Review : a of the extent to which is dispersed throughout a system; a quantitative (numerical) measure of disorder at the nanoscale; given the symbol S.

In brief, processes that increase entropy (ΔS > 0) create more disorder and are favored, while processes that decrease entropy (ΔS < 0) create more order and are not favored.

Examples: 1. Things fall apart over . (constant energy input is required to maintain things)

2. spills from a , but spilled water does not move back into the glass.

3. disperses from hot objects to objects, not from cold to hot.

4. A will expand to fill its container, not concentrate itself in one part of the container.

Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Energy disperses (spreads out) over a larger number of particles. Ex: , hot object losing thermal energy to cold object.

Energy disperses over a larger space () by particles moving to occupy more space. Ex: water spilling, gas expanding.

Consider gas, liquid, and solid, Fig. 17.2, p. 618.

2 103 Spring 2011

Example: Predict whether the entropy increases, decreases, or stays about the same for the process: 2 CO2(g)  2 CO(g) + O2(g).

Practice: Predict whether ΔS > 0, ΔS < 0, or ΔS ≈ 0 for: NaCl(s)  NaCl(aq)

Guidelines on pp. 617-618 summarize some important factors when considering entropy.

3 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Measuring and calculating entropy

At 0 K (-273.15 °C), all substances have zero entropy (S = 0).

At 0 K, no occurs, and no energy dispersal occurs. Instead, a perfect crystal exists with particles locked into lattice positions (no wiggling, no vibrations) and with S = 0. This idea is known as the third law of .

To measure entropy, measure the energy dispersed at a specific . Typically, use a calorimeter (Chapter 6) to measure thermal energy transferred (q) at a specific temperature.

4 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Mathematically, keep the temperature value essentially constant by assuming only very small changes in the conditions of the process.

ΔS = qrev / T

qrev = thermal energy transferred for a reversible process. A reversible process means a small change in conditions, such as the temperature, will reverse the direction of the process. Ex: If T is barely above 0 °C, then melts. If T is barely below 0 °C, then water freezes.

Example: Determine the entropy change for 1.00 mol of ice in a calorimeter containing water barely above 0 °C.

5 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Example: P-S Practice 17.1, p. 616. Calculate the entropy change of a thermal reservoir (calorimeter) with a temperature of 45.3 0 °C when a transfers 30.8 kJ to it.

Why can we calculate the entropy change of the ice in the previous example, but cannot calculate the entropy change of the chemicals here?


We calculate the entropy of any substance at any temperature by integration (calculus) of the equation ΔS = qrev / T over the range from 0 K (where S = 0) up to the desired temperature T.

The result is a table of (S°) values, similar to standard molar values of formation (ΔHf°) from Chapter 6.

Table 17.1, p. 617, and Appendix J, A.35.

6 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

S° = enthalpy value for one of substance at standard conditions (25 °C, 1 atm).

ΔHf° = enthalpy value to form one mole of substance at standard conditions (25 °C, 1 atm).

Similar to Hess’s Law calculations (Chapter 6) for enthalpy changes (ΔH°rxn), we can calculate entropy changes (ΔS°rxn) for a process.

ΔS°rxn = ΣnS°products - ΣnS°reactants

Example: Calculate the entropy change for

MgCO3(s)  MgO(s) + CO2(g).

7 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Practice: Calculate the entropy change for

2 CO2(g)  2 CO(g) + O2(g)

NaCl(s)  NaCl(aq)

8 Chemistry 103 Spring 2011

Why doesn’t entropy control everything?

1. NaCl(s)  NaCl(aq) Ksp = “very large”

Entropy favors products. “Equilibrium constant” shows products favored.

-9 2. CaCO3(s) CaCO3(aq) Ksp = 8.7 x 10

Entropy favors products. Equilibrium constant shows reactants favored.

Why the difference?

Remember that physical and chemical processes also have an enthalpy change (ΔH, energy change at constant ), and you already know whether ΔH favors products or reactants.

Next time we will look at combining enthalpy and entropy changes into a single quantity called free energy, ΔG, a form of that predicts if a process favors products or reactants.