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This booklet will cover the Islam unit. Contact your teacher if you have any questions.

Keywords – complete the missing words to learn the keywords for this topic

1. : The ______name for

2. Sunni: who believe in the successorship to ______of

3. Shi’a: Muslims who believe in the imamate, the successorship of ______.

4. : ______beings believe to act as ______of God.

5. : The _____ prophet of Islam; known as the seal of prophets.

6. The Qur’an: The ______writings of Islam.

7. : The Muslim place of ______

8. The Five Pillars: The _____ most important ______for all Muslims; to believe, to pray, to give to charity, to fast and to go on a pilgrimage.

9. : Ritual ______before .

10.: ______with and in to God, performed under conditions set by the ______Muhammad.

11. : Not ______or ______for a certain length of for religious reasons.

12. : The ninth of the Muslim ______, during which Muslims will ______from to ______.

13. Pilgrimage: A journey by a believe to a holy site for religious reasons; an act of worship and ______.

14. : The annual ______to ______that every Muslim should try to make at least once in their _____.

Missing words: Prayer, , Prophet, , last, pilgrimage, five, fast, , drinking, duties, , , Muhammad, eating, washing, Spiritual, devotion, messengers, sacred, life, worship

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Islam

Learning objectives

 Understand why it is important to learn about Islam.

 Explain basic beliefs of Judaism.

Why do we learn about Islam?

1 – Islam is the third of the Abrahamic faiths. It has strong links to Judaism and Christianity.

2 – There are approximately 1.7 billion Muslims in the world today.

3 – An estimated 2.6 million Muslims in the UK today.

4- Islam is the largest religion in the world and in the UK.


Use the provided website to learn some facts about Islam and answer the questions here or in your book/paper. https://www.history.com/topics/religion/islam

1) Where did Islam begin?

2) What does the word ‘Islam’ mean?

3) How do Muslims believe Allah’s word was revealed to them?

4) Name 3 prophets that Muslims believe taught Allah’s law.

5) Give two examples of Islamic holy places.

6) Give two examples of Islamic religious text.

7) Who was the prophet who created the faith of Islam?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 1

Watch the following YouTube programme to learn about the of Islam and complete the from what you learn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDxKxnVZtgo









Challenge! Link this timeline to your knowledge on and Islam. What was the time difference between the key events? What does it show about God’s prophets?

Main Task 2

‘God is the greatest’

Everyday Muslims hear and say the words ‘Allahu Akbar’, meaning ‘God is the greatest.’ Muslims believe that God is so great that he is beyond human understanding, and greater than anything humans can imagine. Yet Muslims have firm believers about what God is like.

The names of God

Muslims believe God has revealed himself to people through Muhammad and the Holy Books. There are 99 names of God in the Qur’an and (Muhammad’s sayings), which can help Muslims to understand something of God’s nature. Each name describes a quality that God has revealed about himself.

Many Muslims memorise the names of God and recite them when they are praying privately. Each name helps them to feel God’s presence. Some names show God’s power, might and authority; other shows God’s love and care for human beings.

“The Most Excellent Names belong to God; use them to call on Him.” Qur’an 7:180

Muslims believe that God is immanent ( in the world), but also transcended (beyond the world and all things) Our limited human thinking can make us wonder ‘How can God be both?’. For Muslims God can be both because God is the creator of the , therefore outside and not limited by the physical world.

Muslims believe that God is omnipotent (all powerful) as God created, sustains and is the owner of all things. He is also all-knowing, aware of everything including human actions and thoughts. God is also know as benevolent (all-loving), the source of goodness. His generosity is seen as a gift to human life on earth.

God is also known as the Lord of Mercy and justice; he understand the suffering, care for them and forgives people if they are truly sorry what they have done. He treats people equally and justly. God will judge people in fairness on the of Judgement.

Now answer the following questions

1) What does ‘Allahu Akbar’ mean?

2) Why do Muslims say ‘Allahu Akbar’?

3) What do Muslims believe about how God has revealed himself?

4) What do Muslims believe about the 99 names of Allah and what do they use them for?

5) Explain what the quote shows: “The Most excellent names belong to God: use them to call on Him.”

