoe repairing. Hugh- ey has designed a system for distt'i-I butin:; shoes and shoe supplies to mUilic. His system has been so suc~ cessful ill expediting the work that hp. was sent to England to teach it to other quartermaster officers. ----v---_ Private Rums l\L Logan has return- ed to Camp Stewart Ga., after spend- in;; a ten day furlough with his par- ents, MI'. and Mrs. Glen Logan of Imperial. ---v--- Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson of Bul- ger have received word that their son Private Don l\f. Simpson, is stationed at Keesler, Field, Miss. He reports that weather Is very warm there. ----v---- Austin Studa, who is with the Med- ical division of the V'nited States Army in Camp Lee, Va., spent a 7::l-hour fnrlough with h,is wife and parents, Mr. and MI". W. D., Wilson the first of the weelL --,---v---- Mr. and 1111'S. W. W. l\Iorrow of Main street receivetl a telephone call Sunday from their son Kenneth, at Camp Pendelton, Va., stating" he was leaving fOl' an unannollnced destina- tion. ----v'---- Neal C. Matchett, son of Mr. and MI's. Neal S. Matehett of BnlgCl', l1as been l)romoted from staff ser~eant to technical seq::eant. He is stationed at Aherdeen Proving Grouner, A,ber- deel), I1Ie!' Sgt. Matchett enlisted August 20, 1940. ---v---- Private Louis Mader, who is sta- UOlled at Scott Field, Ill., spent Snnday with relatives and friends in Slovan. ----v---- Anthony J. Janulewicz of Burgetts- town has enlisted' in the Marines. ----v---- Private J. W. Parham is in train- ing at Fort Jackson, S. C. '----v . Mr. and Mrs. Dena Tancher and family spent last week end at Fort l{nox, Ky., visit.ing their sou and brother, Private Melvin Taucher. ----v---- Steve III. Sm'bu, Jr. has been trans-' ferred from Camp Wheeler, Ga., to' Co. L, Twenty Sixth Infantry at , Fla. ----v---- Private R. H. Reasons is in train- ing at Clayborne, La. With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 21, 1942 Edition ,With Our Boys In Uniform

Ensign Charles Mester, who is 011 duty on the Carrier Wasp, is spending a three-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mester of Lan- geloth. Charles flew his own Bomber to the Airport on Wednesday evening where he was I ,Lee Reynolds, who is stationed' at 1 met by his parents. This is his Fort Knox, Ga., spent the week end first visit home in several lilt the home of his father, George months. 1Reynolds in Langeloth. ----v------v---_ Bernard Griffith, who is stationed 1\Ir. and Mrs. Carl GlaiI' of Florpnc,e :at Camp Knox, Ky., 'spent the week ; nvenue', received a letter from their 'end at the home of his parents, Mr. . son, Private Delbert M. Clair, from and Mrs. Bernard Griffith of Lange- I l'orriewhere in Australia. Bud states .loth. 1 he is in good health and the people in ---v--- Australia al'e great and ~mrely trent! ! Private Dominick 'Sarracino has \ the American boys fine. This is his. l'Written his home folks that he has I first letter since he sililed. He san:: i been transferred to the ,Bomb SQuad~ : the mail is coming' thrnug'h nf)W a~d : ron at the Fort Myers Air Base, Fla. : he is anxious to hear from home. ----v---- !. v---- Lieutenant Donald D. Saxton who I Pl'ivate Paul Rvan, w1'0 is stationp(] . was with the Coast Artillery at Fort : at 'Fort Knox, Ky., spent thp week Sherman, has arrived in the Canal • end with his pnrents, MI'. and Mrs. Zone, Panama, accordintr to word re- ; Harry Ryan of Francis Mine. ceived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. , ----,,---- Dean Saxton. Mrs. Harlan Bell has j'ecei"ed "'01'£1 ----v-- __ , that her hrothel', Private HUf!'h 0'- 'Mr. an(l Mrs. F.. M. PIJilliJ1f::, of I DonnelJ, stationed at Camp Polk, La. • Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Foster is ill of pneumonia . I of Burgettstown and Mrs. John 'Phil- ----v---- I lips of Beilfonl spent a few days with , \Yord has been received that Fred- Mrs. Phillip's hushand, Lt. John 'die Fratini, who is in the U. S. Phillips, who is stationed at Camp' l Marines, has been sent' out to sea. , Lee, Va. : ----v------v'---- . Prh'ate' John DeSanto, son of Mr. Private John Harris, son of Mr. and : and Mrs. Guy Piccoli of Slovan, has ; Mrs. George U. Harris, Burg-ettstl)wn . arrived at.Fort Knox, Ky.,' where he : R. D. 3, who has been statinned at : will enter training in the Armored : Calmp Polk, Ln.• has been ordered to ! Force Training Center. , report fOl'special tnlinilli! in the com- . ----v---- munications cl",partn'e"t of the ArJYIor- Corp. William \V. \Vea\'el', snn of (cd Force School at Fort Knox, Ky. lvir. and Mrs. 1'. P. \Venvpr, has heen I Private Harris entered the service transferrp,rl from Keesler Field, Miss. last month. to Miami Beach, Fla. ----v---_ ----v---- ; Private John Yurosko of Avplla who Du\"'arrl, son of Mr. and Mrs. \Yal-, nas been stationed at Camp Blannintr . tar Glesf'ner of Dinsmore nvpnue. ras Fla, , has been transferred to Fort !'heen trnnsfel'l'ec] from Camp Clay- Benning, Ga, 1borne, La., to Camp Gordan, Ga. O=...=-""",,~~- '\f _

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 28, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uriiform


Mrs. Myrtle 'Reed of Highland avenue is the proud recipient of the news that .her son, Francis has heen promoted to the rank of Major in the United States Army. Major and Mrs. Reed and their daughter have been residing at , Ga., for nearly two years, where Franc,is is 'an instructor in the Infantry school. With this promotion, he will bo- come first assistant to Fox, who is, in charge of the In- Cadllt W;lliam .T. Castner left last fantry school. Mrs. Reed expects ,w~el{emT ror M,lxwell Field, Alahama to leave the latter part of this W1t('I'C he is in training with the Army week to spend her vacation with Air Corps. her family. ----v.---- :Major Reed is on leave from Edward Launder. son or Mrs. Marie duty as assistant principal at Un- Lounder enli!'ted in the United States ion High School. Navv at Pitt"burgh on Monday and has ----v.---- beef] sent to Newport, R.1., for six Raymond Smile)', who was inducted w"cl,., training in fundamentals, aftel' into the A.,nny last week has tele- whi"h he will go to a Navy school. phoned his parents at Bavington, that Laundel'. who graduated fron1 Union he is located___ at Camp v Meade. _ hi',h !'chool and later from Duffs Iron Cit y College was fonnedy employed I Sergeant Nic.k Klimenko, who is at Lounder's Grill. I stationed at , Va., is visi- .----v---- ting with____ his family v in Slovan. _ jiviation Cadet John J. Lukon, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Lukon, R. D. Private Angelo Giacomelli has re- 3, Burgettstown, Pa., was recentlv turned to Camp 'Blanding, Fla., after gTaduated from the Greenville Arm~ visiting .his family in Slovan. Flying School, Greenvillc, Missis;- ----v---- i1)pi. He has been assigned to ano-I Private Sam Visnich, .Tr., has bf'en ther trajning field in' the Southeast I transferred from Camp Blanding, Fla. Armv Air Forces Training Center. to Fort Benning, Ga., where he is i . Upon ~uccessful completinn of fJigh t about to start on Army maneuvers. I ____ v _ IIlstructlOn at that field, he will )"e-I ceive his wings and'a commission as' Private Frank Rozmus is stationed a second lieutenant ill the United at the Air Technical School at Kees- States Army Air Corps. ler Field, MissiSSippi. ----v------v'--- KEESLER FIELD, Miss.-Pvt. An- Private Mike Yaksic, who is sta- drew L. DeCf)ok, son of Mr. and MrR.. tioned at Camp Polk, Louisiana in the Frank DeCook, Bulgel", R. D. 1, grad- Finance Department, expects to be unted May 31 from the huge A.ir promoted to a soon. COI'PSTechnical School here after an ----v--- intensive 19-week course which pre- Thomas' Anderson of Washington, pared h.im to serve as an Airplane visited his parents, Mol'. and Mrs. Mechanic "on the line." I Anderson, before entering the United I Private DeCook's class, which num- States Service. bored in the hundreds, will be dis- ----v'---- persed among the many units of the George Velegdon of the U. S. Navy Army Air Forces to maintain and ser- is visiting his parents, MI'. and Mrs. vice 's planes. George Velegdon, at Raccoon. ---V,' ----V.---- Cadet Cecil Mester, who is' a Navy Steve Baloga of the U. S. Navy is enlistee, flew home by .plane from visiting his parents in Raccoon. Philadelphia and spent the week end ----v---- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char- Joseph Wylm and Bruno Rossi of les Mester of Langeloth. ! Franc.is Mine with the United States Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Castner of Army in Camp Quantico, Va., were Market street, have heard from their' home over the weel, end. son, Air Cadet Wiliiam J. Castner -_--v---- saying he is with !3qllad C. 14th, Max-I Mr. and Mrs. Dena Taucher of well Field, Alabama., Stella street, receiv'ed a !'urprise visit Corporal William H. Miller of Camp Sunday f.rom their son, Priv

o ceived word this week that their son. H"",h 'Pollon. son of MI", and Mrs, i o Hennan Bell. 'has been promoted to fl. n. P"lIon of Bavinuton, who \\'as Staff Sergeant. Herman enlisted two indHc'ted into the army two weeks ag'o years agu and is stationed in the Per- j. ~tationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga, son neB Department at the Will Ro- " ,-\1---- gers Air Field. Oldahoma City, Okla, C'lrnOl'al Henry MlICll~. of McDor,,- ----v---- ;>1,1. ",110 is with the U"nited States Mrs. John Delfrate, Mrs. Sprando, 1'l'my ill GeOl'gia, visited with the Sr .• Inez Sprando, and Mr. and Mrs. S'ceo filmily of Joffre, recently. Samuel Sprando, Jr., visited last '--,-,~v---- week end with Privates Gene Sprando !'::",''''('nnt A nelrew Balouh with the and John Pompeo who are stationed at Pnitnd"States Army in'Cillifornia. is Cam? Polk, La. ' r" a' 11l-eln\' fnrlough ill the home of ----v---- )'I~ nnrent;:, M.'. ilnd Mrs. Anclrew Kenneth L. Smith. Raymond Smil- Rnlo;;h, S",. ill Raccoon, ey and Jack Sloan. who were inducted ----v'---- two weeks ago into the Army, are P";"p,te \VilJialll Nm'o;:j{y of Camp stationed at Keesler Field, 'Mi~s. Fred ('l"lffp,(', P."'lc, is visitinu his Pill'- Smith. Jr., has been sent to Camp ("1'1', Mr, and Mrs. Roy Novosky in Blanding, Fla. Cherry Valley. ----v--- ..--'--v _ Mrs. A lI~tin 8t11clil, Mrs. Dudley Pi-ivate Me1\"in Taucher, who is sta-I tioned at Fort Knox. Ky., spent Sun- Pil~OJI, MI's. William Lilwson and day at his home here, j\fiss HlIhv MooI'e \\'ill leave the lnt- ---v--- t"r pflrt of this week. by automobile Mrs, Harry Ryan and daughter. f"I' Camo Lee. wher" the~' will visit ]\[1', Stucla nlld Mr, MiJlel. Miss Moore , Garent, Roy Bailey and son, Vernon. will visit friends at . • of Francis Mine and John 'Moore of Hanlin, R. D. 1. visited with Private ---'-v . Ail' Caclet Will iam Castnel" who has Paul Ryan at Fort Knox, Ky., last lleen stationed at Maxwell Field. Ma. week end. Paul is now attending radio school. j" spending" this week at the home of l1i;; parents, MI'. and Mrs, Lil\\TenCe ----v---- Castne]' of l\Iarket street before leav- J

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform Edward Launder of Burgettstown has been selected for advanced train- ing at one of the Navy'!? schools for Signalmen. Chosen because of ability and high aptitude test grad'es, Laun- der will, on completing his sehoolin; become a skilled ,well equip- ped to take his place with U'ncle Sam's Private Melvin TaucHer, who is sta- m!ghty Fleet. tioned at Fort Knox, Ky., visited .hls Launder, the son of Mrs. Mary home here Sunday. Taucher Is study- Lour,der of 8 Linn avenue, is a grad. ing radio and expects to complete the uate of the Burgettstown Union high course \vlth the August 1st graduating s('11001 and. the Duffs-Tron City Col- .class. . '0 ,..' lege. Before enlisting h,e was cm- ----1\---- pl037ed at Launder's Grill. Private Thomas Anderson of Kees- I ler Field, Miss., spent a few days As a Signalman in th~ Naval Ser- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross vice, Launder will be called upon. to Anderson of Cross Creek. send and receive international code ill blinker and semaphore, take and re- ----v---- William Miller of Camp Lee, Va., ceive fiag hoist signals, and handle is spending a furlough in Burgetts- I navigational problems involving rules town with Mrs. Will,er. of the road, soundings, and American and foreign buoyage. ----v---- Dr. Charles Hug-hey has returned Before being assigned to trnde to Atlanta, Georgia, after spending school, the Burgettstown Bluejaclrct a short time at the home of his par- underwent intensive recruit t,'aining ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hughey of ,at the U. S. Naval Training Station Dinsmore avenue. at Newport, R. 1. ---v-~- ----v.---- Pri\'ate Merle Culley of Fort Meade Duward Glessner. who is stationed son. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culley of at Camp Gordon, Ga., is visiting at Raccoon was home over the week end. the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. ----v---- Walter Glessner of Dinsmore avenue. Private Joseph Balogh, son of Mr. ----v---- and Mrs. Andrew Balogh, is home on Private A:ustin Studa has been a furlough. tmnsferred from Camp Lee Va., to ----v.---- the Meclical School at Fort -Benjamin, John Desantis of Camp Chaffee, Indiana. Ark., is visiting his parents, MI'. and ---v---- Mrs. Matt Desantis in Cherry Valley. Captain and Mrs. Lee B. Martin of ---v---- Fort Belvoir, Va:, are spending sev- Corp. Mike Mudre spent the .week el'al day'S in town. Dr. Lee is assis- end visiting his p

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-, 1942 Edition WithOur Boys In Unifo _rm Edward Launder of Burgettstown h as been selected fo r advanced tr ain­ ing at one of th·e N avy'~ schools for Signalmen. Chosen because o-f ability and high aptitude test g r ad~s, Laun­ der will, on completing his schoolin; become a skilled :;;pecialist ·Well eq uip­ ped to take his place with u'ncle Sam's Private Melvin Ta ucher , who i~ sta­ m}ghty Fleet. t ioned at Fort Knox, Ky., visited .h i!> Launder, the son of Mrs. Mary h ome here Sunday. Taucher is study­ Lour.der of 8 Linn avenue, is a grad· ing radio and expects to complete the uate of the Burgettstown Union high course with the Aug ust 1st graduating St' hool and the Duffs-Iron City Col­ .class. lege. Before enlisting · h.e was em­ ---- /\---- plo:;red at Launder's Grill. Private Thomas Anderson of Kees­ ler Field, Miss. , sp·ent a few days As a Signalm'an in the Naval Ser ­ with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ross vice, Launder will be called upon . to A nde rson of Cross Creek. send and receive international code in ----V'---- blinker and semaphore, take a nd re­ William Miller of Camp Lee, Va . , ~eive fi ag hoist signals , and ha ndle i s spending a furlough in Burgetts-1 n avigational problems involving rules 1 t own with Mrs. WilJ.er . of the road, soundings , and American - - - -V'---- a nd foreign buoyage. Dr. Cha rles Hughey h as r eturned Before being assigned to t mde t o Atlanta, Georgia, after spending school, the Burgettstown Bluejacltet a sho.rt time at the home of his par­ tmderwent intensive r ecruit training ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hughey of .a t t he U. S. Naval Training Station D insmore avenue. a t Newport, R . I. ---V~ . ------V---- Private Merle Culley of Fort Meade Duward Glessner , who is stationed son ' of Mr. and: Mrs. Sam Culley of at Camp Gordon, Ga. , is visiting- at R accoon was home over the week end. t he home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. ----V---- Walter Glessner of Dinsmo-re avenue, Private Joseph Balogh, son of Mr. ~---V---- ai)d Mrs. Andr·ew Ba\ogh, is home on Private A1ustin Studa has been a furlough. transferred from Camp Lee Va., to ---v·---- t he Medical School at Fort Benjamin, John Des,antis of Camp Chaffee, Indiana. A rk . , is visiting h is par ents, Mr. and ---V- -- Mrs. Matt Desantis in Cherry Va.lle,y. Captain and Mrs. Lee B. Martin of - ---V---- F ort Belvoir, v a: , are spending se·v­ Corp. Mike Mudre spent the ·week e ral day'S in town. Dr. Lee is assis­ end visiting his par.ents in Slovan. ting Dr. McKee with the usual crop .He is st.ationed at Washington , D . C. o f summer tonsilectornies. ~~--v·------V·---- Private Dennis Caleffie visited his· Private John Sloan has been trans­ parents in Langeloth last week. ferred from Keesler Field, Miss. , to --- - V'---- J.efferson , Mo. P rivat e Deno Sandri and Private i

----V---- Stanley Kakaski visited with t heir 1 The Thomassys have received word parents over the week end. from a n unannounced destination that ----V---- their son, Captain George E . Thomas­ Mrs. Ale,x P enderville and Mrs. s y is well. His wife and baby, Geor­ John P enderville of :E}ulger h ave re­ ge E. , Jr., of H anover, Pa . ~ are turned from their trip to South Caro­ . g uests at the Thomassy home on Elm lina where they visited witlti>o..Privat e s treet. Alex P enderville.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-July 16, 1942 Edition With Our BoysIn Uniform' Readers are aslwd to notify the editor when they receive any offi- cial word from the War or Navy Departments having to do with lo- cal boys in military service. It is the desire of th is newspaper to have a complete reco,'lI of the dis- Sam Polito, Jr., who is stationed trict's contribution to the Figh t with the U. S. Nnv}' at Annapolil', for Freedom. Also, send us in- Maryland, visited the past week with teresting letters written _by the the Sansone famil}' and with his cou- boys on the field of honor. son, Mrs. Ea 1 N. Lawson.' ----v---_ John Hallahan, Jr., U. S. . Ellis Island, N. Y., has re- Walter Wojnar of Slovan is one of turned to his station after spending a , the community's youngest candidates i 10-day furlough with relatives and for service with the armed forces. friends here. Walter has enlisted in the Marines ""-1111'. and Mrs.- A. Belinsky of "Muse and passed his physical examination "llave received a cablegram from their but is waiting until Thursday (today) son, Tech. Sergeant .James R. ZeI- for his seventeenth birthday,. when; 'insky, stating that he has arrived he expects to get the "g,'een" light, safely at an unknown destination. from Uncle Sam. . O. Edward Wagner, son of Mr. and Delbert l\L Clair, with the United' Mrs. Georg-e W." Wa2'ner who enlisted States Army in Australia. who by the in the U. S. Coast Guar'ds on Septem- way is now P~-ivate Fit'5t Class, writes; bel' 22, 1941, is spending- a short of an intel-esting' experience. Del- leave at his home. He il' a First bel-t !'an into Tommy Hutchison, son' Class Fh'eman and is stationed at of M,'. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchison Norfolk, Va. of Bulger. and needless to state. it was a thrill ing day for lJOth of them. Priva.te First Cla.ss Jo~eph Dubich, The boys enlisted the same day, Sep- has been promoted to Technician. 5th tember' 9. 1940, and were trained at Grade, it was announced today by Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. They. headquarters at Camp Polk, La, went their separate ways in April and' Technician 5th Grade Dubich, is had neither seen nor heard of each the ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Anna Dubich othel' until they met UP a.!!ain on the of 6 Main street, Slovan, Pa. plains, "way down under." Mr. and Mn;. Clyde McGinnis of 14 Pt'ivate .John Milatnik, son of M,'s. Bridl-'e st,'eet, have received word Fi'ances Milatnik. of 42 Hud~on from Private Dallas P. Adams, who' street. Slovan. has been transfen:ed. is l'tationed at Grand \Vorks, N. D., fro!TI Camp Croft, S. C., to Camp that he has had six hours and. .:~!imin- Shelhy. Miss. utes solo flying in the ail'. He re- Lee Dimit. with the Coast Guards, ports that his outfit is up and busy at has been transferred from Ma.nhattan. 5 a. m., and works until> 9 p. m. Dal- Beach to Scituation, Mass. las graduated from- Union high school M,'. and !III's. Fred G. Smith of this .June and enlisted in the ail' Tenan "street. have received word that corps a few days after" graduation. He their son, Kenneth L, Smith, has writes that he is inteJ'ested and he en transfen'ed from Keesler Field. thrillell with the army training he is Miss,. to Fort Logan, Colo. receiviug.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-July 30, 1942 Edition Lieutenant Rohert Stottlerneyer, who is stationed at Fort Totten, N. Y. spent la"t week end with his parents, With Our Boys In Uniform Mr. and MI'>:.Glenn Stottlemeyer. He also visited his ~randmother, Mrs. l\lembers of the Smeltermen's John Duncan of Florence avenue who Union. this week, will mal:;A. McFeely of Atlashurg ha:; l)J'ation at the Langeloth Com- ellli,te(l in the Navy and pa;;sed his munity Hall, President C. 1\1- physical examination at Pittsburgh Marino announces. The proceeds J,IH S;.t.unlay. McFeeh' is the first from the Labor Day celebration manied man from Atla.:;hun~ to enlist will be divided among SO men in fOl' war sen ice and he i;; al:;o the the armed forces. fi j't~'-iiJ'st mem bel' of hi" fam i1y in ----v--- AlIcpheny, Washin~ton and Greene When Raymond Smiley arrives at counties to enlist in the service, since his home in Bulger this (ThUl'sday) war was declared. morning for a leave of absence, he Ser~eant Ni~k J{Jimenko spent la,st is to he addressed as "Ensign" Smiley. week Oil furlough at his home in Slo- Ray, who enlisted in the Navy just Vtll1. received the promotion and on his re- Hc,lI'aI'd Buxton" Jr., has been tUI'll to duty from his vacation will il :1:I;;rm rt'c! from Camp Shelby, Miss. , ent.er an 's training school in to Fort Bragg. N. C. Boston. His cousin, Paul Smiley, of. Bavine;ton, who is stationed at Privates Camille B'll'Onio and Ralph Cam» Chaffee, Ark., has recently Roner. who are in the Marines, spent been promoted to the rank of Cor- the week end with theil' parents in poral. B,ll!!er. FORT JACKSON, S. C. ,-Two men Georg-I: Harris. .II'., of .Burgett:;- of Burgettstown who are members of town, R. n. a. enlisted in the Unit",d the 307th Infantry, 77th Division at Statf'S Nav)' at. Pittshurgh on August FOI't Jac](s on, S. C., have received 3. and has been assigned as all ap- non-commissioned officers' warrants. prentice for storekeeper. The men who have been ad\'ancet! in Hay Adam;;. son of MI'. and Mrs. grade are: Henry A. Bruno, with Co. Geor.!!e A,lam:; of Raccoon. ha:; re- H. 3071h Inf,wtry, from Private to turned to (Iuty at Wash ington. D. C. , Corporal; and Stanley Wasik with Co. after snending' a IO-day furloug-h at I, 30ith Infantry, from Corporal to hi;; hOllle. He has I'eccntly completed Sergeant. a I:l week's officer:;' training COUl'se at C:lmp llnvis, N. C., and ha:; been Donald Malone, son of J\[r. and commissioned a Second Lieutenant. , Mrs. It. V. Malone of South Main street, has been transferred from Mr. and MI's. Wilbert Mono,," have' Canlp Ho')d, Temple, Texas, to Camp received a letter from their son, Young, Indio, Calif. P. F. C. J{enneth Mono,," SOl1leWhel'e Cadet Cecil Mester has recently in Al;lska. Kenneth sa.I's he is well comple,ted. a three months preliminary and h,l))]JY. He wi:;hes to thank all trainjng COUl'se at Philadelphia and of the fl'ielllls back home fOl'the beau- left this week for a Florida air base tiful e;II'.Is he receil'ed on his 21st. where he will continue with a five hirthdn,'. He said it sure makes 11 month's advanc.ed course in the

