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REVIEW Microscopic theory of : a review

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Review Article 8 9 10 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 11 12 13 N Schunck1, L M Robledo2 14 1 Nuclear and Chemical Science Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 15 Livermore, CA 94551, USA 16 17 E-mail: [email protected] 18 2 Departamento de F´ısicaTe´orica,Universidad Aut´onomade Madrid, E-28049 19 Madrid, Spain 20 21 November 2015 22 23 Abstract. This article reviews how nuclear fission is described within nuclear 24 25 functional theory. A distinction should be made between spontaneous fission, where 26 half-lives are the main and tunnelling the essential concept, 27 and induced fission, where the focus is on fragment properties and explicitly time- 28 dependent approaches are often invoked. Overall, the cornerstone of the density 29 functional theory approach to fission is the density functional formalism. The 30 basic tenets of this method, including some well-known tools such as the -Fock- 31 Bogoliubov (HFB) theory, effective two-body nuclear potentials such as the Skyrme 32 and Gogny , finite-temperature extensions and beyond mean-field corrections, are 33 presented succinctly. The energy density functional approach is often combined with 34 35 the hypothesis that the time-scale of the large amplitude collective driving 36 the system to fission is slow compared to typical time-scales of inside the 37 nucleus. In practice, this hypothesis of adiabaticity is implemented by introducing 38 (a few) collective variables and mapping out the many-body Schr¨odingerequation 39 into a collective Schr¨odinger-like equation for the nuclear wave-packet. The region 40 of the collective space where the system transitions from one nucleus to two (or 41 more) fragments defines what are called the scission configurations. The inertia tensor 42 that enters the kinetic energy term of the collective Schr¨odinger-like equation is one 43 of the most essential ingredient of the theory, since it includes the response of the 44 45 system to small changes in the collective variables. For this reason, the two main 46 approximations used to compute this inertia tensor, the adiabatic time-dependent 47 Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and the generator coordinate method, are presented in detail, 48 both in their general formulation and in their most common approximations. The 49 collective inertia tensor enters also the WKB formula used to extract spontaneous 50 fission half-lives from multi-dimensional probabilities (For the sake 51 of completeness, other approaches to tunnelling based on functional integrals are also 52 briefly discussed, although there are very few applications.) It is also an important 53 component of some of the time-dependent methods that have been used in fission 54 55 studies. Concerning the latter, both the semi-classical approaches to time-dependent 56 nuclear dynamics as well as more microscopic theories involving explicit quantum- 57 many-body methods are presented. One of the trademarks of the microscopic theory 58 of fission is the tremendous amount of computing needed for practical applications. 59 In particular, the successful implementation of the theories presented in this article 60 requires a very precise numerical resolution of the HFB equations for large values of the collective variables. This aspect is often overlooked, and several sections are AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 2 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 2 4 5 devoted to discussing the resolution of the HFB equations, especially in the context 6 of very deformed nuclear shapes. In particular, the numerical precision and iterative 7 methods employed to obtain the HFB solution are documented in detail. Finally, a 8 selection of the most recent and representative results obtained for both spontaneous 9 and induced fission is presented with the goal of emphasizing the of the 10 microscopic approaches employed. Although impressive progress has been achieved 11 over the last two decades to understand fission microscopically, much work remains to 12 13 be done. Several possible lines of research are outlined in the conclusion. 14 15 16 PACS numbers: 25.85.-w,25.85.Ca,25.85.Ec,21.60.Jz,21.60.Ev 17 18 19 20 Keywords: Fission, Density functional theory, Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov, Generator 21 Coordinate Method, Scission, Adiabaticity, Large amplitude collective motion, Time- 22 dependent density functional theory, Fission product yields, TKE, TXE. 23 24 25 26 Submitted to: Rep. Prog. Phys. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 3 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 3 4 5 1. Introduction 6 7 Experiments on the bombardment of ( Z = 92) with 8 9 performed by O. Hahn and F. Strassmann in 1938-1939 and published in [1, 2] 10 showed that lighter elements akin to Barium (Z = 56) were formed in the reaction. 11 In February 1939, this observation was explained qualitatively by L. Meitner and O.R. 12 13 Frisch in [3] as caused by the disintegration of the heavy Uranium element into lighter 14 fragments. This tentative explanation was based on the liquid drop model of the nucleus 15 that had been introduced a few years earlier in [4] by N. Bohr. A few months after 16 17 these results, N. Bohr himself, together with J.A. Wheeler formalized and quantified 18 Meitner’s arguments in their seminal paper [5]. They described fission as the process 19 20 during which an can deform itself up to the splitting point as a result 21 of the competition between the nuclear surface tension that favours compact spherical 22 shapes and the Coulomb repulsion among that favour very elongated shapes 23 24 to decrease the repulsion energy. They introduced the concepts of compound nucleus, 25 saddle point (the critical deformation beyond which the nuclear liquid drop is unstable 26 against fission) and fissility (which captures the ability of a given nucleus to undergo 27 28 fission), provided estimates of the energy release during the process, of the dependence 29 of the fission cross-section on the energy of incident , etc.. Although tremendous 30 progress has been made since 1939 in our understanding of nuclear fission, many of the 31 32 concepts introduced by Bohr and Wheeler remain very pertinent even today. 33 34 35 1.1. Fission in Science and Applications 36 37 In simple terms, nuclear fission is the process during which an atomic nucleus made of Z 38 protons and N neutrons (A = N + Z) may split into two or more lighter elements. The 39 nuclear “fissility” parameter, given by x ≈ Z2/50.88A(1 − ηI2) with I = (N − Z)/A 40 41 and η = 1.7826, is a convenient quantity to characterize the ability of a nucleus to 42 fission as suggested in [6, 7, 8]. In the liquid drop model, the fissility is related to 43 the ratio between the Coulomb and surface energy of the drop. For values of x > 1, 44 45 the drop is unstable against fission, and nuclear fission can then occur spontaneously. 46 This is the case, for instance, in heavy nuclei with large Z values such as or 47 SF 48 transactinides. The process is characterized by the spontaneous fission half-life τ1/2, 49 which is the time it takes for half the population of a sample to undergo fission. Fission 50 can also be induced through a of a target nucleus with projectiles such 51 52 as neutrons, protons, alpha particles or gamma rays (“photofission”). There are four 53 well known cases (239,241Pu and 233,235U) where the absorption of a in thermal 54 equilibrium with the environment – with kinetic energy of a few tens of meV – is sufficient 55 235 56 to trigger fission (“fissile elements”). Note that U is the only such fissile element that 57 is naturally occurring on earth. 58 Since the fissility parameter increases quadratically with Z, spontaneous fission 59 60 is one of the most important limiting mechanisms to the existence of superheavy elements and is discussed in specialized review articles such as [9, 10], as well as in AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 4 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 4 4 5 several textbooks [11, 12]. Theoretical studies of the location of the next island of 6 stability beyond are, therefore, largely focused on the accurate determination of 7 8 spontaneous fission half-lives; see for instance the following papers [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 9 18, 19, 20]. 10 Nuclear fission also plays an important role in the formation of elements in the 11 12 rapid process (r-process) of in stellar environments. 13 Modern simulations of neutron - or neutron star-black hole mergers 14 performed in [21, 22, 23] suggest a vigorous r-process with fission recycling. In a fission 15 16 recycling scenario, the nucleosynthesis flow proceeds beyond the N = 126 closed shell to 17 the region where neutron-induced, β-delayed, or spontaneous fission becomes likely. The 18 19 fission products rejoin the r-process flow at lower A, continuing to capture neutrons until 20 again reaching the fission region. Fission recycling is thus expected to contribute to the 21 abundance pattern between the second (A ∼ 130) and third r-process (A ∼ 190) peaks. 22 23 This appears consistent with observations of the r-process-enhanced halo – unusual 24 old, metal-poor stars at the edges of our galaxy that contain r-process elements in 25 quantities measurable via high-resolution . Most of the relatively complete 26 27 56 < Z < 82 patterns observed in these stars are strikingly similar and a good match 28 to the solar r-process residuals within this element range as reported in [24, 25]. 29 Because of the strong nuclear binding, the energy released during fission is very 30 31 large (compared to other energy production sources), typically of the order of 200 MeV 32 per fission event. Most of it is kinetic energy of the fission fragments while about 10– 33 34 20% of it is excitation energy. In a typical fission process, the formation of the fission 35 fragments will thus be accompanied by neutron and gamma emission. In a nuclear 36 reactor, these neutrons can be reabsorbed by the fissile elements present in the core, 37 38 thereby triggering new fission events. The magnitude of this chain reaction can be 39 controlled by neutron absorbers. Clearly, all characteristics of the fission process are 40 essential to understand the physics behind the technology required for efficient, reliable 41 42 and safe applications. For instance, understanding the mechanism of 43 induced fission at the level of making reliable prediction in regions where no experimental 44 data is available will be of paramount importance in technological applications. 45 46 47 1.2. Defining a Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission 48 49 In this review, the term “microscopic theory” should be understood as of pertaining 50 51 to the methods and concepts of functional theory (DFT) – in its 52 broadest sense. In particular, we will use interchangeably the expression of DFT and 53 self-consistent mean field (SCMF) theory. Beyond mean field extensions such as, e.g., 54 55 projection or configuration mixing techniques, will also be generously included under the 56 DFT label. The choice of this loose definition stems from the need to clearly differentiate 57 58 current microscopic approaches to fission from configuration interaction methods such 59 as ab initio techniques or the . It is also a reminder that the basic 60 concepts and approximations essential in the theoretical description of fission are to a Page 5 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 5 4 5 large extent independent of the formal differences between the SCMF and DFT. 6

7 Theory of 8 9 Optimization DFT Experimental Interaction/Functional 10 data Method 11

12 E¡ ective Interaction / Energy Density 13 14 DFT Solver 15 Technology 16 17 STATIC DESCRIPTION 18 OF FISSION 19 Initial state 20 Surfaces

21 Collective 22 Inertia Scission con¢ gurations 23 TDDFT 24 25 SPONTANEOUS ADIABATIC 26 FISSION DYNAMICS Fragment kinetic 27 energy (TKE) 28 Minimization of the action 29 Initial collective wave-packet 30 Fragment excitation 31 energy (TXE) 32 Lifetimes TDGCM 33 34 35 Fission fragment 36 charge and 37 distribution 38 39 Figure 1. Schematic workflow of the microscopic theory of fission based on nuclear 40 density functional theory. 41 42 43 The overall framework of the microscopic theory of fission based on DFT/SCMF 44 45 is summarized in figure 1. The starting point is to view the nucleus as a system of 46 protons and neutrons, treated as point-like particles, in interaction. We further assume 47 48 that the ground-state of the system can be well approximated by a symmetry-breaking 49 vacuum. As a result of this approximation, the two basic degrees of freedom 50 of the theory are the one-body ρ and the pairing tensor κ. These objects 51 52 are determined by solving the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations, also known 53 as Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations in condensed . The Wick theorem allows 54 computing the expectation value of any based solely on the knowledge of the 55 56 density matrix and pairing tensor. These concepts are briefly summarized in section 57 2.2.1. 58 At the HFB approximation, the energy of the nucleus is a functional of ρ and κ. 59 60 In the particular case of the self-consistent mean field, this functional is in fact derived from the expectation value of an effective nuclear Hamiltonian Hˆ on a quasiparticle AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 6 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 6 4 5 vacuum; in the DFT picture, the energy density functional (EDF) is not necessarily 6 related to any Hamiltonian. In both cases, the form of the EDF should in principle be 7 8 constrained by our knowledge of nuclear . However, the various parameters that 9 enter the definition of the EDF are typically readjusted to data in and 10 finite nuclei to account for the HFB approximation. The Skyrme and Gogny forces are 11 12 among the two most popular effective nuclear potentials that have been used, among 13 others, in fission studies. The characteristics of the nuclear EDF, including a short 14 discussion of how their parameters are adjusted to data, are presented in section 2.2.3. 15 16 Allowing for spontaneous breaking of the symmetries of the nuclear force at the 17 level of the quasiparticle vacuum is reminiscent of the historical picture of fission: if the 18 19 one-body density matrix is not rotationally invariant, its spatial distribution represents 20 a deformed nuclear shape. Fission can then be viewed as a process during which the 21 deformation becomes so large that two separate fragments appear. This viewpoint can 22 23 be formalized by introducing a set of collective variables that represent the motion of the 24 nucleus as a whole and control the fission process. The characteristics of the resulting 25 potential energy surface (PES), i.e., the energy as a function of the chosen collective 26 27 variables, determines fission properties. For example, differences in the characteristics of 28 potential energy barriers of nuclei qualitatively explains the range of spontaneous fission 29 half-lives observed experimentally. In neutron-induced fission, the time “from saddle to 30 31 scission”, which is the time it takes for the nucleus to go from the top of the highest 32 barrier to a configuration with two separated fragments, is also strongly dependent on 33 34 the characteristics of the PES. 35 In the adiabatic approximation, it is further assumed that there is a perfect 36 decoupling between the motion in collective space and the intrinsic motion of individual 37 38 nucleons. This hypothesis originates from the observation that the time from saddle 39 to scission is typically of the order of 10−19 s. This is about two orders of magnitude 40 slower than the time scale that can be inferred from the average per 41 42 (B ≈ 8 MeV). As a result, one can explore the collective space by seeking 43 solutions to the HFB equations that yield specific values of the collective variables: 44 this is how potential energy surfaces are computed in practice. Section 2.3 discusses 45 46 the role of various collective variables in fission; see also section 2.1.1 for geometrical 47 parametrizations of the nuclear surface used in semi-phenomenological approaches. 48 49 For specific values of the collective variables, the density of nucleons ρ(r) may 50 exhibit two disconnected regions of space with a high density of particles. Such a 51 configuration corresponds to separated fragments. The frontier between configurations 52 53 associated to the whole compound nucleus and those associated with the fission 54 fragments is called the scission line; in N-dimensional collective spaces, it is in fact 55 a N − 1 hyper-surface. The actual definition of scission is ambiguous and is discussed 56 57 in details in section 2.4. In non-adiabatic approaches to fission such as time-dependent 58 density functional theory (TDDFT), scission occurs “naturally” from the competition 59 60 between short-range nuclear forces and Coulomb repulsion as the system is being evolved in time from some initial state (usually some specific quasiparticle vacuum). In the Page 7 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 7 4 5 adiabatic approximation, however, there is no such “dynamical” mechanism to simulate 6 the evolution of the system. 7 8 9 1.3. Challenges for a Predictive Theory of Fission 10 11 As briefly mentioned in the previous section, there are different forms of nuclear fission, 12 and the relevant observables that theorists need to compute thus differ depending on 13 14 the mechanism under study. 15 SF 16 • Spontaneous fission (SF) is mostly characterized by the fission half-lives τ1/2, which 17 range from 4.2 µs in 250No to over 1.4 1010 years for 232Th, or a range of over 18 35 orders of magnitude. The characteristics of the fission fragments are also 19 20 important for astrophysical applications, or for establishing benchmarks data for 21 counting techniques used, e.g., in international safeguards, see for 22 23 instance [26]. 24 • In neutron-induced or photofission reactions, the focus is more on the fission 25 fragments. The relevant observables are thus the charge and mass distributions of 26 27 the fragments; their total kinetic (TKE) and excitation energy (TXE) distributions, 28 the average number of neutronsν ¯ emitted from each fragment and the average 29 30 neutron energy; the average gamma multiplicity (i.e. number of gamma rays 31 emitted) per fragment and the average energy, etc. All these observables 32 should be computed as a function of the energy of the incident (neutron 33 34 or ). Applications of induced fission in energy production typically require 35 accuracy of less than a 1% on these quantities. 36 37 • In β-delayed fission, the compound nucleus has been itself produced by β decay. 38 The probability and characteristics of the subsequent fission will be dependent on 39 the excited spectrum of the compound nucleus, and of the β-decay process itself. 40 41 Calculating β-decay rates is, in itself, particularly challenging for nuclear DFT, 42 since it is dependent on the detailed knowledge of the nuclear wave-function. Until 43 44 now, there have been no attempt at computing β-delayed fission rates in a fully 45 microscopic setting. 46 47 This variety of observables imposes various constraints on theory. For example, the 48 description of neutron-induced fission with fast neutrons (En ≈ 14 MeV) requires the 49 accurate modelling of the compound nucleus up to excitation of 20 MeV or so; 50 51 predictions of spontaneous fission half-lives in superheavy nuclei are contingent on the 52 predictive power of nuclear EDF far of stability; β-delayed fission rates depend on a 53 54 quantitatively accurate description of weak processes in nuclei, etc. 55 Over the past decade, nuclear DFT has made great strides toward becoming a 56 predictive tool for ; see [27] for a description of a comprehensive effort 57 58 to build a universal energy functional. In particular, there is little doubt today that 59 the theoretical framework outlined in the previous section and explained in greater 60 details in sections 2 and 3 is sufficient to explain, at the very least semi-quantitatively, AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 8 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 8 4 5 multiple aspects of the fission process, from the trend of fission half-lives along isotopic 6 lines, to the shape of fission fragment mass distributions to the overall properties of 7 8 fission fragments; see section 5 for an overview of recent results. The main question, 9 therefore, is whether this framework can deliver the accuracy and precision required in 10 applications – be it to answer fundamental science questions or provide parameter-free 11 12 input for nuclear technology. 13 Reaching such a goal will require progress on at least three fronts: 14 15 • At the most fundamental level, DFT predictions always depend on the intrinsic 16 quality of the nuclear EDF. Currently, all EDFs used so far in fission studies have 17 18 been based on phenomenological potentials such as the Skyrme and Gogny force. 19 While these potentials have been essential in demonstrating the validity of the 20 microscopic approach, there is a large consensus in the nuclear theory community 21 22 that potentials with a much sounder connection to the theory of nuclear forces 23 should be developed. How exactly to do this remains an open question. 24 25 • On a more technical note, applications of DFT to fission are still limited by a number 26 of approximations. In current adiabatic approaches, the solution to the nuclear 27 many-body problem is obtained only for the lowest energy state and the number 28 29 of collective variables is rather small; in current non-adiabatic time-dependent 30 approaches, tunnelling is not possible, important correlations such as pairing are 31 32 often modelled approximately and only one-body dissipation is taken into account. 33 In both cases, open channels (particle evaporation, gamma emission) are rarely 34 taken into account at the same level of detail. 35 36 • Finally, one should emphasize that the physics of scission remains poorly known. 37 How fission fragments acquire their identity, and the connection of this process with 38 39 the physics of , has not been studied. 40 Although this article tries to provides as complete as possible a review of the current 41 42 microscopic theory of fission, choices had to be made. First, we only mention topics 43 where results were obtained with a DFT approach, and voluntarily leave out all the 44 45 other areas where this is not the case. For example, we do not discuss the phenomenon 46 of ternary fission observed in the spontaneous fission of actinides such as in [28]; the 47 generation of angular momentum in the fission fragments discussed, e.g., in [29] and 48 49 references therein; or the very complex problem of the fission spectrum (identifying the 50 characteristics of the neutron, γ and β-decay emitted during fission); see [30] for a recent 51 discussion of the state of the art. In view of these considerations, our most controversial 52 53 choice is certainly to leave out results obtained with the relativistic formulation of DFT 54 (called relativistic mean-field or covariant density functional theory) reviewed in [31, 32]. 55 56 This was motivated partly by the need to keep the length of this article reasonable, but 57 also by the fact that most of the methods discussed in the non-relativistic framework 58 can easily be ported to the relativistic one. There are excellent articles on fission 59 60 within various versions of covariant density functional theory, and we refer, e.g., to [33, 34, 14, 35, 36, 18, 37, 38, 39, 40] for a short sample of the existing literature. Page 9 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 9 4 5 2. Potential Energy Surfaces 6 7 As mentioned in the introduction, the hypothesis of adiabaticity has played a special role 8 9 in the theory of fission since its introduction by back in his 1939 paper [5]. The 10 notion that a small set of collective degrees of freedom was sufficient to describe most 11 of the physics of fission has proved extraordinarily fruitful in semi-phenomenological 12 13 approaches [41, 9, 42]. It is no surprise, therefore, that the same concept has been 14 adapted to a more microscopic theory based on nuclear density functional theory (DFT). 15 The cornerstone of the implementation of the adiabatic approximation in fission 16 17 theory is the definition of a potential energy surface (PES) in an arbitrary collective 18 space. This PES is the analogue of the classical phase space of Lagrangian and 19 20 Hamiltonian . In all the current approaches to fission that rely on the adiabatic 21 approximation, the first step is, therefore, to define the most relevant collective variables 22 and compute the PES. 23 24 In section 2.1, we briefly recall how this is done in macroscopic-microscopic methods, 25 which are often an invaluable source of inspiration for density functional theory. In the 26 latter, the PES is computed by solving the DFT equations, which take the form of the 27 28 Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equations. Section 2.2 gives a modern presentation of 29 the energy density functional (EDF) implementation of DFT. This includes a reminder 30 about the HFB theory in section 2.2.1 and of its BCS approximation in section 2.2.2; 31 32 an overview of the main components of standard energy functionals in section 2.2.3; a 33 foray into how to compute PES at high excitation energies in section 2.2.4; a list of the 34 35 most important “dynamical” corrections to the PES in section 2.2.5. The large choice of 36 possible collective variables, including either geometric or non-geometric quantities, is 37 discussed in section 2.3. Finally, we review the various criteria that have been introduced 38 39 in the literature to define the scission configurations in section 2.4. 40 41 2.1. The Macroscopic-Microscopic Approach 42 43 Starting with the pioneering work of Bohr and Wheeler, many theoretical studies of 44 45 fission have been performed with empirical models derived from the liquid drop formula; 46 see [41, 9] for comprehensive reviews. The introduction of the shell correction method 47 48 by Strutinsky and collaborators in the nineteen sixties was essential to provide more 49 microscopic insight to this approach and account for the role of nucleon degrees of 50 freedom and of (some) features of nuclear forces. In the early nineteen seventies, 51 52 the macroscopic-microscopic (MM) method was already well established and had been 53 successfully applied to the problem of nuclear fission as exemplified in [9, 8]. Since then, 54 it has remained a popular and effective way to perform large scale studies of nuclear 55 56 properties in general ([43, 44, 45, 46]) and fission in particular ([47, 48, 49]). Although 57 this review is devoted to the microscopic theory of fission, it is not out of place to recall 58 some of the most important features of the MM approach, since DFT has borrowed 59 60 many of its most successful concepts. In simple terms, the MM approach consists in viewing the nucleus as a finite chunk AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 10 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 10 4 5 of nuclear matter, the energy of which is parametrized as a function of the charge, mass 6 and deformations q of the nucleus. The total energy of the nucleus is decomposed as 7 8 a sum of three terms: (i) a macroscopic energy Emac that is often approximated by a 9 deformed liquid drop or droplet formula and represents bulk nuclear properties, see the 10 work by Myers and Swiatecki in [50, 51, 52] for a complete description of this term. 11 12 In the language of second quantization, this is essentially a zero-body term; (ii) a shell 13 correction Eshell that accounts for the distribution of single particle levels in the average 14 nuclear potential and thus has a one-body origin; (iii) a pairing correction E , which 15 pair 16 has a two-body origin. The total energy thus reads formally 17 18 E(q) = Emac(q) + Eshell(q) + Epair(q), (1) 19 20 where q represents the set of all deformations characterizing the nuclear surface. The 21 formalism has also been extended to account for finite angular momentum, e.g. in 22 [44, 11], and intrinsic excitation energy, for instance in [53, 54]. 23 24 25 2.1.1. Parametrization of the Nuclear Surface In the MM approach, the energy (1) is 26 a function of all the parameters needed to describe the nuclear shape. In other words, 27 28 the nuclear surface must be parametrized explicitly. Numerous parametrizations have 29 been introduced over the years; see [55] for a comprehensive review. In this section, we 30 31 wish to recall some of the most common parametrizations, especially those that have 32 been introduced to describe extremely deformed nuclear shapes near scission. 33 The simplest and most common parametrization is based on the multipole 34 35 expansion of the nuclear radius [56], 36 " +λ # X X 37 R(θ, ϕ) = R c(α) 1 + α Y (θ, ϕ) , (2) 38 0 λµ λµ 39 λ≥2 µ=−λ 40 1/3 where R0 = r0A is a parametrization of the nuclear radius for a spherical nucleus of 41 42 mass A (r0 ≈ 1.2 fm); c(α) is a factor accounting for the conservation of nuclear volume 43 with deformation; the αλµ are the deformation parameters; and Yλµ(θ, ϕ) are the usual 44 spherical harmonics. This parametrization of the nuclear surface is ideal for small to 45 46 moderate deformations. However, a well-known problem of this formulation discussed 47 in [57, 58] is that it does not provide a unique representation of the nuclear surface. 48 In addition, the number of active deformation parameters needed to characterize very 49 50 elongated shapes can become large. These difficulties also manifest themselves in the 51 DFT framework since, as we will discuss in section 2.3.1, the collective variables most 52 53 commonly used are the mass multipole moments of the nucleus, which are closely related 54 to the spherical harmonics of (2). For illustration, we show in figure 2 a cross-section of 55 the shapes obtained with the expansion (2) for the nucleus 240Pu with λ = 2, 3, 4 and 56 57 µ = 0. 58 Because of the limitations of expansion (2), alternative parametrizations of the 59 nuclear surface have been advocated over the years. One of the most popular is 60 the Funny Hills shapes of [9]. Assuming axial symmetry along the z-axis of the Page 11 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12

13 0

14 R 0 /

15 ρ 16 17 18 19 -1 20 21 22 23 -2 -1 0 1 2 24 25 z/R0 26 27 Figure 2. Axial shapes obtained with the expansion (2) of the nuclear radius for 28 α = 0.8 (plain curve), α = 0.4 (dashed curve) and α = 0.2 (dashed-dotted 29 20 30 40 curve). For each curve, all other deformation parameters are 0. 30 31 32 33 34 intrinsic reference frame, a point on the surface is characterized by the usual cylindrical 35 coordinates (ρ, z, ϕ). In this case, the distance ρ from the nuclear surface to the axis of 36 symmetry is given by 37 38 2 2 2 2  2 ρ = R0c (1 − ξ ) A + αξ + Bξ ,B ≥ 0, (3) 39 2 2 2 2 Bc3ξ2 40 ρ = R0c (1 − ξ )[A + αξ] e , B < 0, (4) 41 42 where A, B, and α are the parameters characterizing the shape; c is related to the 43 elongation of the system, and defines the dimensionless variable ξ = z/c; in practice, A 44 is obtained from the volume conservation condition, and the parameter B is substituted 45 1 1 46 by another, h = 2 B − 4 (c − 1), which is related to the thickness of the neck. 47 Therefore, the Funny Hills parametrizations is most commonly characterized by the 48 set (c, h, α). The figure 3 illustrates the shapes obtained for (h, α) = (0, 0) (top panel) 49 50 and (h, α) = (0.2, 0.3) (bottom panel), each case with c varying between 1.0 and 2.2 by 51 step of 0.3. 52 53 An alternative to the Funny-Hills parametrization is the one proposed by the 54 Los Alamos group in [7]. It also applies to axially-symmetry shapes. In cylindrical 55 56 57 58 59 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 12 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 12 4 5 1 6 7

8 0 9 0 /

10 ρ R 11 12 13 -1 14 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 15 16 z/ R0 17 18 1 19 20 21 0

