Grace, Mercy, Love and Peace continue to be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. This is full of major activities and alignments in the heavens.

We are sending this full and solstice letter out now so as to equip you for the peak activity of June – the solstice. We want to put you on alert concerning the main issues to tackle in prayer as you man the of the Lamb of God this . Summer/ Solstice

Saturnalia –

In ancient , and are celebrated hand in hand by pagans (witches, wizards, all manners of sorcerers, and so forth). Celebration of the winter solstice (December 20/21/22), the longest and darkest of the , usually begins with the Saturnalia. From December 17-21, pagans honoured Saturn, god of agricultural fertility with feasting.

During this , masters feasted with slaves. A slave is usually appointed as a mock king of the household.

Throughout Saturnalia, the mock king rules and all slaves are given the freedom to do and say what they liked. After that, slaves go back to being slaves until the following year. During the time of slavery in America, Saturnalia was a major event and is still celebrated today in New Orleans. It is significant to note that the final abolition of slavery act in the U.S. was passed during the 1865 celebration of Saturnalia, a time for mocking slaves. A time in which slaves can pretend they are free. We are no longer slaves pretending to be kings.

Read the song of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, and bring strong praise and worship to YHVH and Y’shua (Jesus) our Deliverer and Restorer. Please pray and ask the LORD to set you free from any remnant of Saturnalia in your life, family, business, job, nation, continent, the Body, and so forth.

Winter Solstice – Northern Hemisphere

Winter solstice is the longest and darkest night of the year. On this shortest of the year, the is at its lowest and weakest, a pivot point from which the light will grow stronger and brighter. This is a turning point of the year.

At a point, the sun looks like it is about to die, all of a sudden, it arises again leading us to the spring season. The Romans called it Dies Natalis Invicti Solis, the Birthday of the

1 Please note … this moon prayer has been edited and revised from the monthly emails sent out by Steve Olumuyiwa [[email protected]]. We thank him for his emails and contribuon … and his heart to keep on the walls! 1 Unconquered Sun. For witches, it is the time of the celebration of the first lesser sabbat in their new year (which started on October 31, the season).

This lesser sabbat is called . Unfortunately, it is from this word YULE that modern day Christianity coined the word YULETIDE. It is common to find Christmas cards bearing captions YULETIDE greetings. So-called Christmas speeches by heads of governments are also labelled YULETIDE messages, and so forth. YULE means “yoke of the year” or “wheel”. Although the “rebirth” of the sun is celebrated, the winter solstice season is still considered a time of deep darkness. Being the darkest time of the year, it is also a time when supernatural forces were thought to roam free, and the spirits of the dead would return to their families. In short, from Halloween to Yule, witches engage in deep necromancy sorcery.

Fire always has been the key element in celebrations of the winter solstice. Heath fires, , burning candles and lanterns and electricity are used to symbolize the power of the sun. During winter solstice, the Yule log, an evergreen tree such as pine, fig, oak, or mistletoe is lit for twelve for “good luck”.

Then, the ash of the log is kept in the house or sprinkled around for protection, healing, fruitfulness, and for an ever-green life in the coming year. In recent times, the pine tree is the most favoured of these evergreen trees because its cone (the pine cone) is used for other diabolic purposes such as mind control.

The pine cone has the same shape as our the human pineal gland, a pea-sized gland in the center of the brain, which is referred to as the “third eye” in occultic . Pine cones are used to work sorceries that tap into the pineal gland. When the enemy gains control of the pineal gland, a victim becomes a blinded robot (zombie) that can be manipulated at any time.

Summer Solstice – Southern Hemisphere

Our position is that as the Body of Y’shua Messiah [Jesus Christ], we stand stronger and in more superior position to the already defeated forces of satan (Hebrews 2:13-14).

At the solstices (winter or summer) the sun's apparent position on the celestial reaches its greatest distance above or below the celestial . For several days before and after each solstice the sun appears to stand still in the sky – its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day.

