The Iberian Society for Greek Philosophy is organizing the 1st Iberian Symposium of Greek

Philosophy on the 25th and 26th of September 2014, at the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon.

The event aims to provide space for a philosophical debate of intermediary features and dimension between the four regular seminars which, since the foundation of the Society, in 2000, have gathered annually in Spain and Portugal, and the quadrennial congresses held in 2008 and 2012 in Palma de Maiorca. The symposium will address the theme and Aristotelianism, in what is supposed to be, apart from the delimitation of a study area within Greek philosophy, a tribute to the founder and honorary president of the Society, Tomás Calvo, the author of an influential essay with this title.

We welcome all proposals regarding this theme, namely under one of the following perspectives: I: The influence of previous philosophy on Aristotle’s . II: The presence of the Ancient in Aristotle’s work. III: Topics in Aristotle’s philosophy.

IV: The Peripatos and Aristotelianism in Antiquity. V: Ancient and medieval commentators on Aristotle. VI: Projection of Aristotle and Aristotelianism in the of philosophy. As is understandable, 50% of the papers shall be reserved to themes III and IV.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Philosophy Department of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, the Line of Investigation in History of Philosophy of the

Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon and the Project for the Annotated Translation of the Complete Works of Aristotle (PTDC/MHC-FIL/3672/2012). Submitting proposals Whoever wishes to present a paper, should send an abstract with the length and features indicated below until the 30th of April 2014. The abstracts will be assessed by the Scientific Committee, which will inform about the accepted until the 31st of May 2014. should not exceed 30 minutes, and may be read in any of the Iberian , or in any of the following: French, Italian, English and German. All correspondence regarding the symposium should be sent exclusively via the following electronic address: [email protected].

Scientific Committee Alberto Bernabé Pajares (University Complutense of Madrid) Antonio Bordoy Fernández (University of les Illes Balears) António Pedro Mesquita (University of Lisbon) Carmen Isabel Leal Soares (University of Coimbra) Francesc Casadesús Bordoy (University of les Illes Balears) Jesús de Garay Suárez-Llanos (University of Sevilla) Juan de Dios Bares Partal (University of València) Ramón Román Alcalá (University of Córdoba)

Organizing Committee António Pedro Mesquita (University of Lisbon) Filipa Afonso (University of Lisbon) Ricardo Santos (University of Évora)

Rules for submission of abstracts A word should be sent to [email protected] until the 30th of April 2014, with the following information: 1st page: panel where the proposal is integrated; title of the paper; abstract between 150 and 300 words. 2nd page: name, email, institutional affiliation, short biographical note (100 words). Enrolment

SIFG Associates: 25 €. SIFG Non-associates: 50 €. Enrolment includes the short volume of abstracts, the certificate and meal tickets.

Important Dates Submission of abstracts – until the 30th of April 2014.

Information on acceptance – until the 31st of May 2014. Enrolment – until the 30th of June 2014.

Other information shall be made available in www.centrodefilosofia.com.