With Our Boys in Uniform The Burgettstown Enterprise-August 6, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform From Baltimore, Md., c.omes a con- tribution from Enterprise Reader, Private John Evantz has been trans- Mrs. R. M. Glenn, who desires to fened from Keesler Field, Miss., to have her son's name, Julian Marti,n. Albuquerque, N. M. Purdy, inscribed on Burgettstown. s Private George Dugas, who is sta- Honor Roll. Purdy, who spent his tioned at Washington, D.C., is visit- boyhood in Burgettstown and enlisted ing with his. parents. from here, has been in the United Private Thomas McGinn, who has States Navy for about 15 years. He been located at Stockton, Cal., ha!? is stationed in Hawaii and holds the been transferred to Camp Livingston important Commission of Warrant Of- La. McGinn is the brother of Mrs. ficer. Patrick McGraw. Private Zarie Gatus and Private Corporal John Koleno of Fort Jack- Wl!lus Smith visited with their par- son. S. C.. is 'home on a furlough, ents over the week end. with his father, Joseph Yoleno, Sr .• Dwight Ralston, son of Mr. and in Raccoon. Mrs. Ford Ralston, has been promoted Private George Kovach, son of Mr. to the rank of Sergeant and has been and Mrs. George Kovach, Sr., of transferred from Gowen Field, Raccoon, is home on a furlough. to a camp in New Mexico. Sergeant Private William Navosky of Fort Ralston is al]. Aerial Engineer on a Jackson, S. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Bombing plan'e. Roy Navosky of Cherry Valley, is Technician 5th Grade Julius J. Pa- home on a furlough. dol spent a short furlough at the Private Joseph Wytko of Quanticp, home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pensak Va., son of Mrs. John Wytko of of Slovan. His home is in Gary, Ind. Francis Mine, spent the week end in Private Bernard D. Griffith, sta- his home. tioned at Camp Polk, La., is spend- Lieutenant \Villiam W. Weaver has ing a 10-day furlough at his' home been transferred from Mjami, Fla.; here. to 18th Replacement Wing, Salt Lake Sergeant J. W. Parham, Jr., of City, Utah. Fort Jackson. S. C., aftel' a short Walter 1". Wojnar of Slovan enlist- visit with his parents, left Monday ed in the Marines at Pittsburgh this evening fOI'Fort 'Benning, Ga, where week. he will enter an officer's training Lt. Bernard P. Repole, who was school. formerly stationed at Fort Monmouth, Private Bernard D. Griffith of New Jersey, has been transferred to Camp Polk, La., is visiting his par- Camp Murph, Florida, where he is ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Griffith of now acting as of Langeloth. his com.pany. A letter. from Private Mahlon King -''',~ and Mrs. F. H. Holland of of Camp Rice, cit I. , states. he is a • ..iI street have received news of the hospital patient where he is receiv- l illliess of their SOil, Fred Holland, ing treatment for his eyes. who is stationed at Camp Polk, La. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spatharos re- Mr. Holland a11d his two sons left l' ceived a cablegram Tuesday morning Saturday for Camp Polk. from their son, Sergeant John Spath- Private Jack R. Pollan, who has I aros, who is somewhere in Australia. heen with the Medical Corps at Camp In his cablegram, Sgt. Spatharos sta- Polk, La., since February, is now ted that he is "safe and well." He is at Rice, Cal., and says the tempel'- I a radio operator in the Air Corps and ature is always around 130 but he is has been in service for one year. enjoying the best of health and likes Michael F. Demo of Joffre, who en- the desert. listed in the United States Naval Re- Private Hugh L. Pollan has heen serve at Pittsburgh last week, has transferred from Camp Wheelel', Ga., heen accepted as an officer candi- to Belvoir, Va. Hugh is in 'Headquar- date in midshipmen and college train- ters Co., 2nd Eng. 'School Reg., at ing programs. Belvoir, Va.: and he likes the Army Private Charles Sugick. who is sta- and is enjoying good health. tioned at Camp Chaffee, Ark., .is Jack and Hugh are the sons of. MI'. spen,Jing. a 10-day furlough at his and Mrs. A. D. Pollan of Bavington home in Eldersville. road.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-August 13,1942 Edition Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chatter of Erie l\Iine, have received word of the With Our BoysIn Uniform safe arrivnl at an unannounced over- The loss of a leg in a childhood ac- seas -destination of their son, LOllis cident will not keep Nick Strongosky Chatter. , Cll3tter was drafted Jnn- of Fmncis Mine from. doing his all- uary 30, 1942 and received. training out duty to help the United States as n mach ine gunner in the infantry War effort. N.ick and his wife, who at C:1mp Wheeler, He was formerly was the former Julia Kovich of Slo- employed at the Lnngeloth Coal Com- van, left last 'week for Philadelphia, pany. where Nick has been accepted by the Mr. and Mrs. Cm'l Clair of Florence Government as a volunteer worker in avenue hnve I'eceived a lettel' from the Signal Corps. Despite ,his handi- their son, Delbert. who is station ell cap, Nick has been a useful member somewhere in Australia, snyin!! he of this Community. He graduated has hnd a promotion from Private from U'nion high school in 1938 and First Class to Assistant Aircraft En- has been employed in radio repair ginepr . . work, a business that ha,> made him I .pj'ivate Ho\\'ard Buxton, Jr. who is a skillful workman very much needed statinned at Fort 'Brn~~, N.C., re- by Uncle Sam today. The -wooden cently spent. n three day' furlou!!h at leg that Nick uses,' he carved for him- the home of his sistel', Mrs. Mike self. Suica of Bell avenue, nnrl his pare.nts Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tizil, of Bulger Mr. "nd 1\11's.Howard Buxton Sr., in have received wor.d from. the govern- Pittshurgh. m'ent that their son. Private John Pr;vnte Fil'st Clnss Fl'nnk Mille!' of Tizik has been sent overseas and has Ca""p B~aure~"rd, Loui~., hns roturn- arrived safely, ed to c"mp after spp.nding n furlo11!!h Ralph Boner. who is in the Marines with his mother, MI's. Eliza Millel' is spending the week end at his home I of Wn~hin!!ton. Miller is the lJro-, in Bulger, t.lJpr of MI's. Franl{ Buxton of Lang-e- Mr, and Mrs. Gustave Lunis of Bul- loth nnd is a for~ler resident of Bur- ger entel.tained a large number of gettsto\\'n. guests at a dinner in honor of their :\11'. and I\Irs. Mike Sui~a of Bell son, Leonard Hermes. who has en- n'""n'H), I\h'. and MI's. John Boc"l{ of tered aI'my service. Holir1ays Cove, n.nd M,'s. Howard Bux- The Kaezyk family and the Pender- -4,0" of Pittshur!!h speut the latter part ville family of Bulgel'. hns received l]f the week v:i,:itin:?:with the latter's J word from Private Charles Kaesyk j f;on, Privnte Howal'd Buxton, ,Jr" and Private Alex Pende!'ville that! 'who is stationed nt FOI.t Brn.!rg, N. C. they are anticipating a furlough at I \VaIt er' F. \Vojnar of Slovnn hns, home the lattel' part of this month. I "een llcc,epted as a volunteer in the l' Senman Peter J. Sec('o, who is with Marines, at the Pittsburgh recruiting the U. S. Navy stationed at Sante. statinn . . J'o, Calif., returned on Tuesday af-! Cndet F"nnk D"Il"ria of Raccoon, tel' spending a week with his parents I who enlisted in the "viation corps, Mr. ancl MI"S. Joseph Secco of Rnc-! Auril 10, has been called to duty and coon, I ]pft Au!!'ust 24 for training at Ran- Private Charles Koleno spent a 10 I (1(llph Field. Tp.xas. He g-nlllunted

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-August 20, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform Private Robert L. Willhoyte, who is with the quartermaster's depart- Pl'ivate James Hershey, of R. D. 3, ment telephoned hi!'; mother, Mrs. Burgettstown, has reported at Fort Belvoir, Va., to begin basic training O. G. Willhoyte of Atlasburg last in al"nlY engineering as a membel' of Saturday nif{ht to tell her that he Company "D", 6th Training Battal- has been transferred f.rom Fort Bragg ion. V'pon completion of the very to Fort George Mead, Md. Bob stat- ed he likes army life fine. strenuous but interesting course, Pri- vate Hershey will he eligible for Priva.te Bemard Griffith has re- transfer to an engineering unit. His turned to Camp Polk, La., after a training at Fort Belvoir, while in- ten-day visit with his parents, Mr. cluding courses in close order drill, nnd Mrs. C. B. Griffith of Lange- personal hygi.ene and ', rifle loth. and machine gUll marksmanship, bay- Privnte First Class Andrew A. onet drill, gas drill and other basic Sherockman. has been trnnsferred .to work, will aslo consist of floating the Medical Detachment of the 315th bridge building, road building, bar- Infantl'y nt Camp Blanding, Fla. rack huilding, field fortifications, de- Pl'ivnte John Kvak with the United molitions, constmction of tank traps Stntes Army. is spending a furlough and othel' duties of an engineer sol- ,with hi" parents; Mr. and Mrs. Mike dier. Kvak of R.'l.ccoon. Private Hershey will I'eceive basic Mrs. T. .I. Bable has received -word training on land originally surveyed that her brother, Edwal'd Guy Bridge- 'by , formerlyown- man, has heen promoted to Sergeant- ed hy his step-daughter, and almost at Cary'l,oLivington, La., whel'e he 1 within the shadow of Mt. Vernon, the is on duty. home of George \~nshington, leos than Prh'nte FI'ed R. Smith has been three miles away up the Potomac transferred from Camp Blanding, Cal. ,River. to Camp Edwnr;ds. Ma!';s. Freddie is SIOUX FALLS, S. D.-William A. the "on of 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Proudfit who enlisted in the U. S. Smith of Tenan stl'eet. , Army Air Forces on May 5, at Pitts- Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. burgh, has arrived at Sioux Falls Cook of Florence avenue. left here where he was assigned to S08th Tech- Monday, nfter enlisting for service nicnl School Squndl"On. Proudfit is in the United States Army. the son of MI'. a.nd Mrs. W. R. Proud- Gaylord Malone and Joseph Cook, fit of 79 Center avenue. In civilian who were recently inducted into the life. Proudfit was employed as a United States army, are stationed at newspapel' repOl'ter by the Democrat Atlantic City, N. J. Messenger. \Vaynesburg. He attCJllll- Pnul Scotot Kuhns. of Lisbon, 0., ed \Vestminster College and was grado' grandson of Mr, and Mrs. T. F. Nich- uated in 1940. Proudfit stntes he is olls, of Burgettstown, was one of sev- impressed by the friendly attitude of eral American boys who !)J'oadc,ast the post personnel nnd of the Sioux from London. Englnnd ovel' the Mu- Falls townspeople. He adds he hm; tunl 'Broadca!';ting sy!';tem last Satul'- found h is work interesting and highly day night. Paul is with the Eagle instructive. I Squadron. MrR. C. T. HaI"ris of La.ngeloth re- i Corporal Matt Towaz°

:\-la,jor and Mrs. J. FrOlncis Reed Private Max Guna has wl'itten his and daughter Eleanor, are spending a parents, Mr. and Mr'S. John Stebe of ten-day furlough in Burgettstown vi~i- Slovan, that Jle is stationed at Fort ting with h is mother, Mrs. Myrtle F. E. Warren, in Wyoming. He en- Reed of Highland avenue. Major Reed tered the service on August 14. is an instructor in the Infantry school Charles D. of Burgettstown, at Fort Benn.ing, Ga. R. D. 4, is enrolled as a student' at Michael Sherockman, 21, son, of Washington and Jefferson college. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sherockman of Private Albert Capozzoli, who is Burgettstown, has enlisted. in the. stationed with the air corps at Hills- United States Navy and is in train- g-rove, R. r., spent a brief furlough ing at the U. S. Naval Training Sta- with his parents, MI'. and Mrs. Cap- tion at , ill. Ernest N. ozzoli and' his sister and bl"()ther-in- Speer, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred law; Mr. a.nd Mrs, John Matesic of Speer of Burgettstown, R. D. 1, is in Slovan, this week. training at the same station .. WOl'd wns received here the first of Peter J. Secco has sent word to his the week from Henry Pavan, one of family in RHc.coon that he is on duty our local hays, who is stationed at in the Charleston Navy Yard. New YOl'k City, stating he hnd just Private .Tohn Tizik ras reported to received hi" frist sti'ip, making him hi's parents in Bulger that he has ar- a Private Fi)'st Class, rived safely in England. Private Joseph Cook who is attend- Mrs. Harris of Langeloth received I in~ Civilian Ail' School in Philadel- a letter from he-r son Clyde, this week, phia, spent the week end with rela- stating that he is sare and well some- tives here. where in Ireland. Clyde states the Albert, son of MI'. and Mrs. D. L. country is beautiful and he is being Hook of North Main street, has en- treated fine but that "He will still listed in the United Stat.es Navy nnd bike the good old U. S. A. any day." expects to leave fOl' training on Sep- Mrs: Sa.ra McLain of Atlasbun~ has tember 15. received word from her son, John, Mr.s. John Y. Spence of Fl'ankfort that he has been put in training as an is proud to announce that she has re- apprentice seaman at the Great ceived word from her son, PI'ivate Lakes. John says he is well and' is Lyle Warren Spence, who enlisted enjoying the life of a Bluejacket. with the United States Mal'ines. He Corporal Pete Boris has written his has arrived safely and is in training mother, Mrs. Dorothy Boris of Atlas- at Pnrris Island, S, C. burg, telling of his sare al'l'ival at Word has been received frum Gay- an unannounced destination. Another lord Malone, son of MI'. and Mrs. R. son, First Class John 'Boris V. Malone, of South Main. street, called his mother by telephone on that he has been transferred from At- Monda.y morning, stating that he ex- lantic City to the Lincoln Air Base, pected to leave San Francisco for an Linc.oln, Neb. unannounced destination on Monda.y Private Ralph Dold •. who is station- morning. ed in Philadelphia, spent the week First Class Seaman Stephen Olsak, end at the home of his mother in Armed Guard Center, South Brooklyn Langeloth. New York, spent the week end with Fred Smith, Jr., who is stationed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andl'ew a.t Camp Edwa)'ds, l\lass., spent a 01sal" short furlough over the week end at Corporal GeOl'ge Dugas, who is sta- the home of his sister, Mrs. J. W. tioned at Washington, D. C., spent Baum in Baltimore. Md. . Mr. and a few da)'s at home last week. 1I11"s.Fred G. Smith, Sr., of Tenan Tony Scariot of Joffre has enlisted street and Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Ful. in the Navy as an apprentice seaman. ton of Main street, spent the week end at the home of the former's dau- Mrs. Ed Bish and Mr, and MI's. ghter, !\Irs. Hilum, and with Fred. George Grabsky and c,hlldren went to the Pennsylvania Station, Pittsburgh Mr. and Mrs .. r. W. Dimit have re- last Wednesday to see Second Class ceived word from their son, Lee Di- Seaman Ed -Bish off for tmining at mit stating- that he is noll' located the Great Lakes Navnl '{'raining Sta- with the U'nited States Coast Guard in Boston, Mass. tion., G)'eat Lakes, Ill.' . ___ "-'-_~===V.__ --_~ __ ~

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-September to, 1942 Edition With O'ur 80ys In Uniform I Corpoml Mike Mudre of -Slovan is one local soldier who is travelling with the A:rmy Air Corps Band, ac- companing the war show. "." The show is booked for an early engagement. at the Nixon Theatre, pittsburgh. • William E. Palin, son of Mr. and Ml"S. John Palin of Francis Mine, re- ceived the degree of Bachelor of Sd- Dr. G. N. Boice whf) formerly prac- ence at the University of Pittsburgh's ticed n~edicine in Burl!ettstown, is fourth. commencement (or the year on now a Captai,n with the Medical Corps .September ,'16. Bill, .,vho. has been at Lang-ley Field, Va. commissioned a Sec'ond Lieutenant in Nick Ynksic of Grent. Lakes Navnl the Medical Corps, subject to call, is Training' station writes that he is continuing his, studies in the School doing fine and is a leader of ,a pla- of Medicine at the University. toon. Private Lee Robinson who has been Private Ton~' Zelenka of Slovan who spending a furlough with his wife, is stationed at Camp \Vallace, Texas, re~Ul'ned Monday to Fort Jackson, So. writes that he has been c.lassified as Carolina. a musician. Local enlistees this ,veek included: Pl"ivate Mike Duhich Jr. of Slovan Army, R. E. Cunning-ham, Anthony a Unit.ed States Marine at Paris Is- F. Yakima, J. C... Wolfe, John E. land Base. writes that he has met Dowler and ATlithonyFoglia; Army' Air I Private Joe Tepsic and hath are do- Corps, John R. Palin and Hugh H. ing well. Hitchcock; Coast Guard, John P. Na- Anl!elo Gacimella of Slovan writes voski. that he has met up with Steve Surba Frank Nemeth, 17-year old high an,1 Snm Visnich in FJngla:l1

With Our Boys 10 Uniform Air ,Cadet Chester Melton, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melton of Slo- van, has been transterl'ed from Nash- 'Ville, Tenn., to Maxwell Field, Ala., where he is taking the Primary Course in Aviation. . Charles A'- 'Vagner, who is station- ed at the Great Lakes Naval Training 'Station., .is spending °a nine-day fur- 'lough \vith his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. George'Wagner of Churs:h street. Anthony Foglia, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Foglia, Edward Florio, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Florio. James L. Henry, son of T. B. Henry, and Mike Pescho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pescho are four local youth who Sergeant Leonard Gray. who is sta-

o are taking' a 30-daybasic training tioned with the railroad division of course in the Army Air Forc.es Re- the 711th Engineers at Camp Clai- placement 'fraining Center at St. borne. La.. is spending a furlough Petersburg. Fla. T.hey will be in- . with his wile, Mrs. Marian Stievenart structed in military drill, courtesy Gray of 36 Tenan. street. Sergeant and discipline. calisthenics. - Gray. who has been in the Engineer's manship. defense. division for mOl'e than a year assist-! first aid and ait-plane identi fication. ed with the building of a. railroad be- ~nd, upon compTetion of the course, tween Camp Polk and Camp Claiborne I will be sent to an advanced school to and is now engaged in helping to op- prepare for "line. duty" in maintain- erale this road. ing and serv.icing warplanes. George Reynolds has written his John Hallahan, Jr ...• who is store- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds keeper with the Coast Guard at Ellis of Langeloth that he has been promo- lsland, N. Y .• spent the week end ted to Technician' Fourt.h class at at his h0me in Francis Mine. Camp PoOlk. La. ClYde Mavrich of BUI'gettstown has Private Howard Buxton, Jr., spent .enli;ted in the United' States Coast a recent furlough. with his sister, Guard. Mrs. Mike Suica and at his home in Private David A. Diaz, Jr., of Pitt,>bul"gh. He is stationed at Fort Langeloth has heen transferred! trom Bragg. N. C. Fort McMillan, Ala., to Camp Bowie. Joe Tepsie. former Union Football Texas. . . Star receh'ed a gold watch in a track Private Albert Pendracky of Fort meet at Marine Base. Paris Island, Monroe, Va.. is spending a furlough S. C'_' recently. James Trombetti with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al-. was awarded 1000 cigarettes for be- bert Pendracky. Sr., at Raccoon. ing the fastest swimmer ~1.1~t1Ie'.same meet. Mike Sherockmnn. with the United J. A. McFeeley, who re.enlisted States Navy. is home on a 10-day fur- ..•..-for a second term in the United States lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Navy. last July, was called for aCtive Andy Sherockman, Sr." at Raccoon. duty in September, and writes that He is stationed at the U. S. Naval he is stationed at 'Norfolk, Va. He TraillJing Station at Great Lakes, Ill. reports that he likes navy lif.e fine. Mr. and Mrn. A. P. Lorant of Capta.in and Mrs. W.esley Keyson, Cherry Valle entertained in their of Portsmouth. Va., are spending a o borne on Monday evening with a spa- brief vacation with his parents. Mr. ghetti supper in honor of foul" young and Mrs. Alex Kuchanovic.h of Slovan 'men who are leaving this week .for and at her home in Akron, Ohio. . the U'nited States Army. They are Steve Stanish. Mike SC1'uppi, Jolm Sergeant Joseph Bezllsko is spend- Stlegel and Mickey Bowz; ing a 20-

With Our Boys In Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-November 19, 1942 Edition . . Mr. and Mrs, c'harles Mester of A. M. Di" m0nr1 has h""n a s~i ,..- nAcl I With Our Boys In Uniform Lang~loth -WfoJre ov~r;jDyed on.· Mo!jday to a t.0rn E>dn homhing ~nn~cl·ron at. the­ m.ornmg, when they received ·an air­ N:w"J Air ·station at Fort Lauderdale, Staff Se1~geant Lynn F. Hill of the mail letter from their son, •Lieuten­ F.lnrida. San Antonio Aviation .Cadet Center, ant C,hiJ.fle.s Me~.ter, dive, bomber pi.lot. Mrs. Sar" Rozmu" is sn;,nilino- the Texas, is spending a fifteen-day fur­ The Mesters have becen uneasy fo~ 'holinftvs w.it.h her hu~hanr1, Privfl.t.e lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. some weeks ·beca.use they • had ~ bot Frank Romms who is with the air John L. Hill of Center avenue. heard from. Charle,:; since the ·sinking corns at Gnlfport, Mios . :Private Ralph C. Hill of Fort Geor­ of the "W:ctsp" Aircraft Carr ier and The Yaksic fa~milv of SlovAn h'l" harl ge Meade, Md. ,. spent the: week end prior to September 1.5, Charles had prornotinn news f!"0ffi th<'ir thrAe ~. 0!10 with hfs family and ·brother, Lynn. been stationed aboard the Wasp. He who are in the fig-ht . . Mike has 1->ePn wrote the letter received Monday, on transfPrrPn. fr0n1 the RP""Dil SiP"nR.I :Private John· A. Skrzyp, who is a 1 tank driver with the Third Armed In­ Frid'ay, November 13th and informed Arm.nr'-'rl p,t_t,]ion tn thP F~urtl, ~i~ - fantry and stationed in Virginia, is his parents· ·that he was well and was nal RR.tt~.lhn at. Tncli'n. C ~ l ]IKp rk spending an eight-day furlough with . awaiting transportation back to the wh0 io ,,.;ith the CnR•t Guard.o Rt Elli ~ his parents., Mr. and Mrs. Andy states. He promised that if a!J goes T•h.nrl, N. Y . . h'ls hnPn nromo+eil tn Wa;;in. well he may see them in thrE>e or four :Ph ~ . r·.,.,R.~i o t~ · s M"-'" · Ni"k Y ~ ksir> . .T1·. :Private Mike Pescho, son of Mr. weeks. Charles did not re·veal his Whn j~ (l,n anJJrentiCP o npm o '1 !11 thP and Mrs. John :Pescho, who is sta­ whereabouts but assured the Mesters )'Jovv h l'l <; '"'Pn nron1ot:ed to Di s bur~inl! tioned at Wendover, Utah, writes tha.t he was in the best of health and Cl,rk at Norfolk, VR .. home folks that he has been trans- ju~t Fine and that he had been so busy Priv;~•e Ch ar]P'S F.1Ptc.h"r. son of erred to Quartermaster's Camp. keeninro: hi<; ol ~ ne in the air, he- had M>·. a.n.cl Mr~. Th,l!'l FlPt-r>h er or LHn­ Dr. and Mrs. Hindman made a hur­ ....n.u.Lha,d_time . .t.u writ.e._ ~elnth, h ns hel?n "-"" "'f]Prl. a. merl'1l fnr ried trip to Jacksonville, Fla., last Mr. ftnd M1•s. John Bailey of 429 markmanship at Paris Island, S. c. week to see their son, Lieutenant South Main street, f-rom a recent let­ Lloyd Hindrr)an, who has been serv­ ter, learned tha:t their son, :Private ing as a at the Jacksonville Frank "Taf'.k" Bailey is busy in t•he Air Base. Lloyd has been ordered to Co a. ~t Artillery out of New Orleans. report for duty on the new ship s : S. Tack says he is we.ll and likes the , bound for an unknown des­ arnl'' fin<>•. He send:s greetings to all tination. Hi's wife, Mrs. 'Bertha his friends. Hindman and daughter, Carolyn, have Corporal Ignatius To+h of Fort returned to Old Concord, where they L ewis , Washington, is visiting- his will make their home with Mrs. parents, M1·. ann: Mrs. Joseph Toth., l Hindman's parents for the duration. Sr., in Cherry Valley. Lieutenant Hindman visited briefly at Corporal John Krocsko of: the u·., ited 1 his home here .la<;t Sunday., as he was States hrmy is ·spending a furloug-h ' enroute to New York. with his pilrents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike The Hindman's stopped off at Wash­ Kro,. ~ kn, 81·., in Raccoon. ington, D. c _. , enro.ute to Florid(! and Private Steve St. ~ nish of New .TPr­ visited their .datt?hter, Hettie Ruth, s ey snent a dRv ~~~t week with his who is employed in •war work there•, p'l.re.nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanish inj and their.. daughter-in-law Mrs. :Peggy Ch~:n-ry v,JJev. . Hindman and son, Thomas, Jr. · Mrs. Dr . .Tnoeph "Riair, son of Mrs. Fr~n­ Hindman's husband, Dr. T. A. ·N. ces Rhir, who has heen stRtioned 1 Hindman, is on .duty in Hawaii. wi+h: thA Me'~ · ir>qJ C"l'"'S in ~iln Di f' ~W. 1 Carmen DeSantis of· Center avenue C:·l. . , writ.Ps his mnthe1· that he is on I' and members of his family, who were (lnhr with the U. S. Marines in the ¥Uests at a party t<"iven on Sunday. by p;::..nifif>. Mr. and Mrs. Mr:tthew Donovitch at Willi~ S. Rosson of L"ui ~ vill", Kv. the.jr home in Mi.dwa''• ·were pleasant­ son of Mrs. M. R. Rosoon, T,anf!P}f't·h, ly surprised when his son, SergP.ant 11nrl. i Union Hi.,. h grannftt"'• has en­ Carl DeSantis telephoned "fro.m ·Camp l : i~ten in th.e Navv 11nn is now at I , Cal. , and talked to all the Q-rP'l.t. T,,k<>s, · Jll.. for t,·, .inine- . guests present. Carl has not been Fr,.nk Nemf>th, son 0[ Mr. anrl M1·s. I home for the past 18 monthR a nrl lll.s ~r" ."nk Nemeth of Stella ·strePt, ha~ family was - delighted to ll.ear htll bel , r t.r,nsrerred f1·om Newport, R. I. 'j voice. to Cr"o~~r M'l.ine. · ~

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-November 26, 1942 Edition Lieut. Roy G. Adams, son of Mr. With Our Boys In Uniform and Mrs. George Adams of Raccoon, was transferred l!'ecently from Was·h- Word has been rec·eived here o_f the ington, D. C., to Fort Bli&s, Ei' Paso, presentation of the for TeJ