22 / 0 23 ρ R 24 25 -1 26 27 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 28 29 z/ R0 30 31 Figure 3. Funny-Hills parametrization of nuclear shapes for (h, α) = (0, 0) (top panel) 32 and (h, α) = (0.2, 0.3) (bottom panel). c varies from 1.0 to 2.2 by step of 0.3 33 34 35 36 coordinates, the nuclear surface is described by three quadratic surfaces of revolution 37  2 38 2 a1 2 2  a1 − 2 (z − l1) , l1 − c1 ≤ z ≤ z1, 39  c1  40  2 41 2 2 a2 2 2 ρ = a2 − 2 (z − l2) , z2 ≤ z ≤ l2 + c2, (5) 42  c2 43   a2 44  2 3 2 2  a3 − 2 (z − l3) , z1 ≤ z ≤ z2. 45 c3 46 47 The nine parameters (ai, li, ci)i=1,2,3 are not all independent: the condition of volume 48 conservation eliminates one parameter; the condition of continuity and differentiability 49 of the surface at the two interfaces z1 and z2 eliminate two more parameters; fixing the 50 51 centre of mass of the shape can also eliminate an additional parameter, so that only 5 52 independent parameters are ultimately needed. They are noted (Q2, αg, εf1, εf2, d) and 53 correspond, respectively, to the elongation of the whole nucleus, the mass asymmetry 54 55 of the two nascent fragments, the axial quadrupole deformation of the left and right 56 fragment, and the thickness of the neck; see [49] for details and derivations. 57 The last category of nuclear shape parametrization originally introduced in [59] is 58 59 based on Cassini ovals. The general expression for Cassini ovals is 60 (a2 + z2 + ρ2)2 = 4a2z2 + b4, (6) Page 13 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 13 4 5 with a and b the only parameters. If a = 0, then the shape reduces to a sphere of radius 6 b; if a > b (6) represents two separate fragments. When using this parametrization 7 8 to represent the nuclear shape, the volume conservation condition allows eliminating 9 one of the two parameters. Therefore, Cassini ovals represent a single-parameter 10 parametrization of the nucleus that can reproduce shapes from the spherical point to two 11 12 distinct fragments separated by an arbitrary distance. To account for mass asymmetry, 2 2 13 Cassini ovals can be distorted by substituting a → a2 −  in the left-hand side of (6). 14 The figure 4 illustrates some of the typical shapes obtained in the symmetric case of 15 16 (6). 17 18 19 1 20 21 22 0 23 / 0 24 ρ R 25 26 -1 27 28 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 29 30 z/ R0 31 32 Figure 4. Axial shapes obtained with the parametrization (6) for u = 33 0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2. The case u = 0 corresponds to the sphere, the case u = 1.0 34 to the scission point and the case u = 1.2 to the two separated fragments 35 36 37 Once a parametrization of the nuclear surface has been established, the macroscopic 38 39 part of the energy Emac(q) can be computed. In the most advanced parametrization of 40 the macroscopic energy, the surface, surface-symmetry, Coulomb and Wigner terms 41 42 depend on the deformation via geometrical form factors that can be computed in 43 a straightforward manner when the nuclear shape is known. The other terms are 44 deformation-independent and adjusted to global nuclear properties [50, 51, 52]. 45 46 47 2.1.2. Quantum Corrections In addition to the macroscopic energy, the MM approach 48 relies on various quantum corrections. Here, the adjective “quantum” recalls the fact 49 50 that these corrections can only be computed by solving the Schr¨odingerequation of 51 . 52 53 The shell correction is the most important correction. It was introduced in [60] in 54 order to account for the single particle shell structure in the calculation of the total 55 energy. The starting point of the method is a phenomenological nuclear potential 56 57 U(r) including a central part such as e.g., the Nilsson, Woods-Saxon or Folded-Yukawa 58 potential, a -orbit potential and the Coulomb potential for protons. The geometry of 59 these potentials should be consistent with that of the nuclear surface: in the case of the 60 Woods-Saxon or Folded-, this implies that the various terms depend AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 14 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 14 4 5 on the distance of the current point to the nuclear surface, parametrized as discussed in 6 the previous section. Given the potential and its deformation, one solves the one-body 7 8 Schr¨odingerequation in order to obtain the (deformed) single particle energies en and 9 wave functions ϕn(r). The last step is to approximate the discrete sequence of states 10 {e } by a continuous distributiong ˜(e) following the Strutinsky averaging procedure. 11 n n 12 The shell correction is then defined as 13 X Z 14 Eshell = en − g˜(e)ede. (7) 15 n 16 In the last expression, the shell correction should be computed for both protons and 17 18 neutrons; the summation extends either over the Z and N lowest orbitals (ground-state) 19 or over a subset of orbitals (excited states). In addition to providing a more realistic 20 estimate of binding energies, the introduction of a one-body potential has given birth 21 22 to a very powerful phenomenology based on single particle orbitals as basic degrees of 23 freedom of nuclei; see [11] for a reference textbook on this topic. 24 Pairing correlations are incorporated into the macroscopic-microscopic approach in 25 26 the form of an average pairing energy in the macroscopic energy Emac supplemented by a 27 pairing energy correction. The average pairing energy does not contribute to fission (it is 28 29 independent of the deformation), while the pairing energy correction is treated in a very 30 similar manner as shell effects. The solution to the BCS equations define the pairing 31 correlation energy Epair. Assuming again a continuous level distribution, one can define 32 ˜ ˜ 33 a smooth pairing energy Epair. The difference δEpair = Epair − Epair defines the pairing 34 correction energy. In most applications to fission, pairing is described within the BCS 35 theory with schematic interactions such as a constant seniority pairing force. Particle 36 37 number conservation can be accounted for exactly by projection techniques as described 38 in [61] or approximately through the Lipkin-Nogami prescription, see application in 39 40 [8, 43].Such a scheme was applied extensively in the fission studies by the LANL/LBNL 41 and Warsaw groups, see, e.g., [48, 49, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66] and references therein for some 42 recent work. 43 44 45 2.2. The Energy Density Functional Formalism 46 47 The energy density functional (EDF) formalism at the heart of the current microscopic 48 theory of fission is the implementation of DFT in the particular context of atomic nuclei. 49 50 Let us briefly recall that the DFT used in electronic structure theory relies on the 51 rigorous existence theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn [67]. It begins with the expression 52 53 of the energy of the system as a functional of the local density n(r). The density 54 is determined in practice by solving the Kohn-Sham equations – formally analogue to the 55 Hartree equations [68]. Note that various extensions of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem 56 57 to handle exchange terms exactly, excited states, systems at finite temperature, and 58 superfluid correlations are also available; see [69, 70] for a detailed presentation. In 59 these extensions, the Kohn-Sham scheme is reformulated starting, e.g., from the full 60 one-body density matrix for the exact treatment of exchange terms [71]. Page 15 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 15 4 5 In , the true Hamiltonian is not known, nuclei are self-bound, and, 6 as emphasized in [72], correlation effects are much stronger than in electron systems. 7 8 Also, pairing correlations play a special role, which is reflected by the importance of 9 the Bogoliubov transformation in nuclear structure. There have been various attempts 10 to extend the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem to self-bound systems characterized by their 11 12 intrinsic density (defined in the centre of mass reference frame), see discussions in 13 [73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78]. However, the resulting Kohn-Sham scheme does not seem 14 to be as simple as in electronic DFT as shown in [73, 74]. In addition, how to rigorously 15 16 include symmetry-breaking effects (and subsequently restore these symmetries) in such 17 schemes remain an open question. 18 19 Historically, most nuclear energy functionals have been explicitly derived from 20 the expectation value of an effective nuclear Hamiltonian on a quasiparticle vacuum 21 leading to the notion of self-consistent nuclear mean field reviewed in details in [79]. In 22 23 the spirit of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, the SCMF is equivalent to expressing the 24 energy as a functional of the intrinsic, one-body, non-local density matrix ρ and non- 25 local pairing tensor κ. In addition, these objects may break many of the symmetries of 26 27 realistic nuclear forces such as translational or rotational invariance, , time-reversal 28 invariance, and particle number. This spontaneous symmetry breaking is essential for 29 introducing long-range correlations in the nuclear as discussed in [61, 80]. 30 31 In the next sections, we recall some of the basic features of the nuclear EDF approach. 32 We begin with the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) theory in section 2.2.1, followed 33 34 by its BCS approximation in section 2.2.2; in section 2.2.3, we give a brief survey of 35 standard energy functionals; we then introduce the finite temperature formalism in 36 section 2.2.4 as a method to describe excited states; finally, we list in section 2.2.5 the 37 38 various corrections to the energy that have a beyond mean-field origin. 39 40 2.2.1. Self-Consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory The HFB approximation to the 41 42 energy is centred on the Bogoliubov transformation defining quasiparticle creation and 43 † operators in terms of a given single particle basis (ci, ci ) of a (restricted) 44 45 X X 46 β = U ∗ c + V ∗ c†, (8) 47 µ iµ i iµ i 48 i i 49 † X † X βµ = Uiµci + Viµci. (9) 50 i i 51 52 While the Hilbert space of single particle wave functions is infinite, in practice 53 summations are truncated up to a maximum basis state N. It is convenient to introduce 54 a block matrix notation and matrices of double by writing the equation above 55 56 as 57 ! ! ! ! β U + V + c c 58 = = W + , (10) 59 β† V T U T c† c† 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 16 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 16 4 5 which defines the matrix W of the Bogoliubov transformation 6 ! UV ∗ 7 W = . (11) 8 VU ∗ 9 10 The quasiparticle operators must satisfy canonical commutation relations, which 11 can be summarized by the condition 12 ! 13 0 I 14 W +σW = σ, σ = N , (12) 15 IN 0 16 17 with IN the N-dimensional identity matrix. The HFB wave function |Φi is defined as 18 the vacuum of the quasiparticle annihilation operators, βµ|Φi = 0 for all µ. This to 19 writing |Φi = Q β |0i where |0i is the particle vacuum of Fock space and the product 20 µ µ 21 runs over all the µ indexes that render |Φi non zero. 22 - If the ground-state wave function takes the form of a Bogoliubov 23 vacuum, the Wick theorem guarantees that the basic degrees of freedom are the one- 24 ∗ 25 body density matrix ρ, the pairing tensor κ and its complex conjugate κ [61, 81]. Each 26 of these objects can be expressed as a function of the Bogoliubov transformation, 27 28 † ∗ T ∗ T ρij = hΦ| cjci |Φi = (V V )ij, κij = hΦ| cjci |Φi = (V U )ij. (13) 29 30 The notation can be further condensed by introducing the generalized density matrix, 31 ! 32 ρ κ R = , (14) 33 −κ∗ 1 − ρ∗ 34 35 which is given in terms of the W matrix of the Bogoliubov transformation and the 36 37 matrix of quasiparticle contractions ! ! 38 hβ† β i hβ β i 0 0 39 µ ν µ ν R = † † † = (15) 40 hβµβνi hβµβνi 0 IN 41 † 42 as R = W RW . The generalized density matrix encapsulates in a single matrix all 43 degrees of freedom of the theory and simplifies the formal manipulations required in the 44 45 application of the variational least energy principle. 46 Variational principle - Since ρ, κ and κ∗ are the only degrees of freedom, the energy 47 can be expressed most generally as the functional E[ρ, κ, κ∗] ≡ E[R]. In practice, one 48 49 often distinguishes between the particle-hole and particle-particle channel, 50 ∗ ph pp ∗ 51 E[ρ, κ, κ ] = E [ρ] + E [ρ, κ, κ ] (16) 52 although the distinction is a bit artificial since ρ and κ are related through ρ2−ρ = −κκ†. 53 54 Please also note that pairing interactions depending on the density ρ are very popular 55 in nuclear physics, which adds and extra dependence in Epp. The actual matrix R is 56 57 obtained by minimizing the energy under the condition that the HFB solution remains 58 a quasiparticle vacuum, which is equivalent to R2 = R. We thus have to minimize 59  2  60 E = E − tr Λ(R − R) , (17) Page 17 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 17 4 5 where Λ is a matrix of (undetermined) constraints. In this expression and the rest of 6 this paper, “tr” refers to the trace in the single particle basis (possibly doubled). The 7 8 variations of the energy are given by 9 X ∂E X ∂  2  10 δE = δRab − tr Λ(R − R) δRab. (18) ∂Rab ∂Rab 11 ab ab 12 Since ∂R /∂R = δ δ , we find after some simple algebra, 13 dc ab da cb 14 X ∂  2  X 15 tr Λ(R − R) = (RΛ + ΛR − Λ)ba . (19) ∂Rab 16 ab ab 17 Let us denote 1 H = ∂E/∂R . In matrix form, the condition that the variations of 18 2 ba ab 19 the energy should be zero is expressed by the equation 20 1 21 H − (RΛ + ΛR − Λ) = 0. (20) 22 2 23 Pre- and post-multiplying this equation by R and subtracting the results after noticing 24 that R2 = R, we find the final form of the HFB equation 25 26 [H, R] = 0. (21) 27 1 1 28 Since 2 Hba = ∂E/∂Rab, we have by definition δE = 2 tr(HδR). Considering the form 29 (14) of the generalized density, we find that the matrix of H reads 30 ! 31 h ∆ 32 H = ∗ ∗ , (22) 33 −∆ −h 34 with the mean field h and pairing field ∆ defined by 35 36 ∂E ∂E 37 hij = , ∆ij = ∗ , ∂ρji ∂κij 38 ∂E ∂E (23) 39 ∗ ∗ ∆ij = , hij = ∗ . 40 ∂κij ∂ρji 41 The form of the HFB equation (21) is not well suited for its practical solution and, 42 43 therefore, it is often reinterpreted by considering that [H, R] = 0 implies that H and 44 R can be diagonalized by the same Bogoliubov transformation. Since the generalized 45 46 density matrix is diagonalized by W as shown in (15), the same must hold for H, 47 HW = W E. (24) 48 49 This represents a non-linear diagonalization problem (since H depends upon W through 50 51 the densities) with eigenvalues E and eigenvectors W . It turns out that the matrix of 52 eigenvalues can be written schematically 53 ! 54 Eµ 0 55 E = , (25) 0 −Eµ 56 57 that is, for each positive eigenvalue Eµ, there is another one of opposite sign −Eµ. The 58 eigenvalues of the HFB matrix are referred to as “quasiparticle energies”. In section 59 60 4.1 page 63, we discuss the technical aspects of solving such a non-linear eigenvalue

problem. The quasiparticle energies Eµ defined above should not be confused with AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 18 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 18 4 5 the single particle energies typical of the phenomenological mean field potentials of the 6 macroscopic-microscopic method. The equivalent to the single particle energies in the 7 8 HFB case are the eigenvalues of the Hartree-Fock (HF) Hamiltonian h of (23). The study 9 of those quantities allows to obtain the same degree of insight that can be obtained by 10 the study of the Nilsson orbitals. 11 ∗ 12 Energy and fields - In nuclear physics, the energy functional E[ρ, κ, κ ] is typically 13 composed of two parts: one is derived from an effective two-body Hamiltonian, 14 15 ˆ X † 1 X † † H = tijci cj + v¯ijklci cjclck, (26) 16 4 ij ijkl 17 18 where tij refers to the matrix elements of the one-body kinetic energy operator and 19 v¯ to the anti-symmetrized matrix elements of the two-body potential. The other 20 ijkl 21 part of the energy functional comes in the form of various phenomenological density 22 dependent terms that have to be handled with some care as they introduce additional 23 terms in the HF Hamiltonian and pairing fields that come in the form of rearrangement 24 25 potentials (see below). In the case of such an effective two-body Hamiltonian, the HFB 26 ˆ Q energy is simply given by E = hΦ|H|Φi, with |Φi = µ βµ|0i the quasiparticle vacuum 27 28 introduced earlier. Considering the definitions (13) for the density matrix and pairing 29 tensor, the application of the Wick theorem gives 30 1 1 31 E = tr(tρ) + tr(Γρ) − tr(∆κ∗). (27) 32 2 2 33 In this particular case, the mean field potential and the pairing field are given as a 34 function of the two-body matrix elements by 35 36 X 1 X Γ = v ρ , ∆ = v κ . (28) 37 ik ijkl lj ij 2 ijkl kl 38 jl kl 39 and the HF Hamiltonian reads h = t + Γ. The notation can be further condensed by 40 41 defining the generalized kinetic energy and mean field matrices by 42 ! ! t 0 Γ ∆ 43 T = , K = . (29) 44 0 −t∗ −∆∗ −Γ∗ 45 46 With these notations, we note that H[R] = T + K[R]. The total energy can then be 47 written in the very compact form 48 1 49 E = tr [(H + T ) S] , (30) 50 4 51 with 52 ! ! 53 ρ κ 0 0 54 S = ∗ ∗ = R − . (31) 55 −κ −ρ 0 IN 56 Density-dependent interactions - In the practical implementation of the HFB 57 58 theory in nuclear structure, special attention should be paid to the very common case 59 of two-body, density-dependent effective “forces”v ˆDD(r, r0) =v ˆDD[ρ(R)]δ(r − r0) with 60 R = (r + r0)/2. Note that in this case, the potentialv ˆDD cannot be put into strict Page 19 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 19 4 5 second quantized form as emphasized in [82]. However, one can still define an energy 6 functional E[ρ, κ, κ∗] by taking the expectation value ofv ˆDD in coordinate space on a 7 8 quasiparticle vacuum. Given the energy functional, the mean field and pairing field 9 can then be defined from (23). When computing these derivatives with respect to the 10 density matrix, additional contributions related to the matrix elements of ∂vˆDD/∂ρ will 11 12 arise (rearrangement terms). They have the generic form 13 X DD 14 Γij → Γij + ∂vijklρlj, (32) 15 jl 16 with 17 Z Z ∂vˆDD 18 ∂vDD = d3r d3r0 ϕ∗(r)ϕ∗(r0) (R)ϕ (r)ϕ (r0). (33) 19 ijkl i j ∂ρ k l 20 21 Note that one could also consider pairing-tensor-dependent potentials in the same way. 22 Recently, an extension of the above scheme as to consider finite range density-dependent 23 forces has been proposed [83]. In this case, the simple formulas above have to be adapted 24 25 but the same conceptual procedure remains valid. 26 Representation based on the Thouless theorem - There is an alternative way to 27 28 obtain and represent the HFB equation which is based on the Thouless theorem of 29 [84]. We recall that the Thouless theorem presented, e.g., in [61, 81], establishes that 30 two non-orthogonal quasiparticle vacuua |Φ0i and |Φ1i (corresponding to two different 31 32 Bogoliubov transformations W0 and W1) are related through 33 |Φ i = exp(iZˆ)|Φ i, (34) 34 1 0 35 where Zˆ is an hermitian one-body operator written in the quasiparticle basis 36 37 corresponding to |Φ0i as 38 X 1 X 39 Zˆ = Z11β† β + Z20β† β† + h.c. (35) µν µ ν 2 µν µ ν 40 µν µν 41 11 20 42 The complex matrices Z (hermitian) and Z (skew-symmetric) are determined by the 43 requirement 44 " !# 45 Z11 Z20 W = W exp i = W exp[iZ]. (36) 46 1 0 −Z20 ∗ −Z11 ∗ 0 47 48 The relation above can be used to generate a Bogoliubov transformation W1 given an 49 11 20 50 initial one W0 and a set of Z and Z coefficients. Not surprisingly, the number of free 51 parameters in Z11 and Z20 is the same as in a general Bogoliubov transformation W after 52 taking into account the condition W +σW = σ. Therefore, these matrices can be used as 53 54 independent variational parameters. Starting from an initial Bogoliubov transformation 55 W and considering infinitesimal variations δW characterized by the matrix Z (that is, 56 11 20 57 Z and Z ), we obtain to first order in Z an explicit expression for the variation of 58 the Bogoliubov amplitude W as δW = iW Z. It follows that the variation δR of the 59 generalized density R = W RW † under small variations δW can be expressed in terms 60 † 1 of the Z matrix as δR = i(ZR − RZ) with Z = WZW . From δE = 2 tr(HδR) for AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 20 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 20 4 i 5 the variation of the energy, we thus find δE = 2 tr([R, H]Z). The variational principle 6 condition δE = 0 yields the HFB equation [R, H] = 0. Finally, calculating the variation 7 † 8 of the energy δE to second order in Z tell us that, if Z is chosen as iη[R, H] , where η is 9 a sufficiently small step size, then δE is negative. This result represents the essence of 10 the gradient method commonly used in numerical implementations of the HFB equation 11 12 and discussed in more details in section 4.1.3; see also [85] for a complete presentation. 13 14 40 15 35 16 30 25 17 (MeV) 20 Neutron 18 15 pairing 19 E 10 20 5 0 21 •1790 22 23 240 24 Pu 25 •1795 26 27 28 D1M 29 D1S •1800 30 (MeV) HFB 31 E 32 33 34 •1805 35 36 37 •1810 38 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 β 39 2 40 41 Figure 5. Illustration of a constrained HFB calculation in the particular case of two 42 parametrizations of the Gogny force, see 2.2.3. Bottom panel: HFB energy (27) as 43 1 ∗ a function of the quadrupole deformation. Top panel: pairing energy 2 tr(∆κ ) as a 44 function of the quadrupole deformation. 45 46 47 48 Constraints - By construction, the quasiparticle vacuum is not a eigenstate of the 49 particle number operator. In practice, it is thus always necessary to impose a constraint 50 on the average value of the particle number operator, both for protons and neutrons. 51 52 Solving the HFB equation (21) subject to constraints is also particularly important 53 in fission studies. It is required in the evaluation of the potential energy surface as 54 a function of the collective coordinates used to characterize the fission process. The 55 56 handling of constraints in the formalism outline above is straightforward since it only P 57 requires replacing the HFB matrix by the auxiliary operator Hij → Hij − λαOα,ij 58 where O are the matrix elements of the constraint operators Oˆ in the doubled basis 59 α,ij α 60 and λα are Lagrange multipliers. One-body operators such as, e.g., the particle number operator or multipole moments, have the same generic structure as in (29). For example, Page 21 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 21 4 5 solving the HFB equation with a constraint on particle number implies that the HFB 6 matrix becomes 7 ! 8 h − λ ∆ H = , (37) 9 −∆∗ −h∗ + λ 10 11 with λ the Fermi energy. In the previous equation, h − λ is a shorthand notation for 12 13 hij − λδij. Nearly all operators needed in fission are one-body operators, and their ˆ ˆ 14 expectation value is thus given by hOαi = tr[Oαρ]. The figure 5 shows an example of 15 constrained HFB solutions in the particular case of a single collective variable. In the 16 ˆ 17 figure, the quadrupole deformation β2 is obtained from the axial quadrupole moment Q20 p 2 5/3 ˆ 18 used as a constraint through β2 = 5/(16π)4π/(3r0A )hQ20i. Section 2.3 discusses 19 in more details typical collective variables used in fission calculations. 20 21 To solve the non-linear HFB equation several approaches are used. A very popular 22 one is the iterative method, where the density matrix of the n-th iteration is used to 23 24 compute the H matrix for the (n + 1)-th one. Diagonalization of this matrix produces 25 a new density matrix and the process is repeated until the generalized density matrix 26 remains stationary up to the desired precision. Another popular method is based on 27 28 the direct minimization of the energy using any of the variants of the gradient method 29 [86]. Finally, the imaginary time method is also popular in the particular case of the 30 HF+BCS equation. The advantages and disadvantages of the three of them will be 31 32 discussed in more details in section 4.1.3. 33 34 35 2.2.2. BCS Approximation to the HFB Equation As immediately visible from the form 36 (37) of the HFB matrix, solving the HFB equations require handling matrices twice 37 larger than the simpler HF theory. In addition, the HFB spectrum is unbounded from 38 39 below and from above, which leads to practical difficulties when trying to solve the HFB 40 equation on a lattice, see section 4.1.2. These are some of the reasons why the BCS 41 approximation to the HFB equation is sometimes preferred in applications. 42 43 The idea is to first write the HFB matrix H in a special basis – the single particle 44 basis where the HF Hamiltonian h is diagonal with eigenvalues eµ (the HF single 45 particle energies). In other words, we find the transformation matrix D such that 46 47 hD = De where e is the matrix of eigenvalues eµ. The BCS approximation then 48 consists in imposing that the skew-symmetric tensor ∆µµ0 of (23) be in normal form 49 0 50 in that basis. Specifically, we impose that it can only connect states with µ =µ ¯, where 51 the single particle stateµ ¯ is the partner of state µ under the time-reversal operator: 52 ∆µµ0 ∼ ∆µµ¯δµµ¯ 0 . If we denote by ∆ the diagonal matrix with elements ∆µ ≡ ∆µµ¯, we 53 54 find that the HFB matrix (37) becomes 55   e − λ 0 0 ∆ 56  0 e − λ −∆ 0  57 H =   . (38) 58 BCS  ∗   0 −∆ −e + λ 0  59 ∗ 60 ∆ 0 0 −e + λ AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 22 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 22 4 5 This matrix can easily be rearranged and block-diagonalized by a BCS transformation, 6 which is equivalent to solving the traditional “gap equation” of the BCS theory, 7 8 2 2 (eµ − λ)(uµ − vµ) + 2∆µuµvµ = 0. (39) 9 10 The size of the matrix to be diagonalized, h, is reduced by a factor of 2 as compared 11 to HFB, which in turns lowers the computational cost by a factor 8. Several test 12 13 calculations, for example [87, 88], have shown that the HF+BCS approach is a reasonable 14 approximation to the full HFB treatment for fission calculations. This conclusion does 15 not hold any more for weakly-bound nuclei close to the neutron dripline, where the BCS 16 17 approximation induces a with an non-physical gas of neutrons as discussed in 18 [89]. 19 20 There is a relation between the quasiparticle energies Eµ of the HFB method and the 21 single particle energies eµ, the Fermi energy λ and the matrix element of the pairing field q 22 ∆ , E = (e − λ)2 + ∆2 . It follows that the coefficients of the BCS transformation 23 µ µ µ µ 24 uµ and vµ acquire the very simple form 25   26 2 ) u 1 eµ − λ 27 µ 2 = 1 ± q  . (40) vµ 2 2 2 28 (eµ − λ) + ∆µ 29 30 In the case of a pure pairing force with constant matrix elements −G the ∆µµ0 matrix 31 is already in normal form with constant ∆ matrix elements ∆ = ∆ = G P u v . 32 µ µ ν>0 ν ν 33 The vν and uν are again the coefficients of the BCS transformation. In this case, however, 34 the attractive pairing interaction can only be active within a restricted window of single 35 36 particle levels, being zero elsewhere. 37 38 2.2.3. Energy Functionals As already emphasized, most nuclear energy functionals 39 40 used in fission studies are explicitly derived from the expectation value of effective, 41 density-dependent, local two-body nuclear potentials at the HFB approximation. For 42 the particle-hole channel, that is, the component Eph[ρ] of the full functional (16), the 43 44 two most popular functionals are based on the Skyrme and Gogny two-body effective 45 potentials. Both EDFs are intended to be applicable throughout the nuclear chart using 46 47 a limited set of parameters adjusted to global nuclear properties. 48 The Skyrme EDF is the energy functional E[ρ] derived from the expectation value of 49 the Skyrme potential introduced in [90] on a Slater determinant. The current standard 50 51 form of the two-body Skyrme interaction is 52 Vˆ (r , r ) = t (1 + x Pˆ )δ(r − r ) (41) 53 12 1 2 0 0 σ 1 2 1 2 2 54 + t (1 + x Pˆ )[kˆ0 δ(r − r ) + δ(r − r )kˆ ] 55 2 1 1 σ 1 2 1 2 56 ˆ ˆ0 ˆ 57 + t2(1 + x2Pσ)k · δ(r1 − r2)k 58 ˆ ˆ0 ˆ + iW0S · [k δ(r1 − r2) ∧ k] 59 1 60 + t (1 + x Pˆ )ρα(R )δ(r − r ), (42) 6 3 3 σ 12 1 2 Page 23 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 23 4 5 where 6 i i ←− ←− kˆ = − (∇ − ∇ ), kˆ0 = (∇ − ∇ ) (43) 7 2 1 2 2 1 2 8 ˆ 9 are the relative momentum operator, R12 = (r1+r2)/2, Pσ is the spin exchange operator 10 ˆ ˆ0 and S = σ1 + σ2 is the total spin. By convention, k acts on the left. The Skyrme 11 12 potential contains a phenomenological density-dependent term (term proportional to 13 t3). Originally this term was introduced with α = 1 and x3 = 1 in [91] to simulate the 14 effect of three-body forces, in particular with respect to the saturation of nuclear forces. 15 16 Following [92], both α and x3 are now usually taken as phenomenological adjustable 17 parameters. The expectation value of the potential (42) on a Slater determinant can 18 be expressed as a functional of the local density ρ(r) and various other local densities 19 20 derived from ρ(r). The potential energy is then given by 21 Z 3 X  even odd  22 ESkyrme = d r Ht (r) + Ht (r) , (44) 23 t=0,1 24 25 where t = 0 refers to isoscalar energy densities, and t = 1 to isovector ones. The even 26 contribution Ht (r) to the total energy density depends only on time-even densities, 27 even ρ 2 ∆ρ τ J 2 ∇J 28 Ht (r) = Ct ρt + Ct ρt∆ρt + Ct ρtτt + Ct Jt + Ct ρt∇ · J t, (45) 29 odd 30 while the contribution Ht (r) depends only on time-odd densities, 31 Hodd(r) = Css2 + C∆ss · ∆s + CT s · T + Cjj2 + C∇js · (∇ ∧ j ) .(46) 32 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t 33 The various densities involved in these expressions are: the kinetic energy density τt; 34 35 the spin current density Jt (rank 2 tensor); the vector part of the spin current density P 36 J t (which is obtained by the tensor contraction J κ,t = µν µνκJµν,t); the spin density 37 s ; the spin kinetic energy density T and the spin current density j . Their actual 38 t t t 39 expressions as a function of the one-body density matrix can be found in [79, 93, 94]. 40 The Skyrme energy density is the most general scalar that can be formed by coupling 41 the fields derived from the one-body density matrix up to second order in derivatives 42 43 as discussed in [95, 96]. There have been attempts to generalize the EDF (45)-(46) by 44 going beyond the second order derivative [97, 98, 99, 100] or by adding local, zero-range 45 46 three-body forces to the potential given by (42) [101]. 47 The Gogny force is the most-widely used non-relativistic effective finite-range 48 nuclear potential. It can be viewed as a Skyrme potential where the zero range central 49 50 potential is replaced by the sum of two Gaussians in the spatial part. In fact, the central 51 part of the Skyrme force can be obtained by expanding a Gaussian central and spin-orbit 52 potential up to second order in momentum space as shown in [91]. The main advantage 53 54 of the finite range is that the matrix elements are free from ultraviolet divergences in 55 the particle-particle channel, which allows using the same potential in both particle-hole 56 and particle-particle channels without introducing a window of active particles in the 57 58 particle-particle channel. In its original formulation of [102], the Gogny force reads 59 2 2 − (r1−r2) 60 ˆ X ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ µ2 V12(r1, r2) = (Wi + BiPσ − HiPτ − MiPσPτ ) e i i=1 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 24 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 24 4 ˆ ˆ0 ˆ 5 + iWLSS · [k δ(r1 − r2) ∧ k] 6 ˆ α 7 + t3(1 + x0Pσ) ρ (R12)δ(r1 − r2). (47) 8 Note that the energy of two-body finite-range potentials such as the Gogny could also 9 10 be put in the form (44), the difference being that the energy densities H(r) would be 11 expressed themselves not directly as functionals of the local density ρ(r), but as integrals 12 0 0 13 over r involving the non-local density ρ(r, r ). 14 For both the Skyrme and Gogny forces, the energy density functional is obtained 15 from a central and spin orbit potential plus a phenomenological density-dependent term. 16 17 Note that we have not discussed the inclusion of explicit tensor potentials in either the 18 Skyrme or Gogny forces, see [94, 103, 104] for detailed discussions on that topic. In 19 the spirit of the Kohn-Sham theory, however, the EDF does not need to be derived 20 21 from any potential and could be parametrized directly as a functional of the density. In 22 the Barcelona-Catania-Paris-Madrid (BCPM) functional of [105, 106], this idea is only 23 applied to the volume part of the functional, as it can easily be constrained by nuclear 24 25 and neutron matter properties. The resulting functional of the density is supplemented 26 with a term from a spin-orbit potential and another potential providing the surface 27 28 term, leading to 29 E[ρ] = T + ESO[ρ] + E∞ [ρ] + EFR[ρ], (48) 30 int int 31 where T is the kinetic energy, ESO is the spin-orbit energy density obtained from a zero 32 ∞ 33 range spin-orbit potential, Eint is the bulk part given in terms of a fitting polynomial of FR 34 the density with parameters adjusted to reproduce nuclear matter properties, and Eint 35 is the surface energy obtained from a finite-range Gaussian potential. Similar ideas had 36 37 also been pursued earlier by Fayans and collaborators in [107, 108]. In their work, the 38 ∞ FR parametrization of Eint was different from the BPCM functional, and the Eint term was 39 40 derived from a Yukawa potential instead of a Gaussian. 41 In realistic calculations, the Coulomb potential must also be included for protons. 42 The direct contribution of this potential to the energy does not pose any particular 43 44 problem. The exchange term is usually treated in the Slater approximation although 45 several studies such as [109] have shown the impact of both Coulomb exchange and the 46 associated Coulomb anti-pairing effect in collective inertias. 47 ph 48 As mentioned in section 2.2.1, the nuclear EDF comprises two components, E [ρ] in 49 the p.h. channel and Epp[κ, κ∗] in the p.p. channel. Once again, pairing functionals are 50 most often obtained by taking the expectation value of an effective (two-body) potential 51 52 on the quasiparticle vacuum. Users of the Gogny force often take the same potential for 53 the pairing channel. In the case of the Skyrme EDF, it is customary to consider simple 54 55 pairing forces that can be put into functionals of the local pairing densityρ ˜(r) introduced 56 in [110]. The full one-body pairing densityρ ˜(rσ, r0σ0), depending on spatial (r) and spin 57 (σ) coordinates, is related to the pairing tensor through κ(rσ, r0σ0) = 2σ0ρ˜(rσ, r0 − σ0) 58 0 59 (σ, σ = ±1/2) and has similar symmetry properties as the one-body density matrix ρ. 60 Page 25 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 25 4 5 A commonly used pairing force is the density-dependent, zero range potential 6  ρ (R )α 7 ˆ X 0 1 0 12 Vpair(r1, r2) = Vτ 1 − Vτ δ(r1 − r2), (49) 8 ρ τ=n,p c 9 0 1 10 where Vτ , Vτ , ρc, α are adjustable parameters and ρ0 the isoscalar one-body density. 11 While V 0 controls the strength of the pairing interaction, ρ represents the average 12 τ c −3 1 13 density inside the nucleus (it is often set at 0.16 fm ) and, therefore, Vτ controls the 14 surface or volume of the pairing interaction. Such a schematic pairing force 15 was originally introduced in [111]. Note that its zero-range requires introducing a cut- 16 17 off in the number of active particles used to define the densities. In both the BCPM 18 and Fayans functionals, a similar zero-range density-dependent interaction was adopted 19 20 [107, 112]. 21 Irrespective of the mathematical form of the functional, nuclear EDFs contain free 22 parameters that must be adjusted to experimental data. In the case of the Skyrme force, 23 uu0 24 these are the (t, x) parameters plus W0 and α; for Skyrme EDFs, the C coupling 25 constants (see [113] for an alternative representation of the Skyrme EDF where volume 26 coupling constants are expressed as a function of nuclear matter characteristics); in the 27 28 case of the Gogny force, the parameters are the Wi,Bi,Hi,Mi parameters of the central 29 part, plus WLS and x0. Fitting these parameters on select is an example of 30 an inverse problem in statistics, and several strategies have been explored in the past; 31 32 see [114, 115] for a discussion. 33 In the case of the Skyrme EDF, there are hundreds of different parametrizations; 34 35 see [116] for a review. However, not all of these parametrizations are suitable for fission 36 studies, where the ability of the EDF to reproduce deformation properties is essential. 37 The two most widely used Skyrme EDF to-date are the SkM* parametrization of Bartel 38 39 et al. [117] and the UNEDF1 parametrization of Kortelainen et al. [118]. In both cases, 40 the functionals were fitted by considering fission data in actinides, namely the height 41 of the fission barrier in 240Pu for SkM* and the value of a few fission isomer excitation 42 43 energies for UNEDF1. The case of the Gogny force is similar, although the number of 44 Gogny parametrizations is much more limited since only 5 parametrizations have been 45 46 published so far [102, 119, 120, 121, 122]. Just as for the Skyrme force, the original D1 47 and D1’ parametrizations of the Gogny force could not reproduce accurately enough the 48 height of the fission barrier in 240Pu. The D1S parametrization proposed by Berger in 49 50 [123] was a slightly modified version of D1 where the surface energy coefficient in nuclear 51 matter was modified to decrease the fission barrier. Since then, the D1S parametrization 52 has been the most popular force for fission. Note that there are extensions of the Gogny 53 54 force to include density dependencies in each term as in [83] or to add a tensor force 55 with a finite-range spatial part, see e.g., [124, 104]. In the BCPM case there is a single 56 set of parameters, adjusted to nuclear matter properties (bulk part) and to the binding 57 58 energies of even-even nuclei (surface term). Fission information has not been included 59 in the fit. 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 26 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 26 4 5 2.2.4. Excitation Energy As mentioned in the introduction, applications of the 6 neutron-induced fission of actinides with fast neutrons (kinetic energies of the order 7 8 of 14 MeV) involve excitation energies of the fissioning nucleus that can be as large as 9 20 MeV or more. At such excitation energies, the potential energy surface of the nucleus 10 can be markedly different from what is obtained from constrained HF+BCS or HFB 11 12 calculations. Similar and higher excitation energies can be reached during the formation 13 of the compound nucleus in heavy fusion reactions, which are one of the primary 14 mechanisms to synthesise heavy elements as discussed in [125]. As shown in [56], the level 15 ∗ 16 density increases exponentially with E , and at excitation energies beyond a few MeV, 17 it becomes impossible to individually track excited states using direct methods. Finite- 18 19 temperature density functional theory thus provides a convenient toolbox to quantify 20 the evolution of nuclear deformation properties as a function of excitation energy. The 21 inclusion of temperature in microscopic studies of fission has been done within the 22 23 Hartree-Fock approach (FT-HF) in [126, 127], the HF+BCS approach in [17] and the 24 fully-fledged HFB approach (FT-HFB) in [128, 16, 17, 129]. The reader can also refer to 25 [129] for additional references to the use of temperature in semi-microscopic methods. 26 27 Note that in practical applications, the temperature must be related to the excitation 28 energy of nucleus, which is not entirely trivial; see [129] for a detailed discussion. 29 Various elements of the FT-HF and FT-HFB theory can be found in [81, 130, 131, 30 31 132, 133, 134, 135, 136]. Let us recall that the nucleus is assumed to be in a state of 32 thermal equilibrium at temperature T . It is then characterized by a statistical density 33 ˆ 34 operator D, which contains all information on the system. In particular, once the density 35 operator is known, the expectation value of any operator Fˆ can be computed by taking 36 the trace Tr DˆFˆ in any basis of the Fock space. Here, the notation “Tr” refers to the 37 38 statistical trace by contrast to the trace “tr” used before with respect to a single particle 39 basis. If we further assume the system can be described by a grand canonical ensemble 40 (the average value of the energy and particle numbers are fixed), then the application 41 42 of the principle of maximum entropy yields the following generic form of the density 43 operator as 44 1 45 Dˆ = e−β(Hˆ −λNˆ), (50) 46 Z 47 −β(Hˆ −λNˆ) ˆ 48 where Z is the grand partition function, Z = Tr e , β = 1/kT , H is the 49 (true) Hamiltonian of the system, λ the Fermi level and Nˆ the number operator. The 50 demonstration of (50) is given in [81, 137]. 51 52 In practice, the form (50) is not very useful in nuclear physics, where the true 53 Hamiltonian of the system is not known. The mean-field approximation provides a 54 first simplification. It consists in replacing the true Hamiltonian Hˆ − λNˆ by a simpler, 55 56 quadratic form Kˆ of particle operators, 57 ˆ 1 −βKˆ −βKˆ 58 DMF = e ,ZMF = Tr e . (51) 59 ZMF 60 † Given a generic basis |ii of the single particle space, with ci and ci the corresponding Page 27 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 27 4 5 single particle operators, the operator Kˆ can be written formally 6 1 X 1 X 1 X 1 X 7 Kˆ = K11c†c + K22c c† + K20c†c† + K02c c . (52) 2 ij i j 2 ij i j 2 ij i j 2 ij i j 8 ij ij ij ij 9 11 22 20 02 10 At this point, the matrices K , K , K and K in (52) are still unknown. 11 The next step is to take advantage of the Wick theorem for ensemble averages [138]. 12 13 This theorem establishes that when the density operator has the form (51), statistical 14 traces defining the expectation value of operators can be expressed uniquely in terms of 15 the generalized density R, which is defined by 16 † ! 17 hcjcii hcjcii 18 R = , (53) † † † 19 hci cji hcjci i, 20 † ˆ † 21 where h·i refers to the statistical average: for instance, hcjcii = Tr(Dcjci) = ρij is 22 ˆ the one-body density matrix, hcicji = Tr(Dcicj) = κij is the pairing tensor, etc. The 23 24 consequence of the Wick theorem is that once the generalized density R of (53) is known, 25 the expectation value hFˆi of an arbitrary operator Fˆ can be computed by 26   27 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 hF i = Tr DMFF → hF i = tr (RF ) . (54) 28 2 29 In other words, the computation of the statistical trace over a many-body basis of 30 31 the Fock space can be substituted by the much simpler operation of taking the trace 32 within the quasiparticle space. In effect, this implies that the Wick theorem transfers 33 the information content about the system from the density operator Dˆ into the 34 MF 35 generalized density R. 36 The final step is thus to determine the generalized density. This is where we take 37 advantage of the fact that the matrix elements of the operator Kˆ in (52) are arbitrary 38 39 and can be taken as variational parameters of the theory. We thus determine them by 40 requesting that the grand potential be minimum with respect to variations δKˆ . This 41 42 leads to the identification of K with the usual HFB matrix H, K = H where H has the 43 generic form (22), and to the relation 44 1 45 R = , (55) 46 1 + exp(βH) 47 where β = 1/kT . Equation (55) is the FT-HFB equation; see [81, 134] for the 48 49 demonstration. It establishes a self-consistency condition between the HFB matrix 50 H and the generalized density R. In practice, this self-consistency condition is most 51 52 easily satisfied in the basis where H is diagonal. In this basis (the usual quasiparticle 53 basis of the HFB equations), one easily shows the following relation 54   1 55 ˆ † Tr Dβνβµ = δµν = fµνδµν, (56) 56 1 + eβEµ 57 with Eµ the quasiparticle energy, i.e., the eigenvalue µ of H. This result allows one to 58 59 extract the expression R of the generalized density in the quasiparticle basis, recall (15). 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 28 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 28 4 5 By applying the Bogoliubov transformation, R = W RW †, one then finds the following 6 expression for the density matrix and pairing tensor in the single particle basis, 7 ∗ T  † 8 ρij = = V (1 − f)V + UfU , (57) 9 ij ij ∗ T  † 10 κij = = V (1 − f)U ij + UfV ij , (58) 11 12 where U and V are the matrices of the Bogoliubov transformation. 13 The finite-temperature extension of the HFB theory poses two difficulties. While in 14 the HFB theory at zero temperature the one-body density matrix and two-body pairing 15 16 tensors are always localized for systems with negative Fermi energy [110, 89], this is not 17 the case at finite temperature. In particular with Eµ > −λ bring a non- 18 † 19 localized contribution to the one-body density matrix through the UfU term. This 20 effect is discussed in [129, 126, 139, 140]. In addition, in the statistical description of the 21 system by a grand canonical ensemble, only the average value of the energy and of the 22 23 particle number (or any other constrained ) are fixed. Statistical fluctuations 24 are also present [141]. They increase with temperature and decrease with system size 25 [137]. The FT-HFB theory thus gives only the most probable solution within the grand- 26 27 canonical ensemble, the one that corresponds to the lowest free energy. Mean values 28 and deviations around the mean values of any observable Oˆ should in principle be taken 29 30 into account. In the classical limit, they are given by Z 31 N −βF (T,q) 32 d q O(q)e ¯ 33 O = Z . (59) 34 dN q e−βF (T,q) 35 36 Such integrals are computed across the whole collective space defined by the variables 37 N 38 q = (q1, . . . , qN ) and require the knowledge of the volume element d q. This was done 39 for instance in [136]. Other possibilities involve functional integral methods as in [142]. 40 41 42 2.2.5. Beyond Mean-field Potential energy surfaces should in principle be corrected 43 to account for beyond mean field correlations. In particular, all broken symmetries 44 45 (translational, rotational, parity, particle number) should be restored, which yields an 46 additional correlation energy to the system. Moreover, the variational HFB equation 47 should, in principle, be solved after the projection on good quantum numbers has been 48 49 performed (variation after projection, VAP). 50 The general problem of symmetry restoration is most naturally formulated in the 51 52 framework of the SCMF model: given an effective Hamiltonian, one can associate a ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 53 projector operator Pg to any broken symmetry and compute Eg = hΦ|HPg|Φi/hΦ|Pg|Φi. 54 When |Φi is the symmetry-breaking HFB state minimizing the HFB energy, Eg 55 56 corresponds to the projection after variation (PAV) result; if |Φi is determined from 57 the equations obtained after varying Eg, the energy is the VAP result. The correlation 58 energy is defined as the difference E − E , where E = hΦ|Hˆ |Φi. Unfortunately, 59 g 0 0 60 projection techniques, especially the VAP, are computationally very expensive when multiple symmetries are broken (as in fission). In addition, the thorough analysis of Page 29 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 29 4 5 [143, 144, 145, 146] showed that they are, strictly speaking, ill-defined as soon as Hˆ 6 contains density-dependent terms. Finally, in spite of the recent work of [147, 148, 149], 7 8 it is not really clear how such correlation energies can be rigorously computed in a strict 9 EDF framework where no Hamiltonian is available. 10 In practice, the situation depends on the symmetry considered: 11 12 (i) Translational invariance: The kinetic energy of the centre of mass must be 13 14 subtracted to account for the correlation energy due to restoration of translational ˆ 2 15 invariance [61]. The correlation energy is most often computed as −hP cmi/2mA, 16 which is a first-order approximation of the VAP result as shown in [150]. Here, 17 ˆ P 18 P = i pˆi is the total linear momentum of the system and the expectation value is 19 taken on the quasiparticle vacuum. In heavy nuclei, the study of [13] showed that 20 its value can vary by about 1 MeV as a function of deformation. 21 22 (ii) Rotational invariance: For the reasons mentioned above, the correlation energy 23 induced by angular momentum projection is also often taken into account by 24 25 approximate formulas. For large deformations of the intrinsic reference state, the 2 26 rotational correction energy can be approximated by R = −hJi /(2J ), where J 27 is the nuclear moment of inertia (which depends on the deformation) [61]. In this 28 29 expression, the analyses of [151, 150, 152] showed that one should in principle use 30 the Peierls-Yoccoz moment of inertia of [153] for the denominator although many 31 32 authors use the Thouless-Valatin one. Typical values of the rotational correction 33 range from zero MeV for spherical nuclei to 7-8 MeV for strongly quadrupole 34 deformed configurations, as illustrated in the bottom panel of figure 6. 35 36 (iii) Reflection symmetry: Asymmetric fission is explained by invoking potential 37 energy surfaces where the nuclear shape breaks reflection symmetry. Parity 38 39 projection is, therefore, required to restore left-right symmetry. Due to the 40 discrete nature of the symmetry (only two states involved) the correlation energy is 41 negligible for the typically large values of the octupole moment in fission as shown 42 43 in [154]. 44 (iv) Particle number: By definition, the quasiparticle vacuum does not conserve 45 46 particle number and this symmetry should also be restored. There have been very 47 few studies of the impact of this kind of correlation energy on the PES, and the 48 few available results, for instance of [155], are only based on the Lipkin-Nogami 49 50 approximate particle number restoration scheme. Based on results obtained in 51 other applications, this correlation energy could modify the values of the typical 52 53 quantities characterizing the PES (barrier height, fission isomer excitation energy, 54 etc.) by at most a couple of MeV. The impact on the collective inertia, however, 55 could be significant. In addition to this, the particle number breaking intrinsic 56 57 states are averages of wave functions with different numbers of protons and neutrons 58 and therefore symmetry restoration is critical to recover nuclear properties strongly 59 dependent on particle number. 60 The issue of how to describe those correlation energies in the transition from AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 30 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 30

