, -••J^-—-•jfo^'-.Tr ~~-

KT. 74, l«6 FIVE ^ ^^—^^——— =———= —ea^— ^. M TOWBHP [ ^^ ~^" • • • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^T^^^^^^^^B^^^ee^^^^^f^^^awaw^^^e^^^^awgiej ^pa^vei PREPARES FOR SMQW DIB In ordnr to mstusm HiIIL »rw plow wtth a Moot btadZtobTa* Sepd •ached to one of the towmrupt trocka. That win give Cranlord low plows to put!Mo serrka. An adOHooal three RETOdHNSONC, Ptowa can be uead wtth hirsd trucks I. js*e then ahouldb. an uoaauan, heavy IWthtS«ndayfwltl>t tart. It wffl be punhaaed tf K provta i tor the period of successful In Mount*, the machme The Christmai story will be retold in tons and sermon twa» learned Tuesday can be wed to drive a lawn mower. tonight, tomorrow and on Sunday in Cranford churches/ Spe- cial services, with festive musk, will be held- in all local 11* (ranted to eon. churchea commemorating the birth of Christ. Many churches will usher in Christmas with midnight employes and SO BASKETS TO BE vert to services tonight, others will hold candlelight service! at 6 a. m,t t scale on January 31 tomorrow. One of the highlight* of the musical programs tai DBTMBOIB TODAY be prevented during the week-end will be Handel's immortal [Ja» telegrams, It tt for the work, "The Messiah," which will be sung in the Pint Pres- r salartss In Ita ownNeedy of Town to Be Cared byterian Church at 8 p. m, Sunday by a large choir, U«oodttions sre further For; Parties Held for Trt-My talmyl Caanh , ATHuanrs The GhrMmaa aeaeon In Trinity of the depreanon, Kiddies. Church wUl be Initiated by tht annual Gets Gold Watch cbeve been permitted to midnight celebration of the. Holy Com- -taaoMbuUcns from their ChrUtmaa will be made more pleaa- munion at 11:10 p. m, tonight. To- [the nec- ant tor approximately fifty Cranlord nlghl'a tervlc*, which will be largely *Of ~tnaMnf out-and-out salary rouaical. will Include tht following car- famlllea through the generwlty and WOODBVET eh,would change the salaiy oil: Chrlitmaa Song of Uw VOurtecnth HEN'S AND bats. ^Bowers*, leglilatlon permitting cooperation ot local orgsnbaUona and Century, arranged by Ketley WUlan; LADIES' BETS that practice will expire at the close ot Individual! who have donated baikeU Patapan, arranged by Brwkway: Was- the year, with the reault that complete of foodstuffs. It was »tiii«iiiw« yester- aall Bong, by Martin Shaw: While by My Blwp, Jungat; Lute Book Carol, restoration of talsriee Wt follow. day by Mra. Carrie O. Orady, execu- The Board of Mucatioji, In drawing Jtait mutlud spin, /mil f*% UslfAl/" arranged by Bancroft. The Commun- up the budget tor,the new achool year, tive secretary of the Cranford Welfare ion Servloe wilt be Molr in P, has made provlaloa for complete re- Bervlcea tomorrow, Ohrlstma* Day, storation' of..aalarles, which accounts In More than fifty ChrUtmaa baskets DOTCR TO FEATURE ! will Include Holy Communion at t and part for aftincreaj* ot about I&S.000 to will be distributed thla afternoon by 10 a. m. be puatd by local taxation. Budget ln- COUNTY RATABLES MEN'S CLUB MEETlNa WH1IAM SEABROOK On Saturday, tht Fee* of Balnt the Boy Scouta under supervision of the ersasss, made mandatory by the ab- Stephen, there will be t celebration at asnea of emergency salary-campenaa- Welfare Aaaodatlon. The baskets have REDUCED $2,121,742 The January aweUnj of the Men'i I a. m. (ton, ere certain to cauae a rise In the been filled and prepared by member! ot TO LECTURE HERE On Sunday, the eervieea will Include 'tax rats, It is pointed out. Uk at Trinity cburch will take the the Junior Service League and atrl fan of a dinner auatlng. It waa an- Holy Communion at S a. m.i morning Asked at Tuesday night's meeting of Scouts.. n Is believed that nearly every Cranford Shows Log* of $75^- ttafc week' by Pnaldent WU- Noted Author, Explorer to prayer at II a. m.| OhrUtmaa carol ittte Township Committee by William •ervlce of the church achool, )',M p. m.; needy family In town will receive auf- TToeber. The aflalr, which Speak on "Magic Aid io: Rellry of 140 HUlcreat avenue what 850,n r tn» and Youn, People'a Mkrwahlp, e p. m. -3the appradmate lncreaee- in the tax ftclent food to have an enjoyable win be hrld In the pwinh home, will iif«. l . r. II Then will be no morning session of tht i Cranford for the dinner. rtmrv M 7 p. m, John K Cloud. J, Bd- TT nencran* church school and no tnnlng church t aae O>aria> Xurti corq- service. Sueeeatful pntar the oammiHee In eharce of ar- At laat ipeaker In the lecture wrlei which It haa been apoiuorlng during On Monday, the PVwt oT the Holy the Junior Service Tinsgno baa County Board of TuattaB Jar. 1 J, 1DWAED WOUT. however, that for each Increase of the winter, the Oranf ord Teachen Aa. lnnocenU. there will be a Celebration aeveral •toddngi which will be Bbut Malt with ;ttM0 hi the local budgets, there will Uona hi 1IM i Dan Templeton. chairman of the en •odation will preeent. William Beabrook. of the Holy Communion at • a. m. In be a point rise In the tax rate. Mr, uted to underprivileged children. «3.iai,7«a drop in tax i """'f, 1> arranging at noted author and explorer, In Rbow- the evening at 7 o'clock there will be a «ol-~ 79c 1 ReUly commended that tt waa apparent The Llona Club tonight In the Chim- County, acoadlm to a I x maurar acU which will be velt School on Turaday erenlng, Jan- party In the pariah hoiue for mem POLICE HONOR that the Board ot Education's budget, nounced by-Charh> J.} folkraring the dinner. It.ui ex- Water Bottle 29c ney Corner will be hoaut at a ChrUt- uary 8. Hla tubject wUl be "Magic and bera and staff of the church ichool. It adopted, will bring about a riae of dent or. the tax boant pndad that thli meeting will be one of Witchcraft," Flnrt rreabyteriaii Charofa maa party to several children of needy fiutMandtng of the teaion. mlin lOcc U40 - a|) least twenty-five points. ablea thow a drop of *BJBa_ Mr. Beabrook'i lecture will deal with "Who Waa Conceived or'the Holy J. EDWARD WOLF 89c Queried by Road Commissioner Frank famlllea. Toya, candy and other gift* The-Boartj-jSt WillwMill. 1B arnnged primarily for aertoua black magic, norcery; and witch- Ohctt. Dora of the Virgin Mary," will MrCanoogh as to how the telegrams will be distributed. throea of •UUUAMJU. cueaU will be welcomed pro- craft aa actually practiced today, riot be the Mrmon ub)ect or'lhe Itcv. WU en's Lotion ,_.31c , from the Township Committee were 300 underprivileged Cranford thU the i rtdtad, ux committee li contacted a fewonly by primitive ptoplea In. Africa, Ham R. Sloan at tlie II ». m. tervlce Officers'Present Commission- a Cough *^» krforc tte dtanei. I Continued on lait page) Sunday In the Flrit .• Pretbyterian er With Gold Watch, Chain Church, The choir, under direction of 33c 2jS^T«3bm ** »««™~ In the to houae at a Andrew R. Walaon, will ofler, "O Com* at Annual Inspection. were to tovo?lf thVmove. CommU- Chrtetma. party arranged by the Cran- All Ye talthful," a choral Uken from Lyon't Tooth a»^ MeCuUoiwh »M h» wa» not *r4 Republican Olub. Judge Auguat the 'Coventry Nativity drama, entitled, Poilcr Commiatlonrr~J. Bdward Well or 28c whX toaoeordL • |]Wmert "" fi*nt* <**»*• »• •"*• .'•DeUitehem.' 1 on Sunday morning waa presented frith • Tooth «thTiugg«*lon of the mayor, the trlbuted gift, and .locking, filled with Mualc loven of the oonununlty are a gold-caK 17 jewel Hamilton watch 27c committee adopted a resolution provld- nuta, candlea, cooklea and other "good\ krenly awaiting the preaentatkm of and a gold chain by members of tha in« for the cloaing of the townahip let" to each child. Mn. Frank McCul- Ilandel't -Meaalah" at S p. m. Sunday Oranford Police Department, Tha'pre- «W Luden's room* on the Saturday! following lough waa chairman of the committee in the Pint Preabyterlart Church by the atntaUon, made In behalf of the police Chrtatma* and New Year-a, although a In charge. church choir axlated by teveral lead- by Chief Carl A, followed the i Drape 3c rapneentative wUl be kept on duty In I \ chlldreh'i Chrlitmaa party, under Ing atnien of the community', Mr, 1 Inspection of members and equipment > Hepeika the coDedor ! office to receive tax pay- auaploea of Asure Chapter, n, O. K. 8., WaUon will direct. "The Meaalah" will at pollee headquirtera, ( I". 19c jwu held Saturday afternoon. In the bo given In almost IU entirety. The watch beam the eommlarionar'i—' tram the tavern owneri for uaaonic Temple. It waa largely at- Walter H. Hewitt, A. A.' 0. O, or lhlUala, -J, I. W," on the back of the tnpoleg Prep- to remain open an add!- tended. IContlnutd m l h Inalde of the can U the follow- r,, ™_57c ing Inscription, "PRtented to J. Edward ' Wolf. Polios Oommtsshinrr. Orantafd, •*• Bromo . _. . . N. J- by Police Department, 1MK\" ^ ' 17c however, win bo ekwe^d throughouAU uvet th™e STRIKE DELAYS DEADLINE In matin* the presentation, ChW iiiilmlilH' ObrMmai Day. , . , coa>€( lasaa told of Ihe «at«em In Oommltaloncr Wolf U held by i >; aOo.woominendatton ot Attorney Cart WORK ON SCHOOL IN XMAS (MUST of the department, and said that UM •. K-'Wananeki,.the. committee author- (tft Is a token of thetr atfecUon ftr . . tadjaiaaatof-taxaawement retndi ,. ^totht.eiM* otiJRandolph Ferfclni and Truck brmtVWafcout Kits Residences Must Be Entered ::,. ttMAarttantii .Ward BuUdlne;'* Loan The token came aa a •urprl»er.to ;j.?Aawil*B9n,^iednetlona In-valuaUona Detrwery of Brick to Dy Satjurday Night for Oommlstloner Wolf, who, In accepting -:.ha»lat?bten-«rantedv.by the union It, ahowed he waa'dseply moved, Bs r Local Project - . Decoration Prises. - oprssaid Us appreciation. - , - -.,, j ' SV;: County Board of .'nutattoo. J,. '•• l All membera of the department as •;--;KTlie attorneyValao gave hU opinion A strike of brock drivers In Union i Mto* a Urt of.unocJlecUhle taxe. tor toe The deadline for entering the oonteat well'aa police equipment: passsd the? Essex Counties but Thunday afternoon annual hupefthm andjwere found tobs- //y.-yam'UMVIMIM,, tactailve,ta, amounting for decorated doorwayi arid dcorysrds S»obm»tted"jaf part bekt.up brick work on thenew Junior- In ewellent condition. Th«j« was "only *»~W»tH S»obm»ttedj p haa been extended to Saturday, Decem- M*W»tH Sb»tted"af the parVt •enkr.hlgh school hers for one day. It l'meeSt.by T»x Collector, A, B. oaloV ber M, It was announced yetterday M. i of HIVHU lUneas throughout waa leaned frcm'.'Fred J. Drtler. clerk t.weltahould be expunged from the rec- offlcers of the'Oranford Oaro>n\Club, the entire year, and that officer ki no^; of the', forks on tho new bunding. • back on duty and In good health. or*."" tb«t <•«•" P«nonal a taxea, and (ponsora of the conteat, - The eontest.U rbdriven went "on "itrtke CMEJMMX-uoTwnuai cacacH -. >- open to all Cranford resident* and ap? The" department^ at •preaenttJ-has Tbonday afternoon 'after the driver* •tea. Day piles to hornea oniy.not placea of buii- elghtetn members, M foUowt;-Thlrt»m_ OM^iMVOr * « r ASK PARK BOARD 'fiti truck' owoen had failed to reach «•>• e wtth Sftdal Marie and Benaea. patrolmen,-, three- tergeanta,' one lieu- ' fl« CMM 9M Ml ts> an agreemeot'on wagea. Delivery «s> , - "' — : • • tenant and « chief.' This Is the fewest cavaxroaB oosm. TAanwACtk N The conteat wUl be divided Into two pictoiNi with M. AMMU '* brick and other building material* wu number ot " the cepartment ha» hadT halted Thunday afternoon and was not Oilli« • Ere.. .• ' wctlom—-or* for" unllghled, decorated In.severij; yean, and for that-reason i^Ttaa TttwMhlp-^OojmnlUee, at a tpe- resumed until. Monday' morning. Due • mt Ttmmt VMatvs Bedetke win go eanliag. doorways, and the other tv lighted, many'Ofl!oeTf,liav« had to work.-e«tra.w doorwaji and aurroundlnga. , > , -co extra 'the.;anbw cleare*"d ' -dayimornlng, art agreement having been ordera on any sced-hauso or nursery of department IUKI cooperated In-a-« , (MUw Day the winner's choice. Beccnd and third Xthe'.RahwajfRlver between the Oprtoj- reached Saturday In 'Newark whereby manner/tome tren .|o giving up their^ piiioa, donated by John K. Cloud,-edi- ;ne(d iVinU«!brtdgei»nd'the CaalDo^» the. operators agreed to pay every dump • •-• -OaJMfcM Serrln feUeard by Hrrakfaal. days off, and-jba 'commended' tben^ "•''" may be'tued for U»'»kat. tor of The Oltiten and Chronicle, auo highly ort .thelr'taufatutude," > ..,?? truck .driver, *U for. forty-eight-hour nm nucMtRBUN ciii'M n will be awarded In each group.' work ~wtek", reducing • Ihe -work.' from Two new Cbjstfoltt.ootipss J»re haen-i The Judge* will be (ram oqUot-town. purchased for. thejradib. patrol and-'^" ' lUty-four houn. 7Drtven^wW^receive wtta UNU marie by Ihe choir. and both tecllons will be Judged on the be 1plsord"in"b|(|"Iii*——-— ~~* time arid.one-half^for all work over. I. -n* Mrariah." by aapnnlfd cbareb «ame;dal« tj»e-.unlisted durlnglthe forty-«lghVhaur week;. •'^« , - .-••" t radio equlpoutnt u^ ^•j^ a* eaajrwasaaai iuiaWHSaiviw«^ m*F9m**^ •••** r_^" day and the lighted during the evening. mlMlor^WoUjani ' H»ctsl msetrng-of the aubcUtlod sun- There_ are iapprSSdmately - J00 •, men. ST XICtlMELII E. C. CULECTf The wlnhen wiirbfr.'snnounccd In this can will replaes the .'day momlng.jArthur Ruhtard, at that Including ,S5;ma»oni, "at work on the K paper next Thurtday 'ad5bullt«BnderneatftVoie i,.' '* »?i porch -Damage awjffiJ.a»fhrjajjrt ft, 17, it - - - • •