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-December 24, 1942 Edition Mrs. Anna TIZIK of Blll!'"er has re- ceiVlld a Now Ypn.r'~ Grpetin>r C"hlp- With Our BoysIn Uniform gram from her son Pl'ivate iohn Tizik A:nthony Longo of Main street has who is with th<> A. F). F. i,n Afrka.. Mrs. ,Tohn Stiegel and family of received a "thlliIlJi: you" letter from Cherry Valley have l~eceived word Lieutenant Peter J. Messina, a for- from theLr son and brother, John, at mer Burgettstown boy, ~ho is with Camp Whit.e, Oreg-on, that he has the armed forces in New Zealand, for been promoted to Corporal. Another a Christmas c,arton of cigarettes. In son. Private Steve Stiegel is in train- his leJtter, Pete states that he was in!! at Camp Lee.. I n;mong the first American troops to land in New Zealand. He says, "The W. H. Mader, son of Mr. and Mrs. I people treated us very good and I en- Charles Mader of Slovan writes his 1 joyed my stay there. We d.id not parent, f.rom Pearl Harbor that he s.tay very long, but left for what can has recently met Dr. Joseph Blair, be described as an island in th'e south- Sermedal for bayonet practice turned to ca.mp Monday at'ter a fur- an') n sharp shooter's medal. longh with his mother, Mrs. Susan 'Villimn Clark Ralston, son of Mr. Big-ger of South Main street. and ;..r.rs.. Ford Ralston of Burgetts-. Private Ue Rohinson of Cnmp Ja(',k- town, R. D. 1, has been promoted to' son, S. C. is spending th is week with Staff Sergeant at Gowen Field, Idaho. his wife, Mrs. Lee Robinson of Main He was recently transfen'ed from Salt street. Lak.e City to Gowen Field. Serl[eant Donn.Id M. Simp!'on. who Lieutennnt .Charles Mester, who has,' is stationed at Walla WalIa, Wash .• bel'n spending- a thirty-day leave of spent a ten-day furlouah with his absence with his parents, Mr. n.nd I parents. Mr. an') 1If1C'. John Simnson Mrs. Charles Mester of Langeloth left of Bul;rer. Donald states that he likes J.~onc!ayto repor~ for duty at Jackson- I the Wash inlrton cl imate fine. He re- VIlle, Fla. CeCIl, a hrother. will re- turned hv plane rmnking the tr:ip to ceiv~ his ,,:ings at Lee Field, Jat;k-~ the coast in 13 hours. sonvl!le, thIS month and the two boys Private Ernest Rotta of Camp At. expect to be located, temporal'ily at terbuTy Ind., wa.s called home by t.he Cecil Field. Fla. Chlll'les, who has death of his niece, Lnis Gareis. He had several months duty as a dive I returned to camp on Sunday eveninl!. bomher pilot iu the Nayy at Gunda-j Private Gf'Org-e Dichon has heen canal will be used as an instructor in 1 transferred from CIHI.lInteField. Ill.. the Air Corps. I to Hammer's Field, California. where Mr. nnd MI"S.Stephen Surba of Slo- 11eis an instructor as a Link Trainer. van have rec,eived news of the safe Mr.. and Mrs. George Kuhns of Lis- arrival in Africa of their son, Step- bon, Ohio, accompanied. by their son h~n, .Jr. Ensign Paul Kuhns were guests, Sun: .John N. McCoy, son of Mr. and 1 day of the former's pare.nts, Mr. and Mrs. .T. H. McCoy of Lang-eloth has I Mrs. T. F. Nicholls of South Main completed his course of st.udies as an ~t.reet. Paul enlisted with the Royal aviation mechanic in the Airmy Air Air Force in January. 1942 flUc!:has Forees Technical Training" school at. spent the past six months ill England, Anmrillo. Texas. He will now be J Ireland and Scotlano on duty. He transferred to an air haSe where he bas b"ell trilnsferrec! to the United will assist in keeping America's Fly- States Air F'nrce "no will be stat,ioned ing- Forbresses in the air f"OrAllied at. .Tacksom'illll, Fla. Victory. -_ ••....--=""'-'~~=

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise - January 4, 1943 Edition With Our BoysIn Uniform

So long as American doughyoys in North Africa can eat beans and chile on Christmas Day and laugh about it, there can be no breaking of the good David F. Salmon, a former resident I old U. S. A. morale. That is the opin- of Langeloth, has been promoted to I ion of a Langeloth mother, Mrs. C. the r'ank of Second Lieutenant. He T. Harris, who received a letter from is the Ill'Other of MI"S. G. E. Tomlin- her son', Private Clyde T. Harris, ra- son of La.ngeloth. David attended dio technic,ian Clyde says he and . the largest school for 's in his buddies celebrated Christmas by the world at Hondo, Tex. He ex- trimming a "malle-shift" tree with pects to be transferred to another cut colored paper and light bulbs. He camp, where he will be used as an in- wants to thank his many friends for structor in mwigation. their cards and Christmas reme:Iltbrau- Gene Sprando, 'who plays in the ces and also tells how much he en- In fantJ'y Band and who has received a joyed reading the Christmas edition Mu"ir;ian's Diplo:na, is spending a 15- of the Enterprise. Pilot John Lukon of Cherry Valley who is alsp in Africa day furlough at his home in Slovan. wrote his mother this week that on He \Va'S inducted last January and is reading Clyde's address in the Enter- Ii0W "tationed at Camp Polk, La. He prise, he immediately looked h~ml up, Wa" formerly emplo~'ed at Climax. since he was based ne.•.r by. The two MI'. and Mr's. George PikuIski of soldiers, who playecl football together Joffre received news th is week of the at U. H. S. had a grand visit remi.nJs- promotion of theil" Eon. Jeseph Andrew cing about home folks. Pikul~ki to the rllllk of Second Lieu- Private .T. J. Kuzyck, who receives tenant in the Army. .Joseph has suc- his' mail care of the Postmaster in cef'~fully completed the Officer Train- San Francisco writes the Woman's inC' Course in the Infantry School at Club of Atlasburg a "thank you" let- Fort Benning, Ga. He enlisted March ter for the Christma.,> Gift sent to 8, 19:19, and served with the ']1welfth I him. Kuzyck says, "It really makes Infantry at , va.". and the I one feel good that someone back home Reception Center at Fori: George G. is thinking of you and working along J\:lpar1p.. Md.. hefore entering Office]' side with you. I only hope the others Candidilte school. He attended Union high se.hool. were as happy as I when they receiv.ed their girt." He signs his letter, "A I'FC Emil M. Zilick has returnpd to gr'lteful soldier." duty ilt the Army Mcdic:tJ Corp~ at I Ellingtnn Field, Texil". after spend- K.enneth L. Smith, stationed at j ing a flll'lough with his parent'S, l\ll". Stout Field, Incli;ulOpolis, 'lnd., has an(1 Mr"s. Anton Zilick of Raccoon. j been promoted to the rank of Ser- geant. .lIIiss Jeanne Lan::z'lk, d;lllp-hter of .Tohn Lanczak, or Atlm,hurg, has en- .Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Malone of South Ii st C(J in the '''omen's AuxiJinry Corps Main street received word from their of the IInited States Army at the ~Qn, Private GaylOl'd Malone, who has Pittsburgh Recrtliting office. .leanne been stationed at Lin~oln, Neb., that wns formerly employed as a Nurses' he has been transferred to Chanute Aioe at Mel'cy hospital, Pittsburgh. Field, Ill. i PFC .lay Meneely, who is stationed Fourth Tech, Lee Reynolds of Camp at Indiantown Gap, spent the last of Polk", La., is spending a lo-day fur- the week at the home of his parents I lough at the home of his father, Gear- 1<11'. and Mrs. Lawrence Meneely of, ge Reynolds of Langeloth., and wHh Pittsburgh stl"eet. his sisters and brothel"S here. I . 2nd MCC O.5borne Seagle. who hn;s PI'iv'ate John C. Turkily, Jr., has been stationed at Rho~le Island, al'n- i been transferred from Paris Island, ved at the home of IllS parents, Mr. I N. C., to New Riv.er, N. C. His and Nfl's. A. C. Seagle of Dinsmore wife, Mrs. Naomi Giesey Turkily of avenue, Tuesday. where he will spend: Fmncis MIne joined him at New River a. nine-day ful"lough. . . this week and expects to remain there Ensign Hem'v Hellm<,rf' t<,l('phoned for the. present. .Tohn's nnother, Mrs. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Turkily, Sr ..• of, ..Bulger. acc,ompanied Hellmer'S of Langeloth last Sunday Naomi and 'will visit her son there fl'(Y:U Norman, Okla., U.S.N.A.C.S. this week. . where he i" nnw "tationed. He ~Tad- Seaman Victor Cagnon, with the Hated from Indoctrination School at U. S. Navy at Bainbridge, Ma., is Tucson, ATizona on .1anuary 12. spending a furlough with his sister, WilTiam H. Miller of 428 South Miss Danton Canong'e, at Raccoon. Main Mrp.et has heen commisf'ioned n Seaman John Pendracky., with the S~nnd Lieutenant, following his grad-, U. S. Navy visited his parents, lIfr. uation from the T','elfth Officer Can- a~d Mrs. Albert Penrlrac,ky of Raccoon didate Cla~s. Medical Field Ser~'ice while on shore leave. School at Carlisle B:lrracks, Penna.

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 21, 1943 Edition With Our BoysIn Uniform Alexande"r McConnell, a member of the class of 1933 of the Union High S<;hool, now residing at Long Island ~ New York, has enlisted in the SkI Division of the Mountain Troops for military service and is waiting to be called to camp. He is a member of the Sammy Kaye Orchestra, New York City, being a graduate of the Juilliard School of that city. George A. Dugas of Slovan, hav~ ing successfully com!pleted his thre.e months course at the Air Forces OffQ- cer Candidate School at Miami Beach, . Florida, has rec,eived his commission as 2nd Lieutenlllnt in the Air Forces. of the Army of the United States. .. vl'(l has been received by Mr. and His duties will be to direct vital ad- Mrs. Fred Schulte of Langeloth that ministrative. and supply operations of. their son Robert has arived safely in the rapidly expanding Army Air India. He is a mechanic in the ail" Forces ground forces, thus relieving corps. Robert attended Union high trained pilots for full t~m!e flying school and priol' to army service was duty. employe(] in the Acid department of the American Zinc and Chemical Private George E. Riggle, who is Company. stationed at Olmstead Field, Mid- dletown., Pa., spent last week. end Private Clyde Big!!,er has been with his wife, 1\lrs. Victoria Hutch- transferred from Fort Jackson, S. C. inson Riggle of Bavingtoll Road and to Shreveport, La. with his parents at Aliquippa. Private Joseph G. Cook has com- Joseph Pikulski, son of Mr. and pleted a course for aviation mechan- Mrs. Pikluski of Raccoon has just ics in Philadelphia and has been heen commissioned from Sergeant to tarnsferred to WiIliiUlls Field. Chand- 2nd Lieut. at Ft. 'Benning, Ga. and ler, A.rizona. tl"1ll1sferred to a carnp in S. Carolina. Mr~. Thomas Hutchinson of the He is now spending a fu.rlough with I Bavillgton Road has received news his parent., a.nd wife. that her son, Thomas who is on Carl Filippopi, stationed at Dale! duty. with the armed forces in New Mabry Field" Fla., has been pro- Guinea has been promoted to Techn.i- moted to Sergeant. He is with the <'al Sergeant. Air Corps. Fifth Technic;]1 Donald Malone, Captain RobCl.t Stottlemeyer, who who is stationed at Indiantown Gnp lIas been stationcd at Camp Pendle- spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. ton, Va. has been transferred to and Mrs. R. V. Malone of South .Main Camp Davi's, N. C. Captain and street. Mrs. Stottlemeyer spent last week gnl;ign Ray Smiley of New York end with relatives in Burgcttstown City spent the latter part of the and Langeloth. week at the home of h.is parentS,Mr. Nicholas Rodriguez, son of Joseph and Mrs. E. 'E. Smilej' of -Bulgcr and Rodriguez of Langeloth has been en- called on friends here, Sunday. rolled in an aviation mechanics Ray Bender who is 'Stationed at course at the Army Air Field, Amar- Fort 'Eustis, Va..• spent a three day illo, Texas. He will spend several 'furlough .with his parents MI'. and months in training and upon comple- MI's. L. W. Bender of Hickory street. tion will be sent to one of Uncle Lieutenant David Salmon, brother Sam's air bases to do his part in of Mrs. Tomlinson of Langeloth has keeping America's "Flying Fortress- left Hondo, Texas, for foreign duty. es" harassing the Ax_i_s. ••..••••. He is a navigator on a flying fortress.

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-February 11, 1943 Edition With-Our Boys In Uniform j Joseph Nairn of. Wa.ynesburg has been promoted to CO'rporal and has bee~~,transfered to the University of Kentucky, wher he is studying Geo- <.Iedic Computing. First Lieutenant Ray G. Adams, who is the second highest ranking commanding officer of his Battalion, writes his mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Joffre that the the song, "Where the Coyette howls and the blows free" is an ex- act descriG)tion of' his present loca- tion. Ray's baLtal.ion has been on Pfc: -John. Pompe, son of Mrs. duty in southwest Texas. He and . Mary POnljw.;' East Market street, other offie.ers of the Battalion were 'hal;' returned to Camp Polk La. recently commended by Superior offi- a'fter ~n'milin'" a fifteen day. fu'rlough cers for the fine work the Battalion: with his family, has been doing. Lieut,. -George Duga!>, who was P FC Ja.y Meneely who is stationed called horne la~t week to :attend his at Indiantown Gap spent the 'week grandf.ather's funeral, has returned end at the home of. his paren ts, Mr. to AlbuouerQ\.le, New' Mexico. and Mrs. Lawrence Meneely of Pitts- . Corporal Nick Hollick of CarT'iP burgh st. Lh':ingston, Louisiana, r~nt1y sppnt Mrs. Ruth Tenny;;on Malone, spent a. ,short furlough with his mother, Reveral days last week with friends Mrs. Cathel~ine Holl.ick of Hudson in Gary Ind. Her husband, Pvt. i;trp~t ext"'nsion. Gaylord Malone, who is stationed at Edwn.l.d Wojcik, F:lIe of the United Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., visited Stntes Navy, son of Mr. and Mr". with her in Gary. W.~lt",r Wojcik of Slovan, recently Joseph CIarl" son of Mr. and Mrs. spent a short furlough with' his p~r- Joseph Clark of Bulger, who enlisted ent~. lqj h:'l!'ij~l'st completed a course in the Air Corps last December left in nies"J F:n"'ine.."at the Univer."ity February 18 to rSurveying of Field Artillery at formerly of Bulger, reported fnr dutv Fort Bragg-. N. C. Boh "'ft for sen'- as an Air Cc'ldet at Miami, Fla., o~ ice two weeks' a"o ",.].th'a eOllt;;ngent Febl'lla.l")' 19. .John is a gra.duate of from (}l'Ove City College. Of his first U. H. S. class of 19H. da~'" in camp, he sa~'" he did K. P. : Pvt. George Nicola of Atlasburg, out\' anrl one whole ni,

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-, 1943 Edition With Our Boyshi'Uniform Sergeant Dwight L. Ralston has " sent his mother Mrs. T. F. Ralston of Burgettstown, R D. 1, a clipping fro..'l1a Delhi •. India newspaper •.dated December 3.1.,. 1942, telling of the bombing of Ba,ngkok by the large3t

force of United States heavy bombers Private I James L. Henry, son of ever to attack a single area in the Mr. and Mrs. France Henry. of 28 CBI theatre successfully. Dwight par- Main street has completed' a 17, we!l'k ticipated in this. attack and states course at Keesler Field.Miss"ln 'the

it wa~ one of the longest trips made maintelUllnce 'of B-24 , < 'LiberatOrE., in this war. The clipping tells that largest comhat. bombers '11sOO:todilY~by bombs were rained on tile naval dock- the irmy .Air Force~. Henry; is ,now yard, main railroad station arsenal awaiting aSRigllll)enL,toa, tactic'al unit and Donmuang airport in the l3aJng- of ''til'e''Al'lIi,v"A i'r Forces. kok area. The total distance of the I Capta,in a'ild:Mrs.' Lee B. ,Martin of , flight was longer than a single trip I Alexandria Va., spent the pact ,wee-k from New York to 'San Francisco. at the home of their parent!> here. The Delhi newspaper SlaYS,"The Mrs. Christine' Napolitano and raid was a good warning of what the Miss Evelyn Pompe spent last week Japs can expect when the United Na- end at Williams'hum, ,Va., where tions ta,ke over airports closer to the they visited the former's husband, lap mainland. Young American air- Attilio Naoolitllno and the latter's men, such as those who participated flanf'e, AI~x Steta.r, last week end. on this field are fairly itching to go Attil.io and Alex have received orders further afield." to leave for an unannounced destina- "Word has been received by Bennie tion. OzLmem that his brother, Walter is Mr!; Mary Allison of Market street now stationed at the U.niversity of has learned that her son, 'Private l'ennsylvania in 'Philadelphia. Wal- "Billie" AlliRon is Conll'ned to the ter is a Na.vy Aviation Cadet. He harraclm ho<;pital at Ca,"!',p Howze. gl'uduated from Union in 1940 and , Texas. Billie. who wa,; inducted four was formerly employed in the Acid we"ks 'l.JTO.i" suffering- from an at- Department of the American Zinc' tack of grippe,. He was in ,one of Chemical Co. Walter e.nlisted ii Oct. the fil"t I!TI}\lPS of soldiers to be Rta- 19.12. tionpel at- Ga,mp How'.,e, a new camp. William A. Proudfit:. son of Mr. and He is with tlH' Infantry. Mrs. W. R. Pl'oudfit, 79 Center Ave. T,jPutell."nt Thadeus Dodils, who is was recentl v com:llj,~Rioned a Second with the Marine-<;at Quantico, Va. is Lieutenant in the United States Army sppp,lin!!'this week at his home in Air Forces after comple.ting the Av,ia- Lan;,'cloth. tion Cadet training course at Scott Clair Renole, ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Field, III Lieutenant ProudOt has' Ben Rppole has bel'.n promoted to heen transferred to Baca Raton, Fla. S"r,:,,""nt.. H~ i<; with the Q. M Re- where he is taking an advanced tech- fri"e~>Jtor' Company at Camp Bland~ nical tra.ining course. inC'. Fla. Alhel"t J. Dugas has 'been transfer- prj,."tp. T.,ponarrlPikulslct with the red from ~liam i. Fla.. to the, Amer- TJnitpr! ,State~ Army in Massachu- ican A.ir Force Collerre Training div- set." i", 'RP"JJr1.ine-a 10 day fnrl(}ll!!h ISIOn, Gainesville, Fla., where he wit.h hi<;;,narentf\. Mr.' and Mrs. will take a pre-Fligllt traini'ng for ~he George PiKulski at R.,;.:a:.:c,;;c.:;.oo,:.;,n;,;,;.'_~_ .••..•_ next few months. G__ ---""""-~----

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 4, 1943 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform Leo D ellapiaia of Bulger has been promoted to Ser.geant and is entered in the Officer Tra ining Course at Camp Santa Anita , Cal. Private Edward Florio, son of Roc­ co Florio of At,lasburg wa s graduated last week a.<; a n .airplane m echallli

Mrs. T. P. Weav eT o'f ·cherry Valley. 1· They l eft '0-TI Mtmd-a-y ro.r Scribner, Neb. , wher·e BHl 'h-as 'b'een transfe[-red l from Si'onx 1C1'ty., ~·a .. -- · \ ----V_ .. . I

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 11, 1943 Edition Corporal Michael Yaks.ic write'l he lias been transferred to the Na.val Re~ ceiving Station at Nm•fol k,, Va. He· With Our Boy-sIn Uniform I met. Nick Cherok of Atla

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 25, 1943 Edition Steven Stricko, who enl ~s t e d in the Na vy in D e-cember, h as returned to 1 With Our Boys In Uniform his base a t Gulfport, MLss. , a fte·r Mr. and Mt·s. A. C. Seagle of v i s itin~ his .s1istea- and brothet·-in­ l aw, Mr. and Mrs . Hobert Caldwell Dinsmore avenue h ave r eceivecl 'word or n ea:r Eldersvil1e, of the safe atTival of the·iT son, Os­ borne C. Seagl e M. M. 2/ c in West Mr. 'a nd ·Mrs. Andrew Balogh, Sr. Africa . of Raccoon, h ave. received word that Mt·. and Mrs . Adre w Balogh, Sr. their son Air Cadet John Balogh is of Raccoon h ave r eceived word .that st ationed, in Nashv.il.l e , Tenn. a nd t f).eir son. . Air Cadet John Balogh is that their son Priva te C ha rles Balogh i.._.ationed in Nashville, T enn. , and i f' now at J efferson 'Barracks , Mo . , heir son Priva.te Oharles Balogh is Their son And1·ew Jr. is a t P ende l •1ow a t J.e.fferson Barracks , Mo. Their t on Field Oregon., and J oseph is at J -on, Andrew, Jr. , is at P endleton Camp Savage , .. Field Oregon and Jos.eph is at Camp F 3-c Fra nk Longevit.ch or the United S avage , Minn. States Navy, who was st ationed, at Mrilj. Austin Stud.a h as received Newport, Va. , is spending a n eleven word of the safe arrival of h e:r hus­ day furlough with his pa r ents , Mr. ba nd P . F. C. Austin P. Studa at an a nd Mrs. Frank Longevitch of Main unknown destination . St. , Whfle at home , Seam an Longe- 1 Aviation Cadet H arold H . Pinder, v itch received dela.yed order s to re­ son of, Mr. John Joseph Pinder v rR. port to R ichmond , Va . wher e h e w ill F . D . 1, Burge.ttstown, has been a ttend Motor Maohini•s.ts School. graduated from Moody Field, Georgia Sergeant Donald. Kov'ich of C amp Anmry Air Forcecs Advanced Flying Butner , N . C. spent a couple of day'S School. Cadet Pinder is now a Sec­ w ith his par ents , Mr. and Mrs . Mil­ o nd Lieutenant. in the Un ited States e tin Kovich or Baird St. Army Air Forces. Pl'ivate Waltl€r Wysocki o r the Mil­ The class of 43-C to w h ich L ieuten­ itary Police Battalion, San Francisco a nt Pinder was assigned represented viFited with his family during the the l a rgest group of Arnrer'icml stu­ past week. dents to be gradua ted f.rom Moody M1'S. Tony Zelemko left Tuesday Field since the b eginn ~n g o.r the Unit­ morning for El P aso, ·Texas, w h e.r e ed Kingdom Oying training progr aJTI Bh e ·will join her Iursband, Lt. Tony i n this country. The 1: a~t.. United Zel enko. Kingdom cadets wer e ·graduated last Pvt. Gaylord Malone who is st a­ month and the student 'f'liers are now I tione d at Richmond , Va. , spent s•ev­ e ntirely American. e:ral da,ys last week with his wife, Mrs. R . W. Wakef1 eld., grandmoth­ Ruth and his par ents, Mr . and Mrs . e r of Frank W. Darke of Floren ce, J R . V. Malone of So. Ma in St,. h as t·eceiv.ed word of l1I s pTomotion to I Pvt. Elmet· Ze igl•er who is station­ Private, First Ch1s« a t the Army Air ed at F ort George Meade, Md., visit­ Corps Fi'eld at Gul rrr; aunt, Mrs . Willa. Biddl e 1 John Save-r,, 2,1, son of Mt·. and l a ~t week . Ji.mmi E' .pR.ssed hds physical Mrs. John Saver , Elder'Svill€r, P a. , is :'l nd r eoor t•e.d for duty this week at now qualified to serve as a.n el ectri­ , 0. · cian aboard one ·or Uncle SaJTI 's mod­ e rn warships . He rw a;q gr.a..duat€d r e­ cently from the Na val Tra ining s.cthoo1 on the ca mpus of Iowa State College a t I

