Salon of Science

The Conceptual Origin of Majorana

Cao Zexian

2014.11.01 Outline

¾QM and Relativistic QM for ¾ & Antimatter ¾Complex Field vs. Real Field ¾ ¾Searching MF, in Solids? QM begins with the understanding of gas dynamics (Boltzmann 1877) and black-body radiation (Planck 1900)

nexp(p)p ∝ −β

n 0 + n1 + n 2 + ... + n p = n 2 0 ⋅ n + 1⋅ n + ... + p ⋅ n = E ∂ Skν 0 1 p 2 =− ∂+UU(hU)ν ννν

Energy in unit To distribute the energy UN (P portions) among N Dies diskrettisierung ist oscillators (for the calculation of entropy with fȕr die Argumentation classical concept of billiard balls) with frequency υ. unentbehrlich!

Suppose UN is indefinitely large, divisible, and the total number P of equal part P = U /ε = U / hν (P + N −1)! W = Planck called it P!(N −1)! ‘Energieelement’ ε ε 1 ∂S S = Nk[(1+ U )ln(1+ U ) − Uε ln U ] = N ε T ∂U

ε 4hνν2 U = e = exp(ε / kT) −1 v cexp(h/kT)12 − ν M. Planck, Annalen der Physik, 4, 553(1901). The concept of Energy Quanta was taken by Einstein in 1905 to the interpretation of photoelectron effect

Energie- quantum

In 1908 Johannes Stark applied it to ionization of gases and to photochemical reactions. And QM proceeded with the understanding of spectral features of radiation of ELECTRON

H Spectral lines arise from the ‘jump’ of ELECTRON between different stationary states. Then came the question: what is ELECTRON, of which the existence was conceived from observation of chemical reactions.

ELECTRON ~cathode radiation, thus ELECTRON are .

Crookes tube ~Maltese Cross ~Projection 王子说:让电子是波!→ wave and these are the frequency and wavelength of that wave

ν = E / h λ = h / p

Max von Laue: Welle? That may need a wave equation. Herr Schrödinger, would you please try to formulate a wave equation for it? What is wave? Well, let me see. ei(kx−ω t)

For relativistic Electron

2 2 2 2 4 E = p c + m c Davos

2 222 (mc)0h ∇ −=ψ

Schrödinger gave it up since the current is non-conservative. How Schrödinger got his equation?

SklogW= Ψ = Aexp(S / ih)

Hamilton-Jacobi eq.

H + ∂S / ∂t = 0 − ih∂ψ / ∂t = Hψ

22∂ ψ ψ ∂ψ i(kx−ω t) −+=h Vi e 2 h 2m∂ xi ∂ t Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem Ervin Schrödinger

Erste Mitteilung: Ann. Phys. 79, 361(1926) Zweite Mitteilung: Ann. Phys. 79, 489(1926) Dritte Mitteilung: Ann. Phys. 80, 437(1926) Vierte Mitteilung: Ann. Phys. 81, 109(1926) But electron must be relativistic. Dirac, a clever guy armed with mathematics, stepped on the stage.

Heisenberg-Born QP− PQ= ih

Dirac, 23 years old, calculated the classical Poisson Bracket

uv11− vu 11 uv 2 2− vu 22 [u12 u ,v 12 v ] a = [u11 ,v ] [u 2 ,v 2 ]

uv− vu= k[u, v] uv − vu = ih[u, v] ki= h Quantum Commutation vs. Classical Poisson Bracket

Quantum quantities In the same paper (1926), he also noticed the special statistics for electron

ψ (1, 2)= amnϕϕ m (1) n (2) ϕ+ b ϕ mn m (2) n (1)

abnm= nm Bose-Einstein Statistics (1924-1925)

Fermi-Dirac Statistics (1926) abnm= − nm Fermi-Dirac Statistics 1 n = i e1()/kTεμ− +

Suppose there are levels labeled by index i, energy εi, degeneracy gi , with ni on them. For each sublevel, particle number is 0 or 1. For each energy level,

g! g! i i w(nii ,g ) = Ww(n,g)==ii ∏∏ n!(gii− n)! i iin!(gii− n)! i

gi f(n )=+− lnWαβε (N n ) +− (E n ) n = iiii∑ ∑ i αβε+ i ii e1+ Dirac embarked on Relativistic QM for Electron

Relativity: Epcmc22224=+

Hiah∂t piˆ xxah− ∂

2 2221 ∂ ∇− =mc K-G equation ct22∂ 自旋为零 的粒子

Relativistic? Yes. Particle number conservation? No. Dirac: Relativistic QM for Electron

Relativity: Epcmc22224=+ F-D α statistics? α 2 =β 2 = 1 x2 + y2 = ( x + βy)2 αβ + βα = 0

Ec=⋅+αβrr p mc2 A proper choice for α, β is 4 by 4 matrices. Pauli Matrices, Dirac Matrices

For Pauli matrices, Trσ=0,eigenvalues: 1, -1.