6) Where is God to Muslims?

7)Why is it difficult for Muslims to understand God?

8) What do Muslims believe God is like? What are his qualities?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!


‘People can never have a relationship with God’

Give your opinion and explain why someone would disagree with you. Lesson 2 – Sunni and Shi’a Islam

Lesson Objectives:

• Pupils will know that there are differences between denominations in Islam.

• Pupils will be able to understand why there are differences.

Starter Task:

Think back to last lesson- How many do Muslims believe in?

If Muslims all believe in the same God why do you think there are different denominations? (Look up key if you’re not sure what it means)

Main Task 1:

Sunni Islam: When Muhammad died, the majority of Muslims thought that only the Qur’an and the (Muhammad’s teachings and actions) had the authority to guide the beliefs and behaviour of Muslims. They elected Abu Bakr to be their leader and to act on behalf of God and Muhammad. They became known as Sunni’s because they followed the Sunnah.

Shi’a Islam: This group of Muslims believe that when Muhammed died, he named his cousin Ali, as his successor. Ali was one of the earliest converts to Islam and was also married to Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima. Shi’a Muslims believe that the true leader of Islam had to be a descendent of Muhammad and chosen by God. These were known as the . When one died, they would elect the next to succeed them.

These two groups split because they both believed someone different succeed Muhammad. Although they have similar beliefs such as belief in Allah, the prophets and guidance of the Qur’an. They differ with interpretations of certain aspects of belief and law, and in the emphasis, they put on expressing key beliefs. Sunni Muslims follow the six articles of faith whereas Shi’a Muslims follow the five roots of ‘usul ad-

Research what these six articles are for Sunni Muslims and 5 roots for Shi’a Muslims.

Sunni- 6 Articles







Shi’a- 5 roots






Don’t forget to self-mark after! Main Task 2:

Watch video and complete the table: giving the similarities and differences between Sunni and Shi’a Islam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt3yFGiElrs

Similarities Differences


Marker (2 bullet points)

Name two similarities between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims



Don’t forget to self-mark after! Lesson 3 – Angels

Lesson Objectives:

• Pupils will be able to explore the concept of with attention to Jibril and Mika’il.

• Pupils will be able to understand the Muslim beliefs about angels and why they are important.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Why do you think both Shi’a and Sunni Muslims have the same beliefs about angels?

What are angels? Mind map your ideas

Main Task 1:

Muslims believe that Angels bring the word of God to the world via the prophets or the messengers of God. For Sunni Muslims the beliefs in angels is one of the 6 articles of faith, although Shi’a Muslims also believe in them. Angels are a part of the unseen world. They are supernatural beings, created by God from light.

Muslims believe Muslims believe that Angels are able to receive God’s words directly form him and pass them on to prophets. They can do this because they are pure and sinless. Angels do not have free will like humans, therefore they cannot disobey him. Unseen beings who do have free choice are called (spirits). The most famous jinn is , who is also known as Shaytan (). He was not a fallen . Angels are involved in human life from the of conception to the moment of . Some are guardian angels that take care of people throughout their lives. Other angels are responsible for recording a ‘book of deeds’, everything each person thinks, says or does will be written in the book to be used on judgement day.

Task: Explain what the quotes means linking to the above information.

1) “Praise be to God, creator of the and earth who made angels

messengers with two, three, four [pairs of] wings.” Qur’an 35:1

2) “Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God’s command”. Qur’an 13:11

3) “The record of their deed will be laid open and you will see the guilty, dismayed at what they contain, saying ‘Woe is us! What a record this is! It does not leave any deed, small or large unaccounted for! They will find everything they ever did laid in front of them: Your Lords will not be unjust to anyone.” Qur’an 18:49

Challenge! Explain what each quote about Angels teaches Muslim’s about the nature of God

Don’t forget to self-mark after! Main Task 2:

Research Task: Using the internet and the link to the textbook (P14-15) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vPfsclh_ZzjwGAEXzJnrKwMJEukl31Yw/view create an information page on Angel Jibril and Angel Mika’il.

Success Criteria:

 What do they do? What is their role?

 What have they done in the that makes them important? I.E Past stories.