4 400 5 300

6 ) 2 7 β 200 ATDHFB B ( GCM 8 100 9 0 40 10 35 30 11 25 Proton 20 Neutron 12 15

Epp (MeV) 10 13 5 0 14 15

16 •1795 17 240Pu 18 19 20 •1800 21 D1M 22

(MeV) D1S 23 ROT 24 + E •1805

25 HFB 26 E 27 28 29 •1810 30 31 32 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 β 33 2 34 35 Figure 6. Lower panel: Illustration of the impact of the rotational energy correction 36 on the total HFB energy as a function of the quadrupole deformation β2. The 37 HFB energy is represented by dotted lines and the one corrected with the rotational 38 correction by full lines with symbols. Middle panel: pairing energy 1 tr(∆κ∗) as a 39 2 function of the quadrupole deformation. Upper panel: Collective inertias for the β2 40 degree of freedom and computed in two different schemes discussed below. 41 42 43 44 the one-fragment regime to the two-fragments one is also of paramount importance 45 46 in order to determine the kinetic energy distribution of the fragments. The works of 47 [156, 157, 158, 159] are among the few attempts to describe such transitions in the HFB 48 framework. 49 50 51 2.3. The Collective Space 52 53 The success of the adiabatic approximation relies entirely on the small set of collective 54 55 variables that are assumed to dominate the fission process. However, there is some 56 degree of arbitrariness in the choice of these collective variables. The success of semi- 57 phenomenological approaches to fission suggests using collective variables related to the 58 59 shape of the nucleus (in its intrinsic frame). In DFT, this will be implemented by 60 introducing the relevant operators and solving the HFB equations under constraints on Page 31 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 31 4 5 the expectation values of said operators; see section 2.3.1 for a discussion of the most 6 typical choices. Although these “geometrical” degrees of freedom are the most important 7 8 for a realistic description of fission, recent studies have shown that fission dynamics can 9 be very sensitive to additional collective degrees of freedom such as pairing correlations. 10 Just as for nuclear deformations, there exist several possibilities to define collective 11 12 variables associated to the pairing channel. These options are discussed in section 2.3.2. 13 14 2.3.1. Parametrizations of the Nuclear Shape In nuclear DFT, the traditional 15 16 parametrization of the nuclear shape is based on mass multipole moments qλµ. These 17 quantities are computed in the intrinsic frame of reference of the nucleus as expectation 18 19 values of the operators 20 Z ˆ 3 λ 21 Qλµ = Cλµ d r r Yλµ(θ, ϕ), (60) 22 23 where Yλµ(θ, ϕ) are the usual spherical harmonics, and Cλµ are arbitrary coefficients 24 introduced for convenience; see for example [160] for one particular choice. Since these 25 26 operators are spin-independent, one-body operators, their expectation value is simply 27 Z ˆ 3 λ 28 qλµ = tr(Qλµρ) = Cλµ d r ρ(r)r Yλµ(θ, ϕ). (61) 29 30 The mass multipole moments qλµ are the analogues to the deformation parameters 31 αλµ of the nuclear surface parametrization of (2) used in the macroscopic-microscopic 32 33 approach. In fact, since multipole moments scale like the mass of the nucleus, it is 34 sometimes advantageous to convert them to the A-independent deformation parameters 35 αλµ. The most commonly used technique to do so, which is recalled in [61], is to insert 36 37 a constant density ρ0 in (61), compute the volume integral for a surface defined by 38 (2) and expand the result to first order in αλµ. The result is thus only valid for small 39 deformations. At large deformations, other methods can be used, see, e.g., [161] and 40 41 references therein for a discussion. Note that there is an important difference between 42 the explicit shape parametrization of the macroscopic-microscopic models and the choice 43 of multipole moments as collective variables: in the nuclear DFT the multipole moments 44 45 that are not constrained take a possibly non-zero value so that the energy is minimal, 46 whereas in the macroscopic-microscopic approach they are zero. 47 48 In the context of fission, by far the most important collective variable is the axial 49 quadrupole moment q20, which represents the elongation of the nucleus. The degree 50 of triaxiality of nuclear shapes is captured by either q22 or the ratio tanγ ∝ q22/q20 51 52 (the exact relation depends on the convention chosen for the normalization Cλµ of the 53 multipole moments). Several studies, e.g., in [15, 163, 87, 162], have confirmed that 54 triaxiality is particularly important to lower the first fission barriers of actinides. The 55 56 mass asymmetry of fission fragments, especially in actinides, can be well reproduced by 57 introducing non-zero values of the axial mass octupole moment q30. The hexadecapole 58 moment q has been mostly used as collective variable in the study of the neutron- 59 40 60 induced fission of actinides: starting from the ground-state, the two-dimensional

calculations of PES in the (q20, q40) plane reported in [120, 164, 123, 162] showed the AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 32 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 32 4 10 5 q q q 6 20 20 22 7 8 0 9 10 11 -10

12 x [fm] q q q q 20 30 20 40 13 14 0 15 16 17 -10 18 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 19 z [fm] 20 21 Figure 7. Visual representation of the mass multipole moments. In each frame, the 22 axial quadrupole moment is constrained to q = 60 b. In the frame labelled ‘q ’, 23 20 20 there is no other constraint; in the frame ‘q q ’, the triaxial quadrupole moment is 24 20 22 o 25 fixed at q22 = 30 b (equivalent to γ = 30 ); in the frame ‘q20 q30’, the axial octupole 3/2 26 moment is fixed at q30 = 30 b ; in the frame ‘q20 q40’, the axial hexadecapole moment 2 240 27 is fixed at q40 = 20 b . All calculations are performed in Pu; see [162] for technical 28 details. 29 30 31 32 existence of two valleys, the fission (high q40-values) and fusion (lower q40 values) valleys; 33 see also figure 28 page 89. The figure 7 gives a visual representation of the impact of 34 35 each of these multipole moments on the nuclear shape. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Figure 8. Pedagogical illustration of discontinuities in PES calculations when the 52 PES is generated by a step-by-step algorithm using neighbouring points. Figure taken 53 from [165], courtesy of N. Dubray; copyright 2012 by IOP. 54 55 56 57 Let us insist that in the HFB theory, the expectation value of any multipole moment 58 can take non-zero values if symmetries allow it: for example, even when q20 is the only 59 collective variable (= the only constraint on the HFB solution), all other multipole 60 moments will vary along the q20 path in such a way as to minimize locally the total Page 33 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 33 4 5 energy. By taking advantage of the non-linear properties of the HFB equations and 6 switching on/off constraints along the iterative process, it is therefore often possible to 7 8 compute a N-dimensional PES that is guaranteed to be a local minimum in the full 9 variational space. In practice, however, one often encounters situations where this local 10 minimum is the “wrong” one. This point is illustrated in figure 8 for a toy-model two- 11 12 dimensional collective space. In panel (a), calculations are initialized with the solution 13 at point A and each value of q20 is obtained by starting the calculation with the solution 14 at a lower q value. The resulting path follows the left valley in the (q ,Q ) space and 15 20 20 xx 16 rejoins the right valley only when the barrier between the two vanishes; conversely, in 17 panel (b) calculations are initialized at point B and the step-by-step process follows the 18 19 right valley. The resulting trajectories are markedly different and show a discontinuity 20 in energy. Panel (c) illustrates a possible continuous trajectory. These points were 21 discussed extensively in [165]. 22 23 In addition to the set (q20, q22, q30, q40) of multipole moments, a constraint on the 24 size of the neck between the pre-fragments has often been used, in particular at very 25 large elongations; see for instance [129, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169]. The standard form of 26 ˆ 2 2 27 this operator is QN = exp(−(r − rneck) /a ), with a an arbitrary range and rneck the 28 position of the point with the lowest density between the two fragments. The figure 29 9 shows the effect of decreasing the value of q near the scission point of 240Pu. This 30 N 31 constraint is often used as a way to continuously approach the final configuration of two 32 separated fragments. 33 -10 -8 34 -6 -9 35 0 -2 -5 0 -4 36 qN=4.0 -10 qN=0.3 37 10 -2 10 -2

-7 38 -1 39 -4 -1 -4 -3 40 0 -3 -9 0

41 z [fm] -2 -6 z [fm] -3 -6 42 43 -10 -8 -10 -8 44 -8 -2 -1 -7 -4 -6 45 -5 -10 -10 -10 0 -10 10 -10 0 10 46 x [fm] x [fm] 47 48 49 Figure 9. Two-dimensional density profiles in the (x, z) plane of the intrinsic reference 240 50 frame for Pu in the scission region, with qN = 4.0 (left) and qN = 0.3 (right). In 51 both cases, the value of the quadrupole moment is fixed at 345 b. Figures taken from 52 [162], courtesy of N. Schunck; copyright 2014 by The American Physical Society. 53 54 55 Although multipole moments are widely used to characterize nuclear shapes in 56 57 low-energy nuclear structure in general, and nuclear fission in particular, they are 58 in fact not particularly well adapted to capture some of the most relevant features 59 60 of fission. In particular, the charge and mass of the fission fragments computed at scission from PES generated with multipole moments are most of the time non-integers. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 34 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 34 4 5 Although particle number projection techniques were used in [170], they were not been 6 applied on a large scale, as e.g., in the determination of fission product yields. In 7 8 addition, Younes and Gogny noticed in their two-dimensional study of fission mass 9 distributions for 239Pu(n,f) and 235U(n,f) presented in [171] that several fragmentations 10 (Z ,N ), (Z ,N ) were missing along the scission line. This is a consequence of 11 L L R R 12 computing a potential energy surface in a restricted collective space: discontinuities of 13 the surface, especially at scission, become critical, and the choice (q20, q30) of collective 14 variables does not guarantee that the proper fragmentations will be recovered. For these 15 16 reasons, the authors suggested to adapt the practice of the macroscopic-microscopic 17 approach by using as collective variables the distance between the two pre-fragments d 18 19 and the mass asymmetry between the fragments ξ = (AR − AL)/A. These quantities 20 can be computed by introducing the spatial operators 21 ˆ 1 1 22 d = zH(z − zneck) − z[1 − H(z − zneck)], (62) 23 AR AL 24 ˆ ξ = 2H(z − zneck) − 1, (63) 25 26 where H(x) is the Heaviside step function. As a result of this choice, they obtained a 27 much more continuous potential energy surface. The figure 10 shows the two PES, in 28 29 the (q20, q30) and in the (D, ξ) variables, side-by-side. Scission configurations are much 30 better mapped out in the (D, ξ) parametrization. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Figure 10. Two-dimensional potential energy surface for 240Pu in the (q , q ) 48 20 30 collective space (left panel) and in the (D, ξ) collective space (right panel). Calculations 49 50 were performed with the D1S parametrization of the Gogny force according to details 51 given in [171]. Figure courtesy of W. Younes from [171]. 52 53 54 55 56 2.3.2. Non-geometric Collective Variables In nuclear DFT, the amount of pairing 57 correlations in the wave function is in principle automatically determined by the 58 minimum energy principle. Altering the amount of pairing correlations in the wave 59 60 function increases the energy by an amount that depends on the specific properties of the state considered (essentially, the level density) but is typically in the range of 1-2 MeV. Page 35 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 35 4 5 Therefore, artificially modifying the amount of pairing correlations can modify the shape 6 of the PES. Calculations in [162, 172] have shown that increasing pairing correlations 7 8 decreases the fission barrier and leads to scission occurring at lower elongations. Most 9 important is the strong dependence of the collective inertia on the pairing gap already 10 pointed out in [173, 174]. The inertia is inversely proportional to the square of the 11 12 pairing gap parameter and [175, 176, 177, 178] showed that larger pairing gaps imply a 13 smaller inertia and therefore shorter fission half-lives. 14 There are several possibilities to define collective variables that characterize the 15 16 amount of pairing correlations in the system: 17 ˆ 2 18 (i) The mean value of the number of particles fluctuation operator h∆N i has been 19 used in the recent calculations of [179]. The main drawback is that this is a two- 20 body operator and therefore the computation of quantities of interest are more 21 22 involved. Also its two-body character prevents the use of standard formulas used 23 to compute the inertia. 24 25 (ii) The average value of the pairing gap h∆i and the gauge angle φ associated with 26 the particle number operator have been mostly studied within semi-microscopic 27 approaches based on a phenomenological mean-field complemented by a BCS 28 29 description of pairing, see, e.g., [180, 181]. The formalism could in principle be 30 extended to a full HFB framework with realistic pairing forces by defining the 31 32 average value of the pairing gap as the mean value of the Cooper pair creation † † 33 † P † operator P = k ckck¯ times a convenient strength parameter G, i.e. h∆i = GhP i. 34 In this way, the HFB theory with one-body constraints and all the subsequent 35 36 developments discussed below for one-body operators can be straightforwardly 37 implemented. However, including the gauge angle φ may cause problems when using 38 density-dependent forces because of the singularities analysed in [143, 144, 145, 146]. 39 40 (iii) Another possibility is to use as starting point the Lipkin-Nogami (LN) method that 41 adds to the HFB matrix a term −λ ∆Nˆ 2 with λ in principle determined by the 42 2 2 43 LN equation. Using instead λ2 as a free parameter allows to change the mean value 44 of ∆Nˆ 2 at will and therefore the strength of pairing correlations. This is the choice 45 46 used in [178]. 47 48 2.4. Scission Configurations 49 50 As recalled in section 1.2, scission is defined as the point where the nucleus splits into 51 52 two or more fragments. In non-adiabatic time-dependent approaches to fission such as 53 TDHF or TDHFB, scission automatically occurs at some time τsc. of the time evolution 54 of the compound nucleus as the result of the competition between nuclear and Coulomb 55 56 forces. For example, the figure 11 taken from the TDHFB calculation of [182] shows 57 how the nuclear shape of 240Pu evolves as a function of time, from a compact deformed 58 59 initial state to two separated fragments. Most importantly, owing to the conservation 60 of total energy in TDHFB, these fragments are automatically in an , see AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 36 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 36 4 5 e.g. discussion in [183]. The characteristics of the system before and after the split can 6 thus easily be quantified and provide realistic estimates of fission fragment properties. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Figure 11. Left panel: Neutron (proton) densities ρ(r) in the top (bottom) half of 40 each frame. Right panel: Neutron (proton) pairing field ∆(r) in the top (bottom) half 41 of each frame. The time difference between frames is ∆t ≈ 5.10−21 s. The colour bar 42 is in units of fm−3 for the density and MeV for the pairing field. Figure taken from 43 [182], courtesy of A. Bulgac; copyright 2016 by The American Physical Society. 44 45 46 In the adiabatic approximation, however, there is no scission mechanism: static 47 48 potential energy surfaces are often pre-calculated for the compound nucleus within a 49 given collective space and do not, strictly speaking, contain any information about 50 the fragments. In these approaches, scission configurations must explicitly be defined. 51 52 This definition happens to be essential to obtain sensible estimates of fission fragment 53 properties. Indeed, the solutions to the HFB equation corresponding to very large 54 elongations of the fissioning nucleus do not lead to excited fission fragments in contrast 55 56 to non-adiabatic approaches. Because of the variational nature of the HFB equation, 57 the fragments are essentially in their ground-state, which is counter to experimental 58 evidence, see discussion in [184, 185]. In such adiabatic approaches, it is, therefore, 59 60 necessary to invoke reasonable physics-based arguments to justify introducing scission configurations before the fragments are far apart from one another. Unfortunately, all Page 37 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 37 4 5 quantities pertaining to fission fragments such as charge, mass, excitation energy, etc., 6 happen to be extremely sensitive to the characteristics of scission configurations. In this 7 8 section, we recall some of the definitions that have been introduced in the literature. 9 10 2.4.1. Geometrical Definitions Historically, the concept of scission takes its origin in 11 12 the liquid drop (LD) picture of the nucleus and reflects the fact that for very large 13 deformations, the LD potential energy can be a multi-valued function of the deformation 14 parameters, with at least one of the solutions corresponding to two separate fragments as 15 16 exemplified in [9, 41, 60]. This is illustrated, for example, in the figure 4 page 13 for the 17 parametrization of the LD in terms of Cassini ovals. In the LD approach, these multi- 18 19 valued regions originate from the finite number of collective variables (=deformations) 20 and/or the lack of bijectivity between a set of parameters and a given geometrical shape. 21 In DFT, such multi-modal potential energy surfaces are encountered when working 22 23 in finite collective spaces as recalled in section 2.3.1. For example, studies of hot fission of 24 nuclei published in [120, 123, 162] showed that the least energy fission pathway 25 from ground-state to scission follows the fission valley, which lies higher in energy than 26 27 the fusion valley. For given values of the axial quadrupole and octupole moments, these 28 two valleys differ by the value of the hexadecapole moment q40, and nuclear shapes 29 30 in the fusion valley correspond to two well-separated fission fragments. Similar multi- 31 modal potential energy surfaces have been observed in superheavy nuclei, for example 32 in [186, 187]. Discontinuities in the energy (or any relevant collective variable) for large 33 34 elongations of the fissionning nucleus are usually the first tell-tale signal of the transition 35 to the scission region. 36 37 10 2 38 0 1 0 39 1 2 40 -4 3 10 41 3 4 42 4 -8 0 43

44 [fm] axis x -10 HFB Energy (MeV) 5 6 -12 5 45 SkM* 0 46 UNEDF0 UNEDF1 -16 6 47 -10 48 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -10 0 10 20 -10 0 10 20 z axis [fm] 49 Number of Particles in the Neck qN 50 51 Figure 12. Left panel: HFB energy as a function of qN in the scission region for the 52 most likely fission path (point labelled 5 in figure 29 page 90) of 240Pu. The value of 53 the quadrupole moment is fixed at 345 b. Right panel: Corresponding two-dimensional 54 density profiles in the (x, z) plane of the intrinsic reference frame for six different values 55 of qN . 56 57 58 However, these discontinuities are also the manifestation of the truncated nature of 59 60 the collective space: when additional collective variables such as, e.g., the size of the neck

qN , are used, they can disappear. The transition from a compact shape to very loosely AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 38 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 38 4 5 joined fragments can thus be continuous. This point is illustrated in the top panel of 6 240 figure 12 adapted from [162]. The graph shows the energy of Pu as a function of qN 7 8 at the point q20 = 345 b. This point is located just before the discontinuity in energy 9 along the most likely fission path of figure 29 page 90. When the qN collective variable 10 is used as a constraint, the system can go continuously to two separated fragments, as 11 12 illustrated by the density contours of the bottom panel of the figure. 13 In such cases, one needs a specific criterion to define when exactly one may consider 14 the two fragments as fully separated. To this purpose, one can use the value of the 15 16 density between the two fragments as in [188]: the fragments are deemed separated if 17 ||ρ||max ≤ ρsc.. Alternatively, one may use the expectation value of the neck operator 18 19 discussed in section 2.3.1. This quantity gives a measure of the number of particles 20 in a slice of width a centred on the neck position. The decision of considering the 21 fragments as separated would be based on the condition hqˆN i ≤ qsc.. Whatever the 22 23 criterion retained, however, there remains a part of arbitrariness in the definition of 24 scission: how to choose the value of qsc. (or ρsc.)? 25 Recently, there were attempts in [129, 162, 189] to use topological methods to 26 27 characterize scission in a less arbitrary manner. The main idea is to map the density 28 fields ρn(r) and ρp(r) into an abstract contour net, and infer properties of those fields 29 from the connectivity properties of these nets. Mathematically rigorous, the method 30 31 can identify from the PES the regions where the variations of densities within the pre- 32 fragments are commensurate with those in the compound nucleus. As a result of this 33 34 work, the authors proposed to redefine scission as a region characterized by a range of 35 values rather than by a fixed value of either hqˆN i or ||ρ||max. 36 37 38 2.4.2. Dynamical Definitions By design, geometrical definitions of scission only reflect 39 static properties, and do not take into account the fact that the split is caused by a 40 time-dependent competition between the repulsive Coulomb and the attractive nuclear 41 42 force. As a result of this competition, however, scission may occur even when the two 43 pre-fragments are separated by a sizeable neck. To mock up the dynamics of scission 44 45 in static macroscopic-microscopic calculations, it was thus proposed already in [190] to 46 use as a criterion for scission the ratio between the Coulomb and the nuclear forces 47 in the neck region. These forces can be computed by taking the derivatives of the 48 49 potential energy with respect to the relevant collective variable. Such techniques have 50 been later extended in [191] by adding an additional phenomenological neck potential. 51 This “dynamical” definition of scission was adapted in the DFT framework by the 52 53 authors [29, 184]. 54 Both the geometrical or dynamical definition of scission are, however, semi-classical, 55 in the sense that they ignore quantum mechanical effects in the neck region. This 56 57 limitation was highlighted by Younes and Gogny in a couple of papers [184, 192]. In 58 the framework of DFT, the degrees of freedom of the fission fragments are the one- 59 60 body density matrix and the pairing tensor, which are themselves obtained from the quasiparticle wave functions. Near scission, one can introduce a localization indicator Page 39 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 39 4 5 0 6 2-body exchange 7 8 -100 9 10 -200 1 11 10 12 0 13 ) 10 -300 -1 14 -1 10 15 No tail reduction 16 -2 -400 Tails minimized (z) (fm 10