There are at least three notable properties associated with the summer season in Scripture.

• It is harvest time. Summer time is a time to pluck and gather fruit (2 Samuel 16:1-2; Jeremiah 40:10,12). • It is a time of Battles. Spring through summer is when kings fought battles in the olden days. For example, we read in 2 Samuel 23:13 that, in the summer, three mighty men broke through the rank and file of the Philistines to get to the well of Bethlehem to get water for King David to drink. When the men brought the water, King David honoured the King of Glory by pouring it out as an offering (verse sixteen). 2 o Please note also that it was also this season that King David delayed in going to battle and got trapped in adultery with Bathsheba with seriously damaging consequences.

Our own battles are spiritual in GOD’s Kingdom. So we must intensify watching, praying and spiritual warfare in this summer season more than ever before. Don't get careless in this season of battle lest you get snared of the enemy! Satanists use this time to perform to invoke the beheading/death of fire-brand Christians who are troubling the kingdom of satan. This is supposed to mimic what Herod did in Biblical times (Mark 6:14-29). Please be in fervent prayer to subdue this spiritual wickedness.



It is important to remind us that the house of Ishmael started the annual 30 days fasting at the exact commencement of the 6th Lunar month. We do need to continue to counter this massive in the heavens especially as we approach the and the . Remember that the peak of this fasting season is the night of power, which is July 2nd this year. In this season of the troubling of the nations with so many Ishmaelite scourges we need more than ever before to remember the Word of our God concerning Ishmael:

Genesis 16:11-12 “And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man and every man's hand against him; …”

We have come to the of the wildness of Ishmael where his terror hand is against everyman and where he has become the trouble of the nations. We need to pray for the half of this profound scripture. It is also time for every man’s hand to come against him.

We need to ask that the Lord indeed open the eyes of America, the affluent nations of West as well as the UN who have also come to share of this virulent hand of Ishmael in domestic terrorism so that they will unite the hand of everyman against the Ishmaelite tyranny and harassment of these seasons

We need to pray for divine succour and help for the nations of Nigeria and Kenya in particular as the churches face daily violence especially in the Northern parts of the nation of Nigeria, which has become according to statistics, the place where it is the most risky in the world to be a Christian. As you wrestle in prayer and intercession, please pray for the intervention of our Almighty God in the Nigeria, Kenya and Israel that are ravaged by Ishmaelite insurgency. Scriptures command us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122).

Full Moon

The fullness of the 6th moon of 2016 has commenced. It will occur at 11:02hrs UT on June 20. 3 This month is a month of wrestling for inheritances and rewards. This month is also the month of Pentecost; the month of harvest; the month of jubilee. Remember as we wrestle in the spirit that we have great authority in Y’shua (Jesus), our Savior: whatever we bind on is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matthew 16:19).

It is therefore important to ensure that we determine the nature and content of what this strategic month says into our lives, the Church and our nations.

In the fullness of the moon, we must first give immense praise and glory to our God and Father (Psalm 81), thanking Him for the gift of salvation through Y’shua (Jesus), who is the fullness of all things (Colossians 1:19).

Then, we need to bind the demonic forces of the gates of hell and loose powerful angels from heaven. We also must ask the LORD to release special angels of help and revelation to catapult us into the inheritances and rewards that are ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.

This full moon happens to coincide with the season of Summer Solstice. Summer solstice will happen in the northern hemisphere on 20th June at 22:34hrs UT.

We must reiterate again here that our newsletters are not meant to magnify satan and his demonic forces. Our position is that as the Church of Y’shua (Jesus) Messiah, we stand stronger and in more superior position to the already defeated forces of satan (Hebrews 2:13-14).

Our aim with these letters is to help you understand why you need to live holy and know how to watch unto prayer. We fully commend you to the grace of our victorious Lord Jesus as you read through the information below.

What is Solstice?