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April!, 1943 Edition MrS:' P 11ilio JoReph's fi rth t>rothe•r, who I'esides tn Pittshurg.h wi11 ente~· ~ ith Our Boys In Uniform . th<> <>ervice' this month : I M1·~ . :Jane' Dan·a.s Palin l eft on Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tu:llJno of Bell • WPrlne;;cll!.y · f<"r · Mom·oe, Louisiana., avenue Teo,eived a telegnam yester-1 whPre 0 •hP will onend sorr~ time wit-h day from theiT son, Technnical Ser- I hPr hu s b~tnd, AViR.t;inn Cadet John R,. f,reant David Tunno .telling of his ar­ p,.Jin, who i ~ st;,,tioned a.t Selman rival at Miami, Fla. Dav.e, one of · Fi"lrl, whPJ'e . he is stll(lyin!! n Rvi e-11- Burgettstow•!JJ'S outstanding heroe.s, of t inn. .T I! ,"k ,,·as r Pcf'ntlv tr ~ n o f PlTed the present war has been engaged in frn·"' Na~hv.ille ', ·Tenn.· to Lonicii<'ml. forei.g.n serv.ice tor several months· It 'T"h fl ]3.. E. R. l'lnb i« i·n r e,.Pint i>: blieved that he has recently bee!ll oF n r ec~''1t lPtte,. fr0m p,·iv;,tP John located in the African theatre or war. Sl0Rn sorn P•w here in A•uotl'il lia with His parents anticipate that he will tho A. Fi. F . Jack th11nkR · the spend the Easter holidays here, cJnh fnr thrPp, c;,rt<'n.« or Cit'lll'ettes Mr. and Mrs. W. & Rush o.f Cen­ <~nrl .,,v ~ .. "You f>:<~ . n have no idea how ter avenue have .receiwd a ,recent '-''"n'~prful 11 pack of American cig-­ letter !'rom their son, Li·euil:enant < Vir<'" ini'l, R"'ed of Finiln>flll evening, about 3 in·c hes.. I have nvr' nn<> 11nd M•'1'l. flPOrge ':VillinM•oll bee!l'l very bu.sy lately a;roullld t'he 1camp or Mid:w<~v !'.'o~'nt l;,.ot wePk end in and am fixing my tent upc I dry 'T'n]n, -~..... 0 ., vioiti11!! tl1e l atter'!'< son, c leaned my shi1rt l a s.t H[gihit w;i'th :g:a.s­ C,r- nr~e .Tc •• who i ~ :.-> ·n. i!Vifltion cadet oHne, it's not. ratioiDlced h eT-e.. J'm go­ s tnr]Pnt at TolPrlo Univer~~.t. ing to get ·out 'the. \\r.a.s h 1JO'a1rd to­ p,,,. A1·t:hur C,ook who is otat..ionNl night a nd do :mtY ow'Jil washing., not ;:Jf li'"r.t T("nn'x, Kv., Sf!Pnt. t'J"lA wPP.l( many conveniences h e'!'e.. !f haven't f'nrl with hi<: Ri~t"T'o. Mr>< . Fr~>•·h ert had a hair cut si.n·c·e I l eft tl1e states. Crom,"J' nnil Mr•· 'Vil'li.~. rn P.. MillP·r. 1 have my .t·ent pnt'ty w-e11 'fi'lred up,. P vt. Dn , n 1 ~lrl Mn.l one who i,:; sh- J I have a good tloor., a ·d.<•ror., a tab1e ti,.,nor] Ht Tndi qntn·wn Gall Rne1nt tl' e made out of packi'l'lg boxes 'for a desk, Wf'f'k f'n(l ~. t tn p hn'l)'lP or hi >; 1>:->rPn to some three iegged stools l m;li!e O'l'lt :v•·. flWl Mrs. R. V. Malone of South of trees and logs, a table I ma.doe out Jlfo i'l St,. of log,s , a wash s't.nrl can for a tea ketHe., a 10 gallon o.ll ]l. .fro. na·,...·,.fl TJ , · 'Villiarn.onn nr Mirl­ drum t'or dii'ty wa.sh water, a 5 ga1- wnv. h " ~ pl'!~· ~ed ""fl.rnin·n.tion:t John A nthonv sic for ages and I could use a good Bnlo•'l'l',. son of .M'1·. and Mrn. Ano•·ew Bll.lo c; h nF Joff,·P. , i• now enrolled ll.'i port11ble radio-~ ' Pvt. J ay Meneely of JndiaiJlrtown an av i ~. t.ion NTOPt in the Armv Air Gap, spent ·the week end a t the l)qm-e Fo•'"~'l !'\ P ro .. li'li ·ho"l for Pilots of M s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.'l..w- j at Mll.XWP1 l FiPlcl, lnca t Pil on t"" nnt-­ -n:nce Meneely of Pittsbu-r..::-11 St.. f Alnhn,....,n. · Honed at I11<1'ia,'ntown G~ op spent' the ; (;n.r1 ot. R ~ lo ~ h grnilnated Fr()ln week end at the home· or his pa r ents : Tl nion Hi£Yh ~ . n , h oo l, cl R.o<: nf 1 0~7. here. H n wnn ]pfto•· <: Rnd a warcll'f ror b.i s Sf{t. Sign·nnd J.ay1ock is SPf!ndip P-· plCJ vi·n cr o f fonthAH. a 20 day ftrrlough a.t the home of P.F'.C. Eurr e ne 11. 'T'rn' . ~ "' "i ha.« lti.f' pa rents here. He.· ha:> spentthe """C"hs in the Cfina.l Zne. the Army A rlmini R t~·At:hn Sr'll"" l .F.n­ On his returri he will be stationed at Ji'd ierl P.ra nd1 No. 6 l o~ a t e d. at Hunts­ Camp Livingston, La. ville , Tex ~t~. and l!l'Mlu a t R

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 22, 1943 Edition CorpiJral E cJ.wa.rrl Sciarnmnna of Slo­ Wilh Our Boys In Uniform van has been tr.f\ nsferred from Scott F ield , Ill. to Lubbock , Texa.s. Auxi'l iary , First Cla:ss Caroline Priv.a.t e Delbert W . C1 a.i r is spe.nd, Pirih, daughter of Mr.s •. Mary Piri:h , ing a 14 dny furlough with his father· of Burgeutstown has been trans ferred Ge01·ge Cl air or Burge.ttstown. Del­ to the Fourth Women's Army Auxil­ b ert has beren i.n. the service for ei,g ht iary ,Corps a t Fort D ev~ms, Mass. month's and is stationed with the from the Army Adminis trat·ion School m edical corps at Oamp Wh ite,. O!re· at Nacogdoche's, Texas. She is• p-a rt Sergeant Charles t'tohinsc[Jlr, who is ' of the personnel which wi!ll. op e rat~ s pending a 20 day furlougl:\ l),t h is this post as a training center for new 'h ome a.ft•er several months in Trilllli­ r ec:ruits. ­ Malone , thrut he is well and busy and uates of Union H igh schooL bound for an unknown destination. Ensign Cecil Me:ster has jttst com­ Sgt. John Simiith , who served with pleted four weeks' can i-er training on t he A. E . . F. in· P anama and Trini­ the Wolverine at Gl ien view, ILL and d 'a.d (or the past two and a hal.f years i~; spending a t wo week's l eav.e wi.th vi&ited with his sist ~r. Mrs. Joseph his pa r e nt.~ , Mr. and Mrs. Charle.s Schilinski of Hudson. street for ti've Meesotm· of Langeloth. "T eoe ts" l'le>­ cays. At the1 termination of his 21 ceivecl his wings .8.t J acks 001ville , day furlou f! h , Sgt . Smith will report Fla . , on J anuary 2'6 a nd is qualified to to Mi ss i ~.s ipp · where he will assume fly S. B. D-'s H e will report .' to the . new dut•ies. Navy Air· Base at San Dilego, Ca l. on ' Pfc. John Kurtz , who· is stat io.ne d May 25. i w ith the Medjcal Corps a.t Galena Corporal Ralph C. Hill, so~J of Mr . I F ield. Spokane, Wash . visited with a nd Mrs . John Hill of Cente·r nven ue , I b is s ist e:r Mr s ~· J0bn Majernik of H.r ld-J is attending t•he Officers' ·Trainin g­ s on Street, T u . esd~ . , _· _.fl .,. School at Fort W a.~.h i n g to : n. . Mel . na.loh was formerl y w i-th the Milita ry Polic,e Batltalion a.t Norfolk, Va.. Mrs. . G. E. T om. l i n ~ o n of Lan'-'e loth h as rece•ive•d word of. th e sa.fe a rriVlfiJ i n Chin fl. of her brother, Lieutenant Davi{! Salmon .

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 13, 1943 Edition James Voris, 1.9, son of. Mrs. Heled Voriniki's , Box 83, Atlasburg, Peam­ With Our Boys In Uniform sylvania, was rp~omot1ed to the petty o fficer rating of Fire Cont;rolman, A IC Joseph S. Caplan, son of Mr. third cl1ass , upon graduation from the ancr Mrs. Lou CaiJla.n of 54 Flotence Service Schools at the U. S· Naval Ave. , has entered t,he A11m1y A.ir '£'raining Station at Great L akes, Ill. Forces Technical School at Ya.le Uni­ Included in a class of 658 m.en who versity, New Haven, Conn. , where completed 16-week courses in various . he will undeirgo in.tensive training Navy trade·s, he is now qualif.i1ed for active duty at sea or ashOTe. 1 pointed toward his bec,oming a ~ech­ Pvt. MahJon King statSbned at In- · nical office.r in Aircraft Maintenance cliantown Gap spe nt a 3 day f.uriough J Engineering with the rank of s·econd at the home of his sisters, Mrs. lieutenant. Do\v' rrey and Mrs . Harre.JI of LaJ1ge­ Courses he wiU take while1 station­ loth. ed here wi.Jl incilt1de th.e p1rin.c"iples of j John Stewart of _the United S.ta.tes ai'rcraft construction and operation­ Merchant Marine , just returned from He wi11 learn, how to repair, main­ war servic.e in Tunisia, Spent the · tain and inspect airplanes at adva11Ced wee]j: end with Paul Caii:n,an of Church flying fi elds from which planes set street· John a nd Paul were ciass­ off on their comba.t missions and mat.es at Bethany college. Stewart where the only fac1iHt.i'es avatlable has had a varied experience since may be hand tools with possibly a few entering the Merchant MaTine and poTtab1e machine tools . ha$ covered a wide territory. He re­ After beij1g commi'ssioned, Aviation cently _was within ten degrees of the Cadet Cap·lan, U. S., will ha.ve com­ . mand of a creiw of enlisted men who ·\Villiam Senczyszyn, 21 son of rM. have been trained at other Army Air Mr. and Mrs· Michael Senczyszyn ofr Forces Technica.I TTaining Command Burgettstown, gradu.a.t:ed this week S eihools as specialists in a.ircraft :mre­ from a course in aircraft engines con­ chanics. With his crew he will< be ducted by the Amy Air Forces Tecb­ charged with the execution of all air­ nfcal Tainin•g Command at the Wright craft maint:enauce assignments that Aeronautical Corporation at Pater­ t he tactical outfit to which he may be son, N. J. lj.ttached demands. Sencyzszyn, who had previous.ly Lieutenant Ray Adams, a former pTaduat,ed from an airplane mechan­ ics sr.hool in th·e· AAF Techcnicg] emp.Joye1 at the CHmax is spending a 'I'ra.ining Command, has been promot- furlough with his parents in Rac·coon . ed to corporal in rfo'rngnition of his Ray is stationed with an auto weap­ aptitude for s.pe0ialized technical ons batta.1,ion a.t Fort Bli'ss , T'ex, work. Only men who receive grades Private John Kluchanoviir1h of Slo­ well above avera._ge in general alert­ van- is stationed with a Tank De­ ne'Ss and me~ha . nica.l aptitude tests stroyer Battalion at Camp Hood Te1x. am selected for technical trainine·. He entered the 'service with the Ap·ril SenczvS7.yn, a gradnate nf U"ninn selectees. hio:h schno.I, W"" a. tonl a.nd die work­ er for the the Ford Motor Compa,ny Seaman John Turner who is 'sta­ l10fore his · inrlnction Nov. 7, 1942 tioned in New Jersey spent the week Hi'l hrother, Mike, is also in: service. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Af.t<»r ek·ht weeks or basic training A· M. Turner of F101·encrnto·r, Pilot, or Bombar- I ten day furlough with his pare-nt.s, dif"r and. af~P.i· furth·e1r training as an I Mr. and Mrs· W. lL Proudfit of Cen­ .Aviation Ca.det, will ·be a.warned the ter A":Ve. :::ilve win.gs or the Arrnv Air r .orns. · P11 g·h starred' on the footba l.l team Pfc. ·Robert Yolton who has been fnr two vPars!l :rnd. graduated from stationed at Fort Louis, Wash., has Union high in Hl42. been transferred to Campi Hood, Tex. P !'l u]. iR t11P son of M~- .. Jna G .. where he is attending 'a Tirnk De~ Pue-h who resides at R. D. 1., Bur­ stroyerl A.t hi"' . horn" i1; _f.~:n 1 ilY~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slovan. Joe has been serving on a P. T. Boat in the Atlantic.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 20, 1943 Edition Corpora.I Fred S•:nlith, im a r e-assur­ With Our Boys 1.nUniform ing Mother's Day m essage to his moth­ e r. Mrs· Fred Smith of Ten an street Nick Rodriguez,, son of Joe Rodrig­ tells her he is weJ.J, eating v·ery good Yez of Third avenue, Lrung eloth, h as food, gaining weright and liki ng his completed his course of studies as an army experiences somewhere in Afri­ avi:ation mec,hanic· in the Army A;ir ca. Fred celebl'ates one year of Ar­ Forces ·Technical T1·aining Command my JHe today, (May 27.) He ·appar- a t Amarillo, Texas. e;rntly is near a Po·rt City i'll Africa His graduation f'r0l'1l• this technical a nd wr1tes in .glowing terms of the school now fits him for air;plane ma.in­ beautiful sc·en ery of the sun·ounding t Etnance and he will be sent to some country, particula.r.Jy of t1he moun­ a ir base where he will assist in keep­ t ice of the U· S. 0. He studies as an aviation meeihanic, he ha~ acC'ess to a U. S. 0. Canteen in ha:s been thorough1y drilfod i\IlJ mili­ a n8;ir by port· city wh e·re tary tactics and defense and a course receive free sandwiches and juice of physical tra.ining that has condi­ drinks, where there is enterta inment. tioned Mm to meet all requirements a,nrl mu$ic boxes tliat p'l ay American or an Americ•an soldier. son R"s. Fred says th·e se·rvice of the tr. S. Q . h elps f. imeric·an Doughboys Steve Mudr.e, S2 Vc son of. Mr· and a great deal. Mrs. P eter Mudre of Slovan, has been .granted .leavie followi·nrg co~p'.letion of H e writes, 'Glad to h ear o.f Bur­ his basic training at the U. S. Naval gett~ town seJ.lin g so many bonds, Training Station, Simpsa11J, N. Y. mother. I read in the Enterprise you ·were rme of the &ale"wom.en putting He is now eligibler for further as­ on the drive. " Fred keeps ll'P· on 1 sign.mient ·wh ere additional specialized horns town riews through trh e Enter­ instruction will be given1. Upon com- prise. 1Pletion of this next sterp in his naval career, Bluejacket Mudre may quali­ Staff Sergeant , Howa rd Buxton who fy for a petty off.icer r ating and will is station•ed a.t Fort Brn,g:g , North Car­ be available for assignment to a ship oHna w a~ c·a.lled home la.st week due o r a shore station· ' to the death of his grandmother, Mrs. F orres t Burns . H e spent a five Private Robert E· Cunningham · clay f'nrlomrh at the home of his sis­ writes his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ t er, Mrs. Mike Suica of Bell -Av.f'mue, man Cunn,ingham of Tope street of hjs a n~ his parent", Mr. and Mrs. How­ safe arrival in Australia. Bob enlist­ ard Buxton of Pittsburgh. ed Septembe1· 16, 1942 with the Engi­ neers. He says he likes Austrnlia Corporal R . p. McG.ree:or, who is with the Engineers at Camp Gordan, fi ne . Ga., is spending this week in Bur­ From somewhere _i n Iran comes a gettstown w.ith his wife, Mrs. J anet letter from co.rpo.ral Robert F · Fla­ Bail ey McGregor. Cornoral McGreg­ heflty, fo1rn1erly of Langeloth, stat­ or, t;he former music director at Un­ ing that "I am receiving the Enter­ ion hig h sc1hool has been r ec·eivi1w fa­ pri:se pretty reg ularly now. I receiv­ vorable comrnent on the work being ed a.II of the J anuary issues in the done by .Mrs . McGregor with the hig· h 1 past wee·k (May 7, 1943.. ) Next to a school musiC' oriranizations. Mrs· I Jetter from home, the Enterp1·ise is McGregor succeeded h er husband as the most welcome a1nd I have read and direc.tor of .rnrusic at the high school. re-read the copies, I have. It he~IPS me to keep in touch with activities Mrs. Kay Studa., SC'hoo.l nurse h as at home. I hope they ke.ep coming re.<\'lived worn that her hush:rnrl ' A ustin, h as been promoted to Ser­ to m;e ." geant. Anotin is with the M" r rli c~ l Gera.ld v. Critchlow of 515 W. 5th Corns in Jnrlki. and in. a r P~Pn t letter a Ye., La ngeloth, ~enna . has. ~een ~ro­ ho>'ie tells of livine: in a Hindll IH'lll' P moted f.rom private to terehme1an fifth recentlry taken over by the United grade in C

With Our Boys Burgettstown Enterprise-May 27, 1943 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform J Mr. and M1·s· John Dema.sa.l , Sr. of McDonald received wo rd their Eon, Private John DemascoaJ, Jr., who is with the infantry some·w here in N . Africa, has t een wo unded in action on :March 28, 1943. He enlisted in October 1940 and was stationed at Ft. Bragg, N. C. , until November 1942 when he w:as sh il}p.ed to Africa. John shipped to Africa. Demasca.l , Sr· is the local d-is t rict U. M. W. A. union organizer . Pri­ \·ate Johm, J r. is a neph ew of Jules 'Watlet, Sr·. of Racc'OOl'l . Private Hugh Pollan of Fort B .l­ voir, Va. , is spending a ten day 1'1 1r­ lough at the home of his p·a rent ~ , Mr. and Mr s. A. D. Pollan a nd Lis wife, Mrs . Minnie PoUan· Mrs . Charles Doerr left Wed!l'2° ­ fcr California to join h E•1· husband, Private Charles W. Doerr who is fit­ tending a Unive'rsity· Word b as been received that P "c· J. T . Davi s Jr. , son of Mr. 81Wl Mn. J . T· Davis of L " n ~e .lcth, h as arrived sal'el y ·somewheTe in North Al'fica. Corporal J. Clarence Wolre , who is stationed at Fort Bl i:ss, T exas, is spending a furlough at· h.is home here . 1 Jobn H ill of Center avenue vi <> ited i his s•m, Staff Ser g.eant Lvnn H ill at I Columbia, Mo . , seve.r al days last week. 1

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-, 1943 Edition . . . I Woodrow Strope of. near Eldersville., I hrrsband of Mrs. Helen Mel!'mon strope•J With Our Boys In Uniform and A_ndrew Ra.dacoy of s ,lovan !)us­ band of Mrs. Sophie Drazic-h Radacoy Corporal Joseph WYtko or U. S· Mar­ have enlisted' in the Mm·it.iiTie Serv·ice ine Corp., San Diego, Cal. spent, a five and left May 31,st -for basic tl'ainin.g. day fur.lough with his mother,, Mrs. They were formerly em.p.loyed at the Karolina Wytko, of Francis Mine-. Zinc pLant. Mrs. Ka.thryn Po1lack of Cleve•land, 0. , ·spent the week end at her home Serg eant Caspar A· Toth, son of with her brother, Cmporal Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Jo·s·eph Toth, Sr. of Wytko, and motheJ:, Mrs. Karo-lina Cherry VaHey l'ecently graduated from Wytko, of Francis Mirre. the electi·fcal course of the, Depart­ Private Robert Purdy, who is sta­ ment bf Enlisted Spiecialists rut the tioned at the Shenango Replacement Coast Artillery School at Fol't .Mon­ roe, Va. He was formerly employed Center at Greenvil.le, Pa., -spent a week end pass with his pai,ents, Mr. with the National l\iining Co. a1t Muse and Mrs. Ha.rold Purdy ofLange1oth · Pa. He attended Union high schoo.l Charles Leroy Fletcher, son of and enlisted in the Army, July 1941· He is now eligible to qualify for high­ :dr. and Mrs. Thad Fletch·er, 816 I ~J~hn street, Lan.ge,loth, recently er rank as a noncommissioned officer. graduated from the Aviation Machin­ Ensil!n Henry Hellmers, who has been visitinz his pa!'ents, Mr. and ist's Mate School at Jacksonvil.le., Mrs. H. HeUmers of Lanzelo.th, left .Fla., Friday by plane for the We~t Coast. He enlisted' in the Marlne·s Septem­ His new address will be %C· in C. ber 1, 1942,. and was sen~ to Par­ Pac. Fleet Post Off.ice, ·san Francisco ris Island, S. C., for indoctrinal Ct;lif. training before being transrerred to S 2/ c Michael Sherockman., a Ra-· the Naval Air Technica.I. Training d.io Technician at Pearl Ha.rbot·, has Center a;t Jacksonvi.lle., Fla. been tra.nsf.erred to ·Bii;mington, Flete~her is now a qualified aviation Wa~hington. 1 mechanic a.nd will pro,bahiy see ser­ Edward Lounder, a ·Signalman ·with vice with a Marine Aviation Detach­ the Naval Armed Guard, is spending m€1llt· a fiftee'n day furlough at hOI'TIIe after Pfc. Ro!!er ·williamson Da1·ke:, bE'in.g out to sea. He enlisted on nephew of .Mrs. Robbie Retzer of 514. Jt:ne 1, 1942. He has ju:st neceived Park avenue, Lfmgeloth, i~ a.utending b is 2/c Petty ,Officer stripe. the Enlist'ed Motor Mechanics Course l Sg-t. Robert Pla.nce of Camp Ed­ at the Int'a.ntry Sehool at Fort. Ben- 1 ,~·ards, Mass.; is spending a ten day ning, Ga. I furlouzh with his parents, Mr. and Pfc. Clyde Big-ger who is statio-ned , Mt·s. E(lward Plance of Main St· and with the infantry ao Desert Training : his wife, Mrs. Anna Malone.y Plance Cente'r, Arizona, spent a ten day t'lll·" ~f McDonald. Iough with· his m'lther, Mrs. Susan Bigger, of Sou.th Ma·in Street. Pt'c Harry Spertce writes his moth­ er, Mr.s. John Spence t1hat he has been . confined to the hospital at Fort Knox Ky. , recovering fmm pcr~eumonia, s·i­ IIus trouble and mrimps. Sergeant Ja.ck Pollon who is sta­ tioned at Indiantown Gap, spent the past week end with his p,arents of f;he Bavington Road. Corporal Hugh L. Po.llon SPIE•n:t the last week with his wif~ and, parent$ 1 of Ba.vington Road, Burgetts,town. His wire, Minnie \Vagner Pollan returned with him to Camp Davis, Wilming­ ton, N. C where he :s st tione ·

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-June 10, 1943 Edition

Jay Jackson, son of Mr· and Mrs. Oscar J ackson of Tel)]an street, and With Our Boys In Uniform J<'red erick Georg-e , son of Mrs. E've­ Technical Sergeant Thomas Hutch­ ]Yo Clark Williams of Rout;e 22. le ft inson, after 18 months way down un­ \Yeclnescl ay e' '-e ning, Ju.ne 30,, ' for .d.er in Australia and New Guinea, Cambrid!!P, Mass., where. they .wilJ walked in on his parents, Mr. and entPr training at the Mas~ac hu'lett s Mrs· Thomas Hutchinson of' the Bav­ Institute of Technology. .T.a ckson and ington road Last Frida.y morning on a Geot·ge are pre-med stud,ent,s at the surprise t wo weelrs visit. Hutch inso.n Dnivarsity of Pittsbm·.g:b atnd have en­ is to report with hi.s outfit, a bomb­ listed in the Naval Re·serve Corps. ing squad;-on at Salt Lake City, Utah W illiam Palin, a s.tucl€Jilt in Med i­ earLy in July. His b r.ide:, Margaret c a l School of the u"niversity· of Pitts­ Duncan Hutchinson, w.hom he mar­ l•ur!\'h a nd son of Snpe-rintendent and ried ·in Melbo·ume, Australia, last Mr ~ . John PaliJt of Francis Mine, was year, wiU join her husband la ter this inclncted into. the Medical Corps of the summer, when emigration pal).ers can United States Army at Fort George be secured· Meade, Mel., last week. Hutchinson has com~pl, ete l y recover­ Eugene Morgan who is stationer! in ed from an attack of Malaria, s.uHer- the Commissa1·y a.t Shenango Replace­ , ed in February, when he was in a n•ent Center spent the week end at haspit·al, pa.tient of Major Gr org·e ltis home in Ln,ngeloth. 'l'homass•y, son of Mr. and. M.t·s. G.L. Jo,hnny .E (L nnn.ce h as written his Thomassy of Elm street., Hutchinson J:>arents, .Mr. a nd Mrs. James Ean­ reports Thoma"lSy 0.s wen and very n ace, that he is -stationed wi1th the busy with the Medical Corps· Fie!Cl Artillery at Camp Bowie, Tex. Ensign Henil"y Hellmers, son of Mr· Prior to his induction on June 11, f1 and Mrs. Henry He.Jlmers of La nge­ f