- •>+**.



^ 1 Awl it came to pan in those days, that there went fc#l* Which net out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should an December 11 31 per cent mi be taxed. ' - faarantor - 2 And this taxing was first made when Cyreniuswaa JOBS governor of Syria. -V. 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into hi* own t tt m«y oogrfinu*> ia ite city. 4 And Joseph went up from Galilee,, out of dtedtjr to you and yon ow '-*t: month. IS north of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which i* called Donald Schlndter, sn Bethlehem, because he Was of the house and lineage of David. 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being Bnts, M Minor at- #Aao»tton, and jh* «we* HoDj great with chud. foUow- 1. 6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the daya bw^punrittsd to carry into yaw *v DCW Pbrd; I that she should be delivered. r*. Bnmnara; 1 Oen- tutt*9 ^Bunr* JDQX io*f ftfl fl*ttuX9 MXOVIBM* utiigS" •t TUtle Bra; i, 7 And she brought form her first born son, and «,KM1JBUL wrapped him in swaddling clothe*, and laid him in a manger; became there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the same country shepherd* an iastttntion 11100—111% •wttag «n •biding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night 9 And. lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, >^sp^^/iiRiif-ir»Etc;t-- • and the glory of the Lord shone-round about them; and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for be* bold, 1 bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to •fl people. " , ...thatoIJoytomankinc 4 II For unto you is born this day; in the city of David, a Saviour, which b Christ the Lord. & k ou hop* that from this day you will gain fluifall BIMIUM 12 And this shall Be a sign unto you: Ye shall find Jf Ike .babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. of joy.;Mifxy,ait«ina. tHlfUBUSHIBS 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multi- tude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, " 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, -fuooasas^. ^-^, ^ •food Will towsMtt 15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone AND HEATING SYSTEM "NOW! •ndtbteMtkktn.lfr.wdHn ayfromm. i heaven, the shepherd* said one'to anoth- die nobe inaide, but diere is m veil covering the unseen world Ha«h Martin, *>«,nad)r at all (met to TTlvE PAYInENTS ARRANGED er. Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which not die strongest man, nor even the united strength of Mtpatln tte objects 00 itUptay. - all the strongest men diet ever lived, could tear apart. Only Itaoa to IM added to the oc). which ha* come to pass, which the Lord hath /made known keUoo are no*tf«d aaeta month (ton MASTER KRAFT OIL BURNERS unto us. faith, fattcy^ poetry, love, romance, can push aside diat cur-pabHowq4itted dUttiu who are d«lr 16 And they came with hoste, and found Mary, and tain and-view and picture the supernal beauty and glory be- eua of Metnt this kfuteum irow and extend IU cape of uectulneat. Mr, Joseph and die babe lying in a manger. * i ' - ;;.^. .: -, ^ V ' yond.' ' I* It aQ real? Ah, Virginia, in «B thia world there ia Voartaea, pnatdent of the Society, .us K. cwioK ATK, oumrosm - raoNB cm. nothing el«e reel and abiding. '. 17 'And what they had seen it, they made known atatei that donMlcna of aulUble ot- attupuNt 'm. a DOTLB — rsdrix c*. «-im C v "No Santa Claust Thank God! he live*, and he live* jeeta ate gladly received and theae ma; abroad the saying which was told them concerning tiusTchM be «nt direct to the Wuseurn. 16 And all they that heard it wdntleted at those forever. A' thousand years from now, Virginia, nay ten times m the Oft things which were told diem by the shepherds. •-•-'• tain thousand years from now," he will continue to make glad Jatathbnlk - • * - ^-ukell. i theheirt-ofchildhboeb" ,v

b There a Santa daus?— HISTORICAL MUSEUM sac*- : Because of numerous requests, we are reprinting here- / HAS MANY REUCS with The New York Sun'* famous editorial entitled, "la There at Santa dam," written by Francis rP. Church and which ooo Although operj to irUlton dally with- appeared in The Sun on Septp . 21,11897, . Ttaere't» rtendint lnrltaUoti ' . out charge, few Union County realdmti "W kl To all, people of the earth:' aeem to know ot the Grantord Hlitori- "We take: pleasure, in -answering at once andrr thus Follu ot ererr land and natko. caliMiueura. aeeocdlnt~to J, Stanley pmnmendy diie communcunicatioa n below, expreasTnpg at thhe same Are to celebrate the birth Voorheee. pmidetrtof the Orantotd time our great gratification that iu faithful author is numbered Of the Child called pure *nd holy, Hhrtorlcal Society. The auaeum Is op- hfl h bd And of humble origin; •' . ' - erated by the Society In coopermUon ^ddfTlSVy^ 1 Born wlthiqi' itable, lowly, ,. - ' with the Union Oounty Park Oooanta; am Bjrears old. Some of my little B« with Him «ion and Is located «t 1M northtJnlon friends say dwte i* no Santa daus. Papa, says, If you see it A: in^he Son. it's so. Please tell me the truth, U there a Santh 7b»|eneit]«ltr of .mttrldiiar^nMaa „. _ * 4,\.4\_. l: benot OM aodety fau aadejpoadbie Gknrt? >VirginiaX)T^anlon, 115 West Ninety-fifth street. the rapid: aeqbUtta of ?hondredi ol 'if Titojgyi&tm.'your Ktde friend* are^wrong:" cThey^ have p tbeen^fectebeen^fected by d>e sskepticisp m of a skepticap l ageg . . They do .,,,;p;p •n»'»'»««i™i of oiios;, fromthe Bittto««p Jfctae,' a'p W* believe except they *el :They,think that nothing can be With .'no nwd'tor u«