 Why are they important to Muslims?

 Add any quotes to your notes and explain what they mean.

Angel Jibril

Angel Mika’il


In a paragraph: Explain the importance of Jibril or Mika’il for Muslims.

Challenge! Explain both.

Lesson 4 – Prophet Muhammad

Lesson objectives

 Pupils will be able to describe who Muhammad was and explain the important events in Prophet Muhammad’s life.

 Pupils will be able to analyse the reasons why he is a good leader.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain how Angels link to the Prophets.

What is a prophet? Give examples (use examples from different faiths)

Main Task 1:

Muhammad was a Prophet in the religion of Islam. He was the last prophet in the religion and is sometimes called ‘The Seal of the Prophets’. Prophet Muhammad is considered the founder of Islam.

Q1) What do you think it means to describe Prophet Muhammad as the ‘seal of prophets’?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

The Life of Prophet Muhammad- Pictionary – Work out what the images/ short sentences are telling you about Prophet Muhammad’s life. Put in your findings in the numbers which match the image. (1-12)

If you are stuck research Prophet Muhammad and find more out about him. Please remember- some , Christians and Muslims consider it a to draw any of the prophets- you do not have to draw here. I have used images, but they are not drawings of the prophets.













Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 2:

Muhammad is very important to Muslims as he contributed so much to the faith. This includes:

• He wrote the Holy book of Islam- the Qur’an

• He sealed the faith- he finished it/ completed it- making it perfect for others to follow.

• He showed that even from a poor/ unlucky upbringing people can achieve things.

• He created Islam

• He formed the first (community of Muslims)

• He conquered the Holy City of Mecca in the name of Allah.

• He was a teacher.

• He showed that dedication to God pays off.

Create a profile for Muhammad:

1) Name:

2) About Me:

3) What have you done in your past jobs?

4) What qualities do you have? Explain how

5) Explain what makes you a good leader.

Challenge! Explain what it shows about Prophet Muhammad is Muslims put PBUH next to him name.


4 Marker- Explain two Muslim beliefs about Prophet Muhammad.

(2 X PEE Point Explanation Evidence chains)

Sentence starters:

One Muslim belief about Prophet Muhammad is that … This is important because

Another belief about Muhammad is that …………….. this shows………….. Don’t forget to self-mark after! Lesson 5 – The Qur’an

Lesson objectives

 Pupils will know how the Qur’an was revealed and how it has authority in Islam.

 Pupils will be able to analyse how the holy books of Islam impact the lives of Muslims today.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain how Prophet Muhammad links to the Qur’an.

How many Holy Books can your name? Link them to the correct religions.

Challenge! Explain what makes a book ‘holy’.

Main Task 1:

Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the word of God which was revealed to Muhammad via the Angel Jibril over a period of 22 . It contains the foundation of every believer’s faith and is the most sacred text in Islam. It is considered to be written in perfect Arabic. The original Qur’an is believed to be in , so that when a Muslim reads the Qur’an they speak directly to God.

The name Qur’an means ‘the recital’ as Muhammad recited by heart each revelation that he received as passed it on to his followers. His followers memorised them and scribed/ wrote them down. When Muhammad died, Abu Bakr commissions an official copy to be complied by another one of Muhammad’s companions. Soon converts of different nationalities stared to read and write the Qur’an in different languages, but because of this the Qur’an was in danger of being misread or miswritten.

Q1) What makes the Qur’an holy?

Q2) What does it mean by ‘contains the foundation of every believer’s faith’?

Q3) If it is written in perfect Arabic- what is the problem with translating it into other languages?

Q4) What are the benefits of learning the Qur’an off by heart?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 2:

Watch the video and mind map information on the Qur’an




How do Muslims show respect to the Qur’an? Bullet points.

Don’t forget to self-mark after!


“Holy Books are too outdated to be used in today’s society.”

 Explain why someone would agree with the statement.

 Explain why someone would disagree with the statement

 Explain your opinion.

Lesson 6 – The Mosque

Lesson objectives

 Pupils will know what is in a Mosque

 Pupils will be able to explain why a Mosque is an important place for Muslims.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain why having a Holy book might be more relevant in the home than in a place of worship (Mosque).

