Scientists, Doctors, Inventors

Charles Drew Gabriel Daniel Robert Brown

Andre George Washington Carver Lewis Latimer

Archimedes John Dobereiner John Newland

Percy Julian Dmitri Mendeleev William Barry

Henry Moseley Edmund Halley Alfred Wegner

Aristotle Galileo Isaac

Gregor Mendel Carolus Linnaeus Charles Darwin

Louis Pasteur John Snow Garrett A. Morgan

Eloy Rodriquez Flossie Wong Staal

John Alessanro Volta Humphrey Davy

Michael Faraday Heinrich Geissler

Mary Kies Sarah Boone Ada Byron Lovelace

Robert Hooke Anton Van Leeuweehoek Edward Jenner

Robert Everett Just Hans Christian Tycho Brahe

Improving the Quality of Life © 2001, 2003 Rev. 07.07.03 1 SCORING RUBRIC Improving The Quality of Life



4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points

Research Some Limited All contributions Contributions Paper contributions contributions described not described described (student ______1.Contributions _____ conference)_____ Organization Organization Organization Organization and and English excellent, good, English poor 2.Organization excellent English good English poor (student

conference) ______List 5 sources List 4 sources List 3 sources Less than 3 from a variety from limited from limited 3.Bibliography sources of types variety types variety types ______Shows advance Shows advance Shows advance preparation, Advance preparation, Presentation preparation, time limit preparation not time limit Audience time limit met less than 5 evident 5-7 minutes ______minutes ______Relevant to Relevant to Relevant to Display not topic topic topic relevant to researched and researched, researched, not Display researched topic shared with limited sharing shared with

class with class class ______TOTAL (by column)

SCORE (Total Points):______

Range for Grades: A= 14-15 B= 12-13 C= 10-11 Redo= 9 or less

Improving the Quality of Life © 2001, 2003 Rev. 07.07.03 2