The promised , Hazrat had an exceptional and extreme love for the Holy Prophet that it is hard to find an instance of its kind. Every fiber of his body, his heart and soul was intoxicated with his love.

1 The Promised Messiah appeared at the right time according to the prophecy of the Holy Prophet and completed his mission under Allah's commands. There are countless incidences that can be found in the life of the Promised Messiah (as) that portrayed his love for the Holy Prophet (saw). One I would like to mention is the testimony of his son, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahib (ra). He writes in Seerut Tayyibah that: I swear to Allah in whose hands is my life and in front of whom I shall be presented after death that it has never occurred that only on the mere mention of the name of the Holy Prophet (saw), that the eyes of the Promised Messiah (as) have not filled with tears. From this, we see how deep the love of the Holy Prophet (saw) was rooted in the heart of the Promised Messiah (as) and we find many incidences that verify this statement.

2 The topic of my speech is The Imam , the Promised Messiah’s (as) love for the Holy Prophet (saw). While researching, I used most of my information from a speech on alislam titled “Hazrat Imam Mahdi’s (as) Love for the Holy Prophet (saw)”

3 A person with even very little intellect and some honesty and fear of Allah can easily discover by reading the sacred writings of the Promised Messiah that he was indeed from Allah and his writings contain nothing but the truth about in its purest form. What does he say about the Holy Prophet? A small sample of his writings is presented here for the discerning critic and enlightened readers: The gist of our faith is: la ilaha illallaho Muhammad-ur-rasoolullah (There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) Our belief, which we hold in this life here on earth and to which we will continue to adhere firmly till the time that we pass on to the next world, is that our spiritual leader and Master, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is khataman-nabiyyeen, the seal of the prophets and the best of the messengers. At his hands religion has been consummated which guide man on the right path and further on to God Himself. We hold this belief with absolute certainty that the Holy is the khatamul-kutub, the seal of all divine books, and not an iota can be added to or subtracted from its prescribed teachings, inhibitions, commands and injunctions. There will be no revelation or word from God which may amend or abrogate or change or alter any of the injunctions of the Holy Quran. If anyone subscribes to such views, in our opinion, he ceases to belong to the body of believers and becomes a heretic and an infidel thereby. (Roohani Khazain , Vol. 3, P. 170: Izala-e-Auham )

4 The Promised Messiah has written very extensively, about his beliefs and his devotion to God Almighty and his love for the Holy Prophet, primarily in Urdu but also in Arabic and Persian languages to inform all Muslims about his claim and to show them back the way to Allah through true essence of Islam. Al-Qaseeda , a laudatory poem, is composed in flawless and fluent Arabic and is a literary masterpiece in honor of Khataman-Nabiyyeen. This encomium has 70 couplets and is included in the part of Roohani Khazain , Vol. 5, P. 590-594, A'eenae Kamalate Islam . No one has dared to accept a challenge from the Promised Messiah till this day to produce such glowing tribute to the Holy Prophet of Islam in such an eloquent and elegant diction. The Qaseeda provides a unique spiritual experience to a discerning critic with a longing heart and a keen eye. The Promised Messiah's face was glowing with joy, it is reported by his companions, when this Qaseeda was completed. Hazoor Aqdas addressing the Holy Prophet, conveys his salutations and love and obedience with such pathos and glowing tributes which has no parallel in human history. This empathy and the complete identification with the Holy Prophet of Islam in cause of Allah was the reason that the Holy Prophet is reported to have said that the Promised Messiah will reflect his second coming and will be buried in his grave. What a tribute! The Promised Messiah says (The number of couplet is given in the parenthesis at the end of the couplet): ~O my beloved, you are the ending fountain-head of Allah's blessings and knowledge and the whole humanity is now looking up to you to quench their spiritual thirst.(1) ~Those who seek and discover that the cups of their life are empty come running towards the ocean of your blessings filled by Allah's Grace.(2) ~You are the spiritual sun who has brought light to the corners of the world.(3) ~Your face reflects the glory of Allah and His attributes find expression through your excellent character.(41) 5 ~Allah has bestowed upon you all the best and the highest qualities of man and He 6 In another incidence, the Promised Messiah (as) was feeling ill and was lying down and the wife of the Promised Messiah (as) Hazrat Ammah Jaan (rah) and the father in law of the Promised Messiah (as), Hazrat Nana Jaan Mir Nasir Nawaab sahib (ra) were talking and Hazrat Mir Nawaab Sahib (ra) mentioned that nowadays it has become much easier to perform Hajj. Only the mention of Hajj brought tears to the eyes of the Promised Messiah (as). He wiped his tears and replied: I agree and it is also my ardent desire to perform Hajj but sometimes I wonder whether I will even be able to look at the tomb of the Holy Prophet (saw). A small incidence, but it shows the ocean of love that was in the Promised Messiah’s (as) heart that on the mention of Hajj, his mind takes him to the streets of Mecca upon which his beloved once walked and could not bare to even think of looking at the Holy Prophet’s (saw) tomb: being the symbol of the end of the life of our beloved master, the Holy Prophet (saw).

7 In a similliar incident, The Promised Messiah (as) was once walking alone in Musjid Mubarak where he was reciting the couplet of Hazrat Hasaan bin Saabit (ra) which he wrote on the death of the Holy Prophet (saw) O Prophet! You were the pupil of my eye and my eyes have become blind by your death. I do not care for the death of anyone else, for it was your death I feared. Upon reading this couplet, tears began to pour forth from the Promised Messiah’s (as) eyes. A companion of the Promised Messiah (as) entered the mosque, and on the sight of the Promised Messiah’s (as) tears, he inquired, “what’s wrong?” In reply to his companion he said I wish I had written this couplet for the Holy Prophet (saw). Anyone that is familiar with the poems that the Promised Messiah (as) wrote on behalf of his beloved, the Holy Prophet (saw) is aware that the love that is found in the Promised Messiah’s poetry is infinitely great, but the love of the Promised Messiah (as) would not allow him to pass a chance for the portrayal of his love.

8 An example, in one of his famous couplets, Promised Messiah writes:

9 I would like to present what the Promised Messiah (as) said with regards to the pain he feels on the attacking of his master, the Holy Prophet (saw)

10 In the end, let us pray that may Allah enable us to inculcate the love of the Holy Prophet (saw) in our hearts: may he make us the true guardians of the honor of the Holy Prophet (saw). May he enable us to completely obey him in every aspect of life. I end my speech with the following couplets of the Promised Messiah (as): Woh peshawara hamara jisse hain noor saara, naam uska ha Muhammad dilbar mere yahi hai That guide of ours is source of all light. His name is Muhmannad who is indeed our lover.