if they did not !»*• 'that prove*, Nobody'sees Santa Oausr-but'that

l-v Mpt^Lnnford :CLASS r>a* held, wnlch net TO HEAR H. ft. BEST I en December 11 tpMt of gurmg. which began under an MaeJaat star suit lhwilngf lit the hearts CWptrcentvu ot BUB. it aa nmaoa at that ooa- •'imiutorn- Haiti Wot Clark, and by Mr. and Him, At CfarteTinat an werMbjr Joys fewnayawnt. the first Vrttftrterbul naaT-mctadnM that Charch at •:« a. av Banday. •Meant ranoasu- - ' -p aadyavairl^h paarast eta share at laraWy at th* bthalspk. Insamach aa this wttl tt fttstai LAMPLIGHTERS CLASS the hat meeting of the ytar, a banner TUa, too, brings . IJUOII^ la especlcd. ruhm. width makta us nans* That "aosoetimai, through the Seat «tb* Junior Bed Croat Fred Uage, data leader, give an In- ot Man. spiring talk on the sabjecl. "Um," but Blow moving o>r hla pain. which win be The tsmpttghlart' Clats tor young day. Special mode was pnatnted Pictured above U the ChrMnas window display ot the Stephen* W« laote* between the age* of M and M In The moonlight of a perfect pate* Corporation on aattman street. Tola at na u other tlmtlar dltpiayt be* by UM - jmkaf cliotr untter - dlreclioo of Floods heart and train." the Flnt FrtsJbyterlsn Ohutdi grow* Andrew R. Watson. tided In making Onntcrd't buatneai section the dreesiest It hu been during a In thlt way mats Ohrtttmss. holiday Mwn in recent year*. every week. Popularly knowf and list- Tht Dug Out das* conttattea to lead tetterday afternoon the pupilpp s of the ed a* The Dug MU*. they have grown ftfa d tth te a th d m tht aUendanee contest, the wore to flftfa tad etith pite, man the dtrec- to an active lutiuaenhlp of M during date being} Dog Outa, ZH>; Ue TAILORING •M* ox. ana. ,virguua jnntr, presented DUG OUTS HAVE FULL the week* ot (his fan *eatdc|. Ids. Cuu*. MM. Not Sunday w«l mark the • Oliilatiini playlet, Orades ooe, two 3. B. VUrmaB and her young ladies dose of the contest. sXTBXAnOM — KUMMQ aid .three'were guests far the after- AIR CONDITIONING CHRISTMAS PROGRAM have eatabDthed • Dug Oat for Dot CUANfNO, Mim m and Christmas euoli were sung •Met over In the other comer of the k*.1t» fan •mmM/. " " Church cellar, but week » of the TRINITY FELLOWSHIP Moving this M. assembly m held UNIT ON DISPLAY The ChrUtnus lesion vrlll be a buy clat* turned oat for a data supper a C A. PELTIER Ik TAUOt far the seventh and debts grade* MUs one for the Dug Out Olata ot the First th» Story home on Retfortf avenue, HONORS JOHN LATANE IKASTMAN BTsUCT MeADJettri and Mka Tanteyi eighth Presbyterian Church. There will be glides Bad charge of tht program, each Stephens Covporatioii carol singing, the usual Christmas The da** has beer, active In knitting At the meeting of the Young People* CRANFORD acart* and preparing strap books for groap Huatntlug a program which they HaaUtaatEqidmaat Good Turn, a trip to New York, and a fellowship ot Trinity Church last Sun- * Tte entire tantwhly n reunion of all college feUowt at the children In t^e Alaska Mlaucn. Mr*. day, these oOom were elected: Prctl' QuaityF»W$ rev, • tht dtrectfen « Josef Dug Out on Sunday. Howard Oowperthwalte I* the pUnbt >t, John Utane; vtee-presldeiit, There Menu to be tomtthlng m the Thomat Doif, aecretary, Ruth Leavill. last Sunday set the record again for air about aUeaapttag to enlltt;U niany attendance ot adust member* of the and treasurer, Jeanne rrtneh. AH com- or Orant School An air dnduioning unit, the latest membenaatheDagOutCaaia of young mtttee* win remain the same. After Dug Out, t» being present. Jack men. Not much M being said publicly, ranged a program presented yesterday development to heating, hat been In- FMmee, Harvey Beavy, Floyd Rue, Ed- the meeting the annual Chruttnaa party 1 but the cla«: grows steadily every week. " I' in ' l' *""* vsstsd choir, chosen from •tailed and may be teen aaaMMpected win and Ralph Falrman attended the wat held, Nest Sunday Ube fellowship all to operation at the Stephens Salt* Oor- das* session* will hsw at guests the chdr boys of Freeie DeUcitetsei rv." we* HMuu._a dnatttbktlon and alto poraUon office*on Busman street, It Trinity Church, who will furnish a pro- Requests an being received for the hi Ike KM rram of Chrittmaa caroii. Including • Total aadvtosmsoio. «u annpimwiit Hilt wet* by CMoree I. Dug Out carol singers to sing at dif- Life Isn't cruel It btnta, but II it N. mm in, < Bienfang. president ot the-firm. The tome old Cndtih carols. i ferent places about town. The carols heals the hurt It yon let it have Ha r*jaaaOaVtV 33S i chapel period* unit It equipped wtth the Torrldhtct last year were well received notwith- way with you H brings peace ffl DIUTII leCCbrittaiss programs. ofl burner and U distributed totelr Oet rid of aatttt* thtaga In year at- standing the aero weather. But the happiness to the end. ttewlth-s The ctefltsntery choratH and rhythm thromhouti Onion and other nearby early morning breakfast in the church band* antartatasd grades oat mad lour oountka by the Steppou. Bait* bor- repays tor aU the cold. So, early this 1 tn botii aottfltagjt'af prtssntliig a nu* poratton or opt ot Its branch**. Frday morning It will be There's a of a The ftmetlon ot the air Song la the Air." •n in the nayraom.' unit during the beating atason, Mr. Oeorfft K. Myers, a Javorite with the fifth * ignth«rad< li li to nikt Indoor Dug Out fellows will be present this WM than Totaday. At thla Ume Mr*. hours more comfortable (a) by ihor- Sunday. Myera It now astlstsnt scout Hanttr HIUI tndto pcweotBO A inort oufhly Dltering the ah-, (b) mitatain- encutlre it, Middletown, N. Y. - • ,^fc^« m avaa^^^^^aV^^^^ ^w- #•> |ng any desired temperature at uniform pay anrtriaTi, EmiDoay nappy, Members of the class are Joining In Xte Bhennan fifth to tJtjbth grade levd. (c) supplying Decenary humldi- an effort to provide a number of bas- program wa» ghren on TMaday mom- ncation, and (d> prevenUni stagnant kets for needy families, with clothing Ing. TUiwaiac ~ ionofapor- air'and drafts, by controlled ah- motion. particularly for young men, and toys tkp of a mtt rnlmlnaflnn and Chrlrt- In summer months this Installation for tome kiddies who may have been NB CK. g>U» B»a»-^A OotonW ChrittDiar. prtaented add* to the enjoyment ot Indoor activi- overlooked. by Mr*. Leonard* Uth grade. ties by (a) cleansing the air of dust A trip to Radio City Music Hall is at all and Irritating pollens. Ib) accomplished pbunwd (or Christmas week to witness effective coding by adequste drculs- JJ^ special Christmas feature stage m the ftRhtodtbth grade pi Uoo and redrculatlon of air through- tatting. ja aoih buDdlost tht recently organised out the home. j It look* like the- Dug Outs have de- Beat, air circulation and humldinca- tested the Men's Bible Oast in\thelr t«ry were tutat*. They phqwl "A OtoMaaw Carol Melody- and tion (moisture supplyppy) are mideerw'friendlr attendance race which hat meat an Cbrtctm** card*. tartly automatic in operation and eon- lasted for the lait three months. The Mulalgailau* held their uual wtanen will be entertained at a dinner. \ — ftatfartitM and^partie*. 8denee hat proved ' ttut pereoni During the month of January a spe- CRANFORD BRANCH seated In a room where the air U sta- cial speaker wffi address the Dug Out tionary may be exceedhagly uncomfort- every Sanday—oore Information will able but if the tame abr la kept to mo- be given on these next week. UNION COUNTY TRUST COMPANY tion a nn^Tf*"- feeling of comfort will Oisoilf iuvmw Oorsorsdoa Moisture, ever present on tht tart ace of the skin, la evapor- -CHM8TIAN BU1KHUI" win be the g ated by the' ah- currents. the Uesoo-Sermoo In \ \ nohrwl trrtn the.older evaporation that cauteTthe cooling ten- t day, December *T. The Oolden Tert Is: S» that abWeth our Friends and Castomers: \ baportant factor to our comfort at any In the doctrine ot ChrUrbe hath both \ wttfc'feetberm. We know et&f tempsratart.p ^ BvspontUn ce motiture the FatheFt r and the Bon" (HJohnl:*). ' ' As the old year draws to a v-.i bi.one«f natanri ways of keepinki g ut Among the citations which comprise eeel--,'Slagnant,-bueokl air ad* u an the Tiaem nuimti ta the following CIOBO., permit us to take this means . haauatloa.amad the' bod;y and doe. from the Bible :\"L«t this mted be to of expressing to you our thanks and you, which was alto In Chritt'Jesu*- not;aid>tT«icratloi>air; promote* eraporatio. n and it* ooo- (Phmppaus 1:8).- \\ appreciation for.your patronage, co- t coctogeffect. . .;;, • The Letton-aennon also Includes the operation, and helpful suggestions. ..y^ Antonutkc*lhtatu»dslrccocitton- following passagp e from the Christian 8Utca,.the first regular; Selena textbook, "Bdenee and Health ; wtth Keyto the Bcrlptures" by Mary May ire express the hope that • #dub- being lhe_Sk_A!>A l dub of New- York, or- pp j Bk BUr: "AnAnd we solemnly promprom- relationships "between you and. our fahfaithful l and dependablep " perfonnanee. ise to watch, and pray for that Mmd to be In us which was also In Christ day in and orit." Justify Cranford Brand have 'been outaally t*tjM f_ lls countiett tnlhnsl- Jens;; to do unto other* as we would satisfactory and. that we.shall oon- \ i»,»0 old that nobody Torldbert has brought air have them do unto us; and to be rnerd-d „ U aUrteaT; OntU a few condtionlng'OUt of the realm of mys- tinue to-8erv9 you throaghout the\ >1be method* used differed tery and made It practical for .use. In coming years. . ' , " : . 4 I i thote ot th* tndent.Per- the great mats of American'homes, Bent that spare worn through a M- In spite of the (act. that Ue eauatfled ad. Other* do. .tncprinclpal cubtUnce where It belongs. ~ ,:•' "' . »o wish you a verjr, Kerry ien food by most'clvll- tlMIIIHHW \ : unUl comparaUvely re- Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous, .'?• TelopbooiCrUnford 64)508 Hew Year; ^'