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-July 22, 1943 Edition

I Lieutenant and ' Mrs. Charles Mes- Private John Andrnkanich i'l home 'th ou· rBoys In Unl'form I ter 0 f Jacksonville., Fla.. . visited from the African . and Sicili.an cam­ Wl their parents in Burgettstown and pa ig ns · weFtr'n~· two .m~eda.ls for rifle Langeloth. Lieuenant Mester is an shooting a.n d ;p.roficiency in machine Ensigns George Craig of B-an FI~a n- I instructor at the Navy Air School in gunnery. H e r ecently spEnt a seven cisco Calif. and Henry Hellmers vis- Jacksonville. He has been receiving day fnr.lough with Mike Andra ka nich ited 'recently with the latte•r's par-~ treatment at the Veteran's hosp.ital, at Fr:mcis Mine. Jol'n enjoyed r eceiv­ ents, Mr· and Mrs. -H,. B. Hellmers Aspinwall, for Malaria, which he in g the Enterp rise while he was st.a­ of Langeloth. The young m ~ n h ~ve I contracted when he was serving as a tionod in J\T.or'h A rr'ca /Uld Sic il'y . H e completed a course in a.ir combat lll- 1 pi.l.ot of a at Guadacanal· says the IRt ter place is fine if one can telJ.i.gence at Quonset Boint, !;· I. • ! Lt· Mester is reported much improved. speak Italian. : and en'jroye.d a .l(lave at Lang~lotl~, . .Mrs. He-len ':Villiamson of Ghui;cfi.-- Li e u -:-te_n_a_n:-t-F_N_a_I_lk--R- -u-sh-. -~-, h-o~h as ,. prior to reporting to the OtfflC'ers s street h as recetved word of th ~ pro- been on d'uty with the Engineers in T actics School at · Norfolk, Va. ' for motion of her n~phe~v. Kenneth . H. J t.h e Northwest for several month·s is future assignment. Scott, from Pnva.te to wendino· a Leave with his parents 1 ~echmcal Pvt· Richard D. Koethe, R· D. ' Corporal. He is now statwned at Mr. and Mrs. WaJ.ter Rush of Cente;· Buro·ett.stown, has completed the rec:- Camx> Claiborne, La., a.nd has been avenue. <>rd ~arkmanshi1p Course "B" with the in the service for four months .. u. s. Rifle,, Caliber .30, !"f-190·3 ·a ~ld Seaman 1, /c John Marsh of Wash- T ---V---- -has been awarded the nfle shaiP- ington, Pa. was the guest of Mr. a nd I shooter medal at C.a1:n'P Bowie., Tex. Mrs- Oscar Jackson of Whitaker street Chaplain Alfred W· Hubbard, 0 r <>n Sunday. John h.a.s just r·eturned Midway, has been pr~mo~ed to t~e from participating in the Sicilian rank of captain in the Umted States Campaign. He is a .gunner on a war­ Air,my. Captain Hubba.rd is on leav~ ship. from the ministership. of the Cen~er Pvt. Dale Y. Spence of Ft. Leonard United Presbyterian church of Ml?~ Woocl., Mo., is spending a ten clay fur­ way. Oaptajn Hubbard is. now. l1l long h with his mother, Mrs· Mar.gar­ Utah where he is recuperatmg, from Et S.pence·, and family of' Frankfort combat fatigue. Springs. Cpl. Ra];p1h Fiore,lli of the U · S. Pvt. Albert E· Luttrell of Center Marines, now stationed. at Cherry a venue is st ationed with the anti-air­ Point, N. C·, spent an erght• day fur- cra ft: artillery at Ca•m!P Edwards, l<>u gh with his parents, Mr· ·and Mrs. Mass. A. Fiorelli of B.urgettstm~ n, ~· D .. 3 KEEJSLER FIELD, Biloxi, Miss·, a nd sisters. Cpl. Fiorelli e-nl!.sted In A .11romotion to the grade of private the Marines one yea.r ago.· . . . . first class, as well as enrol.lm ent in Corporal Zairy Gatus visited his Keesler Field's B-24 Liberator l1omber sister, Mrs. Stella Dalverny of Bul- mechanics ~chool, was won this week ger. , b:v Pvt. George Joseph Lesko, son of Pvt. John Hla.vacek, of Indiantown Mrs. Mary Le-sko, of Burg-ettstown. for Gap is on sick leave at the hom~ of his high sSeabees at Willi-amsburg, Va., has been trans ­ ff'rre.d to Davisville, R . I. H e writes his fo1k s back home that he is sta­ tioned a t a really swell p.lace and is getting along fine· With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-September 16, 1943 Edition Joe DeNuzzio, S 2 / C, formerly of I S 2 /C John Pus,kar, spent a four Langeloth, has completed his basic day leave with his wife, the former Wi thOur Boys In Uniformrecruit training at the S am p ~ on Na- L aura U)lom of Washine:ton, Pa. , and .val T'ra.ining Station, N. Y., and has his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Pus- J Pvt. Leonard Pikulski, with the been granted leave. kar, Sr. , of South Burgettstown. H.e · u. s. Air Corps at Mi·ami, Fla: • is h s. Wihliam SPCP.n of Navy V-12. has just returned from overseas duty. spending a 10 day furlough with his Villnnova Colleg-e, Villanov-a, Pa. , is Cpl. Anthony Pus-ateri , who . is , pa:rents'," Mr. and Mrs. Pikulski at viy;~~ . cablegr-ii.in.: .i'rem their son, week end with his mother~ Mrs. Nwk I Llellltenant m the Umted States Na Sgt. · Jack Pollan, who is stationed GT"atchen at Raccoon. ., val Reserve. somewhere in England . . Pvt. Clyde Watton, Jr., of Camp Sgt. Andrew Sherockman of Bard Pvt. Brent E. Beaumont, son o.f custer, Mich . , s·pent a 10 day fur- · College, N. Y · , spent the holidays Mr.' and Mrs. B. E . Beaumont of lough with his paren~ s, Mr. and Mrs. at his home here. ILa ngeloth, ~as been .a:-s~gned to the Clyde Watton, Sr., m Raccoon. Pfc. Glenn Newman of New Orleans Army Speac1alized Trammg Program Pv:t. Herman Vermeulen of Camp La., spent a Christmas furlough with and ·is stationed a.t Fort Benning, Ga •.. Lewi'S, Wash. , spent a 10 day fur- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph wbere he is r ec.eiving his basic .train-. lough with his wife, in Raccoon. Newman, of' Cross Creek. ing. ' Sg.t. Gus Diamond has been trans- Sgt. Harry Lee, Marine Air Corps .S 1/C John Stevenson , who_ spent a ferred to the 405 Fighter Squadron at who is stationed at Cherry Point, N. ·5 day- leave w.ith his mother, Mrs. the Army Air Base, Millville, N._ J. C. ,.spent a 15 day furlough ~t his Bertie Stevenson, retnrned Thursday. Mr. and Mrs . Albert fl:OSBY received home in Cross Creek. His sister, C. M. M. Edward Wagner of New a t elephone c~ll that the1 r son Cha.rles Ann Lee, R. N., h as returned to st. York __spent Christmas Day with his with the Umted States Coast Gu ard Louis Mo ·after spending the holi- uar.ents, Mr . .and Mrs. George Wag­ has beeJil transferred to Fort McHen- d 't ho~e. _ neT, of Church street. He Tecently ry, Baltimore, Md. . a~si:e A P asquale 1g of R. D. 3 received his promotion to Chief Ma- s g t · Frank E:. Williams . wntes that Buro-ettstown· . · won ' recogmtJOn' . . as a' c h m1s" · ••... s ·M a t e. · he is well and 1s now statJO~ e d ·some- "qu:lified striker" for the rate of ma- S 3/C Hugh McGro!l'an of Sa:mpson, where in Italy .. He also srud that_ he chinist's mate, third ·c.lass -.in last 'Ill. Y.; has complet€4 his basic:tr.ain­ rec€ivoo early !~ Novembe-r, a Chnst - week's graduation ceTemonies held for ing and is spending a. furlough with mas box from h 1s mother, Mrs. John Service School students at the United ~is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Williams, of Raccoon. States Naval Training Station, Great Grogan, Sr. , of Cherry Valley. P vt. John S t on~r, f:omerly of ~an~- Lakes, Ill. I S 2/C Steve St.ani:sh or -t~e United loth is a a pat1 ent m the hospJtal at ----..... C!tates Coast Guard IS -SI}endmg a. fur- Camp Re0Jolds, Pa. His address for Staff Serg ea nt ~ Dwlght Ralston is laugh -with his parents of Cehrry Val- "riends is Ward 151. spending a fur)ough with his par- 1 ~ .y . A. S. Jay Jackson o.f Navy V-12, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Ralston, of Pvt. Clyde Watton of Camp Cus­ .L I. T.' Boston, .Mass.' is visiting Frankfort Springs. His brother, Staff •er. • Mich.' was called home to at­ ':lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sergeant Clark Ralston, was also "<>nd the funeral of bis grandfather Jackson, of Whitaker avenue. home for the holidays. This is ~ .the 'It Oakdale. Cpl. ..Chester Melton of Walker fi_rst time the brothers have seen each Se;t. Jos•eoph Balogh of New York, 'ield, Victoria •. Kansas, ~pent a 15 other in seven:al months. o:;.pent Christmas Day with his par- 'Y furlough with his parents, Mr. Benny Ozimek _of the Merchant Ma:- I . ' ' d Mrs. Mi·ke Melton, of Slovan. Iin Eis visited over the week 'end at h1s ents, Mr . and Mrs. Andy Balogh, of ;>fc. Francis P e.ter:::on, who is home in Langel'Oth. Raccoon. dying languages at St. Louis Uni- I Pvt. Mike Marcus, who is stationed i 1st Sergeant and Mrs. Nick Kli­ ~rs it y , was a caner at the Linn at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, I menko ol' Williamsburg, Va. , spent a 1ome on Hindman avenue, Christmas Pa., spent Christmas with his par- few days with the former's moth-er, J.Jay. t ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Marcus, of Mrs. Mary Trosky, of Slovan. A. S. Thomas Lee of Navy V-12 Bell Avenue. Cpl. Nick Vranges of Camp Hood, Muhlenberg College, h llentown, Pa. St•aff Sergeant Walter Budash, son Texas, has returned to camp after c;pent the hoJoidays with M.s .pareJilts, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Budiash of sopendtng a 15 ·da,y furlough with h.is Mr. and Mrs . J. R. Lee, of· Dins- Atlasbur.g, has been aw:arded a good parents, Mr. a nd Mrs·. Pete Vranges more avenue. conduct medal. Sgt. Buda:sh is a of Hudson street, Slovan. .A. S. Frank Rumhau?:h of Duke member of the Range Section, 1880th I J ack Rowland, who is stationed University, Durham, N . C.' and A. Service Unit, Ca:mp Polk. La. ' with th·e 's at Camp P eary, Va. S. David Rumbaugh, Navy V-12, of Ensign Elizabeth Ellias , nurse spent a 10 day furlough with his pa.r­ ·owa State College, Ames, Iowa. corps, U. S. N., daughter of Mrs. ents, Mr. · and Mrs . Thomas Rowland w ent Christmas Day with their par- Anne Ellias, Joffre , has reported for of Slovan. ent!5, Mr. and M1·s. Frank Rumbaugh dut;r_ in the NaV'al hos-pi tal at Farra- , : h of Harmon Creek. gut, Idaho. Ensign Ellias was com- ~rank Anzlov.ar ~f Slovan as re- Pfc. Robert Me. Ru·s,.ell of Duke lftssioned April 6 and served in the ce1ve~ wo.r~ that hJs son, Anthony, Uni-versity' Dur.ham' N. C.' and Nav:al haspital at Philoade•lphia. In who IS statloned ~t Camp Hood, Tex­ Mi ~ s ·Betty Jane Rus~ell of Sout_hern civilian life, she d'!d _private duty as, has been promoted to the rank of Seminary, are sp·end"ng the holidays at Mount Sma1, Noew York Sergeant. ----~- ~--~= .vith their parents, Mr. •and Mrs. R. ibr~------~~ ~u.ssc A' r-en•er avenue.

With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 1) Burgettstown Enterprise-December 30, 1943 Edition s 1/ C .Mike Burish is spen~j ng a J M~sses Evelyn Laurich of Burge t ~s - I' furlough with his mother, Mrs! An- town, R. D. and Betty Bo~d ?f Werr- ; na Burish, of S'lo:van. H~ · ha,s . com- ton, m e,mbers of the B~tnobc Club, fpleted Ms "-boot'; tr:iinitlg at Great Towsend, Md. e:qterta med 6 Ca mp-, Lakes, Ill. · · · Mewde soldiers at a ·Turkey dinner on , I . • . • j Christmas a-t the home of Mrs. R . S. I I Sgt. John ~chihqs~ ~~ New Or- Lowe of Baltimore, Md . Miss Laurisru l ' le~ns, ~a . . IS, spend1ng ~- a f!l ~loug~ was one of the firs t young wom,e.n :l· Iwith h1s _P_aren:ts, Mr . . and _ ~ from thi:s community to enter defense· 'AdoJ.ph SchHmski,_, of S_Iovan. work. She h as recently com!P leted I .Mrs. Ann Hallahan of Burgettstown-; three weeks course in the adV

dations or the home is 1free t6 the Is hip in the and at the Blue Jackets. Alex is reported to be ; end ot his leave will report -to< San convalescing nicely. I ;D ieg-o, Calif. for service with the Alex Evanosky , son o ~ Mrs. Rose , land forces. • '-, ~ , '. . of'!. l"t Evanosky of Atlasburg, has boon p.ro- I T Sgt. Max Guna, who ·iS· sta\'ioried\ rooted to Sergeant at the Transporta- l in Canada, is spending a 26 -day fur­ ., ion COI1JS Replacement Trairung Cen- Jiough_ at the hom~ of his parents, 1\fr, , ter at New Orleans , La . Sgt. Ev-a n- and Mrs. John Stebe or··stovan. -- \:>, osky was stationed at , I · Pvt. Josel!>h P . Pusater:i who -was Va . , and Camp Lee, Va . , prior to be- , stationed at FMiW, N. D . , ·spent a 1.0 : Iing assigned to N e·w Orleans in last :day furlough with his parents,_ Mr. Match. ~ e is . now serving as a basic j and Mrs. Sam P usateri, of· Bu_!g~t~­ 1 a nd techm® l m structor. -~town. . , ...... I Mrs. Naomi Turkily 10f Francis Mine Sgt. Joseph Novak of - SpOia~:e:. ' 1 talked by telephon: to her . husband Was'h . , spent a 15 -day furlough : ~.t:P ' ,Pfc. John C. Turklly, who 1s no~ .a his mother and ~i.Ster .or Jllova~ .. "-' i'" . Malari_a patient at the- Navy hospLtal _ S 2 / C Stephen Lat~o, ,son"' of .~ . San D1ego, Oal. John has seen ma ny and Mrs. Albert Latzo of Perth: Am-. :month's action with the Marines in boy, N. J., and :tormeily :9t Fr~ the P acific and _is hoping for a dis- Mine, lias · cO.lhi>ieted : his , i~t;; trafn-· . charge · in time to get home for Christ- i ing at Sampson, N. Y .. , and· has bei:m Im~:hn M. Figura of Bulger, Josepli Ig~~~d ~~v~~;t;~i· ~; '~~~ef~'Isl ::':;. ·' R. Ulik of Burgettstown, and Steij)h1e:n -. Calif. , spent a seven day furlough Swanik of Slovan are enrolled as avia- 1with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ tion cadets at Greensboro, N . ~C . _ , seph Bertini, ot__Martha street, . Slo- 1 Elrnest Watson Cadle of Hanhn Sta_-1 v.an. - _ tion has completed his "boot" ·t:Tain~ A. S. Jules Darras, Navy V- 1~ , of ing at the N.av.a.l training__ l>t-atitm, Northwestern · Univensjty, Evan:ston, ,Srunpson, N: Y...... - ' · Ill., spent the holidaJ

With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 2) Burgettstown Enterprise-December 30, 1943 Edition Pv:t. Joe Diaz of . · AngE>I Island, Calif., sT,Jent a 10 day furlough with With .Our Boys In Uniform his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. David Diaz .Miss !neue Glessner, daughter of of Langte•loth. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glessner of Pvt. Michael Hayden, formerly of Weirton Heights, and formerly of Slovan, i·s stationed at Ft. McClellan Burgettstown, has jo•ined: the WAVES Ala. and left . Wednesday for Hunter Col­ JI.'Jlna Bernatonis of Fra.nc·is Mine ll~ge, N:. :: Y., to .beginnn.y Pvt. Mario Borio of Ft. Knox, Ky. w,Hl cep.o.rt bacll!._ to New York to a.t- sp•ent an 11 day furlough with his 1 tend school. \ father, A. Borio, of Slovan. Sgt. Gus Diamond of Millville, N. Avi:ation Stud1:mt Charles D. Brown, J _, is spending a six day ft)rlough 18, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas B. with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Stan- · Brown, R. D. 4, Burgettstown, is r e­ lle 'Diamond of Main stree.t. c·etvmg h.is basic training at the Pvt. George Malek, son of Mr. an Nashville Army Air Center, Nash­ Mrs. G~orge Malek · of Bu'rgettstown ville, Te:nn. He is a. graduabe of Coal .' was surprised ·when his sister, Hickory High School. Miss J-earine Malek, who is now em­ Joseph Ra~. 26, son of Mrs. A..de­ ployed -in Detroit, Mich., arrived line Rag-o of 207 Oenter avenue, is at, his c~mp Christmas morning to stationed at Nashville, Tenn., where spend · fhe holiday with him. Pvt. he will r eceive his basic training in Malek is stationed at' the Marine Base the Army Air Forc·es . R:ago is a NeWLoor.t.: . . R. I. · At noon a turkey gradua te of Union High School. dinner .w11s served with M~ss Malek Ch aries Rossy, S 2/ C, U. S. Coast­ as gtiest of honor. The boys were Guard, who is stationed at Fort Mc­ o ~ duty ;;t.t the base on Chrustmas Day H enry, Baltimore, .Md., sp:ent the ,l;>g:t enjoyed a social time with the l week end with his .parents, Mr. and guest. . The afternoon wa'S s.pent at Mm. Albert Rossy, of Florence a.ve­ the P. X., dn playing games, s·ing­ nue. He al so visit•E icl at the hcl!lle ing carols, and the usual ho.liday of. his brother, .Mr. and Mrs . Ralph chatter. T'he day ended ·with a pra.y­ Ro;;sy, of Chester, W. Va. er of thanks and for a victorious New Cpl. Stanl'e y Roz.mus , who is with Year. the Tank Destroyers at Cam,p Hood, I ·Lt. H arold Pinder formerly of Texas , spent a t~m day furlough with Frankf.ort Springs now stationed in his parents, Mr. ahd Mrs . .Matt Roz­ England, recently received a sur.prise mus , of Slovan. visit from J:tis brother Joe. This was Pvt. -Jose-ph Tepsic, United States their. first meeting in more than a Marine Corps of Washington, D. C. , year and a half. Pvt. J9e Pinder went 'spent a seven :day furlough with his to England from Italy and knowing his I mother, Mrs. Mildred Tepsic, of , brother was their looked him up the Main street, Slovan. \ first chance he had. They' spent 18 Pfc.· John·C. • Turkily, Jr. is spend­ hours together and hope to vi!sit one- ing a 30 day furlough with his wife another again soon. I of R. D. 3, Burgettstewn , and "his ' Pvt. Domlld Ackman of Camp .Max­ p ar ents , Mr. and Mrs . John Turkily ey; Texas, telephoned his motheT and Sr. , · of Bulger. 1 father on Jan. 2. He also spoke to his Sgt. Charles Fletcher, U. S. Ma­ sister. rine C0!"1J'S, at Cher·ry Point, N. C.. spent a -15 oay furlough with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Fletaher, of 816 John Street La.n eloth.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 13, 1944 Edition 1 Mr~ : -Domonl<; Dellapina of Bulger, I With Our Boys in Un. . has received word of the .p.romotion · 11 With Our Boys In Uniform of her son, T-Sg t. Leo Dellapina, to ((jontinued from Page One) "' First Serge.ant. H e i's stationed at Ft. Pfc. Donald "Bud" Byw:aters who Lewis, .Wash. In!ESLER FJELD, MISS.-Pfc. is stationed at CaiDJP1Edw ards , Mass ., . Sgt.- Anthony Anzlov•ar of Camp Don<'illdi A. Prou<'fifit, son of Mr; and arrived at his home in H armon Creek Hood, Texas, is spending a fifteen Mrs. w. . R. Proudfit , 79 Center .Ave. last week end for a 7 day furlough. day furlough with his father, Frank Burgetff.~wn -was enrolle d this week Mrs. Anna· ·Burish has reCie,ived Anzlova.Jr and his sisters of Grace St. in the Keesler Fi•eld B-·24 Liberator word that her son, Mike of the Unit­ S!Qvan.. bomber n1\l.\chanics ' schlmoL ed States Nav·y, has been transferred Henry C. Lonski, 1.9, son of Mr. Pfc. Prt)udfit will be,gim the inten- to Savannah, Ga.. and Mrs. Michael Lonslti of Atlasburg sive Army A ir F o1·ces 'L'raining Com,. Philip McGivern, who recently· has received an advanced' rating after mand 17-week course in ai-rplane me­ completed his _ "boot" . tra,ining at graduating from Ship Fitter Sc·hool, C'ha,nics; su<"'.:ees.s ful completion of Sampson, N. Y., is now spending a Great Lakes , Ill. which will lead to h.is a:ssignment 1.2 day leave with his wife and chil­ Pfc. Ri{)hard McCommon of Camp either to active' duty on th'e' Jiime, ser­ dren ot Cherry Valle'Y. Campbell, Ky. , was a guest of 1\iiss vicmg and m

tioned in England. V- 1 _ wi-th his parewts, Mr. and Mrs. J ahm Milan M. Tomich, United States IS . Palihl of" Ji1rnncis Mine. , I Coast Guards, son of Mrs. Daisy ' Mr. an.d' .MfJ·s .. Albe!1t Rossy of Flo~~;­ Tomich of Slovan, has been trans­ ence av€nue ,. l!eeeived a lettex from ferred from Port Orford, Ore . , to their son1,. Rich-awd Ros,sy, S 2VC, Sea•-I Atla,ntic City, N. J . , where he will bee, who is stat-ioned on an island' l attend R1adio school. Milan phoned somewher-e iilothe South PaJCific, sa y- I his mother fr?m Pittsburgh _on ~on­ ing that he me-t ·a: boy from. hiSJ home d ay night enro·ute to AtlantiC C1ty. town, Adam S'a-rish. Both boys are Charles· F arkas has been .promoted to well and' send' ttllleir best to friends ­ Seaman 2/ C after com.plceting his boot back home .. trainin"' at Sampson, N. Y. Charles Cpl. Anthony Pusateri has returned is- spending a. 12 d-ay leav.e with his to Camp Hood, Texas, after a 15 day 1 m~th e r, Mrs. Charles Far.ka£, of furlough with hi's parents Mr. and Cherry Valley. Mrs. Sam Rusateri of North Main street, Burgett'st'e· was recuperating in Africa. Pfc. Orner Da ulllle t who is stationed at Camp Hood,, Texas, is _visiting his parents , Mr .. -and' Mrs. Om€r D a.udet -of :Burge tt ;; town ~. He .is.- home on-a 15 day furlough\. -

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 27, 1944 Edition Aviation Cadet: George .M:- Ath e1'ton 11 -=--v-·_·__ _ of 221 Center avenue, h as arrived at With Our Boys in Uniform With Our Boys In Uniform the A;rmy Air F()lrces Pilot School, Cochran Field, Macon, Ga.. Coch- S 2/ C James ·Tennyson spent the Pfc. John A. ,Skrz.yp of Burgetts- r an Field's facilities are devoted' to week end with his parents , Mr. and town is one of. th1e United States the secondary phase 'Of flight instruc- Mrs. Henry Tennyson of South Main Soldi ~ rs who {·ecentJly complet:ed a tion. Fr-om here these men are sent Street. James is studying to be a · combat swimming course in Britain to Advanced Schools in the Eastern signalman at Sampson, N.. Y. as a part: of the tra ining for the com- Training Center, for cources .in Pur- Pfc. Raym:ond Carter, who is sta- ing invasion of Hitler's Fo-rtress of suit and Bombardment. tioned in Georgia, is spending ·a short l!.urope. Soldiers taking this "swim- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davis of Lange- furlough at the home of his parents, mando" training, learned! among oth- loth r eceived a letter recently, from Mr. a nd Mrs. C. B . . Carter, of Cross erthings, to ju.mp fully clothed, with their scm , Cpl. Jesse T . Davis, Jr. Creek. steel helmet and rifle, from a 20- ·in which he said that he was back s 2/ C Betty J ane. Huber, who is foot diving board; to swim as far as with his outfit after having spent 3 stationed at Arlington F arms, Va. 75 yards under water with full equip- months in a _hospit':l. He mlso told spent a wee-k end leave with her par­ ment; and to plunge into a burning of a Bond Dnve ·Which the boys h eld ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Huber of oil -surface and swim through it. in Italy. His battery toppd all near- 1 - · . . s 2/ C Oscar Camp, United States by bat.ter:ies by purchasing $6,500 Cross Creek. . Navy, formeril.y of Raccoon, spent w6r~h of bond:s. 1st Lt. Angelo SP1anog1ans of Brad,­ Suil!day, with friends in Ra.ccoon. Lt .. Mary Vukas , Air Co riPs Nurse, ley F1e·ld, Oonn. • visited his wi-fe He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Camp who is stationed ·at Manchester, New and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. of Francis Mine. Hampshire, spen t Tuesday with he r I Huberd of Cross Creek over the week h f B parents Mr. and Mrs. Steve Vukas , en · Mr. and Mrs. John Pesc o o ur- 0 f Sl I Miss Dorothy So01tt of Church street gettstown, have received word. that PfovaJn.l S . "th th received word from her brot-her K en- . C"l Andrew Pescho is I c. o In cope 1' w 110 IS wt e ' th elr son' "'' · . ' United States Army in Kentucky is I neth H . Scott, t elling her t.h!at he with the Army somewhere m Italy. spending a' · 10 day furJough ·with ' l11. s was promot ,e d f rom th· e ran k o f c or-\ A1phonso . T~nno, 17, son of Mr. I parents, Mr. a nell Mrs. Andy Scope! ~oral t:Ja S~rgeant. He is stationed and Mrs. B1ag10 Tunno, 99 Bell ~ve - of Raccoon. , m New Gumea. nue, is a ne·w r e_CJ:uit at t~e Umted Pfc. William Kraeer or Camp Hood 1 . Cpl. Paul A. Pakisz, who is sta­ Stat.es Nava.I Tra mmg Stat10n, Gre~t Texas , h as finished his basic train- , t10ned at Camp Hood, .Texas, is spend ing Lakes.' Ill .. . Upon cO~'PJetion of h1s and is .spending a. 10 day furlough 1in g a 15 day t:urlough_ with his family r~crUJt tJ'atmng 'he will be granted a with his parents , Mr. a nd Mrs. Wi!- lof Slovan. Pnor to h 1s furlough Paul mne--day leave. liam Kraeer, Sr. , of Raccoon. 1 compilete d a 2 .month course at the Mike Pishok of Weirton, w. Va ..• 'I John Hanna, son of Mr. and Mrs. I ? and Bakers School, San Anton­ spent Sattmd'a,y at the home of his , S am Hanna of Raccoon, who was 10 • Texas. mother-in-law, Mrs. John Pescho. 1 with the United States Army in Texas ---...~~~.,;;:=::;;;;:::=~V===:::;;;~~-~~ Mike will leave for the United States ' has been honorably discharged be- Navy on Febru-ary 26. · cause of illness. H e is now a patient Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Medved of in the Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh. Slovan, have received' word tha;t their Mr. a nd! Mrs. A. C. Se,agle re­ s on, Hobert, who enlisted in the Ma- ceived word that their son, Osborne rines last June, has been promoted C. Seagle , M. M. 2/ C, Seabees, was to the r ank of Sergeant,. He is now 1promoted to the ra nk of l!C Petty stationed at Cherry Point, N. C. Officer. He is stationed somewhere Sgt. Willard E. Allison has re- in No!'th Africa. turned to S. ~ lman Field , Monroe, L a . .Mr. and Mrs. R . V. Malone of acter spend'iilg a 15 d