17 ρ -3 18 10 19 -500 -4 20 10

Nuclear interaction energy (MeV) interaction Nuclear -20 -10 0 10 21 z (fm) 22 -600 23 1.5 1 0.5 24 Neck size 25 26 Figure 13. Nuclear interaction energy between the two pre-fragments near the scission 27 point of 240Pu as a function of the size of the neck. Calculations are done with 28 the Gogny D1S effective force. Black: nuclear interaction energy before localization; 29 dashed red: same after localization of the fragments by minimization of the tails; 30 dotted green: two-body exchange contribution to the nuclear interaction energy. The 31 insert shows the density profile along the symmetry axis of the nucleus. Figure taken 32 from [184], courtesy of W. Younes; copyright 2011 by The American Physical Society. 33 34 35 36 37 (simply related to the spatial occupation of quasiparticle wave functions) to partition the 38 whole set of quasiparticles into two subsets belonging to either one of the pre-fragments. 39 The total one-body density matrix of the compound nucleus is then decomposed 40 41 0 0 X ∗ ∗ 0 0 X ∗ ∗ 0 0 ρ(rσ, r σ ) = ViµVjµφi(rσ)φj (r σ ) + ViµVjµφi(rσ)φj (r σ ), (64) 42 µ∈{1} µ∈{2} 43 0 0 0 0 44 = ρ1(rσ, r σ ) + ρ2(rσ, r σ ). (65) 45 0 0 46 Similar expressions hold for the pairing tensor κ(rσ, r σ ). With these definitions, it 47 becomes possible to analyse fission fragment properties, including their intrinsic energy 48 and their interaction energy within the DFT framework; see also [162] for details. In 49 50 [184], Younes and Gogny made the crucial observation that the fission fragment density 51 distributions thus extracted have large tails that extend into the other fragment and 52 53 reflect the quantum entanglement between the two fragments as shown in figure 13. 54 Because of these large tails, there was a substantial nuclear interaction energy between 55 the fragments even when the size of the neck was very small. Similarly, the Coulomb 56 57 interaction energy was much too high compared to its experimental value. 58 Most importantly, because the HFB solutions are invariant under a unitary 59 transformation of the quasiparticle operators, it is possible to choose a representation 60 in which this degree of entanglement is minimal, as discussed in [162, 184, 192] leading AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 40 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 40 4 5 6 0 7 8 9 10 -200 11 12 13 14 -400 15 16 17 T=1.00 T=1.00 (rot.) 18 -600 T=1.25 T=1.25 (rot.) 19 T=1.50 T=1.50 (rot.) Nuclear Interaction Energy (MeV) 20 T=1.75 T=1.75 (rot.) 21 -800 22 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 23 Number of Particles in the Neck q 24 N 25 26 27 Figure 14. Nuclear interaction energy between the two pre-fragments near the scission 240 28 point (point labelled 5 in figure 29 page 90) of Pu as a function of the size of the neck. 29 Calculations are done with the Skyrme SkM* effective force at finite temperatures. 30 Plain curves with open symbols show the nuclear interaction energy before localization 31 for T = 1.00,..., 1.75 MeV; dashed curves with filled symbols show the energy after 32 localization. Figure taken from [129], courtesy of N. Schunck; copyright 2015 by The 33 American Physical Society. 34 35 36 37 to a “quantum localization” of the fission fragments. This freedom in choosing the 38 39 representation of the HFB solutions is the analogue to localization techniques used in 40 quantum and is discussed in some details in [162]. The implementation of the 41 quantum localization procedure yields much more realistic estimates of fission fragment 42 43 properties at scission, even for neck size up to qN ≈ 0.3. Figure 13 illustrates the 44 impact of choosing a representation that better reproduces the asymptotic conditions 45 of two separated fragments: by reducing the tails by about an order of magnitude, the 46 47 interaction energy is reduced by a factor 3 and is close to 0 for thin necks. 48 Recently, the localization method was extended at finite-temperature in [129]. 49 50 Figure 14 illustrates the impact of minimizing the tails at different temperatures for 51 the same case of 240Pu most likely fission, only with the SkM* Skyrme potential 52 instead of the Gogny D1S. Although the practical implementation differs from the zero- 53 54 temperature case because the generalized density matrix is not diagonal any longer 55 after a rotation of the quasiparticles, it is still possible to reduce the tails of the 56 fragment densities without changing the global properties of the compound nucleus. As 57 58 the temperature increases, however, this procedure becomes more and more difficult, 59 especially for well-entangled fragments, because of the coupling to the continuum; see 60 section 2.2.4. Page 41 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 41 4 5 3. Dynamics of Fission 6 7 Fission is intrinsically a dynamical process where the quasi-static (or other 8 9 quasi-static excited configurations) evolves with time towards a two-fragment solution. 10 Ideally, the probability of such an event to occur could be computed using the rules of 11 quantum mechanics as 12 13 ˆ 2 P = |hΨ1|U(t1, t0)|Ψ0i| , (66) 14 15 where |Ψ0i is the initial wave function, |Ψ1i is the wave function of the two fragments 16 and Uˆ(t , t ) is the time evolution operator. In nuclear physics, computing any of the 17 1 0 18 elements of the above expression represents a formidable task and therefore reasonable 19 approximation schemes are in order. 20 21 One of the most common such approximations is the hypothesis of adiabaticity 22 already mentioned in the introduction and in section 2. Based on the related separation 23 of scales between slow collective motion and fast intrinsic excitations, it is assumed that 24 25 a small set of collective variables drives the fission process. Fission dynamics can then be 26 studied in that reduced collective space using pure quantum mechanical methods based 27 on configuration mixing. As we will show, this approach is particularly well adapted to 28 29 compute spontaneous fission half-lives and fission product distributions. Formal aspects 30 underpinning the hypothesis of adiabaticity are discussed in [193] in the context of the 31 32 classical theory of collective motion. 33 A second, related, approximation consists in representing the nuclear wave function 34 at each time t by a mean field solution formally of the HF or HFB type. This leads 35 36 to the concept of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). This approach 37 has recently gained ground with the development of supercomputers, and should, in 38 principle, offer a more realistic description of fission fragment properties since it does 39 40 not rely on adiabaticity. 41 A third approximation particularly relevant for spontaneous fission is the notion of 42 tunnelling through a potential barrier, which is based on semi-classical concepts related 43 44 to the least action principle of classical dynamics. The least action principle establishes 45 that the action, defined as the integral of the Lagrangian from time t0 to t1, has to 46 47 be stationary for the trajectories that satisfy the laws of motion of 48 (Euler-Lagrange). The action thus defined is called Hamilton’s action. An alternative to 49 Hamilton’s action involves the integral of the momentum as a function of the generalized 50 51 coordinates q (Maupertuis’ action). Again, the physical trajectory of the system in phase 52 space is the one for which the action is stationary. In quantum mechanics, where the 53 concept of a trajectory does not apply, we usually want to compute the probability 54 55 amplitude (66). If the initial and final quantum states are eigenstates of the position 56 operator, |Φ0i = |~r0i, the can be written as the path integral over 57 i all possible trajectories connecting ~r0 at t0 and ~r1 at t1 of the exponential of Scl where 58 ~ 59 Scl is the classical action. The main contribution to the path integral comes from the 60 “classical trajectories”, that is the ones that minimize the action [194]. The argument is AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 42 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 42 4 5 still valid in the classically-forbidden regions where the action is an imaginary number 6 [195] – see section 3.2.2 below. 7 8 Another approach is based on the semi-classical approximation to quantum 9 tunnelling through a classically-forbidden region, which is at the heart of the Wentzel, 10 Kramers, Brillouin (WKB) approximation discussed in section 3.2.1; see also [196] for a 11 12 complete presentation. In this case, the idea is to write the wave function of the system i W (r) 13 as Ψ(r) = e ~ where W (r) is the new unknown quantity. Inserting this expression 14 for Ψ(r) into the Schr¨odingerequation, one obtains a new equation for W (r). The 15 16 WKB approximation consists in expanding W (r) in powers of ~ and keep only the zero- 17 order term. In this limit, it turns out that W (r) is the classical action. Minimizing it 18 19 is again a way to increase the penetration probability that can be extracted from the 20 semi-classical wave function – see section 3.2.1 below for practical formulas. 21 As can be concluded from this brief introduction, there is no quantum mechanics 22 23 least action principle, but semi-classical arguments tend to point to favoured trajectories 24 that minimize the classical action. In fission, only a few collective variables are 25 considered as relevant quantities in the evolution of the system from the ground state 26 27 to scission. Therefore, it is first necessary to define the classical action for a system 28 characterized by these variables. The knowledge of the classical action in turns requires 29 the knowledge of the inertia and the potential energy associated with the collective 30 31 variables. 32 In this section, we review these various approaches to fission dynamics. In the 33 34 adiabatic approximation, collective inertia plays a special role as it contains the response 35 of the nucleus to a change in the collective variables and effectively plays the role of 36 the mass of the collective wave-packet. Section 3.1 summarizes the various recipes to 37 38 compute the collective inertia, from the generator coordinate method, section 3.1.1, 39 to the adiabatic time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, section 3.1.2. An 40 accurate determination of collective inertia is essential both for spontaneous and induced 41 42 fission. In spontaneous fission, it appears in the definition of the action and has, 43 therefore, an exponential effect on the calculation of half-lives. This is discussed in 44 section 3.2. In induced fission, it naturally appears both in the classical and quantum 45 46 treatment of dynamics in the collective space, which are based upon the Langevin and 47 Kramers equations, and the time-dependent generator coordinate methods, respectively. 48 49 Section 3.3 explores some of the similarities between these techniques, and compares 50 them with non-adiabatic time-dependent density functional theory techniques. An 51 excellent review covering in great detail some of this material can be found in Chapter 52 53 5 of [12] where the reader is referred for further details. 54 55 3.1. Collective Inertia 56 57 58 In a phenomenological picture of fission, the collective inertia B can be introduced when 59 the dynamics is assumed to be restricted to a path in the manifold of collective variables 60 Page 43 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 43 4 5 with the associated classical action 6 Z s1 p 7 S(s1, s0) = ds B(s)(V (s) − E0). (67) 8 s0 9 Here, s is the parameter describing the path. For simplicity, it is assumed that all 10 11 collective variables q (multipole moments, neck, pairing gap, etc), are smooth functions 12 of s. The collective inertia along the path is 13 X dqα dqβ 14 B(s) = Bαβ (68) 15 ds ds αβ 16 17 and is given in terms of the inertia tensor B ≡ Bαβ defined for a pair of collective 18 variables qα and qβ. Note that the expression for the action and other related formulas 19 20 like the penetrability factor of the WKB formula for the spontaneous fission lifetime 21 have not been derived from first principles and only represent reasonable quantities 22 inspired by semi-classical arguments to the tunnelling process [197]. 23 24 In nuclear physics, the notion of collective inertia also arises naturally in theories of 25 large amplitude collective motion such as the generator coordinate method (GCM) or the 26 adiabatic time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (ATDHFB) theory [61]. Therefore 27 28 these general approaches to the quantum many-body problem provide rigorous methods 29 to compute the collective inertia needed in fission. Below we briefly review the derivation 30 31 of both the GCM and ATDHFB and discuss some of the common approximations 32 used to lessen the computational load. 33 34 35 3.1.1. Generator Coordinate Method The generator coordinate method (GCM) is a 36 general quantum many-body technique designed to encapsulate collective correlations 37 in the wave function. It is based on the expansion of the unknown many-body wave 38 39 function of the system on a basis of known many-body states. The variational principle 40 is used to determine the set of expansion coefficients. The technique is closely related 41 42 to the configuration interaction (CI) method popular in and known 43 in nuclear physics as the ”shell model”. Usually, basis states are continuous functions of 44 a finite set of coordinates (such as deformation parameters, Euler rotation angles, etc.) 45 46 whereas in the CI method, they can be unrelated to each other (for instance a set of 47 two quasiparticle excitations). In this section, we focus on the GCM as a tool to extract 48 a collective inertia tensor. The time-dependent extension of the GCM also provides a 49 50 powerful tool to extract fission fragment distributions, and will be presented separately 51 in section 3.3.3. 52 In the GCM, the general ansatz for the wave function is 53 54 Z 55 |Ψi = dq f(q)|Φ(q)i, (69) 56 57 where |Φ(q)i represents a set of known wave functions depending on a general label 58 q that can include not only continuous but also discrete variables. Also the integral 59 60 has to be taken in a broad sense as representing either sums over discrete values of q, genuine integrals or an admixture of the two. In fission studies, the |Φ(q)i are usually AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 44 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 44 4 5 quasiparticle vacuua obtained by solving the HFB equation with constraints on a set 6 ˆ of n operators Qα, α = 1, . . . , n. As before, the boldface symbol q represents the set of 7 ˆ 8 collective variables such that hΦ(q)|Qα|Φ(q)i = qα. Applying the variational principle to 9 the energy with the amplitudes f(q) as variational parameters leads to the Hill-Wheeler 10 equations, 11 Z Z 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 dq h(q, q )n(q, q )f(q ) = E dq n(q, q )f(q ). (70) 14 15 It is an integral equation with the norm kernels, 16 0 0 17 n(q, q ) = hΦ(q)|Φ(q )i, (71) 18 and energy kernels, 19 20 ˆ 0 0 hΦ(q)|H|Φ(q )i 21 h(q, q ) = 0 . (72) 22 hΦ(q)|Φ(q )i 23 Since the set of wave functions |Φ(q)i is in general not orthogonal, the f(q) amplitudes 24 can not be interpreted as probability amplitudes, and |f(q)|2 is not a probability density. 25 26 In order to obtain probability amplitudes, the set |Φ(q)i has to be orthogonalized using 27 standard techniques of linear algebra to obtain what are called “natural states” |Φ(˜ q)i. 28 29 These states are defined by folding |Φ(q)i with the inverse of the square root of the 30 norm kernel, 31 Z 32 |Φ(˜ q)i = dq0 [n(q, q0)]−1/2 |Φ(q0)i. (73) 33 34 The square root of the norm kernel is defined as 35 Z 36 n(q, q0) = dq00 [n(q, q00)]1/2 [n(q00, q0)]1/2 (74) 37 38 39 which corresponds to a Cholesky decomposition of the positive-definite norm kernel. 40 Collective Schr¨odingerEquation - The connection of the GCM with the theory 41 of fission comes from the reduction of the Hill-Wheeler equation (70) to a collective 42 43 Schr¨odinger-like equation (CSE) of the collective coordinates, which naturally leads to 44 the definition of a collective inertia. Following [198, 199, 200, 12], the CSE is derived 45 after assuming that the norm overlap (71) is a sharply peaked function of the coordinate 46 0 1 0 47 difference s = q − q and smoothly depends upon the average q¯ = 2 (q + q ) in such a 48 way that the norm kernel is well approximated by a Gaussian 49  1  50 n(q, q0) = exp − sΓ(q¯)s . (75) 51 2 52 53 In this expression the width Γ is to be understood as a rank 2 tensor with components 54 1 P Γαβ and the exponent is thus given explicitly by − 2 αβ Γαβsαsβ. If we assume that 55 the components Γ of the width are slowly varying functions of the coordinate q¯, they 56 αβ ∂ ∂ 0 57 can be related to the norm kernel by Γαβ = 0 n(q, q ). This expression can also be ∂qα ∂qβ 58 computed using standard linear response techniques from the alternative definition 59 ←− 60 ∂ ∂~ Γαβ = hΦ(q)| |Φ(q)i. (76) ∂qα ∂qβ Page 45 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 45 4 ~ 5 which involves the “momentum operator” ∂ - see below. Another, simpler way, ∂qβ 6 is to evaluate the overlap of the two HFB wave functions for near q and q0 values 7 8 using the Onishi formula [61] and make a local fit to a Gaussian. If the Gaussian 9 overlap approximation (GOA) is valid, it does not make sense to accurately compute 10 the Hamiltonian overlap for values of s greater than the inverse of the square root of the 11 −1/2 0 12 width Γ (q¯) ‡. Therefore, a reasonable approximation is to expand h(q, q ) around 13 s = 0 (or q = q0 = q¯) and keep quadratic terms only, 14 0 15 h(q, q ) = h(q¯, q¯) 16 0 + h (q − q¯) + h 0 (q − q¯) 17 q q 18 1 0 0 + [(q − q¯)H (q − q¯) + (q − q¯)H 0 0 (q − q¯) 19 2 qq q q 20 0 +2(q − q¯)Hqq0 (q − q¯)] + ··· (77) 21 22 In this expression hq denotes the set of partial derivatives with respect to q of the energy 23 kernels, 24 ∂h(q, q0) 25 h ≡ (h , . . . , h ), h = (78) 26 q q1 qN qα ∂qα q=q0=q¯ 27 28 This quantity is a vector and products like hq(q − q¯) have to be understood as scalar 29 P 0 products α hqα (qα − q¯α). On the other hand, Hqq denotes the set of second partial 30 derivatives with respect to q and q0 and therefore it is a rank 2 tensor with components 31 H 0 32 qαqβ 33 2 0 34 ∂ h(q, q ) Hqq0 ≡ (H 0 )α,β=1,...,N ,H 0 = , (79) 35 qαqβ qαqβ 0 ∂qα∂q 36 β q=q0=q¯ 0 37 and products like Hqq0 (q − q¯)(q − q¯) are to be understood as contractions of this tensor 38 0 P 0 with the two vectors q − q¯ and q − q¯, namely H 0 (qα − q¯α)(q − q¯β). Using the 39 αβ qαqβ β 40 exponential form of the norm kernels, assuming a constant width Γ and the quadratic 41 expansion (77) for the energy kernels, it is possible to reduce the Hill-Wheeler equation 42 43 to the following CSE in the collective space defined by the variables q, 44  2 ∂ ∂  −~ B (q) + V (q) −  (q) g (q) =  g (q). (80) 45 2 ∂q GCM ∂q zpe σ σ σ 46 47 The derivation is given in [61, 199, 12]. The collective mass MGCM(q) is a rank 2 tensor 48 that depends on q and is the inverse to the collective inertia BGCM(q) (curvature) of the 49 50 collective Hamiltonian when expanded to second order in the variable s, 51 −1 1 −1 −1 M (q) ≡ B (q) = Γ (H 0 − H )Γ . (81) 52 GCM GCM 2 qq qq 53 The potential energy V (q) is the HFB energy and  (q) is a zero point energy 54 zpe 55 correction, 56 1 −1  (q) = H 0 Γ (82) 57 zpe 2 qq 58 59 ‡ The square root of Γ has to be understood in a matrix sense. The components Γαβ of Γ are also the 60 matrix elements of a symmetric positive-definite matrix. The square root is then understood as the Cholesky decomposition of Γ. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 46 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 46 4 5 given in terms of the contraction of the two tensors to form a scalar. The zero point 6 energy (zpe) correction represents a quantum correction to the classical potential for 7 8 the collective variables and given by the HFB energy. The zpe correction corresponds 9 to the energy of a Gaussian wave packet [201, 61]. The interpretation of this term is 10 similar to the rotational energy correction but with the rotation angles replaced by the 11 12 collective variables. The solution of (80) provides the energies σ and wave functions 13 gσ(q) of the collective modes. The wave functions gσ(q) are related to the amplitudes 14 f(q) of the Hill-Wheeler equation (70) through the relation 15 Z 16 0 0 −1/2 0 17 fσ(q) = dq n(q, q ) gσ(q ), (83) 18 19 which can be used to compute, for instance, mean values of other observables where the 20 Gaussian approximation is not justified. Apart from the simplification that the local 21 22 reduction brings to the solution of problem, an interesting physical picture emerges: the 23 collective dynamics is driven by the behaviour of the potential energy surface (PES) 24 given by the HFB energy as a function of q with some coordinate-dependent quantal 25 26 corrections zpe(q) and inertia MGCM(q). If the q are chosen to be the collective variables 27 driving the nucleus to fission (quadrupole moment, octupole moment, neck, etc.) then 28 the probability of tunnelling through the fission barrier is given by the integral of the 29 30 exponential of the action computed with the collective potential and the collective inertia 31 of the CSE approximation to the Hill-Wheeler equation of the GCM. 32 Local approximation - The collective inertia can be evaluated from the energy 33 34 kernels using numerical differentiation to obtain hq and Hqq0 . Various finite difference 35 schemes can be used and the precision is controlled by the value of δq and δq0. However, 36 37 it is also common practice to use the explicit expression for the “momentum” operator 38 associated to the variable q. Following [200, 202], we write 39 ∂ i 40 ˆ |Φ(q)i = Pqα |Φ(q)i. (84) 41 ∂qα ~ 42 ˆ 43 The action of the momentum operator Pqα on the quasiparticle vacuum |Φ(q)i can be 44 obtained from the Ring and Schuck theorem of [203], 45 ˆ X  20 † † 20∗  46 Pqα |Φ(q)i = (Pqα )µνβµβν − (Pqα )µνβµβν |Φ(q)i. (85) 47 µ<ν 48 The quasiparticle matrix elements of the momentum operator (P 20) are obtained by 49 qα µν 50 expanding the HFB solution at point q + δq to first order in δq. They are related to 51 the matrix of the derivatives of the generalized density with respect to the collective 52 53 variables, 54 ! ∂R i 0 P 20 55 qα = 20∗ , (86) 56 ∂qα ~ −Pqα 0 57 58 and take the generic form 59 20 ! q20 ! Pqα X (−1) X β 0 0 60 µν = [M ]−1 M−1 µ ν , (87) − P 20 ∗ αβ µνµ0ν0 q20 ∗ qα µν β µ0<ν0 β µ0ν0 Page 47 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 47 4 5 where M is the linear response matrix in the quasiparticle basis, 6 ! AB 7 M = , (88) 8 B∗ A∗ 9 10 and A and B are given by (see, e.g., [61, 81]) 11 ˆ † † ˆ 12 Aµνµ0ν0 = hβνβµHβµ0 βν0 i,Bµνµ0ν0 = hβνβµβν0 βµ0 Hi. (89) 13 14 In (87), we have introduced the moments 15 20 ! 16 (−n) 20 † 20 T  −n qβ 17 Mαβ = qα , qα M 20 ∗ . (90) qβ 18 19 where M−n = M−1 × ... M−1 n times. Using the explicit form of the momentum 20 21 operator we can then express the width tensor in terms of the moments (which are also 22 rank 2 tensors) 23 1 −1 −1 24 Γ = M(−1)(q) M(−2)(q) M(−1)(q) . (91) 25 2 26 The linear response matrices of (89) have been defined only in the case of 27 ˆ 28 interactions deriving from a Hamiltonian H. For density-dependent interactions 29 and generic EDFs that cannot be expressed as mean values of a Hamiltonian, the 30 generalization of (89) involves second derivatives of the energy with respect to the 31 32 variational parameters. Typical expressions are given in [81] in the most general 33 case. The idea is to use the short version of Thouless theorem [61] |Φ(Z)i = 34 P Z β† β†|Φ(0)i to define the density and pairing tensor entering the EDF as 35 µ<ν µν µ ν ∗ ∗ 36 functions of the independent variables Zµν and Zµν ( for instance, ρji(Z ,Z) = 37 † hΦ(Z)|ci cj|Φ(Z)i/hΦ(Z)|Φ(Z)i ) and define 38 ∗ ∗ 39 ∂E(Z ,Z) ∂E(Z ,Z) A 0 0 = B 0 0 = . (92) 40 µνµ ν ∗ µνµ ν ∗ ∗ ∂Zµ0ν0 ∂Zνµ ∂Zν0µ0 ∂Zνµ 41 42 Cranking Approximation - The evaluation (90) of the moments M(−n) requires 43 inverting the full linear response matrix M. Computationally, this is a daunting task 44 45 that is often alleviated by approximating M by a diagonal matrix, which simplifies 46 enormously the inversion problem. This “cranking approximation” corresponds to 47 48 neglecting the residual quasiparticle interaction. The diagonal matrix elements are 49 simply the two-quasiparticle excitation energies. With this simplification, (90) reduces 50 to the more manageable form 51 ˆ† ˆ 52 (−n) X hΦ|Q |µνihµν|Qβ|Φi M = α , (93) 53 αβ (E + E )n 54 µ<ν µ ν 55 56 where |Φi stands for the quasiparticle vacuum at point q and |µνi represents a two † † 57 quasiparticle excitation built on top of that vacuum, i.e. |µνi = βµβν|Φi. The 58 combination of introducing the local momentum operator to substitute for exact 59 60 numerical differentiations with the cranking approximation is also referred to as the AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 48 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 48 4 5 “perturbative cranking” approximation. In this case, the curvature term Hqq vanishes 6 and some algebra leads to 7 8 1  (−1)−1 H 0 = M . (94) 9 qq 2 10 Introducing this last result in (81) while taking into account the form (91) for the norm 11 12 overlap, the collective mass tensor reduces to 13 (−1) 14 MGCM(q) = 4ΓM Γ. (95) 15 16 The zero point energy correction becomes 17 1  (q) = ΓM−1 (q). (96) 18 zpe 2 GCM 19 20 This last expression must again be understood as the contraction of the two tensors. 21 Both expressions (95) and (96) are then used in the evaluation of the action S(q) that 22 enters the WKB expression of the spontaneous fission half-life (114). 23 24 Variable Width - The above discussion has been restricted for simplicity to a 25 constant Gaussian width Γ. In case this assumption is not strictly valid, a change of 26 27 variables to a new set of coordinates η is required. The new variables are defined to 28 make the width locally constant, [175] 29 X 2 X 0 0 30 (dη)α = d(q − q )αΓαβ(q)d(q − q )β. (97) 31 α αβ 32 33 This last expression is reminiscent of the field of differential geometry where the new 34 variables η have a constant metric δαβ and distances in the original variables q have 35 to be measured with the new metric Γ. In this framework the expressions derived 36 37 above are still valid if standard derivatives with respect to qα are replaced by covariant 38 derivatives D/Dqα that include in their definition the corresponding Christoffel symbols 39 [175, 204, 12]. For an introduction to differential geometry, the reader may refer to 40 41 chapter 5 of [205]. As the metric in the variables q is now coordinate-dependent,√ the 42 volume element of integrals must be modified to account for an extra det Γ which is the 43 44 determinant of Γ. Also the kinetic energy term has to incorporate the bell and whistles 45 of differential geometry involving covariant derivatives. The final expression reads 46  2  ~ 1 ∂ √ ∂ 47 − √ det ΓBGCM(q) + V (q) − zpe(q) gσ(q) = σgσ(q).(98) 48 2 det Γ ∂q ∂q 49 The use of covariant derivatives is still required in the evaluation of the inertia. As the 50 51 calculation of the Christoffel symbols and its use in the covariant derivatives is rather 52 cumbersome, it is often assumed that the width matrix Γ, which is used also as the 53 54 metric of the curved space, varies slowly with the q coordinates. In this case, and given 55 that the Christoffel symbols are defined in terms of partial derivatives of the metric, 56 they can be neglected and therefore the covariant derivative reduces to the standard 57 √ 58 partial derivative. However the term det Γ is kept in its original form. 59 60 Page 49 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 49 4 5 3.1.2. Adiabatic Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov For a given choice of 6 collective variables {q}, the ansatz (69) for the GCM wave function leads to a notorious 7 8 underestimation of the collective inertia MGCM(q), even when computed with exact 9 numerical derivatives. This is illustrated in the top panel of figure 6 page 30, which 10 shows the collective inertia as a function of the quadrupole deformation for both the 11 12 GCM and ATDHFB prescriptions (in the perturbative cranking approximation). Ring 13 and Schuck recall, in their textbook [61], how one-dimensional GCM calculations using 14 a shift of the centre of mass as collective variable q fail to reproduce the exact result 15 16 in the exactly solvable case of translational large amplitude collective motion (where 17 the collective mass is just the sum of the masses of all nucleons). Back in 1962, Peierls 18 19 and Yoccoz had showed in [206] that adding another collective variable corresponding 20 to the momentum of the centre of mass was sufficient to reproduce the exact mass. 21 Qualitatively, a naive implementation of the GCM where the only collective degrees of 22 23 freedom q are time-even functions (such as, e.g., HFB states under various constraints on 24 multipole moments) is bound to fail, since it does not contain enough information on the 25 actual motion in the collective space, which is controlled by time-odd momenta. In fact, 26 27 Reinhard and Goeke showed in their review [207], that a “dynamic GCM” (DGCM), 28 where the set of collective variables q is expanded to include the associated momenta 29 Pˆ , was necessary to provide a more realistic description of collective dynamics. The 30 q 31 implementation of the DGCM in practical applications is, however, a lot more involved 32 than the usual GCM. 33 34 The adiabatic time-dependent HFB (ATDHFB) approximation of the TDHFB 35 equation thus provides an appealing alternative; see, e.g., [208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 36 213, 214, 215, 216, 217] for a presentation of the theory. The ATDHFB is based on a 37 38 small velocities expansion of the TDHFB equation, 39 ˙ 40 i~R = [H, R], (99) 41 where the generalized density matrix R(t) is given by (14) and the HFB matrix by (22) 42 43 – both are now time-dependent. As we will show below, this expansion introduces a set 44 of collective “coordinates”, which are time-even generalized densities, and the related 45 46 collective “momenta”. Coordinates and momenta differ by their properties with respect 47 to time-reversal symmetry. Once these quantities are defined, the energy of the system 48 can be expressed as the sum of a potential part and a kinetic part which is a quadratic 49 50 function of the momenta, both parts being time-dependent functions. It is then possible 51 to assign a collective inertia associated to any point of the collective space. At this point 52 the problem is reduced to a classical one and it is not possible to describe phenomena 53 54 involving quantum tunnelling through the barrier. However, we can still resort to the 55 semi-classical description of tunnelling based on the WKB method. Within this scheme 56 it is thus possible to compute spontaneous fission lifetimes using quantities provided by 57 58 the HFB theory and its time-dependent extension ATDHFB. 59 Note that all applications of ATDHFB to fission so far have been performed in 60 the particular case where the collective path, i.e., the trajectory of the system in the AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 50 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 50 4 5 collective space, is not calculated dynamically by solving the ATDHFB equations, but 6 predefined as a set of constrained HFB calculations. This is so even though (i) there are 7 8 several possible prescriptions to compute the collective path, as can be seen, e.g. in the 9 studies of [218, 219, 220] and (ii) comparisons of dynamically-defined collective paths 10 with constrained ones indicate that there can be significant differences in the collective 11 12 inertia tensor and zero-point energy corrections; see the examples studied in [158, 216]. 13 The main reason for this approximation is that the ATDHFB theory is mostly used 14 as a tool to compute a realistic collective inertia for WKB-types of calculations, and 15 16 the actual evolution of the system in collective space is not needed. The adiabatic self- 17 consistent collective model formulated in [221, 222] represents an alternative formulation 18 19 of the adiabatic approximation to the TDHFB equations that solve many of the formal 20 difficulties but has not been applied to the specific case of fission yet. 21 The starting point of the ATDHFB method is the expansion of the full time- 22 23 dependent generalized density R(t) according to 24 −iχ(t) iχ(t) 25 R(t) = e R0(t)e 26 where R (t) is a time-dependent, time-even generalized density matrix satisfying the 27 0 2 28 standard relation R0 = R0. χ(t) is also a time-even operator. The time-even density 29 R0(t) is considered as some kind of coordinate variable whereas χ(t) will be related 30 to its conjugate momentum, which is assumed to be a small quantity. Expanding the 31 32 density matrix in powers of χ(t) 33 34 R(t) = R0(t) + R1(t) + R2(t) + ··· (100) 35 36 we obtain terms which are either time-odd, such as R1 = −i[χ, R0], or time-even, such 37 as R0 or R2. Introducing the above expansion in the TDHFB equation, we obtain a set 38 of two equations, one for time-odd and the other for time-even quantities, 39 40 ˙ i~R0 = [H0, R1] + [K1, R0], (101) 41 ˙ 42 i~R1 = [H0, R0] + [H0, R2] + [K1, R1] + [K2, R0], (102) 43 44 where Hµ and Kµ are obtained from the expressions (22) and (29) of H and K with the 45 densities Rµ – all being time-dependent quantities. In the next step, the TDHFB energy 46 is expanded according to (100) in order to obtain a zero-order term, which resembles 47 48 the HFB energy for the R0 density, and a second order term reminiscent of a kinetic 49 energy and given by 50 1 n o 51 tr R˙ [R , R ] . (103) 52 2 0 0 1 53 ˙ 54 In this expression, the first term R0 plays the role of a generalized velocity, whereas the 55 second one is a momentum-like quantity. The identification of this term with a kinetic 56 energy is at the origin of the definition of the ATDHFB mass. In order to obtain a more 57 ˙ 58 explicit definition of the mass, we use (101) to express R1 in terms of R0. To this end 59 it is customary to introduce the ATDHFB basis, which diagonalizes R0(t) at all times 60 Page 51 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 51 4 5 t and has an analogous block structure as the traditional HFB basis. In the ATDHFB 6 basis, the matrix ofχ ˆ is noted generically 7 ! 8 χ11 χ12 χ = , (104) 9 χ21 χ22 10 11 and one can show that only the blocks χ12 and χ21 of the matrix of χ(t) are relevant 12 21 12 † 13 for the dynamics (and they are related through χ = χ ). After some manipulations, 14 one finds 15 ! ! χ12 R˙ 12 16 = M−1 0 , (105) 17 12 ∗ ˙ 12 ∗ χ R0 18 19 where M is the same linear response matrix as in (88). Inserting this relationship in 20 (103) we end up with an expression that is fully reminiscent of the kinetic energy 21 ! ! 22 1 χ12 1   R˙ 12 23 K ≡ χ12 †, χ12 T  M = R˙ 12,†, R˙ 12 T M−1 0 .(106) 12 ∗ 0 0 ˙ 12 ∗ 24 2 χ 2 R0 25 26 This expression shows that the linear response matrix is indeed the matrix of inertia. 27 As for the GCM, the above expressions are used in a framework where it is assumed 28 that just a few collective coordinates are responsible for the time evolution of the system. 29 30 This assumption allows to express the time derivative of the density matrix as 31 X ∂R0 R˙ = q˙ , (107) 32 0 ∂q α 33 α α 34 where the qα are the relevant collective coordinates andq ˙α their time derivatives. The 35 36 kinetic energy (106) becomes 37 1 X K = M q˙ q˙ , (108) 38 2 αβ α β 39 αβ 40 with 41 42 ∂R0 −1 ∂R0 Mαβ = M (109) 43 ∂qα ∂qβ 44 45 which constitutes the expression of the collective inertia for the relevant collective 46 coordinates qα. 47 As in the GCM case, the final expression of the ATDHFB mass involves the inverse 48 49 of the linear response matrix. The only (very recent) attempt to invert this matrix 50 explicitly has been reported in [223]. Most often, the problem is simplified by resorting 51 to the same two approximations encountered earlier and discussed in details in [217]: 52 53 the “cranking approximation” uses the diagonal approximation to the linear response 54 matrix with two quasiparticle energies as diagonal elements. The partial derivatives of 55 56 the density R0 with respect to the collective variables qα are evaluated numerically by 57 obtaining the HFB wave function with the constraints q + δq and using finite difference 58 approximations to the partial derivatives §. However, the partial derivatives of the 59 60 § Obviously, higher order formulas are used to compute the derivatives that involve also multiples of δqi AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 52 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 52 4 5 generalized density can also be obtained by applying linear response theory, which leads 6 to an explicit expression of the partial derivatives involving again the inverse of the 7 8 linear response matrix. If the same cranking approximation is used as before, we then 9 obtain the “perturbative cranking” formula for the ATDHFB mass, 10 2 (−1) −1 (−3) (−1) −1 11 MATDHFB = ~ [M ] M [M ] , (110) 12 13 with the moments defined in (93). 14 15 16 17 static 18 19 20 const 21 22 C+RM