they do net hesitate Jo own kind. ,;»•'.; ' • I I* ' *° r


l-v . t

* _.»• it

. -» <* -!#'•-

uastaantstBobert KOOMlt vMf CJeOese.Oasava.il. T, Is bams far the . Sft PttafleM mmtj street tsft today totnend'tb*Christma s im b Mmr Mrs, O, ft, Uoo fa MMdlrtown. X. T by her Mr, Bad Mrs. JohnRasIi of Orange tor, of Orchard street am OfUi.weddki rletsaas with Mrs. MatbsTS Mrs.LsnTNayloraf Mr. and Mrs, *» nesting 1. Stanley of * Sytvestar ia ferdsveimt entertains* tlm table street* student at the Hun Prepara- tory School tn Princeton, is apendtn. the Christmas vaoatiou at Us home. WPA TO SPONSOR Mr. and Mr*. T. BOwavd Shaw snd tanSr ot Manor svenae are spending SriMet Wemple~of~north Onion ave- tut svvnas, has „ . .. JRtanor Christmas tn Boston. Maes. teft for Weston, Mi bevUlJouhlswtfeaBdvttltmt (be hcUday seseon.lMlai imiattL a ' HstsrysVOslllajid'of Mew Mr, and Mr*. ^OevcJand Franke daughter, Mrs. Robert Oorosn Fates. sophomore at the college, ie taktaf th* M. T.-wi «b* beet aawr""" an* family of Manor avenue left today under the^sapervtslonof Ar- 'sstd shot the Oran 1 oourse la secretarial sdtnes. Bbs U aarm.aoatati'wttfhM an -Amateur The bride it a graduate of Barnard ICtirMmu In Boston. Mr , and Mrs. Bans O. Warfldd of manager of arehery.»-- • - Heory.Brandt sad Hampton Ball are entertaining their Night" nest Wednesday at I p. m. at OoUege. Dr. Maroney, starting January far. •topped and at e Cooper of London and New Than will be no admlatton charge' la gray wfth brown sccemorias. Her Birth. JRIcbsttf RUMrton, son of Mr. tnd Babway gtard. wl Mr? and Mrs. OBaBsek sakman of Tork,Mr,andMrs.H.B.Twycordand Dandng until midnight will follow the flowers went talisman roses and valley tod the Orsnford moatrT.T, , Proepeetstmtwtlentertaln.MiB.Ban- Mr. and Mr*. Rmsst F. OreeS of Mah- Mrs. Henry P.,Dumke of 40» Onnge The attendant, Mrs. Charles B. Mr. and Mrs. Ocratd t. Phillip of 43 •vwoue, a Junior U Bates OoUegt, Lew- Mri and Mrs, John H. Low of Bprtng- som SUkman and daughters, NUa and w«h. N. J, Mr. snd Mrs, Stward W. Putts ot westteld, was matron of hon- The lmeup: CJslre. of Weatfldd, snd Mrs, Charles Hartley of n*.ii4j.i «.i^ , and Mrs. Bahnlsn Parkway announce the birth tlston. Ms, «u reoently sppotoled ndd avenue win spend Chrtetmas In r u r DRAWS FINE FOR or fa) sUver-cny lame with red roses, of a son, Oerald Bdward, Jr. on No- Ore. Wettport. Conn, wtth their daaghter, BBkmsn ot Hampton Hall on Christmas W. Fvrry Post and Biny. Post of Mont- Mrs. Cross had wine-color velvet with ; photography teUtor of the Mirror, the Mr*. Howard WUton. ' eltJr. Mas Lannlng of Brooklyn, John - TRAPPING IN PARK vember at. - T _ - Bats* year book, by Arnold Knueth, Sayre, tt. W*ld of ifew York. Mrs. John Ftok and A sonT Donald Leo, was bom last Mr, and Mrs. ManaA. Craig of Oran- IT, of Milton, Ifsm, the edltor-ln-chW. Nordstrom, rt. Kr. snd Mrs. Arthur Rodder OnatHlchls of South Orange snd Mr. Stanley Bubenss, of lM Anchor place. Best man wss Mr. Puus, and there Saturday to Mr, and Mrs. Leo Ryan of ,OraU,c — ford svenue entertained f ord avenue, dtneton of the play, "The was a flower girl, his daughter, Bar- Mr. Fousrton la president of the Ctm- and Mrs, Dooipbsn. . ' , ' , Oarwood, arrested by Patrolman Oeorge 41 Mansion Terrace. , . era Club, and boMs1 the position ol Kkm.lg, . night Ouests were Vinegar Tree-, entertained on Satur- A. Ryan, of the Union County Park bara. who was hi an aquamarine nock, York. sndCranford. day night after the pert ormsnoe for with an old-fashioned nosegay. A son. Brant was bom on November stag, photoiTsjaer-^of the Student. OrJaea/rg „_. members of the cast and all who eon. ATTEND XMAS PARTY PoUce, for trapping Jn park property, II to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blrmgham, Andsrson^e? »- was fined 110 and iisiiiid $t costs by Mrs. Pu(ls sang-O Perfect Love," fol- oMO* BUteest avenue. campus undergraduate newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Wnuam B. Bratdon and Mbuted towards making the play a Several memben, of Onnford Unit Judge Malcolm a Wsraock m Police lowing the ceremony. She was ac- family of Manor avenue left today for to, Amerioan Legion, Auxiliary, at- court Monday night, William Bust, of, companied by Robert L. D. W. Boobs, A daughter, Marlsnna, was bom on tended a Christina* psrty for ward pa- November IT to Mr. and Mrs. Iver .O. Poeltler, f Mr. and Mrs. fTfennady Boston of Bteild road, WMtaeld, also sum- church organist who also played the tients at the MttUngton' Hospital test Stenen of 3M Bornslde ivenuc. . •l|kat tha So«ri o( Prospect street will have as guests lor wedding uMuch. - • • t ftrtarday afternoon. Betty DtTulBo . The couple win live at the Bamtttoa Mr, and Mr*. John Mortimer of S14 e> tt«i IMaatlp J ciu- * -,-- | eWoaV-ATawUeV TOUTlgJf Ot jaftllWltf the ' Christmas holidays bis, cousins, Be ws» wtff-Bubena* when and Shirley Mudrock of Cranford were avenue address after • Southern bin. south Union avenue amvmnce the hbth Rsv whoihad few appendix removed hut Cadet FUmore K. Meamt of West on toe program for live dance numbers. the latter was apprehended by Ryan. of a son, John Charles, on December i ' st MuhkDbrrg Hospital. Plata- Point and 'Robert W. Meamt, Jr. a According to his teeUmony, he did not The bride is a graduate of the Je- At the unit's recent meeting, blanket isics, L. i. High School, and is a A daughter was born on November SO ao*,u__ medical student st'McOUl University, club swards were made to Mrs. Harold own any of the trans. Be said he was Montreal, Canada. walking through the park, and. coming member of the Junior League of the to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauer of M Henry, rf- Mr. and Kn.~Jann CbambtrUn of Buck and Mrs. Carroll K; Sellers. UpostBubanas, accompanied him on his Woman's club of Jamaica. The bride- Craig place. - Brandt, o — -"• 1 Montdatr will be tba toots of berpar- Mrs. Oeorge Wmsptsr ot North roonls. Pred Pataler, 11 HOI street groom Is a graduate ot the University Mr. and Mrs." Henry SehwSlbsch of Werbsek.1. •nto, Mr. and Hn. Bobert 0. MUkr (X not. west entertained two tables of KITI IATDBPAT Newark, summoned by Patrolman An- of Pennsylvania, attended the Harvard SM Walnut avenue anounoe the birth Nymlcs,rg. Oaitno annae for CliiWniai, bridge Monday night High scores were The Alumni 'tftrtntlfin of Oranford ton Koraes for blocking a drtrew Law school and was graduated from of a daughter on November 22. Pollack, e . made by Mrs. Charies H. WooOey snd High Sebool wffl sponsor Tun Ntte" at was fined $» and II cost. Deposits of the New Jersey Law School. Be is in Corey, rf — "]BQM 3"B8Sy »3nisBtafcgg*oit ot Hotly Mrs. Charles M. Bay,' Ouesta were the Cannot Saturday night Pw a !», each, were forfeited by Mary De- the law offlces -of Oarey aad Latog hi -street arrived borne tor the holidays present from Bbabeth, Weetneld, nominal sum one may dance, bowl and fine, lid Broad street, Newark, and Jersey CBy. Mr. Robottom I* an officer last Thursday from Sweet Briar Col- PlainfleU aad Cranford. V**y ping '.pong, Billiards, pool, andMary Daley, 11* Broad-Street, Newark, In the lOSnd Calvary in Westfldd. rVUMlHHBD Urge front room, bouM- ly sarnv Va, where she 1* a student numerous other games. The doors will when they failed to appear In court to keeping or nice for two men. Also Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge-I. Bienfsng ot be opened st J p. m. and the fun will answer charges of pwWIIng linen with small room: 17 Alden st, Cranford. Mr. and Mrs. John W, Bkerratt of oonttoue throughout the, afternoon snd ANNOUNCE KNQAiAKMENT DtM Orange avenue will entertain this eve- out a license. They .were arrested by Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorge Joseph Ray of Manor avenue entertained for Mr. and ning fcr Mr.and Mrs.Stedman Bieph- «v»nm».'TlotetB may be obtained from Patrolman Thomas Woods. Mr*. J. Howard Houston on Saturday ens of Philadelphia., Mr. and Mrs, any member of the association or at 114 Woodland avenue. Summit an- Oeorge C. Moon of New York, Mrs. thejjpor. ,''< , ',^^ 1 ' nounce the engagement ot their daugh- Thomas Stephens. Mrs. M. M,' Fuel- . t AVIATION CLUB MUTS ter, Wllholmlwi. to Biustt Armstrong The Aviation dub of the High school Fay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Howard M. Pari^cj Central avenue linger and Mr.and Mrs. William Foley, AUXILIARY met last Friday morning. A new mem- Mr*. Alberta Lswrence, president of AnnstrongJ«sy, of 311 Prospect ave- • fcsfttoda y for Waterbjary, Cann- where Mr. and MrsTprank .WOllams of ber, Harold aecbel, was welcomed, nue. Cranford. Miss Ray was gradu- )*-'b» wffl Jdn. Mrs. Park, who ts visiting Westfield, formerly ot Cranford. enter- the Lutes' Auxiliary to Oapt Newell bringing the membership to thirty. An ated from Kent Place School and Bar- ...her parents during thfe Christmas eea- tamed on Saturday, night Cranford Rodney Puke Post, SSI, V. P. W., has exseDent talk, was given by Edward nard College, class ot, U». Mr. Fay guests present Included: Mr. snd Mrs. appointed the foUowlng commltteea: Cosmos on model building. Many mem- was graduated la 1*31 'from rwiigti j Eugene D. Towler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph NaUooal home cottage fund. Mrs. LU- bers of the dub an building models University where he U srnttjnber'of [.-whoisasopb- Rockwell. Mr. and Mr*. Sanford K. llsn .Beckendorn; Now Jersey cottage for the meet to be held with the Oar- Delta Uptllon and Alpha Kvppa Pjl i at SUdmore College, Saratoga Thompson and Mr. and Mn. Charles fund, Mrs. Belei} M>«*-hnn; American- wood dub. Frank H. James told of the fraternities. Be Is wtth the Chemical ^Springs, N. Y,'returned home en Fri- MsoOrs^jr. - . \ lsatloo, Mr*. Blse Wlnckler; State flag Junior Blrdmen rally, held recently. Bank and Trust Company to Mew York, day to spend the holiday* with fund, Mrs. Mary Dens; relief, Mrs. Santiago Porodla, m, son ofMr. and BUsabeth Craig; 'entertainment and _- Rvnct <- - rs; - Mrs, Santiago Porodla of. 107 Holly publicity, Mrs. Rote Craig. , *" ' DRAWS JABL TERM"'.' . ' te. and Mrs.' 1 by Tte flnt MaUaul'auk. « Leboo Olbson, colored..of SO North /Rtvantde driva wffl ham as street has returned from Louisiana U» CUT of Otmod, SUIa at Nt» avenue, east arrestedblBergt. Oeorge ting the Christmas season, Mr, and Mrs. State University to spend the ChrUt- r V. F. W. B»OO PARTY " " ' ) llAMllty MBytMd ttVOft '* * " ~ U fnimm atact-lir tl Ifc-Rotendale and Patrolman .William has vacation after a yearti abssnee: !Th» second la a series of bingo par- K Sill, C'S. anted Wlintw, KI neitmsn on a charge of disorderly con- Htt . Phuip, remamed hi Baton UM win be held Saturday, evening at dnot was sentenced Setarday. morning Rouge to play tn the R. O. T. O,band, Veterans' Home, North avenue, west by Judge Malcolm Warnock to ten days at ths Sugar Bowl game;In New' Dr-- nno>r*aisplc«o LUe II niaiksn i « : * \'- Hmmst aVtnuo mtofUlned. Saturday vmk. ".The pubUe has been tavtted. Ti *«etVt*. afternoontahooor of the third birthday tKcand Mrs. aCoTaearlck and farn- 1 annhwsary of then- son.-Charles O. of 44 Bmcrest avenae,«m .leave Bl^^aM^i^^Mir^piyedfourlnf f the afternoon. r A cotor"scheme of blue Send fa HartrardV Onon, a» guests of and sdrer. on;whlte was canted out m NEEDLESS EXPENSE i brother. Waner Rtarick, th*Mih%i V were strvecLto DavuV Donald and Lois ¥S,* l^'byjhri. John LovrjtijpewsflWd avenue Ltoehan and Juh^ Beesoock of WesU |,^t»«sal*i inrf-oriFrio^ nle« stdtener Harold wmit,' MbrmuiBfanmons Dr. and Mrs. OeoneMarts of Fmbv __Hory Communion £ ;|Wr^1^nmds7arejnr^!wtthfoirOf^