How many Holy buildings can you name? Link them to the correct religions.

Main Task 1:

Watch the video and complete the worksheet using the internet and the video link: https://www.truetube.co.uk/film/holy-cribs-mosque

Main Task 2:

Answer based on your research from the last topic and more research if needed!

Q1) Where does the main hall face and why?

Q2) Why are men and women separated in the Mosque?

Q3) Why is the Minaret important?

Q4) Why do you think you must take your shoes off and wash when entering the Mosque?

Q5) Why do you think it is important for Muslim children to go to Mosque from a young ?

Q6) Why is it important to have a Holy building? What will it do for the individual, the community and the whole faith worldwide?

Don’t forget to self-mark after! Q7) Imagine you have visited the Mosque. Write an article about what you have seen. Remember to explain what you have seen as much as possible


“Places of worship should be sold to help the poor.”

 Explain why someone would agree and disagree with the statement

 Explain your view

Lesson 7 – The Five Pillars

Lesson objectives

• Pupils will be able to describe and explain what the 5 pillars of Islam are.

• Pupils will be able to explain the importance of the Five Pillars in a Muslim’s life.

• Pupils will be able to explain what the first pillar ‘the Shahadah’ is.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain how going to/ having a holy building might make you follow the duties you have as a Muslim.

Why do you think that Islam uses the metaphor of pillars for it’s 5 most important duties?

Main Task 1:

The are five rules or principle that a Muslim must follow. The Five Pillars of Islam help a Muslim to worship Allah and guide her/his daily life. They are 5 duties a Muslim must follow as they will keep the relationship with Allah strong.

Work it out: Using 5 different colours, create a key and work out which pillar the point is talking about.

One example for the Shahadah has been done for you.

The Shahadah Salah Zakah Sawm Hajj The term Salah The term Zakah The Shahadah is Hajj takes place in To become a means prayer means charity or about devotion and the 12th month of Muslim, you must almsgiving. showing that you the Islamic say ‘there is no are a true Muslim. calendar. God but Allah and It is the Muhammad is the declaration of messenger”, 3 faith. in front of witnesses. In Islamic The Shahadah is Muslims believe Sawm is important Zakah teaches countries, a person also said and that it is their as it teaches self- people how to will announce the heard 5 times a duty to pray 5 control, to obey obey God, they prayer times from day as it is a part times a day as that God, appreciate also learn self- the Mosque of the Muslim call is what Prophet God and share discipline and to prayer Muhammad taught. what they have teaches them not with others. to be greedy. Fasting is difficult Muslims will fast Everyone wears During Hajj A Muslim father for many young and during the daylight while on Muslims will travel will whisper the older Muslims as it during the pilgrimage to show to Mecca and visit Shahadah into the can be dangerous month of Ramadan. that they are all important places ear of a new-born for their health. equal in the eyes that have to welcome them of God. historical into the faith. significance to the faith. Zakah is an The are The Qur’an was It is a sign of The term Hajj obligation and you said with a special revealed during respect to Allah means pilgrimage MUST do it movements this holy month to and a way of giving which is a religious (Rakahs) at the prophet thanks for all they journey, same time Muhammad, have. Muslims will give The Shahadah is Muslims who are Muslims, if they Salah is important 2.5% of their important to a dying will try and can, should try and to Muslims as it income to the poor Muslim as it shows make it their last go to Hajj at least builds a every year. their belief in 1 words. once in their relationship with God. lifetime. God. Muslims must clean During daylight Sawm means to If a Muslim Muslims believe before they pray. hours, Muslims are fast. completed Hajj that Allah has They perform wudu not allowed to eat, they are known as loaned us and most drink, smoke or a Hajji. everything, so we have washing even brush their can give a little facilities teeth! back to him by helping others.

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 2:

The Shahadah is the basic belief of Islam is expressed in the Shahadah. Sincerely reciting the statement in front of Muslim witnesses is the only requirement for joining the Muslim community. It is recited many time during a lifetime. It is said when a baby is born, so the first thing they hear is the basic belief that they have been brought into. It is also included in their daily prayers. If possible, it should also be the last words of a Muslims before they die.