23 (b)

24 22 C+DPM 25 Q 26 27 28 const 29 static 30 p 31 C +RM 32 p 33 C +DPM 34 35 Q (b) 36 20 37 264 38 Figure 15. Dynamic paths for spontaneous fission of Fm, calculated for the 39 non-perturbative MC (109) and perturbative MCP (110) versions of the ATDHFB 40 cranking inertia using the dynamic programming method (DMP) and Ritz method 41 (RM) to minimize the collective action integral. The static pathway (“static”) and 42 that corresponding to a constant inertia (“const”) are also shown. The trajectories of 43 turning points sin and sout are marked by thick solid lines. Figure taken from Ref. 44 [224], courtesy of J. Sadhukhan; copyright 2014 by The American Physical Society. 45 46 47 48 The validity of the perturbative cranking approximation (replacing exact derivatives 49 by a linearization) has recently been tested in the calculation of fission pathways of 50 264 51 superheavy elements in [224]. The figure 15 shows the fission pathways in Fm 52 in the (q20, q22) collective space obtained under different approximations: the path 53 obtained by only considering the lowest energy is marked “static”; the path obtained 54 55 by minimizing the action while taking a constant inertia is marked “const”; the 56 paths obtained by minimizing the action with the collective inertia computed at the 57 cranking approximation either directly or perturbatively are denoted by “C+DPM” 58 p p 59 and “C +DPM” and “C+RM” and “C +RM”, respectively. There is a clear, qualitative 60 difference between the perturbative and non-perturbative treatment of collective inertia. Page 53 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 53 4 5 3.2. Tunnelling and Fission Half-Lives 6 7 Strictly speaking, the ground-state of many nuclei is not a stationary state since there 8 are open channel through which the nucleus can decay. Nevertheless, it still makes sense 9 10 to do this approximation since the evolution towards those open channels must proceed 11 through classically-forbidden regions with a tiny transmission probability coefficient. 12 Similarly, in spontaneous fission the evolution of the nucleus from the ground-state 13 14 to scission configurations and to a two-fragment final state is achieved by tunnelling 15 through classically-forbidden regions. Fission lifetimes are then proportional to the 16 tunnelling transmission coefficient through multi-dimensional potential energy surfaces 17 18 in the relevant collective space. 19 20 21 3.2.1. The WKB Approximation The Wentzel, Kramers, Brillouin (WKB) 22 approximation is often used to get an estimate of the transmission coefficient through 23 the fission barrier [197]. To get an idea of how it works, let us consider first the 24 25 one-dimensional case. The basic idea is to substitute the classical expression for the 26 momentum p = p2m(E − V (x)) into the quantum mechanical identity 27 d2Ψ(x) p2 28 = − Ψ(x). (111) 29 dx2 ~2 30 31 This second-order differential equation is then solved under the assumption that the 32 wave function can be expressed in the generic form 33 34 Ψ(x) = A(x)eiφ(x). 35 36 37 Inserting this ansatz in (111) and assuming that the amplitude A(x) varies slowly with 38 x one obtains C 39 A(x) = , 40 pp(x) 41 42 and 1 Z 43 φ(x) = ± dx p(x), 44 ~ 45 46 which is valid in the “classical” region where E ≥ V (x). The extension to classically- 47 forbidden regions is straightforward, requiring the introduction of a complex momentum 48 49 p(x) that leads to an exponential wave function in that region 50  Z  C± 1 p 51 Ψ(x) = p exp ± dx 2m(V (x) − E) . (112) 52 |p(x)| ~ 53 The positive sign in the exponent yields an exponentially increasing tunnelling 54 55 probability and therefore the corresponding amplitude C+ has to be very small. By 56 keeping only the term with the minus sign for the wave function in the classically- 57 forbidden region, we obtain for the transmission coefficient 58 59  Z b  2 2 2 p 60 T = |Ψ(b)| /|Ψ(a)| = exp − dx 2m(V (x) − E) , (113) ~ a AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 54 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 54 4 5 where a and b are the inner and outer turning points at the barrier corresponding to 6 the energy E. 7 8 The extension of these ideas to fission is not entirely straightforward because of 9 the infinite degrees of freedom of the nuclear many-body system. In the adiabatic 10 approximation, however, the use of the WKB formula is somewhat justified owing to 11 12 the reduction in the number of relevant collective variables. Clearly, the role of the 13 mass of the particle in the one-dimensional problem recalled above should be played by 14 the collective inertia tensor, and the potential energy should be replaced by the HFB 15 16 energy along the collective path (possibly supplemented by quantum corrections such 17 as the rotational energy correction, zero-point energies, etc.). The actual path used to 18 19 compute the transmission coefficient is determined by invoking the last action principle 20 mentioned in the introduction to this chapter: The physical path is the one for which 21 the classical action (67) is minimal. The spontaneous fission lifetime τ SF is then usually 22 1/2 23 given by the inverse of the product of the transmission probability T times the number 24 of assaults to the barrier per unit time ν 25  Z b  26 SF 1 2 p τ1/2 = exp ds B(s)(V (s) − E0) . (114) 27 ν ~ a 28 Usually 1/ν is estimated assuming that the zero point energy correction of the nucleus 29 −21 30 in its ground-state if of the order of one MeV, which leads to the value 1/ν = 10 s. 31 Other authors (e.g. [20]) prefer to compute this parameter as the zero-point energy 32 33 ~ω of the ground-state of the potential well corresponding to the collective variable q. 34 For the mass, the two expressions for the collective inertia obtained previously in the 35 framework of the GCM and ATDHFB methods are used, usually within the perturbative 36 37 cranking approximation. Some results have recently been published in [224] without 38 the perturbative treatment of the derivatives, but to our knowledge, there has been no 39 calculations where the exact masses (involving the inverse of the full linear response 40 41 matrix) have been used. 42 SF As expected, the results for τ1/2 are very sensitive to the particular approximation 43 used, especially for nuclei with large τ SF values. This is a straightforward consequence of 44 1/2 45 the exponentiation of the action, leading to an exponential dependence on the potential, 46 energy and inertia tensor. In applications of the WKB method, the collective potential 47 48 V (q) is usually supplemented by the various corrections discussed in details in section 49 2.2.5. Strictly speaking, zero-point energy corrections (ZPE) should only be computed 50 when the GCM framework is used to compute the collective inertia. Some authors 51 52 have argued that even in the ATDHFB case, where no ZPE correction is present 53 by construction, some sort of ZPE can still be used by taking the GCM form and 54 replacing the GCM by the ATDHFB mass, see for instance [19, 224, 20]. In any 55 56 case, it is commonly assumed as in [202] that the ZPE corrections associated to the 57 quadrupole moment vary slowly with the collective variable and therefore only represent 58 a displacement of the energy origin. 59 60 Finally, the E0 parameter is often taken as the HFB ground-state energy. However it has been argued, e.g. in [225, 168], that the dynamics of the collective degree of freedom Page 55 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 55 4 5 has an associated zero-point energy correction on top of the potential minimum (the 6 HFB ground-state energy). This zero-point energy is often taken as a phenomenological 7 8 parameter varying in the range 0.5 - 1 MeV. Some authors prefer to compute it using 9 the formulas obtained in the GCM formalism [20]. 10 11 12 3.2.2. Multidimensional Quantum Tunnelling Although the WKB method is the most 13 popular choice to compute fission half-lives, several authors have considered alternative 14 methods based on functional integrals, see for instance [226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232]. 15 16 Such techniques offer, at least in principle, the possibility to be extended to arbitrary 17 many-body systems without relying on an explicit choice of collective coordinates (and 18 19 the underlying adiabaticity hypothesis). Qualitatively, it can be thought of as an 20 extension of time-dependent density functional theory in the classically-forbidden region 21 “below the barrier”. In this section, we only summarize some of the main features of 22 23 the theory by following [228] in the simplified case of a one-dimensional problem. 24 25 26 V(q) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 E0 37 Classically 38 forbidden 39 region 40 Potential Energy 41 42 q1 q2 q3 43 44 Generalized coordinate q 45 46 Figure 16. Schematic representation of a quantum tunnelling problem in one 47 dimension. The system is assumed to be described by a Hamiltonian of the type 48 H(q, p) = p2/2m + V (q). 49 50 51 52 We thus assume that the potential energy of the system has the typical fission-like 53 features shown in figure 16. We then adopt a functional integral representation of the 54 ˆ 55 quantum-mechanical evolution operator U, and following [228] write 56 X 1  1  57 = Tr (115) E − E + i ˆ 58 n n H − E + i 59 ∞ Z Z ˆ 60 = −i dT eiET dq hq|e−iHT |qi (116) 0 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 56 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 56 4 5 with q the one dimensional coordinate, and the summation in the left-hand side extends 6 over all eigenstates of the Hamiltonian. The poles of the resolvent as a function of 7 8 E give the energy of bound states and . In the classically-forbidden region, 9 no bound states are possible and the resonances appear as complex energies with an 10 imaginary part providing the width Γ of the state. 11 12 In order to estimate the integral over q, the integrand is first converted to a Feynman 13 path integral 14 Z Z Z 15 dqhq|e−iHTˆ |qi = dq D[q(t)]eiS[q(t)], (117) 16 17 18 where S[q(t)] is the classical action. This Feynman path integral is then computed in 19 the static path approximation (SPA). The SPA picks out only the path q0(t) that is 20 periodic both with respect to the coordinate q and the momentum p, q(0) = q(T ) 21 22 and p(0) = p(T ), and corresponds to a minimization of the classical action. The 23 remaining integral over T is computed using again the SPA, which provides the relation 24 E = −∂S/∂T connecting E with the classical energy. The contribution to the resolvent 25 26 is proportional (the proportionality factor depends on second order corrections to the iW (E) 27 SPA that we do not discuss here) to e where W (E) = ETcl + Scl(Tcl) and Tcl is 28 the classical period of motion for an energy E. Summing over all integer multiples of 29 iW (E) iW (E) 30 the period at an energy E gives the contribution e /(1 − e ) to the resolvent for 31 the orbits in the classically-allowed region around the local minimum. The poles of this 32 33 quantity are at those energies satisfying W (E) = 2πn, which is the WKB quantization 34 energy formula up to a factor π. As argued in [227], better treatment of the omitted 35 factor in front of the phase provides the missing π. In the classically-forbidden region, 36 37 we can repeat the same kind of arguments by going into imaginary time, t → iτ. Still 38 neglecting the quadratic corrections to the SPA, the total contribution of all paths to 39 the resolvent is then given in [226] by 40 41  1  eiW1(E) − e−W2(E) 42 Tr = , (118) ˆ iW1(E) −W2(E) 43 H − E + i 1 − e − e 44 where W1(E) is the action in the classical allowed region and W2(E) is its generalization 45 46 in the classically-forbidden region, 47 Z q2 p 48 W1(E) = 2 dq 2m(E − V (q)), q 49 1 (119) 50 Z q3 p 51 W2(E) = 2 dq 2m(V (q) − E). 52 q2 53 The expression of the trace is slightly different if corrections are taken into account and is 54 given in [228]. The poles of the resolvent are now the solutions of 1−eiW1(E)−e−W2(E) = 0 55 56 and therefore lie in the complex plane. Assuming that the last term is small, the complex i 57 energy solutions are given by En + Γn where En is the solution of the WKB energy 58 2 59 quantization condition. The width of the is given by 60 ωcl(En) Γ = e−W2(En), (120) n π Page 57 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 57 4 5 which is a factor of 2 smaller than the WKB formula in the large W2 limit. Again, this 6 factor is recovered when including quadratic corrections, as argued in [228]. It can also 7 8 be shown that the region to the right of the barrier does not contribute significantly to 9 the resolvent. 10 These ideas can in principle be extended to a quantum many-body system as 11 12 discussed in [227, 228, 233]. The peculiarity of this approach is that the SPA to the 13 Feynman path integral corresponds to the mean field solution instead of the classical 14 trajectories. Aside from that, the method requires solving many TDHFB-like equations 15 16 in imaginary time with periodic boundary conditions to describe the dynamics below the 17 barrier. A non trivial and still unresolved issue is how to connect periodic trajectories 18 19 in classically-allowed regions to the solutions under the barrier. In one dimension there 20 is only one way to do so but in a multidimensional case the connection is far from 21 trivial. Early studies in [230] point to the important role of symmetry-breaking. The 22 23 connection to the standard WKB formula is still missing although the results of [233] 24 seem to suggest that the WKB formula might grasp some of the physics involved. 25 Although not directly connected with functional integral methods, the tunnelling 26 27 through a multidimensional barrier has also been studied in a two-dimensional model 28 using a semi-classical approximation with complex classical trajectories [234]. Finally, 29 we also mention the recent attempt in [232] to compute tunnelling probabilities by 30 31 considering a complex absorbing potential: although the method was tested on simple 32 fission model Hamiltonians, it could in principle be extended to more microscopic 33 34 collective Hamiltonians of the form (131). 35 36 3.3. Time-Dependent Methods and Induced Fission 37 38 As mentioned in the introduction, the observables of interest in induced fission are 39 40 essentially the distribution of fission fragment properties such as their charge, mass, 41 total kinetic energy or total excitation energy. Such distributions emerge naturally from 42 a time-dependent description of fission: if one can simulate the time evolution of the 43 44 system from an initial state defining the compound nucleus to a final state characterized 45 by two fragments, then repeating the calculation for several initial conditions would allow 46 47 one to construct all the distributions of fission fragment observables. 48 Let us recall that the time evolution of a (non-relativistic) many-body quantum 49 system is given by the time-dependent Schr¨odingerequation. It originates from the 50 51 requirement that the variations of the quantum mechanical action defined by 52 Z t1  ∂  53 S[Ψ] = hΨ(t) | Hˆ − i~ Ψ(t)i, (121) 54 t0 ∂t 55 be zero with respect to variations of the many-body wave function |δΨ(t)i. Solving 56 57 (121) for a realistic nuclear Hamiltonian is of course a formidable task. Just as in the 58 case of spontaneous fission half-lives, the calculation of fission fragment observables is 59 60 performed by making additional approximations. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 58 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 58 4 5 3.3.1. Classical Dynamics The simplest and most drastic of all approximations is to 6 forgo the quantum nature of the nucleus and treat fission dynamics in a semi-classical 7 8 way. We do not intend to give a comprehensive description of the various stochastic 9 methods used to describe nuclear dynamics, and refer the reader to the review [235] by 10 Abe et al. where this topic is discussed in great details. Here, our goal is simply to recall 11 12 how some of these techniques have been applied to describe induced fission, especially 13 fission fragment distributions, particle evaporation and fission probabilities. 14 We introduce the conjugate momenta p of the collective variables q driving fission. 15 16 At any time t, the nucleus is represented by a point in phase space with coordinates 17 (q(t), p(t)) where the potential energy is V (q). If the total energy of the nucleus is E, 18 ∗ 19 then the local excitation energy is E (q) = E − V (q) (note that for such a classical 20 treatment of nuclear dynamics, the excitation energy must be positive E∗(q) ≥ 0 for all 21 q). The dynamics of the system can be represented in several ways: 22 23 • The Langevin equations directly give the position of the system in phase space at 24 25 any time t. They read X 26 q˙ = B p , (122) 27 α αβ β 28 β 29 1 X ∂Bβγ ∂V X X 30 p˙α = − pβpγ − − ΓαβBβγpγ + Θαβξβ(t), (123) 2 ∂qα ∂qα 31 βγ βγ β 32 with B(q) ≡ B (q) the tensor of inertia, Γ(q) ≡ Γ (q) the coordinate-dependent 33 αβ αβ 34 friction tensor (not to be confused with the width in the GCM) and V (q) 35 the potential energy in the collective space. The Langevin equations are non- 36 deterministic owing to the presence of the random force ξ(t). The strength of 37 38 this random force is controlled by the parameter Θ ≡ Θαβ. In applications of 39 the Langevin equation to fission such as, e.g. in [236, 237, 63], this parameter is 40 41 usually related to the friction tensor through the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, P 42 k ΘikΘkj = ΓijT , with T ≡ T (q) a local nuclear temperature related to the 43 excitation of the system E∗(q) at point q . Furthermore, it is often assumed that 44 45 the random variable is a Gaussian white noise process characterized by 46 47 hξαi = 0, (124) 48 0 0 hξα(t)ξβ(t )i = 2δαβδ(t − t ), (125) 49 50 where in this equation, h.i refer to statistical averaging. This absence of memory for 51 ξ implies that the Langevin equations represent a Markovian stochastic process, i.e., 52 53 the value of the random force at time t does not depend on previous values at time 54 t0 < t; see [137] for an introduction. It can be thought of as a random walk on the 55 56 PES defined by V (q). Each such random walk from some initial state to a properly 57 defined scission configuration defines a fission event; repeating the procedure, e.g., 58 by Monte-Carlo sampling, allows one to reconstruct the full distribution of fission 59 60 fragments. Page 59 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 59 4 5 • The Kramers equation gives the probability distribution function for the nucleus 6 to be at a given point in phase space. It reads 7 " ! 8 ˙ X ∂ ∂V X 1 ∂Bβγ ∂ 9 f(q, p, t) = −Bαβpβ + + pβpδ ∂qα ∂qα 2 ∂qα ∂pα 10 αβ δ 11 2 # 12 X ∂ ∂ + ΓαβBβγ pδ + Dαβ f(q, p, t), (126) 13 ∂pα ∂pα∂pβ 14 γ 15 where Dαβ = ΓαβT and T is the temperature. Since the Kramers equation does 16 not contain an explicit random term, it lends itself to analytic approximations. On 17 18 the other hand, its generalization to N-dimensional collective spaces is numerically 19 more involved since it is a second-order differential equation in terms of collective 20 21 variables. 22 Historically, the Kramers equation was essentially used to extract an analytic 23 24 expression for the induced fission width Γf by considering fission as a diffusion process 25 over a potential barrier approximated by an N-dimensional quadratic surface (of the 26 1 P 27 type 2 ij qiqj where qi are the collective variables), for instance in [238, 239, 240]. 28 More recently, progress in computing capabilities has enabled solving the full Langevin 29 equations in several . Results reported by various groups differ mostly in 30 31 the number and type of collective degrees of freedom, as well as the prescription for 32 the friction tensor Γ. Most studies have been performed in the high temperature 33 regime, where the potential energy surface is approximated by a liquid-drop-like formula, 34 35 for example [241, 236, 242, 243]. The Langevin equations have also been solved for 36 macroscopic-microscopic PES in the limiting case of strong friction (strongly damped 37 Brownian motion) in [63, 64, 244]. Note that both the Langevin and Kramers equations 38 39 involve the collective potential energy V (q) and the inertia tensor B(q). In the recent 40 work of [245], these quantities were computed using the ATDHFB formula, and Langevin 41 42 dynamics was solved from the outer turning point to scission in order to extract 43 spontaneous fission fragment distributions. 44 45 46 3.3.2. Time-dependent Density Functional Theory Time-dependent density functional 47 theory (TDDFT) provides a fully microscopic approach to describe real time fission 48 dynamics. It is a reformulation of the many-body time-dependent Schr¨odingerequation 49 50 as discussed in [246, 247]. If one considers an interacting electron gas in a time-dependent 51 external potential, then the Runge-Gross existence theorem of [248] asserts that given an 52 53 initial state, all properties of the system can be expressed as a functional of the (time- 54 dependent) local one-body density providing the potential satisfies certain regularity 55 conditions. Just as in the static case, the Kohn-Sham scheme can in principle be applied 56 57 so that the TDDFT equations turn into simple time-dependent Hartree-like equations. 58 However, again as in the static case, the form of the exchange-correlation time-dependent 59 potentialv ˆ (r, t) is not known. What is called the adiabatic approximation in TDDFT 60 xc (not to be confused with the adiabatic approximation in fission theory) consists in AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 60 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 60 4 5 assuming thatv ˆxc(r, t) has the same functional dependence on the density as at t = 0, 6 adiabatic 7 vˆxc (r, t) =v ˆxc[ρ](r, t). (127) 8 9 As for the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of static DFT, there is no direct analogue of 10 the Runge-Gross theorem for self-bound nuclear systems characterized by symmetry- 11 breaking intrinsic densities; see also [249] for a discussion of self-bound systems with 12 13 symmetry-conserving internal densities. In spite of this, the popular time-dependent 14 Hartree-Fock (TDHF) and time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (TDHFB) are de 15 facto adaptations of adiabatic TDDFT in nuclear physics, and we give below a very 16 17 brief presentation of each of these methods. 18 The TDHF equation 19 20 i~ρ˙ = [h, ρ] (128) 21 22 can be obtained by enforcing that the many-body wave-function remains a Slater 23 determinant at all times [61]. Given an initial density at time t0, which is typically 24 25 obtained by solving the static HF equations under a set of constraints, solving the 26 TDHF equation provides the full time-evolution of the system. If the initial condition 27 is such that the system has enough excitation energy – a point discussed in details in 28 29 [250, 251] – this time evolution may follow the system past the scission point and lead 30 to two separated, excited fission fragments. In some way, TDHF is the microscopic 31 32 analogue of the Langevin equation in that it simulates a single fission event in real time. 33 One of the earliest applications of TDHF in [252] was made by Negele and collaborators 34 to study the fission of actinides. At the time, a number of approximations were needed 35 36 such as axial and reflection symmetry, no spin-orbit potential, and a coarse spatial 37 grid. Progress in computing have enabled more realistic simulations including the full 38 Skyrme potential and 3D geometries as in [183]. In all cases, the initial point must 39 40 have a deformation larger than the “dynamical fission threshold” introduced in [251] 41 in order for the system to fission. The existence of such a threshold was explained by 42 Bulgac and collaborators in [182] as the consequence of neglecting pairing correlations. 43 44 Because TDHF does not rely on the hypothesis of adiabaticity, it is expected to give 45 a much more realistic description of the scission point, in particular of fission fragment 46 47 properties. The initial results on fragment total kinetic and excitation energies reported 48 in [183, 182] are very promising. 49 As was emphasized already several times, pairing correlations play a crucial role 50 51 in fission. While, in principle, the TDDFT equations could provide the exact time- 52 evolution of the system with only a functional of the density ρ, our ignorance of the 53 form of this functional forces us to introduce explicitly a Kohn-Sham scheme based 54 55 on symmetry-breaking reference states and a (time-dependent) pairing tensor κ. This 56 problem is identical to the static case. Nuclear dynamics is then be described by the 57 TDHFB equation, 58 59 i R˙ = [H, R]. (129) 60 ~ Page 61 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 61 4 5 While formally analogous to the TDHF equations, the TDHFB equation is substantially 6 more involved numerically. Indeed, the number of (partially) occupied orbitals at each 7 8 time t is much larger than the number of nucleons. In spherical symmetry, the TDHFB 9 equation has recently been solved without specific approximations [253]. In deformed 10 nuclei, it has been solved in the canonical basis in [254, 255, 256], but no application 11 12 of this formalism to fission has been performed yet. The first pioneer calculation of 13 neutron-induced fission with full TDHFB, which the authors refer to as time-dependent 14 local density approximation, has also been reported in [182]. We note that, as for the 15 16 static problem, the TDHFB equation can be approximated by the simpler TDHF+BCS 17 limit as done, for instance in [257, 170]. However, the TDHF+BCS approach does not 18 19 respect the continuity equation, contrary to TDHFB, which may lead to non-physical 20 results in specific cases such as particle emission. The authors of [257] advocated using 21 a simplified version of TDHF+BCS where occupation numbers are frozen to their initial 22 23 value and do not change with time. 24 25 3.3.3. Collective Schr¨odingerEquations If the TDHF equations are the analogue 26 27 of the classical Langevin equations, the time-dependent generator coordinate method 28 (TDGCM) can be viewed as the microscopic translation of the Kramers equation (126). 29 30 The TDGCM is a straightforward extension of the static GCM introduced in section 31 3.1.1, where the ansatz for the solution to the time-dependent many-body Schr¨odinger 32 equation takes the form 33 Z 34 |Ψ(t)i = dq f(q, t)|Ψ(q)i. (130) 35 36 37 As with (69), the functions |Ψ(q)i are known many-body states parametrized by a vector 38 of collective variables q, which most often are chosen as the solutions to the static HFB 39 equations under a set of constraints q, see also section 2.3 for a discussion of collective 40 41 variables. 42 Inserting the ansatz (130) in the variational principle (121) provides the time- 43 dependent analogue of (70), where the only difference is that the functions f(q, t) are 44 45 now time-dependent. All applications of the TDGCM method have been made by 46 further assuming the Gaussian overlap approximation for the norm kernel. Generalizing 47 the procedure given in section 3.1.1 in the case where the overlap kernel does not 48 49 depend on the collective variable (constant metric), we find the time-dependent collective 50 Schr¨odingerequation 51 " # 52 ∂ ~2 X ∂ ∂ 53 i~ g(q, t) = − Bαβ(q) + V (q) g(q, t), (131) ∂t 2 ∂qα ∂qβ 54 αβ 55 where the function g(q, t) is related to the weight function f(q, t) of (130) according to 56 Z 57 0 0 0 1/2 58 g(q, t) = dq f(q , t)[n(q, q )] , (132) 59 60 (see (73) for the definition of the square root of the norm) and contains all the information about the dynamics of the system. As before, the rank 2 tensor B(q) ≡ AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 62 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 62 4 5 Bαβ(q) is the collective inertia of the system in the collective space, and V (q) is the 6 potential energy. 7 2 8 Equation (131) implies a continuity equation for the quantity |g(q, t)| , 9 ∂ 2 10 |g(q, t)| = −∇q · J(q, t). (133) 11 ∂t 12 This equation can be derived in perfect analogy with standard one-body quantum 13 mechanics, see for example the derivation in [196]. It suggests that |g(q, t)|2 can be 14 15 interpreted as a probability amplitude for the system to be characterized by the collective 16 variables q at time t. Consequently, the vector J(q, t) is a current of probability in 17 perfect analogy with the results of one-body quantum mechanics (see, e.g., equation 18 19 IV.9 in [196]), 20 ~ ∗ ∗ 21 J(q, t) = B(q)[g (q, t)∇qV ecg(q, t) − g(q, t)∇qV ecg (q, t)] . (134) 22 2i 23 When more than one collective variable are involved, the coordinates of the current of 24 probability are 25 26 N  ∗  ~ X ∗ ∂g ∂g 27 Jα(q, t) = Bαβ(q) g (q, t) (q, t) − g(q, t) (q, t) . (135) 2i ∂qβ ∂qβ 28 β=1 29 30 Therefore, like the classical Kramers equations, the TDGCM equation give the evolution 31 of the flow of probability in the collective space. The probability amplitude |g(q, t)|2 32 and the current (135) are the key quantities to extract fission fragment distributions in 33 34 the TDGCM+GOA approach to nuclear fission. Based on the adequate identification 35 of scission configurations, see discussion in section 2.4 page 35, it is possible to estimate 36 37 the probability of a given scission configuration at point q by simply calculating the 38 integrated flux of the probability current through the scission hyper-surface at that same 39 point q. If we define the integrated flux F (ξ, t) through an oriented surface element ξ 40 41 as 42 Z t Z 43 F (ξ, t) = dT J(q, t) · dS. (136) 44 t=0 q∈ξ 45 then, following [258, 259, 171], the fission fragment mass yield for mass A is 46 X 47 y(A) ∝ lim F (ξ, t), (137) t→+∞ 48 ξ∈A 49 50 where A is the set of all oriented hyper-surface elements ξ belonging to the scission 51 hyper-surface such that one of the fragments has mass A. In practice, fission fragment 52 53 mass yields are normalized, 54 y(A) 55 Y (A) = P (138) 56 A y(A) 57 58 59 60 Page 63 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 63 4 5 4. Numerical Methods 6 7 One of the reasons behind the resurgence of fission studies in a microscopic framework 8 9 is the availability of high-performance computing facilities throughout the world. 10 Computational aspects are very often overlooked in the discussion of fission theory. Yet, 11 it is essential to bear in mind that all theories of fission share an inextinguishable thirst 12 13 in computing power that even the largest supercomputers can barely quench. In fact, 14 the microscopic theory of fission has been identified the two recent reports [260, 261] by 15 US agencies as a science justification for the construction of exascale computers. 16 17 Indeed, while the backbone of the microscopic theory of fission was for the most 18 part formalized already at the beginning of the 1980ies, practical applications were very 19 20 limited. As a simple example, consider the aforementioned pioneering work of Negele 21 and collaborators in 1978 on the dynamics of induced fission with the time-dependent 22 Hartree-Fock theory: calculations were performed in axial symmetry, neglecting the 23 24 spin-orbit component of the Skyrme force and the exchange Coulomb force, using a 25 constant gap approximation for pairing, a discretization of space with a mesh size of 26 h = 0.65 fm, and using 3-point finite differences for derivatives yielding an error of 27 28 at least 2 MeV on the energy. Today, all of these approximations can be removed, 29 but significant work on algorithms, code development and parallelization techniques is 30 constantly needed. 31 32 The goal of this section is to give a comprehensive review of the various numerical 33 methods needed to implement the microscopic theory of fission. In section 4.1, we review 34 35 the technology of DFT solvers, which are essential tools to map out the potential energy 36 surface of the nucleus in the adiabatic approximation. In particular, we offer a critical 37 discussion of the advantages and drawbacks of basis expansion methods and lattice 38 39 techniques. In section 4.2, we present some of the methods and challenges related to 40 the description of fission dynamics, in particular the implementation of time-dependent 41 DFT solvers. 42 43 44 4.1. DFT Solvers 45 46 In the adiabatic approximation of nuclear fission, DFT solvers are used to compute 47 48 the potential energy surface of the nucleus of interest within a given collective space 49 or to provide the wave function for an initial state in time-dependent calculations. In 50 practice, this requires solving the HFB equations for a set of constraints q. As mentioned 51 52 in section 2.3, these collective variables may correspond to geometrical properties of 53 the nucleus, such as the expectation value of multipole moments, or non-geometrical 54 quantities such as the fluctuation of particle number. The success of the microscopic 55 56 approach to fission as outlined in sections 2-3 depends to some extent on the ability 57 of the chosen collective space to accurately capture the physics of fission. This implies 58 that (i) there are enough collective variables (ii) the “spatial” resolution of the collective 59 60 space is good enough, (iii) the numerical precision is good enough. Today, there is a relative consensus that at least a handful of different collective AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 64 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 64 4 5 variables are needed, see for instance the discussions in [48, 192]. In particular, the 6 elongation of the nucleus, the degree of mass asymmetry, triaxiality, the thickness and 7 8 density of particles in the neck between the two pre-fragments are among the most 9 fundamental quantities. If we assume for the sake of argument that the collective space 10 is described by a N = 5 dimensional hyper-cube and a grid of n = 100 points per 11 10 12 dimension, one finds that 10 deformed HFB calculations must be performed to fully 13 scan the potential energy landscape. To put this number in perspective, we recall that 14 high-precision HFB solutions for triaxial, reflection-asymmetric shapes take up to a few 15 16 hours on standard architectures. The computational challenge is thus formidable. 17 In this section, we present the techniques used to numerically solve the HFB 18 19 equation. While many of these techniques are well-known, we emphasize their 20 advantages and drawbacks in the specific context of fission studies. We can distinguish 21 between two main classes of DFT solvers: those based on the expansion of HFB solutions 22 23 on a basis of the single particle Hilbert space, and those based on direct numerical 24 integration. 25 26 27 4.1.1. Basis Expansion Techniques Basis expansion techniques are ubiquitous 28 in practical applications of quantum mechanics and quantum many-body theory. 29 30 Expanding the solutions to the Schr¨odingeror on a basis of known 31 functions yields a linear eigenvalue problem that can be solved very efficiently. In 32 particular, the method is oblivious to the local or non-local character of the underlying 33 34 nuclear potential. Moreover, the formulation of beyond mean-field extensions such as, 35 e.g., the generator coordinate method or projection techniques is straightforward. 36 In nuclear science, the eigenfunctions of the one-centre harmonic oscillator (HO) 37 38 have historically played a special role. They are known analytically in spherical, 39 cylindrical, Cartesian coordinates, among others. Talmi, Moshinski and Talman showed 40 long ago in [262, 263, 264] that any product of two HO basis functions could be 41 42 expanded into a sum of single HO functions, which allows for the exact separation 43 of the centre of mass and relative motion for two-body potentials. Using the harmonic 44 45 oscillator basis also greatly simplifies the calculation of matrix elements of Gaussian 46 potentials, such as, e.g., the Gogny force as highlighted in [102, 265]. Special care must 47 be taken in the evaluation of matrix elements of states with large quantum numbers, 48 49 e.g. by recurring to known properties of hypergeometric sums as in [167]; see also 50 [266] for a recent account on the calculation of matrix elements of the Gogny force 51 with axially symmetric harmonic oscillator wave functions. High-accuracy expansions 52 53 of the Coulomb or Yukawa potentials onto a finite sum of Gaussians were also used in 54 [87, 267, 268] for the precise calculation of the Coulomb exchange contribution to the 55 nuclear mean field. Last but not least, the nuclear mean field can be well approximated 56 57 by a HO, which is one of the reasons for the spectacular success of the phenomenological 58 Nilsson model of nuclear structure [11]. 59 60 Several DFT solvers based on expanding the HFB solutions on the HO basis have been used in fission studies. Let us mention in particular the codes hfbtho ([269, 270]) Page 65 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 65 4 5 and hfodd ([268, 271, 272, 273, 160, 274, 275]), which have been released under open 6 source license. Both codes implement generalized Skyrme-like functionals in the particl- 7 8 hole channel and density-dependent delta-interaction in the particle-particle channel. 9 The latest version of hfodd also implements EDF based on finite-range 10 such as the Gogny force in both channels. Axial and time-reversal symmetries are built- 11 12 in in hfbtho, but reflection-asymmetric shapes are possible; by contrast, hfodd breaks 13 all possible symmetries of the nuclear mean-field. The two codes have been carefully 14 benchmarked against one another, and the hfbtho kernel is included as a module of 15 16 hfodd. These codes were used to study both spontaneous and induced fission; see the 17 following papers [15, 16, 17, 20, 129, 162, 186, 217, 224, 276, 277, 278]. In applications 18 19 with the Gogny forces, the codes hfbaxial and hfbtri have been widely used to study 20 spontaneous fission in actinides and superheavy elements [168, 172, 128, 279, 280]. 21 Let us recall that the three-dimensional quantum HO is characterized by its 22 23 frequency vector ω = (ωx, ωy, ωz) (in Cartesian coordinates). The frequency, measured p 24 in MeV, is also related to the oscillator length bµ = ~/mωµ (in fm), where m is the 25 mass of a nucleon. While the single particle Hilbert space is of course infinite, practical 26 27 implementations require truncating the HO basis. This is achieved in different ways. 28 For a spherical basis with ωx = ωy = ωz ≡ ω0, one usually imposes a cut-off in the 29 number N of oscillator shells. Each N-shell contains (N + 1)(N + 2) degenerate 30 shell 31 states [56, 11]. Deformed or “stretched” HO bases are introduced to describe elongated 32 geometries. In these cases, ωx 6= ωy 6= ωz, but the condition of volume conservation 33 3 3 34 yields ωxωyωz = ω0 and accordingly b0 = bxbybz. Since there is no degeneracy of the HO 35 shells any more, one must introduce additional criteria to truncate the basis. Among the 36 popular choices are the ratios p = ωx/ωy and q = ωx/ωz, which define the deformation 37 38 of the basis. Alternatively, this basis deformation can also be defined by introducing 39 an ellipsoidal liquid drop characterized by the (β, γ) Bohr deformations; see [61] for 40 the relation between (β, γ) and the (α , α ) parameters of the expansion (2). The 41 20 22 42 quantities p and q can then be expressed as ratios of the radii of each of the principal 43 axes of this ellipsoid, p = Ry/Rx and q = Rz/Rx, each radius being a function of (β, γ). 44 This method was introduced in [87] and generalized in [271]. An additional number of 45 46 states nmax is sufficient to completely determine the basis states. 47 As important as the truncation schemes are the choices for the oscillator lengths 48 49 used in the HO basis. Typically, these quantities are used as additional variational 50 parameters that are adjusted to minimize the energy. This search for optimal oscillator 51 lengths is obviously less important the bigger the size of the basis is, as illustrated in 52 53 figure 17. Therefore, there is always a compromise between using a large basis where 54 the precise value of the oscillator lengths is less relevant but calculations are expensive, 55 or using a smaller basis at the cost of repeating, for the configuration of interest, the 56 57 HFB calculation several times for different oscillator lengths. In this respect various 58 phenomenological formulas relating the oscillator lengths to the imposed deformation 59 60 parameters of the nucleus can be used as in [162]. Because of the truncation of the basis, the solution of the HFB equation becomes AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 66 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 66 4 5 dependent on the characteristics of the basis, namely Nshell, ω0, and q in the most 6 common case of an axially-deformed basis. This dependence is clearly spurious and 7 8 disappears in the limit of an infinite basis. In practical calculations, however, its 9 effect must be properly quantified. The figure 17 illustrates the expected size of 10 truncation effects as a function of the oscillator frequencies and maximum spherical 11 12 shell number. We show the energy of a deformed configuration along the fission path 240 ˆ ˆ 2 13 of Pu characterized by hQ20i = 200 b and hQ40i = 50 b . Even at Nshell = 24, the 14 energy varies by several hundreds of keV over the range b ∈ [1.9, 2.6] fm.. 15 0 16 17 18 -1800 19 β=0.5, N=16 β=1.0, N=16 20 β=0.5, N=20 β=1.0, N=20 21 β=0.5, N=24 β=1.0, N=24 22 23 -1802 24 25 26 27 -1804 28 29 30 HFB Energy [MeV] 31 -1806 32 33 34 35 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 36 37 Oscillator Length b0 [fm] 38 39 Figure 17. Convergence of DFT calculations using HO expansions. The figure is 40 41 obtained at the HFB approximation with the SkM* functional and a surface-volume 240 42 pairing and shows the total energy of Pu as function of the oscillator length b0 43 (in fm) for different number of oscillator shells Nshell for the configuration defined by 2 44 hQˆ20i = 200 b and hQˆ40i = 50 b . Stretched HO bases with different deformations 45 β = 0.5 and β = 1.0 are used; adapted from [114]. 46 47 48 The work reported in [168, 278, 88, 161] showed the impact of basis truncation on 49 50 fission properties, mostly on the static properties of the potential energy surface such 51 as, e.g. the height of fission barriers . One should bear in mind that truncation errors 52 53 typically amount to a few hundred keV at the top of the first fission barrier in actinides. 54 Such errors can cause several orders of magnitude changes in spontaneous fission half- 55 lives because of the exponential factor in (114). In addition, the truncation error 56 57 increases with the mass of the nucleus, especially when pairing correlations are non-zero. 58 Because of the Gaussian asymptotic behaviour of HO wave functions, the convergence 59 of basis expansions in weakly bound nuclei near the dripline is also problematic, see 60 possible alternatives for DFT solvers in, e.g., [281, 282]. This could have a major impact