tfFif tl» Mtn school av*. «U Bad (Mr ***** rgety. and what UM M-II net. «»traay pnotoM Mn. ttertU «nk » * ' ta* 1* experience they win point BMrgm can b* laid •9 t9 weed and aoooracy. tags of UM borne court. In tset Ltatdsn —Artie Buck, BcriM. To add to th* spsctaek the flashy scored mom Held goals Wlcr das* th* wOt take on UM junior and Odd. The Ing League but week ai new Matoat DRAMA CLUB SCORES - y Matn * of OdmM seniorns trietried wa* ragged, thttr Ooor work awkward, *nd their .boottng-weU. tar from ae team aeon* WITH'VINEGAR TREE' out for ttM varsity bat wer« politely curate. Informed Hut ttMlr serrtcss im not Tbt fifth place nurrtnt hold UM Coach Weekleyis stffl seeklnc to dis- bonon if bath top uaMdoal aeon, and ISBS BMdtd. How UMM outcast* are out cover a mrnbtnaUon that can last UM Two oaoeHant and outatandnc pat* to MBub U» Junlor-varstty. The 0071 at UM lain* Ott* fraatly aided hk fomunce* of Paul Oeborn'i "Vlneaar entire game. Only Klein of tb* start- teanraatei to torn In ft 1M> rawe eeote, •to will flfbi for UM honor of UM Ing line-up played the whole contest TIM" were pruented hut Frtdar and ia elM» at 17 u* Loveiend. Tony. Uvy, Runmano rolled m and Slooun. iM, Stturday night m UM Ouuao tiefoN last Friday . Nordstrom was out for a gane for the OocchM. Your Garden ThUWewii of XlliabeUi Oeneral Hospital. r ftna blood when Olos Oowpntbnll*, Baton, Swart*, mod tune with an Injured shoulder Urge audlmoai by UM Oranford Or*- Dlok Anderson, and Meumer. The summaries; ly A. R abUais, Eiteastea Bervlee, Communication from Drrartment of _»*<» long cnee in rapid Oraii. W. Poettler and Orlme* matle Club, The production w»* ably SOUTH BIOCRS N. J. Celteg* st Agrtnltw* Institution* and Agencies recommend- i*'^,^s*ssi boys kept popping down UM bench for almost a half while Anger directed by Mr. and Mra. Moan Craig. The living Ohristmaa tree Is symbolic ing that M.0OOW be placed ln 1(37 bud- i tbtoagn UM hoop and the Krlckson. Anderson and O. FoelUar 00- : DILLS HOLD LEAD Taking par* In the arrow were Mar- or the ChrUtma* spirit all throurh the get for support of Blind, was, referred •tV ahead 10-S. oupled UM court. to Finance Oonunlttra. IN BOWLING LEAGUE After «U minute* cell* Homer, Vary Jo Fay, Kathleen year, for after Uie brtghtly colored U1I. ym * no Mm «M boy* tow Oonnllr, Harry Folk. Paul Orlipan, *nd Unsel are removed It becomes a Request from Elisabeth Volunteer ttM *•*$*«* ttM Bahway river passed batUlng. Nordstrom Fire Department for appropriation for field goal. Two minute* later the first Oeorga Richard* andBtk Hatlt«n,- ptrt of UM outdoor Isndscapt. "ttlOfdUd«M*t7t OUM. The DUU ait out In front In the The *eenei, dealgned by Leon WUcoi, While the Norway spue* Is most advertising their Centennial Anniver- HanryrBrandt and Wymlei couldn't ba Oranford A, O. BowUoc Uegne with » quarter ended with olten chosen fcr thl* purpose, the per- sary, ws* referred to Finance Commit- S-J. Then for live minutes of the sec- were an outstanding feature of Uie stopped and «t*alf One Rahway led record «f KwnUen Tlctorlea and ten three-act ihow. They were coeutncUd son who has only a wutll plot of tee. defeat*. They an tain* hard-pneMd ond period no leather nipped through Copy of • resolution from Rosette re* UM basket. Finally In UM latter part by Uie itagectew under dlreetlooof J. •round often finds It too Uric. *s once In ttia tntrd MaiMa Oranford held 1U by the Old Tlmert and Strike*, who are Royal -Walah. aiaUted by CMone Hack, It become* eil.bllalied It (rows rapidly questing repair* to culvert on Warren ow d k at many u 11U opponpp - in a: tie (or Mcond pl»e». with firteen of Uie half O. PoelUer swished a long Street and St. Oeorge Avenue, wa* re- own and one, Nordttrom'* left hsnd propelled O, A. Sklllman, Jr, wa* In ohug« «( Into a Uric trw. rot the small prop. ent* did. But thh * didn'i t eloaa the tap •ame* In the win column and twelve llgbtlnc; Owl Uord. aealated by Baall erty then rre dwarf or s'.ow-frowlng ferred to Bridie.. Dmlnajs and Flcod and MM* snd of tfcr Uilrd period (tin a lay-up shot through UM hoop and Control Committee. defemt*. Uie half ended with UM Blue and Oold Bn*rrr*ound edecta, and A. a. Boots- sprue*, or firs, or even nonie or Uie «aw tbo Bod and Black ahead 17-16. The flJth-pUce* Oriole, hold the rec> leading 9-5. ion, Leon Scully and Olydo Bwirti, Juniper*, which can be Juit as attrac- Copy of a resolution from Summit •HM Jooall wlldlT tried to eMeh the ord In theleatue (or both hlih rwne Oounoll of Social Agencies favoring UM The Linden five spurted Jn Uie third gtlpa tively decorated a* the Norway ipruoe. lairtini hot Omnfort iboU ntvmd to •core, with 1JM1. Id Drew oame «1- Mn. H. S. C, Folk ami Ura. Bobcrt The living; must be erection and maintenance of a Union whba ttmotte the iteel boop. Babwai mort httUm a perfect MO In one of the quarter and by virtue of tome snappy County Hospital for chronically 111, was shooting pulled within two point* 8. Dletrioh bad charge of propatUa; liven plenty of water while It la In' fnat «M bal ia tho Utter part of the Cimet, and hold* the tilth Individual Mr*. Fred U. Lowland and her com door*, lor the warm, dry *|mo*phere of referred to Public Welfare Committee. but quarter and finally UM •oora-keep- (ame eeore with a 2H. UM locals. Score 11-11 With f._ Ooirmunloatlon from the Register minutes of UM last period to play UM mlUee, nube-up. Brio Htrtten wai moat home, will dry out the earth very ert «m» •oqnfcd the end of the game. TTQERS bualnea* manager. WUllun BMlan «I quickly. The trees nun be purchased slating Mlaa Ruth Waldman returned Italnmr M-Onnford II. Red and Black courUten forged ahead, to duty, ws* received and filed. Oruajr IM 18-14. W. PoelUer tied It up at 16-16 the High School Bngllah taoulty mt- already tubbed or It la powible lo buy HHh«oor«rfor DM nbjht m Mymka, Christian 153 with two foul shots. For a breathless. *Uted Mr. and MM. orabj lit the criti- them from nurserymen wltht Just at ball Communication from Judge Ulrtch (ton, *on of Mr. *nd •afawar fnard, with 10 point*. Orau Hunt 311 moment Uie game stood at cising of the play. of earth around UM roots, and then requesting Increase In salary for Miss tad UM OWnford eontlnient with 5 Anil* Valdes, Stenographer In hi* Onmkt of 409 Onnge Oorbtn 171 Then Orsu broke UM tension with they may be- set In any tub or pot of Wnteon 1(0 Court, was referred to Fmanee Com- at Bales OoUece, Lev- two-pointer snd O. poeltlert EONB BOABD TO MBXT convenient slse. If the latter .method Untap: swUh cinched UM contest. li chosen make sure UMI the burlap mittee. I recently appointed The Zoning Board of Adjustment will Oranford JO, Linden 17. meet-Mondar at 1:15 p..In, In Uie ti .w*U Ued around UM ball of earth. Oopy of resolution from Union Coun- tor of UM Mirror, the a OLDTOtXnS m m W. PoelUer and Roy Nordstrom di- towmhlp room* to hear the appe*l of Another precaution Is lo set Uw tree ty 'Welfare Board 'on Mr. B. Merchant . by Arnold Kenssttx, flayre, U - 0 lt Donnelly, 'Jr. IU IM in vided UM scoring honors with 6 points tho Suburban Inaulatlng Oomptny for at Intervals, particularly st night. In s Meeker, former President of the Board, (*v toe editor-in-chief. ft. . 1 Buck IM 175- in — modMcaUonofUi* aonlng ordinance.lo cool placed This will keep the tree dor- was received and Died. president of UM Csm- , Onu,o . J IViiiililim ..».». 185 aoi The lineup: permit UM changing and Uie «nuugtng mant for a longer period than would Communication from UM Sheriff 1U slating be has re-appolnled Harry holdsUM position of _ 0 M. Donnelly, 8r. IM IM ORANFORD of annall oBbe.atriicture on the touth be the case If It was kept continuously Ryan - Ul 178 O tide of North avenue, near John atraet. Oopian as temporary Court Attendant, bef'of the Student. . 1 in r In a warm room, As soon a* possible Andenon.« W. PoelUer, f. . 4 The propeTty U In Realdanoe "A" d •Rer the holidays, If the ground I* was referred lo Finance Committee. whttte newspaper. -0 Copy of oath of Office of Philip A. .. 0 TMalt. JM M4 Ml Nordatrom, f. M B trlct. frost n, place the .tree In * ahed where' __ BOMBERS Orau. e. — ; 0 It Is rather coot and keep the ball of D^fll)f' ... a* Coroner, was re- •f MgAWNa .. 1 cwm Q. PoelUtr, f Bwanekamp IM Klein, g. 1 compiling with a gambthuj lyndloat* esrth well wstered until It la possible, »na mea. - 1 Mtclar Orlme*, g. .... 0 When 111* Injured leg defeat* his team to plant It permanently. -While It 1*! , Oommimleatlon from the Road De- , Oorbtn Andenon, g. L_... 0 'AKBAN (SCARS to UM huge gain of UM gamblers, not neceawry to keep th. tree In ln., partmemt «*rWng of the temporary ] I It 11 M J ui 7 M .I? Bakway O. PoelUet, c 0 Cnahlng through breWth-taklng ad- Philip Huston, Broadway (tare ictor; tense aunllght, do not piste It In * dart' iKT""" r Jr™ ' JL ira. o Shier _! 149 AnglnoU, f; 0 venture* In the' Jungle*, Tanan and eaaaya UM leading role, while pretty spot. In Ihls manner It rosy be well. Ws^hm", was referred to Road Com- Sayre, f. 0 hi* mate, u enacted by Johnny Welae June Travi* 1* aeen a* hi* sweetheart until the ground ta lit to nUUee. ' |Maa MfMtT Cnsfort. N. J.. ... 4 Totals. .-...901 «tt KM Ericion, c. 1 nuller and Maureen CSulllnn, bring and daughter of a newspaper columnlat work In Uie aprlng. Mntu iMMlitlno Cw». Henry, rt ™ Certificate of Sinking Fund Require- • •< UM Soulu U Brandt. «'_. STRIKES 0 the RIU Theatre, niaabeth, another who persecute* Uie boy thru the prest. The tree will not be damaged If some ment* for UM year 1937, wa* received td Uta Werotek.]c. Savage [taUi-taklng adventure romance. Oeorge Nichols, Jr.. directed the Pern, (reeling occurs while It Is In the shed, from Bute Auditor Darby and referred (Ma sf Marts Ancum MI Blttk IM, IWWMIIII. Win Nymlea, r» Thla • I* .: Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayert dro B. Berman production, which hu to long ai the temperature does not to Finance Committee. <*• "A" dMrlcL -Tanan Bnape*," picked with thrilli, a «upporUng cast Including Bruce go below aero and the ball of earth Statement. Plan*. Method* and Bstl- la*. s**n iuud all lulrr PoUack, e Wagner, f.... •ttttt to b» pmm «h«> Oorey, rt . telling UM itorjr or a human deceit di- Oabot, Jamea Olea*on,.An*_ 'olckman, ( _....l prevented from coming Into tho U. S. Minute* of the meeting of November ment or Harry Ooplan a* Oourt At- a; PoelUer, c , Nolin, f.. In-the-lnk new»papcr people may ac- from Osechoalorakla, hu flnalljr been tendant wa* adopted. . o ' count for Uie fact that "Libeled Lady," *dmltted. The tJ. 8. Customs hi* lifted 17th, 1934,.*tre approved as per. print- r Wertficld Arneadh, (. ed copies on the members'' desks. The Motion adopted at last meeting Erlcaon, (. 1 which comes Sunday to UM Oranford It* ban and permitted IU entry sutd appointing a .Committee of three - to Theatre, Is an entirely new angle, on thowtng of Uie film ui ttil*, country. Resolution that til bull approved be pp Bahway BrlnkerholT. g. , ...I ordered p»ld wa* adopted. _ _..«_. •collect evidence In regard to a Voca--, BorreU, g : ....1 the profession of Journalism. A comedy, Owing to the f eariessnes* of UM sub- -.0' It deal* with UM Osrgantusn efforts of ject and It* presentation, the'Aim hu OocnmtinictUons favorlns; UM **t*b- tlonsl School was rescinded and a new Klein Bonnell. c hshlng of a Vocstional School -wore re- motion passed nlferrhig same to'Oom- Peterson, g. — metropolitan newspaper to block a had a hectic career throughout Uie. en- law ault. \ tire world. . • 1» ceived from the-followbi( anil referred mlUee of the Whole. Moat (tar-studded production *lnee lo the Oommlttee or UM Wholt: Hill- There being no further baaine** and Don .Totauu. .-.11 I, 30 Ecstasy" so far ha* had a rery avo< fe/i'^ "Grand Hotel" and "Dinner at light," ecssful csner'ln^Americs; braking til side High School Parent -Teacher'* upon motion of Freeholder Bauer, duly ' RusseU IU cast U headed by Jean Karlow, Wil- record* of >Wenrtanw* Aas'n: Hillside- Avenue Bchool Parent seconded and carried the Director de- Teacher's Aas*ni Mn. Ruth Agnew, clared the Board adjourned until ; kutxako, f, liam Powell, Myraa Lor *nd Spencer "Ecstssy" ws* awarded the Intems- Trscy. tlonal prise at UM film conference In Wotford:_B*ybrook Parent Teaeher** Thursday. December Mth, ltM, at two Welling. (. ; J.IC Wlsan,r>. D,S»and Lions P.M. Matceetcf. Wearing a.strong: romance about its Venice and crested no little nclteracnt exdtlni action plot, RKO Radio1* wben shown In Parii. • It wsu equally Club of Oranford. ; \ CHAfl, M. A9VTJDCK. Taller Tv* Acrarata Slahelka, f. adr. ' ', 'Clerk. The" Chlnue tailor 'Is alwayi Roaander, c, "Without Order*", UM co-feature, deal* luccesaf ul In Berlin, but upon arriving Communlcaliona 'favorlxif V.an ln- mathemallcally-eccurate, reproduc- Ltederman, c. with UM problems of transport pUoU In America, the federal government creued appropriation for Mosquito flying over one of the country1* most took exception to It, and Federal Judge ing even the iault* of anything he uf 1 Commission,. were' received from the • WeU Bore* UsrUU \ ~" given to copy, ' . < treacherous air route*. .Robert Arm- John O. Knox ordered Uie print'burped. following and referred U> Oommlttet The drilling of an oil or ga* well ! strong, Sally Bier*; France* Sage, The case was appealed and after see- of the whole: Bbabeth CHfden Club! In 0 straight; line'It very difficult.' Charley Orapewtn and Vlnton Haworth ing UM' picture, Judge Learned Id .., caused D«C*-Bead Batterfly John A. McCarthy; Kartrldr* School; Alter reaching certain depth* many aTweekened blood •re featured In thl. Peter B, Kyne laid: "l\m*y be wrong, but'I s*v noth- Whiter R. Dunh; CaUierlne U. PoUard; well' borea deviate considerably - The dog's-head butterfly ha* an *tory. , ' •' • ...'' .theibraln. 'When almostTexact Ukenea* of a dog on Ing hi any Immoral.In UM pic- TalooU* Bate*; Olive 8. WUlard and from the perpendicular, and sorne^ blood;!* poured ture -Ecstasy". The Mastachutettieam- other members of Maternity Committee time* even run into one another.—, Collier' Wi In no il THE BIOOAME mlMion.of public safety patted the The thrill* of hard-fought college photoplay; after, making a few minor football games combine wHh ttM drama elimination* which do not detract from i described Uiu* by U«: of-* racketeer menace la UM current the value and beauty of this "Symphony Ittrin'jhut Prine*, gridiron saga,-The Big Oame," now at of Emotion*" a* it'bsa been ailed. , ^fofiMediclner, UM Rlalto Theatre, WestfleU. - v>;,'c iunconsdousnessrthe ' The story, deal* with UM.oolleie, e»- Forgotten Someone? !fsb¥a*ou»ed.'The face reer'of an ex-coal miner, hired to pl»y rgo aetory Wsometlme* ..CcysnoUc football on the team, Ha I* accused ist .fiWa.hen-gray'huev p •'£• PRETTY - pupil*.vary, tuuallju.they arc OFEsVOURiHAlSDS! _„ , L CUT FLOWERS dilated sometime* uneque);ond al- TOMORROW, MORlNlNG. ur no *•>». In deep coma Injctlvc; ,- v arlte Swallowi bi Chines* literature 15 * IF YOU -CAN'T CALL — PHONE— There txiati in Chlne*e_»Ueraturi a.-- j jo more) fitting means of signifying funuy lov* and endearments than JT mentioning • the companionship ; J.R.BAUM ANN, Florist trultion4eredlti lo UujmaleJand, M* tT. OIOKOE-AVRrffJE . . '^_^ '+<, female Mallow. 'Some o:f theifolk-' ' TBlimOMItT KAlltrAY T4UV I_. Mngsof okLPeklng *n4 Shantung> I- • .*• uyiWaturr Msgaxlne-fplcturej* I.' f -young .wIfcUminUng. th<|loss|o! COURT PODII IBOB BIBtlDLDBBI A mm fna. "»abMy,- atarUaf Thm. I-v' £*r/miU<'Btr/Mch freshfilght^f 5 BROAD BTBIBT - ng aboul'lhe couiv. day, Dee. IM. a* Braal Theatre, Bh- On C—rt HMM IIIIlMt N *.•¥•:• •-

