We have heard a Crier calling unto faith… Saliha Malik Slide 1:

Slide 2: “Our Lord, we have heard a Crier calling us unto faith, „Believe ye in your Lord,‟ and we have believed. Our Lord, forgive us, therefore, our errors and remove from us our evils, and in death number us with the righteous.” 3:194

To say that we have heard a Crier calling us to faith is no small matter in a person‟s life. Indeed, it is true to say that when we take that step, it is a great turning point. All aspects of our life come under scrutiny. We make dramatic changes. The way we see and understand things is different. We want to live differently now that we have heard this Crier. And as the verse explains, we spontaneously seek forgiveness from God, having realized what we need to do.

Slide 3: And who is this Crier that stopped us in our tracks? Well it is definitely the one that God has sent. It could refer to any and all of His chosen ones, His Messengers that came for the good of mankind. They all said, there is only One God, the Knower of the Unseen and the Seen; worship Him alone. As Ahmadi Muslims we have heard that „Cry‟ from Allah‟s chosen one, Muhammad Mustafahsa. He told us – in the days of stress when you hear of the , go to him, though you might have to crawl on your hands and knees on a glacier.1 And we did go to him. We heard the Messiahas, who told us that at his demise God has promised to send His second manifestation – Khilafat, which is an everlasting promise. And so now, my Dear Sisters, we are those that hear the Khalifa call to us on a daily basis: there is only one God; worship Him alone.

Slide 4: In my speech today I will focus on the importance and blessings of listening to our beloved Khalifa. I will also speculate on the challenges we face in these days with regards to truly listening to the Khalifa of the time, Hazrat , Khalifatul Masih Vab so that our hearts will respond, and it becomes evident in our actions and practice.

In the Address to the Ladies at Jalsa USA 2008, we were fortunate to have our beloved Huzoor standing here. He pointed out that a while ago it was quite difficult to actually „hear‟ the Khalifa:

“There was a time when the speaker [the Imam, the Khalifa] had to shout loudly until well into the time of Khalifa tul Masih IIrz, as audio facility was not available in .”2

Slide 5: But Huzoor explained: “Allah the Almighty has conferred many favors on the Jama‟at . He has made all inventions of the age for the service of the servants of the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas has himself said that all these modern inventions have been provided by Allah the Almighty in support of the Messiahas. Amongst these inventions and befitting the time, an outstanding invention is one that transmits voice and picture from one place to another in seconds; that is to say the satellite television system. Words are inadequate to thank Allah the Almighty for bestowing these favors through His special Grace upon the Ahmadiyya Community. Programs in different languages on the message of and Ahmadiyyat, tarbiyyat or training and reformation of the Jamaat, as well as sermons and speeches that rank as guidance for the Jamaat, are being received instantaneously throughout the world.”2

When Huzoorab returned in 2012, he added: “Alhamdulillah, through the blessings of MTA, Allah the Almighty has reduced the distance between the Khalifa and the members of the Jama‟at worldwide. Thus, although I may not always be able to see you directly, however, all of you can see and hear me… If a person says that because of global time differences, it is difficult for them to hear my sermons or speeches live, then they should know that within a few hours a repeat is broadcast on MTA; and, indeed, it is repeated a number of times during the week. Apart from this, we now have a wealth of resources on the Internet, whereby all the programs are… available to view 24 hours a day…. MTA has also started an on-demand Internet service where all important programs have been placed. Slide 6: No Excuse Therefore, no Ahmadi can have any valid excuse through which he or she can say that they were not in a position to find out about a particular instruction; neither can they claim that they missed the sermon of the Khalifa, because they were busy with some other engagement.”3

So nowadays, we have every facility at our fingertips, every technological advantage is there for us to access our Beloved Huzoorab, to bring him into our homes and to listen to him. But strangely and sadly, we face new obstacles in these days, so that in spite of these advantages, many are still not listening to the Khalifa of the timeab or for those who listen, how much did we actually hear?