1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 67 4 5 in fission fragment calculations of nuclei involved in the r-process discussed in [283, 284]. 6 Finally, we already mentioned that both spontaneous fission at high excitation energy 7 8 and neutron-induced fission are often described in the finite-temperature HFB theory, 9 where the density matrix contains a spatially non-localized component. This increases 10 truncation errors accordingly. In figure 18, we show the evolution of the energy as a 11 12 function of the oscillator length for FT-HFB calculations at T = 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 MeV for 13 large bases characterized by shell numbers Nshell = 20 and Nshell = 28. We note that 14 the plateau condition for convergence degrades substantially as nuclear temperature 15 16 increases: at T = 1.0 MeV, the energy does not change by more than 50 keV over the 17 range b0 ∈ [2.2, 2.4] fm, while at T = 2.0 MeV, even a small change of δb = 0.05 fm 18 19 around the minimum induces variations of energy of 200 keV. 20 21 2.0 22 T=1.0, N=20 T=1.5, N=20 T=2.0, N=20 23 T=1.0, N=28 T=1.5, N=28 T=2.0, N=28 24 25 1.5 26 27 28 29 30 1.0 31 32 33 Energy [MeV] Energy 34 0.5 35 36 37 38 0.0 39 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 40 41 Oscillator Length [fm] 42 43 Figure 18. Similar as figure 17 for different nuclear temperatures. The basis 44 45 deformation is fixed at β = 1.0. For better legibility, all curves have been normalized 46 to their minimum value. 47 48 49 In the vast majority of DFT solvers based on the HO basis expansion, the basis 50 functions are the eigenstates of the one-centre, three-dimensional quantum HO. In the 51 52 nineteen eighties, the French group at CEA Bruy`eres-le-Chˆateldeveloped an axial two- 53 centre DFT solver, in which the basis functions are superpositions of the eigenfunctions 54 of two one-centre HO shifted by a distance d (adjustable). By construction, the set of 55 56 all such functions is not orthogonal, which requires a Gram-Schmit orthogonalization 57 procedure. This represents a disadvantage as the number of linearly independent states 58 depends upon the distance d and therefore wave functions at different elongations are 59 60 expanded in different sub-spaces of the full Hilbert space. As a consequence, the evolution of observables in the transition from one subspace to the neighbouring ones is AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 68 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 68 4 5 not necessarily smooth. On the other hand, this technology is especially advantageous 6 to describe very deformed nuclear shapes and/or two fragments such as the ones 7 8 encountered near scission. This code has been used to study induced fission in actinide 9 nuclei, see [120, 164, 123, 188, 285, 259] for instance. 10 11 12 4.1.2. Mesh Discretization and Lattice Techniques The coordinate space formulation 13 of the HFB equation provides one of the simplest methods to remedy the limitations of 14 basis expansion techniques. In this case, the HFB equation (24) becomes 15 16 0 0 ! 0 ! Z X h(rσ, rσ ) − λδσσ0 ∆(rσ, rσ ) Uµ(rσ ) 17 d3r0 18 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 0 σ0 −∆ (rσ, rσ ) −h (rσ, rσ ) + λδσσ0 Vµ(rσ ) 19 ! 20 Uµ(rσ) 21 = Eµ , (139) 22 Vµ(rσ) 23 0 0 0 0 24 with the mean field h(rσ, r σ ) and pairing field ∆(rσ, r σ ) expressed in coordinate 25 space, see for instance [79] for transformation rules between configuration and coordinate 26 space. While the separation of the Schr¨odingerequation makes this direct approach 27 28 very straightforward if spherical symmetry is conserved (see applications in [110, 89]), 29 extensions to deformed nuclei require introducing lattice techniques, as finite differences 30 becomes either numerically too inaccurate or computationally impractical. There are 31 32 several different examples of coordinate-space approaches to solving the HFB equation 33 that have been applied to fission studies. 34 The HFB equation (139) is a particular example of an integro-differential equation. 35 36 The B-spline collocation method (BSCM) was introduced in nuclear theory already 37 more than two decades ago in [286, 287] to solve such equations. In practice, the BSCM 38 39 has been successfully implemented in cylindrical coordinates for the particular case of 40 axially-deformed nuclei. After discretizing the spatial domain as a set of knots, one 41 introduces a set of interpolating B-spline functions with order M in each knot. Any 42 43 arbitrary function or operator is then represented at the collocation points defined by 44 the maximum of the splines functions at each knot. With this technique, the HFB 45 equation takes the form of the standard non-linear eigenvalue problem, which can be 46 47 solved iteratively by successive diagonalizations. This approach was implemented in 48 [288, 289, 290]. Vanishing boundary conditions are assumed at the boundaries of the 49 50 domain (a cylinder of radius R and length 2L). 51 Such lattice-based techniques achieve a very high numerical precision regardless 52 of the underlying nuclear geometry. Their convergence is essentially characterized 53 54 by the order M of the B-spline and the maximum value Ωmax of the z-projection 55 of angular momentum [For Hartree-Fock calculations, Ωmax is simply equal to the 56 maximum j-value of occupied single particle orbitals]. They are especially suited to 57 58 dealing with very deformed nuclei, weakly-bound systems or nuclei at high temperature. 59 Comparisons with HO basis expansion techniques given in [290, 161, 114, 115] show 60 that a prohibitively large number of basis states would be needed to reach similar Page 69 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 69 4 5 precision. The downside of the BSCM techniques is the larger computational cost: 6 explicit parallelization across a few dozen cores is needed to keep run time within a few 7 8 hours. In addition, extending the codes to handle either finite-range nuclear potentials 9 or fully triaxial geometries would be costly, and such extensions do not exist yet. 10 A slightly different lattice technique relies on using a variational method with a set 11 12 of Lagrange functions introduced in [291]. As in the BSCM, both functions and operators 13 are represented on the resulting mesh, the functions by a vector and the operators by 14 a matrix. This technique is implemented in three-dimensional Cartesian meshes in the 15 16 code ev of [292, 293]. The use of Lagrange meshes to estimate derivatives delivers 17 high and controllable numerical precision as demonstrated in [294]. In particular, it is 18 19 possible to limit numerical errors to only a few dozens keV across an arbitrarily large 20 deformation span with even relatively coarse meshes. Note that the implementation 21 of finite-range potentials represents a significant increase in computations, see however 22 23 [295] for a recent example using the finite range Gogny force. 24 Another popular technique used in DFT solvers based on the coordinate space 25 representation consists in evaluating derivatives, which are needed to define the 26 27 Laplacian in the kinetic energy, in momentum space. Consider a Cartesian grid of 28 Nx × Ny × Nz points defined in such a way that xi = idx for i = 1,...Nx (and 29 similarly for the coordinates y and z). Then the momentum is discretized according 30 31 to pi/~ = i(2π/L). As is well known, derivatives in momentum space are simple 32 multiplications. The transformation back to coordinate space can be performed by Fast 33 34 Fourier Transforms. This technique has been used in [33, 34, 13, 14, 79, 296, 297, 182]. 35 We finish this section by mentioning two slightly alternative lattice-based 36 techniques. Finite element analysis was introduced in the series of papers [298, 299, 37 38 300, 301] to solve the equations of the relativistic mean-field. Although this technique 39 seemed promising, it was not disseminated further. Most recently, the NUCLEI SciDAC 40 collaboration has published in [302] a new DFT solver based on multi-resolution analysis 41 42 and wavelet expansions. The advantage of multi-resolution is the possibility to impose 43 the numerical precision desired. 44 45 46 4.1.3. Algorithms to Solve Self-Consistent Equations The HFB equation (21) is a non- 47 linear problem since the HFB matrix H depends on the generalized density R, recall (37) 48 49 and (23). Even in the BCS approximation, the non-linearity of the equation remains 50 since the HF mean field h is still a functional of the one-body density ρ. There are three 51 main strategies to solve such problems: successive diagonalizations, gradient methods 52 53 of imaginary time evolution. In each case, the algorithm must be initialized. This can 54 be done by solving, e.g., the Schr¨odingerequation with a Nilsson potential followed 55 by the BCS approximation: this provides an initial one-body density matrix ρ(0) and 56 57 pairing tensor κ(0), which define the HF or HFB matrix at the first iteration. Given this 58 initialization, the three algorithms mentioned proceed as follows: 59 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 70 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 70 4 5 • Successive iterations: In this method the HFB equation is written in the form 6 of a diagonalization problem 7 8 HW = W E (140) 9 10 with W having the structure of (11) and E of (25). The W (i) matrix at iteration 11 i is used to compute the next iteration of the HFB matrix, H(i+1), which is 12 (i+1) 13 diagonalized to obtain W . The iterative process is repeated until convergence, 14 i.e. , ||W (i) − W (i+1)|| ≤ ε within a given accuracy . The convergence of the 15 method is not guaranteed and “jumping” solutions such that W (i) = W (i+q) can 16 17 occur. These deficiencies are usually overcome by annealing the density at iteration 18 i + 1 with the density at iteration i 19 20 R(i+1) → (1 − α)R(i+1) + αR(i) 21 22 23 with the annealing parameter α. More advanced linear mixing schemes have 24 been introduced in quantum chemistry and ported to nuclear structure in [303]. 25 Constraints are handled very efficiently by using methods based on the augmented 26 27 Lagrangian method or approximate linear response theory, see [162, 186, 192]. In 28 the special case of the HF+BCS approximation to the HFB equation, the same 29 30 overall algorithm is applied to diagonalize the HF mean field h instead of the HFB 31 matrix H. 32 33 • Gradient methods: The HFB equation is a direct consequence of the variational 34 principle on the HFB energy. Therefore solving the HFB equation is equivalent to 35 finding a minimum of the HFB energy. The gradient method was used as early 36 37 as the late nineteen seventies in [304, 305] to solve the HFB equations using a 38 phenomenological approach to determine the gradient step and is based on the 39 representation of the HFB equation in terms of the Thouless matrix Z, see page 19. 40 41 The efficient handling of constraints inherent to the method is especially convenient 42 in fission calculations: during the iterative process one has to ensure that the 43 descendant direction is orthogonal to the gradient of the constraint condition. The 44 45 orthogonality is imposed by modifying the objective function by subtracting the 46 mean value of the constraint operator multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier that is 47 48 subsequently used to impose the orthogonality condition at every iteration. The 49 procedure is straightforwardly extended to many constraints. The iteration count of 50 the method is high although the cost of evaluating the gradient is just slightly higher 51 52 than evaluating the H matrix. To reduce the number of iterations, the conjugate 53 gradient method introduced in [306] chooses the steepest descent direction as the 54 “conjugate” of the previous one. The method is very efficient for a quadratic 55 56 function but the cost of each iteration increases because of the need to do a line 57 minimization at each step. The Newton or second order method relies on the use 58 of the Hessian matrix to modify the gradient direction in such a way that the 59 60 minimum is reached in just one iteration for a quadratic function. The iteration count is severely reduced but the cost of evaluating the Hessian is very high (in Page 71 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 71 4 5 the HFB case, the Hessian resembles the matrix of linear response theory), as is 6 the evaluation of its inverse. For not so many degrees of freedom the method 7 8 is competitive as shown in [307] but becomes prohibitively expensive in typical 9 applications in nuclear physics with effective forces. An enormous simplification of 10 the method is achieved if the Hessian matrix is assumed to be diagonal dominant as 11 12 the most important contribution to the diagonal matrix elements is the sum of two 13 quasiparticle energies. In this way the computation and inversion of the Hessian 14 matrix is enormously simplified. This method was implemented in the hfbaxial 15 16 and hfbtri DFT solvers for the Gogny force. For an early account of the different 17 gradient method techniques applied to the solution of the HF and HFB problems 18 19 with an emphasis on the election of the gradient step, see [308] 20 • Imaginary time method: In the particular case of the HF+BCS approximation, 21 22 one can also use the imaginary time method. It is based on the general result 23 that the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian Hˆ evolve with time through an oscillatory 24 phase factor exp(−i/~Ent) depending on the eigenvalue En. If time is replaced by 25 26 a complex quantity t → −iτ the complex phase in front of each eigenvalue becomes 27 real and a decaying function with a decay rate that increases with excitation energy. 28 Therefore, applying the time evolution operator with imaginary time to a general 29 30 linear combination of eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian will converge to the lowest 31 eigenvalue (ground-state energy) after a sufficiently long time. The problem with 32 this method is that the time evolution operator involves the exponential of the 33 34 true Hamiltonian, typically approximated by the two-body effective Hamiltonian 35 (27), which is very expensive to compute. In practice, the full Hamiltonian Hˆ is 36 37 therefore replaced by a simpler approximation: In nuclear physics, this method was 38 introduced in [309] by replacing Hˆ by the HF Hamiltonian hˆ. This is the technique 39 implemented in the ev suite of code of [292, 293] to solve the HF+BCS equation. 40 41 The direct extension of this algorithm to the case of the HFB equation is not trivial 42 because the HFB matrix is unbounded from below: the lowest eigenvalue is infinite 43 resulting in the divergence of the algorithm at τ → +∞. In [310], the authors 44 45 introduced the two-basis method, where the HFB matrix is diagonalized in a small 46 discrete basis composed of the eigenstates of the HF Hamiltonian obtained from 47 the imaginary time evolution. 48 49 50 4.2. Dynamics 51 52 The various time-dependent methods used to describe fission dynamics, in particular 53 54 induced fission, were discussed in section 3.3. These methods present specific numerical 55 challenges that we briefly address below in section 4.2.1. In addition, the calculation 56 of the collective inertia tensor which has a critical impact on fission half-lives, has also 57 58 been subject to several approximations, which are discussed in section 4.2.2. 59 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 72 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 72 4 5 4.2.1. Time-dependent Approaches As emphasized in section 3.3, time-dependent 6 density functional theory (TDDFT) provides, at least on paper, a convenient framework 7 8 to simulate fission in real time, since it does not require introducing collective variables 9 or scission configurations. Assuming the original Runge-Gross theorem can be extended 10 to the nuclear case, the (unknown) energy functional that gives the exact ground-state 11 12 energy would only depend on the local, time-dependent, one-body density, and the 13 Kohn-Sham scheme would reduce to solving Skyrme-like TDHF equations. 14 All existing implementations of TDHF in computer codes are based on the 15 16 coordinate-space formulation of the HF equations in a box using both absorption layers 17 on the edges of the box and vanishing boundary conditions. The coordinate space 18 19 approach is necessary because TDHF solutions at large time can have very extended 20 geometries that cannot be accurately represented by a one-centre basis expansion such 21 as the familiar HO basis. Because of the computational cost of the coordinate space 22 23 approach, the first implementations of TDHF used several simplifications such as axial 24 symmetry as in [252, 311]. The first application of a fully three-dimensional, Skyrme 25 TDHF calculation was published in [312] in 1997 and was based on the adaptation 26 27 of the ev8 HF+BCS solver. Very recently, a full 3D implementation of the TDHF 28 equations in coordinate space using the Fourier representation of spatial derivatives has 29 been published [297]. 30 31 The simplest way to include pairing correlations in TDHF is the BCS 32 approximation. Such a TDHF+BCS solver was developed in [257] and applied to the 33 258 34 study of fission of Fm in [170]. The solver is also an extension of the ev HF+BCS 35 computer program and relies on the same underlying technology, in particularly the use 36 of a 3D Cartesian mesh and a set of Lagrange functions, see the two previous sections 37 38 4.1.2 and 4.1.3. 39 The full TDHFB equation is substantially more involved than the TDHF or 40 TDHF+BCS equation because of the non-zero occupation of high-lying, de-localized 41 42 quasiparticle states. The full TDHFB equation in nuclei was originally solved in 43 spherical symmetry in [253]. For arbitrary deformations of the nuclear shape, the 44 TDHFB equation has been implemented in the canonical basis, where the density matrix 45 46 is diagonal and the pairing tensor has the canonical form, in [254, 255, 256]. The most 47 advanced implementation of TDHFB today is by Bulgac, Roche and collaborators and 48 49 was described in [313]. Their code, which is massively parallel and has been ported 50 to GPU architectures, implements a local Kohn-Sham scheme for TDDFT dubbed the 51 time-dependent superfluid local density approximation (equivalent to a TDHFB theory 52 53 with a functional of the local density ρ(r) only) and was very recently applied for the first 54 time to the description of neutron-induced fission in [182]. The code uses fast discrete 55 Fourier transforms to evaluate derivatives on a three-dimensional Cartesian lattice, and 56 57 a multi-step predictor-modifier-corrector method for the time evolution. 58 In contrast to real-time dynamics described by TDDFT methods, the description of 59 60 fission dynamics as a large-amplitude collective motion driven by a small set of collective variables is especially suited to the calculation of the distributions of fission fragment Page 73 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 73 4 5 properties. The time-dependent generator coordinate method (TDGCM) developed in 6 the 1980ies at CEA Bruy`eres-le-Chˆatelis currently the only microscopic theory capable 7 8 of producing realistic fission fragment distributions. Until now, it has only been applied 9 under the Gaussian overlap approximation. The very first applications of this approach 10 to the dynamics of fission were reported in a series of paper by Berger and Gogny in 11 12 [120, 123, 258]. The first actual calculation of fission fragment mass distributions with 13 this technique were published in [285, 259], with additional results reported in [171]. 14 The implementation of the TDGCM was based on solving the collective Schr¨odinger 15 16 equation by using finite-differences for derivatives. This choice imposed the use of a 17 regular grid of points that did not offer the possibility to discard regions of the collective 18 19 space that were irrelevant to the dynamics (for example the points with a very high 20 energy). In practice, applications were restricted to two-dimensional collective spaces, 21 and large computational resources were needed to achieve good numerical accuracy. 22 23 Very recently, the collaboration between CEA and LLNL developed a new program to 24 solve the TDGCM+GOA equations for an arbitrary number of collective variables using 25 finite element analysis [314]. 26 27 28 4.2.2. Collective Inertia Computing collective inertia is usually accomplished by using 29 30 the perturbative cranking formula (110), which only requires moments of the collective 31 operators in quasiparticle space and two-quasiparticle energies. However, as recalled 32 in section 3.1.2 (see also figure 6 page 30), this approximation falls too short and can 33 34 underestimate the inertia by more than 40 %. On the other hand, the exact evaluation 35 of the ATDHFB inertia would require both inverting the linear response matrix M of 36 (88) and evaluating the partial derivatives of the generalized density matrix with respect 37 38 to the collective variables, see (109) page 51. There exist analytical formulas giving the 39 partial derivatives (86) as a function of the matrix of the collective variables, but this 40 again requires inverting the linear response matrix as seen from (87). A more convenient 41 42 and thrifty procedure consists in the numerical evaluation of the derivatives using finite 43 difference formulas such as the popular and accurate centred difference formula. It 44 45 requires the densities R(q ± δq) that can be obtained by any DFT solver by slightly 46 modifying the value of the constraints q → q ± δq. The choice of δq obviously depends 47 on the collective variable and usually also on particle number (as q usually has such 48 49 dependence). This approach has been taken in [217]. 50 Concerning the inversion of the linear response matrix, a possibility used by the 51 authors of [315] is to build the linear response matrix in a reduced subspace of two- 52 53 quasiparticle excitations and compute the inverse there. This is a computationally 54 intensive task, but the main advantage is that the convergence of the procedure can be 55 easily tested by slightly increasing the size of the subspace and repeating the calculation. 56 57 Other authors use the fact that the linear response matrix is diagonal dominant, with 58 two-quasiparticle energies on the diagonal, to build an iterative method to compute the 59 60 action of the inverse on a given vector (that is the only quantity required to compute the inertias). This method has only be used to compute the inertias associated to Goldstone AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 74 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 74 4 5 modes in [316]. Yet another approach aiming at the evaluation of the inertias associated 6 to Goldstone modes (Thouless-Valatin moments of inertia) has been recently proposed 7 8 in [317]. It resorts to the ideas of the finite amplitude method (FAM) to compute the 9 action of the inverse of the linear response matrix on a given vector. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 75 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 75 4 5 5. Results 6 7 After discussing in details the theoretical framework used in the DFT approach to fission 8 9 in sections 2 and 3 and its computational implementation in section 4, we review here 10 a selection of results obtained by various groups. The presentation is organized in four 11 main themes: fission barriers in section 5.1, spontaneous fission half-lives in section 5.2, 12 13 alternative fission modes in section 5.3 and induced fission in section 5.4. 14 Since this article is about the microscopic theory of fission, we have not recalled 15 the many results obtained with empirical or semi-microscopic methods. In many cases 16 17 such as, e.g., the structure of fission barriers in actinides or superheavy elements, the 18 evolution of these barriers with triaxiality, excitation energy or spin, DFT calculations 19 20 confirm earlier predictions obtained with these approaches. Instead, the emphasis here 21 is put both on the progress made toward a fully-fledged, rigorous implementation of 22 DFT methods in fission studies, and on the universal predictions coming out of the 23 24 DFT calculations. The reader interested in a presentation of results obtained with 25 the macroscopic-microscopic method could consult the review articles of Brack and 26 collaborators in [9] and that of Bjørnholm and Lynn in [318] or the textbook by Nilsson 27 28 and Ragnarsson [11]; for more recent results, see, e.g., the work by the Los Alamos and 29 Berkeley collaboration in [47, 49, 63, 244] and references therein. 30 31 32 5.1. Fission Barriers 33 34 In principle, fission barrier heights Bf (both inner and outer) are not observable 35 quantities since the “experimental” values are determined through a model-dependent 36 37 analysis of various induced fission cross-sections. However, these quantities are used 38 in various models aimed at describing, for instance, heavy-ion fusion reactions, the 39 competition between neutron evaporation and fission in compound nucleus reactions 40 41 and the cooling or fission recycling in the r-process. Fission barriers are thus important 42 building blocks of modern nuclear reaction software suite such as EMPIRE of [319] or 43 TALYS of [320], which are extensively used in application of nuclear science in reactor 44 45 technology. 46 Because of computational limitations, early DFT calculations of fission barriers 47 48 were performed at the Hartree-Fock approximation with pairing correlations typically 49 treated within the BCS formalism. This is the case in [321], for instance, where the 50 SIII parametrization of the Skyrme force and a seniority pairing force are used. In 51 52 the nineteen eighties, the theory was extended by introducing the finite temperature 53 formalism as, e.g., in [322, 127], to account for modifications of the fission barrier 54 with excitation energy, and by adding constraints on the angular momentum [323]. 55 240 56 In parallel, the first full HFB calculation of the fission barrier in Pu was reported by 57 Berger and collaborators in [156]. This last work should be considered as an important 58 milestone in the microscopic theory of fission since this was also the first example of 59 60 a DFT calculation with a finite-range effective potential in both the particle-hole and particle-particle channel. In addition, the authors reported the first example of two- AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 76 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 76 4 5 dimensional PES within this fully microscopic framework. Since then, progress has 6 been made on three fronts (i) systematic calculations of fission barriers with DFT are 7 8 now possible, see [14] for an early application; (ii) calculations involving more than 9 one collective variable are commonplace, with several examples of three-dimensional 10 adiabatic studies reported in the last few years in [162, 37, 192, 185], (iii) beyond mean- 11 12 field correlations, beyond the subtraction of a zero point energy correction, have begun 13 to be incorporated systematically in the calculations. For instance in [88], the impact 14 of variation after parity projection on the height of fission barriers was investigated. In 15 16 [324], a similar analysis was performed with respect to the role of simultaneous particle 17 number and angular momentum projection. 18 19 In spite of formal differences between non-relativistic and relativistic formulations of 20 DFT, between zero- and finite-range nuclear potentials, and in the treatment of pairing 21 correlations, the conclusions of DFT studies on fission barriers are remarkably similar 22 23 qualitatively and in some cases even quantitatively. First, as well known from earlier 24 macroscopic-microscopic calculations, the fission barrier in actinide nuclei is in most of 25 the cases double-humped: the ground-state is separated from a fission isomer by a first 26 27 barrier, and the second barrier separates the fission isomer from the scission region. 28 Quantitatively, the energy of the fission isomer and the height of the fission barriers 29 depend on the functional, as reported in the comparative studies of [14, 276, 325]. 30 31 32 33 E 34 B EA 35 36 37 38 (MeV) 39 EII (MeV) E 40 E 41 42 43 44 45 Q (b) 46 20 Q20 (b) 47 48 Figure 19. Left: HFB deformation energy in 232Th computed for three different 49 Skyrme energy functionals; Right: evolution of the HFB deformation energy with 50 excitation energy E∗ for the SkM* functional. Figure taken from [276], courtesy of J. 51 McDonnell; copyright 2013 by The American Physical Society. 52 53 54 Among the actinides, 232Th plays a special role, as it has been conjectured that it 55 56 could have a triple-humped fission barrier; see [276] for references on experimental work. 57 The early triaxial Gogny HFB calculations of [123] suggested the existence of the third 58 barrier indeed, although predictions were model-dependent: the D1 parametrization of 59 60 the Gogny potential did not exhibit any such minimum. Triaxial calculations with the Skyrme potential, either at the HF+BCS level with rotational correction, as in [187], Page 77 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 77 4 5 or at the HFB level as in [276], suggest a very shallow minimum that becomes more 6 pronounced for N < 142. In [276], additional finite temperature calculations pointed to 7 8 the stabilizing effect of excitation energy through a reduction of pairing correlations. 9 Fermium have also attracted considerable attention and are often used as 10 test benches of theoretical approaches. DFT calculations were performed with Skyrme 11 12 potentials both at the HF+BCS and HFB approximations in [15, 186, 187, 34] and with 13 the Gogny D1S potential in [168, 326]. All these calculations predict a multimodal decay 14 pattern in many of these isotopes, especially for 256,258Fm where several different fission 15 16 pathways lead to significantly different geometries at scission (often labeled compact 17 symmetric, compact asymmetric and extended asymmetric). Figure 20 gives a visual 18 258 19 representation of the nuclear shape in Fm along the different fission paths. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 258 47 Figure 20. Fission pathways in Fm computed in the Skyrme HFB approach with 48 the SkM* parametrization. Figure courtesy of A. Staszczak. 49 50 51 Another robust prediction of DFT models concerning fission barriers is the 52 53 disappearance of the fission isomer in superheavy elements with Z ≥ 108. This 54 conclusion has been first obtained in [34] using Skyrme HF+BCS and confirmed in 55 the systematic calculations of [14]. It was also found in studies based on the full HFB 56 57 approach with the D1S parametrization of the Gogny force in [19, 326]. This general 58 trend is illustrated in figure 21, which shows both reflection-symmetric and reflection- 59 asymmetric fission barriers in superheavy elements for the D1S parametrization of the 60 Gogny potential. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 78 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 78 4 15 5 6 10 7 8 5 9 E [MeV] 10 0 11 258 262 266 270 100Fm158 102No160 104Rf162 106Sg164 12 15 13 274Hs 278Ds 282Cn 286Fl 14 10 108 166 110 168 112 170 114 172 15 16 5 17 E [MeV] 18 0 19 20 15 21 290Lv 292Lv 294Lv 296Lv 22 10 116 174 116 176 116 178 116 180 23 24 5