It Oat to thtpMtl MDMO btekmtedtatkea

M itm oK, a p •* "'"*• * JjL '/ ~!^^^ Tasbnkal Btbaol it i It employed at a* i br the Bkkrtrt tor tht put twe.jwex, be 1 'UK* fe- bardt. pnoadtat tf tht 1 tntatmttttr. IB bekalT tf mXkm, to preetatad with a watch chant tag wBa. B CUQJ-OttfiMii* ™fc Mn. Leo Bag-sate, wkk a< unr of tht dtaner Mn. Fonttneni with a the toagut. paBaaw eovortog lav Rer. Caetw M. ______& C, ef _-. f Anthony*! Church, oSend the —an, aad the tpeaktn wen Wbelu, chairman of the .Ill TI >lia a. eatr,akj|''«lnr>tar tor . »ml emu County ComnXtee and dark af the rtted that a mufilalln wm at tent U0*\. MM!. Court of Chancery; aad fur tf Ik* Bet te other Democratic Mayas af ] County. They wen: Myke J. on . ua, of Linden; T-Make* Laac Jr, at to r-r_ Clark; John M. Barter, or Murray Bbeldan. at »«"*_*•*» ON or Jottph A. BrophT. who ak» wat appmdawialr tt.W.'aeeoTdlDg acbedsitd to tpeak. waa aaaMt to at- jinatil thamnod. tend becaute of Mneta. B waa atv. aaatfb CMt tta aat of tht VaUey Mat Keottag. aouneed. TO Among the antttd cerfMthyOtdtfo wen Mn, Mary ft Mat Matttag that Conndl Ita rekvthit to t I 1c 8ttto OOHttWaWMtHHI JL hi the im bndgoV for the" afThM DaUattor DaaW T Jaauarr l,1ht l of 13th wtddtaf tor«e the gartaai mtn-ekrt VAdter ] adopted ta tm, Police OocotnitaUoi prohtblr be Ut bat a* pra> pltdag of garha Jr, of Oarwood;

Chtrtee Vhhaao, dan. OoodednMB tad'athar BMt atntt WM tht kietMeMakuMj I3U4H • 1 • Mr.WUtlantaidhenei afMr.aad Mn, K. tht •^Botal fluBOr for tbofr ajMk aaamat IMa hpt DenoetaOe Mayon of «ad of the record* they I Barouche cbkf«aecatrft predicted that hie tana bad been a aw* pteatut one had a tatte ef ai aad that ht bad taken plaanre la dlt- tratkm, will return 1 own. by aa even i DR. M. P. BABBnT than be received to 1 tht other wmifclpeBlh* 1 Mta. Bkaard Bart% of to return then-1 rootaaeDI, Mayor Munay etatod, the Borough baa a cap- Tht other ablbe man, and be ICaror-eltet into tht kM af toeeeaafal term tor hit am an datag nJcely mayor offend bk cooperation aad Lothtnm Charon hit tdaada to oat that tht )a» a* M not an ta*y aat and that It ai to of the preetnt OoaneO. ^ AppneMkm far kek« a i cm, who aid that-the •Iwaye wffl •• opoB-aa party held at H Third ever be winiog totdhr k the trtendUMt of apMt aad aoMc* It k hk to gkt—


.'- epb-MoOtaakt _^_ •/•epoBulloeh and John •. > ban of tht da cludtt^John. a _ an npimd Monday. The ~ . AlbeitQm,»fc», _____ and _H.;_m-oe Vreh_ The next ?: «va| aeeUnfirUl be In January. it mo on itoodaV ercnluf the It not yet complete. elUtrtlt ind Mtt aearieVttmiutti' of ' jin.iheT___r-ci^__4;_«_r_n"__p: ond a—nue r dkathter. Rath, aad Mta Una* Qber- rlag'af,Mnr nrk:.Mr.*nd Mn, brl fanes. «e Pretenthija ihe »ord UL. Bctc,%of 'Be*-r-:?M*Wa applied to a bul ding which Cm kne la The CMken •howjr or magnificent It It b~- lible to apeak of a buiUing of poo ,tentoui aiie. meaning abnormally Jar|«; porlenlaua Inmrna Ihe Idea w^r^ol future expcclalioni. .V»mon ill [f •arky; an at ahA kta.-H, T. Hur. av.af.4ll yUm»*& the F![iw_ «v--«h« k laeaM it