Solstice comes from the phrase “sun stands still.” At the solstices (winter or summer) the sun's apparent position on the reaches its greatest distance above or below the . At the time of summer solstice, about June 20-22 every year, the sun is directly overhead at noon at the Tropic of .

In the Northern Hemisphere the longest day and shortest night of the year occur on this , marking the beginning of summer. Conversely in the southern hemisphere, they experience the winter solstice on this day – the longest night and the shortest day of the year, which is their beginning of winter.

For several days before and after each solstice the sun appears to stand still in the sky, i.e., its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day.

Summer Solstice is a major celestial event. Since the Sun rules the day (Genesis 1:16, Psalm 136:8, etc.), we must possess the gate of the season from sunrise. Sunrise usually occurs anytime from 5:00am.

4 Summer season in scripture

There are at least three notable properties associated with the summer season in scripture.

1. First, it is Harvest time: Summer time is a time to pluck and gather fruit (2 Samuel 16:1,2; Jeremiah 40:10,12).

2. Second, it is a time of Battles: Spring through summer is when kings fought battles in the olden days. For example, we read in 2 Samuel 23: 13ff that, in the summer, three mighty men broke through the rank and file of the Philistines to get to the well of Bethlehem to get water for King David to drink.

When the men brought the water, King David honoured the King of glory by pouring it out as an offering (vs. 16): Please note also that it was also this season that King David delayed in going to battle and got trapped in adultery with Bathsheba with seriously damaging consequences. (II Samuel 11)

Our own battles are spiritual in God’s Kingdom. So we must intensify watching, praying and spiritual warfare in this summer season more than ever before. Dear saint of God please don't get careless in this season of battle lest you get snared of the enemy.

In Orthodox Church circles the Church also celebrates the summer solstice time as St. Day. Unfortunately, this is frequently without any incorporation of “call to repentance,” which is the theme of John the Baptist’s ministry.

As the church celebrates St John’s day, satanists, on the other hand, use this time to perform rituals to invoke the beheading/death of fire-brand Christians who are troubling the kingdom of satan. This is supposed to mimic what Herod did in Biblical times (Mark 6:14-29). Please be in fervent prayer to subdue this spiritual wickedness. This year, events pertaining to St. John the Baptist will run from June 20-24.

Summer season in satan’s kingdom

Throughout the ages, the army of satan has faithfully worshiped their master and dedicated the times and the seasons to him. For example, in witchcraft circles, the sabbat Litha is celebrated. Celts & Slavs celebrated the summer solstice with dancing & bonfires to help increase the sun's energy, the Chinese marked the day by honoring Li, the Chinese of Light.

The celebrated it as the wedding of Heaven and Earth, resulting in the enduring modern custom of a "lucky" wedding in June.

Today, the day is still celebrated around the world in - most notably in at and Avebury, where thousands gather yearly from the nations of the world. You will see this on CNN and other global TV news that day.

Themes: The crucial themes of these demonic gatherings are

1. Possessing the gate of the season: The army of satan stays up all night to welcome the and the sunrise on the summer solstice. 5 2. Expunging negative energies from their camp. 3. Healing of wounds from spiritual battles. 4. Renewal of strength with blood. 5. Proclaiming a harvest of souls for satan.

All these demonic desires are given maximum force from the full moon to the end of this lunar cycle on July 4th.

How do we pray in this month of our jubilee harvest?

Please organize all night prayer meetings to possess the gates of the times highlighted above. Pray also during the set times for the events. Remember, scripturally speaking, the summer is a time for harvest, battles and watching and praying!

Psalm 24, Isaiah 26:3: Possess the gate of new moon/superior conjunction of Venus, the solstice/full moon/, silver gate, golden gate and all transactions that shall occur in this season. Redeem all with the Blood of Jesus (Colossians 1:20). Let us uproot every corrupt seed of the devil from gates (Jeremiah 1:10).