“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.”

Q1) Explain what the Shahadah shows about Muslim beliefs.

Q2) Why do you think this is considered to be an important Pillar?


Write 3 questions about the 5 pillars you would like to ask.

Over the next couple of lessons see if you can go back and answer them Lesson 8 – Prayer

Lesson objectives

• Pupils will know when Muslims pray and how they prepare for prayer.

• Pupils will have an overview of the movements and recitations used in prayer.

• Pupils will be able to understand the importance of prayer for Muslims.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain why prayer is called as a duty. (One of the Five Pillars)

Key Word Match for this topic:

A. Repeating a passage of text from memory. 1. Salah B. Ritual washing before prayer 2. Wudu C. A Niche in a wall that indicates the direction of Makkah. 3.

D. A sequence of movements in ritual prayer. 4. Qiblah wall E. Kneeling with the forehead, nose, hands, knees and toes touching 5. Rak’ah the floor, in submission to God.

6. Recitation F. Prayer with and in worship of God, performed under condition

set by Prophet Muhammad. 7. G. A wall in the mosque that contains the Mihrab.

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 1:

A Muslim prays as if they are standing in the presence of Allah. It the ritual prayers each individual Muslim is in direct contact with Allah. There is no need for a as an intermediary (while there is a prayer leader in the mosque- the - they are not a priest, simply a person who knows a great deal about Islam and can advise Muslims about the beliefs and teachings of Islam.

Mind map

What is the purpose of prayer?

Sunni Muslims are required to pray at 5 set times during the day. The times are worked out from the times of and sunset, so they change slightly each day. This also changes depending on where you are in the world. The first prayer is earlier in the summer than the winter because sunrise is earlier. This places great demand upon Muslims but is all part of the self-discipline required to submit themselves to God. Shi’a Muslims combine the midday and prayers, and the sunset and prayers, they do the 5 prayers but 3 times a day.

Main Task 2:

It is important that Muslims are spiritually clean before they pray. This is achieved by ritual washing (or ablution) called wudu. Muslims follow detailed instruction in order to make sure that they do this properly. Mosques have two special rooms set aside for washing, one for men and one for women. Washing is done under running water rather than using a basin. If water is not available, for example in a desert, a dry form of washing is allowed using sand or dust. It is about spiritual not physical. It gets Muslims prepared to fully focus on God.

“ You who believe, when you are about to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads, wash your feet up to the ankles and, if required, wash you whole body.” Qur’an 5:6

Q1) Why is it important to be clean before you pray?

Q2) What does it show if you make sure you perform wudu before prayer?

Q3) Explain what the quote teaches Muslims about Wudu.

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

What does Wudu look like?

Using the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93kjPt6ajaA label to diagram on how to perform wudu.

Challenge! Explain what makes a Muslim loose Wudu.

Main Task 3:

It is very important that Muslims face the holy city of Makkah when they pray. This means that Muslims are physically and mentally focusing on one place associated with God, in the same way that all Muslims should focus every part of their lives on God. All mosques have a mihrab, this is a semi-circular niche built into the Qiblah wall, which shows the exact direction of Makkah from the mosque, so Muslims face this way to pray. If prayer is taking place outside the mosque, may Muslims have a special compass to show the direction of Makkah. It is sometimes part of the mat that Muslims kneel on when they pray.

Mihrab on the qiblah wall

Compass on a prayer mat

The daily prayers are made up of a number of rak’ah. This is a sequence of actions and recitations. The rak’ah changes slightly depending on which prayer it is used in, and whereabouts it occurs in the overall sequence, but it includes the following basic actions (all recitations are said in Arabic)

Task: Using the website https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z94dtfr/revision/3 and the RS textbook (p36) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ceomkip0sC2Pf7evtKfweGbevObqKkB/view

Label the diagram and explain the position and what is said/ recited by Muslims during the rak’ah

Main Task 4:

Mind map

Why is prayer important?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!


4 Marker- Explain two reasons why prayer is important to Muslims.

(2 X PEE chains)

Sentence starters:

One reason why prayer is important is because……. This shows………

Another reason why prayer is important to Muslims is because ………………. This is important because….