25 E [MeV] 26 0 27 28 15 29 298 300 302 304 Lv Lv Lv Lv 30 10 116 182 116 184 116 186 116 188 31 32 5

33 E [MeV] 0 34 refl. symm. 35 oct. def. 36 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 0 50 100 37 Q [b] Q [b] Q [b] Q [b] 38 2 2 2 2 39 40 Figure 21. Axial fission barriers for the Gogny D1S force. Solid (dashed) lines 41 denote the reflection-symmetric (reflection-asymmetric) paths. Figure taken from 42 [325], courtesy of A. Baran; Copyright 2015, with permission from Elsevier 43 44 45 46 It has been known since 1972 and the work of Larsson and collaborators in [163] 47 that breaking axial symmetry lowers the inner barrier in actinide and superheavy nuclei 48 49 This result has been confirmed in all DFT calculations: in non-relativistic formulations 50 with the Skyrme force at the HF+BCS level ([15, 34]) and at the HFB level ([162, 186]), 51 and with the Gogny potential at the HFB level ([87, 168]). This effect is typically of 52 53 the order of 2 to 3 MeV. In actinide nuclei, there is almost no effect of triaxiality on the 54 outer barrier. 55 Another important component of the calculation affecting the barrier is the amount 56 57 and nature of pairing correlations. Calculations reported in [88] show a quantitative 58 difference between the BCS and HFB approximations for pairing correlations: fission 59 60 barriers at the HF+BCS level are typically larger than at the HFB level by about 0.5 MeV for Pu isotopes. However, this effect may be an indirect consequence of using Page 79 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 79 4 5 a zero range pairing force (which involves introducing in quasiparticle space): in [87], 6 calculations with a finite-range Gogny force led to the exact opposite conclusion. The 7 8 authors of [88] also showed that reducing the strength of the pairing force results in an 9 increase of fission barriers. The same conclusion was also obtained with Skyrme forces 10 in [162] and with the Gogny force and the BPCM functional in [172]. Finally, the impact 11 12 of particle number projection was also investigated in [327, 88], where it is shown that 13 projection can reduce the barriers by about 0.5 MeV. 14 15 16 T=0.00 8 17 T=0.25 18 19 T=0.50 T=0.75 20 6 21 T=1.00 22 T=1.25 23 T=1.50 24 4 25 T=1.75 26 27 28 2 29 30 Internal and Free Energy (MeV) 31 0 32 33 34 50 100 150 200 250

35 Q20 (b) 36 37 Figure 22. Free energy (solid lines, open markers) and internal energy (dashed lines, 38 plain markers) as a function the axial quadrupole moment in 240Pu for the Skyrme 39 SkM* EDF. See [129] for additional discussion. Figure taken from Ref.[129], courtesy 40 41 of N. Schunck; copyright 2015 by The American Physical Society. 42 43 44 The evolution of fission barriers with excitation energy is important for superheavy 45 nuclei, since heavy elements are typically formed in cold- or hot-fusion heavy-ion 46 47 reactions at an excitation energy that can reach up to 30 MeV, see [125] for a review. In 48 induced fission, the compound nucleus is also at a non-zero excitation energy, and the 49 50 evolution of fragment properties will depend on how the fission barriers change with that 51 excitation energy. As recalled in section 2.2.4, finite temperature DFT is a convenient 52 tool to model fission at E∗ > 0. Bartel and Quentin reported in [127] the first example 53 54 of a FT-HF calculation with the SkM* Skyrme force. They confirmed predictions from 55 macroscopic-microscopic models that fission barriers decrease as T increases, and have 56 vanished for temperatures of the order of 3 MeV. This initial result was extended to the 57 58 case of a FT-HFB calculation in [16, 17, 128]. The calculations in the low temperature 59 regime of [129] tell a slightly more nuanced story: for 0 < T ≤ 0.75 MeV, the effect 60 of temperature is to slightly increase fission barriers as a result of the dampening of AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 80 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 80 4 5 pairing correlations; once the latter have completely vanished, around T > 1 MeV, 6 barriers monotonically decrease with T , as shown in figure 22. 7 8 Finally, fission barriers are also sensitive to angular momentum. There have been 9 only two studies of this effect. In [135], Egido and Robledo performed cranked HFB 10 calculation with the Gogny force (D1S parametrization) and showed that the double- 11 254 12 humped nature of the fission barrier in No persisted up to I = 60~. In addition, 13 the energy of the fission isomer is pushed down so that it becomes the ground-state for 14 I > 30 . In [328], similar types of calculations, up to I = 16 , were performed with 15 ~ ~ 16 the SkM* parametrization of the Skyrme force and density-dependent pairing in Fm 17 isotopes. The authors noticed again a gradual, weak decrease of the fission barrier, the 18 19 magnitude of which depends on the number of neutrons. 20 21 5.2. Half-Lives 22 23 Spontaneous fission half-lives τ SF are usually computed with the WKB formula, see 24 1/2 25 section 3.2.1, combined with the least action principle to determine the most probable 26 fission path, see [9] for a gentle introduction. Elements of the calculations that have 27 been shown to play a major role are 28 29 (i) Collective inertia: As recalled in sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, the collective inertia 30 31 can be computed either from the GCM or ATDHFB formalism. Until now, the 32 cranking approximation (where the residual interaction term of the QRPA matrix is 33 neglected) was used in both cases. In addition, the perturbative version of it is also 34 35 most commonly used: in the case of the GCM, it originates from the introduction of 36 a local momentum operator in place of explicit derivatives with respect to q while 37 38 in the case of ATDHFB, it implies expressing the derivatives ∂R/∂qα in terms of ˆ 39 the matrices of the operator Qα. As recalled in 3.1.2, the perturbative and non- 40 perturbative cranking formulas for the ATDHFB mass tensor leads to significant 41 42 differences in fission half-lives. The most recent studies in [224, 178, 329, 40] are 43 therefore based on the non-perturbative expression. The collective inertia tensor 44 is a function of the collective variables and depends sensitively on both the shell 45 46 structure and pairing correlations. 47 (ii) Zero-point energy corrections: One may distinguish two forms of zero-point 48 49 energy corrections. On the one hand, any spontaneously broken symmetry can be 50 associated with a collective variable. This leads to a zero-point energy correction if 51 the resulting collective motion is sufficiently decoupled from the intrinsic motion. 52 53 This is the case, for instance, for translational and rotational symmetry, as discussed 54 in section 2.2.5. On the other hand, zero-point energy corrections also arise 55 56 naturally as corrective terms to the collective Hamiltonian obtained after applying 57 the GOA to the GCM equations, see section 3.1.1. 58 (iii) Ground-state energy: The energy E is used to define the inner and outer turning 59 0 60 point for the WKB formula. It is usually taken as the quantal ground state energy obtained by adding the zero point energy correction of the collective motion to Page 81 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 81 4 5 the HFB potential energy – see, for instance, [20]. Instead of the zero point energy 6 many authors prefer to use a single constant value of the order of 1 MeV to estimate 7 8 this quantity. 9 There is a rich literature on the semi-microscopic calculations of spontaneous 10 11 fission half-lives, where the potential energy is computed in the macroscopic-microscopic 12 framework and the inertia is computed from the Inglis cranking model or parametrized 13 empirically. Again, since our goal is to discuss DFT predictions, we refer the reader 14 15 interested to the reference calculations of [330] (actinide and transactinide elements) 16 and of [331] (superheavy elements). 17 18 Whichever approach is chosen to compute the potential energy, half-lives 19 calculations are based on determining the optimal fission path from the least action 20 principle. The resulting dynamical path can be sensibly different from the static, least- 21 SF 22 energy path, leading to differences of several orders of magnitude for τ1/2 as reported 23 in [224]; see also figure 15 page 52 for an illustration. This effect is amplified when 24 the collective space includes pairing degrees of freedom, as illustrated in [172], because 25 2 26 of the approximate 1/∆ dependence of collective inertia on the pairing gap discussed 27 earlier in section 2.3.2. Similarly, the size of the collective space in which the fission 28 path is determined can have a sizeable impact on the half-lives. The figure 23 shows 29 30 a comparison between one-dimensional trajectories through two- and three-dimensional 31 collective spaces. At some points along the path, the 3D collective action can be lower 32 33 by nearly a factor 2 than in the 2D scenario, which could result in huge differences for SF 34 τ1/2 since the action is in the exponent, see (114). Note that in the case where the 35 PES is determined by 1D constrained HFB calculations (typically involving the axial 36 37 quadrupole moment), the fission path is automatically the least-energy path. This is 38 the case, for instance, in the works of [19, 332, 333, 334, 335]. 39 Owing to the variety of their fission modes, Fermium isotopes are an excellent test 40 41 bench of DFT calculations. Experimental half-lives are known in 10 different isotopes 42 from N = 142 to N = 160 and cover about 15 orders of magnitude. In [19, 168, 333], 43 axially-symmetric HFB calculations of spontaneous fission half-lives with the Gogny 44 45 force in one-dimensional collective space could reproduce qualitatively the evolution 46 of the half-lives around N = 154. In parallel, calculations breaking axial symmetry 47 48 were performed along the entire Fm isotopic chain with the Skyrme functional (SkM* 49 parametrization) in [15, 20] and reproduced quantitatively (within about 1-2 orders of 50 magnitude) the trend of τ SF as a function of neutron number. State-of-the-art results 51 1/2 52 are summarized in figure 24. 53 Since spontaneous fission is one of the major decay modes of superheavy elements, 54 the accurate calculation of spontaneous fission half-lives is an important tool in the 55 56 search for the next . The first systematic calculations of superheavy 57 elements half-lives in the context of DFT were reported by Berger and collaborators 58 in [332]. Calculations were performed at the HFB approximation along an axially- 59 60 symmetric path in a 1D collective space using the Gogny D1S parametrization. In [19], similar calculations were compared with the available data. As an illustration, AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 82 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 82 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Figure 23. (a) Potential V (in MeV), (b) effective inertia MC (in 2 MeV1/1000), 43 eff ~ 44 (c) action S, and (d) average pairing gaps∆n and ∆p (in MeV) plotted along the 45 2D (static pairing; dotted line) and 3D (dynamic pairing; solid line) paths. The static 46 fission barrier is displayed for comparison in (a). Figure taken from Ref. [178], courtesy 47 of J. Sadhukhan; copyright 2014 by The American Physical Society. 48 49 50 51 the figure 25, which is taken from [20], gives an overview of fission and α decay 52 properties of superheavy elements in the particular case of the SkM* Skyrme functional. 53 54 Overall, theoretical predictions overestimate the fission half-lives by a few orders of 55 magnitude (recall that the experimental values are spread over about 15 orders of 56 magnitude), but results pointed to the large variability of τ SF with respect to the 57 1/2 58 symmetry breaking effects along the fission path. Using HF+BCS calculations, the 59 authors of [334] showed the variability of the predictions with respect both to proton 60 and neutron number, and to the parametrization of the functional. This variability Page 83 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 83 4 5 5 Tsf 6 1 kyr 7 8 Fm 9 0 1 yr 10 11 12 1 h 13 -5 14 /yr) 1 s 15 sf

16 (T -10 17 10 1 ms 18 19 log + 20 1 s 21 -15 22 23 exp 24 th-1.0 25 -20 26 th-0.7 27 28 0.8 29 30 0.6 31 (MeV) 32 0 E 33 0.4 34 234 240 246 252 258 264 35 A 36 37 Figure 24. Spontaneous fission half-lives of even-even Fm isotopes with 236 ≤ 38 39 A ≤ 266, calculated with the SkM* nuclear EDF with initial energy E0 = 0.7ZPE, 40 where ZPE is the zero-point energy (th-0.7) compared with experimental data. The 41 corresponding collective ground-state g.s. energies E0 = 0.7ZPE are shown in the lower 42 panel. The results obtained without scaling (th-1.0) are also shown. Figure taken from 43 Ref. [20], courtesy of A. Staszczak; copyright 2013 by The American Physical Society. 44 45 46 47 can reach 10-20 orders of magnitude. These conclusions were confirmed and further 48 discussed in [325], where systematic comparisons of fission barriers and half-lives using 49 50 the macroscopic-microscopic method, non-relativistic Skyrme and Gogny EDF and 51 relativistic Lagrangian pointed to the huge uncertainties in the theory. As an example, 52 53 the largest fission half-life for the SkM* Skyrme force is recorded for Z = 120, N = 182 54 and is of the order of 1011 s; for the D1S Gogny force, it is at Z = 124, N = 184 and 55 in excess of 1020 s. In the same paper, uncertainty quantification methods based on 56 57 the linear approximation of the covariance matrix showed that fission barriers can vary 58 by ±1 MeV under even small changes in parameters. This result is consistent with the 59 results of [336], which used Bayesian inference techniques to propagate uncertainties in 60 the parametrization of the EDF to model predictions for barriers. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 84 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 84 4 5 (a) E (MeV) 6 124 A 7 8 120 9 10 9 116 6 10 8 7 11 112 5 12 6 4 13 108 7 3 5 14 (b) log T /s 15 124 10 sf 16

120 6 2 17 4

-8 0 18 -10 19 116 -6 20 8 112 21 -4 -4 -8 -6 22 -2 108 -10 -2 23 -10 (c) log T /s -8 24 124 10 α 25 -6 26 Proton number Z 120 -4 27 -2 28 116 29 0 112 2 30 -8 31 -6 -4 4 6 32 108 -10 33 (d) Decay modes -8 124 34 Asymmetric fission 35 Symmetric fission -6 120 α-decay -4 Observed nuclei 36 -2 37 116 -8 38 0 39 112 40 -6 2 4 4 41 108 -10 - 42 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176 180 184 188 43 Neutron number N 44 45 Figure 25. Summary of results for even-even superheavy nuclei obtained with the 46 SkM* nuclear EDF. (a) Inner fission barrier heights EA (in MeV); (b) Spontaneous 47 SF fission half lives log10τ1/2 (in seconds); (c) α decay half-lives log10Tα (in seconds); (d) 48 Dominant decay modes. If two modes compete, this is marked by coexisting triangles. 49 Figure taken from Ref.[20], courtesy of A. Staszczak; copyright 2013 by The American 50 51 Physical Society. 52 53 54 55 As mentioned in the introduction to this article, another important area of science 56 where fission theory provides critical input is nucleosynthesis. There have been only 57 two pioneer studies of spontaneous fission half-lives in very neutron-rich nuclei. In 58 59 [335], the same methodology as in [334] (Skyrme HF+BCS, one-dimensional collective 60 space, zero-point quadrupole energy, rotational correction) was employed to survey the Page 85 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 85 4 5 spontaneous fission half-lives of superheavy elements up to the neutron drip line. In 6 spite of the very large dependence on the parametrization of the EDF – four different 7 8 Skyrme forces are used – mentioned earlier, there seems to be a consistently marked 9 increase in spontaneous fission half-lives as a function of N for N/Z > 2. A similar 10 result was obtained in [280, 337], where the focus was on the Uranium and 11 238 240 12 isotopic sequences, from the well-known U and Pu isotopes to the neutron drip line. 13 Again, the paper highlights the extreme dependence of fission half-lives on the details 14 of the microscopic calculation but identifies two robust trends: fission is favoured over 15 16 α decay for N > 166, and there is a marked increase of fission half-lives as N increases 17 for N/Z > 1.8, with a maximum around N = 184. 18 19 20 5.3. Other fission modes 21 22 So far, we have focused our survey of DFT results on only two particular themes, 23 spontaneous fission barriers and half-lives, and only presented results for even-even 24 25 nuclei. Let us first note that odd mass nuclei pose a number of additional difficulties 26 compared to even-even ones: 27 28 • The odd particle is typically handled in the HFB theory through the blocking 29 approximation, where the HFB wave function for the odd nucleus is defined as 30 31 a one-quasiparticle excitation of some reference even-even nucleus, see [61]. Such 32 excitations break time-reversal symmetry internally, resulting in non-zero time-odd 33 fields, see (46) for the form of these terms in the case of Skyrme functionals and 34 35 [338, 339, 340] for more general discussions. Of particular relevance for applications 36 in potential energy surfaces for fission is the fact that time-odd fields can induce a 37 38 small triaxial polarization of the nuclear shape as exemplified in [340]. In practice, 39 most large-scale calculations of odd mass nuclei such as, e.g., in [341], are based on 40 the equal filling approximation of the exact blocking prescription, which preserves 41 42 time-reversal invariance and axial symmetry as discussed in [85]. 43 • When implementing the blocking approximation, whether exactly or through 44 45 the equal filling approximation, it is not possible to know beforehand which 46 quasiparticle excitation will yield the lowest energy for the odd mass system. 47 Therefore, potential energy surfaces have to be computed for a number of different 48 49 configurations – in the case of axial symmetry, such configurations would typically 50 be characterized by the projection K of the angular momentum of the odd particle 51 on the axis of symmetry. This can add substantially to the computational burden. 52 53 • Both spontaneous and induced fission require the knowledge of the collective inertia 54 tensor (95) or (109) in section 3.1. While the extension of the GCM method to 55 56 odd-mass nuclei has recently been published in [342], the case of the ATDHFB 57 theory remain open [Currently, the theory relies on the explicit hypothesis that the 58 59 system is described by a time-even generalized density, see section 3.1.2 page 49]. 60 In addition, the generalization of the Gaussian overlap approximation to odd nuclei AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 86 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 86 4 5 published recently in [343] is restricted to quadrupole collective variables, which is 6 not sufficient to describe fission. 7 8 For all these reasons, fission in odd mass nuclei has been very rarely considered in DFT. 9 The only exceptions can be found in [344], where fission barriers for 235U and 239Pu are 10 11 computed at the HF+BCS approximation, and in the earlier study of [345], where full 12 HFB calculations using the equal filling approximation are performed in 235U. 13 14 Before we discuss neutron-induced fission, we should mention three other topics of 15 interest where DFT has been applied, albeit to various degrees of success: (i) γ-decay 16 of fission isomers, (ii) β-delayed fission, (iii) cluster radioactivity: 17 18 • γ-decay of fission isomers - Although fission isomers decay predominantly 19 20 by spontaneous fission (see [318] for a comprehensive review), they could also γ- 21 decay back to the ground-state. The rate of such a decay would, of course, affect 22 the estimate of the fission isomer lifetime. There has been only few attempts in 23 24 the literature at computing such quantities within a fully microscopic approach. 25 In [346], the partial lifetime of the fission isomer in 238U, which decays via 26 electric quadrupole to the lowest 2+ state of the ground-state band, 27 28 was estimated with the collective Hamiltonian derived from the GCM with the 29 GOA approximation. Calculations were performed with the D1S parametrization 30 of the Gogny force and were within 2 orders of magnitude of experimental data. 31 32 Considering the restriction to axially-symmetric shapes for the HFB states used 33 in the GCM, the authors concluded that the computation of the transition rates 34 35 provided an upper limit on the γ-decay lifetime of the isomer. Simpler but more γ 36 systematic studies of the γ half-life τ1/2 based on the WKB approximation were 37 performed in [326]. The γ half-life was computed in perfect analogy to fission half- 38 39 lives (see section 3.2.1 for details), only the trajectories relevant to γ decay connect 40 the fission isomer to the ground-state in the (q20, q22) space, instead of the ground- 41 state to the outer turning point in the (q , q ) space. Results were typically within 42 20 30 43 1–2 orders of magnitude of the experimental data. 44 • β-delayed fission - β-delayed fission (see [347] for a review) is a mechanism 45 46 relying on the fact that odd-odd nuclei may β-decay to an (highly) excited state 47 of the even-even daughter. Assuming that the fission barrier does not depend 48 49 much on the intrinsic configuration of the excited state, the extra excitation energy 50 of the initial configuration in the even-even daughter leads to a decrease by the 51 same amount of the effective fission barrier height. This qualitative mechanism 52 180 53 explains why it is possible to observe fission in nuclei such as Hg, where 54 the fission barrier for the ground-state would otherwise be too high. In this 55 particular nucleus, recent experimental results showed that fission is asymmetric, 56 57 contradicting simple arguments based on the symmetric split into two semi-magic 58 90Zr fragments. Calculations with the SkM* parametrization of the Skyrme 59 functional and the D1S parametrization of the Gogny force, both at zero ([19]) and 60 finite temperature ([348]) in the mercury and polonium region have conclusively Page 87 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 87 4 5 confirmed the reflection asymmetric nature of the fission paths in this region. 6 • Cluster radioactivity - The phenomenon denoted “cluster radioactivity” is a 7 8 new kind of radioactivity where some atomic nuclei emit a light nuclei such as 9 14C and was first reported in [349]. The characteristics of the light fragment are 10 11 strongly influenced by the magic character of the heavy fragment; doubly-magic 12 heavy fragments such as 208Pb are common. This type of radioactivity shares 13 features from both α emission and standard fission, and its properties can thus be 14 15 described by invoking models developed in these two fields. From a DFT point of 16 view, cluster radioactivity has been explained in [350] as a very asymmetric fission 17 where the axial octupole moment q is the driving coordinate. In figure 26, we 18 30 224 19 show the evolution of the density in the nucleus Ra from the ground-state to 20 cluster emission as a function of the constraint on the octupole moment. 21 22 20 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 23 Q3 = 0 b Q3 = 10 b Q3 = 20 b Q3 = 30 b Q3 = 25 b 24 224Ra 25 10 26

27 z [fm] 0 28 29 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 30 -10 31 20 3/2 Q = 40 b3/2 Q3 = 30 b 3 32 33 3/2 3/2 3/2 10 Q3 = 50 b Q3 = 60 b Q3 = 70 b 34

35 z [fm] 36 0 37 38 -10 (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 39 224 40 Figure 26. Shape evolution of Ra as a function of the octupole moment q30. 41 Panels (a)(d) correspond to the ascending (energy-wise) part of the fission path, panel 42 (e) corresponds to the saddle region and panels (f)(j) correspond to the descent from 43 saddle to scission. Figure taken from [279], courtesy of M. Warda; copyright 2011 by 44 45 The American Physical Society. 46 47 48 In [351, 352, 279], systematic calculations of cluster emission lifetimes using the 49 same WKB framework as for fission have shown good agreement with experimental 50 51 data in the actinides as well as in some neutron deficient Ba isotopes. Note that, like 52 fission, cluster emission lifetimes cover a range of more than 15 orders of magnitude, 53 54 thereby posing significant challenges to theory. In figure 27, various theoretical 55 estimates of spontaneous cluster emission lifetimes are compared to experimental 56 data for several decay channels. In this particular case, theoretical values have been 57 58 computed from the same one-dimensional WKB formula as in spontaneous fission 59 by replacing the quadrupole inertia by the octupole one. 60 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 88 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 88 4

5 theory without ZPE 6 35 theory with ZPE 7 experiment 8 9 30

10 C C 14 14 11 Ra Ra

[s]) 25

12 222 224 1/2

13 (t 14 10 20 15 log 16

17 15 18 C O O O O Ne O Ne Ne O Ne Ne Ne Ne Mg Ne Ne Mg Mg Mg Mg Mg Si Si

19 14 20 18 20 22 24 22 24 26 20 22 24 24 26 28 24 26 28 30 28 28 30 32 34 34

20 10 Ra Ra Th Th Th Th Th Th Th U U U U U U U U U U Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu 21 226 226 226 228 230 230 232 232 232 230 230 232 234 234 234 236 236 236 236 236 238 238 238 240 242 22 23 Figure 27. Half-lives for cluster emission of various isotopes and various clusters. Blue 24 diamonds show the experimental half-lives. Arrows indicate the low experimental limit. 25 Connected diamonds are for experimental values for two clusters. If experimental data 26 from different experiments differ by more than 0.3, the extreme values are indicated. 27 Figure taken from Ref. [279], courtesy of M. Warda; copyright 2011 by The American 28 29 Physical Society. 30 31 32 33 5.4. Neutron-Induced Fission 34 35 Most of the work on neutron-induced fission has been focused on actinide nuclei, 36 where there is a large amount of experimental data. As in spontaneous fission, the 37 essential ingredient is the calculation of potential energy surfaces. Until now, only 38 39 two-dimensional collective spaces have been explicitly considered in the literature in 40 the context of induced-fission within DFT. In [120, 164], Berger and Gogny from the 41 Bruy`eres-le-Chˆatelgroup were the first to compute fully microscopically the PES in 42 43 the (q20, q30) and (q20, q40) collective spaces at the HFB level with a finite-range Gogny 44 potential using a two-centre HO basis. Similar calculations were performed later by 45 238 46 Goutte and collaborators in U in [285, 259], and by Dubray and collaborators in Th 47 and Fm isotopes in [188]. Recently, Younes and Gogny provided additional information, 48 such as the position of the scission line, energy for pre- and post-scission configurations, 49 50 number of particles in the neck at scission, for the (q20, q30) PES with the D1S Gogny 51 force in [192]. Schunck and collaborators provided a similar analysis of the PES in 240Pu 52 while including axial-symmetry breaking within the Skyrme DFT framework in [162]. 53 54 In the follow-up work presented in [129], the same authors also calculated the evolution 55 of the most likely fission path as a function of nuclear temperature. 56 Calculations with Skyrme and Gogny show similar features for 240Pu: the most 57 58 likely fission pathway emerges into the fission valley (high q40 values, see bottom left 59 panel in figure 28) which coexist with the fusion valley (low q40 values). This most likely 60 3/2 fission path is clearly asymmetric, with values of q30 at scission of the order of 45 b , 24 11