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-February 24, 1944 Edition Our Boys in Uniform Mi·ss Mary KosoV'ec o'f Burge'ttstown. 1 ( Honolulu received a phone call from .her 'fioance •ar Friends-Just a few lines to let With Our Boys In Uniform I Marine Sergeant Andre"i Za1rransky, j know I am hrup;py and I'm enjoy- ()n her birthday, 'Saturday 1 February j g the s·unshine. I must tell you I Sero-eant Mahlon King of Lan.geloth I 26. He had just ·arrived In 'OaTi'l'or- ke very much to receive my paper. has ; ritten his sister, Mrs. Melvin \ nia. after h·aN'ing. SIJ'enl • 'the "Past 18 ' lets me know wha.t all of my bud­ Harrell that be has been l'e'leased i months in ;1ctive du'ty In· th-e 'Soufh- ii'JS are doing. H aw,aii .is a nice from the hospital and h as been placed west Pacific. 'Sgt. 'Zahransky is from ;vttce, . bu.t I hope it w.on't be long be~ in a Replacement Battalion. Sergeant M>ingo Jun-ct'io'R ., '0.. '{ere at,l of us are horne-:-Cpl. John King suffered chest and knee injuries Pvt. Alton Stewa.rt spent a 1!8 hl'lur · ~n,-t.._ _ . , : during -a bombing raid, s•hortly after l eave w1t'h 'his wife ·and 'C11Ildren , Mr. an.d Mrs. L. c. Smiley of)3av­ he arrived in England in S.etprtember, here. ·ngton. received a let:Jt,er Monday from 1943 and: has been a hospital patient Pvt. Robert McGraw o'f 'Ftea:r Ph'ila- · t heir ~GI:t Reamond, who is a Ger­ ever since. He is a f

With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 1) Burgettstown Enterprise-July 27, 1944 · U ·f of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gdbleck of With Our Boys m m orm IJoffre saw his first action with the I (Continued from Page One) . enem; a•s a member of a U. s. Naval : . ' crew which invaded France. He at - ~ 'Pvt. Villard Brida has returned I tended Union High. He has two to duty at Camp Lee, Va.,_ aft~r brothers in service: Fred Cavalier, . spending a 10 day furlough :v~h ?1s Ar my Air Cor ps, Fresno, Calif.; and I parents, Mr. and Mr s. Louis Bnda Marc Gobleck Infantry, Camp of Bell A venue. . Maxey. ' I . P vt. Robert H . Morgan,: who IS Cpl. Melvin A. Hulick, Jz-., r ecent- · with the Infantry, h as v.rn tten hi lv aiTiv;ed in New York arter se r v i n~ p arents, Mr . and Mrs. J: R. M organ o.verseas in Iran for 13 months with of Langeloth? that · he IS w ell, and the u .s.A. r ep1 ir forces· He is sr:end­ somewher e m Fran ce. He s,ates ing u 21 day fm·lough with his family that his Infantry w as the fir t to of Haz;el wool, Pittsbm·gh, and expects enter Cherbourg and a newsreel to vis!t Iyis il=•arents and b1·other, · was m ade of the event. Vance , of Burgettstown, in the near Mrs. Vernon Scopel of Joffre had future· a pleasant surprise on Sunday, July Pvt. P at y Yanni, son of Mr. and 16th when her husband, S 2}C Ver- Mrs· Guy Piccolo of' ·slovan, ·who was non 'Scopel, phoned her from Camp inducted r ecently is stationed at Fort P arks, Calif., to wish h er a happy Sill Okla. He will attend Radio School birthday. for six weeks after his basic training. Sgt. W. L. Scott, .Jr., is spending a Mrs . Mary Allison has received ·furlough with his mother, Mrs. W. wo1·d that her son, Pfc· William D. L. Scott of .Joffre. Allison is now on New BJ-Hian Island After spending 22 months in in the Southwest Pacific. He informs Southwest P acific warfare, T ony his mother that he is expecting a 15 Scariot, S 1/ C , son of Mr. and Mrs. day furlough which he wilL spend in Angelo Scariot of Raccoon, spent a A;ustr alia· 5 day shore leave with his parents·. S 2-c Pete Vranish, who recentllY Seaman Scariot is a gunner on a retutned irom a trip to Scotland, 20 mm, a/board a . He par- spent a 48 hour leave with his parents . ticipated 'in two major engagements Mr. and Mrs· Milan Milanovich of and nine invasions, the last one at Slovan. Pete r em·ned to Por·tsmouth,l . Biak. He also has two Jap planes Va· . to his credit. He was in P anama, ·wor as een rece1vec t at Sg:t . Australia, New Zealand, New Cale- Wi'lliam De Nino of Bulger h as aiTiv­ I don.ia, New Guinea, Lima, P eru, eel afely in France. j Chile, and many small Pacific Ray Bender, of 14 McClme St. , j Islands. Scariot was inducted Au- Burgettstown, Pa., was promoted last gust, 1942, and took "boot" training week from Corporal to the r ank of at Great Lakes, Ill. at the John Nicholas F ondoulls, S 2/ C, school for Special and Morale Servic­ completed his recruit training Tues- es, Lexington, Va·, where he is assign day, July 18, at the Naval Training ed to the F1inance Department of the Center, Sampson, N. Y., and is schooL spending a leave at his home in A t- ! Pvt. Joseph Mehalic is spending a lasburg. 1 furlough with his mother of Bulger- Mrs. George O'Shanka has receiv- j' Mr· and Mrs. Joseph Sandri of Bul­ ed word that her husband, Cpl. o-er have received word that their son George O'Shanka has arri v ~_d safely II Pvt. Attilio Sandri has landed some- on Island, Hawau. Cpl. where in France. O'Shanka enlisted in the Army on May 27, 1943, ·and receiv ed his train- ing at Camp Bowie, Texas, and Camp P olk, La. Pvt. Charles Pappas of Yuma, Ariz., is spending a 15. day sick fur­ lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P appas, of Burgettstown. Pvt. Joseph S . Perkins .of Camp Bow.ie, Texas, is spending a 10 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F red Perkins of Florence. I Peter G. Gobleck, 19, S 2/ C, son

With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 2) Burgettstown Enterprise-July 27, 1944 Pvt. Gerald Garcia of Ft. McC1el­ lan, Ala. is spending a 10 day fur­ With Our Boys In Uniform lough with his parents of Langeloth. Mr. and Mrs.· Albert Rossy of AN ADVANCED FIGHTER BASE, Florence avenue, received a phone j NINTH FIGHTER C0111.J\1Al\T]), Nor­ call from their son, Charles Rossy, mandy: Headquarters of a Ninth Air G. M. 3!/C, U.S.C.G., who is sta­ Force Fighter group known as the tioned at Baltimore, Md . -· He wis·hes H ell Hawks and commanded by Col­ to thank all the members of the West­ onel Ray J. Stecker, has announced minster church and friends who sent the promotion from the grade of ser­ 1f!m cards o - liis birthd~y; j geant to that of staff sergeant, of I Charles said he · receiv€d a very pice Gaylord L. Malone, son of Mr. and letter from .Rev.· and Mrs. Flurkey." Mrs. Robert V. M 3. lone, 503 S. Main He also received a birthday card from street and husband of Ruth Tenny- / his brother, Richard Rossy, S 2/C , son Malone. 1 S€atiee who is on an island some- i Sergeant Malone was graduated · where in the South Pacific. I from U. H. S. in 1934 and a t the time Pfc Dennis Harshall, United of his entering the service in .July, States Marine Corps, s.pent two days 1942, was employed as a machine op­ with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John erator at the Climax Molybdenum Co . Harshall of Burgettstown. After at Langeloth. having spent 20 months in Cuba, he Sergeant Malone, an airplane in­ was stationed at Camp Lejepne, N. strument specialist , entered forei!rn ·c. , .for two months and now he is service late last year a nd arrived Jn overseas. A brother, Sgt. John Har­ France during the first month of thP. shall is stationed in Italy with the invasion. Air Force. Sta ff Sergeant Lewis Mader, United BAINBRIDGE, GA.-Now receiv­ States Air Corps, who has been over­ ing basic flight tr-aining as an avia­ seas in Australia and New Guinea for tion cadet at the Bainbridge Army I over 2 years, arrived home Wednes­ Air Field is Frank W. Darke of / day to spend a furlough with his l'!'ar­ Florence. . He completed pre-flight ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mad~ r of trflin-ing at Maxwell Field, Ala., and Slovan. his primary tra ining at one of the W. T. 3/ C Harry Menqak and M. M. many fields throughout the Southeast 3-C Sta nley Mika, local bovs met Cadet Darke is a graduate of Union "somewhere in the South Pac.ific" on High School. Prior to his entrance July 8 and had a nice visit discussing into the Air Force in December, 1942 Burgettstown and mutual friends. The h e was em:plo:vecl as a clerk for the boys. had not seen each other for two K o;Jpers Company. years. Because they belong to· the Mr. a nd Mrs. Michael Mehollic, same they expect to see Sr. of Hanlin Station nave received each other often in the future. word that their son , Michael, Jr. is Coxswain Raymond Malone who has Ritfe <>omewhere on the Island of spent the past 14 months on the water . in the Pacific, is spending a 14 day Paul Pescho, S 2/ C, spent the week leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Malone of Pittsburgh Street. J ohn Pescho of Burgettstown. P aul 1 Pvt. John Dvorsak of Ft. McClel­ wits recently transferred to Brooklyn. lan, Ala. , is spending a 10 day fur­ Fnnk Pasquale of Francis Mine was lough· with his parents, Mr. and also a visitor in the Pescho home. Mrs. Anthony Dvorsak, Sr., of Baird street, Slovan. (Continued on Page Eight)

With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 1) Burgettstown Enterprise-August 24, 1944 Edition With Our Boys in U.mform- Cpl. Stanley Rozmus who is sta­ (Continued from Page One) tioned with the Infantry at Camp Car­ PURPLE H EART FOR son, Col. , is spending a furlough LANGE LOTH SOLDI ER with his mother of Slovan. Sgt. Ted Dluski, son of Mr. and Cpl: Thelma E. Cla ir, U.S.M. C., . Mrs. Jose;ph Dluski, Langeloth, re­ [ etu.,rned to Camp' Lejeu,ne, New Riv­ cently received the Purple Hea rt for er: N C. , Monday night after spend­ wounds received in action in Frftnce . {ng . a 15 day furlough with her par­ He is now in an English Hospital. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clair of Sgt. Dluski entered service on Oc­ Florence avenue. 1 tober 13, 1942, and trained at Camp s 2/C Jose!Ph Dumbovich phoned 1 Atterbury, Ind., and Camp Breck in­ ~is sister, Helen, · of Slovan, last J ridge, Ky. He left for overseas duty Friday evening that he h as returned in April. from a trip to France where h~ par­ T/ Sgt. and Mrs. D. M. Clair and ficipated in the invasion. daughter Nidel, of Pyotte, Tex., a re '· A IC Georg.e Atherton, son of Mr. spending a furlough with the former's a nd Mrs. George Atherton of Church parents , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clair of I ~Ge et, h·as been· transf~rred from Val­ Florence avenue. Mrs. Clair and j aosta, Ga. , to San Narcus, Tex. , pau_ghter \Pilan to rema in for all.-.eX­ here he will begin train- tended-.visit. }ng. . , Cpl. Robert F. Flaherty of Lange­ '· S 2/ C Dean Ferguson Rommes, who loth, who is now stationed at Camp ¥e.cently completed his "boot" train­ Millard, Bucyrus, 0>. , has been pro­ ing ~t Sampson, N. Y., spent a 7 moted to the. rank of Sergeant. He day I~ave with his parents, Mr . and visited with his wife of Steubenville I Mrs. ·charles Rommes of R. D . , Bul­ O\'er the week end. . ger. · Pfc. Jack Dowler of Fort Pix, N . : · 2/ C Theodore Visnich of Sampson, J., pent the week end with his par­ N. Y. , is spending a 7 day furlough ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dowler of with his parents, Mr. and Mrs .. Sam Main streeet. Visnich, Sr. , of Slovan. Theodore "' Le'tm Surba, who left for the Army has complete(} his 'boot' training. on Friday morning, is stationed at ~ J-t. Paul Gretsky, United States New Cumberland, Pa. , temporarily. I Army Air Corps, of Lincoln Neb., P1·vt. John Geiger, who is stationed r s£en:t a 5 day leave with his mother at Camp Ba rkley, Texas , is S~Pending 1 ;of Lall gefoth. a 14 day furlourrh with his pa rents, I Pfc. Joe Yanni of Camp Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geiger of Atlas­ Texas , is spending a W day furlough burg. with his ~Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy ·word has been received by Mr . .and Piccolo of Slovan. Mrs. Andrew Bayus of Slovan, that Lt. 0. Glenn Aiken of Ft. Knox, their son Andy, has been promoted to ' R:y . , son of Oscar Aiken of Midway, the ra nk of . He visited in the C. P . DeValkeneer is now St;ottioned in Southern England home. Sgt. Willard E. Allison has re- I Pfc. Emil Zilich, United States turned to Selman Field, Monroe, La . I Army. is spending a 10 day furlough after spending a 15 day furlough with with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­ friends and relatives here. ton Zilich. Sgt. William D. Hutchinson, Ball Ruth Rommes, Y 3/C, visited over Turret gunne1·, 150 Main street, Bur­ the week end with her pa rents, M1;. gettstown, is a crew member of the and Mrs. Charles R'ommes, R . D. , Flying Fortress "Mary Alice" which Bulger . She has heen transferred returned to England from Munich in ·from Washington, D. C. to New York spite of the following damages: top City. of the tail, including the tail gun­ S/_S_g_t.--'H'-.-cE. Newell of Camp Davis i' ner's windshield, blown off, the tre­ N. c. , spent several days at the home mendous hole in the stabilizer, holes of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Pollon, Bav - ~ ·in the left win a , and bomb-bay , and 1ngton Road. the No. 2 gas tank and the damage Pfc. William Andrews writes his to No. 2 turbo w.hich h ad knocked out parents that he is in France with the 1 No. 2 engine Field Artillery of the A. E . F. Seabee Bill Kovich and P vt. Sam L t. Jose!!lh Pikulski of Camp P ick­ Hayden, Slovan boys met recently on ett, Va. , is spending a furlough with Saipa n. Both boys a re well. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lt. (.i . g. ) Henry Hellmers , son of Pikulski of Raccoon. He will return Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heilmers of to Ft. Benning, Ga., where he will Langeloth, writes his parents that attend school. his address has been changed from John Vernillo, son of Mr. and Mrs. c/ o Fleet Post Office, New York, to Domenick Vernillo of Bell avenue, c/ o Fleet Post Office, San Franci::; co, was recently promoted to the rank Calif. He is an Air Combat Intelli­ of Sergeant. He is with the Signal gence Officer aboard a carrier.• Corps in France. Mr. and Mrs. John Pescho h ave re­ ceived word that their son, Sgt. An­ drew Pescho, has received a combat infantry badge and also a citation medal. With Our Boys in Uniform (pg. 2) Burgettstown Enterprise-Au2:ust 24. 1944 Edition ------l r I I Willi Our Boys In Uniform Lt. Col. and Mn;, J. Francis Reed nnd daughter Eleanor, will aITive ill Burgettstown Saturday evening, where !\II'S. Reed and EleanOl' will I'cmain for the dura- tion. Lt. Col. Rec

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 11, 1945 Edition I I

------J I With Our Boys in Uniform AN EIGHTH Am FORCE LIB- ERATOR STATION, l~NGLAND- (Continued fi'om Page One) Corporal Robert.T. L. Malone, I~a.s I been presented with the CertIfi- cate of Merit by Colonel GelTY L.. A First Taotical Air Force Ma.son, Phihde.lphia the .station Fighter Bombing Base, France: commandel'. Malone is the son of Cp!. Gus Diamond, 37 Main street, Mr. 'and Mrs. H. V. l\1al.on~f'F."G3'- .Burgettstown, is 'curl'ently serv- South I'i:!n~ s.!]:~.e~-15,i;1i~;ttstown, ing with a First T:lctic~l Air Force, and aids ill the inRtallation, P-47 ThundedlOlt unit, which cel- checking and repair of the many ebnlted its fh'st Ch ristmas over- I electric",l instruments that guide seas at an aevance base in France. . bomber pilots and cre\\1s in their This outfit strafing ~llld dive-bomb- Imissions ovel' enelllY telTitory. . ing enemy fortifications in the The Certificate of Merit was path. of the Americ:ll1 Se\'enth Ar- awarded to Corporal Malone in rec- illY provides air support. Although ognition of conspicuously meritol'- dive-bombing is the primal'y func- ./ ious and ollt~tanding pel"formance tion of the I-:mup, 53 enemy air- of military nuty. The citation, craft were destroyed ami 23 were wh ic.h is part of the Certificate damaged since its arrinll in the mentions th~t h is devotion to dllty IDTO.' .' amI untiring effort has contribut"d I Besides preparing for the land- materia.l1y to the Sllccess of the ings in France. anum bel' of rerl aez'ial offens,i\'e against the ene- letter d~ys stand out in the his- illY. tory of the group, The dusk-to- ----v---- dusk invasion cov.CI', 'the low lc\"el, With U. S. Al'my FOI'ces on Gua- pin point homhing of German gun dnl<.mna!. I positions, the elilil ination of over Corporal Thoi-nes'.Burns L.:e, 801) enemy troops neal' Cherbourg. son of Mr. 1l.nd,l\.frs. Walter C, bhe destruction of s,ix F. W, 190's 1 Lee of Burgettstown is now ('.~ and 200 veh icles in two days. dutv wih an Engineer Detachment I The Unit has beel) honored with of the A.rmys Sel'vice' Supply for- a commendation from BI"igadier ces: Lee was formerly employed General Gordon P, Sa\'ilIe for de- .by the StandaJ'(1 Spring Comp

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 11, 1945 Edition I I WiW Our Boys In Uniform Lt. Col. and MI'S, Francis Reed, who spent the week end in BlIrg- Mr. and Mrs. MiKe Suiea of Ntstown have a hobhy, collecting Ma.in f',trept, Slo\'an, have recpiv- army shoulder patches. To date Pel word ,that thpir son, Pvt. Sam the Reeds have more than 600 Suica, has arried safely in France P:Ltches in their collection, This Sam i<:;,wit,h a Medical Company, week end, the Reed callection will . George Donlpy, son of Mr. ~nrl be on display 'in 'one of the Joseph Mr<:;,Gcor;"P.n'lnlny, Sr. of Lan!"e- Horne window's, Pi,ttsbuI'gh. Fran- Inth, Ipft Wnr1ne~day. J'lnllary 17, cis, who ;W!lSformerly on the staff for the M"r"hant 'Marine<:, He of the OlTicer Candidate School nt will rpcpive hJs training at Sheeps- Ft. Benning, Ga., left Tuesday hP.nd Bav, N. Y. George who en- for Ft. Ord, CnI. . Mrs: Reed nnd lh'tpd on np""rnhl'l' 26, was form- daughter Eleanor hnve returned to erlv emnloyed by Climax, He at- their home on Higilland .a'i'enue. tendp.d Union for ,two }'ears. Pvt. 'Fmnk 'Shel'asl,ey., 19, son Mr. and Mn;. Gena Skinn"r of of Mr. and Mrs .. John Niedzi,llla . B1l1l:~er, ent.ertainp.d at 'Shariv of 810va;l, was recen.t1y' ti'nns- La'll" in honor of their son, Rob- ferred to .the United States from.' ert Ski.nner, S 1/C, who is return- the. 159th GenernI Hospitnl,. Eng-, in'! to NOI'fn1k, Va., n.fter spend- land, n'nd is no.w recpi\:in" SI)C-! in.,. it 21 dav Inavp at home. chlizcd treatment in Nash vill p, ; M/!'kt. John Soatharos 23, son of Tilnn., for wonnds sustained ,in Mr. and Mr<:, Gu~ Spathnros; R. a smashing infa'ntry at'tack on D. I, BU""et.t.stown, h'ls h"en re- Br,cst, France, on September 8. I ;J<:;s;"nnd to th" Commllni"".tjons The Gp.I'ffians Pll,t up a det.pl'- dp.nnrtmnnt SplFrirl'!e 1"ip1,I, 1>Pch. mined defen<:;c' with light :Jrtil. after havin~ sppnt two w,,!pks at lery and small arms,' J:>"t. Shel'- thp. AI'm,. Air 1"orcps rpniotrih'l- aske~', a .rifleman, said." 'A I thn st,'ltion NO.2 in Miami B"ar-ij rifle bullet struck me in t.he I'i!'ht, Fla. I'{e rncnntlv retllrned frAm leg; pa'<;sh1gthrou~h into t.he l"ft snenrlin!' npnrlv thl'pe vpnrs in Ih" leg. I was tre(,ted at sev'pral field Sn'1thwp.st Pn('ific are~ 11S a rarlio hospik'J,ls .and sent to Englflnd by' mnf'hll.nie. Hi<:;wife-, .thp forlllPr. . plnne,. Mil'I,'n,l r"n~"r1, is residing" with Pvt. . Sheraskey writes h'lme him in Michig-nn. thnt he expp.cts to be " walking ,lo""nh 'rot", Jr., .on of Mr. lIt:il.in in about a mont11 and then nnrl M~~. Jo<:;pnh 'roth, Rr., of hopes for a furloud).' He. 'has re- Chnrn' V"1Jey ;In,l hu<:hllnd of Mr<:, ceived .the Purple He.'l.rt. W'lmn C"PoDS'roth of Chp.rr" Vnl_ .l; ---v- ~-'--- 1o, •., h:ls l.pcPj1:rnd fln h"nnrah]~ Word has been ~ecf;i~p(l'in' Mr, discharge from .the United St"tr-s :ind Mrs. Nick Bozic of .JoFfre, AI'm". HI" <;f'rvpd' "",l,t I"""tl)s thn,t their son, Paul, hn.<:;'heen01'0- ,••Ith thc Infant"y nt Camp Cl'Oft, moted to Motor Machini"t Mate s. C,

2/C, . Paul is with the Tnva<:ion Pvt. R'!l,"1llonrlRidr)'Ip. ,,'h,., 1'1"- Ji'ol'ces of the Pacific ~nd hns pnr- cpntly s~n.t n fnrlo'l~h with hnme ticipatpd in the batctles of Kwaj- f"Jks nft.pr 49 months dllh' i~1the lein, Sainlln, Anlruar, and Leyte. C:lI'ri1'f'all thpa,tnl' of "'''I: »"s "1"_ He p.ntcred the service .June 4, l1'lrt"d har,k to the Ash"ville. N. I1l4:! and wpnt nVE'rspas in D<>cem- C. A"'1)\' n"o'lllrj ano 8"I'\'ice For- ,her' 1(14,1. Paul writes that he is ces Rpdistribnt'i"n St<'ltinll, ",hpre in the bf'st of hpaJ,th and send!> he w'll sn"nd 11) d",,~ "".,.jtj'ng greetin/{s to all his friends back l'p-a.~si'mmel1t to dllt,.. RirlrliJ" h0l'!1e. ( • h1s parnr>d the Defl'lFp Rih"on Elr>ctrician's Mate 3/C Thomas anrl GO"11 (;"n,lnct mednl in the E. Froats recently spent a 4 nay Ampl'iclln Tlleatre. leave wHh' his parents of M'lin Pfc, .Jmups F:. Ta\'nrnp, Riflf]- ::;trer!l Extension, His brother, ma.n, Soli of Mr<:, Npl1i" 'raveme Boh, who is in t.he Merchant 'Mar- of R'lr!'''tt!>town I.sa membf>r of the ines, Is now home on a 28 day 339th 'Polar Bear' R"U"r"'dt1l'e'v.it.nl<:;'qfthe lanna Armv Air Base in Florida, vaunted Gothic 'lin", taki'nl! Ttnl- sppnt. q fllrJou!'h ovpr the holinqvs 'inn J)p.n1{!>as h iA'h'a<;'3400 fl'et e:J~t' wit.h his nnrents, Mr, and Mrs:! of Hiuhwa:V'fir; andF'ut:i Pa~<: Tn Casmer Matras of ElnersvllIe nnrl ,crocsin!' the Gothic liIie,',thP.'33!1th hi<; ~istpr<:;. Mary, Louise, and hrokp. throl1!'h a.t some'0f't11e"most Jrpne of Pl+.tsbur!'h, finnly hplll point"', movpl] on to Mrs, ThP.lma Nixon of BlIl!'er, captllrp. Mt. 1""f'IW, and Mt, Col- has rp.ei"ed wo~'d that. hp.r husbnnd m'pta., dom illntin!' Fil'Pnzllola, and Lt, (j. ir.) Mihapl Nixon, has nr- !'llhsf'olJpntly took ML JAFine, rived safel," in Jndin, Mt. Rihple nnd Cm;tl'l\"Pcchio,

