The Diversity of Chapter 1 Biology is the study of living things Bio = living; logos = knowledge Introduction Biology is the study of living things. 2nd ? Unity in Diversity – Living things = display great variety in form and , but inside all have similar basic qualities We divide them into 3 largest groupings – Domains – , , and Eukarya Eukarya has 4, 2nd largest groupings – Kingdoms – , , Fungi, and Scientific Method: develops by 1) discovering new things, processes, and phenomena 2) asking right question/s 3) developing explanations = hypotheses and testing them repeatedly until all wrong ones are eliminated. Main steps include: , Question, , Predictions, , Control – (similar to experiment but lacks variables; helps to eliminate other hypotheses), Conclusions and . Conclusions result from supported or rejected hypotheses.

5 Characteristics of Living-things – Living things produce young ones similar to them. They use made of DNA. Obtain – living things obtain energy from their surroundings. The capture, storage and use of energy is . It is total of chemical reactions taking place in a living . and Response to stimuli (changes in environment) – organisms maintain internal conditions within limits; is a failure to maintain homeostasis Groups can evolve – living things adapt to changes and evolve into new

Homeostasis Homeostasis is maintenance of within suitable limits. If there is a change body has mechanisms to undo the change. For example, Keeping body around 98.4⁰F Keeping plasma within 70-110mg/100mls of Recap 1 1. ------is the study of living things; bio = ------2. ------, make their food by using light energy . 3. Cabbage, broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are evolved varieties of ------. 4. 3 domains of living things are ------, ------, and ------. 5. In scientific method ------leads to a question and ------is possible explanation to find a general principle. 6. All living things are made of 1 or more ------. 7. ------is the capture, storage and use of energy by organisms. 8. ------is maintenance of internal conditions within limits despite of changing environment outside. 9. ------is the transference of characters from 1 to next generation. 10. The information about color of and eyes passes through genes made from fragments of ------. The Organization of Life Living things function and interact with each other on many levels The organization of life is a hierarchy of levels of increasing  organ-system  New properties emerge at higher levels Organization of Life : All things are formed of tiny compartments atoms. H, C, O are atoms that unite to form .

Molecules: are stable grouping of atoms of same or different kinds. H2O, glucose C6H12O6. Molecules join to form cells. Cells are the unit of and function. Cells join to form tissues. Tissues are groups of similar cells specialized for 1 function. Muscles, , and blood are tissues. Tissues join to form organs. Organs are specialized for 1 main function, for pumping blood, for respiration. Organs join to form organ-systems. Organ-systems are connected organs having related functions. Digestive system, . All organ-systems join to form body or organism. Organism is living thing. , monkey, apple tree. Organization of Life - 2 Population is group of similar living at one place at same . Population is a breeding unit. All of similar organisms living at different places form a Species. , male and female, young and old, living at 1 place form a population. Humans of world form a species. Community is all populations of different kinds living at 1 place. Ecosystem is the interaction of community () with non-living surroundings () at a place. , forest, and lake are some examples of ecosystem. is the largest ecosystem with land, , and all living things of world. by Natural variability: faster and slower deer Differential Reproduction: faster survive more and reproduce more : next generation has greater number of faster deer RECAP 2 1. ------means due to natural variations faster deer survive more and reproduce more. 2. Tough teeth, long intestine, hollow hair in deers are examples of ------3. Water and dioxide are examples of ------. 4. ------is the interactive grouping of all populations at 1 place. 5. Atoms  molecules ------ tissues  ------ organ-system  ------ population 6. ------properties are present in higher levels of organization that are absent at simpler levels.