Page 89 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 10

12 11

3938 373635

34 1 3332 17 2 20 16

Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 258923 3 22 2 26 M (b− ) 18 18 22 2 30 60 7 4 24 60 60 25

32 8 72 5 64 56 60

16 64 28 50 72 68 6 32 44 26 33 6 0 14 64 24 56 7 24 24 52 40 40 12 23 48 ) 8 31 20 68


3 / 2 32 1

(b) 14 27 8 28 36 40 (b 30 40 9 22 16 76

30 28 Q 16 20 20 56 32 22 Q 10 12 20 20 33 24 8 30 31 11 10 48 32 32 15 10 12 8 16 12 6 4 10 12 4 2 8 4 8 8 6 10 4440 13 4 40 44 0 0 0 0 9 0 14 0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200 29300 400 500 600 28 15 Q20 (b) Q20 (b) 48 30 160 16 16 36 42 3 17 140 12 32 26 0 46 36

18 4 28 32 120 28 20 10 8 30

) 24 19 ) 20 19 2 2 42 30 / 6 3 10

(b 21 24 b 20

20 100 (

40 24 0 5 3

Q 16 21 22 18 Q 80 34 28 10 22 98 12 7 56 7 4 Fission Valley 12 8 38 Fusion Valley 4 9 8 23 60 6 36 6 5 10 24 13 11 4 40 0 0 0 25 20042 25044 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 26 Q20 (b) Q20 (b) 40 27 48 240 28 2 40Figure 28. Contour plots of the potential energy surface for Pu in the (q20, q22) 29 collective space (top left), (q20, q30) (top right), and (q20, q40) (bottom left). The 30 bottom right panel shows a close-up of the (q20, q30) surface in the vicinity of the 31 ground-state. Calculations were performed with the SkM* parametrization of the 32 Skyrme energy density with surface-volume pairing according to the details given in 33 [162]. Figure courtesy of N. Schunck from [162]; copyright 2014 by the American 34 35 Physical Society. 36 37 38 39 see top right and bottom right panels in figure 28. Another very asymmetric fission 40 path exists at very high energy (cluster emission). Figure 29 shows the energy along the 41 most likely fission pathway in that nucleus (top panel) along with illustrations of the 42 43 density profiles at various points: ground-state, top of the first barrier, fission isomer, 44 top of the second barrier, just before scission and just after scission. 45 As discussed in section 2.3.1, multipole moment operators are not always the most 46 47 adequate collective variables. In particular near scission, two-dimensional potential 48 energy surfaces obtained in the (q20, q30) collective space show marked discontinuities, 49 reflecting the increasing role of additional degrees of freedom. As a consequence, the 50 51 number of HFB iterations needed to reach convergence may increase substantially as the 52 system has to explore a very large variational space characterized by changes in many 53 54 different collective variables. The most important consequence of these discontinuities 55 at scission is that some particular mass splits are missing along the scission line. As a 56 consequence, the actual distribution of fission fragments is skewed in an uncontrolled 57 58 way k. In [171], Younes and Gogny therefore suggested to use collective variables similar 59 60 k This is most easily understandable in a toy model. Assume there exist only two possible mass splits that are characterized by the mass of the heavy fragment A1 and A2. For the sake of argument, assume AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 90 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 90 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 5 13 2 4 14 15 0 3 16 HFB Energy (MeV) HFB Energy 1 17 18 -5 SkM* 19 UNEDF0 6 20 UNEDF1 5 21 -10 22 0 100 200 300 400 23 Q20 (b) 24 25 10 26 1 2 3

27 0

28 z [fm]

29 -10 30 4 5 6

31 0

32 z [fm] 33 -10 34 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 -10 0 10 x [fm] x [fm] x [fm] 35 36 Figure 29. Total energy along the most likely fission pathway in 240Pu. Calculations 37 were performed with the SkM* parametrization of the Skyrme energy density with 38 39 surface-volume pairing according to the details given in [162]. Figure courtesy of N. 40 Schunck from [162]; copyright 2014 by the American Physical Society. 41 42 43 44 to the ones used in macroscopic-microscopic approaches and are directly related to the 45 distances between the two pre-fragment and their mass asymmetry. We showed in figure 46 47 10 page 34 an example of a PES in this new collective space. 48 In the adiabatic approximation, the calculation of potential energy surfaces and 49 identification of scission configurations is the first step required before the full calculation 50 51 of fission fragment properties. Among the latter, charge and mass distributions can be 52 obtained by solving the TDGCM equations as outlined in section 3.3.3. The method 53 was introduced by the French group at Bruy`eres-le-Chˆatelin the nineteen eighties 54 55 [120, 164, 123, 258]. The first realistic calculations of fission fragment mass distributions 56 were reported by Goutte et al. in 237U(n,f) in [285, 259]. The same overall approach 57 58 that in nature the yields (normalized to 1) are such that Y (A1) = Y (A2) = 0.5. If A1 is missing because 59 of some artificial discontinuities in the PES, then, by virtue of the definition (138) of the normalized 60 yield, the calculation would give Y (A2) = 1, which is non-physical. Page 91 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 91 4 5 was used by Younes and Gogny a few years later, the main difference being the change 6 of collective variables discussed above (q20, q30) → (D, ξ), and the use of the neck 7 8 degree of freedom to improve the description of the scission region. The figure 30 taken 9 from [171] shows the best result obtained so far for the mass distributions 239Pu(n,f) 10 using the combination of DFT plus TDGCM. Fission product yields were convoluted 11 12 with a Gaussian folding function of width σ = 3.5 to account both for experimental 13 uncertainties on pre- mass yields (about 2-3 mass units) and theoretical 14 uncertainties on particle number at scission (between 2 and 5 mass units); see also 15 16 discussion of open questions in section 6.2. 17 18 8 19 7 E = 0.0 MeV E = 1.0 MeV 20 n n 21 6 22 5 23 4 24 Yield 3 25 26 2 27 1 28 0 29 E = 2.0 MeV E = 3.0 MeV 30 6 n n 31 5 32 33 4

34 Yield 3 35 2 36 37 1 38 0 39 6 E = 4.0 MeV E = 5.0 MeV 40 n n 41 5 42 4 43

44 Yield 3 45 2 46 47 1 48 0 49 80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140 50 Fragment mass Fragment mass 51 52 Figure 30. Fission fragment mass distributions for 239Pu(n,f) as a function of neutron 53 incident energy given in [171]. The results were obtained by evolving the nuclear 54 collective wave-packet with the TDGCM in the (q20, q30) space up to scission. The 55 initial energy of the wave packet is defined by E0 = EA + En, where EA is the height 56 off the first fission barrier. Figure courtesy of W. Younes from [171]. 57 58 59 60 One of the most important quantities in induced-fission is the total kinetic energy (TKE) carried out by the fission fragments. Early estimates of TKE in [188, 285] within AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 92 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 92 4 5 the adiabatic approximation were based on assuming two spherical uniform charge 6 distributions of Z1 and Z2 protons separated by a distance d, with the three quantities 7 8 Z1, Z2 and d extracted from the characteristics of the PES at scission. More realistic 9 calculations of TKE involve precisely identifying the scission region and disentangling 10 the fragments by localizing them as discussed in section 2.4.2. The TKE is then 11 12 obtained by computing the direct Coulomb energy between the two charge distributions 13 of the fragments – which takes into account the deformation of the fragments. To our 14 knowledge, this entire procedure was only applied by Younes and collaborators in [185] 15 16 for the Gogny D1S force using a collective space composed of the collective variables 17 (D, ξ) (distance between the fragments and mass asymmetry). After the scission line has 18 19 been obtained in that space, constraints on the size of the neck were added to remove the 20 effect of discontinuities, and the two fragments were localized to reproduce asymptotic 21 conditions. The results are shown in figure 31 and show a very good agreement with 22 23 experimental data. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Figure 31. Estimates of total kinetic energy (TKE, top panel) and total excitation 239 49 energy (TXE, bottom panel) for Pu(n,f). Calculations were performed at the 50 scission configurations of 240Pu with the Gogny force in a three-dimensional collective 51 space (D, ξ, qN ) (distance between the fragments and mass asymmetry, size of the 52 neck). Figure courtesy of W. Younes from [185]. 53 54 55 56 As already discussed, the drawback of such an adiabatic calculation of TKE is 57 the dependence on the criterion used to define scission configurations. Calculations of 58 TKE are, therefore, more rigorously defined in the non-adiabatic approach to fission 59 60 dynamics based on TDDFT, since there is no need to characterize scission (the nucleus “automatically” splits as a function of time) and to disentangle the fragments. In Page 93 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 93 4 5 TDDFT, the kinetic energy of the fission fragments is calculable as a function of time, 6 as is the direct Coulomb energy, and the TKE is simply the sum of the two contributions. 7 8 Recently, Simenel and Umar have reported the first calculation of TKE in the fission of 9 258Fm using the TDHF approximation to TDDFT. The results are shown in figure 32: 10 the clear advantage of TDHF over non-adiabatic methods is the possibility to account for 11 12 the transfer of energy between Coulomb repulsion and kinetic energy of the fragments 13 as a function of time owing to the conservation in energy. On the other hand, such 14 calculations remain expensive and can be performed only for a few cases: computing full 15 16 TKE distributions (like mass or charge distributions) would require orders of magnitude 17 increases in computing power. 18 19 20 21 * 22 300 E 23 TDHF 24 E0 25 26 27 200 E 28 kin 29 E 30 Coul 31 E +E TKE 32 kin Coul 33 Energy (MeV) 100 34 35 Scission 36 37 38 0 39 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 40 t (zs) 41 42 258 Figure 32. Time evolution of the several energies during the fission of Fm: E0 is 43 the mean TDHF energy (constant of motion), E is the Coulomb repulsion energy 44 Coul between the two fragments, while Ekin is the kinetic energy of both fragments. By 45 ∗ 46 definition, ETDHF represents the total excitation energy of the fission fragments in the 47 TDHF approach. Figure taken from Ref. [183], courtesy of C. Simenel; copyright 2014 48 by The American Physical Society. 49 50 51 Many uncertainties impacting the applications of nuclear fission come from the 52 53 challenge of computing realistic estimates of fission fragment properties in a fully 54 microscopic framework, especially at large excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. 55 In [183] the total excitation energy TXE in the fission of 258Fm was extracted by 56 57 again taking advantage of the conservation of energy in TDHF, as shown in figure 32: 58 E0 = TKE + TXE. In principle, the TDHF framework could also provide a consistent 59 framework to extract individual fragment properties, including their excitation energy. 60 However, as discussed in [353] in the particular case of 240Pu, one of the challenges AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 94 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 94 4 5 is then to extract from the total TDHF excitation energy the contribution of the 6 intrinsic excitations of the system only (be it of single-particle or collective nature). In 7 8 the adiabatic approach to fission, the calculation of excitation energies is technically 9 straightforward, but it depends very sensitively on the actual definition of scission 10 configurations, on the localization of the fission fragments, and on the amount of 11 12 dissipation of pre-scission energy into collective modes as discussed in [354]. Results 13 reported in [184, 185] for 240Pu and shown in the bottom panel of figure 31 do not 14 reproduce experimental data very well, but come with large uncertainty bands. 15 16 17 18 4 256 19 Fm (exp.) 20 256 21 Fm (th.) 22 3 23 24 25 26 27 2 28 29 30 31 32 Neutron multiplicity 1 33 34 35 36 37 0 38 80 100 120 140 160 180 39 Afrag (a.m.u.) 40 41 Figure 33. Average prompt neutron multiplicity from fission fragments of 258Fm 42 43 calculated from (141) for the Gogny D1S effective nuclear force. Figure taken from 44 Ref. [188], courtesy of N. Dubray; copyright 2008 by The American Physical Society. 45 46 47 Charge and mass distributions and TKE/TXE are natural outputs of 48 49 DFT+TDGCM or TDFT calculations. In the present status of the theory, this is not 50 the case for other important observables such as the multiplicity of the prompt neutrons 51 emitted from the fragments. In this latter case, the average neutron multiplicityν ¯ can 52 53 be obtained from a simple energy balance equation that defines how the total excitation 54 energy available to the fragment can be distributed in various decay modes (neutrons, 55 gamma, etc.). In [188], it was assumed that the excitation energy took the form of 56 57 deformation energy, leading to 58 Edef 59 ν¯ = (141) frag ¯∗ 60 hEνi + Bn

where Edef is the deformation energy of the fragment with respect to its ground-state Page 95 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 95 4 ¯∗ 5 deformation, Bn is the (average) one-neutron in the fragment and hEνi 6 is an estimate of the mean energy of the emitted neutron (often taken from experimental 7 8 data or evaluations). The figure 33 shows a comparison between theoretical predictions 9 of the average neutron multiplicity, based on (141) and inputs from DFT calculations 10 with the D1S parametrization of the Gogny force, and experimental data. The sawtooth 11 12 feature ofν ¯ is properly reproduced. Note that more realistic estimates of the neutron 13 spectrum are typically obtained from reaction theory calculations, where fission fragment 14 charge, mass, TKE and TXE distributions are important inputs; see for instance the 15 16 code freya of [355] and references therein. 17 In HFB calculations, particle number is only conserved on average. This point was 18 19 already mentioned in section 2.2.5 in the context of beyond mean-field corrections that 20 can impact the potential energy surface. Particle number symmetry breaking has also 21 consequences for fragment properties: 22 23 • In adiabatic approaches, fission fragments at scission are characterized by the 24 25 functions ρf (r) with f=1,2 identifying the fragment, see (65). Although these 26 functions resemble the one-body density matrix of the HFB theory, they are not; 27 in particular, the corresponding object 28 ! 29 ρf κf 30 Rf = ∗ ∗ (142) 31 −κf 1 − ρf 32 2 33 is not a projection operator (Rf 6= Rf ). As a result, ρf and κf have been dubbed 34 “pseudodensities” in [162]. The charge and mass of the fission fragments along the 35 scission configurations, however, are obtained by integration over space of these 36 37 functions: as a result the charge and mass of fission fragments coming out of DFT 38 calculations are often non-integer numbers. 39 40 • This leads to uncertainties in the theoretical calculation of fission fragment yields 41 in adiabatic approaches, such as those shown in figure 30. First, the yield for each 42 integer fragment mass A is often obtained by summing all contributions from all 43 44 non-integer fragment masses a such that a ∈ [A−0.5,A+0.5]. Then, the HFB wave 45 function for mass a is itself the superposition of several wave functions with good 46 particle number, schematically |ai = P c |Ai, Coefficients c could be extracted 47 A A A 48 by particle number projection, but the usual techniques are not easily applicable 49 at scission because of the high degree of entanglement of the fragments, see below. 50 51 • Particle number symmetry breaking also occurs in non-adiabatic approaches 52 described by TDDFT as soon as pairing correlations are included. This is the 53 54 case for the TDHF+BCS or TDHFB approximations to TDDFT. Just as in 55 adiabatic approaches, fission fragments may have non-integer particle numbers. The 56 advantage of TDHF+BCS or TDHFB, however, is that particle number projections 57 58 techniques are readily applicable by simply extending the definition of the particle 59 number following, e.g., the method proposed by Simenel in [356]. Assuming the full 60 space is partitioned in two regions, one defined by r > 0 and the other by r < 0, AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 96 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 96 4 5 6 a) b) 7 8 scf 9 10 11 12 sef aef 13 14 15 P(Z) (arb. units) P(N) (arb. units) 16 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 17 18 Z N 19 20 Figure 34. Proton (a) and neutron (b) number distributions in the fission fragments of 21 258Fm for the symmetric compact mode (scf, dashed blue), symmetric extended mode 22 (aef, plain red) and asymmetric extended mode (aef, dotted green). Figure taken from 23 24 Ref. [170], courtesy of G. Scamps; copyright 2015 by The American Physical Society. 25 26 27 28 and that the fragment f is in the region r > 0, then the particle number operator 29 for projection τ and for the fragment f reads 30 Z (τ) X 31 Nˆ = d3r ρ(τ)(rσ, rσ)H(r) (143) 32 f σ 33 34 where H(r) is the Heaviside function, H(r) = 1, r > 0 and 0 elsewhere. ρ(τ)(rσ, rσ) 35 is the coordinate space representation of the one-body density matrix ρ(τ) for the 36 ij 37 fissioning nucleus, which can be readily obtained by expanding (13) 38 (τ) X (τ) ∗ 39 ρ (rσ, rσ) = ρij ϕi (rσ)ϕj(rσ), (144) 40 ij 41 where the ϕi(rσ) are the wave functions associated with the creation and 42 † 43 annihilation operators (ci, ci ) introduced in section 2.2.1 page 15. In [170], Scamps 44 and collaborators used this technique to extract the decomposition of the fragment 45 46 wave function into the sum of good-particle number components. The results are 47 shown in figure 34 for the particular case of 258Fm. It is important to note that the 48 spread in particle number for the fragment strongly depends on the fission pathway. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 97 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 97 4 5 6. Conclusions 6 7 The purpose of this article was to review the current state of the microscopic methods 8 9 used to describe nuclear fission. By “microscopic”, we meant a theory centred on 10 quantum many-body methods and the use of explicit nuclear forces, in contrast with 11 semi-phenomenological approaches that are based on the liquid drop picture of the 12 13 nucleus (with various corrective terms). At this point, a direct, ab initio approach to 14 fission remains an utopia, and more effective methods must be used. Nuclear density 15 functional theory, in its various formulations, provides the best microscopic framework 16 17 to study fission. It is at the intersection of both phenomenological approaches – since it 18 is built upon the notion of independent particles in an independent mean field potential, 19 20 and of the theory of nuclear forces and ab initio methods – since EDF are often derived 21 from effective nuclear forces. 22 23 24 6.1. Summary 25 26 In our discussion, we have tried to break down the DFT approach to fission into 27 several elementary steps. We first emphasized in section 2 the important hypothesis 28 of adiabaticity, which remains one of the cornerstones of the theoretical view of fission 29 30 and has its origin in phenomenological models. In the adiabatic approximation, it is 31 assumed that fission is not driven by all of the nucleon degrees of freedom, but only 32 33 by a small number n of collective variables. Furthermore, it is also assumed, somewhat 34 implicitly, that there is a perfect decoupling between these n collective degrees of freedom 35 and the intrinsic excitations of the fissioning nucleus. These hypotheses were originally 36 37 formulated by Bohr and Wheeler in their seminal paper [5] on fission. 38 In practice, the hypothesis of adiabaticity is implemented by choosing a small 39 set of collective variables. There are few constraints on the type and nature that 40 41 these collective variables must have, and choosing the right ones is something akin 42 to an art. Fortunately, one can draw from the large body of experience accumulated 43 in phenomenological models of fission. Practitioners of the liquid drop model have 44 45 developed very sophisticated parametrizations of the nuclear surface over the years, 46 see section 2.1.1, and have investigated the role of several degrees of freedom such as 47 48 mass asymmetry, triaxiality, pairing. The same degrees of freedom can be explicitly 49 introduced in DFT thanks to the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking of the 50 EDF and the use of constraint operators. 51 52 To make this clear, we have deliberately adopted a modern presentation of nuclear 53 DFT, where the central object is a symmetry-breaking energy density functional treated 54 at the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation. We have thus recalled in section 2.2.1 55 56 the basic features of the HFB approximation in the general case where the energy is 57 only given as a functional of the density matrix ρ and pairing tensor κ, which has 58 the merit of highlighting the actual degrees of freedom of the theory. We have also 59 60 summarized in section 2.2.2 the BCS approximation to HFB, which remains popular in many applications. In practice, the EDF is often derived from an effective two-body AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 98 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 98 4 5 nuclear potential, and we have recalled in section 2.2.3 the two most popular choices 6 that have been used in fission, namely the Skyrme and Gogny force. The determination 7 8 of a universal (=applicable to all nuclear properties) functional is currently a very active 9 area of research, and we could only allude to some of the on-going work, whether on the 10 form of the functional or on the determination of its parameters. We have also given 11 12 a brief overview of the finite-temperature HFB theory in section 2.2.4, as it has been 13 in practice one of the most popular tools to study the evolution of fission properties, 14 both spontaneous and induced, with excitation energy. Symmetry-breaking manifests 15 16 itself, among others, by quantum fluctuations that are associated with zero-point energy 17 corrections, and section 2.2.5 contains a discussion of some of the most important ones. 18 19 As already mentioned, the definition of the right collective variables is an important 20 ingredient in the adiabatic view of fission. In section 2.3, we have reviewed the various 21 collective variables that have been identified over the years as essential. Most of them are 22 23 “geometrical”, in the sense that they correspond to the actual distribution of mass in the 24 intrinsic frame of the nucleus, see section 2.3.1, but collective variables associated with 25 pairing correlations have recently been investigated and shown to be important. There 26 27 are different ways to introduce pairing collective variables, which are briefly discussed 28 in section 2.3.2. 29 One of the unpleasant consequences of adiabaticity is that the theory does not 30 31 explicitly contain any scission mechanism. The importance of scission configurations 32 had been recognized very early on the study of stability conditions for liquid drops. 33 34 Extending these notions to DFT, one may define scission configurations based on some 35 condition on the density of particles: if the density in the neck between the two pre- 36 fragments is “small enough”, one may decide that the system has scissioned. This is 37 38 clearly unsatisfactory, and various other geometrical criteria have been explored and are 39 discussed in section 2.4.1. These geometrical definitions are somewhat limited, though, 40 and cannot really account for the complex physics of scission. For these reasons, it has 41 42 been suggested recently to define scission quantum-mechanically by taking advantage 43 of the invariance of the HFB solutions under a unitary transformation. This technique, 44 briefly presented in 2.4.2, gives a more realistic description of the fission fragments at 45 46 scission. 47 Given a realistic nuclear EDF, a set of collective variables and a criterion to identify 48 49 scission configurations, one then maps out the collective space in which fission will 50 (adiabatically) take place by solving the HFB equations under a set of constraints. 51 Confining the dynamics of fission in this collective space requires introducing a collective 52 53 inertia tensor, which, roughly speaking, represents the overall mass of the nucleus as 54 it evolves across the collective space. The collective inertia plays a major role both in 55 spontaneous fission and in induced fission, and we give in section 3.1 a comprehensive 56 57 account of the two main techniques used to compute it. 58 • In the generator coordinate method presented in section 3.1.1, the nuclear wave 59 60 function is written as a linear superposition of HFB states corresponding to different values of the collective variables. The coefficients of this superposition can be Page 99 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 99 4 5 determined by applying the variational principle. If one assumes a Gaussian 6 form for the overlap kernel of the HFB states, it is possible to derive a collective 7 8 Schr¨odinger-like equation that governs the dynamics of the system in the collective 9 space. The collective inertia tensor appears in the kinetic energy part of this 10 collective Hamiltonian and in the zero-point energy corrections to the collective 11 12 potential. 13 • In the adiabatic time-dependent HFB theory outlined in section 3.1.2, the starting 14 15 point is a low-momentum expansion of the full time-dependent HFB density. This 16 expansion yields a set of coupled equations that drive the collective dynamics. 17 Under the (most common) assumption that the collective space is predetermined 18 19 as a set of constrained HFB calculations, it is also possible to extract a classical 20 collective Hamiltonian, with an expression for the collective inertia that is more 21 22 realistic than the GCM (for identical collective spaces). 23 The calculation of collective inertia, whether in the GCM or ATDHFB 24 25 approximation, can be performed at each point of the collective space with only the 26 knowledge of the HFB wave function or, equivalently, the HFB densities, at that point. 27 In a sense, one could argue that the calculation of the PES and of collective inertia 28 29 completes the static part of a DFT simulation of fission. For the dynamics itself, one 30 has to distinguish between spontaneous and induced fission: 31 32 • As pointed out in the introduction, spontaneous fission is essentially characterized 33 by fission half-lives. The calculation of this observable is presented in section 3.2. It 34 35 is done in analogy with the standard problem of tunnelling in quantum mechanics. 36 Starting from a (multi-dimensional) potential energy surface – the collective PES, 37 38 one uses the WKB approximation to compute the action between inner and outer 39 turning points. The half-life is then proportional to the exponential of the action 40 corresponding to the least-action principle. The mass of the nucleus is represented 41 42 by the collective inertia tensor. Section 3.2.1 gives a quick overview of the various 43 formulas involved. There have been early attempts to generalized this framework 44 by using path integrals methods instead of the WKB approximation. For the sake 45 46 of completeness, we outline this approach in section 3.2.2, although we should point 47 out that no practical calculation has been performed so far in this framework. 48 49 • Induced fission is mostly concerned with the properties of the fission fragments, and 50 it often involves an explicit time-dependent evolution of the system as discussed in 51 section 3.3. We chose to recall in section 3.3.1 some of the classical methods used to 52 53 describe to fission dynamics, based on the Langevin and Kramers equations, since 54 these approaches can be coupled with DFT inputs on the potential energy and the 55 56 collective inertia. Also, the Langevin equation can be viewed qualitatively as the 57 classical analogue of time-dependent density functional theory, which is presented 58 in section 3.3.2. TDDFT is the primary non-adiabatic theory that can be applied to 59 60 studies of fission. While it is not suited to studies of spontaneous fission (TDDFT can not account for tunnelling), it can provide invaluable insights into the physics AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 100 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 100 4 5 of scission, which is strongly non-adiabatic. On the other hand, the distribution of 6 fission fragments is better formulated in the time-dependent extension of the GCM, 7 8 which gives the time-evolution of the collective wave packet in the collective space 9 up to the scission configurations. The TDGCM is briefly described in section 3.3.3, 10 together with the techniques used to extract fission product yields. 11 12 In our presentation of results in section 5, we have made the distinction between 13 14 fission barriers, fission half-lives and results on neutron-induced fission. 15 • Fission barriers are not observables, but are very important inputs to models of the 16 17 fission spectrum, of nuclear databases, of simulations of the r-process, etc. In section 18 5.1, we survey some of the results on fission barriers obtained in both relativistic and 19 20 non-relativistic versions of DFT. Note that the most recent DFT calculations have 21 a predictive power that is comparable with more phenomenological approaches. 22 23 • Fission half-lives are very sensitive to the details of the DFT calculation, since 24 they depend exponentially on both the HFB energy and the collective inertia. 25 Most often, actinide nuclei are used as benchmarks to test the validity of DFT 26 27 calculations. The real motivation for computing spontaneous fission half-lives, 28 however, is in connection with superheavy and very neutron-rich nuclei involved 29 in nucleosynthesis. A survey of the most recent results is given in section 5.2. 30 31 • There have been comparatively few studies of neutron-induced fission in a 32 microscopic setting. One possible reason is the much higher cost of performing 33 34 the calculations, since it is necessary to compute the PES up to the scission point. 35 By contrast, estimates of fission half-lives are based on the knowledge of the PES 36 around the first fission barrier only. We summarize in section 5.4 the few results 37 38 published in the literature. Note that most of them are less than a decade old. 39 40 41 6.2. Open Questions 42 43 The only microscopic theory currently capable of predicting fission fragment 44 distributions is the TDGCM (under the GOA approximation). As of today, the 45 accuracy of fission product yields in actinides is of the order of 30%. Can we reach 46 47 5% accuracy without major changes to the theory, and can we quantify the associated 48 uncertainty of such calculations? The latest results suggest that at least 3 degrees of 49 freedom corresponding to elongation, mass asymmetry and necking may be needed. 50 51 Will constraints on pairing be also necessary to reach this level of accuracy? In terms 52 of uncertainties, we already discussed in section 2.4 the dependence on the definition of 53 54 scission configurations. In addition to these, the TDGCM+GOA approach is based on 55 symmetry-breaking states and thereby inherits many of its limitations. In particular, 56 symmetry restoration and beyond mean-field correlations, which were already discussed 57 58 in section 2.2.5 in the context of PES calculations, most likely have an effect on fission 59 product yields. Currently, the flux of the collective wave function through a small surface 60 element at the scission point q is associated with a fragment a (most often Page 101 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 101 4 5 non integer as discussed in reference to figure 34). Assuming the nascent fragments have 6 been disentangled with the procedure outlined in 2.4.2, how can we extract a realistic 7 8 estimate of the yield of the true fragment with integer charge Z and mass A? Will this 9 change the current estimates of fission product yields significantly? 10 Individual properties of fission fragments, in particular their excitation energy 11 12 and their spin, are currently very poorly known. Can a microscopic theory based on 13 DFT provide a quantitative understanding of the energy sharing mechanism between 14 the fragments? Although static DFT calculations combined with the localization 15 16 procedure of section 2.4.2 are always feasible, TDDFT seems a more promising 17 framework. Recently, pairing correlations have been implemented in TDDFT at the 18 19 HFB approximation in [182], and one may hope that progress in both algorithms and 20 hardware will enable more systematic TDHFB calculations in the near future. At what 21 accuracy can a full-blown TDHFB calculation predict the individual excitation energy 22 23 of fission fragments in actinide nuclei for thermal neutrons? 24 Better modelling the excitation energy of the nucleus is another area where progress 25 can be made. In the past few years, several groups have reported successful finite- 26 27 temperature DFT calculations that reproduce well the trend of fission barriers with 28 excitation energy; see, e.g. results in [128, 17, 16, 276, 129]. However, most of these 29 studies were restricted to barrier calculations. Only in [128] is there an attempt to 30 31 generalize the formula for collective inertia to T > 0. Also, the price to pay when 32 using finite temperature is the increase of statistical fluctuations on observables, see 33 34 some discussion of this effect in [129]. In addition, many of the beyond mean-field 35 techniques used to restore symmetry are not defined at T > 0. In the low-energy regime, 36 direct methods based on QRPA and/or the GCM at zero temperature could be more 37 38 useful. For example, Bernard and collaborators introduced in [357] techniques to derive 39 a collective Hamiltonian from the GCM built on top of two-quasiparticle excitations. 40 Dittrich and collaborators outlined a method to build a statistical density operator from 41 42 GCM states in [358]. Most of these ideas are in their infancy and a lot more work is 43 needed before they can become valuable options for applications. In addition, one should 44 anticipate a tremendous need for computing power. 45 46 Most of the theoretical framework used in the microscopic theory of fission was 47 invented and developed many decades ago. It is only in the past two decades that 48 49 unprecedented gains in computing power have allowed scientists to test these theories 50 without resorting to debilitating approximations. In some ways, this process of catching 51 up with theory is still on-going, and, therefore, the jury is still out on the intrinsic 52 53 predicting power of the current DFT framework. In the long term, there is little doubt 54 that progress in the determination of reliable energy functionals better rooted into 55 the theory of nuclear forces will become critical to increase accuracy. Processes that 56 57 accompany, and compete with, fission such as particle evaporation (neutrons, protons, 58 ) or gamma emission will also need to be incorporated within a unified 59 60 theoretical framework. AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2 Page 102 of 111

1 2 3 Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission: A Review 102 4 5 Acknowledgments 6 7 The authors thank G. Bertsch, K. Pomorski and D. Regnier for reading the manuscript 8 9 and providing useful feedback. This work was partly performed under the auspices of the 10 U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract 11 DE-AC52-07NA27344. Computational resources were provided through an INCITE 12 13 award “Computational Nuclear Structure” by the National Center for Computational 14 Sciences (NCCS) and National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) at Oak 15 Ridge National Laboratory, and through an award by the Livermore Computing 16 17 Resource Center at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The work of LMR is 18 supported in part by Spanish MINECO grants Nos. FPA2012-34694 and FIS2012-34479 19 20 and by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program MULTIDARK CSD2009-00064. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 103 of 111 AUTHOR SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT - ROPP-100585.R2

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