[,σ ijσεσ ]2i= ijkk ⎛⎞10 ⎛⎞01 ⎛⎞0i− ⎛⎞10 σ = σ = σ = σ = 0 ⎜⎟ 1 ⎜⎟ 2 ⎜⎟ 3 ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠01 ⎝⎠10 ⎝⎠i0 ⎝⎠01−

⎛⎞zxiy− ⎜⎟ Complex fields ⎝⎠xiy+− z

⎛⎞1 ⎛⎞0 ψ = ⎛⎞φ1 z+ ⎜⎟ ψ z− = ⎜⎟ ψ = ⎝⎠0 1 z ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ ⎝⎠φ2 Pauli Matrices, Dirac Matrices

αβ ⎛⎞0I0σ ⎛⎞ ==⎜⎟σ ; ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠00I ⎝⎠−

i(cpmc)∂=ψ αβψr ⋅+r 2 h t ⎛⎞ψ1 ⎜⎟ψ iγ ⋅∂ψ = mψ ψ = ⎜⎟2 ⎜⎟ψ γ 3 0 =β ⎜⎟ γ ⎝⎠ψ 4 k = βα k k = 1,2,3 implies intrinsic for electron

不守恒 dLˆ d(rˆ × p)ˆ ==⋅+[L,cˆ αβrr p mc2 ]/ i dt dtα h =× c(rr p) 哈,守恒 ˆˆˆ 啦 LLSa + ⎛⎞σ 0 d(Lˆ + S)ˆ h S;=ΣΣ=2 ⎜⎟ = 0 ⎝⎠0 σ dt

⎛⎞σ 0 Σ=⎜⎟ Eigenvalues:1,-1;spin 1/2 ⎝⎠0 σ Interpretation of Dirac Equation

⎛⎞ψ1 iγ ⋅∂ψ = mψ ⎜⎟ ψ e- ; E ψ = ⎜⎟2 ⎜⎟ ψ 3 e- ; -E ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ψ 4

Absolute Negative electron sea? zero Hole, positive charge? , or anti-electron? Nonsensical “Positive Hole” of Dirac

Object of Dirac equation: Polar only! Why energy should the “hole” left behind be positively charged?

Object of Schrödinger equation for solid: Electrons on the background of positively charged ions. Interpretation of Dirac Equation

⎛⎞ψ1 iγ ⋅∂ψ = mψ ⎜⎟ ψ e- ; E ψ = ⎜⎟2 ⎜⎟ ψ 3 e+ ; E ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠ψ 4

Dmitri Skobeltsyn 1929 Chung-Yao Chao 1929 Carl D. Anderson 1932 More Anti-particles

−+ ea e , 1932 +− p a p,1955

i(cpmc)∂=ψ αβψr ⋅+r 2 na n, 1956 h t

Baryon number: 1 for , -1 for antimatter is material composed of Anti-Matter

+− e+ ea 2γ ;125ns a 3γ ;142ns

+− +− pp+ a γ ,e,e,ν

+− ep+ a ?1000s Anti-Matter




Antihelium Anti-couple Complex field vs. Real field

22 ψ h ∂∂ψ ψ −+=2 Vih 2m∂∂ xi t

⎛⎞01 ⎛⎞0i− ⎛⎞10 σ1 = ⎜⎟σ 2 = ⎜⎟σ 3 = ⎜⎟ ⎝⎠10 ⎝⎠i0 ⎝⎠01− αβ ⎛⎞0I0σ ⎛⎞ ==⎜⎟σ ; ⎜⎟ iγ ⋅∂ψ = mψ ⎝⎠00I ⎝⎠− γ 0 β μ = γ ν γ k k γ μ ψ =ψ * ? = βαγ ν k = 1,2,3 γ ν γ γ μ { , } = + = 2η μν Complex field vs. Real field

ψ =ψ * ? Particles are their own antiparticles.

It was said that (spin 1) and π0 (spin zero) are their own antiparticles. Antimatter, from Klein-Gordon equation? , including charged electron and proton, and neutral neutron, are not their own antiparticles. There are several categories of scientists in the world; those of second or third rank do their best but never get very far. Then there is the first rank, those who make important discoveries, fundamental to scientific progress. But then there are the geniuses, like Galilei and Newton. Majorana was one of these. —( about Majorana, Rome 1938)

He disappeared suddenly under mysterious circumstances while going by ship from to . 1906-1938 In 1937, Majorana found that with the following matrix

iγ~ ⋅∂ψ~ = mψ~ ψ~* =ψ

Majorana Fermion, but are they any?