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Lesson 9 – Fasting

Lesson objectives

• Pupils will know when Muslims pray and how they prepare for prayer.

• Pupils will have an overview of the movements and recitations used in prayer.

• Pupils will be able to understand the importance of prayer for Muslims.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Explain how fasting could be seen as a form of worship and devotion.

Make a list of everything you have eaten or drank since you woke up this morning

Main Task 1:

Ramadan is the ninth month of the and for Muslims, the most important. They believe it was during Ramadan that the Qur’an started to be revealed to Muhammad. Many Muslims will recite the whole Qur’an, in daily section, over the 30 days of Ramadan. The daily readings from the Qur’an help Muslims to remember its teachings and its importance in their lives. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims focus on fasting (sawm), charity and pleasing God.

Task: Watch the video and make notes on how Muslims feel during Ramadan

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6vfsYwXW6I

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PnlMftGFmQ

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd_9ZP62sMg

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opk1_MhuX9Q

Mind map

How do Muslims

feel during Ramadan?

Write a diary entry as through you were a Muslim fasting for 18 hours

Success Criteria:

 Explain why you fast

 Explain what times you can eat and why that can be difficult.

 Explain what else you do as part of Ramadan celebrations

 Explain what you find difficult about fasting

 Explain what annoys you about people fasting.

Main Task 2:

Research- Who do you think doesn’t need to fast and why.

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 3:

Fasting also links to charity as feeling hunger is a positive reminder that the poor feel that way all the times if they have no money. This inspires Muslims to find ways to help the poor. This may include inviting the poor to share their meal that break the fast at sunset. Many Muslims choose to pay Zakah during Ramadan.

Ramadan is important to Muslims because it reminds them of the events of the Night of Power. The Night of Power is an important festival that marks the beginning of God’s revelation to Muhammad. The exact this happened is not agreed on, but it is believed to be one of the odd-numbered dates in the second half of Ramadan. The first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to Muhammad this night by the angel Jibril.

“What will explain to you what that Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand .”

Qur’an 97:2-3

Q1) Explain how fasting can link to charity,

Q2) What ways could Muslims help the poor during Ramadan?

Q3) Why is the Night of Power important to Muslims?

Q4) Explain what the quote teaches Muslims about the Night of Power

Don’t forget to self-mark after!


“It is easier to fast in a Muslim country than it is in the UK.”

Explain why someone would agree and disagree (PEE chains)

Lesson 10 – Hajj

Lesson objectives

• Pupils will know why Muslims go on pilgrimage.

• Pupils will be able to explain where Muslims go during Hajj and why.

• Pupils will be able to evaluate the importance of Hajj.

Starter Task:

Linking to last lesson: Which shows more devotion: prayer, fasting or going on a pilgrimage? Explain your view.

Give examples of where people (including from other faiths) might go on a pilgrimage.

Main Task 1:

A pilgrimage is a religious journey. It is the fifth pillar of Islam. It needs to be completed at least once in a Muslims lifetime provided, they are healthy and wealthy enough to do so. Some communities will help provide support to a Muslims do they have the chance to achieve this pillar. Hajj starts and ends in Mecca in It takes place on the 8th to the 12th of Dhul-Hajjah, which is the last month of the Islamic calendar. Around 3 million Muslims take part every year

“Pilgrimage to the House is a duty owed to God by people who are able to undertake it.”

Qur’an 3:97

Q1) Explain what the quote teaches Muslims about Hajj.

Q2) Who do you think might not be able to go on Hajj and why?

Don’t forget to self-mark after!

Main Task 2:

Using the GSCE textbook (p42-45) https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ceomkip0sC2Pf7evtKfweGbevObqKkB/view and research. Label the diagram of where Muslims go on Hajj and explain why they do this (What is the historical link? Link to the prophets?)

Main Task 3:

Mind map Why is Hajj


Don’t forget to self-mark after!


GSCE 4 Marker- Explain two reasons why Hajj is important to Muslims.

(2 X PE chains)

Sentence starters:

One reason why Hajj is important is because………… this is important because….

Another reason why Hajj is important is because……this teaches Muslims ……

Don’t forget to self-mark after!