-Declare the Lordship of Y’shua (Jesus), our Messiah, over all things (yourself, family, business/job, community, Church, America, Africa, Israel, the nations, principalities, powers, witchcraft spirits, water spirits, mountains, hills, winds, sun, moon, , , , strongmen, satanic watchmen, etc.) a. Give thanks/praise to the Lord of all seasons for the transition from spring to summer. Enter His gates with thanksgiving: Psalm 8, 19, 100, 136,148, etc. Rejoice in the LORD for His faithfulness and loving-kindness! b. Psalm 24, Isaiah 26:3: Possess the gate of the summer, the solstice and all transactions that shall occur in this season. Redeem all with the blood of Jesus (Colossians 1:20).

Let us uproot every corrupt seed of the devil from gates of time and season (Jeremiah 1:10). c. Declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all things (yourself, family, business/job, community, Church, Africa, principalities, powers, witchcraft spirits, water spirits, mountains, hills, winds, sun, moon, stars, planets, constellations, strongmen, satanic watchmen, etc.) d. Bring repentance of personal sins, especially rebellion/disobedience, which is like the sin of witchcraft. (Psalm 15, Psalm 19:12-14, etc.)

Bring repentance for family sins (Ephesians 5:21-25, 6:1-9, etc.), also repent on behalf of the Body of Messiah. Repent especially for our sleeping and slumbering, which has caused the enemy to bring demonic celebrations into the Church with such labels as “St John the Baptist Day” (Isaiah 56:9-12 etc.)

Repent in behalf of the society (Deuteronomy 4:15-19, etc.)

6 - Ask the Lord for forgiveness and mercy. Bring atonement by the blood of Y’shua (Jesus) Messiah (Psalm 51, Hebrews 9:12-14, etc.) Invite the Holy Spirit to come and fill you, your household, etc. e. Blow the trumpet to the Lord in this new season and ask the Lord to remember us against our enemies in spiritual or physical warfare (Numbers 10:9-10, Psalm 81:3).

Apply the Blood of Jesus on the sun and moon. Exercise spiritual legislation to blot out the voices of satan's hosts from the heavens with respect to their , mantras, rituals, , etc., which they do at this time. Command the heavens to reject/vomit all satanic rituals and .

Disconnect the army of satan from the heavens proclaiming JESUS AS THE WAY (John 14:6) to the heavens. All contrary ways are blocked and cut off.


Let us ask the Lord to seal off the ley lines and ley routes of the army of satan, cutting off their astral horses and chariots (Micah 5: 10-15).

Some ley lines are set up by burying space-like bottles in the ground. Some are set up by engraving the pyramid and a into the earth. Others are set up using the square and the compass. Let us command the earth to vomit these evil tokens (Jeremiah 22:29).

Let us ask the Lord to send His Almighty rod to shatter these demonic bottles and engravings into pieces.

Let us ask the Lord to cut off all Babylonian sorcery, arrow and liver sorcery, at the parting of the roads (Ezekiel 21: 21ff).

Command the heavens to declare the glory of God (Psalm 19: 1-6). Announce to the false gods of the nations that the gods who have not created the heavens and the earth will perish (Jeremiah 10:11). f. Use your superior priestly authority to break all satanic covenants which your family, the ancients, satanic princes, satanic watchmen, politicians, religious leaders, occultists, etc have over you life, family, business/job, community, state, nation, Africa, the Church, etc. (1 Peter 2:9, Isaiah 28:14-18, etc.)

Revoke in the Name of the Lord, all the invocation made around circles. Cancel the sorcery invoked using the four elements: wind, fire, earth and water. Command these elements to rebel against witches and wizards. Proclaim Jeremiah 10:11. Command the elements to praise Yahweh Elohim, the creator of heaven and earth Genesis 1, Ps. 148.

Ask the Lord to disappoint the negative dance and energies around coven circles. Apply the Blood of Y’shua (Jesus) Adonai to blot out the circles, the astral projections and medi- focusing. (Job 5:12)

7 Renounce and cancel every satanic dance/activity that produces death (Matthew 14: 6-9) in your life, family, state, nation, Church, etc.