E. Majorana, Nuovo Cimento 5, 171-184(1937) Searching Majorana Fermion

Majorana speculated that his equation applies to , but neutrino (found in 1956) is itself speculative in 1937. number conservation, and oscillate in flavor, these facts favor distinction between neutrinoν and antineutrino. ν − ~ + n → p + μ − No! ν μ + n → p + μ Yes! ν μ

+ ~ + μ + p → n + μ No! μ + p → n + μ Yes!

United field theory: neutrinos be Majorana Fermion. Searching Majorana Fermion

Majorana modes in Solid Mathematical Fantasy- excitations in condensed- Wilczek matter systems are Majorana fermions.

Holes ‘look’ and ‘behave’ like the antiparticles or antimatter to Valence Electrons?

What about their effective masses? Searching Majorana Fermion

* Particle–hole interchange (charge c j ⇔ c j conjugation)

Excitons are bound states of electrons * * and holes, in the language of second c jck + ckc j , are created by combined electron and hole operators

But conventional are always . Searching Majorana Fermion

In superconductors the absolute distinction between electrons and holes is blurred Legerde main

According to Bogliubov-Valatin formulism, θ creation operators for modes in superconducting cos c + sinθ c* state, which are their own particle at (j=k, π/4) j k Searching Majorana Fermion

Majorana-type excitations emerge in certain types of superconductor, e.g., with Abrikosov vortices, the presence of which alters the equations for the electrons…… the vortices may trap so-called zero modes, spin-1/2 ‘excitons’ of very low (~zero) energy.

The zero modes are discrete; there are a finite number associated with each vortex. The existence of these modes is related to the Atiyah–Singer index theorem (The analytical index of an elliptical differential operator is equal to its topological index), which connects the existence of special, symmetric solutions of differential equations to the topology of the parameters (E. J. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. D 24, 2669–2673 (1981)). Searching Majorana Fermion

* Zero modes ‘partiholes’ are γ = c j + c j Majorana modes

spin-1/2, symmetric under charge conjugation * c j ⇔ c j

Zero mode may occur if the Cooper pairs have orbital angular momentum 1 (px + ipy-wave) (Quantum Hall states), or for s-wave Cooper pairing if the electrons in the normal state obey a Dirac-like equation (). Majorana Recipe z One-dimentional quantum wire

z Spin-orbit interaction In 2001, predicted Majorana fermion z to appear at each end of a z Magnetic field superconducting wire. Roman M. Lutchyn et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 077001 (2010); Yuval Oreg et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 177002 (2010) InSb nanowires (with strong spin-orbit interaction)

Magnetic field

V. Mourik et al. Science 336, 1003 (2012)

Superconducting proximity effects Searching Majorana Fermion ¾Fe chain ¾Ferromagnetic interaction between Fe ¾strong spin-orbit interaction in superconducting Pb

Sciencexpress 2 October 2014 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1259327 Searching Majorana Fermion

Sciencexpress 2 October 2014 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1259327 Searching Majorana Fermion

Majorana fermions are predicted to localize at the edge of a topological superconductor, a state of matter that can form when a ferromagnetic system is placed in proximity to a conventional superconductor with strong spin-orbit interaction. With the goal of realizing a one-dimensional topological superconductor, we have fabricated ferromagnetic (Fe) atomic chains on the surface of superconducting lead (Pb). Using high-resolution spectroscopic imaging techniques, we show that the onset of superconductivity, which gaps the electronic density of states in the bulk of the Fe chains, is accompanied by the appearance of zero energy end states. This spatially resolved signature provides strong evidence, corroborated by other observations, for the formation of a topological phase and edge-bound Majorana fermions in our atomic chains.

Sciencexpress 2 October 2014 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1259327 The Majorana fermion floating at the surface of the Fermi sea Concluding remarks ¾The concept of Majorana fermion arises from playing with Dirac Matrices; ¾Majorana fermion in solids (modes, bound states) is a long story with too many Legerdemains; ¾Some interesting STM patterns were obtained, which are referred to Majorana Fermion. Schrödinger: Quantum mechanics was born in statistics and it will end in statistics Statistics is referred to identical entities. Condensed matter systems are often complicated. One can directly look at a particle that obeys a clear statistics? Thank you for your attention!

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