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-January 25, 1945 Edition Willi OurB~ysIn Uniform RETURNS TO STATES LOrraine Rinehart, S 1/C Yeo- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gal"l"itano man, of Washin~ton, D. C., vis- ited over the week end with her' R. D. 3, Burg€.ttstown, have re- ceived word that the.ir son, Pvt. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. . llinehart of Bell avenue. Eugene GalTitano, , has arrived in CpL Michael Kvak, weapons New York and will be rtransferred corporal, 8/Sd. M.ichael HarrL<;, to a hospital in Pennsylvania platoon serg-cant and RiJpl"rvisinl\" where he will nndergo an opera- g-radem'ln, Pvt. Marko Kirin,huIJ- tion to remove shrapnel from his neck. Eugene was seriously dozer oncrator,. 8/S~t. AI Fowler, mess serge~mt, and Cpl. Joseph .T. wounded in on November . Shinsky, bulldo7-er operator of 21st. He was with the Medic1l1 Bur~ettRtown. are memhers of the Corps. 841st Enf!'ineer Battalion which Ivan Vujanick, S 2/C. son of esta\)l ished records in airstri'n Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vuj'lrdck, 8 huiJ(lin~ on' Morotai Island in the Main street. Slovan, has complet- Moluccas. ' ed h is recruit training at the Na- Pfc.l\IichaelHavden, son of Mr. val training center on the shores and Mrs. Nick Ha\'dpn, SJr,van, of Seneca LaJ!C, Sampson, N. Y. has hppn tranoferred fmm Luxem- and recently spent a 7 day leave . bourg to Belgium. at home. Coa.st GuardRman John Navogkv Pvl. Hugh D'lley of Baltimore, of Cali fnrJdn, is. spendinu a f~~- Md., is spending a 5 day furlough 1011ghwith his parPIl,t>'. Mr. an,l, with his wife, Rose and daughter Mrs. Roy Navosky in Cherry Val- \Vinifred, of Bulger. ley. j Pfc. Dick Rinehart, son of Mr. Pvt. .John Krizllik, of Camp I and Mrs. R. B. Rinehart of Bell Croft, S. C.. is spending- a fur- avenue, has arrived safely some- I('u~h with his pa.rents. Mr. and' wll'ere in France. Dick is serving Mrs. Fritz Kl'i:mil, of SI'lYan. John with the Infan,try. who is with the TnfaI',tr", will re- Pvt. John Stanish of Camp port to Ft. Mel1d". Md.• at the Wheeler, Ga., is. spendinl; a 10 end. of his furlough. day furlou~h' with his wife and Mr«. Ralnh C. Fill has rec"in'd mother of Cherry Valley. word of the promotion of her huo- 'Word has been received by Mr. band .to Fir'Rt Li(mt{ln~nt. R'alph and Mrs. A. D. Pollan of Baving-- is with the post exch:lIlge and i ton Road. that their son, .S/S~,t. transportation dppal.tmf'nt of the •Tack PoUon, has been promoted to U.S. Almv in Be,j.,.'um. the rank of Technical Sergeant. HIll"'v C: Donnio• 's l.'C. spent Jack is stationed somewhere in ThlJJ'sd:w and Friday of last wee], Germany. ",it.h liis wi,fe ,lIid children of . The following men from Bulger I Hi'~hl:lIld avenlle. He n~cently re- who are serving overseas have I turned from a tr'p to Jtal~'. heen promoted to the rank of Pri- , Pvt. Geol'!!;e Dra.zick of Camp vate First Class: Leon Testa, Le- Croft, S, C, i" RpelHlillf!'a fur- Roy Foltz,' Eugene and 'James lough with his wife and hah\". ilnr! Bianchi. family of SIO\'an. George is \\.!th Ivan Spetek, S 2/C, is spending the Infantry. !\. 7 day leave with his parents, MI'". Mar\' Trinonie nnd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. JosephSpatek, Sr., .Lena TI'illonie of Langeloth, \'isit- of Slovan. He recently completed ed the former's SOiland the Jat- his 'boot' training at Sampson, ters. nephpw. Pfc. Charles Trino- N. Y. nie, in Washington, D. C., last Pfc. A. C. Panconi has arriv~d week. in the States after spending 15 PvC' "~miJ 7.iJich' of Ft. Meade, months in. ,the Aleutions. He will Md., is spenllinl\" a 10 da~' furlrilJ!!h be home'soon to s.pend a 30 day ~•••ith his parents. Mr. and Mrs. furlough wi,th his wife. Mrs. ?>fary Anton ZiJich of Raccoon. ,Bresko Panconi of Slovan, and his mother, Mrs. John Panconi of . Fred DeValkeneer. son of MI'. Bur.gettstown. and Mrs. C. P. DeValkeneer of Cpl. Huhert Roner of Bulger, Raccoon has heen hO.norahlv dis" who is stationed ,'in' Belgium, has ehal'ged from the Army m;d will been promoted to the rank of Ser- return to his home from Camp geant. Butner this week. Fred was Pvl. Domenick Astorina of Ft. wounded in the momin France dur- Mead~, Md., spent the week end ing the early days of the Euro- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. pean i'ltvasion and retumed to this Antonio Astorina of Main street, cOUlltl'Y sevCl'al months ag-o. He Slovan. was a memher of the Infantry.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-February 22, 1945 Edition With Our Boys in Uniform (Continued fram Page One)

"1\'11'. and 1\11'5. Joseph Spetek. Sr., af Sla,"an, I'eceived a letter an Tuesday, February 13. dated December 13. 1914 fram their san Pfc. Joseph Spetek. 19. telling them that he "was well and being held a German prisoner. This is the fiI'st wal'd they have had from him since he was reparted 'missing' in action in Germany an November 8. Joe. who ,,"as witll the 28th Division of the Salaman .I{il'kP~trick has re-' Pennsylvania National .Guard of Ceived a letter of sympathy from the Infantry was ..inducted on Feb- "the officel"s a.nd men of his san's ruary 21. 1944. and went overneas regIment. His son, paid the su- in July, 1944, He graduated from .reme sacrifice in western Ger- Union with the class of 11943 and uail,r.-0'0t:'-15 .. The-letter follows: 'Was formerly employed as a truck It is with profound SOITOWthat lriver far the Farm 'Bureau in I extend to. you, on behalf of the 3urgettstown. officers and enlisted men of the Chester 'Gumlls' Stanish, son af 60th Infantry, my heartfelt sym- Mrs. John Stanish. Sr .• of Cherry pathy an the de[lth of your son. V'.llle;r was wounded during the .Pfe. Raymond E. Kirkpatrick, I"uxumbourg c,Lmpai{"u, Belgium. 'who was ldlled while part'icipating his mather was notified by the 1n aotion. against' the enemy Oct- war department this week. " bel' 15.. 1944, in Western Ger- many. Mareaver it is a matter of Mr. ,and MI's. Fred Han-is of 'incere regret that the exige)lcies Raccoon, ha,'e 'received wOI'd fram E a hard fought campaign have the War Department that their revented this expression af sym- son. Pvt. James waoS wounded in ath}" from being tendered at an France in January., u'lier date. We who ha'"e been pl'iyileged Pvt. John Kvak. son of MI'. and to. :now, and serve with your son In Mrs, Mike Kvak of Joffre, was ~is campaign. share your loss waunded in France in January. his It we share to& the pride YOll paren,ts were natifi.ed recently by ust feel in him. RaYlJlOnd was the War Department. id to reSot in an Ameri-call Cem- Mr. and Mrs. MRtt DeSantis af :ery in Belgium, in a cere- CIl'el;ry' Valley.' have received word !Ionr at which a Protestant Chap- that their san. Pfc. John DeSantis lain officiated. His final resting ,ho was' with a campaU}" af the place will forever be hallowed 'aratroop'InfRntry, was wounded ground, his memo)'y eyer an in- n actian in Belgium, January 22. spiratian fOl' those who remain to He is now convalescing in a Paris carry Oil the ~truR"gle for which ::spi,ta.!. He has been overseas far he so nably g-ave all. five months. John has thl'ee broth- The Commanding Officer ex- .ers in s'ervice: Louis who is in a presses the eal'llest hope that you Narth Carolina hospital recaver- ",ill be consoled by the knO\\"lBdge "ing from malaria' contacted when that Raymond died courageously, in the. European Theater; Ton~" is a cl'edit to. his Famly, llis Regi- -stationed in Florida aftel' spend- ment, and h is Country. " ing two years an Asensian Islands Yours most sincerely. and George is serving in th'e PhiI- J. H. Cisel. Captain, 60th InL jppines. V

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-February 22, 1945 Edition With ourBoys InU niform RETURNS TO STATES Lorraine Rineh art, S 1/ C Yeo- ' 1 M r. and Mrs. Joseph Garritano man , of Washington, D. C., vi's- R . D . 3, Burge•ttstown , have re­ ited over the· week end with h er ' ceived word that the.ir son , Pvt. parents, Mr. · and Mrs. R. B. Eugene GarTitano, , has arrived i n lUnehart of Bell ·gvenue. New Yo rk and will be •transferred Cpl. Michael Kva k , wea.pons t o a hospital in P ennsylvania Cr)rporal , S/ Sgt. Michael H arris , w here he w ill nndergo an opem­ platQOn sergeant and S:h pervisin g tiOll to remove sh rapnel from his g radem'l n, Pvt. Marko Ki.rin , ·hull­ neck. Eugene was seriously do?;er operator •. S/Sgt. AI Fowler, wounded in Germany on November m ess sergeallit, {Lnd Cpl. Joseph .T . 21st. H e was with t he Medicfll Shin sky, bulldozer oper ator of Burgettstown, ar e memhers of the COl"PS. 841 st En2'ineer Battalion which Ivan Vujanick , S 2/ C, son of e·stahlished r ecord'> in aJrf; tri'n Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vu jani.c k , 8 hnil,ding on Mcirota i Island in the Main street , Slovan, h as complet­ Moluccas . · ed h.i s recruit tra ining at the Na­ Pfc . Michael H avden, son of Mr . val trai·ning center on the shores a nd Mrs. Nick · H avdPn , Sh van , of Seneca Lalie , Sampson , N. Y. has b ~>.e n . tnm ~ fe rr e d ' from Luxem­ and recently spent a 7 day leave . bourg to Bel gium. at home. Coa.~ t Guardsman J ohn Navoskv Pvt.. Hugh D3ley o·f Bal.timore, of California, is spending a f u~­ Md. , is spending a 5 day fudough lottgh with 'll is pa r Pn •t ~. Mr. anil , with his wife, Ros·e and da ughter Mrs. Roy Navosky in Cherry Val- J Winifred , of Bulger . lev. I Pfc. Dick Rinehart, son of Mr. P vt. J ohn Kriznik , of CRmp a nd Mrs . R. B. Rineh art of Bell Croft , S. C., is ~ p P nd i n g a fur­ avenue , has arrived safely some­ lough with his .Parents, Mr . and whe re in France. Dick is serving Mrs . Fritz K rizn ik of Slova n . John w ith the Infantry. who is with the Tnfa P;t n , will r e­ Pvt. John Stanish of Camp port to Ft. Mea dP., Md . , at the Wheeler , G3. , is. spe ndi·n l,l' a 1ri e nd of his furlough. day furlough · with his wife and Mns. Ralph C. H ill ha" recoived mothe r of Cherry VaJley. word of th·e promotion nf her hn ~ ­ Word has been received by Mr. band to Fir·st Lieut.enqnt. R'alph a nd Mrs . A. D. Pollan of Baving­ is w ith the po o:; t exchilnge and j ton Road, that their son, · S/ S.e;.t. tra nsp9rtat ion dP.pm·tment of the .T ack Pol.lon, has been promoted to U.S. Army in Bp,}Q·'.um . t h e rank of Technical Sergeant. Hru·•·v C. Donni", 's 1/ C, spent J ack is stationed somewhere in Th,rsdav and F riday of last w·eek Germa ny. w it.h h'is wi;fe and children of The following men from Bulger j H t"hland avenue. He recently re­ who a.re serving overseas have turned from a tr'p to ltal:v. been promoted to the ra nk of Pri- Pvt. G eon~·e Dr:tzick of Camp vate First Class: Leon Testa , Le­ 1 Croft , S. C. i s spemlin2' a fnr­ Roy Foltz, ' Eugene and 'J ames lou.e: h with his wife and bab''• an<'! Bianchi. fa.m i! y of Slovan. George is with Iva n Spetek, S 2/ C, is spending the Tnfant ry. a 7 day leave with his pa.rents , M r ~. Marv Trinonie and Mrs. Mr. a nd Mrs . Joseph .S.pe.tek, Sr., i L ena Trinoni·e of Langeloth , visit­ of Slovan. H e recently complet ed ed th e form er's son and the lat­ his 'boot' training a t Sampson, ters. ne.ph ew, Pfc. C h arle~ Tl·i no­ N.Y. nie, in Washington , D. C. , last Pfc. A. C. P anconi has arrivfld week . in the States after spending 15 Pvt. · Emil · ?.:il ich of Ft. Meade , months in. .the Aleutians. H e will Md., is SJl'ending a 10 d a ~ · furloH2'h be home soon to spend a 3Q . qay '!Vith his parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. furlough wi;th his w jfe, Mrs. ~ary Anton ZHich of Raccoon . . Bresko Panconi of Slovan, and his mother, Mrs. John Panconi of Fred DeValken eer , son of Mr. Bu!'gettstown. and Mrs. C. P. DeValkPneer of Cpl. Hubert Roner of Bulger , Raccoon has been honorably dis­ who is stati oned 'in · Belgi·um, has e hal·ged from the Army a nd will been promoted to the rank of Ser­ r eturn to his home from Camp geant. Butne r thi's week. Fred was Pvt.. Domenick Astorina of Ft. wounded in t he arm in Fra nce dur­ Meadp.o , Md., spent the week end in g the early da.ys of the Euro­ with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. pean in vasion and ret urned to this Antonio Astorina of Main street, country sever '!! months a:ro. H e Slovan. wa;; a member of the Infantry.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-February 22, 1945 Edition Willi OurBoys'In Uniform I

l\ljildl-ed Jeanne Stewart, S 2/c I has completed her basic tnl.!ning at , N, Y, and is now stationed at the air traffic control board at the United Sta,t'es , Ottumwa, Ia. S llC J. Denny Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Denny Scotit of s..~:.John H:'l5pel of Portland; 64 Church street, is talting his Ore.. is STl"'ndin'! a 15 dll" fllr- boot training- at U. S. N. T, C. Great loul!h with h is wi ff' and eh lldrpn Lakes, 111., afte!," which he will ann his pnrpnt"" ifr. 'lnc1 I Mr~. study , Denny is a former William Haspel of Burgettstown. Westminster Cone~e student . . Pvl!.. S.G1enne N'icholls of the Seaman Peter Secco of Philn- O'Reilly G€neral Hospital, Sprin~- delph hi, Pa., spent the week end field, Mo.. spent"a 10 day fur- with his parents, MI'. and Mrs. 10Ul;h at his home here. While Joseph Secco of Raccoon. home he vlsited\ with fril'nds at A)- AN AIR SERVICE COMMAND . leg-he.~y College. Meadville, Pa. STATION IN ENGLAND- Cpl. Mrs. Ed Lukon of Florence Av- George V'sko, of B:lrgetts'.own, .re- ~ enne, received a phone C:'lllSllnn~:v centlv c.oml)leted an onel1tatlOn I . ni!::'ht. from her hushand, Pvt. E;l cour;e desil!ned to bridge ,the.gap L~.I.kon:."fl.:vinl!that he had 'lrrived 'between trai11ing in the states nnd I in r{i-'W York. 'Pvt. Lnkon who has combat soldiering a~a.inst the e~e-I heen llei<,'p.ltnlizpn in EJnglann for mv in Goerman)'. H1S next statwn the past mr;nl1:l'h~e'r.am;eof trenr:h will be one from which America's f,."..,t r"'r:"iV"(l' wh H,"?. ';>.:<.-.~in~ "'jt!,! fighting- planes covel" our advance thl' Infantry in Luxpmhouii, ex- 'into Germanv. BefOl'e entering- ~ts to be transforred tn a hospi- the Army Air Forces, he was em- tnl. in thfl "h,t"". Re went: ow'r"e'lS ployed by the Greensburg Coal & last I=;PJltemher,He is a son of Mr. , Coke Company. a.nn Mrs, Jo"'eph Lllkon, .R,. D. 3, Gerald, B. Hays, S IIC, spent Burgettstown. the pnst week with his mother, I Sat. Annew M. Latzo. 29. Bu'!ett- Mrs. 1\{arga.ret Hays and his sis- ter, MI'S.- Fr:lIlc.is Klein, sto"'n. Pil.. h"s ;'lrrived at Army Benjamin Hibbs, 1\1.M. 1/C, son I Air F"rr:e" RP-di.stribution Statiotl ' of Mr. and Mrs. David Hibbs. R. 'No, ? ;.-. Mbmi Beach fnr reas- D. 2, BurO'cttstown, who was stn-I si"T"rnpnt ""r~pg..in" ilftf'r com- tioned at St. Louis, Mo., spent a pl".i!"!! a tour fif duty outside the r, clay furlnu~h recl'nt.ly at home. I I He recently 1:!'!'adualF"das a ma- .c~ntinent3l United States. ch inist mate 'lncl receiv",d the rnt- Medical . examinations and I in~ of Pett:\' Officer3/C, F!' hns classification interviews at this i heen transfprl'ed to an airfield art: 'post, of several redistri-I , , ,Tex. I buti{)n stations operated by the I Pvt .. Tony Panpas of Challute AAF Personnel Distribution Com-I Fit>lcl, Ill., is ",pending- a 10 lIn,' furlolll!h. w;th his parents, MI"I mand for AAF returnee oIficer3 and Mm. Frank Pappas of Burg- and enlisted men, will determine I ettstown. his new assignment. He will re-I Pfc .. WilPflm F. Andrews, snn rr~in at the redistribution statim, I of Mr. and Mrs. Willhm Andrews, 'about two weeks, much of which Bell '11venue. has hpen transferred will be devoted to rest and recrea- from Germany to France. tion. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbprt Morrow received n telpnhone call Saturl111" Staff Sergeant Latzo was a ra- p-vening from thl'ir !';on, Cr,1. Wil- dio repairman during 29 month~ hert Morrow. Wilhprtha'l hp.en at- in the Asiatic-Pacific theater of I t;enc1in~"lmn!'n' school in Charl~!';- OIperations. Son of Mr. and Mrs, tOil. S. C. fnr tho n~"t f"ur mf"nth~ I :1l1c1'is now :'lwaitin!::' further, as-I Andy Latzo, of Burgettstown. he I 8ie-nment in New York. H~ Is.a I entered the .army in November, I tail {{unner on a '8-24 LI!hp.rotor, 1941. I

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 1, 1945 Edition 15th AAF IN ITALY-C pl. Geo-P vt. Ilik, the son of Mr. and Mrs: Richard Ilik, RFD 3. Bur - hard to tell the identi- ty of at guouu rge S tr ongosky 21 of Btu·ge·tts · of doughs who ma rched! in1 cn.v tn ~'-- . ' ' · - gettsto wn, left his position with. l\.7 ~ town, w.as recently promoted t . . · ' tion through the toW'n . ofrBeauf0J•t ilie -grade of Sergeant Sgt St ·O, the Gazier Simplex Company w where a regiment of . J errie.s• we re . · . · · ron- enter the servic-e in December cel ~ bra.tin g capture ofl' ttie ,fownl.. o·osk~, I S ~ aerial ,gunner with- 1943. Upon the completion of his A .Germa n sentry c tlalHmged1 t!lnr ve er an -24 Liber ator squad- 'Jasic. training at Jefferson Bar - s hadowy forms . A dougti• sa'i't ain s howe·d u,P· from Ow usso, Mich., p rio~ to coming Fm· ten days , : Ninth Armored ;another unit with 20 ni·em aJ!ld ev­ Diviston's Combat Command A •' euyood.v was . hun_g ry. . T he g roup 1 1 to Hot Springs. h e Jd th e e lbow o f th e G erman I was fed, then sept . up ttr>liullil ' ti.!!re l P fc. F ra nk Anzlovar, J .r., bulge in Lux·embo.ur.g agd ban ·ed l'i'l1l:e for three days . Nobody·· Ji: new 1 (cook's helper) is a mem ber of the way to "Luxembo.urg Ci'ty until e·xaetly who they were, but from the h ospital staff of the 2nd Con- the Fifth Jnf. Div-ision came up a:l1~ reports they did a .goed" j@b. valescent H ospital with the 6th to relieve- them. . ' P~ rmy Group in F rance w hose job Some of the events of those t en \ . Benja min C. IPi'bbs·, . 19, -sou of h to r econdition the wounded wild days , whe·n sleep was com- . Mt·. and Mrs . D i . \\1. Hfbbs, Rt. 2 . pounded of ben7.adrine s ulphate BUJ~gett s tow n, Ra1... ~ was g raduated doughboys a nd m a ke them fit d cr·bed i n Paris 'r ecently from the Matval Trainin"' . . · ,.. tablets , were es . 1 . , · . , for action agru~. The 2nd Co~- ~·by three of the division's o ~_i ce r s , School (Electr-ic) . at til. e St. Louis, valescent H ospital has rr'1w, ?", hu"hllnd I ]\[1'. and Mrs. I Ford Ralston of of Doris C. l\Iorrow, lIIidway, Ba- R. D. 1, BUl'gettstown,' ha\-e' re- sic Em;ineering, and John W. M~r- ceived \vord that' their son, T/S;!t. l"'ln 19, son of Mr. and Mro. James Dwight L. Ralston, has arri\'ed Monmn, Lan~ploth, Basic Fn~i- safely in the Marianas. neerinrr, were among thos.e gradu- I A. S. Bill Secen, N"vy V-12 stu- . "ting from int.rnsive cC'ur"'-s of I snec'alizpd training at rrcpnt S"ry- dent at the Universit). of Vir~inia 1\ ice Schm)ls eer"monlp;; at the U. Charlottesville, Va., vi~ited for four days recently with his par- 8. Naval Training Center, Great I ents, Mr. and MI's. Matt Secen. Lak"s, !II. . I Cap,tain Bob Stottlpme."er, who Main street, Slovan. has bepn ;:;tationcll in E.n",Ja"d. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Froats of writes his wife, of his safe arri\'al 1 Center avenue, have received wo"d that their son, P\'t. Rn.lph who in France. Ms. Delbert Morrow has rep"iv- I was inducted on Febrnary 22nd, is ell wonl that. hpr hllsblllH1. Df'lhprt stationed at Camp Blandin!!. Fla. s Raolph was a Senior at U. H.S., :Mal'l'(\w. F 2iC, hns h~€n tl'an -\ f"'rl'ell from Grnat La l,e~, Ill.. to prior to i.nduction. Shoemake.I', Calif. I John Nemeth, S 2.'C, has com- Will iam Richard Sausser. s~n of pleted his boot tralnin~ at samp-I lIjrs. L. \V. S'llissel' of 42 Hi:.:h- son. N. Y., 'Jnd is sp.ending a fur- 1:111(1a\-enuc. was graduated f~om lough with his parents of 116 Stel- the U. S. Naval Resel've J\Iid"hip- la strf\et. I men'" School on Thur;;llll'-, l\larch .S l/C Mike Sa..batasse of Slovan, 8 at 11 a. m., in the N:1\'.I' Drill spent a pleasant; we-ek end reeentiv Hall 0.11the campus of the l'niver- \rjsitin~ with Ann and Tony Osto~ I Rity of Notre Dame, anll was rom- of Bal.tlmore, Md. I mis"ioned an Ensi.g'n. \Villinm ex- John Antolnetti of Bul~(>r, en- pects to come home next week to li.sted in the Snabees and left for "pend a leave here. active duty on March 9th.' S 2!C Vincent Rivetti," who re- T/Sgt. Michael Dnhich. Unitf'd 1 cently complp.t"rl his boot tra;llinr: States MarIne, is spending hi;;' at S'lJIlp.son, N. Y., i:<:spending a fir;;t fur.longh ~ince he enlis.ted in I 10 day furlough with his THlren~s, the Manne Corp", with his par- Mr. and Mrs. Pet'er'Rivetti"of Slo- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Mike Dubich I of l\Iain street. Slo\'an. He re- van. I cently retumed fl"0111spenrl.ing-16 Pfc. James