What are these challenges of our time? Just like Huzoorab said we know that the modern advances in communications are ultimately for the benefit of mankind and for the advancement of our community – the community of the Promised Messaihas, and we are certainly using it to our advantage. However, as these systems are rapidly emerging we can see both advantages and disadvantages. Suffice it say that whenever there is progress in spiritual matters, Satan comes in to see how many he can distract from the straight path. In the recent issue of The Economist, there was an interview with the inventor of the Worldwide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. „“Has the Internet failed?”, author Ludwig Seigele asked him, “I wouldn‟t say the Internet has failed with a capital F, but it has failed to deliver the positive, constructive society many of us had hoped for,” he replied … Until a few years ago most users, if asked what they thought of the Internet, would have rattled off a list of the things they love about the it – that it lets them stay in touch with friends, provides instant access to a huge range of information, sparks innovation, even helps undermine authoritarian regimes…. Slide 7: The Challenges But like Sir Tim, many people have recently become more critical of it, concerned that it creates online addicts, hoovers up everybody‟s data and empowers malicious trolls and hackers.‟4

…Concerned that it creates online addicts…

Slide 8: For the past 25 years we have been living in the so-called Information Age.

“We live in a world saturated with information,” writes author David Gladwell, “We have virtually unlimited amounts of data at our fingertips at all times… But what I have sensed is an enormous frustration with the unexpected cost of knowing too much, of being inundated with information. We have come to confuse information with understanding.”5

Slide 9: “Now consider how we get so much of our information in this modern media age”, says author David Ropeik, “- in short little pieces, tweets and texts and brief news reports...”6

Slide 10: “We are losing our listening!”, claims sound expert Julian Treasure. “The world is now so noisy it has become hard and tiring to listen. We have become impatient, we have become desensitized. Our media has to scream at us to get our attention.” 7

Slide 11: Are we Hooked? My Dear sisters, these few statements briefly capture the dilemma of our times and how our minds are being hijacked, unless we are truly watchful. Many are not aware that they have been seduced. The way the media controls us and provides access to information and diversions of every kind has flooded our senses. It has taken over our attention, diverted our focus, swamped our capacity to decide for ourselves and undermined our ability to choose between right and wrong. Women and young girls have their self-esteem shattered by unreal standards of beauty promoted through social media. Depression and anxiety levels are higher than ever before. Small children are enslaved to their electronic device at a younger and younger age and mothers and fathers turn to this „baby-sitter‟ so that they too can carry on with their own Internet fixation. Apparently, the number of hits to pornography sites for both men and women exceed all other uses of the Internet. Walking in the streets most people are lost in their own world with ear buds in their ears or looking at their phones. There is no room in many people‟s lives for silence, thought or self-reflection. And our media is certainly screaming at us from every site and corner of our western world!

Slide 12: Whereas listening to the Khalifa requires a different skill… The one who calls people to faith must reach into the deepest ears of men and women to change preconceptions in them, fixed ideas, old customs and stubborn ways. The Crier calls to the innermost depths of their hearts and minds to that secret place that knows the truth and recognizes it. The Crier calls so that it awakens the inner voice of conscience in us. And when that voice awakens we say, “We Hear, and we Obey”!

Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad beautifully explains this reaction in his commentary on the “The High concept of Obedience in Islam”.

The words „We Hear, and we Obey‟ describe a lively and positive type of obedience… A person should be all ears to the commands of the Imam, so that he or she can implement it immediately. If simple obedience were the object, the word „Obey‟ would have been enough and served the purpose without the addition of the word „Hear.‟ The addition of this word is definitely for the purpose of replacing barren and formal obedience with enthusiastic and positive compliance.9

And that enthusiastic and positive compliance comes as a result of recognizing the truth, the good. It is the response of the heart, the inner voice that strengthens our resolve to forthwith adopt the guidance that we have heard, no matter how difficult it might be. Social media hooks us in, essentially enslaves us, eats up our time, leaves us without choice. Whereas to listen to the Khalifa we must be ready to stop what we are doing, open ourselves, remove every kind of distraction, quieten our egos and fully attend, resulting in a very different response. Huzoorab explains: Slide 13: We hear, and we obey “…True obedience from the heart causes the heart to illumine and the soul to experience a certain delight and receive light.” 10

Now we must remember that Allah has explained in the Holy Qur‟an (2:8) that when people stop using a certain faculty, like listening to the Messenger calling us to faith, they will lose the capacity for that faculty. They will not be able to hear him. Scientist Jeff Hayward confirms this point in his article, The Human Brain. He says:

Learning physically changes your brain. When you engage in an activity repeatedly and start learning it as second nature… neural pathways in the brain will shape themselves according to that activity or memory. However, those pathways will fade if you stop practicing, because the brain recognizes it doesn‟t require as many resources for that function.8 He describes it as a „lazy brain‟ for this reason.