I*1. »T Of

ikaatafcr tat state. t» Ow Ml. t; W ^kat-jastft* to Ml; (in tlmililr srkat. TtnplnUi, B^ltteftXtMa, *"*»» *»i *«•» ««eM trai*n school Jtf BbaDorae pland hk anti Mk aooaartutas, pkntt, loot. O B*» la ttn*%tjcfc|«Narf. «•: "*•**» caaodkd or with- at ante OIMU ax the Mfcool children nh ntfak Yhld, W. Hilkr, tat Union ^IMlB, of books oo dktrUwtcd to «U U» dOann of tbt t; to- school. Ltdkt of ttat P.-T. A. Orautord •oythetde. Oranford. «»one OBanford tWtliW, ef mamliiw, W; gift m tht dktrlbutkn. B; total nmacer of psm- -BID" Myers of Newsrk avenea k lit. *«• "hon de coobsf as tht matt at aa tn BBAUTOPOX. eaU room house, ertrr accident in which he had tht third Rn- Morlh Avenue, it ger of hk loft hand taaptttttd. akotrMtr. parquet Boors: porett tad of »et street, who thermostat, (19; grounds, m. Byrnes, M «•* At PaBoe Coart bearing on recently returned horn from the tot. one hot water boUer. «: two gas Arenue. if CMM Seconder wmtam Brmkr fined mat' ho*#lal In tbt Bronx, wit ad" heaters. |l; also girl's two-whe»l W *-i*7i-£u3S5: Mattka of CUaabeth n snd oosU on mlttod to UM Akxlaa Brothen hoepltal ercte. cheap. K Bo. Mb street, Crtn of parUag without UghU ford. OIRU experlenosd, wtohes daya nark Seder of Mth street wat or «art of chUdrtn erenlng*. OaU i a taspanded aentence oo a charge Of DkUnctton s ORanford M*t*W. tf of besot (talk and duorderir. prtees. Newest Ml fashions for Mtat On the night of Decanter U, hear and Matron. Bport, afternoon and OKNBRAL ooueeworurs. wtto ing «m be held on the charges against tttnlnt types. Wrakht's Dress Bhop, enow. Mrs. McOtUI sa««kwiMB< of BottDe Park who iare M Km Street. Westfleld. next to Jarrb1 Dn» Btor*. tf Aftoe*. 91 BBMT atreet. WeatfkM. charged with having broken and en- Phone WaMnele 1-tTOa. H warl»»*avv ban- tered the premises of Walter Venteri ed at ththe ehand* eT tfat Cnaford Brushes, PUller brushes for BOOMS 'Ak* hk tbank* to Attorney boots cleaning and personal brushsn PUM8ANT from room; sultsbU for TJhkB «to-handkd U» kgal tad o( _ af Uxlord for Xwat gltla. Call U A. McKM, two people. Convenient to trains, '.ill TI >im k. UMoMwatmteosttotht "Al OnutiMi pUytnd truly good Am. ORanford «-«»l-M, " tf Traditionally, the founding of Or fotOirutmu mmn but once tytar" 111 Mlln Street, Oranford, N. J, lord unlvcTut? w» by Alfred the to tht anhtok. Great, about ITI. but the luthentic TOP ' BoO deltrered anywhere. , LAROK front room, oomforUMy for* U' Mayor ttobath. M Orora street. .between Henrjr II. and Thomas a set the quality and quantity. A. at Telephone orunford I-07MVJ. m.wj on IN^iimw »W» (bt WPA sac Mtinlg. oorner But Broad street to 1Mb Aabagr ntanlloc'lb* bed Becket. about ll«. .when the king forbade English clcrka to study at and Woodland annue. Wettfleld. Paria. and they returning, boomed R. J, Telephone WBrtfleld 1-MH. U)8T—Young striped eat. Collar with to meet on Dt- the school jit Oxford. The earliest bells, Rewsrd. Return to Kuril document giving the school of Ox- IS—Warn n*n IM Market. ford the title, of university was in •MOW Buna, BU SulU. AU 1OBA Ki MMXAKCS 1201. maout Bkhop-Tsnnr line. Call YOUNO Irish setter, reddish brown, or Mrs. P. Schumann, can Mrs. Charlet silky hair. Brown leather collsr, no ^Lfi CM? ecMd by Cfckf «f Fotko O«««e Oreystone, OBanford license. Reward. Telephone ORan* ( kjae tltenwoa >r »u a., lln iritih* lo «te WUR far l^eeal Olar la Btarji ' lord 6-OTIO. * **t »i_l*« Tnrutlp rf CM. Local color In a story denote? imitaw fau kt*B pketd In the street* liOST—Bank Book No. HIM of UN tar ttw the inclusion of detaila conccmini TWO IN tTAOB AMD MHaH BaWIT WOOD FOB BAUE a place and its people which dis- BBAOONBD Undllng wood, fireplace Cranford Trust Company. Oranford, tinguish it from any other place and JetlMeCNtA V. J. The finder Is requested U> re- tor«* UM BKkM* itaovtl ordbMnee. wood, and wood by the cord. Lemuel give the story the stamp of au Ivans, oorner nigh Street and South turn It to the bank. If not mtloiid mdopttd In tin," which ctUt lor tht thenticjly before the Mrd d«y of Jsnusry, IMT, us IM • Avenue. Phone CRanford «-lt*s-J. ptadaf of •utai* In UiJuly-tMtened I M—IrttMt inoe> M In H U sppllcsUon will be made to lbs bank; Me SHTS «r l«a u> >b>Mm Vaurl UMr attat OOOWMU at the front of the f^AJesaei umct alaag tti, WM(. ' Miner! atdfrage Cradle for a new book. 1-H ijw Nortli II udltjlnc up of ptpen la IM t l«btl Missouri claims the honor o( the txrasas. Moma tBtxsoia UMT-Bank Book, No. l|4lt of tha Brat woman suffrage association, Old Easllsk DaJMt , S3U4II IM ,j founded afar «. 1CS7. to have for its ROBBINS a AUJBOM, toc^Mottng, Oranford Trust Company, Oranford. Sir Roger d* Coveriey is an old N. J. The finder k requested to re- IMl ttXnatxr II. fn. * sole object the political emancipa English aance from which. Addison Btbragt. Packing. Shipping. Carting •wt am k Lt«T« tion of women: other orgsnlialions trunks, baggage, freight, etc. Agents turn It to the bank. If not restored 1MB i. S1OBT, Hunt took the name for his' Sir Roger in before the Mth day; of Deosmbrr, ThtbtrtUnd of g» to leave ones 1' «rw» other reforms the "Spectator." Anted Van lines, Inc. Wt have IVn 1111! GhUdren la an inheritance of moral served Oraaterd and vMatt* far « IBM. sppllestlon wlU-be made to the ideal* nlgbtr and batter than one's rears. Ill South Ate, «. Phi bank for s new book. - U-M CRanf ord MM M . BABBITT M n BBAOTT PABLOB AWo»uiRebcb —"GHoolha Front Page" MOVMO, TBCCKJNO aad ITOBAOI OMaat Trade, Daiaa The Kite Beauty Salon, • South Av Mw ,T>pugitphlcal union, organ- IP nwrlni to distant points such as enue. But. Steam Permanent War- cur BBOAD mn - Boston, Chicago, Washington, ete, Ing. All bnnches of beauty culture. - iad toUBO. ii the oldest national get our new UrUt rates. Wt hold In X. J. tnow miicil is Ajnarica. BANNED UNTIL NOW BY Phone ORanford 8-MOt-for appoint tentaU Oommene Commission per- If FEDERAL AUTHORITIES! rait to operate In thlrty-lwo states. Berrlce with nspOnslbUlty. SI Bros, Inc, Plalnfkld. tf HOUSIWIIUNO, fixtures, general re» ' pairing, waihlng machlnet, vscuum XMAS DAY andSATURDAY- 2 BIG FEATURES rUMBOfO'-MUTDtO cleaner* snd appliances motor repairs PLUUBWa. btaUng, tinning. Quality and ' armature—winding. Daniel 3. jUST A ff«Hf work at ressonsble price*. Brilmstee Reyburn; a Bumslde Avenue. Phone OUT WKO tarnished. Michael Oollnerl. IM B. CRanford e-lSW-n. f WAS SOFt South Avenue. Ttlephone ORanford tf PIUVATB initruetlon In volet for be- sjraOLSTBBT—DBOOBATTMO ginners snd advanced pupil*, by ex- VICTOtl UPUOUSmum, oecorswr, curtsins, perienced teacher. Mrs. J. J. Turtk. slip covers, shades, cabinet work and 211 Ctntrsl Avenue. Telephone ateTall furniture repair. Fred Kant- CRanford t-OMl-J. • . tt ner k Son, formerly with W, Baunv OH AIM CANBD - gmrten.41 South Union Avenue. Tele- CHAIRS recaned. v Moderate phone ORanford e-OtW. Mrs. Mtytrs. 10 drove Stnet, Ono- ford. TeU0R.(4llt-M. TBOPIOAIi PISB PLA.TT8—UmU Vlttata—Olnrdlrius AND DCCOBATINO Mttallcut-Myttery Bnalis Tspsneee J06XPR WARSINSKI — QUsltty worm .anttk ICe each. Slkorrt Aquaria, at a reasonable price. Telephone Ul No. Dnion Avenue, Oranford, If. J. dUnford I-Mea-W or ORanford


ektd, lou0M crammed rovell iM.C-M't SUM prlw Mil • • ,"

|tt|-|i?v^ la Tha CWsen and

•blttiun ef Johnny VdtsinulWr;1MaCrcitiO>illwn,.WUuar(i1 • • -John Buckler In'TwiwEtaipc*1;'- • ' ' AT Bin THIATML JCLUEABSTB