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 15, 1945 Edition Sgt. Teddy Nicksick,' who is a" guard at the P. '0. W; camp, Camp, Butner_ N:, C., ' is ,spending a. 12 WilhOnr Boys In 'Unuorm day .fU'r101,1gh.withhf5par~nts, Mr. Pfc. Iv,o Bertini of Camp John- '~nd Mrs. Mike Nicksick of Slo- son, ,Fla., is spending a .Hi dw 'van: A brother, Lt. :(jg) Michael furlough with his parents, Mr.' Nicksick returned to active luty and, Mrs. Joe Bertini of Martha hst w'eek after, spe~ding a 12 day stl'eet, Slovan. furlough ~t hom~. Mike: r~ently . Ii,obert B. Burns spent a 6 day I . lea\'e recently with his parent~, returned from ,a s~x month trip Mr. and MI"s. D. J. Burns of 13 to' india, 'Australia, Arabia,' and I Hickory street. He was recently: Africa. A dinner was held at the promoted to the rank of Lt. (j. g.) , Nicksick home last' Wednesdayj in the United States Navy. evening, M,arch2 , in their' hon:or, S;Sgt. Robert S. Chastulik, who at which memb~s of the. family was stationed at Rome, Ga" spent were presen~. &n 18 day furlough with his wife Mrs. Virginia ..Stottlemeyer . or and baby daughter of Baird St., Burgettstown; has received word Slovan. and his mother, Mrs. The- that ,her husband, Captain' Robert resa Chastulik of Bell Avenue. He Stottlemeyer, i~ now stationed in has reported back to the redistri- Germany. bution center at Ashville, N. C.,' . Mrs. Michael Mergen of Slovan, where he will be reassigned. He spen~ four days recently with her I i recently returned from overseas; husband, T/Sgt. Michael Mergen,l ; duty. I who is stationed' at' St. Louis, Mo,. t Joseph Argenta, F l/C, who is .lames B. Stewart, S lIC, son or t ~ttending advanced die6el school \' ,m Cleveand, 0., \'isited over the Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Stewart, week end with his wife, 'Mrs. June, Eluersville, is a trainee en EE & RM School, GuHport., M's!=;.He is Burns Argenta of 13 Hickory street and hi.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. a /!rauuate of Un(on, class of '44, I lmd was sworn into the . United, .Joseph Argenta, Sr., of Raccoon. States Navy at Pittsburgh on Sept- Pvt. Eugene Garritapo, son of! emher 28, 1944. A bl'Othl'r, S~'t. Mr .. and Mrs. Joseph Garritano Of: Wlliam R. St:ewart L'l stationed in Burgettstown Coal, is spending a i England. 21 day furlough at home. He is S lIC, Michael' B'lziei'vich is spending a few days. with his moth- stationed at , Ind., ! er, ,Mrs. Mary Bozidvich of Bnl- and recently retu'thed to the states : /!el'. He recently returned from ~arrey'oeing seriously wounded in I Germanv . . aeion in Germany on November Efe. Joseph Grab~ki' of Ft. Dev- 21. He was in the Medical Corps'j ens, Mass., returned to camp Sat- lIl'uay after spending a 10 clay fur- A sister :E.1sie,returned home from loup;h witl], his wife, Mrs. I1hr- J the hospital last Sunday where garet Lat.';lla Grabski of Slovan. • she widerwent an appendectomy. I p, O. Steve Turkily who recent- She is reported getting along !ine. I ly retumed from the Pacific, i~ snendinor a; I'eave witll h,is pal-ents, 1 : Word has been received that CpJ. i Mr. and Mrs. Steve Turkily of • George J. Majernik, son of Mrs. i Bul/,,":er. ' Mary Majernik of Slovan, has I The War Department recently I been promoted t~ the r~~k of &:r-\ Ii"ted Sgt. John A, Martin, Joffre; geant .. George 1S st>ationed Wlth Sl,(t. Chester V. Stanish, R.- D. 3, Burgettstown'; Sgt. N'icholas C. the'. Air C;>rps at .March Field,' Vrataric, Langeloth; and Pfc. Calif. " John A. D<>Santis, R. 'D. 3, Bur- .'nr~"A. M, Wmlams,T"i former gett."town; as wounded' in action In' Burgettstown physician, partid': the Eu'ropean 'Theater of Opera- pated .in. the' invasion of Iwo tion". Pvt. James E. McWhorter of Ft. Jima and is' now stationed there. Knox, Ky., spent the week end at his home on Highland Avenue. Pfe. Vmard Brida has returnell to.M. P. dut~'.at Dermont, Ark. after spending a .we.ek's furlough ,with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Louis Brida, of Bell avenue', .--:. . . '

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-March 29, 1945 Edition P. M. 3/C Harold Horovitz ' lE'ft Wednesday for Oakland,' Willi Our Boys In Uniform' 'Can:!, aflter spending a 7 day' leave with his wife and baby John Linn, Misses June Keifer 'daughter of Main Street, Slovan and Katherine Stevenson attended He was formerly stationed at the Commissioning of the L. S.-T. Cllmu Leiu~ne, N. C. He is a 11)51 in Pittsburgh last Thur.--rday. member of the U. S. Navy and is morning-. John Steven~on, who if'1 attached to the Marines , ship fitter aboard the L.S.T. took I 'the party on a personally condu~- FT. GEORG.E G. MEADE. ?\1D. ted,tour of the shIp. Stevenson IS ; Pfe, Joseph Or~ovan, son of Mr'. I on duty again, destination un- 'and Mrs. Andrew Org'ovan of Box I known. 7. Joffre, W'IS awarded the Good Mildred Jean Stewart. S 2,'C. of Conduct Medal recE-ntly. This di~-I the U. S. Naval Air Statien. Ot- tinction is accorded for exemplal')' tumwa, Iowa. has returned to duty ,behavior. efTiciE'ncy,' and fid"lity. after spending an 8 day furlough as 'a member of ,the arm~' of the with h'er parents. Mr. ani! Mrs. United StMps. His joh is a shoe' William Stewart of Center avenue. fittAr >1t the clnth lng- depot. He Mr, and Mrs. Paul Zibr~tosky. entered the service 3 years and 1 Sr., of Raccoon. have receiv'fld month 'l,g"0and prior to that was II wOI'd that their son. Pvt. Andrew emnlol'ed as a steel mill worker. is being held ,a German prisoner. . Ecl\;ard F. Lounder. S. 1\1 •. 1/C'1 of New York, spent a few days Pfc. Eugene McFarland, son of !lfr.. a.nd Mrs. C. J. McFarland of this week WIth his wife Mrs. Rose Te~ta Lounder of Slovan. and his R'Iccoon. spent a 72 hour leave lPother, Mrs. Mary Lounder of with his parents and his wife. 'Linn avenue. Elizabeth. He recently returnerd' Word has hc!'n receiv"d that from the South Pacific where he Cpl. GeOl'ge Lucas of Joffre, has pal"ticipated in several mujor bat- I heE'n promoted to the rank of Ser- Ues. He rs with the Infantry and I g'''ant. He is ~tat:ioned ,,:ith the 'was seriously wounded in action. I Air Corps in Burma and was re- :md is now receiving treatment at i centlv awarrled the Br'lJ17,nHt,aI'. a hospitar' in Camp Pickett. Va. I . A/CC. N. Power. U.S.N.R. has, He has been in sCI'vice for three i years. . r"tul'lled to duty at pensccola" Mrs. Etta Foltz of Bulger. 'has' FI'1.. aft:el' sppndin« sevpral da~'s , I wit.h hi" paTf'!llts, Mr. ~nd Mr>, C" recch'ed word that her son.. Pfe. I N. Powel' of Archer Lr>ll". LeRoy Foltz, who is stationed i M,"•. Betty LOll Hl1milton ClnrJ.- I somewhere in Germany, has been of Hindrpan !1"enu" has r,-c"ivp.rl promoted to the rank of Sergpant. ,worrl pf the !'taFf>n'Tival in F'n~lnnd Sgt. George J. Majernik is of her hu

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 5, 1945 Edition -

1 . With Our Boys In UnllOflll . '. . L':ANGELOTH ,OFFICER ... IS PROMOTED WITH THE 87TH INFANTRY .DIVISION IN GERMANY ""Lt.1 Junius~W. P~rhaml Jr., .of .:Lange- loth: h'as •been promot~d ~,to th.<: grade of Captain while s~rving I . Pvt. Clemen Marmagin has on the Western front" ,.. I completed his basic training at Capt. Parham commands the, Camp Blanding, Fla., and is Headquarters Company, 34~th I.n- I fan try Regiment of Bngadler spending a 10 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem General Frank L. Culin Jr's Marmagin of Dinsmore Avenue. "Golden Acorn" Division. He en~ He will report back to Ft. Meade, tered the Army as a Private in April, 1942, but went to the In- Md. Charles Andrikanich, S I-c, re- fantry School at Fort Benning cently spent a 25 day leave with Ga., the following September. He his mot;her and sisters;at his horne received his original commission in F.rancis Mine. He is now in a a5 a Second Lieutenant from that hospital in New York recovering institution on November 10, 1942, from an operation. While home- and was assigned to the cadre of his brother. Pvt. George, return- the 345th Infan.try, about to be ed. from spending 22 months in activated at Camp McCain, Miss. Sicily and Italy, for a 52 day fur- He was promoted to the rank of lough. George will return to over- on June 7, 194:1 seas duty with the 5th Army ~;J. and assigned to the company Italy on May 2. He has been a- which he now commands. warded 3 bronze Stars. George I Capt. Parham is the husband of visited with his sister, Julia, of Mrs. J. W. Parham, Jr., and the I Philadelphia, whom he hasn't son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Par- seen fer 6 years and was able to I ham. Sr., of Langeloth. He is a see his brother, Charles, who has graduate of Union High School been in the Navy for three years. and the Pennsylvania State Coll- C. W. O. Julian M. Pud.y. \ ege. I former Burgettstown resident, I KILLED IN EUROPE . I who has been stationed in th~ Marshall and Hawaiian Islands The 'Val' Depa.rtment announced I for the past three years. spent a recently UUlt Pvt. Josep!l A. Ramirez, Jr .• son of Mrs. Francis 37' day furlough with his wiie. Ramirez, 320 East Third Avenue, .Mrs. Louise L. Purdy at his home Langeloth, was killed in action in .., Newport News, Va. While vis- the European Theater and Cp1. '.in'g with an aunt and uncle, Mr. Carmine Foglio and Pfc. John ,1d Mrs. W,illicm McMurray. at Dross of Burgettstown, and Pvt. leil' Costonia Estate, in Ohio, Stephen Fuller of R, D. 3, Rur- -'v called on friends and re- J.,"Elttstown,were wounded in action ,'es in Burgettstown. They al- in the European Theater, Pfc. visited with his mother, Mrs. Sam P, Elich of Burgettstown has Montgomery Glenn of Balti- been listed as a German prisoner. I ."e, Md. Prior to his furlough Clifford Lyons, S. T. M. 1-c, I ,vas treated for malaria. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fe. John Andrikanich has .re- Lyons, Sr., of Olive Street, has .ed to active combat duty in reported back to active duty at . Philippines after being con- Columbus, '0., after spending a j to a hospital there. 30 day.-furlough at home. He re- 'ord has been received by M:'. centiy returned f~om spending 20 Mrs. Ostop of Slovan, that months in the PaCific. Last week son, Sgt. John Ostop, has he visited for a few. days with transferred from the Heavy his sister, Christine,' of Lebanon., '.lery Company to the Infan- Ohio. .Division. Ralph C. Hill, husband .of Mrs. ~gt..Jimmy Petnlcci and Sgt. Helen H. Hill, R. D. 3, Bur:- :1 Filipponi, brothers-in-Ia\\", getttsown, has been promoted Jt recently somewhere ill France. from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieu- hey hadn.t seen each other for ,tenant. He is serving as a tran- }% years but nre now only IS sit accountin~ nfficer In the miles apuli so t.hey 1J1nnto visit European. Theater. each other frequently.

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise- April 12, 1945 Edition Joh'n S. Ritz, Cox., will return! With Our Boys in Uniform at Ashville,' N. C., where hc wlI: to San Francisco, Calif., Thurs- I spend 10 days whil'C awaiUng re' Willi Our Boys In Uniform day evening after spending a 19 I' (Continued trom Page One) assignment to duty. He recentb day leave with his parents, Mr.. , BAV'NGTON SOLD'ER returned to the st."ltesfrom spend. 8/Sgt. THOMAS SUICA and M ,.~.~' F ran k Rlt z of Burg ett s- IS IN SOLOMONS Ing 24 months ill the Europear IS SLIGHTLY WOUNDED town. John recentlJ' returned to; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Glass of Theatre of Opel'alions. He wm IN GERMANY the States after spending 2 years i B&vington have received a letter with the Engineers. Mrs. Mary Sulca. of Weirton, W. in the Pacific. lfrom their son, Paul, a memberl __ ~_:'--_---V---- Va., has received 'word that her Pfc. Joseph Alvarez is spending 10f the Chemical Warfare Division husband, 'S/Sgt. Thomas T. Suiea an eight day furlough with his in the Northern Solomons, who was slightly wounded ill the left wEe, Mrs. Mary Mitchell Alverez ,trained at Camp Sibert. ann in Germany. He is now re- and other relatives at Bulger. Joe • He quotes from "Camp Sibert ceiving treabnent in a hospital in has just returned from 9 mO:1ths News" which gives highest praise Paris. S/Sgt. Suica was with the se:'vice in Germany as a rifle- to the outfit of which he is a Infantry under Patton's Third Ar- man with the 26th Division. He is member describinO' it as "one of my. He went over seas in Jallu- a. p

With our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise- April 19, 1945 Edition th Our Boys in Uniform (Continued from Page Qne) -- CAL ENGINEERS HELPS OPEN SUPPLY LINES

1. Robert H. Reasons of Flor-' ,First Lt. Ellen Mae Deer, is 'a m!'!mber of the343th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E.

eel' Regiment, following the Deer, Midway, Army Nurse Corps l ICe of U. S. Seventh Army who serves aboard a , has made approximately 28 in L1. Jacob L. Devers' 6th crossings, including short trips ~my Group, France, have opened between England, France, Italy, approximately 600 miles of supply and Africa.

'nes froon .the Riviera to ~le 0 At present she is serving with, hine. :the 213th Hospital Ship Com- T kl' ) G 'b t. b 'pany, aboard he U. S. A. Hospital: ac lI~g.tIe erman s es JO.s .Ship S1. Mihiel. She served six demolthan, these combat engl-j weeks as a nurse in a Prison Hos- . eel'S have construCted 26 high-/ 't I' Af' b t t. Sh' pI a 111 rIca, e ween rips. e r smokincr aboard necessarily are 'ayand 23 railroad bridges--all .is now a first lieutenant and r I'" 't d' h' 'l . arge, semI-permanent. structures: wears'. three SIlver battle stars. 'more Iml e t an on.. other sups. •~tchin'" from the Southern Fr-' After graduation from the Mid- Ee~ause of these re~tnchons, the

' ,0 . -- way High School in 1934, she en- offIcers and men rarely smoke. ance beachhead to the German rolled in the Children's Hospital' The ship has participated in border. They opened railroads ,School of Nursing, Pittsburgh,' three major offensives in her six from Merseilles to Lyons ten days ,from which she has graduated in short months of duty in the Pac-

ahead of schedule and ,won a 1938. After several months af- T L t S t b 1 0 'f 1 d . :filation there she enlisted in the I IC. as ep em er, S 1~ 1e ue e commendatIon from Lt. Gen. Al- 'Army Nurse Corps and was com- carriers of the Third F,leet while ex'ander M. Patch, Seventh ArmY'missioned a second lieutenant Feb" the carrier's planes were taking ,, who said this "life- 24, 1942. She received her basic' off to engage approaching Japan- line" enabled his army to push on training at Indiantown Gap, Pa., I ese planes. At the same' time a'j despite a threatened supply short- ;an.d Camp Kilmer, N. J..She w~s Carrier,' 'w,as' taking oil and avia-' j age. lshIps. t. f' h th 'od Sh e 0 es englllee Um III com- Lt. Deer's brother T/5 David H'I Ime, rom' er 0 er Sl e.. , e bat, are versatile. They rebuild -Deer is serving with the Engi- was the last'ship to refuel ,the harbors, repair roads, clear out \~eers overseas,. a.nd her brot~er- i PRINC~TON; three days Before' blown-up , and operate'm-law, Pvt. WIlham G. Noungat the carner was sunk. rock qu~rries. They removec: 10,- ;Jr., is in the Port l\:'Iarine Service During the operations in .000 mines north of the Garigliano :.overseas. :early September, the oiler fueled River, said to be the largest con-' ----V ' four destroyers at one time, two 'SNUF BOX' SHIP centration of mines encountereCt' 'Th" t b t h'. f on each side. At Guam and Sai- l' '. ISls'asoryaou a'slpo Gurmg the Itahan campaIgn. 'the "snuff box" navy _ -This p::jn in August, there was little V~terans of 32 months' overseas ;Fleet oiler is one of the oilers and sleep or rest for the crew as many servIc~, these men wear sev:n. tankers of the Pacific Fleet Ser- 'cern bat ships were fueled . .campaIgn. stars. They landed Ill. vice Force. She -is a member of S/lc Michael J. Tiptol', husband Englandin Oran and111 July, Tunisia, 1942, and operated. won i th"e "s nuif b ox '" na . ,vy, - s a called: " of Mrs. Bernice C.. Tiptor, W. many clta. t' Ions f or com ' b at wor k." .because of " the' preference, of the k 'Pittsburgh Street, IS a member 01 III. S"l ICIyan d It a 1 y. __.crew ' for tobacco .' snuff ,over, smo -_ \' the oiler's crew. L.--"'-_-_--::-:.:-_-_---'--=v..:.:::.::--==~ _J mg. The perlods and places of (I ~~~=--v-::=::~_,~_.

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 31, 1945 Edition sepnding a 19 day leave with his parents of Atlasburg.' "- ABOARD AN AIRCRAFT CAR- RIER IN THE> PACIFJC-cAvenear Christy, Ship's Cook, lIC, son of Charles Chl'isty of" Joffre. was aboard this Essex class aircraft carTier when her rilanes battered Okinawa PI'im' to the Mal'ine and AI'my landings. Besides doing her primary jOil of sen-icing its air gmup. the carrim' ])ut in a few Ucl,s with her own guns. destroy- ing one cnelll)' plane and helping down anothCl'. .

. WITH THE SHst ENGlNF:ER, AVIATION BATTALION IN MA- NILA-SlSgt. Michael Hanis" son of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Hanis. With Our Boys in Uniform R. D. ~, BUI'gettstown, was award- ed the BI'onze Star Medal fOI' meri- toi-ions ac.hie\-ement in direct sup-, AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE BOMB- port of comhat operations ag!linst ER STATION, ENGLAND-FlO Jo- the enemy on Luzon, Philippine Is- seph H. Seyda, 19, 'son of Mr. and lands, at a ceremony on March 24'" Mrs. Stanley Seyda of 130 Eleanor by Major General Sverdrup, Com- street, Langeloth, p110t of a B-17 J manding General of Engineer Con- Flying Fortress of the 95th Bomb. Stl'uction COlllmand. ardment Gl"OUP, has been awarded Sgt. Harris has been overseas the' 31"(1Oak Leaf Cluster to. the 3ince September 25, 1943 and has Air Medal for 'meritorious a~llleve- ,erved in' 5' major operations as ment' while participating In the construction .foreman ,vith the Eighth AiI: Force bombing .attacks 841st Enginee'J' A\iatloll Battalion. on vita.1 'industrial tar.gets. Ill. Ger- Sgt. Harris is 'also authori2:ed to many and on Nazi airfields, SUpp!y wear the 1l Ribbon. .I Prior to entering tile Army in ,ARMY GROUND AND SERVrCR August. 1942, he was employed by FORCES REDISTRIBUTION .STA- 'Climax. TION,-CAM.P BUTJ\TEm N.. C.-T/5 grade Thomas B. Lee, son of Mr. WITH THE 9th ARMORED DIV- and Mrs. ~Va1ter Lee of Cross ISION ON THE WESTERN FRONT Creek, is stationed here where he -Pfc John Dross, brother' of Mike will spend two weeks before re- Dross, Burgettstown, has been portillg to h,is new assignment 1n awarded the Purple Hem.t for in- the United States. He recently juries suffered in action fn Bruck- retumed to the states after having hansen, Germany. and the Bronze served 30 months in the Southwest Star' for meritorious a.ction against Pac.inc as a mechanic. He holds the ellemy in .Western Europe on the Asiatic Pacific ribbon with one Mal'ch 7 and 9. Pfc. Dross, a jeep stal' and the Good Conduct Meda,!. driver in the 16th A)'med Field Seaman John lVL. Bingiel is Artililel'y En., was llcttng' as a l'a- rlio Opel'atOl' for a liaison partY"ob- sel'ving :tl"UIlery fire fo)' supported infantry Ilear BnICkhausen, Ger- many. A shell struck near' the ob. servatioll post they had established wounding Dross. Dross carricd on until evacuated fOI' Wounds. He hasnl)t retul"l1ed to duty. The Ninth Armored Division had an ontstanding part .in the battJe of the Bulge and was con)mended for its fighting by the of two AI"lllies, three Corps and four Divisions. Later the Ninth Al"IllOred was applaUded by the en- tire A,U'ied wor.ld for' its spectac- ular captuI'e of the tll'St bridge Iacross the .Rhlue a.t Remagen. The Ninth Al1110red is commanded b)' Major Genera.l John W. r,.~oll.ar~,

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-June 14, 1945 Edition ~-~ - ,_ ..' .....-----....-... •..•. ...•.•.-----~--- ~ ' i\V-ith Our Boys in Unif0rII! ler, Burgettstown; and Pvt. Vernel ~ ---' P. Gr~ene, Bulger, were hon~r- t William Finney,Sl-c, of Lan'ge- ably dls~harged from the serVIceI 10th received discharge at Bain- at Ft. DIX, N. J. . bridge, Md., Saturday having Cpl. Gilbert J. Taucher, Bur-j spent, two years overseas in both gettstovm, received his honOlliaDleI the European and Pacific teheters discharge at Camp Atterbury, Ind., I of operation. recently. , I Sgt. Edwin M. Taylor, Burgett- T-5 Donald D. Mungello, Bur- stown, received his honorable dis- g~ttstown, received his honorable r charge frolll'1GcampAtte.P.bur,y,lnd., dls.charge at Ft. Dix, N. J., last I last week'. I., week. I Downie Elich, Y 2-c, Burgetts- . Benj?min Hibbs, E. M. 1-c, ~ho:, town, was discharged recently at IS statIoned at the Naval Base,! the WAViES S:epar,iatjpn Center, New Orleans, La.. is spending a c Camp Moffet, Great Lakes, IlL 19 day-leave with his parents, Mr.' 1st. Lt. Jasper P. Ryan, Bur- and Mrs. David Hibbs, R. D. 2,: I gettstown; T-5 Manuel Montequin, Burgettstown. Upon his return! LBurgetts:own; S-Sgt. ;rank Ful-., ~~~t"p~tsto be senUo the west. . S-Sgt. George E. ,Kunkle" of: Burgettstown, R. D. 3, has been discharged from the Army at: Camp Atterbury, Ind., separation! center. ': M. M. 2-c Jack C. Rowland;' J{. i D. 3, Burgettstown, .received' h1s1 honorable discharge at 'Bain- ! bridge, Md., last week. ',' -;;'I Pvt. Donald F. Taylor son of' Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Taylor, South! ~in ~treet, y;ho has <:ompleted[ hIS basic training at San Al1tonio i Tex., has been transferred to the; Aior Force Technical SchOOl at i Boca, Raton, Fla., 'where he will' -take up radar. ' JohnLongevitch, son ~f Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Longevitch, :Sr., of Main street, Slovan, 'received .his honorable discharge from the united States Navy on,May 5 af- !ter 2 years and 8 months of ser- t vice. Of. this time he spent 20 'month's overseas in the ,Pacific. Men, 17 .years of; age! Join the Arrn1y'and start :a career that will insure you a' steady income after 20 years. You now have the o'p- portunity to help see victory main- tained. Get complete details at the Army Recruiting St~tion' .93 S. Main St., 'Washington; Pa. Norman Smith, S I-c, who has been aboard the USS Houston. ~;:n:r:i:~~i~i~~(Jrt~:.

the way. , , ," ".J I[,-..,....----~~~.~~=----~-----'

With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-May 30, 1946 Edition ,Boys In Uniform

..r ..••...~""!-~.~~ ." ~ Naples, Italy - Arm y CpI. Frank L. Kirsopp, a grandson 0 f Mr. and plIrs.Thomas Kirso!,p 0 f Route 1, Bulger, recently arrived in Naples, for assignment to Allied 'Forces Southern Europe.' In his new job as administrative technician in the Staff' Communi- cations B;anch of the Signal Div- ision,'he serves with the men and Pvt. John Lonski,above, i's officers of five other NATO nat- spending ,a 14-day furlough with ions, ,the United Kingdom, France, his parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Mich~el Italy, and Turkey. onski of Atlasburg, after WhICh Prior to his'transfer to Italy, he will report to Camp ,Kilmer,N. ,Corporal Kirsopp pad been sta- J. for overseas transfer to Europe. tioned at Fort Meyer, Va., for duty ~nski graduated from Union high ,at , where he 'served school with 1Jheclassof 1950 and as an administrative technician. was inducted into the service July He entered the Army in Novem- 1951. .He took basic training at ber 1948. CaI:DpGordon, Ga., with the sig-

nal corps.____ i With Task Force 77, Far Ea'st- It is an advancement in rate 't 0 With the' 2nd Infantry Div. i l1'. radarman third .class for J 0 h n Korea--'-'Sgt:George F. ZfUch,son Tobin, USN,of Route 3, Burgetts- ,of Mr. 'and Mrs. Anton ZiliC'h, town., while serving here aboard Joffre, recently spent five 'liays in the anti-aircrC!ftcruiser USS Jun- Japan on a Test and recuperation ean. leave from the 2nd Jn~antry Div- , The advancement is a result of ision in Korea. :,:..;, ' competitive -examinations co n- ! , The vacation was part of the. ducted this summer on all ships Army's policy of .givingperiodic and. Naval establishments .thro- :'. rests to soldieTSinthe combat zone., ughout the world. !Luxurious:"R and R" hotels are Since every' Navy man Jlas two located through<>utJapan 'to ac- jobs, the'tent was divided in t 0 \comodate the veterans. military questions covering know- Sergeant 4ilich, who entered the: ' ledge of seamanship gunner;y and Army in June 1951,has been serv-, military law, etc., and the pro- Iing as an artillery mechanic witli fessional part concerning his Ithe division since last April, .,.) Navy trade. ~- ,

. , Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-November 27,1952 Edition