Slide 14: Allah says: “And be not like those who say, „We hear‟, but they hear not” (Holy Qur‟an 8:22)

Meaning that there was no response in them, there was no change in their conduct or practices. Our Khalifaab guides us to understand how to live our true Islam. How to practically live all that Allah has taught us through His Messengers and His Holy Qur‟an. The matters of faith can be subtle and elusive, especially where materialism has taken root. We need to hear that sermon every week to reset our purpose and awaken our resolve. Some of them are so profound they merit listening to again and again, if we are to truly absorb their value. Otherwise the screaming media, and other ways Satan has entered into our homes in these days, will very likely take our hearts and minds away from Allah. “Desires can become idols and then it is impossible to display obedience”.10

Slide 15: Allah promises untold blessings through the Khalifa, saying: “…that He will surely give them in exchange security and peace after their fear: They will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me.” (Holy Qur‟an 24:56)

However, Huzoorab cautions: The promise of peace and security in this verse is not unconditional. Allah the Exalted will most certainly grant this promise to those, who fulfill certain conditions.10 Those who

Slide 16: “Observe Prayer and give the Zakat and obey the Messenger… (Holy Qur‟an 24:57)

Obey the Messenger is repeated 5 times around the verse on Khilafat… Obeying the Messenger covers everything… „The Khalifa serves as the highest authority of being the appointed leader by the Holy Prophetsa. Thus, it becomes evident that showing obedience to Khilafat is just as important as showing obedience to the Holy Prophetsa….‟10

Khalifatul Masih IIrz explains: “The Khalifa is a great Divine blessing. Without it there can be no solidarity, cohesion and unity among Muslims so without Khilafat they can make no real progress. If Muslims do not show proper appreciation of Khilafat by giving un-stinted support and obedience to their Khalifa, they will forfeit this Divine boon and in addition will draw the displeasure of God upon themselves‟‟11

We should always evaluate ourselves. Are we fashioning our lives according to what God Almighty has instructed us to do in order to attain the favors associated with Khilafat? Are we meeting the standards set by God Almighty and His Messenger? The Companions of the Holy Prophetsa were completely imbued with obedience to the Holy Prophetsa.10 Huzoorab has asked us to match their standard.

My Dear Sisters, the Khalifa serves the people of the Jama‟at day and night. Even those in great difficulties find peace of mind because they loyally held fast to that rope of Allah. Their difficulties melt away. The awe that comes over their faces when they realize how the Prayers of the Khalifa have helped them personally and changed a sorrowful situation into a blessed one. Their gratitude is bottomless. Faith in God is secured.

I close with the powerful words of the Promised Messiahas, who passionately beseeches us to hear the Crier calling us to faith. May Allah enable us to understand this and make us those, who respond with all our heart…

Slide 17: Our Paradise is in our God. Our highest delight is in our God for we have seen Him and have found every beauty in Him. This wealth is worth procuring though one might have to lay down one‟s life to procure it. This ruby is worth purchasing though one might have to lose oneself to acquire it. O ye who are bereft! Run to this fountain and it will satisfy you. It is the fountain of life that will save you. What shall I do, and how shall I impress the hearts with this good news, and by beating what drum shall I make the announcement that this is our God, so that people might hear. What remedy shall I apply to the ears of the people so that they should listen?12

Slide 18: Let us Pray References: 1 Hadith: (Kanzul Ummal; also footnotes to Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Vol. 6, p. 29-30) 2 Khalifatul Masih Vab - Address to the Ladies at USA June 21, 2008 3 Khalifatul Masih Vab – Address to the Ladies at Jalsa Salana USA June 30, 2012 4 The Economist June 30 – July 6, 2018, Special Report „The Ins and Outs‟ by Ludwig Seigele, page 3 5 Blink, The Information Age by Malcolm Gladwell, p264 in the April 2007 paperback edition) 6 The Age of Information – David Ropeik 7 „We are Losing our Listening‟, TED Talk - sound expert Julian Treasure 8 „The Human Brain‟ – Jeff Hayward 9 Taken from „Forty Gems of Beauty‟, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad pp 63 -64. 10 Khilafat: The Mercy of Allah 5/25/18 11 Khalifatul Masih II, Tafsir al-Kabir, Pg.1870, Ft.2630 12 „Our Teaching‟ by Hazrat , The Promised Messiahas Pg. 19