'j^All£ _-- •--**--.-

entaton of man werka, -* this pwpoM «SI to vfc Christmas Day wlO to ushered ia by Calvary Lutheran Church with a eaa- dkmght nrvtot at « a. n. Three fav- orite hyama, -tt cane Open the MM- nignt dear," "Silent Might. Holy Night," and-Joy to UM'World, UM Lord Has Come," have been arranged at an Mas—Jt a^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^M a» ^a^^^» anthem and will to sung by the choir under dtrecUon of B. J. Marion, ebotr- macter and organist. Hymns to to aa«g wUl include •'Come Hither, Te Faithful." -WhOa Shepherd. Watched Thau- Flocks." and -Htrkl UM Herald Angela Stag." "Opening the Door to Christ" wm to the sermon subject of SIuKMIS UM Rev. William P. Behrens. Jr., the pastor, at UM aervte*. troop selected the color imaslmMau of TO GO CAROLING '-fcl then- nontawhoif. maroon ahfet with a at the teat . Craaterd Metheent Chareh the amoumi Memben of UM •pworth League of gray at and gray panto with maroon T2tMvemtarraitjrrMas to iactase sabjeets the Cnnford Methodist Church, of strips. Oames wm start In January in reseat yean as a farm af ' an of these****. which Robert Harrii U president, will one of UM south side school gyms. •Mat far Bight soeUl gBt^Hg% atng Christmarism s carols tonight, from 10 Robert Sterrett was deotod captain of sow kaTs a riTal la tie Tlcotre >t UM team. -Uaat" • Ibstopaph aa. ardUary Mm a arfl. to U o'clock. llaajly- Ohnataated Mreet or sky Tomorrow morning at « a. m, UM DwiiW UM week first dan torts wen Instead of toiag out to lad oeo- the action of the cealed "trauvret" or qutar otjsote aCfaaevbyajaUacatiateeipeeare. annual Christmas candlelight service pasted bjr Allison Oonley, thrift and Atatavnek * aktara as a theater »»aa»d and that will te held In UM church. Special cooking; Olenn Don, 14-mile hfln and hitaeal«hwayaan«bywaya,ttMpar- Udpaau go out with their emerai eaitvaaae saay to saapped wtthoat Msald. Then have heaaa* music will to ottered. A breakfast will oath and law; Robert Pope, mapping BUAbalbs.Hafartleuaaa'stser. to the force since the be served following UM service by Mrs. and 14-mile hike. tad briag sack alght vhotosjripkj. Tse'aegaU^e. are developed and •aaatUv* «ba an astd. Oseelly as and during that B. W. P. Randolph's dan. Present standm* of UM patrol con- Bait la pteesdoaUw number of ex. two deaths, three printed while the cout*eteaU~are at •oearea far May subject DMer saeh "ow for the home "Here Comes Banta" was UM title of test: Panther MR, Beaver m, Bat sapper, Janrhig. or otherwiie ata» efam and one a playlet presented last night at the not. Lion 11M,. The present contort rtlee, tke leU af Uw hunt is wide 9* year daUvend. las UusuetTes. Prises ar» awardel optntoaUtnM«ofe«iilpBMaL - beginner-prlmarjr entertainment In UMwill dose January 1 and a new content to las taken of Uie moat saeeeutnl ehurch,,, Arv POUCE HONOR MethodUt Hospital In Brooklyn. 1M7. . • provai a teat of pleUre4akug skfil Taking part In the ChrliUnas'pag- Is thU exdUagl Baeh partidpaai aid jadgmea.t, tot tt often mtensU Improvements enacted! hi Drum and bus> corps practice wm to - Is given a eotudderabla list of sab- lag adveatan, and sack one's ae- eant Sunday evening, presented under held January a. direction of the Muse* Anna Tbeln ieclf from which' he or aha may ootmt.of how his pletares were ob- and Beatrice Warner and Frank John- After UM troop busmen meeting UM make a choke of one or ttote—raca tslaat proves a Wg part of UM eve- son, were the following: Janet Ounder- scout* enjoyed a Christmas party. Mo- ,aa "Street Scene," -Waterfront •dap/ifim. n on Hew Tear-* Day. was heat aariy tan •en, ttther Bareness, Victor Oaul, Jack tion pictures were furnished by UM Bceae," Mlgat Club,- "Tkettor aV TrlH raeeaUy la Mew York by a year because UM new Irving, .Tom Dlneen, LeRoI Laurion, troop committee In charge of Dr. * A. trance * -TraBo Polictmia." "Howl sroapvof "agelaUtes," the picture- effort the first of the year, sen * waa A Herbert < sjursen. Oeorge Andersen. Dunfee. Bandwicbet, Christmas cook- CbeP and the like. , i- haat Idea has apread and is balag felt that tt could: to held Lta- Jean Jacob), Robert Harris, Paul Ban- ies, candy and cocoa wen enjoyed un- AU the "hunters" start out to- adapted also to daytime piston out as much aynewenp. Stepp. neu. Carl Bopp. Harlon Drew. Jr., Bob der UM direction of UM Mother*' Club. •ether as4 must rettm with their hiatiag. The daytime boat appeals and without ~ the dub "Merry Chrutma« Laurion, Harold Shire, Miriam Onff Mr*. Catta, unable to attend due to trophin wiUda a aivaa tin*,- J&. eepedatly-to dab, chureh aad other UM department BUI Donald, Anna Robhtos, Bubbles alcanna In the family, helped to dren raageasnto are made with a pooto aocmt onaaHaUona, it winds up to Rack ML Sherlock. to One and All Slmmona, Milton Harris and Paul Sjur- up UM party with UM Christmas spirit .BBJaber to recelre the negaUvei, do UM erenlng as the mala featun of the aaaettoc. a omlck Job and deUver tae inUhet • dinner or sapper meeting at which rroni sen. Memben of deasn taught by by' f uralahlng a Christmas tree fully the picture* are displayed aad Pollination by ineecta ia antw Miss Oaul. Mrs. Wooding, Mua Free- decorated and equipped with lights. priato at the aeadquarten of the method, tboush by tar Oat heat before mMalght. The ptctnes ladaed. Subject* pertaining to the man and Mua Thein, tang in the an- The'troop win not hold meetings dur- acUvUle* of the organisation an Important in the case of food | J.H.McMAHON |el choir, are then viewed and Judged tor Many -are pollinated by the ing UM next two weeks due to Christ- prtoes by a committee of noa-parUct- autgaed and tie pictures, ia addi- of the polk* de- mas and Hew Year** failing on Friday. tion to Uielr pictorial Interest, some water plants by the ** «te department St. MUUMTS Chateh waten. and some by hfrda and v Treasli Wails some of the snhjieti as- prove of eoaatdarable historical A midnight man will to held tonight valns (a the organisation. Some, plants are seU-poffii At UM troop meeting, Friday night signed may can for flaah bnlbi, an- quiring no outside e«ency. In St. Michael's Church, preceded "by a UM opening tanlsotme ia charge per-eeasltive aim sat •aateitat program of Christmas carols starting of Junior Aadstant Scoutmaster Jack at 11:48 p. m. A violin solo, "SUent Pannce. Night," will to offered by WUllam Christmas carols wen snag with COUNTY RATABLES SEEK TO CONTINUE D'Arcy, and UM cards will to sung by (OUd fromf mv oaf; a group of twenty altar boys. The pro- Booutmaster Barton Drew leading and ' rCbtM / gram of carols will Include, "Hark UM Committeeman L. D. Faunce at UM000 loss m vataaUons, when, tax bookt omipriai a list of small Items. Herald Angels sing," "O Come All Ye for an the ••""'r'inillflts an in. A cctanumloatton from, Anthony O. The tax board's chart of reductions, Faithful." "Sttent Night," "O Little • Sant*wi*«aw Clavae»%aan i gajftelvBVlived. antiti Ip•} K*.a mIH,M 'whic mTQJGhD HanriclveMretary^f thajtonteg Board Town of Bethlehem," "Sing, Oh Ye was UM start of a surprise party given by munldpaUUea, follows: Ctork Heavens," and "The First Hod." WU- by UM Mothers' Club, wtth Mrs. Oastan tkmt of the board relative to UM grant- llam Downey will take UM ado pert In Crosby In charge, CUfta were distributed Cranford - - , , tor of permtodon to- Wmttnd S, Can- Yon Can Have UM Utter number. - - from Santa's pack, earning much mer- ,itm*n rttht, of J4 SprmgneU avenue, and the mlment. The entire troop officers and Psnwood estate of Bbabnh Craft, to convert The man will to the Man' of UM Oarwood one-family faonoarac UT Alden street Blessed Virgin, sung by glria of the up- lee cream and cake wen served by and at Walnut avenne into two-family per grade* of UM parochial school, as- UM mothers, followed by games. KenU dwettiugs. The leoommendattons wen . slated by several high school student*. Oaston Crosby was Santa Glaus. Linden INSIDE The choir part will Indude the MTI The party was etossjjKwtth the scout- Mountainside In -Unison, an Offertory In-two pert*, masters' benediction and tape by bug- New Pioildeuce Buiuugh Wesley A. Stangar, Jr. c* 400 casino and Adnto Fldeks. The first stansa New Providence Twp. avenue. Nonsatod'm a ""^•r'futinn. . wm to sung by UM altar boys, with lers Roy Knodson and Henry Barton. ' - TreeaM PlalnfleM .__ that tour holes m the street, Just oft William D-Aroy, jr., taking the solo the macadam pavement in front of hi* The annual ntirw^.. party of Troop Rh - Roaelle resldenee, to filled to, and Mat Bale -.:•—"-«"» •» «W the-altar W was held si UM Oaatoo last Monday Baal, ofJOl Dermody street, requested Following UMNnan, PieW Yonl evening. Then was lot per cent at- RonUe Park "WtMn Blonoms Flowered," will be of tt»* ctaden te spread on that street, lend by. the entire choir. tondanc* of mmmtrtBsmen and officers Scotch Plains which • to poorcondltion and Is with- as YOU Like It! end a very high percentage of troop Bpringneld out sidewalks. ^Road^tiammtasW On Christmas Day then wm to members, After a brief reguler meet- jnassn-at 7. s, I:M and 1030, followed Prank. McCuOough advtosdiaVhaa taken tog, a variety of games wen pawed, Onion - aottoo on both matters. . .-••> by benediction. The children* man at elder and dougtamt* served, and every- WestneU MO Will also to a high man song one received a lift from the grab bag. Letter* tnm'a^K. aUMrldge,\Hog*r Oria of the school. PncWutemL. a^Braok, F.H, Hoick and A.loni,:nsl- there will to carols by children of UM •aamitf •pnoo^aiHst,naaested that *l~m+*;mi*m school. , „ ' -. "_•• - ._ EXTEND DEADLINE rapamt to mad*> that street north of Then will to confession at »M , : (OmOmiid /Mas >ase Om) mm^mm •••• SaT.BJUHH ' • wen referred to o'clock this afternoon for children, The Her. O. a Hopper otMBwatt, • There ni no entry, fee. I*tmer prealdent of' the Cranfard Uona ^^om «;to 6. and trom-TUO to t:M a. No residence may bremend to ^n*Bmwa :n;tha«o<»Bwtee; at ithe ojetoek uua afternoon and evening, re. bott section*.. - \ r. ,. . j>ok3aa % ccna»mita^on:tromaoger • speeUvely, for adult*. -**- '^^ fe* > '».' The millghted doorway deeora- tions may todude both door and frame, but no other part of the'hones. •" atda llghttns; alone. Decorated Onilst- maa tms inside of house wmjnot.to eonslderail.'nart of .deesnUon.^ '-'k COSTS LESS TO • CUU^,UB«»; nv,tnaay.,ior —-t~r-;:-.rTT*.T"- "•*» ' •'••ui FJt- Jgg on Monday. Decemtor.a. The Ughted section mostito'.nghtoit from «—_—.—»—— -wwHaraBBna WUllamB JJan,;niyeata' qkLSof^joa ASK WHAT IT WU. COST fMOoritaeet. BrooWrn, wbo nu, .way from hcme.;at «:»;o'elo*iT mumpKumm onn A- -. r*~, J ^^o^J^akar>ofJ^akar>of11tJnlorTwatJnlorT'wa.. awarawarded d £&-%•<: UMLtwa*ure,'ehe*t.Tuesdaa*ur'htTd y nighiht tt J tae»ttaf^Cn^ortfPe«taj;*Ame TORIDHEET OIL HEAT I v. •'

OOWWnONIWC FUKNACI8 ' -\ potto an^enroUment for im of more to tatcmbtn otthe Urn than H per cent of the present poet ^^ 0-0077 OR WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS MBgSM mamtofi. FoUowmt- UM buamen meeUng, < conducted by Commander C«joU.K.'BtIleri, a social hour was waito, cbalnaan|6f|i "««•: R TSBi Corporation .-"•' AIRiCoilbmONING