Ask the Lord to frustrate the tokens of operation and tools of power used by witches at this time: red, orange and black candles, magical herbs and oils for strength, , crystal stones, moonstone and sunstone for vision, sandalwood, mirrors, knots, ink, sand, toys, 13 inch cords, double edged knives, drums, rattles, black clothes, stolen umbilical cords, pine cones, etc. (Isaiah 44:24-25).

Make proclamation from Micah 3:6-7

"Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine; and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God."

Use Isaiah 47, Jeremiah 46: 11-24, Ezekiel 13: 17-23 to pray against the activities of water spirits, witches and the queen of heaven. They must come down from their throne and sit in silence and darkness in Jesus name. g. Call upon the Lord to overturn every witchcraft agenda to amass blood for healing and renewal. Make proclamations from Nahum 2 and 3. Let us pray that the human blood which they want to use to renew their will become a snare and a trap for them (Psalm 69:22-25). h. Summer time is a time to pluck and gather fruit, therefore, it is the time of fruitfulness in our lives. (2 Samuel 16:1,2; Jeremiah 40:10,12).

Let us pray that the Lord will help us to reap a bumper harvest in all aspects of our lives (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).

Pray with Isaiah 65:21-22: “And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.” i. Pray for mass repentance, compelling and successful mission among Muslims, revival, salvation, righteousness, holiness, mercy.

Ask for the destruction of the agenda for manipulation of the nations. Ask for the emergence of Christian-servant rulers/leaders. j. Pray for Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122).

May the Chief Intercessor, our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen you as you watch and pray this solstice season.


Prayer alert! All black and white is to be released in coming days! There is demonic convergence because of Litha, Summer Solstice, ! 20 June 2016! 8 Namely:

Wicca, heathenism, sorcery- Minoan brotherhood, , , Neopaganism, druidism, neo- Satanism, , satanic temple, achrimanism, sorcery, black magic groups, o.t.o, thelemic, underground Satanism, new age, more:

• Armenian: Hetanism • Baltic: Baltic Neopaganism • Canarian: Church of the Guanche People • Caucasian: Caucasian Neopaganism • Celtic: Celtic Neopaganism • Egyptian: Kemetism • Germanic: Germanic Heathenism • Greek: Hellenismos • Hungarian: Hungarian Neopaganism • Italo-Roman: Roman Tradition[8] • Romanian: Zalmoxianism • Semitic: Semitic Neopaganism • Slavic: Rodnovery • Uralic: Uralic Neopaganism

Wicca A Wiccan ritual altar.

• British Traditional Wicca • Gardnerian Wicca (1954) • Alexandrian Wicca (1967) • Central Valley Wicca (1969) • Algard Wicca (1972) • Chthonioi Alexandrian Wicca (1974) • Blue Wicca (1975) • Eclectic Wicca and Inclusive Wicca • Celtic Wicca • Saxon Wicca • Dianic Wicca • McFarland Dianic Wicca • Faery Wicca • Georgian Wicca • Odyssean Wicca

9 • Wiccan church • New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (1968) • Church and School of Wicca (1968) • Circle Sanctuary (1974) • Covenant of the Goddess (1975) • Aquarian Tabernacle Church (1979) • Rowan Tree Church (1979) • Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (1985) • Coven of the Far Flung Net (1998)


• Stregheria (Italian tradition) • Hedge Witchcraft • Cochrane's Craft • • Children of

New Age, eclectic or syncretic

• Church of • Christian Wicca • Celtic • Main article: Celtic Neopaganism

• Celtic Reconstructionism (1980s) • Neo-druidism or Neodruidry, or druidism or • Reformed Druids of North America (1963) • Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (1964) • Monastic Order of Avallon (1970) • Ár nDraíocht Féin (1983)